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Listing 114 - 20 of 2809 results.

Investigating Factors Affecting the Adoption of Smartphone Technology by Elderly People In Iraq

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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The smartphone is now essential part of daily life (business and personal) across all age bounds. The usage of it can play a part in helping the elderly in several ways in terms of healthcare information. This paper aims at developing a model for identifying substantial factors that affect elderly people's intention toward adopt smartphones. A questionnaire instrument is developed to define factors that influence smartphones adoption via elderly people. The questionnaires are distributed in terms of paper-based questionnaires individually in Iraq. 225 completed questionnaires are gathered. Using a Cronbach Alpha, the test of reliability is conducted on the obtained data. The result indicates that four factors (socioeconomic influence, facilitating conditions, performance expectancy and effort expectancy) affect older people's intention to embrace smartphones.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the adoption of new technologies by older adults in Iraq. The study is investigated older adults’ adoption of smartphones by adapting UTAUT with consideration of socioeconomic influence. Based on literature and obtained data, a research model is proposed and tested.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Testing the Validity of Gibrats Law in the Context of Profitability and Leverage

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This study seeks to test the validity of Gibrat’s Law of Proportionate Effect for listed firms in Ghana over the period 2008-2017. The study also investigates whether firms’ profitability and leverage affect the validity of Gibrat’s Law. Employing the fixed effects regression technique, the results show that Gibrat’s Law does not hold for all firms when the effect of firm size on growth is directly examined. In the presence of profitability, Gibrat’s Law is valid for both financial and non-financial firms. The findings further observe that, while Gibrat’s Law holds for non-financial firms in the presence of leverage, it is rejected for financial firms. Given the direct and significant impact of size on firm growth, the study concludes that Gibrat’s proposition that the growth rate of a given firm is independent of its size does not hold for listed firms in Ghana. The study discusses relevant recommendations based on the findings.
Contribution/ Originality
This study seeks to test the validity of Gibrat’s Law of Proportionate Effect for listed firms in Ghana over the period 2008-2017.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Operational Strategies and Sustainability Factors Influencing Implementation of Education Intervention in Honduras, Central America: Avanzado Libros Project

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study examined operational strategies and sustainability factors on education intervention projects in Honduras, Central America. The study’s purpose was to determine the role 0f project planning, capacity building, government investment and stakeholder engagement played in implementing educational interventions. Adopting a survey design and census method, relevant data was collected using structured questionnaires distributed to 132 project implementers of the Honduras ACL project. With response rate of 87%, the study findings revealed that all for variables exerted a significant influence, moderated by the policy environment indicated strong positive correlations were shown between the implementation of educational interventions and each of the four variables: In conclusion, the study recommends that to successfully implement educational interventions, it is essential: project implementers and benefactors understand the importance of clear and inclusive implementation plans, and the need for capacity need assessments and relevant capacity building; and not only stakeholders but also governments become involved.
Contribution/ Originality
Project planning and management tools may be considered the solution to project implementation for various sectors; however, development projects to improve the vicinity may not be viable in the longtime if the required actions are not taken. Project sustainability involves several steps; beginning with ensuring the project aligns with the needs of and is acceptable to both government and society, followed by providing short-term benefits to and being fully engaged with the society. These steps increase the likelihood that intervention initiatives be well implemented and integrated into existing networks and systems in sectors such as education.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Comparing the Molluscicidal Action of Metaldehyde, Oxamyl, Potassium Nitrate and a Botanical Insecticide for Managing Limacolaria Spp Infesting Banana Plantations in Cameroon

