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Listing 91 - 20 of 2809 results.

Estimation of Suspended Sediment Load in the Ressoul Watershed, Algeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Hydrology Research

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Sediment load and its response to the variations of the hydrological elements are important to understand the phenomena of erosion. This study was fulfilled with the aim of developing a model to predict sediment load using sediment rating curve for the Ain Berda gauging station. The model was developed based on the available streamflow discharge and suspended sediment concentration data during sampled storm events over 39 year-period in the Ressoul watershed. Relationships between sediment concentration and water discharge were used according to single and rising-falling stage ratings to determine the best model for sediment load prediction. Additionally, a technique was devised to correct for log-transform bias on the sediment rating curves. The mean annual sediment yield during high and medium high flood events was 302 T km-2 yr-1. The high sediment loads in the study basin could be explained by the intensity of rain, the aggressiveness of the flows, the topography and the availability of sediments from hillslopes. The sediment load was dominated by winter and spring seasons accounting for 89% of the annual load. A high sediment supply in winter might confirm the intense geomorphic action caused by high intensity rainfall, low vegetation cover, and heavy machine activity in the agricultural fields. Following watershed management for local communities may bring multiple benefits. The adoption of suitable measures for soil conservation should reduce soil erosion and improve the livelihoods of the inhabitants. This study can serve as a reference for policymakers and planners.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes on the existing literature on the estimation of suspended sediment yield using rating curve technique. The study outlines the analysis of some factors of erosion for estimating impacts of conservation methods on stream flow and sediment yield.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Hydrology Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Gamification on Sales Force Performance in Nigeria Bottling Company

Research Article
Journal: Games Review

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This study empirically examined gamification as a new approach of getting performance from sales employees. It examined a sales man from the perspective of game player, thereby applying those factors that motivate a player to win a game such as points, the rewards, and achievement levels to get performance from salesmen. The sales performance we examined includes; customer, conversion ratio, referral rate, cancellation recovery rate and organizational profitability. The study was conducted on sales personnel of Nigeria Bottling Company Ltd South-West Region. The population of the study was 210 professional sales personnel of the company with the sample size of 138 using the Taro Yamane formula to determine the sample size. The simple random sampling technique was used to select the respondents. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. The data collected were analyzed through test-re-test method. A pilot study was adopted to test the reliability of the instrument. Analysis of data was done through the use of SPSS. The study employed descriptive and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) type of inferential statistics to test the hypotheses. The study showed that earn point by salesman has positive impact on sales force performance. Also, sales achievement levels have significant impact on organizational performance. Based on these findings, the study therefore recommends that Nigeria Bottling Company should continue to use earn point and sales achievement levels as proxy to gamification which enhances sales performance, thereby improving the performance of the organization.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature of gamification and sales force performance using Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistics. Taro Yamane formula were employed. The study is very few in Nigeria Bottling Company which contributes to game techniques. The findings were positive and remain the work of the above authors.
Economics » Games Review » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Foreign Direct Investment - Growth Linkage in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is Governance a Mediating Factor?

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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In sub – Saharan Africa, weak institutions and the rising concern for improved business environment offer considerable leverage for enhancing the effectiveness of institutional framework, capital inflows, and public investment efficiency. These have put SSA in the global spotlight in recent times. Hence, the study examines the mediating effect of governance on FDI – growth nexus in 35 SSA countries between 2002 and 2017 using panel data techniques (Pooled OLS, Fixed Effects, and Panel-Corrected Standard Error’ (PCSE) estimation) and the Dynamic One – Step Difference and System GMM. Results indicate that control of corruption, political stability and regulatory quality, including governance composite index, have a positive and significant effect on economic growth, suggesting that institutions have a salutary impact on SSA economies. The findings further show that FDI inflows adversely influence growth owing to insufficient absorptive capacity that could enhance FDI effectiveness in the region. More importantly, the pervasiveness of poor governance in SSA is identified as a critical case that undermines the development of the nexus between FDI and economic growth. Thus, the study suggests that FDI – growth linkage would be enhanced by promoting a strong institutional environment that offers a good mechanism for attaining the actual FDI spillover potential through a policy framework that points the path towards cost-effective measures in SSA. Also, there should be core investment policies across African countries that would induce the private sector in consolidating government efforts and resources aimed at improving international competitiveness by diversifying the region’s economies away from a protracted commodity – based.
Contribution/ Originality
The study offers a sufficient basis of analysis that amplifies and consolidates FDI-governance-growth literature. It also addresses unresolved mixed conclusions arising from puzzling methodological issues through the use of efficient and robust estimation techniques. The paper provides a better understanding of the role of governance in FDI-growth nexus regarding Africa.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Lecture Method Preferences, Auditory or Visual, of Ukrainian Consumers of Educational Services : A Statistical Analysis

