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Listing 31 - 20 of 2809 results.

Relationship between Selected Total Quality Management Practices Employed By Public Secondary Schools Principals and Students’ Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Kiambu County, Kenya

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The Purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between selected total quality management (TQM) practices employed by principals and students’ performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in public secondary schools in Kiambu County, Kenya.  The selected TQM practices were; school focus on meeting students’ needs, goal setting(establishing performance objectives) and communication of curricular issues.    Ex post facto research design was adopted for the  study. Target population consisted of 227 school principals from public secondary schools in Kiambu County and 3736 teachers in these schools. Kiambu County has 10 sub-counties.  Cochran’s sample size formula was used to determine the sample size of 143 principals and 343 teachers. In order to ensure equal representation of principals and teachers from all public secondary schools in the 10 sub-counties, 14 principals (143÷10 sub-counties = 14.3) from schools in each sub-county and 3 teachers [(348 ÷ 10 sub-counties) ÷14 schools = 2.5] from each sample school were selected using simple random sampling technique. A questionnaire developed by the researchers was administered to 140 principals from the sample schools and  420 teachers. Correlations were generated to establish the relationships between the three selected TQM practices employed by school principals and students’ performance. Linear regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis and identify predictor variable for the students’ performance in KCSE. The findings revealed that, school focus on meeting student’s needs, establishment of performance objectives (goal setting) on curricular activities and embracement of high level of communication on curricular issues especially from the students, enhance students’ performance in national examinations.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the relationship between students’ performance in national examinations and total quality management practices employed by public secondary schools principals analyzing data using linear regression analysis to estimate the unknown effect of school management practices over students’ performance in examinations.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2015 Issue: 2

Promoting Local Acceptability of International Oil Companies (IOCS) Through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The Case of Tullow Oil in Ghana

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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Ghana discovered oil in commercial quantities in 2007 following intense exploration works by Tullow Oil Plc and Kosmos Energy. Ghanaians are expecting more benefits from government and the International Oil Companies (IOCs) in particular. This study is aimed at assessing the global integration and local responsiveness strategies of IOCs in Ghana and how that impacts on the acceptability of the operations of these IOCs by locals presenting Tullow as a case study. Main research questions refer to how these local expectations can be properly managed, how IOCs can design and properly implement their CSR obligations and the extent to which the pursuit of CSR activities by IOCs can help promote their local acceptability in Ghana. An empirical study with a qualitative analysis approach was applied to obtain primary information from Tullow Oil Plc, government agencies, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), and local communities. The study established a positive relationship between good CSR practice and local acceptability. Even though some of the local people acknowledged the benefits of Tullow’s CSR activities, others do not, but express a continuous desire for IOCs and Tullow in particular to do more.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Key for First Recorded Dragonfly (Odonata: Anisoptera) Fauna of District Lower Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Research Article
Journal: International Research Journal of Insect Sciences

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Dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera) are beautiful insects with high species diversity worldwide. These insects are indicators of environmental pollution and are predators of important insect vectors of human pathogens and parasites, especially mosquitoes. The present research was the first record of 318 specimens of dragonflies from district Lower Dir (LD), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan collected during May-July 2011. Among the specimens collected there were 11 species, 7 genera and 3 families. The number of specimens collected in each family were 17 Cordulegasteridae (5.3%), 18 Gomphidae (5.7%), and 283 Libellulidae (89.0%).  All cordulegastrids were the golden ringed, Cordulegaster brevistigmata brevistigmata Selys. All gomphids were Clubtails, Onychogomphus bistrigatus Selys. Libellulids species were: blue or black percher, Diplacodes lefebvrei (Rambur); ground skimmer, D. trivialis Rambur; black tailed skimmer, Orthetrum cancellatum (L); common red skimmer, O. pruinosum neglectum (Rambur); slender skimmer, O. sabina (Drury); triangle skimmer, O. triangulare triangulare (Selys); wandering glider or global skimmer, Pantala flavescens (Fabricius); spine legged redbolt, Rhodthemis rufa (Rambur) and common skimmer, Sympetrum decoloratum Selys. A dichotomous key based on external morphology, coloration and wing venation was prepared to facilitate the identification of the dragonfly fauna of the LD and aid conservation efforts of dragonflies in Pakistan.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » International Research Journal of Insect Sciences » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Well Log Sequence Stratigraphic and Palynological Analysis of Late Miocene to Pliocene Agbada Formation, Southwestern Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of Chev-1, 2, and 3 wells offshore western Niger delta basin was carried out based on the vertical relationship of the lithofacies associations, electronic well-log, palynologic and foraminiferal data and the existing stratigraphic framework of the Neogene succession in the Niger delta basin. Each well was analyzed in terms of the system tracts, maximum flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries. The recovered palynomorphs together with planktonic foraminifera suggest Late Miocene to Pliocene age. The palynological assemblages exhibit cyclic changes which are here related to the sedimentary evolution.Eighteen depositional sequences were recognized; there are five in Chev-1, ten in Chev-2 and seven in Chev-3. Three of those in Chev-1 and Chev-2 are correlatable while one is correlatable between Chev-2 and 3. These sequence stratigraphic data are matched with existing global standard biostratigraphic zonation scheme and global eustatic curve in order to allow a correlation of sequence beyond local and regional scales.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature on the Niger Delta Basin by integrating sedimentology, biostratigraphy, well logging and sequence stratigraphy to detect depositional sequences that can serve as reservoirs to substantially increase the oil reserves in the basin. It documents eighteen sequences based mainly on palynological signature in the basin.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 2

