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Listing 125 - 20 of 2809 results.

Impact of Teaching Critical Thinking Tasks for Enhancing Paragraph Writing Performance of EFL Learners

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Critical thinking tasks can be useful in teaching and learning foreign or second languages, but they can be something innovative for some learning and teaching contexts. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore how EFL learners behave toward these tasks. 42 non-English majors were recruited for the study. They were divided into two groups: experimental and control. Only the experimental group benefited from the application of critical thinking tasks to writing paragraphs. Both groups were engaged in learning how to write paragraphs in English for 15 weeks. The study mainly employed the pretest, posttest, the questionnaire and six treatment lesson plans to collect data. The result revealed that critical thinking tasks empowered these EFL learners in their paragraph writing. The experimental group had more significant enhancement. The result obtained from the questionnaire also indicated that most of the EFL learners had a positive attitude toward the use of critical thinking tasks supporting their paragraph writing. They also showed their satisfaction when they applied critical thinking tasks in their writing classes. Some implications were given for both language teachers and EFL students about the importance of applying critical thinking tasks to developing and teaching writing. Some recommendations for further research in the future were also discussed.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated a group of Vietnamese – speaking learners of English by applying critical thinking tasks in paragraph writing. This study attempts to fill the gap in the domain of writing skills, which though emphasized upon linguistic features but deemphasized the critical thinking aspect which positively influences EFL learners in their writing performance.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

Innovation Efforts in the Face of Institutional Obstacles in Latin America

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Among scholars, politicians and practitioners, innovation has become a priority. However, a consensus and convergence have yet to be reached in the literature regarding the factors that determine innovation efforts at the firm level regarding developing countries. Thus, the general aim was to gauge to what extent rapid internationalization and relational triggers enable a potential for innovation efforts in companies from Latin American countries faced with the perception of the gravity of institutional obstacles. In methodological terms, a database of the World Bank (Environment Surveys) was used, with 14,064 companies from 20 Latin American countries, with responses to question related to their innovation efforts. Unprecedented contributions were collected, as this was the first time that the perception of the gravity of institutional obstacles was jointly and empirically evaluated, together with evidence of rapid internationalization and the use of relational triggers, to explain innovation efforts, considering many firms from Latin American companies. This work also provides some clues about the potentializing effect of rapid internationalization in the relationship between institutional obstacles and innovation efforts. The main results allow a better understanding about inter- and intra-group analyses, demonstrating in which groups of Latin American company’s innovation efforts are more significant and distinctive, and therefore require pro-market and pro-internationalization public policies.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that what extent rapid internationalization and relational triggers potentialize the innovation efforts of Latin American companies regarding the perception of the gravity of institutional obstacles.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 02-2021 Issue: 2

Halal Food in Tourism: Exploring the Factors that Influence Halal Food Selection among Travelers

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Halal industry has been commercialized by the Malaysian government for many years, and Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) is part of the Malaysian government initiatives to facilitate the growth of Halal industry whereby it has been successfully stimulating Malaysian halal products in locally and globally. Although there were lots of effort taken by the Malaysian government in commercializing the Halal food and brand, the consciousness of consuming the Halal food is still imprecise especially among the young Muslim consumers. Muslims’ consciousness in seeking for the availability of Halal food while travelling is not in satisfactory phase when there are some of the Muslims were found to avoid religious attributes such as having Halal food when travelling to a destination. Thus, this study aims to investigate the factors influence Halal food selection among Muslim youth while traveling. A total of 384 respondents of Malaysian Muslim youth consumers were participated in this research. The data was analyzed by using IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21 through several analyses such as descriptive analysis, frequency analysis and Pearson correlation analysis. Results of this study indicated that religious beliefs, health reasons, and Halal logo and certificate affect Halal food selection among Muslim youth. This study provide several implication for the Muslim consumers to be conscious of the Halal logo and certificate presence before making selection in buying food products.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by discovering the factors that influence Halal food selection among travelers and identifies the relationship between the three factors (Religious Belief, Health Reasons and Halal Logo Certificate) with Halal Food Selection among Malaysian Muslim youth while traveling.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Assessment of Mental Health of Undergraduate Students Based on Age: A Bayesian Ordinal Quantile Regression Approach