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The aim of this study is to examine the lecture method preferences of Ukrainian consumers of educational services. The study has observed two popular methods of providing educational services: the auditory method and the visual method. Research methodology included: information research; questioning and statistical processing of questionnaires; graphical representation of results and verification of statistical hypotheses. The sampling included two groups of students and one group of school teachers. It was statistically proved that Ukrainian students prefer the visual method of lectures but not the auditory method in availing educational services. Since the results are strongly significant, they have a great practical importance, recommending university teachers to use visual methods of lectures more than auditory while providing educational services. This will help them to adapt their lecture form and technique according to the needs and preferences of students as consumers of educational services. In addition, the results will also be useful to design and formulate training programs for teachers of Ukrainian Universities and making policy design for the Ukrainian Higher Education.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated preferences of consumers of educational services of the type of lecture method of providing educational services. The paper is a contribution to the first logical analysis of the preferences of university students and school teachers.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Trends in Reading Literary Fiction in Print and Cyber Media by Undergraduate Students of Hasanuddin University

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This research investigated the trends in reading literary fiction by students of Hasanuddin University and their main reasons for reading works of fiction. Reading tendencies were grouped into types, reading of fiction in print and fiction in electronic (cyber) media. The purposes of this study were: 1) to quantify the literary fiction reading media preferred by students; 2) to identify specific reasons for their choice of media; 3) to identify perceived personal benefits obtained from reading literary fiction, and 4) to evaluate readers’ personal choices in terms of contents. The majority of students preferred to read using electronic media (62%), although a substantial majority preferred the classical printed book format (38%). The reasons given for preferring cyber literature (defined as works of fiction presented in an electronic medium) to printed literature were mainly practical, such as ease of access using electronic devices (tablets, computers, smartphones, etc.) as well as capacity and versatility, and that one multi-functional device can hold many books or other reading media. This research indicates that young people view reading fiction not only as entertainment, but also as a valuable and rewarding activity. The trend towards electronic media provides a growing and increasingly used opportunity for casual readers and enthusiasts to access and enjoy a wide cross-section of literary fiction.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature on the influence of cyber literary media on reading habits, apart from exploring undergraduate student attitudes to and perceptions on reading literary fiction as well as their reading methods and behaviour. The students view reading fiction as both valuable and pleasurable. Cyber literature is considered more practical than printed matter, in terms of ease of access and the capacity of a single easy to carry device to hold or access many literary works.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

The Adoption of an M-Learning Policy in Higher Education: The Professionals Perspective in Developing Countries

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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In this digital age, e-learning has developed rapidly from web-based searches to mobile learning. This study aims to identify an M-learning policy for high schools in developing countries. An expanded theory of planned behavior framework, comprising the core constructs and the additional variables of enabling environment and experience, is employed to predict the significance of adopting M-learning among learners. The data is collected via social media and emails, and analyzed using Smart PLS-SEM 3.0. Of the 205 students completing the questionnaire, 38.5% were male and 61.5% female. The results indicate a satisfactory R² of adoption intention (0.157) for all the variables and moderator, and the school setting is significant for the adoption of an M-learning policy; thus, it is suggested that government policy is a crucial factor to its acceptance in any learning setting. The ubiquity of mobile devices is unavoidable, and an innovative approach could lead to the effective application of this technology in education. A government policy will encourage and strengthen such effectiveness among scholars in developing countries.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature and discourse on M-learning with the intention to use the innovation in schools, due to learners’ experience of with the technology in high schools. M-learning complements e-learning and ICT in driving development in many socioeconomic endeavors for developing economies, especially the subregions on the African continent.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Green Transformation and its Application on Shipping Service Complex