Role of Iron Metabolism in Breast Cancer Patients

Research Article
Journal: Cancers Review

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Iron metabolism is closely related to carcinogenesis. In this study, iron, ferritin and TIBC were analysed in 30 patients of early stage, 30 of advanced stage breast carcinoma before and after treatment and the results were compared with 30 healthy controls. The levels of all the three parameters were found to be significantly higher in breast cancer patients as compared to healthy controls and patients with advanced disease showed greater values as compared to early stage disease. These levels decreased after treatment and the difference was more significant in patients with complete response. Serum analyses of iron, ferritin and TIBC may help in assessing the severity and prognosis of the disease.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature regarding association of iron metabolism and carcinogenesis. The principal role of iron profile analysis may be in asessing the severity and monitoring the treatment of breast cancer patients.
Medical Sciences » Cancers Review » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 2

Gun Violence in United States of America Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Challenges

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The present study conducted systematic reviews and meta-analyses of relevant literature and data relating to gun violence in United States of America and found that the current concern about gun violence arises from a growing understanding of the adverse economic, physical, mental, and behavioral health effects that result from community exposure to high rates of gun violence. Therefore, it is noted that gun violence has become a major socio-economic and public health issues in United States of America due to the fact that it has eroded the quality of life of majority of the citizens. The study therefore established that interventions and strategies to address the problem of gun violence should address the intransigent causes of American gun violence - dying cities, inequality, deteriorating family structure, and the all-pervasive economic and social consequences of a history of slavery and racism that provides a generally acceptable strategy for reducing incidents of gun violence.
Contribution/ Originality
The purpose of this study is to enhance an understanding of the concerns that gun violence pose to contemporary United States of America society. The current study may have implications for policy makers and administrators seeking strategies to address the problem. Therefore, this study contributes to existing literature by seeking to provide a better understanding of the widespread incidents of gun violence in the United States of America.
Economics » Journal of Challenges » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Cyphostemma Digitatum on Serum Lipid Profile and Liver Enzymes in Hyperlipidemic Subjects