Research Article
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research

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The traditional frequentist quantile regression makes minimal assumptions that accommodate errors that are not normal given that the response variable (y) is continuous even in Bayesian framework. However inference on these models where y is not continuous proves to be challenging particularly when the response variable is an ordinal data. This paper portrays the idea of Bayesian quantile estimation on ordinal data. This method utilizes the latent variable inferential framework. Estimation was done using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation with Gibbs sampler where the cut points were set ahead of time and remained fixed all through the analysis. The method was applied in a mental health study of University undergraduate students. Investigations of the model exemplify the practical utility of Bayesian ordinal quantile models. In this paper we were able to investigate the mental health state of undergraduate students at different points in the distribution of their ages. Our findings show that the age of the students has a significant effect on their mental health. The results revealed that at 25th, 50th and 75th quantiles the ages had a negative effect on their mental health while at the 95th quantile the effect was positive. This study was able to show that older undergraduate students are more mentally equipped to withstand the stress of higher learning in the University.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is to apply Bayesian ordinal quantile regression to mental health analysis. The study utilized the Gibbs sampler with fixed cut-points. It portrayed insight to the effect of age on the mental health of undergraduate students at different points on the age distribution.
Economics » Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Factors Influencing the Development of Entrepreneurship Competency in Vocational High School Students: A Case Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This paper aims to explain the factors that influence entrepreneurship education in shaping the development of entrepreneurship competency in vocational high school (SMK) students. The study was conducted in 4 (four) district / city locations, with each location represented by 3 (three) schools (2 public and 1 private). Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to 300 students, with only 247 were returned. Analysis of the study was conducted using SEM technique with the Lisrel 87.0 program. The results showed that Entrepreneurship education (EED) in secondary and vocational schools positively affected collaborative learning (SLC) and the development of student entrepreneurship competencies (SECD). Entrepreneurship education itself is influenced by the competency factors of school principals' competencies (PEC), entrepreneurship training (ETR), and the participation of business and industry players (BIP). The problem that is still faced is how to arouse students' interest in making the field of entrepreneurship the foundation of life after completing their education. Students no longer expect to get jobs from the formal sector (government and private), but are independent, creative, innovative, and initiatives to create jobs from the entrepreneurial sector. For this reason, entrepreneurship education is needed by paying attention to and emphasizing the strength of the indicators of each variable found in this study, including: fostering cooperation with the business and industrial world, training in production and marketing, organizing teaching factories, supporting experts, teacher competencies in learning entrepreneurship, and utilization of local potential.
Contribution/ Originality
Massive entrepreneurship education needs to be carried out to solve the problem of unemployment. For this reason, it is necessary to understand the factors that influence and the strength of the indicators for each of these factors, so that a systematic and effective strategy can be formulated in the implementation of entrepreneurship education, especially for vocational students.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Bacillus Species Isolated from Fermented Parkia biglobosa (IRU) and Ricinus communis (OGIRI)- African Traditionally Fermented Food Condiments

