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Listing 93 - 20 of 2809 results.

Reading Activities in Kauman Area, Parakan, Indonesia, During the Colonial Era Using Mapping Analysis

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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This paper aims to identify the activities of a local organization known as Barisan Bambu Runcing as a part of the undertakings of Indonesian warriors in the colonial era, particularly in Kauman, Parakan, Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia. The role of Indonesian warriors was very particular, as it involved their preparation to fight the Dutch and the Japanese. By identifying such activities in the colonial era, future generations will understand historical events, so they will appreciate history. We have chosen a heritage city in Indonesia as a case study to achieve the research objectives, one known as a city of Bambu Runcing (sharpened bamboo for a traditional weapon), namely Parakan, which is located in Central Java, Indonesia. Parakan, which has been designated as a heritage city since 2015, has a unique character. Its historical area is separated into two sectors: Kauman Area and Pecinan Area. This research employed Kauman Area for the case study because it has a long significant history as the place where Bambu Runcing was established. A qualitative method was used, specifically a historical method through the oral tradition approach, in order to reveal the activities of a moslem Indonesian warriors organization which known as Barisan Bambu Runcing in the colonial era, particularly in Kauman Area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study originates new approach in architectural research. Delivering oral tradition approach, this study will contribute how an architectural research could be conducted with new approach in qualitative methods.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Investigating the Impact of Business Alignment on Job Gratification in an Organization: The Case of a University in Egypt

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of business alignment and job gratifications of employees in a university, viewed as a corporate organization. This study examined if there was an empirically demonstrable connection between these two variables. This empirical research was conducted through a survey on a research sample of 200 employees of an Egyptian University. The results of this study found that there was no significant relationship between these two variables. However, it was found that employees’ job gratification can be sensitive to both positive and negative influences from certain business alignments and job gratification factors. The study concluded that there was relatively little impact of business alignment on job gratification while employee performance has only a very small impact on mediating relationship between business alignment and job gratification. Nevertheless, it is concluded that, in the university context, management should address, promote and monitor corporate intrapreneurship in the organization, eventually creating an organization with employees who are satisfied in their jobs. Managements in such organizations should therefore align themselves towards the promotion of corporate intrapreneurship activities by being receptive to, and by encouraging and rewarding innovative suggestions from employees.
Contribution/ Originality
As research on the effect of business alignment on job gratification in organizations is scant, and theoretical and practical contributions have not produced a clear answer to the real nature and effect of the influence of business alignment and job gratification on employee performance, this research attempts to provide an additional contribution to knowledge by testing the relationship between business alignment and job gratification in a particular context: the university viewed as a corporate institution.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 3

External Debt and Nigeria's Sovereignty

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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This paper examines external debt and Nigeria’s sovereignty. The methodology of this research is based on content and qualitative analyses. The paper argues that external debt influences the sovereignty of Nigeria in different ways. These include the imposition of adjustment programmes ie privatization, devaluation, deregulation and trade liberalization. These programmes have subjected Nigeria to political control by the international financial institutions and affected Nigeria’s sovereignty vis-à-vis the place of the country in the comity of nations. The paper also argues that the imposition of adjustment programmes on the country provides opportunity to the IMF and the World Bank to monitor the implementation of the programmes that infringe on the sovereign right of the country. Furthermore, the paper believes that the imposition of high debt burden on the country infringes on the sovereign power of Nigeria to perform its human rights obligations towards its citizens. Moreover, this research argues that the introduction of debt rescheduling i.e. debt-equity swaps by the creditor countries give them the opportunity to determine how resources from the debt-equity swaps should be invested in the country. Therefore, the paper concludes that for Nigeria to utilize its sovereign power within the comity of nations it ought to have deimplemented adjustment programmes that are agents of imperialist control.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on external debt and sovereignty. This study is one of few studies which have investigated the implementation of SAPs in Nigeria. The paper contributes to the first logical analysis of debt overhang and debt burden. The paper’s primary contribution is finding that external debt subjects Nigeria to political control. This study documents for proper management of external debt.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Changes in Certain Agronomic Characteristics of Table Grape Cultivar Alphonse Lavallee’ in Response to Water Deficit under the Different Rootstock Effect

