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Listing 48 - 20 of 2809 results.

Assessment of Physico-Chemical Quality of Water in Aliero Dam (Kebbi State, Nigeria)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Climate Research

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Aleiro dam in Aleiro Local Government of Kebbi state (Nigeria) constructed in 2010 is not only used for irrigation purposes but also serves the ecological needs of the local communities. This study was carried out during the year 2010-11, in order to assess the physico-chemical quality of water in the dam reservoir. The water samples were collected for a period of 6 months (monthly basis), from the three marked channels and were subjected to physico-chemical analysis. The results indicated that water quality is up to the standards accepted by WHO and FAO. The water is suitable for irrigation as required values for the concentration of sodium, magnesium, calcium and other elements are within the approved range suggested by FAO.
Contribution/ Originality
This research contributes towards the assessment of freshwater bodies in Nigeria. The contribution is highly significant in the area of basic climate change impact.

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Climate Research » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

Physiological Effects of Some Artificial and Natural Food Coloring on Young Male Albino Rats

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Food colorants are widely added to food in order to attract the consumer. Recent researches have incriminated these additives for causing some problems to human health. This study was conducted to determinate the physiological effects of some natural (curcumin, carrotin and curcumin) and synthetic (tetrazine, sunset yellow and erythosine) food colorants on some hematological and biochemical parameters of male albino rats (rattus norvegicus, spraguedawlay strain). Results revealed that administration of synthetic food colorants decreased the percentage of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), glutathione secretion (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SoD), and plasma immune-system and significantly increased plasma lipid lipoprotein, total cholesterol (LDL-C), lipid peroxidase, blood glucose, plasma urea and creatinine and increased activities of alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, and lactate dehydrogenase. Hence, it is recommended to avoid adding synthetic colorants as additive to foodstuff, while natural colorants seemed to be the best choice as food colorants.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is emphasizing the adverse effects of the synthetic food colorants on human health as previously reported in the literature.

Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Visible and Invisible Health Problems of Youth in India

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Youth is form of precious human resources in every country. Interestingly, this people nick names are more like in youth, young, adolescents, young adults and adults. The present study searched based on reviewing high standard journals cat log and opinion page in daily newspapers, but its available only public related studies and general health problems. It’s not covered health for youth in any areas. Today, adults are faced several internal and external health problems.  Nearly 10 to 30percent of youth people are affected by several diseases like nutritional disorders, diabetes, hypertension, tuberculosis, road traffic accidents, tobacco use and alcoholism, stress, suicide, depression, violence, and sexually transmitted diseases are more in the age group of 10 to30years. The analysis part used in this study is meta-analysis of availability of different studies, reports in different areas of youth. After reviewing so many studies, there is no concrete action for youth health in both sides. In India, many health programmes are introduced on general public, for example, health insurance scheme, maternal benefits schemes, immunization for children etc, but it is not covered for youth health specifically. No separate health programmes and policies for them and need to take care of future pillar of our nation. The present reviewed study strongly recommends few health programmes and policies to alleviate the visible and invisible health problems of young.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses new methodology of health, social sciences reviews and purpose of needed health policy of young in India.

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2015 Issue: 4

Geomorphology of the Piramagroon–Kanikhan Valley, Sulaimani Governorate, Kurdistan Region, North Iraq

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Piramagroon-Kani Khan (PK) valley runs parallel to Pira Magrun and Surdash anticlines almost in NW- SE trend and merges with the Lesser Zab River 9 kms southeast of Dokan town. The valley runs within the soft rocks of Shiranish, Tanjero and Kolosh formations. The valley bottom is gently sloping plain which divided longitudinally by Charmaga stream into two asymmetrical parts (northeast and southwest parts).  The northeast part is wider than the other one mostly covered by Recent and Pleistocene coarse alluvium with a thickness of 1-20meters. The southwestern part is relatively narrow and mainly covered by slide debris and dislocated blocks of Sinjar Formation. Northern eastern side is formed by differential erosion and its slope is the dip slope since it nearly coincides with the dip of the strata of the Kometan and Qamchuqa Formations. The southwestern side is scarp slope which has lesser elevation and formed mainly by sliding processes and manly covered by slide debris. The surface of this part has hilly and hummocky topography. The alluviums are belonging to debris flow and river bed deposits. According to age of deposition, the alluvium is grouped in two types which are Holocene (Recent) and Pleistocene types. The first type has mainly caliber of gravels and sand which deposited on the valley bottom plains and suitable for cultivating. The second type has coarser grain sizes which consist of a mixture of blocks, boulder and graves. This type exists either on the hills or it form as isolated plateaus that about 30 high from the surrounding. Now, only as a  small or large pachy remnant   on the top of ridges and hills or exist as small plateaus which are transformed these elevated lands due to inversion of topography by erosion and weathering. 
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated Piramagroon-Kani Khan valley by using a new methodology for studding the geology and geomorphology of the valley. The study includes field documentations of the geomorphological features and mass wasting activities which are analyzed by stereo nets and GIS maps. These activities are accurately mapped, defined and linked either with geology or climate.