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Snails are an emerging problem in banana production in Cameroon due to the damages caused on the banana fruits. They attack the banana fruits resulting in aesthetically disfigured fruits. This study was carried out to compare the effectiveness of selected agrochemicals in the laboratory and the field for the control of the snails. The agrochemicals compared were Bromorex® (chilli pepper extracts), Potassium Nitrate, Vydate® (Oxamyl), and Limace® (Metaldehyde). Laboratory results showed that snail mortality caused by the different treatments after 7 and 14 days was highest for Limace (37% and 100% respectively). Limace® had the highest mean percentage (86.4%) of snails at the snail zone as compared with the control (6.1%) which was the least. Field results showed that plants treated with Limace® had the lowest mean number of snails counted on the corms and pseudostems during the 12-week period while the Control (2.67snails/plant) had the highest mean value followed by Bromorex®. But the mean number of living snails with plant treated with Potassium Nitrate, Vydate® and Limace® increased from the 10th week albeit less than 1 snail/plant. During the first three weeks plants treated with Limace® and Vydate® the number of dead snails was relatively higher (1.6 snails/plant and 1.08 snails/plant respectively). Of the four treatments assessed, Limace® was most effective in the management of snails followed by Vydate®. Limace® controlled the snails best both in the laboratory and on the field at concentrations of 5 g per container (7x7x13 cm) and 50 g per banana mat respectively.
Contribution/ Originality
This research is one of the very few researches that have compared the molluscicidal effects of different chemical groups on Limacolaria species, an emerging pest of crops. In addition, it is one of the few researches that have tested molluscicides effects on Limacolaria spp. in the field.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Perceptions of Faculty Members on the Leadership Capacity of their Students at Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The aim of this research was to investigate faculty members’ perceptions of their students’ leadership capacity and evaluate the correlation between students’ university experiences with their leadership capacity. A questionnaire survey was disseminated to 266 faculty members from five of the member universities of Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The empirical results indicated that most faculty members held moderate fairly high opinion of their students’ leadership capacity, and that the personal attributes of faculty members and the experience gained by students while attending university both had a statistically significant impact on students’ leadership capacity. The findings of this study carry both theoretical and practical implications for Vietnamese higher education. The suggestions inferred for university administrators and policymakers are also discussed.
Contribution/ Originality
This is one of very few studies investigating faculty members’ perceptions of their students’ leadership capacity in Vietnamese higher education institutions. Its primary contribution comes from the findings on the development of leadership programs, which was confirmed as the main responsibility of universities.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Favorite Methods of Teaching and Evaluation among Students in University Colleges

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The present study aimed to identify the favorite methods of teaching and evaluation among students in university colleges. The study adopted a descriptive survey design; self-administered copies of the questionnaire were used to generate data from 1638 students at university colleges, selected by a random sample method. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze data. The findings showed 12 methods of teaching preferred by students (flipped learning, blended learning, simultaneous e-learning, asynchronous e-learning, virtual learning, scientific trips, training in the workplace, problem-solving, critical thinking, visitor lecture, learning by project and activities, and discussion) and seven methods of evaluation preferred by students (evaluation by multiple-choice test, true and false test, observation, written test, interview (face to face), evaluation of performance, and evaluation of portfolio). The results also showed that the teaching method preferred by students is the flipped learning method, where it received the highest frequency 1575 (96%); the evaluation method preferred by students is evaluation by multiple-choice, where it received the highest frequency 1623 (99%). The teaching method preferred by males and females is the flipped learning method; the evaluation method favored by males is the true and false test, and the multiple-choice test is the preferred evaluation method for females. According to the results, the researchers recommended that the faculty members of university colleges use the teaching and evaluation methods preferred by students.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated favorite methods of teaching and evaluation among students in university colleges, which constitutes a guide for faculty members in universities to focus on these methods, and makes the student the focus of the educational process, according to modern educational theories.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

21st Century Trend of Water Yield in River Basins of Guinea and Sudano-Sahelian Ecological Zones, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Climate Research

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In Nigeria, the climate in recent years has witnessed significant variability across the various ecological zones due to climate change. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyse the 21st century trend of water yield in river basins of Guinea and Sudano-Sahelian ecological zones, Nigeria. The data and computation were done using KNMI Climate Explorer. The coordinates of the basins were used to derive the annual and seasonal water yield. Projections were produced for near-term (2019-2048), mid-term (2049-2078) and long-term (2079-2100) using ensemble mean of CMIP5 under RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Findings revealed that water yield during dry season demonstrates decreasing range of (-0.05 to -0.1 mm/day). It was observed that the decrease were only significant for RCP8.5 but not under middle and low emission trajectories. As for wet season, it reveals significant increasing trends at 0.05 significant levels with respect to RCP8.5 but not significant in low and middle emission scenarios. Regional trend analysis of average annual water yields reveals no significant positive trends for all the RCPs. This is to say that despite the projected increasing pattern of average annual water yield observed over Guinea and Sudano-Sahelian ecological zones, incidences of water crisis cannot be ruled out.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper’s primary contribution is finding that river basins of Guinea and Sudano-Sahelian ecological zones of Nigeria will be significantly affected by the anthropogenic climate change at highest emission trajectory. The result can act as guidelines for strategic planning against water crisis as envisaged by the projection.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Climate Research » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Impact of Tourism Products Development on Osun Osogbo Sacred Grove and Badagry Slave Trade Relics