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The use of proper rootstocks for precision viticulture under increasing drought condition has a vital role, as the rootstocks vary in genetic response to various environmental stress factors. The present study was performed to investigate agronomic and growth responses of soilless grown four years old ‘Alphonse Lavallée’ vines to contrasting irrigation regime under the effect of different rootstocks. The study, conducted in glasshouse, was consisted of two irrigation levels [full irrigation (FI) and deficit irrigation (DI)] and two grafting combinations of the scion cultivar ‘Alphonse Lavallée’ with 41 B (Vinifera x Berlandieri) and 44-53 M (Riparia x Rupestris). The water holding capacity of soilless culture medium was used for to start FI, while fifty percent of FI was considered as DI. DI resulted in significant reductions in diameter and weight of the clusters of the scion grafted on both rootstocks with higher impact revealed in 41 B grafts. Generally, DI did not markedly impair the biochemical features of the must, except for the vines grafted on 41 B. Limitations in the leaf growth in response to DI were quite similar between the rootstocks. Pruning residue and vine yield reductions under DI were quite higher in vines grafted on 41 B than those of 44-53 M. In conclusion, 44-53 M seems more suitable for a water limited ecosystems on the condition that the lime stress is not a problem. Overall results revealed the differential response of the vines when grafted on different rootstocks.
Contribution/ Originality
The papers primary contribution is finding that reveals the importance of proper rootstock to alleviate the adverse effects of water deficit on grapevine growth for sustainable viticulture on the face of climate change.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

The Colonialists & Indigenous Exchange Currency: Tracing the Genesis of Socioeconomic Woes in Postcolonial Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The problem of colonialism continues to emerge in all aspects of the lives of the colonized and even raise some unseen complications following, the trajectory of the covertly structured system by the colonial agents. Among the African nations colonized, their economy, political system and the host of other institutions are still in the trajectory of the colonially structured concepts and precepts. In Nigeria in particular, almost every facet of Nigerian life as a nation still suffer the injuries of colonialism covertly buried at the root of all public institutions. Although the problem of colonialism and the impacts are many in different aspects of the Nigerian national life, this study was focused on the undermining of the African traditional exchange system in what later became Nigeria and how such manipulation offset the present currency abuse among Nigerians and the problem of underdevelopment. The study utilized the available Historical, Anthropological and Archaeological information to explain the present economic and general system disorder in Nigeria. Nonetheless, the paper established knowledge-based policy strategies towards downgrading unfavourable bilateral relationship sustaining the vestiges of colonial venoms, which have subverted developmental efforts in Nigeria and other colonized nations.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Leadership in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia: Benefits, Constraints and Challenges of Adopting Servant Leadership Model by Department Chairs

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Effective leadership is crucial to the success of every academic institution. In Saudi higher education, the pressure has increased on department chairs to achieve the departmental goals required for the general reform of the country. Therefore, the type of leadership that the chairs adopt and express plays a significant role in the progress of the department. Servant leadership is a contemporary approach that has gained increasing acceptance in leadership and organisational literature. From this point of view, this study aims to identify the possible effects of embracing servant leadership by department chairs, and to determine the strengths and weaknesses that the style could bring to the department. A qualitative inquiry using semi-structured interview designed around a vignette was used to elicit the perspectives of 14 department chairs on adopting servant leadership. The finding indicates that servant leadership has positive impacts in the working environment which can be taken advantage of. However, some drawbacks were noted which could impact the department negatively if the style was not used properly. Some challenges for implementing the style also emerged.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature as it depicts the effectiveness of servant leadership practices for department chairs in the Saudi higher education context which currently lack studies that investigate contemporary leadership at departmental level. The study used qualitative approaches which contribute to the methodology of the research of higher education in Saudi Arabia, in which most of the collected data are quantitative in nature.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Migration as a Livelihood Strategy: The Case of Internal Migration in Ghana