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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This article is written under the context of old construction Shanghai Shipping Service Complex (SSC) around the port. These buildings are too old to keep pace with the development and urgent to be upgraded. This article generally introduced the green transformation methods and application on the existing buildings in the urban old port district. In order to facilitate the green transformation of the SSC, we carried out an investigation upon the construction, structure design, specific building materials and interior decoration of the original building to form a general understanding. By combining its location features and functional orientation, the optimal transformation scheme was completed through the comparison of the building projects, structural analysis, and energy-saving transformation program. Meanwhile, the effect of the preliminary scheme was tested via energy-saving calculation, computer simulation and field testing. A third party was introduced to certificate the technological application to prove the safety and reliability of the scheme.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper’s primary contribution is finding the detailed process of upgrading the old port district. It’s necessary for people to see the whole big picture while making a building scheme. Meanwhile, never forget the environmental conservation factors.
Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 01-2019 Issue: 1

An Empirical Assessment of the Impact of Access to Credit on Farm Output: A Case Study of Sefwi-Wiawso Municipality Ghana

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The study examined the socio-demographic features of farmers and credit accessibility in the Sefwi-Wiawso Municipality Ghana. It also identifies the sources and factors influencing access to credit in the Sefwi-Wiawso Municipality. Primary data were obtained from 1,200 households and farmers within the Sefwi-Wiawso Municipal. The empirical analysis employed a logistic regression technique, the Tobit model and Endogenous Switching Regression Model (ESRM) to explore the accessibility of credit on productivity in the agriculture sector. The results revealed that age and gender are statistically significant in determining access to credit from both the logit and the endogenous regression models. The endogenous switching regression model further reveals that educational status, land ownership, access to knowledge on credit significantly influences the amount of credit received by a particular farmer within the Sefwi-Wiawso Municipality. These findings have practical implications for the modernizations of the Agriculture sector in Ghana. It is therefore important for various stakeholders to increase financial literacy among farming communities and the financial institutions to increase the credit accessibility by the Agriculture sector. It is therefore recommended that extension services provision, diversification of agriculture production and easy access to credit from financial institutions in the Municipality be established to ensure increased agriculture production.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the impact of access to credit on agricultural productivity.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Explaining Stress and Depression Level of Nurses: The Effects of Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Productive human resources and behaviors play a significant role in the task and performance-oriented organizations in today’s competitive, innovative, developable, and profitable business life. In this ever-changing and increasingly globalized World, people confront stress and right after depression based on their different roles, threats and events. The aim of this research is to analyze the effects of role conflict and role ambiguity of nurses upon the stress and depression with different theoretical backgrounds. In this study, the relationship among all mentioned variables was examined and analyzed based on the survey data with the participation of 141 randomly chosen nurses from the public hospital in Osmaniye, Turkey. Based on the results of hierarchical regression analysis; role ambiguity, role conflict, and depression are significantly related to job stress of nurses. Besides, there is an insignificant relationship between role conflict and depression. On the other hand, there are negative effects of role ambiguity upon the depression of nurses. This negative relationship between role ambiguity and depression increases from -0.309 to -0.321 when combined with role conflict. Role conflict and role ambiguities are two factors that cause to stress and depression in both personal and work life. The productivity of workers/employees especially in the health sector is depending on different environmental, individual, and psychological factors. Managers should consider the changing of the work environment and variability of patients besides personal needs and abilities while distributing the extra roles of nurses.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated quartet relationship among role conflict, role ambiguity, stress and depression in health sector under the light of Person-Organization Fit Theory and Effort-Reward Imbalance-ERI-Model.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Factors that Influence Profitability of General Insurance Issuers in Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This research aims to examine and to analyze factors that influence profitability of general insurance issuers in Indonesia. Factors that are examined consist of activity (working capital turnover), liquidity (current ratio), solvency (risk based capital) and profitability (net profit margin, return on investment and return on equity). Research data is quarterly data for five year period (March 2012 to December 2016). The purposive sampling method was used from a population comprising 14 general insurance issuers with outcome of 5 issuers that met the criteria. Using the multiple linear regression method of analysis for panel data, the results revealed that the variables of the working capital turnover, current ratio and risk based capital simultaneously influenced profitability (net profit margin, return on investment, return on equity) while working capital turn over influenced profitability (net profit margin, return on investment and return on equity) only partially. Current ratio also influenced profitability ratio (net profit margin and return on equity) however, Risk Based Capital did not influence all profitability ratios. The results of the study indicate that Insurance companies should increase their sales in order to get a higher working capital, maintain a liquidity ratio and achieve solvency ratio according to the regulations.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the first empirical studies to analyze factors that influence profitability of general insurance issuers in Indonesia. The findings of the study reveal such factors and their significance for the insurance companies to earn profitability.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Edu-Tourism Destination Selection Process in an Emerging Economy