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 12-2015 Issue: 12

Characterization of Sand Dunes to Detect the Sand Source and their Stabilization, Abardej, Iran

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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A dune field was investigated to detect dunes morphology, physiochemical and mineralogical specifications in Abardej region in the southeast of Tehran, Iran. The border of dunes was determined using aerial photographs and field observations, and then the various shapes of dunes were found. The results have shown that dune shape is mostly transverse, indicating the existence of a dominant wind in one direction. Also, there are some Nebka dunes infrequently. Based on the chemical analysis of dunes, there isn’t any limitation for cultivation of desert plants, and the biologic stabilization of dunes is possible and suitable. The morphoscopic study has shown that the sand grains almost have steep angles; therefore, the dunes may have local sources. The sand grains were almost shiny and semi-shiny in microscope’s light, indicating that the source of dunes is generally the river-beds. Quartz, Feldspar and Calcite were the main minerals of sand grains. The mean of sampled sand grains diameter was about 200 microns and 27 percent of them had a diameter of 250 microns or more; these reveal the existence of a local source for the dunes. Based on the obtained results, it would be concluded that the source of sand dunes is floodplains in east and south- east of the dunes.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the physiochemical specifications of sand dunes. The movement of dunes and producing dust in air are as environmental problems that the results of study help to solve these.

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 01-2016 Issue: 1

Self-Efficacy of English Listening Skills in Japanese College EFL Learners

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study investigated the effectiveness of the four sources of self-efficacy theory and the establishment of concrete English study objectives and guidance counseling sessions concerning the English listening skills of Japanese EFL learners.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents that the establishment of concrete English study reasons is critical in helping Japanese college EFL learners have high self-efficacy beliefs about their English listening skills. However, a self-efficacy questionnaire should be carefully formulated. 

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 01-2016 Issue: 1

Analysis of Consumer Willingness to Pay for Genetically Modified Maize Food in Swaziland

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Genetic modification has been regarded as the new techno-economic standard of the 21st century. There are a number of promised benefits that come with the technology, including that of increase in crop yield, drought tolerance, environmental friendly farming, low food prices, better taste and nutrition among others. However, the use of biotechnology in food production is one of the most controversial subjects in modern agriculture with some scientists and consumer organizations citing possibilities of GM food causing allergies and cancer in human beings among other negative environmental and ethical concerns. This study was an assessment of consumer willingness to pay for GM food in Swaziland. Data were collected across the four regions of the country, sampling 100 respondents in each region making a total sample size of 400 respondents. The respondents were primary or secondary shoppers in their households, who were above the age of 18 and have heard about GMOs. Data were analysed using SPSS version 20. The results show that there were few respondents (32%) who had objective knowledge about GMOs. However, 70% of the respondents believe that GMOs are already being sold in the local markets. A binary logistic regression model was used to analyse willingness to pay for GM maize meal. The variable that were found to be affect consumers’ willingness to pay for GMO maize food were age, knowledge level, health perception, ethical perception and environmental perception about GMOs. 
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature of consumers’ perceptions on genetically modified food. This is the only study in conducted in Swaziland that focused on consumers, while other studies focused on farmers.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

Personalized Medicine: Futuristic Predictive Nanomedicines for Diagnosis and Therapeutics