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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Many households in Ghana experience high poverty levels and unreliable sources of income. As a strategy to reduce poverty level in Ghana, there are various decisions by individuals within the household to either migrate internally or engage in other activities that generate income. This study examines the use of internal migration as a livelihood strategy in Ghana using descriptive statistics and logit regression with data from the 2012/2013 Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS 6). In relation to most previous empirical studies, this study provides results consistent with the economic reasons for migration in Ghana. The probit regression estimates and the use of descriptive statistics support the diversification framework of livelihoods–where some internal migrants in Ghana take up multiple jobs as a means of obtaining multiple incomes. According to the findings, most migrants end up in the private informal sector at their destination places. Finally, in terms of regional distribution of internal migrants, households from the three northern regions are more likely to migrate. It is recommended that development policies of the government should be evenly distributed to ensure national development, irrespective of where one finds one’s self. Education should also be promoted to ensure that migrants have some form of learning in order to obtain employment in either the semi-formal or formal sector which requires a high level of skills.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature regarding the use of internal migration as a livelihood strategy. The paper’s primary contribution is finding the main reasons for internal migration in Ghana, and also involves the use of probit which has not been used in migration studies before.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

An Appraisal of Selected Brass Products from Krofofrom Ashanti-Ghana

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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In the Asante kingdom, evidence of the use of metals like gold, silver and brass are actively displayed in all aspects of their socio-cultural lives, be it for beautification and other art forms. There are a lot of beautiful cultural elements encoded in the designs and the production of brass casting at Krofofrom in Asante. However, very little attention has been given to them. The main objective of this article is to appraise selected brass products at Krofofrom in Ashanti. It further goes on to examine the production processes of brass casting at Krofofrom and the aesthetics of the brass products as well. The brass casting in Krofofrom is well known and unique; this is because it embodies a lot of history and the cultural heritage of the people, which is portrayed in visual art forms. These art forms have a lot of aesthetic appeals if analyzed. Descriptive method of qualitative research approach with interviews and observations as instruments were employed. Secondary data was obtained from books, journals and the internet.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the systematic processes used in traditional lost wax casting that is practiced at Krofofrom in Ghana and also comparatively analyses such similar castings done in other countries. The study further analyses the concept behind the craft and the design, interpret these concepts in relation to the philosophy of the people which then can serve as an archival source for future research to best understand African art and not to be judged under the formal principles of design.
Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 01-2019 Issue: 1

Emissions Reduction of a Chemical Process Plant by Maximizing Energy Recovery, Minimizing Energy Losses and Fuel Switching

Research Article
Journal: Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research

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Increasing population and technology progress required more energy consumption and more fuel combustion. The major source of pollution is harmful gasses emission due to fossil fuel combustion. In this work, we chose a chemical process as a case study for gasses emission reduction through the application of energy management methodology including four techniques. Firstly, maximizing of energy recovery realized by designing a heat exchangers network (HEN) where the rate of energy saving and so on emission reduction reached to 60% compared to the existing case. Secondly, minimizing of heat losses by using optimum pipes insulation where reduction of fuel consumption reached to 15%-20% and it is directly reduced gasses emission by the same percentage. Thirdly, fuel switching from fuel oil to natural gas reduced gasses emission by 44% compared to the existing case. The fourth one, integration between the last three techniques can guarantee a reduction of harmful gasses emission by 80% compared to existing unit conditions.
Contribution/ Originality
This study originates a new formula of energy management methodology to reduce harmful emissions. The paper's contribution is integration between HEN deigning, insulations and fuel switching. This study is one of few studies which can be applied for any process.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Do Teachers Attitudes, Perception of Usefulness, and Perceived Social Influences Predict their Behavioral Intentions to Use Gamification in EFL Classrooms? Evidence from the Middle East

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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To motivate learners, teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) are encouraged to use gaming elements, which can stimulate students take a more active role in the learning process. There are many free and informal online applications now available to support this model, but not all EFL teachers, particularly female ones, are inclined to introduce gamification. Three essential variables that may influence their behavioral intentions to use gamified applications are attitude, perceived usefulness, and perceived social influence, which this study aims to investigate. This is a quantitative study based on a sample of 157 female EFL teachers. The data was collected through a questionnaire, the results of which indicate that attitude, perceived usefulness, and perceived social influence are significant predictors of teachers’ behavioral intentions to use gamification.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of only a few that has investigated the factors influencing female teachers’ behavioral intentions to use gamified applications in Saudi schools. It contributes to the existing body of literature by providing empirical evidence on how the expectations of those around us, together with our attitudes and perceived usefulness, affect our decisions.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 3