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Aims: To examine the effects of the administration of CD on lipid metabolism and liver enzymes in hyperlipidemic subjects. Study design:  20 subjects were divided into two groups, each containing ten subjects. Each subject in the 1st group ingested 1g, while the subject in the 2nd group ingested 2g of CD powder as a broth suspension in a single daily dose before lunch during the follow up period of one month. Patients kept their individual diet relatively constant. Methodology: We included 20 hyperlipidemic volunteers (men; age range 20-50 years) of a total of 80 subjects. Blood samples were taken and analyzed for total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), atherogenic index (AI), serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Results: The results of the present study show a significant decrease in the levels of TC, LDL-C and TG in 1g and 2g of CD administration groups by 12.6, 24.1, 17.1% and 19.9, 25.5 23.4% respectively while the level of HDL-C was significantly increased by 45.6 and 32.5% in 1g and 2g respectively.  The atherogenic index (AI) was significantly decreased in 1g and 2g groups by and 47.4% and 45.5% respectively. Our results also show that, CD administration in 1g and 2g subjects causes a significant decrease in ALT and AST by 39.2, 32% and 48.5, 33.3% respectively while the level of ALP was non-significantly decreased. Conclusion: dietary supplementation with CD administration decreased serum lipid profile and liver enzymes in hyperlipidemic subjects. Therefore, it may be regarded as a useful therapy for hyperlipidemia and liver disease. However, further studies are required to compare it with other medicinal plants and with lipid lowering drugs.Place and Duration of Study: Department of Chemistry, Ibb University, Yemen, between February to June 2012.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Cyphostemma Digitatum on Serum Lipid Profile and Liver Enzymes in Hyperlipidemic Subjects (human) and we found that, dietary supplementation with CD administration decreased serum lipid profile and liver enzymes in hyperlipidemic subjects.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 01-2015 Issue: 1

Ethanolic Extract of Ginger on the Histology of the Pancrease in Adult Wistar Rats

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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 Zingerber offinale (ginger) is an underground stem or rhizome which is known to have originated from Asia and have been reported to have a number of medicinal properties which is used in the treatment of many ailments such as arthritis, painful menstrual periods, nausea etc. It is also used as a common specie in food and bakery industries. Due to the availability and medicinal uses of ginger, the effect of the ethanolic extract on the histology of the pancreas of adult wistar rats was investigated. Twenty five (25) adult Wistar rats weighing 125-200g were divided into five groups (A, B, C, D and E) each with five rats. The animals in group A and B served as control groups and received distilled water and olive oil respectively, the animals in groups C, D and E served as experimental groups, and received 100mg/kg, 250mg/kg and 500mg/kg body weight of the ethanolic extract of Zingiber officinale respectively. The animals received the extract for 14 days and were sacrificed 24 hours after the last administration and routinely processed histologically. The study shows that there is disintegration of the islet cells of Langerhans (IL) with pyknotic nuclei, but no visible change or alteration in the serous acini (SA) of the pancreas. It is observed that extract of ginger has adverse effect on the integrity of the islet cells of Langerhans.
Contribution/ Originality

Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 2

A Study of the Effectiveness of the Expository Teaching Model in Relation To Student’s Personality

Research Article
Journal: Review of Knowledge Economy

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The present study was carried out to compare the effects of Expository Teaching in English criterion test performance of Extrovert and Introvert type of students. Eighty (80) students from 12th class of higher secondary school & college students of Jammu District were taken consideration. The present study was modeled on single group pre-test, post-test experimental design. For statistical treatment of data, t-test was used for ascertaining the effects of extroversion and introversion on performance as measured through criterion-test. The results of our study with respect to main variable of personality show that extrovert and introvert group of students seem to be equally benefitted from the teaching in English through expository teaching model at 0.01 level of significance, whereas it is significant at 0.05 levels.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » Review of Knowledge Economy » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Distured Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Haemolymph and Fat Bodies of Schistocerca Gregaria (Forskal) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) By Extracts of Pomegranate Punica Granatum Linn. And Toothpick Weed Ammi Visnaga L.