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Cultural heritage sites are considered as tourism magnates with social, cultural and economic values. Dearth of information on the perception of the visitors and the heritage managers on the impacts of development of tourism products has necessitated this research finding. The two heritage sites considered are of unique cultural values to Nigeria and the World. While Osun Osogbo Sacred Grove is listed on UNESCO Heritage List, Badagry Slave Trade Relics is a National Monument. Multiple research techniques employed in undertaken the study include field observation, questionnaire administration and Key Informant Interview. Total of 293 questionnaire were valid for descriptive analysis while the interview was subjected to thematic analysis. The field observation aids in identification of the tourism products complemented by knowledgeable source. Inferential statistics was used in testing the hypothesis. In-depth information on the tangible and intangible heritage resources into the study areas was revealed and documented. Identified tourism products were listed, categorized and their level of development were appraised. Demographic characteristics of the respondents and their perception on the impacts of tourism products were presented. Chi Square test shows that age, marital status, education, occupation and religion had significant relationship with total perception on tourism products development at P<0.01 and P<0.05. Research outcome will serve as blue print in the quest for appropriate model for sustainable tourism development in heritage sites. Heritage site managers, conservation administrators, tourists and other relevant stakeholders will benefit tremendously in the research output.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature on cultural heritage tourism with new methodology and formula. It is one of very few studies which have investigated impacts of tourism development on heritage resources with primary contribution to sustainable management. Perceptions of relevant stakeholders towards ensuring sustainable heritage resources management are documented.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Developing a Conceptual Model for Antecedents of Resistance to Change towards Sustainable Construction Practices

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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This study developed a conceptual model of antecedents of resistance to change behaviours among construction professionals and contractors towards sustainable construction practices in Nigeria. Survey data gathered through a questionnaire were analysed with the aid of Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) Software. Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r) and correlation significance test results revealed that human (r=0.973; p<.05), industry (r=0.996; p<.05), environment (r=0.984; p<.05), and policy (r=0.932; p<.05) factors were very strongly positively associated with resistance to change behaviours. Subsequently, a conceptual model of antecedents of resistance to change behaviours towards sustainable construction practices in Nigeria was empirically established. The correlation coefficient of determination result revealed that the direct effects of the conceptual model accounted for 94.67% of the variance in human factors, 99.20% of the variance in industry factors, 96.83% of the variance in environment factors, and 86.86% of the variance in policy factors. This suggested that professionals and contractors’ responses to change and resistance to change behaviours are accounting for a substantial proportion of the variance in any effort towards implementation of sustainable construction practices in Nigeria. Furthermore, this study highlighted the importance of multi-dimensionality of resistance to change and suggested that construction stakeholders should take note of these factors instead of general assumption where people tend to make judgments, based on observable behaviours. Finally, it recommended for rejuvenation of construction industry policies and integration of these factors that trigger behavioural resistance by the professionals and contractors in the sustainable construction practices policy intervention in Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributed to the emerging literature on rethinking the resistance to change behaviours of construction stakeholders from different perspectives, and particularly sustainable construction practices in Nigeria through empirical evidence based on conceptual model. It also provided theoretical support to antecedents of resistance to change behaviour towards sustainable construction practices.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Application of Geographic Information System to Select Dam Location for Hydropower

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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In recent years, it is known that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide fast and practical solutions in large research areas in the selection of dam locations. In the study, the dam points to be selected for the determination of the hydroelectric energy potential were determined by two different methods. In the first method, the head, precipitation, evaporation and flow characteristics of the basin were modeled by using Geographic Information System (GIS). This method, which provides a simple and fast solution, is based on the potential energy of water. The amount of potential energy to be produced in this method (100-200 kW; 200-400 kW, up to 0.5 MW) and its location, on main stream and on side stream in the basin is shown on the map. In the second method, the authors decided on the most suitable dam location from the points in the first method. While doing this, a model was used by considering factors such as flow potential, topography, valley status and geology, which are important in the choice of dam location. Then, the amount of annual energy to be produced from this dam, the cost of the dam and the self-amortization of the dam were calculated. As a result of the study, the cost of the dam is $ 2.39 million; annual energy production 2.17 GWH/year; the self-amortization time was calculated as 9.3 years.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by selecting dam sites and investigating the hydroelectric energy potential in Seydisuyu basin, Turkey. This study uses two different methodologies for dam site selection and calculation of hydroelectric energy potential.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