Research Article
Journal: The Asia Journal of Applied Microbiology

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Fermented food condiments are essential parts of the diet of various cultures in different part of the world. Iru and ogiri are locally produced food condiments in Nigeria made from locust beans (Parkia biglobosa) and castor oil seeds (Ricinus communis) respectively. An attempt was therefore made in this study to isolate and characterize different Bacillus species from the condiments samples as well as investigate the antibacterial and antioxidant properties of some selected Bacillus species. Five Bacillus species were isolated from the condiment samples using standard methods, in-vitro antibacterial activity of Bacillus species was carried out using the agar well diffusion method. The broth dilution technique was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration of Bacillus species while thin layer chromatography technique was employed to identify a metabolite produced by B. subtilis. The predominant Bacillus species isolated from ogiri were: B. mycoides and B. subtilis; iru pete: B. mycoides, B. licheniformis while B. brevis and B. licheniformis were the predominant Bacillus species isolated from iru woro. The results of the antibacterial activity of the selected Bacillus species revealed that the following organisms OGA3, IWA3, IWB5, IPI3, OGB3, IPB3 and IPH3 showed the following zones of inhibition against: Escherichia coli (0mm, 16mm, 0mm, 13mm, 0mm, 14mm and 0mm); Corynebacterium diphtheriae (0mm, 0mm, 0mm, 20mm, 17mm, 0mm and 0mm); Proteus mirabilis (0mm, 17mm, 16mm, 20mm, 23mm, 18mm, and 19mm) while Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae showed the same zones of inhibition (0mm, 0mm, 0mm, 0mm, 0mm, 0mm, and 0mm). IWA3 and IPI3 exhibited MIC of 3.7mg/ml against E. coli; IPI3 showed MIC of 2.5mg/ml against C. diphtheriae, IWA3 and IWB5 exhibited MIC of 2.5mg/ml against P. mirabilis. No MIC was recorded for S. aureus and K. pneumoniae. Nevertheless, only IWA3 showed minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 3.5mg/ml and 3.7mg/ml against E.coli and P.mirabilis respectively. OGB3 and IPB5 exhibited 65.80% and 27.52% antioxidant activity while the reducing power was recorded as 0.683 and 0.309 . In addition, OGB3 produced a metabolite known as iturin which is a strong anti-fungal agent. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Bacillus species isolated from condiment samples can be used as an antimicrobial agent against P. mirabilis as they showed higher zones of inhibition than the control antibiotic (gentamycin). In addition, OGB3 (B. subtilis isolated from ogiri) can also serve as a potential biopreservative in foods.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that metabolites produced by food grade Bacillus species are sources of natural bioactive compounds with antibacterial and antioxidant properties which helps to promote the health of individuals consuming foods produced with these microorganisms when employed as starter cultures during fermentation.
Biological Sciences » The Asia Journal of Applied Microbiology » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Analyzing the Impact of Eco-Innovation on Carbon Emissions Abatement: Evidence from OECD Countries

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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This present study aimed to assess the impact of eco-innovation on carbon emission abatement in OECD countries. However, 34 OECD countries were sampled in a panel to carefully understand the phenomenon. The data for the study were sourced from OECD database and World Bank’s World Development Indicators from 2005 to 2018. Numerous econometric approaches were followed to arrive the conclusion of this study. Econometric approaches such as unit root rests, correlation matrix, cointegration test, Granger causality test, ordinary least square regression method, and fully modified ordinary least square regression method. The findings of the study suggest that eco-innovation could positively and negatively impact carbon emission abatement regarding the kind of proxy used. From the findings, it was realised that energy intensity, and patents positively impact carbon emission abatement, hence a percentage point increase in energy intensity could lead to an increase in carbon emission by 0.677% and 0.705% while a percentage increase in patent could also lead to 0.073% and 0.087% of carbon emission, respectively. On the other hand, research and development expenditure seemingly contribute to carbon emission abatement, where a percentage point increase in research and development expenditure could lead to 0.032% carbon emission abatement. This implies that increase in real income could encourage research and development and reduce energy intensity. Moreover, to ensure low carbon economy, conservation policies that support reduction in energy intensity, strengthening of environmental regulations, and improving research and development should be encouraged.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature, and assessed the impact of eco-innovation on carbon emission abatement in OECD countries. The findings of the study suggest that eco-innovation could positively and negatively impact carbon emission abatement regarding the kind of proxy used.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Explaining Electricity Tariffs in Kenya