Research Article
Journal: Genes Review

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The concept of personalized medicine has got its credential due to the development of molecular techniques. It involves right drug & dose, right patient and with right time administration of a medication. By averting the knowledge of gene sequence and their functions, biomedical researches are diversified towards inter-individual variations that are expected to become an eminent part of treatment planning in terms of efficacy and toxic side effects of drugs. The clairvoyance of the future health care adjudicate  a system in which patient care is consistently belay by captivating information on the individual patient’s genomes and their downstream products. By combining the credentials of various disciplines such as life sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and information and communication technology ameliorated this concept. These have been well addressed by the so called ‘-omics’ technology. However, assimilation of genomic data to its risk-benefit analyses and the adaptability of the patient population with certain ethical issue becomes one pillar for this and the view of the pharmaceutical industry towards this discipline.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature with a view to provide the reader the potential avenues that can be grafted using gene delivery particularly by “-omics” technology. It can be studied under two subheadings 1. Biomarker and 2. Therapeutics; which were cogently cited with example in this manuscript.
Medical Sciences » Genes Review » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

Microbiological Profile, Shelf Stability and Some Physicochemical Properties of Fermented Flour from Different Sweet Potato Cultivars

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Sweet potato flour was produced after fermentation of two cultivars (TIS87/0087 and TIS 2532.OP.1.13) of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) roots for 24h. The microbiological profile, pH and titratable acidity (TA) of the fermenting medium were assessed. The proximate composition and shelf stability of the ambient stored flour samples were also determined. Bacteria isolated from the fermenting medium were Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus spp, Bacillus spp and Staphylococcus aureus while the fungal isolates included Penicillium spp. Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus niger and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Total Viable Count of both cultivars during fermentation differed significantly (P<0.05) only at 0h of fermentation. However, for TIS 87/0087 it ranged from 3.40 – 4.60 log10 cfu g-1 and 3.54 to 4.64 log10 cfu g-1 for TIS 2532.OP.1.13 cultivar. The lactic acid bacteria counts ranged from 2.40 to 3.60 log10 cfu g-1 for cultivar TIS87/0087 and 2.54 to 3.64 log10 cfu g-1 for cultivar TIS 2532.OP.1.13. The TA for both cultivars were observed to have increased from 0.51% to 4.96% for TIS 87/0087 and 0.40% to 4.04% for TIS 2532.OP.1.13 as fermentation progressed in relation to fall in pH. The proximate composition of flours from TIS87/0087 and TIS 2532.OP.1.13 showed low moisture content (10.76% and 11.37%), high dry matter (89.24% and 88.66%), carbohydrate (81.25% and 81.01%), protein (5.16% and 5.09%), fiber (0.76% and 0.64%) and crude lipid (0.68% and 0.47%) respectively. However, the protein and crude lipid content of TIS 87/0087 flour were higher. The fermented flour had an acceptable microbial load limit (<5log10 cfu g-1) and shelf life stability for 3 months under ambient storage. The fermented TIS 87/0087 flour can be recommended for incorporation into instant food and bakery products. 
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies which have investigated the recent Sweet potato cultivars in Nigeria, but in this, using fermentation process to improve the nutritional and microbial quality of the flours. The study had shown that the fermented flours had high nutritional and low microbial qualities.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Application of Agroforestry Techniques in the Management of Bamboo

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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This paper highlights the potential of Bamboo tree under Agroforestry management practices of the forest industry in Nigeria. Bamboo possesses a dense network of fine roots with a capacity for abundant mycorrhizal association, high rate of Nitrogen fixation, absence of toxic substances in the litter or root residues, it has the capacity to grow on poor soils as well as rapid growth rate even under competing environment. It plays a significant role in the economy by providing livelihood for the rural poor and urban dwellers thereby supporting millions of people. Its richness and diversity both as an environmental and economic species coupled with fast growing ability makes it a profitable Agroforestry tree to be studied for cultivation under the dwindling forest estate in Nigeria. 
Contribution/ Originality
This paper contributes to the existing literature on Bamboo cultivation, it aims at the important use of Agroforestry techniques in the cultivation of the species, while  highlighting the value of the techniques both in ecological and environmental protection.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

Rural - Urban Balance as a Measure of Socio-Economic Development with Special Reference to Iran

