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Listing 120 - 20 of 2809 results.

Effects of Videotaped Instructional Method on Students Academic Achievement in Basic Technology in Secondary Schools in Anambra State

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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The study determined the effects of videotaped instructional method on students’ academic achievement in basic technology in secondary schools in the State. Two research questions guided the study while two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted a non-randomized quasi experimental research design. The population was 11,129 students offering basic technology out which 102 constituted the sample size. Purposive sampling technique was used to select two intact classes. The instrument for data collection was Basic Technology Achievement Test (BTAT) which contained 10 objective questions. The instrument was validated by three experts, and yielded the reliability coefficient 0.84 which was established using Cronbach Alpha. Mean was used to analyze data relating to research questions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses. Findings revealed among others that students taught Basic Technology using videotaped instructional method performed better with higher post-test scores than those taught with conventional method. Sequel to the findings, the researchers concluded that videotaped instructional method could improve students’ academic achievement in Basic Technology. It was therefore recommended among others that basic technology teachers should use videotaped instructional method to enable students effectively learn and assimilate what they leant in order to improve on their academic achievements.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper primary contribution is finding that Videotaped Instructional Method could enhance students learning of Basic Technology.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Influence of Corporate Characteristics on Firm Leverage: Evidence from Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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The purpose of the paper is to explore the influence of various corporate characteristics on financial leverage of the manufacturing companies listed at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) in Bangladesh. A non-probability sampling technique has been used for selecting sample size from the population. Data from 40 manufacturing companies has been analyzed from 2015 to 2019-time period which are secondary in nature. Multiple regression methods were implied to explore the impact of corporate characteristics on leverage of the studied firms. The output from the regression models indicated that total assets, return on assets, return on sales and age are inversely and significantly connected to the leverage of companies. Selecting only the manufacturing company as the sample is a little limitation for this study. The study period is only five years including year of 2015-2019. The research results of this paper make contributions for the regulatory and enforcement authorities such as: ICAB, ICMAB, SEC and DSE. The information derived from the findings of the study will help financial managers to take decision regarding selection of optimal capital structure.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature about the influence of corporate characteristics on companies’ financial leverage especially in reference to 40 manufacturing companies enlisted in DSE in Bangladesh.
Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

The Impact of Merger and Acquisition on the Financial Performance of the Nasdaq Listed Small Size Technology Companies

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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Merger and acquisition is a management strategy for corporate restructuring in which consolidation of companies can result in rapid business growth. The paper aims to analyze the impact of merger and acquisition on the financial performance of the business organizations in the technology sector. Therefore, the nine NASDAQ listed technology companies have been selected for this study. The financial data has been collected from the SEC, NASDAQ, and annual reports of the companies. The total study period comprises of twenty-two years ranging from 1996 to 2017. The statistical tool, Independent sample t-test, is applied on the fourteen financial ratios for four years before the merger and four years after the merger. The results of the paper show, that there is an improvement in liquidity, efficiency, and profitability, whereas the leverage ratio has deteriorated during post-acquisition. The study further examines that the profitability ratios are found to be accompanied by a more significant increase than a significant decrease in profitability ratios, and liquidity ratios found to decrease significantly more than significantly increased liquidity ratios. The cash flow has only increased significantly, whereas the leverage ratio has decreased significantly. However, the significant increase and decrease has remained equal in efficiency ratios during the post-acquisition period. In conclusion, the merger and acquisition has improved the overall financial performance. However, profitability and cash flow significantly increased, and leverage and liquidity ratios significantly declined.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the significant effect of the implementation of merger and acquisition strategy on the financial performance of the listed technology firms in NASDAQ over the period from 1996 to 2017.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Mobile Commerce Model Taking Advantage of a Near Field Communication (NFC)