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Kenya has been struggling with increasing electricity tariffs. Several regulatory reforms introduced in the sector have not succeeded in lowering the electricity tariffs necessitating the need to investigate the push factors of tariffs. This study explained electricity tariffs by exploring the drivers of Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) tariffs and the scale of operation of KPLC. Using cost time series data from KPLC for the period 1986 to 2016 and Autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL) an average cost function for KPLC was estimated. The results indicated average tariffs of electricity increased with price of labour and system losses and decreased with output and system load factor. KPLC was found to be enjoying economies of scale and density. Transmission and distribution of power should therefore be retained as a natural monopoly. The Government of Kenya should continue reforming power supply to reduce the system losses and price of labour. Incentives aimed at increasing the system load factor such as special tariffs should be introduced.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by estimating the drivers of KPLC tariffs and scale of operation. The findings will be useful in determining revenue requirements, setting efficiency targets and in future yardstick regulation for transmission and distribution utilities.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 02-2021 Issue: 2

Estimating the Extreme Temperature Occurrence Over Pakistan Using Interannual and Interdecadal Temperature Variation and Teleconnections During 1901-2018

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Climate Research

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Temperature changes across Asia have significant impacts on human livelihoods and habitats through their impacts on drought, irrigation, water availability, vegetation, and agriculture. The spread of South Asian temperatures is characterised by a heavy seasonality across most of the subcontinent. This research focuses on the interpretation of temperatures and disturbances occurring in this part of the South Asian zone and their association with sea surface temperature (SST). Data from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) and data from the SST (1901-2018) were obtained from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The findings reveal that the years from 1901 to 1945 begin to look cooler, becoming less cool as we pass into the 1950s, and rapid warming over the last few decades, both of which show the last decade to be the warmest, particularly since 1980. The findings also demonstrate that there is more warming over land than over oceans because water is slower to consume and emit heat (thermal inertia).
Contribution/ Originality
This study assesses the warming occurring in the south Asian zone and global sea surface temperature over the last few decades, the warming is more rapidly over land than over oceans.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Climate Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Human Resource Development Practices at the Crossroads: A Performance Review of Higher Educational Academics in East African Universities

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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Right at the outset, this paper provides the reader with precise and valuable evidence alluding to the failure of the Human Resource (HR) functions in shaping work performance of academics in Higher Education (HE) context. While it is a truism that the eminence of a university cannot outmatch that of its academic staff and that the survival of any institution lies in its ability to nurture, coach, and retain its workforce, on the contrary, practice seems to suggest otherwise. Troubled by this uncertainty, the researchers were compelled to investigate why despite huge investment in HR functions; academic staff performance is still unconvincing. Why career development and training plans that are set out to retool academic staff are regarded as simplistic, unfocused, and pointless. Why HR officers in academic institutions across the region seem uncoordinated and less bothered. The available body of literature accompanied by a staked pile of statistics do not tone down to these questions, in fact, it is appropriate to claim that, HRD is one of the areas that are widely studied and least understood at the same time. These among other gaps both in theory and practice gave birth to this study. Findings of this study revealed that whereas HRD practices have a positive impact on work performance of academic staff, practice seems to distance itself from this reality. Key informants consistently maintained that while it is true that employee training, and career development significantly predict work performance, in real sense, most HR officers seem unaware of this reality.
Contribution/ Originality
This study compelled to investigate why despite huge investment in HR functions; academic staff performance is still unconvincing. Why career development and training plans that are set out to retool academic staff are regarded as simplistic, unfocused, and pointless. Why HR officers in academic institutions across the region seem uncoordinated and less bothered.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Hidden Motivation for Knowledge Sharing Behavior and Organizational Recognition: The Moderating Role of Need for Status