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The dual rural-urban imbalance is a major obstacle to integrating socio-economic development in most developing countries including Iran. The paper explores how the rural-urban balance could play as a paradigm to development in general. Dual rural-urban economic structure which refers to different growth patterns in rural and urban areas leading to a wide rural-urban gap ___ a chronic problem in many developing societies with a reference to Iran, needs to be narrowed. Iran needs to plan and build a new type of agriculture-industry and rural-urban relations in which the agricultural sector promotes and feed the industrial sector and the vice versa. The paper proposes a strategy in which agriculture and industry; rural and urban sectors benefit each other. However, rural-urban balance optimistically results in socio- economic development and integration, and on the contrary, surging urbanization leads to shrinking farmland areas. The paper discover that if rural communities are properly empowered, they can and may manage their own local development efforts.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

Teaching Hypothesis Test in an Easy Way

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This paper introduced an easy way for selecting null (H0) and alternative hypotheses (H1), finding p-values and taking decisions. Should a research hypothesis or a claim be H0 or H1? This paper proposed a new method to select H0 and H1. Considering two sets of hypotheses (a) H0: θ ≤ θ0 against H1: θ > θ0 and (b) H0: θ ≥ θ0 against H1: θ < θ0 for testing a location parameter θ if the absolute value of the test statistic obtained from a sample is less than the absolute critical value then the two decisions corresponding to two sets of hypotheses (a) and (b) are contradictory. This paper proposed new methods to overcome these issues and making consistent decisions. This paper also introduced a general formula for finding P-value. These new methods and formula have been applied in an undergraduate class. It is observed that the performances of the proposed methods are significantly better than that of the traditional methods.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding an easy way for selecting null and alternative hypotheses. This study uses new three region hypothesis testing method and introduces a new formula for finding P-values. It is one of very few studies which have investigated practically the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 12-2015 Issue: 12

Measuring the Quality of Islamic Banks Services and Its Impact on Customers Satisfaction A Survey Study on the Islamic Banks Customers in Lattakia-Syria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This study aims at exploring how Islamic banks customers assess the services provided to them and identifying the impact of the service quality dimensions of customer satisfaction. To achieve the aims of this study, a convenient sample of the customers of Islamic bank branches in Lattakia- Syria is selected. Data are collected through a questionnaire designed on the basis of the service performance approach and compliance. Data analysis is conducted via the use of exploratory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, and regression analysis. The study concluded that the quality of the services provided by Islamic banks is high in general. However, the total scores of customer satisfaction indicated a moderate satisfaction. The results also showed a significant impact of all service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction with Empathy dimension being the most effective dimension.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature of the Islamic Banking through identifying the most important factors that influence customers satisfaction and determine the relative importance of the service quality dimensions of customer satisfaction. 
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 01-2016 Issue: 1

Reconceptualising Student Success

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The phrase ’access for student success’ is familiar in the South African Higher Education (SAHE) sector since the formation of the Department of Education in 1994, a result from the desegregation of the then 17 racial departments. Numerous initiatives to address this concept have been instituted in different ways by the Higher Education (HE) institutions. These have taken the form of student support programmes which have, inter alia, included access and/or foundation provision, academic development initiatives, career development and employment preparation programmes. The University of South Africa (Unisa) has not been omitted in taking on similar initiatives. Unisa in its attempt to enhance student success offers academic development (AD) programmes such as the Science Foundation Provision (SFP), amongst others. However, academic development remains an ad-hoc activity being offered by different directorates working in silos and often times duplicating some of the services. This paper aims to present a proposal towards developing an integrated model for learner support whose objective is to identify students’ academic and career needs at the point of entry; refer them to appropriate learning and career development programmes; and thereafter enrol them in a job readiness training and placement programme (JRTP) in preparation for work-integrated learning (WIL) placements. This is a mixed methods study, involving a diagnostic academic literacies assessment, student and employer questionnaires as well as focus group discussions. Participants were ’employers’ of Unisa students in WIL programmes with and/or without the career development and JRTP experience as well as Unisa students in these programmes. It was found that most senior students view student success as obtaining a qualification, and being able to use such qualification in gainful employment.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature the notion that students perceive success as a combination of obtaining good grades and employability skills which will lead them to obtaining and retaining good employment. It further hopes to contribute towards development of support programmes that integrate academic development, job-readiness and placement.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 01-2016 Issue: 1