Research Article
Journal: Review of Knowledge Economy

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The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of Punica granatum peel extracts and Ammi visnaga fruit extracts on the Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in haemolymph and fat bodies of last instar nymphs and newly emerged adult females of Schistocerca gregaria. The extracts of both P. granatum peel and A. visnaga fruit predominantly enhanced the enzyme activity in haemolymph of nymphs and adults with few exceptions. The disturbance induced due to P. granatum peel extracts on AChE activity in fat bodies depended on both nymphal age and developmental stage. Where, although remarkable increase in AChE activity was detected in the mid- and late-aged nymphs, serious decrease was noticed in early-aged nymphs and adults. A. visnaga fruit extracts prohibited the early-aged nymphs to attain the normal enzyme activity in their fat bodies but promoted the nymphs of other ages to gain high activity. In fat bodies of adults, n-butanol extract of A. visnaga caused a pronounced inhibition of the enzyme activity but other extracts promoted for considerable increasing activity.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the probable candidates for the development of biopesticides, as alternative to the hazardous synthetic insecticides, from extracts of Punica granatum peel and Ammi visnaga seeds for controlling the dangerous desert locust Schistocerca gregaria by the disturbance of acetylcholinesterase activity and all physiological process depending it.
Business & Management » Review of Knowledge Economy » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Analysis of Determinants of Demand and Supply of Maize in Aniocha North Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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This study on the analysis of determinants of demand and supply of maize was conducted in Aniocha North Local Government Area, Delta State with particular emphasis on some selected villages in the Local Government. The study covered forty maize producers randomly selected from eight villages from randomly selected two clans in the study area. Frequencies, means percentages and chi-square statistics were employed in the determining the data obtained. Chi-square statistics was used to ascertain whether socio-economic factors are significant determinants of demand and supply of maize in the study area. The result shows that the value of C hi-square calculated (2.45) < chi-square critical value (14.1) at five percent level of significance with degree of freedom of seven as was conducted. This implies that socio-economic characteristics were not significant determinants of demand and supply of maize. The result agrees with the null hypothesis which says that socio-economic characteristics are not significant determinants of demand and supply of maize in the study area. Hence it was accepted. 
Contribution/ Originality
The study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the determinate of demand and supply of maize in Aniocha South Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Analysis of Fresh Fish Marketing in Ngaski Local Government Area of Kebbi State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The study examined the marketing of fresh fish in Ngaski Local Government Area of Kebbi State, Nigeria. With the aid of a sampling frame, proportionate random sampling technique was used to select fish marketers. Thus, a total of one hundred and ten (110) fish marketers constitute the sample size for the study. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the respondents. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics, marketing efficiency, marketing margin and T-test statistics. Result of the study revealed that about 26% of fresh fish marketers in the study area were within the age range of 20 to 30 years, fresh fish marketing in the study area is dominated by males (71.9%). Furthermore, about 83% of fresh fish marketers in the study area were married; majority (85.4%) of fresh fish marketers in the study area were literate. About 72% of fresh fish marketers in the study area had their monthly income ranging from N2, 000 to N20, 000. Also revealed from the result, 38.1% of fresh fish marketers in the study area had fresh fish marketing experience of 6 to 10 years. Result further showed that marketing margin of an average fresh fish marketer was N190 and the percentage marketing margin was 30%. The marketing efficiency of fresh fish in the study area was 0.582 and percentage marketing efficiency was 58%. Majority (63.64%) of fresh fish marketers buy fish directly from the fishermen and retailed it to consumers. On the problems faced by fresh fish marketers in the study area, 58.2% reported that fish spoilage was the major problem of fresh fish marketing. There was significant difference between the retail price and the river bank price of fresh fish in the study area. It could be concluded that fresh fish marketing in the study area was profitable and that fresh fish marketing in the study area was inefficient. It is therefore recommended that research institute such as national centre for agricultural mechanization should develop simple, affordable and easily adoptable equipment for fresh fish storage and preservation to avoid spoilage and loss.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature in fish marketing and will provide empirical information to policy makers in the formulation of appropriate policies. It will also serve as a guide to practicing and prospective fish marketers and to researchers who may investigate further into the subject matter.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Assessment of Human Capital Attributes Influencing Occupational Diversification among Rural Women in Anambra State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The study was carried out in Anambra State, Nigeria to assess the influence of human capital attributes on occupational diversification among rural women. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting 462 respondents for the study. Data was collected using questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as percentage mean scores, standard deviation; factor analysis and correlation were used for data analysis. Results show that the respondents were mostly influenced by certain human capital attributes namely; possession of entrepreneurial skills (59.5%), number of dependants in the household (55.4%), access to information on changing demand patterns (52.6%) 52.4% and perceived health status (52.4%). They were also highly constrained by lack of women empowerment training programmes in rural areas (M= 3.5), poor skill training (M= 3.5), inadequate training opportunities (M= 3.4), poor educational attainment (M= 3.3), among others. Developing skills in rural women are keys to improving rural productivity, employability and income-earning opportunities, enhancing food security and promoting environmentally sustainable rural development and livelihoods. It was recommended that adult literacy programmes should be introduced by government and non-governmental organizations in order to help the rural women to acquire necessary education that will help them in occupational diversification. It highlights the development of human capital among rural women in order to equip them with the necessary skills to work in various occupations gainfully employed for higher returns.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated human capital attributes influencing rural women in occupational diversification. The economic planning assumption is that all rural people are involved in agricultural production, but social changes show that rural women are also involved in non-farm occupations and are highly influenced by human capital attributes.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Effect of Fungi and Manure on Cadmium Content and Biomass of Maize Grown In Cadmium Contaminated Tailing from Bangka Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Cadmium (Cd) contamination form tailings disposal that occur in tin mining in Bangka cause a serious  soil health problem. One of the ways to reduce Cd concentration in soil is bioremediation. The research was conducted to determine the influence of fungi and cattle manure on dry weight and Cd content of  maize  as well as  fungi  population in the rhizosphere of maize grown in tailing collected from tin mining area in  Bangka. Green house research was set up in Factorial Randomized Block Design. Maize hybrid P21 was grown  for six weeks in tailing  contaminated by CdCl2.0,5H2O up to 8 mg kg-1 and inoculated with  Humicola sp. or Fusarium sp. without and with several dose of cattle manure. Interaction effect between fungi and cattle manure clearly affect the rhizosphere fungal population, however did not give any significant effect to dry weight and Cd content. Application of Fusarium sp. 107 spores mL-1 with manure of 22 g pot-1 lead to increased fungal population. There was an independent effect of cattle manure to decrease Cd content and increase dry weight of maize. 
Contribution/ Originality
This study contibutes in developing the soil microbiology and soil bioremediation studies in Indonesia. This study also as a reference and an information about what kind of fungi and the right dose of cattle manure to improve soil quality and productivity in tailing at Bangka Island. 
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Exploring the Link between Governance and Institutions: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence from Tanzania