The Influence of the Maritime Learning Activities on the Development of Student Competencies: Case Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aims to test the impact of government commitment, curriculum development, and education and training, either directly or indirectly through school management and business actors' participation in maritime learning activities to develop student competencies. This research was conducted on junior high school students in grade IX obtained through random sampling techniques from five schools in five districts / cities. The total sample of students is 175 people. Data collection and information were conducted through questionnaire distribution techniques to student respondents, interviews with principals and teachers, and focus group discussions (FGD). Specifically, the questionnaire was administered before testing was performed to determine its validity and reliability using the help of the SPSS version 24.0 program. The questionnaire was processed and analyzed using SEM techniques with the Lisrel 2 version 8.70 program. The results show that variables of government commitment, curriculum development, education and training, both directly and indirectly through school management and business actors participation, have a positive effect on maritime learning activities. Furthermore, maritime learning activities have a positive impact on the development of students' competencies, especially in making career choices, developing entrepreneurial aspirations, and the love of marine life. On this basis, marine learning activities require attention to influence variables along with indicators that contribute to each of the variables studied. The development of marine competence requires supporting facilities, establishing cooperative relationships with parties outside of school, apprenticeship or training assistance, the availability of learning media (including digital technology as a source of knowledge, information, etc.).
Contribution/ Originality
This study is a unique attempt to examine the impact of variables like government commitment, curriculum development, and education and training maritime learning activities at two levels: first directly through school management and participation of business actors; second, indirectly by developing students’ competencies.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

How to Improve the Honesty of Students in Indonesia? Sufism-Based Islamic Education Model as An Alternative

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The phenomenon of dishonesty among Indonesian students is severe and frequent. The conventional lecture model to teach principles of ethics, morality and honesty is less reliable. A new and more effective model is needed. Sufism is a discipline of Islamic science that studies the inner dimension of man as an effort to approach God as closely as possible. In Sufism there are several core characteristics such as God is always felt to be present, zuhud, uzlah, and qana`ah. The research aims to produce a model of Islamic education based on Sufism to increase students’ honesty. The research took place in two universities in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. In each university, three experimental classes (200 students) used the Sufism-based education model, while the other three classes (control class) used the conventional model (200 students). The study material as well as number of sessions (six times face to face) on honesty for the two classes was the same. The difference was that the experimental class was taught honesty through Sufism based principles, while the control class studied through the conventional method different from Sufism. The research method was quasi-experimental as before and after six lectures, we tested both classes with a pre-test and a post-test. The result was an increase in scores in both groups but the experimental group scored much higher than the control one. The implication is that the Islamic education model based on Sufism is proven to be more effective than the conventional education model in increasing students’ honesty.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the pioneering studies to show that the principles of Sufism can be used to teach honesty to Indonesian students. The main principles of Sufism are dhikr (feeling God's presence and remembering Him), zuhûd (oriented to the afterlife), ?uzlah (ready to do right/honestly even though alone), and qana?ah (feeling satisfied with the sustenance that God has given, much or little).
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Evaluation and Analysis of Cruise Tourism Developing Strategies in Shandong, China

