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Listing 117 - 20 of 2809 results.

Mathematical Model of an SIR Epidemic Switching with Zero Co-Infectives

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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This paper studies the global dynamics of an SIR epidemic switching model with zero co-infectives and intervention programmes. The model considers two epidemics of non-specific nomenclature in which the first epidemic is a precondition to the outbreak of the second epidemic. Analytical study of the model exposed the two epidemic steady states, namely, epidemic-free equilibrium (EFE) and epidemic endemic equilibrium (EEE). Both equilibrium states are shown to be globally attractive points with respect to the criteria of the basic reproduction number using Lyapunov stability theory. Some sufficient conditions on the model parameters are obtained to show the existence of the forward bifurcation. Finally, numerical simulations are done to exemplify the qualitative results and the impact of switching and intervention programmes. The numerical results shown that switching reduces the susceptibility and infectivity of the first epidemic and increases that of the second epidemic. Also, depending on the severity of the both epidemics, the different levels of intervention programmes are needed to reduce the number of infectives in both epidemics. However, equal intervention programmes are recommended for both epidemics to avoid neglecting one epidemic during outbreaks of the two epidemics.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies in mathematical epidemiology which have investigated the role of switching in an SIR model of two epidemics with zero co-infectives. In addition, Lyapunov functions theory and Center Manifold method is applied to the model for the global stability analysis and existence of forward bifurcation respectively.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Teaching Principles for Aesthetic Education: Cultivating Taiwanese Childrens Aesthetic Literacy

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Teaching students to appreciate the beauty of life in the world through aesthetic education, using a variety of teaching principles to extend their aesthetic experience, will promote “aesthetic intelligence” for children in Taiwan. This can enrich their aesthetic literacy, and give them a desire to perceive and appreciate beautiful things, allowing them to grow into world citizens. By reading, reviewing, analyzing and discussing related studies, this article explores the teaching principles of aesthetic education for children to cultivate children’s aesthetic literacy. This discussion can make Taiwan become a more aesthetically oriented lifeworld. The aspects of aesthetic education for children are as follows: (1) artistic teaching, (2) life-based teaching, (3) diversified teaching, (4) teaching through experience, (5) teaching by doing, (6) individual teaching, (7) imaginative teaching and (8) perceptual teaching.
Contribution/ Originality
This article contributes to the teaching principles for early aesthetic education and provides recommendations to cultivate children’s aesthetic literacy in Taiwan. This study can help provide valuable insights about the praxis of aesthetic education for Taiwanese children.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Post-UTME Screening and Year One Students Academic Performance: Any Relationship?

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Adequate high-level skilled manpower is needed to drive and sustain economic, socio-cultural and political development of any nation, to achieve this, quality university education is pivotal. Hence this study examined the relationship of career counseling, study habit pattern family socioeconomic status with academic performance of the University of Ibadan year one students. In Nigeria, the National University Commission (NUC) an umbrella body of all universities both private and government owned introduced Post-Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (Post-UTME) to screen further candidates for university admission. Three hundred (300) students across fourteen faculties were recruited using a multistage sampling technique to respond to a structured measuring instrument, with the participants’ current CGPA. The results established that there was a positive and significant relationship of all the factors with academic performance of the participants; school counseling (r =.610, p<0.01) and study habits (r =.731, p<0.01). The study concludes that school counseling and study habits are important factors for improving academic performance of university students. Thus, the study recommends students’ personal study habits skills development, establishment of faculties/colleges counseling unit in addition to central university counseling center so as to cater for individual student peculiarity via their field of study.
Contribution/ Originality
The study has contributed to literature of academic performance among university first year students in Nigeria. It also added to paucity of literature in Nigeria on Post-UTME screening and academic performance influencing factors. The study further sustained the efficacy of inferential statistics.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Agile Leadership and Divorce Education: Study on Womens Perception