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The potential link between governance and institutions is increasingly becoming a central concern in social science. In political science, the approach taken to explore this link involves examining the role structure plays in determining political behaviours, the overall patterns of governance, and the outcomes of political processes. Therefore, the quality of institutions has long been recognized as an important component of a well-functioning system of governance.  This paper investigates and reflects on the relationship between institutions and governance in local political settings and analyzes the impacts of institutional factors on good governance. Very specifically, the paper explores different theoretical and empirical debates about governance in general and good governance in particular. Drawing upon “historical institutionalism”, the paper offers a satisfactory analytical framework for studying the ability of the institutions of governance in Tanzania, from their inception through their development over time, to meet the needs of the local community.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper has primarily indicated that analyzing local governance in Tanzania and other developing nations brings strongly into focus the nature of the relationship between institutions and the quality of service provision at the local level. This analytical approach not only helps to provide objectives and meaning for good governance, but also offers a path to understanding the fundamental shortcomings of the institutions of governance. The paper concludes by arguing that, the problems of governance in Tanzania and likely in other developing nations of Africa is not a lack of sound development policies, but rather the institutional mechanisms necessary to implement or translate those policies into desirable results.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

The Biodiesel Market in Brazil and the Prospects for the Sector

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This article aimed to study the biodiesel market in the country and the future prospects for the sector. Thus it was held a bibliographical research on the subject, addressing the concept of biodiesel, the main raw materials used for their production and a brief history of biodiesel in Brazil. The methodology applied in this article was qualitative and exploratory research. Still, in the qualitative phase, was used the strategy of bibliographical research, which according to Marconi and Lakatos (2006), includes bibliography ever published in relation to the subject of study. Data were obtained concerning the advantages and benefits generated by the implementation of the program of biodiesel in Brazil; growth potential of the Brazilian consumer market; future demand based on prospects for national and international economic growth and development and evolution of the biodiesel industry in different regions of the country. At the end one concludes the immediate need of the increase in the percentage of biodiesel in the diesel oil by the Government to keep the industry’s progress.
Contribution/ Originality
The results of this paper showed the need to establish immediate policies to increase the percentage of biodiesel in the diesel oil. The originality of the work developed is the identification of advantages and benefits generated by the implementation of the program of biodiesel in Brazil and growth potential of the Brazilian consumer market.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 11-2014 Issue: 11

Challenges and Survival Strategies for Women in Small Scale Catering Business: A Case Study of Siyaso Magaba, Mbare