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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This paper presents an alternative method of shopping using NFC which aims to be easy, user-friendly, and more convenient. In this system, the supermarket or mall with an existing electronic shopping system will incorporate the NFC technology. The application would be used by the customer to scan the NFC tags attached to the products in the store. All the items to be purchased will be listed on the application, customers can make the necessary adjustment to the quantity they want to purchase and can proceed to make payment using their ATM card details before proceeding to checkout. In traditional shopping spaces, people need to carry baskets all over the shopping mall, get the products they need and add them to their baskets. All the products in your baskets will be billed at the exit counter. This process creates a long queue for checkouts and payments at the exit counter. The overall shopping process takes up a lot of time and more manpower is needed to manage the large crowds. The application is developed using JavaScript as the programming language and Extensible Markup Language which enables us to build an application with a rich user interface, with the Integrated Development Environment platform as Android Studio. The project was implemented on an NFC enabled Samsung NOTE 3 device, 4gb ram, 32gb internal phone storage, Android 7.0.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature in that it establishes a model for M-Commerce that can be used to solve problems faced during online transactions.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

LMS Algorithm for Adaptive Transversal Equalization of a Linear Dispersive Communication Channel

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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The presence of any type of distortion in communication system, regardless of the causes, is undesirable and undeniably has a negative impacts on the system in general and therefore it is necessary to eliminate its effects. This study employs one of the well-known algorithms for adaptive equalization of linear dispersive communication channel which is Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm. The LMS technique is basically utilized to eliminate the noise in communication channel. The novelty of this paper includes the profoundly analyzing of the influence of rate of convergence, miss-adjustment, computational requirement, and sensitivity to Eigen-value spread in sufficient details in a simple and plain way. Moreover, the system performance improvement employing the feedback equalizer technique is intensively presented which shows that our methodology is very effective to eliminate the noise in the system. The simulation work has been performed with MATLAB software.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses new estimation methodology which is regarded as profoundly analyzing of the influence of rate of convergence, miss-adjustment, computational requirement, and sensitivity to Eigen-value spread in sufficient details in a simple and plain way.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Socioeconomic Environment and Obesity on the US West and East Coasts

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The objective of this paper is to examine the association between obesity in the US West and East Coasts and access to grocery stores, fast food, convenience stores, recreational facilities, as well as the medium household income. A multivariate regression model based on aggregate county level observations for the West and the East Coasts based on the data from the US Department of Agriculture is estimated. Empirical results show that there is a positive association between obesity and convenience stores per county, while the rest of the variables showed negative association in the regression model. The elasticity between medium household income and obesity is the largest in magnitude for both geographic areas. These findings suggest policy recommendations for the short- and long-run that may be deployed to combat the obesity epidemic.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on obesity by focusing on the socioeconomic aspects rather than traditional clinical aspects of obesity. An empirical result of the econometric model shows that association between obesity and income, availability of grocery stores, fast food, and recreational facilities is negative. The elasticity between medium household income and obesity is the largest in magnitude for both West and East coasts of the US. These findings suggest policy recommendations for the short- and long-run that may be deployed to combat the obesity epidemic.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Human Capital and Economic Growth in Latin America: A Cointegration and Causality Analysis

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This paper investigates the causal relationship between government spending on education and economic growth in eight selected Latin American countries by using panel unit root test and panel cointegration analysis for the period 2000-2014. A three-variable model was formulated with trade volume as the second independent variable. The findings conclude that government spending on education and economic growth in the selected countries is positively and significantly associated, in the long and short-run, with evidence of a bidirectional Granger causal relationship between the dependent and the variable of interest, a unidirectional Granger causal relationship between trade volume and economic growth. The implication of our results shows that government secondary school spending on education has a positive impact on the selected countries, and our analysis can be replicated with other countries.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's main contribution to the existing literature by investigating the cointegration and Granger causal relationship between human capital and economic growth for eight selected Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and El Salvador. The study is one of the few studies which have examined this relationship, which makes it unique and of great value to the field of economics and economic development.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Role of Media in Augmenting Violence in Adolescent Youth an Indian Perspective

Research Article
Journal: Journal of New Media and Mass Communication

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Use of wide range of social media, particularly by adolescent youths, is on an increasing trend. Children who watch many hours of violence on television, while they were in school days tend to show higher levels of aggressive behavior when they became teenagers. Adolescent group normally watch and actively take part in various issues popping up in social media. More or less they spend considerable time on actively interacting with these social Medias. Among children, there is a natural tendency to imitate what they see. They are generally less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others. Often children turn to behave in aggressive manner. News on violence also contributes to increased violence, mainly in the form of imitative suicides and acts of aggression. Video games are clearly capable of producing an increase in aggression and violence. In nutshell, the paper attempt long-term longitudinal studies which may be capable of demonstrating long-term effects in Indian contest. Social media post on controversial remarks against any religion, community, deities, eminent personalities have greater repercussion. The study reveals that most of the adolescent youth have disturbed lifestyle. This has resulted in adverse changes in their behavioral pattern and are highly prone to the violence. The focus of the media should be to develop a conducive atmosphere in the society.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated to find out excessive use of Social Media by adolescent youth in Indian Context and consequent change in their behavioral pattern. This aims to document the explore the present pattern so as to focus on remedial measures.
Social Sciences » Journal of New Media and Mass Communication » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Smart Parking System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Alien Cities