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Cruise tourism in China brings many tourism benefits to the local area. However, the cruise tourism market is facing a slowdown in growth. Based on the current situation of the cruise tourism market in China, this paper uses the PEST embedded SWOT analysis method to analyze the Chinese cruise tourism market and explore the potential problems to promote its growing. The findings are, in addition to the construction of dedicated cruise terminal as soon as possible, perfecting the relevant supporting facilities, the basis of Shandong diversification, innovation should be encouraged to attract qualified international cruise lines or investment developers cruise homeport development and construction, and take unified development pattern of the construction of the wharf and the surrounding areas, with other facilities earnings in its terminal yield, improve the enthusiasm of enterprise construction of pier. In summary, the improvement of the cruise industry service chain, the training of cruise professionals, the optimization of cruise tourism products, and the specific policy recommendations for the role of the cruise industry association are all discussed.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated cruise tourism developing strategies in Shandong, china. This paper uses the PEST embedded SWOT analysis method to analyze the Chinese cruise tourism market and explore the potential problems to promote its growing.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Influence of Information Technology towards the Development Economics of SMEs in Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Technology continues to develop rapidly and creates an impact on the economic field. SMEs are increasing at a rapid pace because of the spread and increase in the number of prospective consumers who are influenced by promotion in marketing. With this online marketing strategy, one can find SMEs are able to sell their products. This study aims to identify the influence of information technology with Capture, Processing, Result, Save, Retrieve, and Transmission indicators on the economic development of SMEs in Indonesia. This sequential explanatory mixture method uses two stages of data collection, namely quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative data was collected through surveys with 127 respondents who are SMEs entrepreneurs. The qualitative data was gathered by interviewing 30 informants who have SMEs in the fields of food and beverage, fashion, and handicraft. The results of this study indicate that there is a dimension of information technology that affects the economy of SMEs in conducting sales activities. The impact is seen in the positive results of indicators of Capture, Processing, Result, Save, Retrieve, and Transmission. Then, descriptive results show that with r values capturing (0,78), processing (0,77), result (0,79), save (0,78), retrieve (0,80), and transmission (0,80).
Contribution/ Originality
This research is one of the few studies that have investigated the influence of information technology on the development of SMEs in Indonesia when viewed from the capture, processing, result, save, retrieve, and transmission indicators.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Wastage of School Material Resources and Secondary School System Effectiveness: Evidence from a Survey in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study was undertaken to assess the causal effects of the wastage of school material resources and school system effectiveness in secondary schools in Cross River State of Nigeria. A survey was conducted using a sample of 1,480 respondents (271 principals, 396 vice principals, and 813 teachers. Data were collected through two instruments Wastage of School Material Resources Questionnaire (WSMRQ) designed by the researchers, validated by three experts, and with Cronbach alpha reliability of .895; School System Effectiveness Scale (SSES) designed and validated psychometrically by Bassey, Owan, and Eze (2019) with Cronbach reliability values of .982, .983, and .930 for the three sub-scales, and a reliability coefficient of .941 for the overall instrument. Descriptive statistics and structural equation modelling were employed in analysing collected data. Findings of the study revealed that school material resources are wasted in different and numerous ways. Some of these ways are significant while others are not. Teaching equipment that are wasted in schools include manuals, desks, workbooks, charts, projectors, playgrounds, drawing books, chalks, textbooks, laboratories, chalkboard/whiteboards, markers, handbooks, and computers. It was discovered also that wastage of school farm resources, buildings, and teaching equipment have a direct significant but negative effect on the effectiveness of schools, accounting for 17% of the total variance in the effectiveness of the school. It was concluded, that increment in the wastage of school material resources will cause the effectiveness of schools to decline. The implication of the finding of this study is discussed for global best practices.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by being the first to used a structural equation modelling (SEM) approach to analyse the direct and indirect effects of the wastage of school material resources on school system effectiveness.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

The Uniqueness of Flipped Learning Approach

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Pedagogical changes and adaptation of new models in teaching and learning should be considered as a means to develop a nation. One of the most popular growing models is flipped learning. Flipped learning is widely used all over the world in the teaching of different fields and subjects. It promotes meaningful learning, more student-centered rather than teacher-centered and is commonly aided with technological equipment such as pre-recorded videos, mobile apps or simply watching videos on YouTube before coming to the class. This paper reviews the level of participants, methodological approaches and the discipline of flipped learning research based on nineteen selected articles published in 2015 until 2019. The inductive content analysis examined the participants’ level, the methodological approaches used in conducting their research as well as the field of the research. Data was analyzed using descriptive analysis. The findings suggested that flipped learning is a great approach to be applied in the classroom regardless of the field of the study. It also could be an effective teaching method in the 21st century of education.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper’s main objective was to find out the common areas that researchers look at when conducting a study which is the target population, methodologies and research areas. The findings can be used by educators and stakeholders in implementing flipped learning in their institutions.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Predicting Reflective thinking among Saudi Elementary School Teachers in Riyadh Public Schools

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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One of the educational objectives of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 is to develop students who are creative and critical thinkers. The present study thus examined Saudi elementary teachers’ reflective thinking, based on the ideas that teachers who possess reflective thinking will have direct influence on their students’ thinking, and that reflective thinking is closely related to critical and creative thinking. The study looked at four variables, lifelong learning, self-awareness, self-belief, and teaching awareness, testing each variable’s influence on teachers’ reflective thinking skills. The study adopted and utilized the instrument of reflective thinking developed by Choy, Yim, and Tan (2017) creating a survey to examine these relationships. The study found that only two of the constructs, teaching awareness and self-awareness, have a significant relationship with reflective thinking. Self-belief and lifelong learning were found to have no significant relationship with reflective thinking. The results suggest that it is necessary to incorporate activities and practices that foster reflective thinking into teacher preparation programs. It is suggested to conduct further research in order to identify what factors influence teachers’ reflective thinking and to compare teachers of different students’ ages.
Contribution/ Originality
This research is one the very few studies that investigated reflective thinking among female Saudi teachers. The findings of the study revealed the current stage of reflective thinking among elementary teachers in Saudi Arabia. The Ministry of Education and teacher educators can use these data to re-evaluate teacher training programs and provide in-service teachers with training programs to practice reflective thinking. In addition, the research report pointed out that Saudi Arabia has limited research sources in this field and needs to be expanding on it.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Assessing the Soft Skills Needs of Teacher Education Students