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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International Edu-tourists seeking university education outside of their countries of origin was 4.1 million in 2010 and the figure is forecasted to hit 7.2 million by the year 2020, thus creating a market value worth US$342billion. Exporting university education services contributed US$6.6billion to Malaysia’s Gross National Income (GNI) in 2009. Malaysia plans to earn US$14.67 billion yearly from 2020, including, creating 536,000 jobs. This highlights the importance of international Edu-tourists for Malaysian Edu-tourism industry promotion. Explaining the stages international Edu-tourists go through to select Malaysia as their preferred Edu-tourism destination, including validating factors that contribute to this tourist travel decision form the basis of this study. The study is based on the push-pull theory and 500 international Edu-tourists in 13 Malaysian universities were sampled. Results of confirmatory factor analysis revealed that Edu-tourists’ socio-cultural factors, the quest for career development, and economy status of their country of origin all contributed to Edu-tourists’ decision to study abroad. The socio-cultural and economic factors of Malaysia attract Edu-tourists to Malaysia, while the institutional and internationalisation attributes of Malaysian universities encourage them to choose these universities. It is suggested that tourism operators in Malaysia make the most of the attractive socio-economic environment in Malaysia for the effective positioning strategy of Malaysia in the global Edu-tourism market. Edu-tourism destination marketing strategies should be designed for Malaysia, using her socio-economic attributes. The reputation of Malaysian universities as essential Edu-tourism assets should be promoted to develop the Malaysian tourism industry. Tourism destinations in Malaysia should encourage social interaction between Edu-tourists and host destinations.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to tourism literature by branding university education as tourism product. It validates factors that influence the choice behaviour of international Edu-tourists in selecting Edu-tourism destinations in emerging economies. The present study helps to increase the explanatory power of the push-pull theory in explaining contemporary Edu-tourist mobility trends.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Geo-Portal Implementation with a Combined Approach of AHP and SWOT

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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In order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, reliable and more quality spatial data is required in the decision-making and planning process. In other words, the existence of an appropriate infrastructure of spatial data is necessary for the sustainable development of the community. Recently, the creation of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is in the program of many states at various national, provincial and local levels. SDI can be defined from a variety of perspectives; however, the geoportal design and implementation play a key role as a platform for providing spatial services. In this regard, various software exists as a geoportal platform, which is a necessity to choose an appropriate software tool among them. To achieve this goal, a set of related software products should be investigated and compared. Then, the criteria that are important from the perspective of the user and the developer are selected for software comparison, and ultimately software packages which support SDI (for geo-portal) are selected. In this regard, attempts to select one software with emphasis on environmental activities among four open source software for geo-portal implementation. In this article, the combination of AHP and SWOT is used to achieve this goal with an emphasis on environmental activities. Therefore, the criteria are first weighed using the AHP method, then, the SWOT method is used to select the appropriate software based on identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature that helps organization to choose the best software according to their internal and external factor which exist in their factory. This study uses new estimation methodology for choosing the best open source software for geoportal. Different organs can use it according to the criteria that important for choosing the best software and implementation of geoportal.
Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 01-2019 Issue: 1