Floristic Composition and Density of Main Woody Species of the Parklands in Two Phytogeographical Zones in Burkina Faso

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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This study carries out in three villages belonging to the two phytogeographical zones (South-Sudanian and North-Sudanian sectors) in Burkina Faso. It intends to describe the floristic composition and calculate three main woody species density of the agroforestry parks in those two phytogeographical zones. The methodology consisted, on the one hand, to measure the area of fields and, on the other hand, the floristic species inventory. The results show that parklands in Bala (South-Sudanian phytogeographical zone) contains 14 species from 14 genus and 9 botanical families: Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae, Fabaceae-Faboideae-Mimosoideae, Bombacaceae, Anacardiaceae, Meliaceae Combretaceae, Sapotaceae, Moraceae, and Verbenaceae. The parklands of Toessin and Bonogo (North-Sudanian sector) are rich of 51 species, 36 genus and 22 families which are, in additional to those cited in Bala Rubiaceae, Fabaceae-Faboideae, Ebenaceae Rhamnaceae, Balanitaceae, Anonnaceae, Myrtaceae, Bignoniaceae, Moringaceae, Apocynaceae, Sterculiaceae and Lythraceae. The calculation of trees density showed that the dominant woody species in the parks of Bala are in order of importance Vitellaria paradoxa, Parkia biglobosa and Tamarindus indica. Their maximum densities are respectively 66; 8 and 1 trees/ha. On the other hand, in Toessin and Bonogo, north-sudanian sector Lannea microcarpa, Vitellaria paradoxa, Parkia biglobosa predominate with maximum densities respectively from 34, 38 and 3 trees/ha.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature concerning floristic composition and density of the ligneous in the parklands. This study uses a new estimation methodology: measure, survey. This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated in these aspects. This study documents the knowledge on the ligneous and distribution.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Developing ICT Competences in Bachelors of Engineering and Technology in a Multilingual Environment

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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While the Republic of Kazakhstan is integrating into a global educational space, the information and communication (I&C) competence of technical personnel becomes vital. This trend is connected with the rapid development of information and communication technologies. Based on the analysis of literary sources and the conducted empirical study, the authors present and substantiate the structure of I&C competences of Bachelors in Engineering and Technology in the Republic of Kazakhstan, including user activity, substantive work, drawing-and-designing and experimental-research components. In this research, the authors aim to determine the level of I&C competences and analyze the data obtained during the experiment. The study used a specially designed questionnaire to investigate the distinctive features of user activity of future engineers and to identify the extent of their use of I&C technologies in the subject, design, experimental and research activities during university studies. The authors have successfully formed the structure of I&C competences in various fields of application. The experiment has demonstrated that currently, most students have an average level of I & C technologies competences. The development of I&C competences in the conditions of multilingualism will effectively influence the quality of professional training of future engineers.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is first of its kind to examine the requirements of information and communication competences of future graduates in engineering and technology in the context of a multilingual environment. The study shows that a majority of future engineering graduates lack I&C competence required for working in a multilingual environment. The study recommends that an internship can serve as an effective form of raising the level of I &C competence.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 3

Investigating Factors Influencing Grade 9 and 12 Learner-Performance in Science – Views of School Administrators, Teachers, and Learners: The Case of Eastern Province, Zambia

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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This study investigated the factors that contribute to poor performance in science among grade 9 and 12 learners in the Eastern province of Zambia. The study employed a cross-sectional research design involving 137 participants attending the Zambia Association for Science Education (ZASE) Eastern Provincial Conference held in February 2019 and 74 (24 boys, 50 girls) grade 12 learners. Data were collected using open-ended questions that participants discussed in groups before presenting their findings at the conference. Data were also collected using a document analysis of the Eastern Province Strategic Plan for 2018 - 2021. The data were analysed using thematic qualitative methods and while other data were quantified for further analysis. The findings indicated that factors that influence performance in science fell into six categories namely (a) Administrative (b) Teacher (c) Learner (d) Time allotted to science teaching and learning (e) Assessment and (f) Curricular factors. More specifically, the study revealed that lack of resources such as laboratory apparatus, inadequate preparation by teachers, irregular assessment and a lack of adequate scientific knowledge were among factors that contribute to poor performance in science by learners. The study also revealed that conducting practicals, enhancing assessment, motivating learners and providing teaching and learning materials can improve learner performance in science. Therefore, it is recommended that stakeholders follow-up on the proposed strategies in order to improve learner performance in science. Further, action research needs to be conducted focusing on addressing teacher and learner factors that influence performance in science subjects.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on the factors that influence performance in science subjects among learners. The study is unique in that it brings together the views of School Administrators, Teachers, and Learners and proposes a model for improving learners’ performance in the sciences.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Factors Influencing the Decision of the People of Kisii Town to Consume Domestic Tourism Products