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Small businesses in the informal sector are increasingly being recognized as generating meaningful and sustainable employment opportunities for women in Zimbabwe. However, women operating small business face many challenges that negatively impact on the viability of those businesses. In order to mitigate those challenges women in small catering business at Siyaso Magaba home industrial area in Mbare Township in Harare (simply known as Siyaso), employ a number of strategies that enable them to survive and continue operating. This paper presents findings from a research carried out at Siyaso to identify those challenges and survival strategies. The challenges include lack of funding, lack of business management skills, stiff competition, stringent requirements for registering a business, defaulting customers and difficulties in balancing work and domestic commitments. These are the challenges that informal business operators have to grapple with in Zimbabwe in general. Over and above these challenges women at Siyaso also face specific challenges that include poor infrastructure in the business area, unaffordable rentals and lack of basic amenities.  In order for the women operating catering business at Siyaso to survive they apply a number of strategies which include borrowing money from relatives at no interest being charged, taking turns to give each member an agreed amount of money every month, purchasing s applies on a daily basis instead of buying in bulk, purchasing food items on credit, borrowing from loan sharks and serving extras to clients as a way of luring them from competition. The study concludes by suggesting that in order for the businesses to improve their performance the women should form themselves into a cooperative and register it. They should continue offering a wide variety of meals to customers so as to compete better. The Harare City Council should establish more premises which can be rented at affordable rates from which women can conduct their catering businesses. The city council should also improve amenities at Siyaso Magaba home industrial area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the challenges that women running small businesses in Zimbabwe face. It documents those challenges and the strategies that the women use in order for them to survive in the harsh economic environment as they try to empower themselves.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 11-2014 Issue: 11

Relationship between Self-Efficacy Belief and Academic Achievement of Distance Learners in National Teachers Institute (NTI) Adamawa State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study assessed relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement of National Teachers Institute (NTI) Nigeria Certificate in Education distance learners in Adamawa State, Nigeria. The study tested one hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between self efficacy belief and academic achievement of learners. All NCE learners of Adamawa State NTI distance learning centres for 2011/2012 academic session with a total of seven hundred and sixty eight (768) students were used as the population while 636 distance learners who returned their questionnaire formed the sample for the study. Two types of instruments were used for data collection in this study. They were the Learners Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (LSQ) and Achievement Data Format (ACDF). The ACDF contains Grade Points of each candidate for the end of semester examinations. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used for testing the hypothesis. The study revealed that there was no significant relationship between learners’ self-efficacy and academic achievement. 
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2015 Issue: 2

Teaching of Mathematics and Physics in Secondary School through Research and Study Paths

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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In this paper we present a proposal for teaching based on the Research and Study Paths (RSP) involving Mathematics and Physics together at the Secondary School. We adopt the ideas of the Anthropological Theory of didactic (ATD). The Research and Study Path (RSP) and the Praxeological Model of Reference (PMR) are described and analyzed. We carried out an implementation with N=68 students of 5th year at the secondary school. Some results obtained in this experience are described.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the implementation of Research and Study Paths (RSP) in usual courses of secondary school. This teaching by research requires of the joint study of physical and mathematical notions, in the math classes, and in this sense also this is one contribution.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2015 Issue: 2

Beyond Marxist Economism and Entrepreneurial Essentialism: Post-Colonial Politics of Empire in Chinua Achebe’s And Linus Asong’s Writings

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This paper on political economy of entrepreneurship draws insights from creative writings of Chinua Achebe and Linus Asong to argue that, contrary to Marxist optimisms and idealisms, the business of political entrepreneurship is so complicated because it intersects with multiple conflicting narratives. These narratives of empire take new different and often times contradictory directions such as neo-pariarchalism, the popularity of anarchism, limitations of the intelligentsia class. religion as substitution, issues of feminist labour power and  social class questions.
Contribution/ Originality
Business entrepreneurship scholarship divides knowledge into studies on individual attributes of entrepreneurs and events like risk-taking (Kihlstrom and Laffont, 1979) and achievement (McClelland, 1961) and studies on economic environment (Tushman and Anderson, 1986). This study contributes to the field of business entrepreneurship by amalgamating both approaches into one which recognizes its economic base and  political events.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 09-2014 Issue: 9