Agronomic Practices of Maize and Farm Nutrient Status in Bako Tibe District, West Shoa Zone, Ethiopia: Lesson from Agronomic Panel Survey

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Agronomic panel survey was conducted in Bako Tibe district to assess current farmers maize agronomic practices and associated actual maize grain yields. The survey was conducted using 100 households. Most of the maize farms (90%) were characterized as having strongly to strongly acidic soils, low to medium SOC, medium to high TN, very low to low av.P, high to very high exch. K, low to medium exch.Ca, and medium to high exch. Mg, high av. Zn and Fe and very high Mn contents. Most farmers (94%) grow improved maize varieties and 80% of them grew a pioneering hybrid Limu and Bako hybrids BH540 and BH543. Most farmers (97%) apply different inorganic fertilizers and of them >70% of them applied NPS+Urea or NPS alone. Farmers rarely retain crop residue. Most farmers (81%) maintain lower plant density at harvest than the recommended density and the density declined from vegetative to harvesting stage. About 99% of the farmers grow sole maize, 57% rotate maize with other. Percent weed cover of the farms were 25% on average but reached as high as 80%. About 87.5%, 86%, 75% of farmers harvested grain yield that was higher than the national, regional and zonal average, respectively. Since most maize farms (90%) were very strongly to strongly acidic, there is a need to apply lime to improve maize productivity and nutrient use efficiency in the area. The poor weed and crop residue management, sole cropping of maize and lower plant densities practiced by farmers were among the gaps observed that potentially reduce maize productivity in the study area unless the extension sector intervenes. However, the current trend improved maize varieties and inorganic fertilizers use is promising and needs to be encouraged for intensification of maize production in the study area.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper serves as the most recent study on maize agronomy in Ethiopia in giving sight to the nutrient status of soils of the best maize growing district in the region. It also gives an insight into what the maize agronomic practices (cropping system, crop residue management fertilizer, and improved maize variety use) look like in the distinct.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Introducing an Appropriate Geoportal Structure for Managing Wildlife Location Data

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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In recent years, access to spatial data, and also exchange them to achieve sustainable development in the country has been more and more in attention. Because with these spatial data and awareness of their existence, re-work and reproduction of data, the cost of time, and the cost to produce data are prevented. Environmental spatial data is one of the most important data that is very useful for planning and management. In this paper, we tried to show how to collect spatial information that is distributed in different organizations and databases, then we can provide this spatial information through geo-portal services based on managing wildlife. Knowing about the existence of such data and the ability to search and access them with a spatial geoportal, the user can have an important role in spatial data infrastructure. In addition, the user can make a decision that formed on environmental protection. Users can also search and access their spatial environment information with a geoportal if they exist. In addition, they will use spatial services of the layers. The spatial data is created in the form of standard spatial services, and is located in geo-portal to search and access to these layers. As a result, other organs can use these services or spatial data if necessary.
Contribution/ Originality

Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 01-2019 Issue: 1

An Investigation of the Impact of Organisational Structure on Organisational Performance

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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Organisational structure is one of the core aspects that contribute to organisational performance. It can thus be said that it is the single most critical part of ensuring that the organization achieves its organisational objectives. This study examined the impact of organisational structure on the organisational performance of the Property Administration Services Department (PAS) within an organisation located at the Rosherville Industrial Area in Johannesburg South, South Africa. The study intended to give a practical perspective on the impact of a complex organisational structure on elements of personnel job satisfaction and departmental performance. The research instrument was designed to establish the elements that influence the composition of the organisational structure. Data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential statistics. The conclusion showed the inference between these elements and the actual aim of this study. The study did not directly compare the analysis of performance and organisational structure influence on it but rather aimed at establishing the general consensus by the participants on the likelihood of them accepting suggestions and recommendations of the study. It was evident that the organisational structure is ineffective. The ineffectiveness of the structure was observed to have been a contributing factor to the low job satisfaction levels within the participants. The context of the study identified staff morale as the main contributor to poor performance. Therefore, it could be concluded that since the organisational structure negatively impacted staff morale, it also inadvertently negatively affected the performance of the department.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature in the field of organisational structure effectiveness. The study results are based on practically evaluated current existing organisational structure within the organisation used for this study.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Optical Solitary Wave Solutions of the Space-Time Fractional Modified Equal-Width Equation and their Applications