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The high divorce rate is dominant due to economic factors, but it is different from divorce lawsuits for women who are civil servants. They filed for divorce because they sued their husbands, the main reason being communication and lack of respect between them, so the attitude dimension became dominant compared to the domain dimension and tactic dimension. This research used a quantitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques of literature study, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews from 232 respondents. The collected data is presented in the form of frequency tables and graphs to facilitate analysis and discussion. The results showed that the divorce rate was more dominant due to the wife's lawsuit compared to the husband's lawsuit. Divorce is more due to economic factors, except for wives who have jobs as divorced civil servants. The female civil servant filed for divorce due to a lack of respect, needed a head of household who could meet the needs of her family, and needed leadership in agility. The goal of divorce education is to avoid an increase in the number of divorce lawsuits. Divorce education is intended for prospective husband and wife, unmarried couples, couples who are just planning a marriage, or couples who are married but do not have children.
Contribution/ Originality
This research is one of the few studies that have found that the high divorce is due to the factor of leadership figures according to women's perspectives. The expected leadership figure is agility leadership, which consists of sensitivity, leadership unity, and resource fluidity.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in Indonesia: A Bibliographic Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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This study aims to map research articles related to corporate social responsibility disclosure in Indonesia from 2008 up to early 2020 and provide future research agenda about the research of corporate social responsibility disclosure in Indonesia. Mapping is based on the level of publisher accreditation, research method, research topics, theories used, the unit of analysis, analysis year, sample size, research variables, proxy, and test results. This study uses a qualitative method with a bibliographic approach. The objects used in this study are 184 research articles published by Sinta accredited journals (Indonesia Reputable Journals) as well as Scopus indexed journals. The results show that the majority of publisher accreditation levels are Sinta 2, and some have been indexed by Scopus. The most discussed research topics are determinants of CSR disclosure. Most studies use legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory as a theoretical basis. The majority of studies use manufacturing companies listed on the IDX as the unit of analysis with a scope of three years of analysis and an average sample size of 58 companies. The majority of studies use CSR disclosure as the dependent variable and use three or five independent variables. The most used independent variables are profitability, firm size, and leverage. The majority of testing results on the effect of profitability and firm size on CSR disclosure show a positive effect. In contrast, the majority of test results on the effect of leverage show no effect. Some studies also use the moderating variable.
Contribution/ Originality
This study provides literature guidance related to CSR disclosure research in Indonesia from 2008 up to early 2020. This study is beneficial for the researchers who intend to employ Indonesia data to examine the study on this topic in the future more easily.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Fostering Supply Chain Integration through Blockchain Technology: A Study of Malaysian Manufacturing Sector

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The study aims to identify the role of the blockchain-based supply chain in supply chain integration. The study also aims to investigate the role of various factors that possibly mediate the relationship between blockchain-based supply chain management and supply chain integration. The study adopted a twofold mixed-method approach—sequential explanatory— to attain the objectives. In the first phase, data were collected from Malaysian electrical and electronic firms, and by applying PLS-SEM, hypothesized relationships were examined. In the second phase, through a qualitative study, the results of the first phase are discussed with the industry experts to seek their expert opinion. In doing so, the semi-structured interview from seven experts, selected through purposive sampling, were conducted. The findings of both inquiries reveal that blockchain technology has significant potential to enhance the integration between numerous actors in multi-level supply chains while ensuring the transparency and traceability in the transactions. Moreover, the findings reveal that certain pre-requisites are missing at the moment in the Malaysian manufacturing sector, which are inevitable to be met, before implementing the block-chain based supply chain. Sophisticated infrastructure which could suffice the blockchain-based technologies implementation in supply chains and the absorptive capacity is prominent amongst them. Consequently, it is recommended that appropriate training should be given to employees in order to cater to the requirement of the technical skills needed to handle such advanced technology. Further, continuous infrastructural investments should be made to implement blockchain-based technology in the business ecosystem of Malaysia at the government level.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the literature on BDSCM in two ways. First, taking experts from the major industries of Malaysia, this study unveils the potential of BDSCM in transmuting the efficiencies of Malaysian firms. Secondly, the study unleashes the role of BDSCM in supply chain integration.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Essential and Toxic Metals Determination in Imported and Fresh Beef Cattle Meat Sold in Erbil Markets

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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Meat of cattle (beef) constitutes a greater percentage of red meat in human diets because of its nutritive value and palatability. However, it can be contaminated with heavy metals just like other food materials. Heavy metals are very harmful due to their ability to accumulate in human body. Thus, this examination is completed to decide the heavy metals levels in frozen beef cattle meat obtained from different markets and fresh meat collected randomly from local beef cattle (Iraqi) and imported beef cattle (Brahman) at slaughterhouse in Erbil city. The result showed that the concentrations of most studied heavy metals were found to be significantly higher in imported frozen boneless beef cattle meat than those of fresh boneless meat obtained from local and imported cattle. The results also reveal that the concentrations nickel and lead metals in imported frozen cattle beef meat surpassed as far as possible set by Food and Agricultural Organization. The burden of the body with these components is extremely reliant on the concentration of the different components in main sources of animal protein, namely meat obtained from cattle. Therefore, people that consume imported beef cattle meat are probably going to be presented to higher nickel and lead concentrations and might be harmful to the health.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the concentration of some essential and toxic metals in imported and local cattle meat sold in the markets of Erbil city, with emphasis on hygienic and toxicological aspects.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Influences of Non-Locality on the Elastic Wave Surfaces in Elastic Media