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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Traffic is regarded as one of the biggest issues in cities especially in metropolitan areas with high population density. It is the cause of wastage of precious resources that include fuel, money, and most importantly time. One of the reasons for traffic jams is the people finding an appropriate place to park. To address the issue, various techniques have been implemented by different traffic management authorities, and systems of modern cars have been integrated with smart parking solutions. The fuzzy logic controller is regarded as an Artificial Intelligence product that may be used to alleviate the problem. Four linguistic inputs are used in the paper such that parking car unit, distance, number of traffic signals, and parking area to provide one output that is time. This Fuzzy Logic Controller will be useful for the drivers to locate the shortest track among other tracks in the least amount of time. Moreover, the issue of finding an appropriate parking spot can be solved.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the application of Fuzzy Logic Controller in parking system. All the calculations are done using MATLAB’s fuzzy logic controller toolbox and its mobile usability is also presented.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Factors Affecting Profitability of General Insurance Companies in Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This research work shows the impact on profitability by Return on Assets (ROA) on capital adequacy measured by Risk Based Capital (RBC), Return on Investment (ROI) and Solvency by Debt Equity Rate (DER) measured). Then prove the RBC and ROI effect on DER, then demonstrate the RBC 's influence on ROA through DER, demonstrate the ROA impact on the general insurers reported upon on Indonesian Stok Exchange 2015-2018. The design of the research was causal research. Technical sampling using a deliberate method of sampling. During the four-year observation period, eight companies were obtained using this method that met the criteria of 14 companies. 32 samples in total. Study of linear regression model and path analysis is utilized in data analysis process. ROI has a positive and significant ROA effect, and DER has an adverse effect and important to ROA; The report's result shown that RBC has no significant ROA impact. Then RBC has an impact on DER, but ROI has a positive and important effect on DER. RBC via DER then has no significant impact on ROA, whereas ROI via DER has a positive and substantial impact on ROA. RBC has a significant negative effect on DER, and ROI has a significant and positive effect on DER. Then RBC by DER does not have a significant ROA effect, while ROI by DER has a positive and significant ROA impact. RBC then has a significant negative impact on DER, while ROI has a positive and important impact on DER.
Contribution/ Originality
This research is one of the first empirical studies to examine the profitability factors of general insurance policyholders in Indonesia. The study findings reveal these factors and their importance in terms of profitability for insurance companies.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Exploring the Dimensions Using Exploratory Factor Analysis of Disruptive Factors and Inventory Control

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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Healthcare industry is directly linked with human lives and face plaguing problems. Therefore, healthcare facilities minimize risks associated with deficiency of medicines or equipment. This study was carried out to find the dimensions of disruptive factors affecting inventory control at public healthcare facilities. From different healthcare facilities of District Sahiwal and Pakpattan 100 respondents were selected by utilizing random sampling. Then, Exploratory Factor Analysis was done in accordance to congregate the study objectives with a structured questionnaire. The results of this study determined two dimensions for each construct. Lastly, a test of reliability was conducted to find the acceptance level. This study broadens the scope of inventory control to healthcare. However, the study was geographically limited and thus, should be extended to other regions as well. Further, for sustainable performance, the study results should act as an enlightening figure for government and especially the healthcare facilitators in the identification of problems.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few investigating the dimensions of disruptive factors and inventory control. The study contributes, identifying the dimensions within the constructs, to the existing literature as well as the reliability of those constructs and their relevant dimensions.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Panel Data Estimators in the Presence of Serial and Spatial Correlation with Panel Heteroscedasticity: A Simulation Study