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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The space-time fractional modified equal-width equation is a class of fractional partial differential equations which have been used widely in nonlinear optics, solid state physics. In this article, the improved (G/G)- expansion method has been proposed to construct more new exact solutions of the space-time fractional modified equal-width equation in the sense of modified Riemann-Liouville derivative. The traveling wave transform has been extended to convert the fractional order partial differential equation into an ordinary differential equation. In the end, three families of exact analytical solutions are obtained and expressed them in terms of the hyperbolic, trigonometric, and rational functions with arbitrary parameters, Which reveals that the improved (G/G)-expansion method is very effective and reliable for solving fractional order partial differential equations. Moreover, the graphical representation of solution is given at different values of a, Which is helpful for people to better study the physical structure of solutions and to analyze the nonlinear optical problems in nonlinear systems.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature through the improved (G/G) -expansion method. By applying this method, more new exact solutions of the space-time fractional modified equal-width equation are obtained. The resulting solutions are useful for analyzing nonlinear optics problems.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 1

Influence of Biochar and Poultry Manure on Weed Infestation and Growth of Arabica Coffee (Coffea Arabica) Seedlings

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Young coffee plants at nursery particularly after transplanting are very sensitive to weed infestation. Therefore, timely weeding is necessary to boost seedling vegetative growth. A pot experiment was conducted from 2017-18 at IRAD, Foumbot multipurpose research station, Cameroon. The main objective was to assess the influence of biochar and poultry manure on weed infestation and growth of arabica coffee seedlings. The biochar was produced using an Elsa pyrolysis barrel at 450 0C with 58 min carbonisation time from corncobs. The biochar were milled to < 2mm and mixed at the rate of 20, 30 and 40t/ha-1 with 40t/ha-1 poultry manure and soil before applying to 0.01 m2 polythene bags with five replications. Results showed that the 20t/ha-1 biochar + 40t/ha-1 poultry manure treatment significantly (P < 0.05) increased plant height, stem girth, number of leaves, and leaf area compared to control (poultry manure only). Treatments with 30t/ha-1 and 40t/ha-1 biochar had the lowest weed fresh weight and dry weight. Cyperus rotundus, Oxalis cornoculata and Cynodon nlemfuensis were most economically important weeds scored for their abundance and persistence. Overall, weed control efficiency was lowest in sole 40t/ha-1 poultry manure and 20t/ha-1 biochar treatment with 18% and 20% compared to 40t/ha-1 and 30t/ha-1 biochar treatment with 35% and 24% respectively. The results demonstrated that combined application of poultry manure and biochar appears essential for a sustainable coffee seedling production in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. However, to enhance coffee seedling growth using biochar, the use of recommended doses is paramount.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature that biochar; a product of pyrolysis contains some important plant nutrients and properties which can significantly affect soil fertility and crop growth. It further seeks to assess how the growth of arabica coffee seedlings is affected by different types of organic fertilizers.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Cola Nitida (Kola-Nut) Enhances Gastric Ulceration and Secretion Via Ileum Motility Increase