Research Article
Journal: Review of Advances in Physics Theories and Applications

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Classical continuum theories restrict the response of the continuum stringently to local actions, thus these theories are not capable to explain some phenomena precisely where the length scales are often sufficiently short as in nanostructures where it is required to consider the small length scales. This paper within the framework of nonlocal elasticity is concerned with the study of wave-surface features in nonlocal elasticity for cubic crystals. The nonlocal Christoffel equation of wave motion is derived and dispersion relations are obtained. The present model predicts some notable features of the dispersion relations in cubic crystals in comparison with classical local model. By considering the wave and slowness surfaces in [100], [110], and [111] planes of cubic crystals a perceptible change is observed with nonlocality parameter. In nonlocal theory longitudinal and transverse waves, become dispersive and influenced by non-locality parameter, whereas theses waves are non-dispersive in its counterpart classical theory (local theory). It is found that phase and group wave velocities for longitudinal and transverse modes are influenced by the nonlocality parameter only when its value is greater than 0.001. Numerical calculation for crystals Silicon (Si), Aluminum (Al), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Gold (Au) are carried and found that velocities of longitudinal and transverse waves continuously decreases with increases of non-locality parameter. Polar diagram and wave’s surfaces for phase and group velocities (m/s) of longitudinal and transverse and slowness surfaces are represented graphically in nonlocal elasticity.
Contribution/ Originality
This study originates a generalized nonlocal Christoffel equation in the nonlocal theory of elasticity. Influences of nonlocal parameter (e) on the wave’s spectrum, anisotropy factor, slowness surfaces in various directions are investigated. The results obtained are exhibited in the tabular forms and represented graphically considering cubic crystals.
Engineering » Review of Advances in Physics Theories and Applications » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Utilization of Food Processing Technologies by Women Farmers in Umuahia Agricultural Zone, Abia State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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The study focused on the utilization of food processing technologies by women farmers in Umuahia Agricultural zone, Abia State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was used in selecting 120 farmers that participated in the study. Information was obtained through structured questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in analyzing the data. Major results showed that the mean age and years of farming experience of farmers were 42 years and 11 years respectively, the mean income of vegetable farmers per month was N23, 375.33. Furthermore, the result showed the respondents had a mean household size of 7persons with over 95% of them having one form of education or the other. About six different food processing technologies were disseminated to farmers, out of which, five were highly utilized with a grand mean score of 3.1 on a 4-point scale. The technology on processing cassava into odourless fufu was highly utilized with a mean score of 3.5 while the technology on processing tumeric into drink had low utilization (x?=2.3). Major factors that positively influenced effective utilization of food processing technologies include Easy understanding and application of technologies (x?=3.3), Frequency of extension contacts (x?=3.1), Availability of food crops (x?=3.1), Increased income from sales (x?=3.3) among others. The inferential result showed that there is a relationship between the women farmers’ age and their level of utilization of the processing technologies in the study area. It is therefore recommended that government should assist the women to access credit facilities to boast their processing enterprise.
Contribution/ Originality
The study is one of the very few studies that investigated utilization of food processing technologies by women and the findings will be of immense help to technology developers and development agencies to adequately plan and implement programmes that will better the lots of rural women for sustainable food security.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Deficit Financing Asymmetry and Nigerias Economic Growth: A Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This study examine deficit financing asymmetry and Nigeria’s economic growth using time series quarterly data covering the period of 2000 to 2019. The study is hinged on Keynesian, Monetary Neo-Liberal theoretical postulations to ascertain the asymmetry and significance relationship between deficits financing and Nigerian economy. The study applied Non-Linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) technique. The estimated NARDL model reveals that both positive and negative deficits financing innovation reduces economy growth; however, the impact of negative deficit financing innovation is greater than the positive innovation. In addition, the Nigerian economy is also driven by weak institutions and low level of savings culture, which is evidence in negative signs of both coefficients of savings and quality institution. This study therefore lend support for fiscal governance through review of laws that made the existing institutions and further strengthen in line with global best practice to guide and monitor the implementation of deficit financing in investment-oriented projects that can translates to better standard of living of the citizenry.
Contribution/ Originality
This study examined deficit financing asymmetry and Nigeria’s economic growth using time series quarterly data covering the period of 2000 to 2019. This study uses NARDL model against other techniques in the reviewed empirical works and the findings reveals that both positive and negative deficits financing innovation reduces economy growth. In addition, the Nigerian economy is also driven by weak institutions and low level of savings culture, which is evidence in negative signs of both coefficients of savings and quality institution.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Interactive Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Rhizobium on Growth and Nutrient Content of Arachis hypogaea