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study aims to examine the relationship between the hidden motives for sharing knowledge, organizational recognition and the moderating role of the need for status. The survey data was collected from 798 employees through convenient sampling from public sector organizations in Fiji. The findings revealed that the need for status significantly moderated the relationship between hidden motives to share knowledge and organizational recognition. In congruence with the costly signaling theory (CST), the study identified an underlying motive that can motivate individuals to proactively engage in sharing valued resources to gain social prestige and self-recognition. The findings also revealed that by sharing highly valued resources individuals maintained social status and at the same time earned preferential treatment in the organization. As such, this became our major contribution to the existing literature on knowledge management. Finally, this study brings a new dimension to unleashing the hidden motivation of knowledge sharing behavior through the individual need for status and the real benefit of managing individuals in an organization. Organizations can effectively create a work context that would encourage more proactive knowledge sharing behavior and also set a platform for the fulfillment of the individual need for status. Moreover, it becomes the responsibility of leaders to elicit belief in individuals that efforts made to share knowledge is highly valuable and distinguishable, and any cost incurred will not be wasted. The limitations and suggestions for further research are also discussed.
Contribution/ Originality
This is one of the few studies that sheds light on costly signaling theory to explain how an individual's hidden motivation to share knowledge can be unleashed through the need for status beyond self-sacrificing behavior.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

Research on the Construction and Application of Chinese Enterprises Overseas Port Investment Confidence Index Based on D-S Evidence Theory

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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After the "One Belt, One Road" strategy was proposed, China's overseas port investment has developed rapidly. In order to help Chinese port companies reduce their investment risks, this article provides help and suggestions for Chinese companies’ overseas port investments by establishing a port investment confidence index system. This article has established a port investment confidence index system, covering four aspects: economic scale, external links, internal vitality and institutional quality. Then, through DS evidence theory, using the subjective weights obtained from the questionnaire survey and the objective weights calculated from the data obtained from each database query to evaluate some countries along the “Belt and Road” route to prove the rationality and operability of the indicator system designed in this article And provide advice and assistance for Chinese companies’ overseas port investment. Based on the subjective weights obtained in this article, Chinese companies are more inclined to invest in economies with better internal economic development and a sound institutional environment. By comparing the objective weights of income, this paper finds that when companies invest in economies with a higher degree of development, they pay more attention to the impact of the business environment of the economy when they invest in economies with a higher degree of development. Low-level economies will give priority to the profitability and development prospects of ports when investing.
Contribution/ Originality
This article has established a port investment confidence index system, covering four aspects: economic scale, external links, internal vitality and institutional quality.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 02-2021 Issue: 2

Assessing Access to Comprehensive HIV Treatment Services for Men Who Have Sex with Men and Female Sex Workers in the Bamenda Health District

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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Having access to quality health and specifically access to comprehensive HIV treatment services is a human right for everyone irrespective of age, sex, gender and sexual orientation. The main objective of this research was to investigate the determinants of access to HIV treatment for Female Sex Workers and Men Having sex with Men in the Bamenda Health district. Specifically, the study aimed at investigating the drivers of non-accessibility to HIV treatment services for Men having sex with Men and Female sex workers and also to scrutinize the drivers of non-accessibility to HIV treatment services for Men having sex with Men and Female sex workers in the Bamenda Health district. To assess treatment access, 20 and 25 questionnaires were administered to HIV positive FSW and MSM respectively. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square, Bivariate and Multivariate regressions. The descriptive analysis showed that 44.0% and 65% of MSM and FSW respectively have access to HIV treatment services. MSM and FSW with lower incomes face economic barriers though higher incomes at some point for the VIP FSW are instead a barrier to access CBOs for services. Another barrier to treatment is long distance to health facility for MSM as those who live further away are less likely to access HIV treatment services. Long waiting time at health facility was also found to be significant and hence a barrier to treatment access. None of the demographic factors were significant for FSW and MSM. Thus for access to be effective, actors should take these key issues into consideration.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the determinants of access to HIV treatment for Female Sex Workers and Men Having sex with Men in Cameroon while employing descriptive statistics, Chi-square, Bivariate and Multivariate regressions.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

The Promise and Reality of Public Sector Reform – A Case Study of the Implementation of Trinidad and Tobagos Health Sector Reform