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diseases

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Ileum motility, gastric ulceration and secretion were studied in thirty albino rats in the administration of the ethanolic extract of cola nut. The acute toxicity study in 27 mice showed the LD50 of 1118.03mg/kg established through 100% mortality in group with 5000mg/kg and 0% mortality with 1000mg/kg. Three orthodox drugs for ulcer treatment: cimetidine ranitidine and omeprazole were used in the study to compare motility, gastric ulceration and secretion with cola-nut. The motility of the ileum expressed as basal height of contraction was significantly higher (P <0.05) in groups administered with low, medium and high dosages of the extract compared with control groups using distilled water and atropine. However, there was a significant decrease ((P <0.05) in the ileum motility in the group administered with medium dose, extract of omeprazole than in cimetidine and ranitidine. Motility was significantly (P <0.05) higher in groups administrated with the extract plus ranitidine and cimetidine than groups administered with the medium extract dose and omeprazole. Gastric acid output was increased in the group administered with a high dose of the extract of cola nut and was significant (P <0.05) among the groups. Gastric ulceration was significantly higher (P <0.05) in the groups administered with the extract than in the omeprazole, cimetidine and ranitidine control groups. It is concluded that cola nut is very ulcerogenic i.e. it can lead to ulcer in its consumption and should be avoided particularly in gastric ulcer patients.
Contribution/ Originality
This study has added to existing literature in ileum motility. The study uses a modified method used in the study. A new approach was originated by the use of kola nut. The investigation is new Logical analysis; ileum motility enhancement by kola nut. It offers a primary contribution on the positives and negatives of kola nut consumption. It documents the roles of kola nut in GIT.
Medical Sciences » Journal of Diseases » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Assessment of Technical Efficiency of Layer Production in Mampong Municipality: Stochastic Frontier Approach

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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This study used a Cobb-Douglas functional form of the stochastic production model to assess the technical efficiency of layer producers under commercial production system in the Mampong Municipality of Ghana. The study captures thirty (30) randomly selected layer poultry farms within the Asante Mampong enclave for the study. This study utilized the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) criteria to obtain farm specific technical efficiencies as well as their determinants of output and inefficiency. The study revealed that output was positively correlated to the number of birds, medication and quantity of water which all have significant coefficients at 5% and 10% levels of significance. The significant estimated gamma value of 0.99 implied that 99% of the total variation in layer output in the study area is due to the technical inefficiency. The study also showed that age, education, experience, extension contact, credit and type of poultry housing were related to socioeconomic characteristics influencing technical inefficiency. It is recommended for egg producers to observe the proper routine medication and add other supplementary drugs to boost the laying performance of their birds while intensifying stock size and increasing water usage to maximize production and close up the production gap. Poultry policies should consider motivating and increasing extension contact between extension agents and poultry farmers in the study area.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that it captures thirty randomly selected layer poultry farms within the Asante Mampong enclave for the study by utilizing the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) criteria to obtain farm specific technical efficiencies as well as their determinants of output and inefficiency in the context of this municipality of Ghana.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Evaluation of Eggshell as Organic Fertilizer on Sweet Basil

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Food waste, for example, eggshell has been piling up on earth through the years. On the other hand, home-gardening has been a trend that encouraged by the government. The focus in this study is to decrease and use the eggshell waste by utilizing it as fertilizer. Eggshell has potential to become fertilizer for plants due to its nutrient content. The eggshell fertilizer used in this study was in liquid/foliar and solid form. The comparison of eggshell fertilizer and commercial fertilizer effectiveness was conducted to see their compatibility in basil’s growth. The chemical analysis was conducted on eggshell tea fertilizer to see the nutrient content. The result from this study shows that eggshell fertilizer in liquid/foliar form is compatible with commercial fertilizer. The compatibility might be achieved due to nutrients, such as nitrogen, potassium and chloride in eggshell tea fertilizer. However, the eggshell fertilizer in liquid form performed better than in its solid form. Further studies could be focusing on the effectiveness of crushed eggshell fertilizer in a more controlled environment. In conclusion, eggshell fertilizer can be used as an alternative for fertilizer in home-gardening due to its compatibility to commercial fertilizer. The result of this study might contribute to reducing food waste, specifically eggshell waste. The result of this study might lead to more utilization of eggshell waste, especially as fertilizer, thus decrease the cost of using commercial fertilizer.
Contribution/ Originality
This study might contribute to supporting household practice in using eggshell as fertilizer as eggshell indeed has significant effect to plants growth.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2