A Cryopreservation Protocol for the Malaysian Fresh Water Microalgal Strain

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Microalgae is important in many biotechnological exploitations in producing valuable products, services and processes. The technology of cryopreservation is useful in the long-term storage of many microalgal strains able to survive post cryopreservation. In this study, Chlorella vulgaris was utilised to determine the effects of different concentrations of a cryoprotectant to preserve the fresh water microalgal strain employing three types of protocol. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at different concentrations of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% were added to the microalgal suspension in three types of protocol. Protocol 1 involved direct plunging into liquid nitrogen, Protocol 2 is slow cooling to -80°C and Protocol 3 is slow cooling to -20°C. The absorbance value at 540 nm was used as a measurement to determine the growth post cryopreservation. The absorbance value recorded with 30% DMSO in Protocol 2 was the highest at 0.387 + 0.015 and was significant at p<0.05 compared to Protocol 1 and 3. The best protocol for post cryopreservation growth of Chlorella vulgaris was Protocol 2 using slow cooling to -80 °C treated with 30% DMSO as the cryoprotective agent.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that the use of 30% DMSO as a cryoprotectant produced the optimal results for the viability of the microalgae. This study documents that the microalgae cryopreserved using Protocol 2, which involved slow cooling in the -80°C freezer showed the best protocol in the cryopreservation of the fresh water microalgal strain.

Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 01-2016 Issue: 1

Predicting Changes in the Land Use in Midsize Cities (Case Study: Urmia City of Iran in 2025)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The Urmia is the capital city of the Western Azerbaijan province that is an urban area and in the northwest of Iran. In recent years, the rapid increase in urban lands and areas in this city has resulted in inconsistent and extensive urban growth. The purpose of the present study is to predict the changes in the land use in midsize cities and apply this prediction on the case study of the Urmia city in Western Azerbaijan. Satellite images and IDRISI Andes have investigated the changes land use in the lands of Urmia city and were used GIS to examine the land use and changes from 1984 to 2011. Then, Markov Chain model and Cellular automate have been used in IDRISI Andes to document and propose a prospect of land use changes in the Urmia city in 2025. With respect to the land use changes, the results of the present study will indicate that the built up area in this city in 1984 was about 2706.57hectares; however, in 2011, the area of built urban zones in the same city has reached 9811.26 hectares. Hence, in 2025, it can be speculated that in the future, the area of built up will reach 12970.53 and the agricultural lands will inevitably be allocated for urban constructions; that is, in 2025, all agricultural lands will undergo a change of land use from farming into urbanization. It should be pointed out that due to the population growth in this area and the available lands, a 3000-hectare increase in the area will be needed to accommodate the increased population.
Contribution/ Originality
•This study explores the sprawl characteristics of land use/cover changes with rapid population growth and accelerating urban growth in Western of Iran.
•There were changes in land use area in midsize city.
•We have used Markov chain-CA analysis to see direction of change in land use pattern.

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 01-2016 Issue: 1

Satisfaction Assessment of the Quality of Life of Urban Families and their Roles in the Development of Zabol

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Urban growth and urbanization is the most prominent feature of socio-economic developments in recent times. Therefore, along with urbanizing of the society of Iran, analysis of its consequences, including the assessment of the quality of urban life is one of the most important needs of urban studies. Accordingly, this study analyze the satisfaction of quality urban life and its role in the development of the city of Zabol. The kind of the research is applied research and its method is descriptive-analytic based on questionnaire. The statistical community is residents of the city of Zabol and the sample community are 195 people living in five districts of Zabol. The sampling method is randomly and sample size has been calculated by the Cochran method. Data and Information have been analyzed by statistical Methods of SPSS software. The overall results showed that the citizens' satisfaction with the quality of life in the city of Zabol with 2/46 of average value is less than average. The social dimension with average value of 2/67 and the Physical environmental dimension with average value of 2/33 have allocated the highest and the lowest of the citizens’ satisfaction with the quality of life respectively.
Contribution/ Originality
This study for the first time analyze the satisfaction of quality urban life and its role in the development of the city Zabol, That Data and Information have been analyzed by using SPSS software. Results showed that the quality of life in the city of Zabol is less than average.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2016 Issue: 2