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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This research examines the relationship between control mechanisms selected for use by central governments during the implementation of public sector reform and the successful implementation of said reform. This investigation is carried out in light of a case study, namely Trinidad and Tobago’s health sector reform. Previous research either offers a descriptive account of what conditions are necessary for perfect implementation or focuses on the debate between top-down and bottom-up approach supporters in terms of controlling implementation. Drawing on both sets of literature, this study goes further by offering insights into the importance of government control over public sector reform implementation by contributing a fresh perspective to existing research – recognition that the actions of the central government can constitute more important explanations for the outcome of public sector reform than those of the implementers. This paper presents relevant interdependent elements needed for determining what type of control mechanisms should be used to control implementing bodies, which include central acceptance of delegated tasks, balance between control and discretion, clear roles and performance goals that accurately reflect policy intent, objective measurement and effective monitoring, and a simple implementation structure. It is found that control mechanisms need to be planned and performed in light of the intent and performance goals of the reform in order for said reform to be successful. These findings provide policymakers with knowledge on how control mechanisms can be better employed in order to improve the performance of the public sector under the reform.
Contribution/ Originality
This study provides an original investigation into how governments can better select and employ control mechanisms during policy implementation to improve the performance of public sectors under reform. It further demonstrates that central governments actions constitute more significant explanations for outcomes of public sector reform than those of its implementers.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Cross-Time-Frequency Analysis of Volatility Interdependence among Stock and Currency Markets

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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Volatility transmission between stock markets and currency markets is an ongoing debate in the pertinent literature. However, the majority of the previous studies have used only daily data with a limited sample. This study aims to fill this gap by identifying how sample stock markets and currencies play the role of volatility transmitter and receiver, particularly on an intraday basis. To this end, this research detects volatility interdependencies among various stock markets and currencies using five major stock indices and six major currency pairs. The results for daily and intraday frequencies are quite disparate. In particular, the results signify that the transmission of volatility from currency markets to stock markets is much stronger on an intraday basis. The results also indicate a strengthening of the volatility transmission and spillover interdependence among stock markets on a daily basis. These results may be ascribed to the continuous trading mechanism of these markets, which in turn allows the news to impact these markets first, which then transmit it to stock markets. The findings obtained also imply that intraday price fluctuations in major currencies should be closely tracked to monitor intraday volatility patterns in stock markets.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated volatility interdependencies among various stock markets and currencies by utilising daily and intraday data simultaneously. The findings are also unique signifying that the transmission of volatility from currency markets to stock markets is much stronger on an intraday basis.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Microcontroller Based Solar Tracking System Design and Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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In the era of ever-rising demands of electrical energy, the concerns related to scarcity and environmental damages associated with the application of fossil fuels have increased. Renewable energy resources have proved to be a blessing. With their world-class ability to produce zero greenhouse emissions and diversifying the energy supply in turn reducing the dependency on fossil fuels, renewable energy resources have been gaining quite a lot of popularity in the electricity generation sector. Aiming to create a more well developed, efficient, and reliable system, this paper focuses on the concept of employing the best possible application of the most abundant source of energy - Solar Energy. The system is based on mechanically tracking the position of the Sun and orienting the Solar Panel with respect to the Sun’s radiation for achieving the maximum output by incorporating the application of Microcontroller. The proposed system focuses on the design and simulation of a Microcontroller-based solar tracking system on Proteus 8 professional software. The paper also incorporates the concept of ‘Grid-connected Photovoltaic systems’ as a dominant phenomenon and advancement for increasing the efficiency of the solar tracking system.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated solar tracking system using PIC microcontroller as an effective tracking mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the solar energy system. Further, grid-connected photovoltaic systems are found to be effective in utilizing the output produced from the solar energy system.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Internal Audit Quality and Disclosure on Risk Management and Internal Control