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The present study was intended to investigate individual and interactive effects of Funneliformis mosseae (an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus) and Rhizobium (a root nodulating bacterium) on growth and yield of groundnut growing under natural conditions. Plants growing in arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and/or Rhizobium inoculated soil exhibited superior growth, fitness and yield. Improvement in plant growth due to microbial inoculations had a significant correlation with their response to mycorrhization, relative water content, chlorophyll content, nutrient uptake, and antioxidant activity. The increase in all parameters except N acquisition and protein concentration was significantly higher on the formation of AM than rhizobial inoculation, albeit their combination displayed synergism to uplift metabolism and yield of host legume. Thus, the study indicated that synergistic behavior among microorganisms (AM and Rhizobium) had the most affirmative effects on the growth and harvest index of groundnut variety - TG37A and helped plants to thrive better in soils without chemical fertilizers.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature of tolerance aptitude of groundnut variety - TG37A against existing adverse environment. This study also documents the importance of AM and Rhizobium in improving the growth and metabolism of this variety.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

The Dimensions of the Quality Perceived by Users in a Clinical Analysis Laboratory of A University Hospital

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The perception of the user has been regarded as a sensitive indicator of the quality of health service. In addition, incorporating the vision of the user in the planning of the service is acting within the guidelines of humanization and popular participation recommended by the Single System of Health - SUS. These considerations motivated to carry out an investigation of the perception of quality of Service of Laboratory Medicine of Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Minas Gerais - HC-UFMG - by its users. It was sought to identify the dimensions of quality associated with the Laboratory, from the perspective of the SUS’s user. 22 in-depth interviews were performed with users and two with managers. The data obtained were subjected to content analysis five dimensions of quality in the lab were found: the humanized care, efficiency in care, confidence in the quality of the laboratory, the comfort of the collection place and the cost. There was a consistency in the testimonies which allows considering that the service of Laboratory Medicine of HC-UFMG is well evaluated regarding size acceptance and trust, but it does not do a very good job when taken into account the efficiency of care - considered time consuming - and the comfort of the collection place. Also, as a result of the research, there are the subsidies for the development of a data collection instrument for assessing the quality perceived by the users of the Clinical Analysis Laboratories.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature addressing the attributes considered by patients from clinical laboratories in their process of evaluating the quality of services provided. Thus, from the results obtained, it is possible to create an instrument to measure the quality of services offered, especially for clinical analysis laboratories.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 6

Mediating Effect of Integrated Systems on the Relationship between Supply Chain Management Practices and Public Healthcare Performance: Structural Equation Modeling

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The performance of public healthcare facilities is critical, due to the impact on human lives. However, in Punjab, the infant and maternal mortality rates are 88 per 1000 and 227 per 100,000, respectively, while Pakistan ranks 149th in healthcare worldwide. Against these figures, the targets set in the 2018 Public Health Sector Plan, Building a Healthier Punjab seem overoptimistic. Hence, this study aimed to determine the mediating effect of integrated systems on the relationship between supply chain management practices and healthcare performance. Adopting a quantitative methodology, a survey questionnaire administered to 200 respondents, selected through cluster sampling from a target population 2899 in Punjab. SPSS and AMOS were used for the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation modeling. Following validation of the measurement model, structural equation modeling found integrated systems exerted a significant and full mediating on the supply chain management practices–healthcare performance relationship. The indications are, therefore, that integrated systems and efficient supply chain management practices enhance patients care while minimizing healthcare costs. These findings should be useful to both public and private healthcare facilities, as well as other public organizations and supply chain professionals, by providing a fuller understanding of the issues. Future research studies could further broaden this knowledge through an investigation into the impact of backlog inventories on financial performance.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few investigating the mediating effect of integrated systems on the relationship between supply chain management practices and healthcare performance. The study also contributes a second-order construct model, identifying the dimensions within those constructs, to the existing literature.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Information and Communication Technology: A Strategic Tool in the Internationalization of Higher Education