The Relationship Between P-Wave Velocity and Slake Durability Index

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Many manmade structures such as tunnels, roads, bridges, dams, power plants, etc. have been built either on top or inside rocks. Therefore, it is highly crucial to determine the various parameters of rocks in construction designs. Slake durability index is one of the widely applied features in this respect. A great deal of time and money is required to prepare samples and conducts slake durability tests. For that reason, easier and less expensive methods are employed to determine slake durability index. This research project mainly attempted to propose an equation to estimate the slake durability index after the second cycle (Id2) based on the speed of sound (VP). In addition to the longitudinal wave velocity test and the Brazilian slake durability test, the point load was specified on the samples so as to further expand the study. The tests were conducted on samples of sandstone, tuffite, andesite, red sandstone, limestone, marl, marble and travertine. The simple regression yielded three separate equations, i.e. the first relationship between the slake durability index of the second cycle and velocity of longitudinal waves, the second relationship between slake durability index of the second cycle and tensile strength and the third relationship between the slake durability index of the second cycle and the point load index. The results demonstrated that the greatest coefficient of determination (R2) was in the relationship between the slake durability index of the second cycle and the velocity of longitudinal waves. The results of comparison between this relationship and those proposed by other researchers suggested that the equation offered in this paper can accurately estimate the slake durability index in a broad range of rocks.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the relationship between the sound velocity and slake durability index. This study documents that slake durability index can be estimated with a high level of accuracy by using the proposed equation. 
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2016 Issue: 2

Pelvic Floor Fractures in 55 Dogs and 39 Cats: CT and X- Ray Findings

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research

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Radiographic examination of the pelvis is the standard diagnostic test for evaluating dogs with suspected pelvic trauma, but because of the complexity of many pelvic floor fractures and the superimposition of bony structures, a precise description of the injury can be difficult to obtain from standard radiographs. Computed tomography (CT) imaging is an important component in the pre-operative assessment and management of pelvic fractures in humans and small animal. The objective of this study was to investigate the benefits of radiographic and CT images in the diagnosis of pelvic floor fractures in dogs and cats. Our hypothesis was that CT would detect the different types of pelvic floor fracture than radiographic examination of these fractures.     Radiographic examination and CT scan of 94 traumatized cases of canine and feline pelvic floor fractures were evaluated, where CT images and radiographic assessments were performed on each case. Radiographs and CT images were reviewed on separate occasions and fracture assessments were evaluated. Of the examined 55 dogs and 39 cats, unilateral ischium fractures were the most common detectable fractures in dogs (67.92%) and in cats (72.41%) (Table 1). Different fracture lines (transverse, longitudinal and oblique fractures lines) of ischium and pubic bones were observed, they were more clear in the computed tomography than in plain radiographs. Pelvic floor fractures were associated with unilateral sacroiliac joint luxation, bilateral sacroiliac joint luxation and femur luxation and fractures of sacrum, ilium, acetabulum, femur and tibia (Table 2).
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes by way of showing the benefits of radiographic and CT images in the diagnosis of pelvic floor fractures in dogs and cats. This study documents that CT would detect the different types of canine and feline pelvic floor fracture than radiographic examination of these fractures.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

A Case Study of Helping In-Service Science Teacher to Teach with the Science-Technology-Society Approach and its Influence on Students’ Scientific Argumentation

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aims to develop a training workshop to promote the in-service science teachers’ ability to teach the topic of Force and Motion to grade 10 students by using the Science-Technology-Society (STS) approach and explore its impacts on students’ scientific argumentation patterns. The research methodology was a case study with one participating science teacher, who fully attended the STS workshop designed by the authors. After finishing the workshop, the researchers followed up the teacher by observing his teaching and students’ learning with the STS approach and collected all related artefacts. The students’ scientific argumentation patterns were analyzed by using the Toulmin’s Argument Pattern (TAP) framework. The findings showed that the training workshop helped the participating teacher design the STS-based learning unit in Force and Motion. Also, most of the learning stages in the STS approach promoted the students to generate high quality of scientific argumentation. The study concludes by suggesting further methods of enhancing high quality scientific argumentation in a STS-based training workshop for in-service science teachers.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by showing how to design a training workshop for promoting in-service science teachers’ ability to teach a specific topic in science for grade 10 students by using the STS approach. The STS approach subsequently enhances students’ high quality of scientific argumentation.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 04-2019 Issue: 4