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Disclosure and transparency are essential for informed decision-making. Timely reporting and accurate financial information including risk related information are key facets of investor protection and market confidence. This study examines the impact of internal audit quality on disclosure on risk management and internal control. The empirical evidence is gathered using data extracted from the annual report of 200 listed companies in 2017. Results indicate that higher internal audit quality significantly and positively enhances greater disclosure on risk management and internal control. Other characteristics such as firm size, firm liquidity, and audit firm size were further analyzed and found that those characteristics were not significantly related to the disclosure on risk management and internal control. Hence, this study provides empirical evidence on the likelihood of internal audit quality in facilitating the oversight duties of the audit committee and the board with regards to greater disclosure on risk management and internal control.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by examining the impact of internal audit quality on disclosure on risk management and internal control.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 3

Decision Making of Charity Fund Allocation: Evidence from Hong Kong

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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This article aims to study the financial decision-making mechanism by charity funding organizations in Hong Kong using case study approach. As charitable resources are limited, social return on investment (SROI) has become a commonly accepted approach by charity foundation trustees. Lo Kwee Seong Foundation in Hong Kong is one family supported charity foundation to exercise such kind of charity funding decision-making mechanism. Funding principles and project selection guidelines were first illustrated. Professional screening and selection processes were also detailed. Then three approved funding proposals and another three rejected funding proposals were illustrated to demonstrate the considerations when the Foundation handled the funding decision process. These cases provided evidences to explain practical issues of how SROI contributed to the charity fund allocation decision. Impacts of other non-financial, especially behavioral decision-making concerns were illustrated. Limitations of the case study approach were also discussed to reflect the practical concerns in company finance data collection.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first logical analysis of the implementation of social return on investment (SROI) for financial decision-making in charity funding organizations in Hong Kong. A case studies of both successful and unsuccessful projects have been deployed to investigate the phenomena within the real-life context.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

The Influence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreaks on Tourists Destination Choice

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Little information about the impact of pandemic/epidemic on tourist's choice of destination. The current study aims to investigate the impact of six factors following the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on a sample of 504 Saudis who had a domestic /international travel experience was utilized to collect the data throughout the online survey. While respondents of the research display a high self-efficacy on travel, they demonstrate a moderate perception of tourism services, perception of susceptibility, perception of travel risk, a panic of crisis in destination, and perception of tourism activities in the destination. The finding of the study shows some significant differences between genders on perception of these six dimensions. The results express that even after the ban is lifted, Saudi tourists perceive domestic travel as risky as international travel. Females appear to be more travel avoidance than males because of the outbreak of (COVID-19) pandemic. In addition, females appear to have a higher panic of dying because of having coronavirus disease (COVID-19) during international and domestic travel.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies investigating the effect of coronavirus COVID-19 on a tourist's income as the main factor in choosing a destination, using conservation resource theory, and providing practical implications to tourism hospitality business for reopening the after the COVID-19.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Think-Aloud Strategy: Improving Reading Comprehension in an Online Context

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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In response to the pandemic spread of COVID-19, universities all over the world have shifted to e-teaching. The Department of English, Mustaqbal University, College of Administration and Humanities, Saudi Arabia, used the Microsoft Teams App for teaching all courses in virtual classrooms. However, reading as a receptive skill, was difficult to teach remotely because it was not so interactive for a teacher to know whether the students have performed the assigned tasks or not. Therefore, there was a need to search for a strategy that could be integrated while using technology to help EFL students improve their reading comprehension. This strategy was think-aloud strategy which could potentially make use of participants’ mental data while interpreting and responding to a text. During reading, this strategy is capable of making the mental processing covert showing direct evidence of internal reading processes. A quasi-experimental design with an experimental group and a control group was used to determine the effectiveness of this think-aloud strategy in improving the reading comprehension of 72 EFL female students majoring in English, Business, and Law. Moreover, the study also explored the instructors’ and the students’ perceptions towards this strategy. Results indicated that all participants viewed the think-aloud strategy very positively. The study recommends adopting a highly customized think-aloud strategy to facilitate readers’ comprehension.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which used the think-aloud strategy to improve reading comprehension of printed texts – non-digital literacy – remotely in an emergency; without advance preparation for many obstacles such as infrastructure problems, lack of training, and weak technical support.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1