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The level globalization of education is determined by several factors including the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This study was designed to examine ICT as a strategic tool in the internationalization of higher education. The study applied the descriptive survey research design. The sample size of the study consisted of 294 respondents (171 male and 123 female lecturers) selected from six tertiary institutions in Delta State, Nigeria using the systematic and simple random sampling techniques. Correlation Coefficient was used to collect data from respondents. Data analysis was done with mean, standard deviation and z-test. Findings from the study revealed that ICT played a crucial role in the internationalization of higher education by fostering the exchange of information and collaboration among different higher institutions, and reducing the stress of processing admission into higher education. It also made teaching and learning easier in higher institutions, enhancing the image of higher institutions across the world and reducing the workloads of staff in higher institutions. Poor budgets/underfunding of tertiary institutions, ill-equipped ICT facilities in tertiary institutions, among others were revealed as challenges facing internationalization of higher education through ICT. No significant difference was found between male and female lecturers’ perception of the role of ICT in the internationalization of higher education. Based on the findings, it was recommended that government should expand accessibility of ICT facilities by building ICT centres in all higher education institutions.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by examining ICT as a strategic tool in the internationalization of higher education. It is a pioneering study in Nigerian context to talk about internationalization of higher education through ICT.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

World Population Variability and Heat Bias Prediction: An Approach to Global Heat Disaster Management

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Climate Research

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This study examined world population variability and heat bias prediction as an approach to global heat disaster management. Heat bias data were generated from population records of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, World Population Review and U.S. Census Bureau and International Database using population simulated mathematical model. The world has population of 7,794,798,739 and heat bias of 7.20C and continental mean of 5.40C. Asia had the highest heat bias of 70C, Africa 6.0C, North America 6.40C, Europe 5.70C, South America 5.50C Australia/Oceania 4.80C and the Antarctica had the least heat bias of 2.20C ranging 4.80C. All continents exceeded the recommended +0.5oC-2.5oC human comfort threshold. Countries within the humid tropics had increased heat load. Countries within the subtropics up to the middle latitude had relatively lower heat stress. Population density does not have significant association with heat bias. Heat bias is important in global environmental planning and management.
Contribution/ Originality
This study “world population variability and heat bias prediction: an approach to global heat disaster management” contributed to the understanding of the global thermal environment using mathematical population prediction model resulting from limited available studies. Findings showed, Asian continent had highest heat bias of 70C exceeding +0.5oC-2.5oC human comfort threshold.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Climate Research » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Quality Attributes of Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Flour as Affected by Some Processing Parameters