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Kenya is naturally gifted with a variety of wildlife, spectacular scenery, renowned beaches and famous sporting activities that rely on the natural environment, in addition to a world class hospitality industry. These have contributed a lot to making tourism a major economic activity. Socio-culturally, tourism gives economic meaning to traditional wear, carvings and traditional regalia. Local entertainment is also showcased to visitors. This study aimed to determine if the promotion strategies employed by the tourism industry to encourage Kenyan citizens to visit tourist attraction sites have had an impact on local residents living far from tourist attraction sites. The specific objective was to determine the factors influencing the decisions of the people of Kisii Town to consume domestic tourism products. The target population consisted of all the 37,531 residents of Kisii Town. Five-point Likert scale questionnaires were distributed among the residents to collect primary data which was then analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study found that distance, transportation costs, and affordability, were factors that influenced the consumption of tourism products in Kisii. The study concludes that distance is one of the factors highly influencing the residents’ decision to consume domestic tourism products; therefore, the relationship between the distance from Kisii town and visits to the site was noted to be significant. The tourism industry thus needs to strike alliances with transport companies to ferry people to the sites since they may not be able to relocate the sites themselves.
Contribution/ Originality
The study will help the Ministry of Tourism in Kenya understand consumer behavior towards tourism products in Kisii town and other towns in Kenya since it can be generalized to account for other parts of Kenya. This will help them come up with suitable strategies to sell their products. In addition, the study adds to the models, literature and theory on domestic tourism products in Kenya, since this is an area that has not so far not generated much research.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Impact of Network Finance Development on Inflation: Evidence from Chinese Market

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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With the rapid development of computer, communications, Internet and database technology, the society entered the era of the Internet economy. At present, as the impacts on the development of network finance, the three elements of technology, economic and social are in rapid change and development, at the same time, the financial network has also been considerable development, a variety of online banking, so-and-so Bao everywhere, P2P net loan platform as sprung up in public view. The flourishing financial network has attracted a lot of money from reality to the network platform, the currency in circulation had seen a considerable impact, as a monetary phenomenon whether this change will have an impact on inflation, this article is to discuss the problem. This article from the perspective of a qualitative and quantitative study of the network of financial development of inflation, respectively, will eventually make some recommendations lying on the conclusions of this paper to the monetary policy under the influence of the inflationary effects.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses new estimation methodology to analyze and study the quantitative and qualitative factors affecting the inflation of financial network, and finds out the operating mechanism inside. Finally, according to the research content, the study puts forward some suggestions on monetary policy under the influence of inflation.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Habitat Selection and Threats of Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) in Rara National Park, Nepal