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The current study was undertaken to assess the soft skills needs of student teachers at Kuwait University, which led to the authors developing a two-part Likert-type questionnaire. The first part covered 49 soft skills categorized into five skills dimensions: employability, study, social, self-control, and problem-solving. The second part included five different approaches to acquiring soft skills. The results reveal that the medium–high level of need among the respondents for all 49 soft skills and their preference for all 5 acquisition approaches. These findings in the Kuwaiti context correspond to those of similar studies conducted in different locations, which indicates geographical consistency in the soft skills needs of college students. It is thus recommended that future research should focus on investigating the most effective approaches to acquiring soft skills.
Contribution/ Originality
The current study’s primary contribution is revealing that the real need among college students for acquiring the required soft skills. In addition, the consistency between the results this and similar studies in other countries can inform future research into college and teacher education.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Factors Associated with Under-Performance of Accounting Students: Evidence from a Nigerian Public University

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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There is a need to introduce corrective measures for accountants to improve their performance. Due to technical incompetence of accounting graduates, most industries are reluctant to hire fresh accounting graduates, because the anticipated practical knowledge is apparently missing and performance does not correlate with the degree they possess. The fundamental reason behind this challenge is students’ ineptness to cope with the rigorous activities associated with accounting courses while undergoing their training. This study examines the underlying factors connected with students’ failing to acquire accounting competencies. The study used a survey approach to sample the opinion of 217 final year accounting students of 2019-2020 session of a Nigerian public university who had failed an accounting course at least once. The same approach was applied while collecting information from the lecturers whose courses were repeated by the students at any level of this program. The structured questionnaire helped to capture the psychological issues connected with information processing challenges and other encounters linked with procrastination. The study finds evidence that class absenteeism, lack of commitment to studies, phone and social media addiction, choice of career by parents, lack of team work, lack of study materials, poor mathematical and accounting background, failure to do assignments, short duration of learning period, poor rate of assimilation, lack of retentive memory, and family and personal challenges contribute immensely to the students underperformance in accounting courses. The study recommends extra classes for students at risk of failure and government support for improved educational system in the country.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is a first of its kind to study the causes of failure of the accounting students in a school of higher learning in a Nigerian Public University. While focusing on students that experienced the failure and on the lecturers whose courses were repeated, this experienced based study makes a pioneering effort to offer solutions in order to minimize repeated future occurrence.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Towards a Proposal of a Local Authority Model Based on the Systemic Approach

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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As a result of the evolution of our societies, several types of organizations have emerged. They were designed to meet specific needs. Therefore, each organization has its own purpose and missions. Consequently, these organizations have developed interactions and interconnections in order to achieve their goals. This concerns both public and private organizations. If public and private organizations share the quest of efficiency, public organizations have additional missions which consist of pursuing the common interest. However, modern era which is qualified as instable and uncertain, makes organizations’ everyday life becomes more complex and unpredictable. Hence the need for understanding these organizations in order to know how they work, to make a diagnosis and provide an analysis of them. This is particularly true for local authorities, since they have been connected to many internal and external stakeholders, they have been managed by a dual structure combining elected politicians and administrative staff; they have been in charge of many functions including: ensuring local development, guaranteeing citizens’ well-being, and providing higher quality services with lower cost. Given their nature and the complexity of their role, modeling this organization becomes a necessity. In this perspective, this paper aims to propose a model of a local authority using Kast and Rosenzweig (1985) and Meinadier (1998) models. Both of those are largely based on Von Bertalanffy's systems theory commonly known as systemic approach. Results show that local authority is an open, complex, and dynamic socio-technical system which is exposed to a wide typology of risks.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature related to public administration and especially local authorities. It proposes a new formula to grasp and understand local authorities by introducing new variables such as time and space evolution. This makes local authority an open, complex, and dynamic socio-technical exposed to risks.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1