Research Article
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research

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Panel data analysis is often faced with the issue of errors having arbitrary correlation across time for a particular individual “I” (serial correlation) and/or errors having arbitrary correlation across individuals at a moment in time (spatial correlation) with error disturbances having non constant variance. This study examined some panel data estimators in the presence of serial and spatial autocorrelation with panel heteroscedasticity. The study was done using two different sets of data simulated separately with ?=0.95 & 0.50. For each set of simulations short and long panels were considered for different sample sizes. The analysis considered two settings were rho is considered to be panel-specific (?i) and where rho is considered to be common for all panels (?). The estimators were examined based on bias, overconfidence and relative efficiency. The results produced evidence that the size of the autocorrelation coefficient ? affects the general performance of an estimator. Comparison of the estimators showed that Panel Corrected Standard Error Estimator (PCSE) produced better results than the other estimators considered in this work. But it was seen not to do very well in small samples and short panels. In terms of relative efficiency Park-Kmenta estimator was found to be more efficient that PCSE and PWLS (Panel Weighted Least Square Estimator). This paper has been able to show that the size of rho at the long run has an impact on the performance of the estimators, it showed that a small size of rho tends to increase overconfidence. The paper also revealed that Park-Kmenta estimator even with its flaws is still the most efficient estimator compared to the PCSE and PWLS. and it also substantiated the fact that PCSE performs badly in samples especially when N>T.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies which have investigated the effect of the size of autocorrelation coefficient on the estimators based on the flaws of Parks-Kmenta estimator, which has mislead most researchers into becoming more inclined to use PCSE without considering others credits of Parks-kmenta estimator.
Economics » Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

The Role of Drones as an Enabler for the 4th Agricultural Revolution

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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The domain of agriculture is constantly evolving in terms of means and tools used. The rapid evolution in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and drone technology has facilitated a series of applications in the field of agriculture. The use of drones, combined with advanced ICT technologies as well as connected analytics methods, provides great potential in supporting and resolving some of the most challenging issues faced by the agricultural domain especially in real time data acquisition, monitoring and decision-making processes, triggering the so-called 4th agricultural revolution. The present paper provides an overview of the application of drones in the agriculture domain worldwide. Initially, the paper presents some introductory information concerning the technological evolution in the agricultural domain with special focus on the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. It then conducts a research concerning different applications of UAVs in agriculture. It proceeds with discussing relevant existing research initiatives, highlighting the relevant advantages and the prospects in using drone technology in agriculture.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the role of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones in the Agriculture 4.0. The study summarizes, in a reader-friendly way, the contribution of drones to several aspects of the agriculture sector as well as commercial products and research projects in this domain.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Exploring the Dynamic Interplay between Note-Taking Strategies and Reading Comprehension Performance of Moroccan EFL Students: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Research Article
Journal: Research in English Language Teaching

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Recently, at Moroccan tertiary level and in the area of student practices, little attention has been brought particularly to the skill of note-taking and active reading comprehension, and an insightful and in-depth understanding of how students learn from lectures could presumably be valuable in understanding and unraveling the intricacies of possible positive results of their note-taking behavior. The current study focuses mainly on the instruction of students into the systems of note-taking and how that affects their level of reading comprehension. Therefore, the effort reported here attempts to assess the students’ current systems of note taking and how they contribute to reach a full understanding of reading comprehension texts. The participants were 94 Semester-One students at the department of the English Studies at Ibn Tofail University, School of Arts and Humanities in Kénitra, Morocco. The data of the present study were collected by means of a TOEFL iBT Reading Practice comprehension test (i.e., post-test), and strategy training equating note-taking schemas and reading comprehension texts. The findings have showcased there is a significantly positive relationship between note-taking strategies and active reading comprehension. Even though there has been no special given to a specific system of note taking, it has been obvious empirically that the use of certain note-taking system is liable to positively influence the retention of comprehension texts.
Contribution/ Originality
The scarcity of studies studying the relationship between note-taking and reading comprehension in the Moroccan context makes of this study an exceptional one. Therefore, its major contribution lies in its quasi-experimental nature along with its findings which proved that using a particular note-taking system enables learners to critically use and retain learned material.
Arts and Education » Research in English Language Teaching » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 1