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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Habitat selection is an important aspect of ecology to understand the relationship between the animals, its habitat and its resources. In an effort to understand the habitat selection by red fox and to explore its threats in relation to the people, the present study was conducted in Rara National Park, Nepal. Habitat variables were recorded in presence and absence plot (based on the signs of scat) along the elevation transect walk with associated topographic features (elevation, slope, aspect, distance to water, distance to a village) and vegetation features (tree species, shrub species, herb species and canopy cover). Using the Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Square Regression model it was found that habitat variables such as distance to water, distance to village, major trees and major shrubs explained the presence and distribution of red fox in the study area. Data were collected from Key Informant Interview and schedule survey employing a convenience sampling method to know the cause of conflict and people's perceptions towards red fox in the study area. Of the 35 respondents, 33 (94.2%) perceived that crop and livestock depredation was the major problem caused by the wild animals where most destructive wild animals were Sus scrofa (27.27%), Presbytis entellus (12.12%), Hystrix brachyura (15.15%) and Canis aureus (21.21%) followed by the red fox (12.12%). Threats ranking was conducted by questionnaire survey through purposive sampling method. Relative Importance Index (RII) technique was used to rank the threats.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies which have investigated baseline information about its status, an important factor for habitat selection and threats in the higher altitude of Nepal. It contribute valuable Knowledge in the field of wildlife management to develop species strategic conservation plan.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Physiological Aspects of Yield Variation among Seven Groundnut Genotypes Cultivated under Rain-Fed Conditions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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A field experiment was conducted at two locations, in North Kordofan under rainfed conditions for two consecutive seasons (2005/06 and 2006/07), to study the physiological aspects of yield variation among seven groundnuts (Araichis hypogaea L.), genotypes (Barberton, Sodiri, Gubiesh, ICGV89171, ICGV93296, ICGV86744 and ICGV92126). The parameters related to morpho-physiological traits were measured: growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR), specific leaf area (SLA), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area (LA), leaf area (LAI) and yield. The results of the combined analysis showed that there were no significant (p =0.05) differences among varieties for the measured morpho-physiological traits throughout the season. Mean seasonal pattern of these traits indicated that the maximum LAI, SLA, CGR, RGR and NAR were attained 65 days after planting. Significant varietal differences were observed for pod yield, hay yield, 100-seed weight and pod maturity. The highest pods yields of 551, 545 and 540 kg ha-1 were recorded by Barberton, ICGV89171 and Sodiri, respectively.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the effect of genotypes on growth and yield of groundnut related to morpho-physiological traits in the traditional rain-fed sector of North Kordofan, Sudan
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2019 Issue: 3

Understanding the Impact of Determinants in Game Learning Acceptance: An Empirical Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aimed to integrate Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) and Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) on user intention of game learning. This study framed 10 hypotheses to investigate the objectives of this study. The results of 8 hypotheses were positive and had a significant impact on students’ behavior in the use of game learning. The method used in this research was empirical, with 164 valid respondents. The results found in this research was students’ continued intention in the use of game learning (CI), which was directly influenced by student perceived usefulness (PU), student satisfaction (SAT) and student habitual (HAB) while student satisfaction (SAT) was influenced by student perceived usefulness (PU) and triability (TRA). In addition, the findings of this research were predicted to offer useful validation from the antecedents involved in the process of deciding the user continuous intention in game learning. This research also provided a theoretical framework and understanding of the field of user behavior intention for academia and practitioners, who will benefit from the findings of this study and develop applications/software for a more adequate and competent game learning.
Contribution/ Originality
This study aimed to integrate IDT and ECM on user’s intention of game learning. It assessed the impact of various theoretical determinants on customer’s delight and continuous intentions of use of game learning and identified processes that made influences on them. Unlike the previous research which assessed ECM and IDT separately, this study has combined the two models in the context of game learning.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 3

An Examination of the Methods of Increasing Software Efficiency Based on Soft Computing Technology

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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This paper examines the methods of increasing software efficiency based on soft computing technology by analyzing the benefits and challenges of the components used in software development. The functions and features of machine learning, comprising neural networks, perceptron, support vector machines, and fuzzy logic are highlighted and explained, along with those of evolutionary computation (e.g., evolutionary and genetic algorithms) and probability. Recommendations are presented in conclusion.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper is one of only a few to investigate and analyze the problems of soft computing technologies. By reviewing the utilization of new estimation methodologies, it contributes to the existing literature and comparative analyses.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Profitability Behavior of Plastic Industries in Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This study aims to analyze the effects on the profitability (net profit margin, return on assets and return on equity) of plastic companies by internal influences (current ratio, debt to equity ratio and total asset turnover) and external influences (exchange rate, petroleum price and inflation). The object of the research is the plastic industries registered in the Indonesian stock exchange with a total of 9 industries and in the period 2012 - 2017. The methodology used is descriptive quantitative research and causality with purposive sampling technique and panel data regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the current ratio has a partially positive effect, particularly significant in terms of net profit margin. Current ratio and total asset turnover also have a partially positive effect, with significant return on assets. Debt to equity ratio partially has a partially negative effect, but a significant return on equity.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few that has investigated the causal relationship between internal and external influences on profitability. Consequently, it highlights the importance of identifying financial ratios and macroeconomics with a view to increasing profitability.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1