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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The effect of slice thickness and blanching time on some properties of yam (Dioscorea rotundata) flour was investigated. The properties determined include moisture content, crude protein, ash content, crude fibre and carbohydrate; bulk density, water and Oil absorption capacity; taste, texture, appearance and aroma respectively. The yam tubers were sliced at 6, 12, 18mm, labeled samples A, B, C and D (control sample) and blanched at 650C for 5, 7 and 9 mins. They were dried at 600C and milled into flour. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using the design expert software 7.0. The results show that slice thickness and blanching time have significant effect (p<0.05) on the fat and ash content which ranged from 3.55 to 9.40% and 1.63 to 2.51% respectively. The slice thickness and blanching time did not have significant effect on moisture content, crude fibre, protein, carbohydrate, bulk density, water absorption capacity and oil absorption capacity of the flour; they ranged from 3.88 to 13.15%, 0.37 to 1.34%, 0.19 to 2.04%, 74.86 to 87.94%, 0.73 to 0.79g/ml, 2.00 to 6.67g/ml, 0.5 to 7.5g/ml respectively. Organoleptic assessment shows that yam flour with slice thickness 18mm and blanched for 5min, 7min and 9 minutes were preferred by panelists in terms of appearance, aroma, texture and taste with mean of 4.6, 4.4, 3.7 and 4.3 respectively. The statistical analysis based on desirability function shows that yam flour sliced at 6mm and 12mm, blanched for 7 minutes respectively yielded yam flour with better nutritional and functional properties.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the effect of slice thickness and blanching time on the nutritional, functional and organoleptic properties of yam (Dioscorea rotundata) flour. The results revealed that processing parameters affected some of the quality attributes of yam flour.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Ethical Context of Organization and Turnover Intention of Women Employees: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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Previous studies found that females understand and react to behavioral factors such as ethical behaviors and organizational support different from men. As females appear to have higher senility to ethics and supportive behaviors, thus, their behavioral response including turnover intention (TI) has been gaining a vast amount of attention in literature. This study aims to examine the influence of ethical context on female employees’ turnover intentions. It also examines the mediating effect of perceived organizational support. The sample of 210 was obtained from female employees at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran using a standard questionnaire. We employ Partial Least Square Structure Acquisition Modeling (PLS-SEM) to analyze data. The results of the research demonstrate that perceived organizational support is a mediator in the link between ethical context and turnover intention. The negative direct and indirect effects of ethical context on turnover intention were also supported. Moreover, perceived organizational support negatively effect of turnover intention.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by conceptualizing the mediation effect of perceived organizational support in the relationship between ethical context and turnover intention which was not sufficiently investigated in literature.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Schematic Modelling of Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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Waste management has been a major challenge in Nigeria. Waste generation has consistently expanded both in volume and complexity. Literature has shown that Nigeria generates about 25-45million tonnes of waste per annum, most of which are not recycled. The waste management structure largely in operation is a linear system of waste generation, collection/transportation and disposal. Waste management in Nigeria is faced with several challenges including feasible waste management structure. Sadly enough, the ill management of solid waste in the country has impacted on the environment and on human health. It is on this note that the authors decided to review the solid waste structure in Nigeria, with a view to proffering a schematic structure for the actualization of integrated solid waste management in Nigeria. Integrated solid waste management refers to the strategic approach to sustainable management of solid wastes covering all sources and all aspects, covering generation, segregation, transfer, sorting, treatment, recovery and disposal in an integrated manner, with an emphasis on maximizing resource use efficiency. In other words, the proposed structure will encourage the use of waste as a resource, thereby reducing potential health, social and economic impact of ill management. It is recommended that in addition to the implementation of ISWM, integration of the informal waste management sector should be considered.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on solid waste management in Nigeria, proffering a schematic for sustainable solid waste management in the country. Following studies on the loopholes and associated impact of the current solid waste handling methods in the country a structure for solid waste management is expedient.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Analysis of Total Factor Productivity Changes in Islamic and Conventional Banks: Empirical Evidence from Three Regions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The objective of this study is to examine total factor productivity changes (TFPCH) in Islamic and conventional banks to determine whether they exhibit progression or regression. As earlier studies have focused mainly on productivity in conventional banks rather than Islamic banks, the current study aims to bridge the gap in the literature by investigating both types of bank in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. A total of 385 Islamic and conventional banks from 18 countries were selected, with data acquired for the period from 2008 to 2017. Panel data analysis was undertaken using DEA-based MPI to investigate the impact of selected determinants of banks’ productivity, as indicated by TFPCH. The results from both the t-test and nonparametric tests revealed that Islamic banks are more productive than conventional banks, which can be attributed to the increase in efficiency changes. However, no statistically significant difference in productivity exists between the types of bank. The main contribution of this study is that it provides not only corroboration for previous studies but also additional insight into bank productivity in Islamic and conventional banks, which will be important to banks, regulators, investors, and researchers.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few that have investigated the level of productivity in Islamic and conventional banks sector. It specifically focuses on countries in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and South Asia, which are representative of global Islamic banking and finance.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Perceptions of ESL Students about Using Web-Concordancing and Language Reference Resources in Academic Writing

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Online corpora as valuable resources have received considerable attention in teaching English for academic purposes (EAP). The current study investigated ESL participants’ perception of using online concordancers and other reference resources in their academic writing outside the classroom context, after some initial hands-on practice in the classroom. The researcher designed an online interface and included multiple reference resources such as concordancers, thesaurus, online dictionaries and Google as the main search engine. This study used a qualitative case study approach through conducting semi-structured interviews and stimulated recall to achieve in-depth descriptions of the participants’ perceptions of corpus consultation. The findings revealed that the process of corpus consultation is time-consuming; however, the multiple resources assisted the participants to experience new ways of encoding their intended meanings. They became more attentive to the accuracy and appropriacy of the language they use to convey their intended meaning. It was found that not only did reference resource consultation raise participants’ awareness of the lexico-grammatical aspects, but also increased their confidence in academic writing.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated corpus consultation using a suite of reference tools in a Malaysian university context. The study findings suggest that instructors should encourage students to consult reference resources to address their writing problems in terms of vocabulary, grammar and collocation.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3