An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of FDI, Export and Gross Domestic Savings on the Economic Growth in Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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Bangladesh is a developing country with a huge population. So it is necessary to ensure better economic performance of Bangladesh. The purpose of the paper is to empirically investigate the impact of FDI, export, and gross domestic savings on the economic growth of Bangladesh and also tries to show the impact of inflation, industry value-added, and population growth on economic growth. We conduct the research with data covering the year from 1972 to 2017. Autoregressive Distributed Lag Bound Testing (ARDL BT) and Error Correction Model (ECM) are applied. The result of the ARDL model shows that the coefficient of FDI is 0.05 indicating that if FDI rises 1% then growth of the GDP will rise 0.05%. The coefficient of one year lag FDI is negative but insignificant. Again 1% rise in exports leads 0.03% rise in growth. Gross domestic savings positively affect GDP growth but statistically not significant. Inflation negatively affects the economic growth of Bangladesh. If inflation decreases by 1% then GDP growth will increase by 0.04%. Industry value added has positive effects on growth, a 1% increase in Industry value-added leads to a significant increasing in growth by 8.68%. Population growth negatively impacts economic growth. If the growth of the population decreases by 1% then 1.88% will increase the growth. Long run relation of the variables is ensured by the bound test and ECM-1 is significantly negative and indicating that adjustment is corrected by 145%. Hypotheses testing ensure except export other variables are short-run determinants of growth.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by showing the empirical contribution of Export, FDI, Gross Domestic Savings, inflation, industry value-added, and population growth on the Economic Growth in Bangladesh using ARDL ECM approach and also be beneficial for policymakers to take necessary steps.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Entrepreneurial Intention of Students in Higher Education Institutions Within the Network of the Upper Central Region of Thailand

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This research aimed to analyze factors affecting students' entrepreneurial intention in higher education institutions within the network of the upper central region of Thailand. The primary data was collected by online questionnaire sent to 400 samples, obtained by a random sampling method that selected students from both public and private institutions. The structural equation model was applied for the analysis. The results showed that knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship, motivation, success, and determination all affect the entrepreneurial intention of students. The model is consistent with the empirical data, with statistical results as: ?2 = 537.54, df. = 289, ?2/df. = 1.860, p-value = .060, CMIN/DF = 1.860, GFI = .950, TLI = .990, AGFI= .996, CFI = .991, RMSEA = .042, at the level of .05 statistical significance.
Contribution/ Originality
This study will be used in policy decision-making for the management of the teaching–learning process in Thai higher education institutions, including business incubation centers, to produce graduates with entrepreneurial character who are aware of societal and global changes and can become successful in the business world.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Exploring the Linkages between Remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This research mainly focuses on the impacts and implications of foreign remittances and how they affect the growth and poverty reduction in an economy. It further highlights the importance that remittances have on the improvement of the living conditions and standards in Pakistani. In order to achieve this target, we retrieved time-series data from the WDI, from the year 1980 till 2017. The econometric technique ARDL is applied which shows that there is a favorable relation among the variables. Our empirical findings suggest that the recipient country shows a positive trend in economic growth as an aftermath of increased remittances. Moreover, it proves that remittances have a notable influence on the reduction of poverty and boosting living standards in Pakistan economy. This ultimately leads to improving the socio-economic condition of the country in question. Results and findings, if used efficiently, have great potential policy implications for policymakers in the field of remittances.
Contribution/ Originality
The fundamental objective of our research is to find the impact of remittances on poverty, growth, and development. The positive trends and inflows of remittances help improve the economic conditions of the country by lessening poverty and increasing positive growth levels.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

A Survey of Farmers Knowledge and Practice on the Management of Watermelon Diseases in Horticultural Belt of Mt. Kenya Slopes

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Horticulture is the largest sub-sector of agriculture, in Kenya, contributing 33% of the Agricultural GDP. Watermelon is the sixth among eight listed fruits which are economically important horticultural produce in Kenya. The fruit is grown mostly in dry areas of Kenya, however due to high demand, large acreage of land on the slopes of Mt. Kenya are now being cultivated with this crop. A study was carried out in July 2018 to examine watermelon farmers’ knowledge and practice in the management of watermelon diseases on the slopes of Mt. Kenya. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 80 watermelon farmer’s selected using Snowball technique from Karurumo, Gachoka, Kiritiri and Ishiara locations. The survey revealed that majority of farmers grew watermelon on 1-2 acres. Watermelon diseases were reported to attack the plant at all stages of growth. Among the diseases, blight was reported by most respondents at 63.8%, followed by fusarium wilt (41.3%) and powdery mildew (38.8%). Farmers experience of various diseases was not significantly different in the four locations except for Fusarium wilt (p=0.046) and powdery mildew (p=0.020). Cold weather was reported by 60% of respondents as most conducive condition for disease occurrence, followed by rainy conditions (17.5%). Most farmers in all the locations applied pesticides (97.6%) as the major method of disease control, with a few (27.5%) practicing crop rotation. This was attributed to agronomic support by extension workers in the area. The slopes of Mt. Kenya, have potential of increased production only if farmers receive support in disease management.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated and documented the challenges faced by watermelon farmers in managing watermelon diseases, if support is provided in disease and pest management, production will increase and farmer livelihood improved in Mt. Kenya region.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

The Context of Comprehensive Change Adoption Framework on Education Transformation Programme

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This paper investigated the influence of the contexts Workload Expectancy (WE), Constructivists Pedagogical Beliefs (CPB), Self-Efficacy (SE), Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Social Influence (SI) and Facilitating Conditions (FC) that influence the Behavioural Intention (BI) among teachers in Malaysian public schools to use the Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) programme. In Malaysia, improving student’s outcomes is an area of great interest and is key to creating better future for the nation. The paper used a sample of 999 public-school teachers which consisted of primary school teachers and secondary school teachers across Malaysia who were analyzed using a partial least squares approach via Smart PLS 3.0. The study revealed that performance expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions leads to behavioural intention to use the FROG VLE programme among the teachers. However, workload expectancy, constructivists’ pedagogical beliefs, self-efficacy and effort expectancy did not lead to behavioural intention.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is expected to help the Malaysian Ministry of Education to revisit and revise the guidelines in Frog VLE implementation. The issues related to Frog VLE implementation have long been discussed and highlighted by various parties, but no studies have been done to investigate this matter seriously. Earlier discussion with teachers and headmasters were conducted which shows that the majority of those interviewed were unhappy with the Frog VLE implementation. The researcher felt that it was urgent to investigate the matter. Solving the recurring issues of additional obligations beyond their capabilities and potentials faced by teachers, would make the government more prepared to equip and enhance teachers’ professionalism with decent ICT knowledge and competencies.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Performance Evaluation of PFR and CSTR 1- Reactor Tank for Formaldehyde Petrochemical Production

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research

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CSTR 1-reactor tank and PFR plug flow reactor for the production of formaldehyde are two reactors subjected to performance studies. The research models were derived from the fundamental principles of conservation of mass and energy balance; and qualitative kinetic optimum model for the determination of yields for the dehydrogenation and partial oxidation of methanol in the two reactors at 600-6500C. The data obtained for model evaluation were statistically regressed to adopt it as engineering data which is adequate for applications in the evaluation process. The design models for the CSTR 1-reactor tank and PFR plug flow reactor reactors were appropriately solved. The results obtained on the two reactors parameters are given as follows: CSTR 1-reactor tank volume 2.85m3, Height 5.69m, Space-time 0.12hr, Space-velocity 0.67/hr, pressure drop and heat generated per unit volume 2.34*107J/m3. Similarly, PFR volume 1.26m3, Height 12.58m, Space-time 0.225hr, Space-velocity 0.182/hr, pressure drop 3.73*10-8 and heat generated per unit volume 1.17*108 J/m3, And, innovatively, results of optimal yields Yopt calculation for CSTR 1-reactor tank and Plug flow reactor PFR showed that the yields obtained for the two reactors are 69% and 87% and compare favorably with operational yields of the production process which stood at 78.5% and 80.1%. From the results PFR provide a better volume for the production of formaldehyde at 87% conversion of 1.26m3. Hence, the PFR has a better performance for the production of formaldehyde with 87% feed conversion.
Contribution/ Originality
Research originates detailed derivations of formulas for reactor performance models and also applying calculus function for the optimum yields Yopt. calculation for the rate of depletion of feed in reactors into desired products as a detailed theoretical concepts of calculating yields of products in advance manner in chemical reaction engineering.
Engineering » International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1