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Listing 123 - 20 of 2809 results.

Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Performance of Nairobi Securities Exchange Market in Kenya During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The global financial and economic shocks which were triggered by the Coronavirus pandemic prompted a market halt causing a major spark in the Nairobi Securities exchange that resulted in panic selling. The Corona virus pandemic led to volatility of exchange rates causing a sharp depreciation of the shilling which further affected the performance of the securities market. The study investigated the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the performance of the Nairobi securities exchange for the 5 months period of the year 2020. Daily time series data collected from Nairobi Securities exchange, Central bank of Kenya and Kenya National Bureau of Statistics for the period January to May 2020 was used. The multiple regression model results pointed out that exchange rate fluctuation had a negative and statistically insignificant effect on the performance of Nairobi securities exchange in Kenya during the Coronavirus period. The results implied that exchange rate fluctuations do not affect the performance of Nairobi securities exchange market in Kenya as measured by NASI. Inflation rate results had a positive and statistically significant effect with NASI. The results implied that inflation rate affect the performance of Nairobi securities exchange market as measured by NASI. 91-day treasury bills rate had negative but statistically significant effect on NASI implying that a decrease in 91- day Treasury bill rate enhances the performance of Nairobi securities exchange as measured by NASI. Investors need to be conscious of the macroeconomic variables that influence the security prices particularly during pandemics like the Coronavirus.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have used daily data to investigate the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the performance of Nairobi Securities Exchange market in Kenya during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 01-2021 Issue: 1

The Influence of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Innovation on Firm Performance: Evidence from Thai Startup Firms

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This descriptive case study examined the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovation and the business success of digital startup firms. Qualitative data was collected from in-depth interviews with entrepreneur-founders from four leading digital startups. In addition, interviewees completed a questionnaire measuring self-rated ESE and innovation to confirm whether the qualitative interviews were in accordance with the quantitative analysis. The results showed that ESE and innovation has a direct positive relationship to the financial and customer aspects of firm performance. ESE influences innovation, which in turn corresponds to firm performance. As juvenile organizations that are just venturing into entrepreneurship, startup firms inevitably face a unique set of obstacles. The performance of new ventures varied depending on the startup’s stage and type of business. Entrepreneurs should focus on specific goals to survive during the early emerging stages. This study extends current research by investigating the relationships between types of innovation and ESE as a component of individual personality, as well as how these variables interact to contribute to the performance of early-stage startup firms. The findings present new insights concerning factors related to business success, which can inform supportive policies and programs to enhance ESE and innovation.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated all aspects of firm performance using balanced scorecard (BSC) of Thai startup firms through the exploration of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and types of innovation.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

Employee Mentoring, Career Success and Organizational Success

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study investigated how employee mentoring relates to career success and organizational success. This is because employee mentoring, employee career success and organizational success are indispensible in the life of every organization. To fill the existing gap in the current literature, this study intends to determine the presence of mentoring in Nigerian firms and the extent to which it has helped in both career success and organizational success. The study employed a survey method of data collection through questionnaires administered to 345 respondents, and descriptive statistics and t-tests were used for the analysis and hypothesis testing. This study proposes that there is a significant presence of mentoring in firms throughout Nigeria, that mentoring has a significant positive effect on career success, and that career success has a significant positive effect on organizational success. The study recommends that organizations should incorporate employee mentoring programmes in their plan, which will lead to employees’ career success and organizational success, and the study concludes that mentoring is invaluable to both career success and organizational success.
Contribution/ Originality
The study revealed that mentoring has a significant positive effect on career success, and that career success has a significant positive effect on organizational success. These findings will help organizations incorporate employee mentoring programmes in their plan, which will lead to employees’ career success and organizational success.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

The Problem of Distribution of Food Products and their Influence on the Decision of Purchasing in the Consumer a Case Study of Milk Products in the South, Algeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The study aimed to find out and determine the effect of the distribution component and its channels on the purchasing decision of the Algerian consumer towards the Milk factory production in Bechar City, the south of Algeria. A sample consisting of 100 consumers was chosen from the study community, the searchers were used the questionnaire and the interview, SPSS statistical software was used, and after analyzing the data, the study showed that there is an effect of personal variables, gender, educational level, income in influencing the purchasing decision of the consumer, and there is also a relationship between the efficiency of the distribution channels and distributors in influencing the purchasing decision of the Algerian consumer, that was explained The effective role of the distribution channels contributed to raising consumer confidence and thus influencing its purchasing decisions.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by determining the effect of the distribution component and its channels on the purchasing decision of the Algerian consumer towards the Milk factory production in Bechar City, the south of Algeria.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 01-2021 Issue: 1

Determinants of Technical Efficiency of Hospitals in Kenya: 2012-2016

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Background: Health care is a basic human right and in the Kenyan constitution, it is the responsibility of the state to provide (GOK., 2010).The government has faced challenges of affordability, quality, availability and timely provision of health care services. Materials and Methods: The study used output oriented VRS_TE DEA model. In estimating the determinants, random effect panel regression model was used. The variables were; log of size, bed occupancy, catchment population, teaching status, average length of stay as independent variables and technical inefficiency as the dependent variable. The data was collected from the hospitals’ published data, and government statistics. Results: There was a general decline in efficiency between 2012 and 2016. VRS_TE (0.9012) was higher than CRS_TE (0.8042). The hospitals were heterogeneous in their operations. There was no hospital which was consistently efficient throughout the period. The average length of stay had significant negative relation with technical efficiency. Conclusion: Technical efficiency is negatively related with the average length of hospital stay. The hospitals should reduce the length of hospital stay through early discharge for stable cases and institute home care for follow-up and to handle the non-life threatening cases through home care.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by using random effect model to estimate the determinants of technical efficiency. The primary contribution of this study is to demonstrate that devolution of health services positively affected health outputs and that average length of stay had significant negative effect on technical efficiency.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 01-2021 Issue: 1

A Qualitative Analysis of the Impediments to Business Innovation and Information Management in Nigeria: A Policy Stance

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The ability of the Nigerian business sector to actively engage in innovative activities is germane to sustainable national growth and development. While the government has the primary responsibility to formulate policies that can mitigate societal problems and sustain economic stability, the business sector in the country has continued to experience government failure to implement previously formulated policies. The current study attempted to investigate the impediments to Nigerian Business Innovation and Information Management through the lens of a qualitative approach. The authors conducted a guided oral interview through the WhatsApp platform which was created to gather all impediments to the survey from the field officers who took an active part in data collection in six geopolitical zones in Nigeria. Subsequently, data gathered was analysed through Atlas. Ti version 8 software and the findings were presented by the regional spread. The study revealed that there are benefits in conducting a national business innovation survey, and these include input into effective planning, formulation, and implementation of relevant policies for sustainable development in the country. The outcome of the survey helps to benchmark the results with what obtains in other African countries. Key impediments include the firm's unwillingness to declare turnover because of the fear of an increase in tax policy and poor collaboration between the government and the industry. It was recommended that the government should come up with policies that will encourage business activities in the country and improve the relationship between the government and the industry.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by examining the impediments to Nigerian business innovation and information management. The study uses a qualitative analysis approach. The study documents one of the policy strategies that can be used to drive sustainable business innovation activities in Nigeria.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 01-2021 Issue: 1

Social Presence and Self-Efficacy in Relation to Student Satisfaction in Online Learning Setting: A Predictive Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study investigated the levels of social presence, online learning self-efficacy, and student satisfaction among undergraduate students taking online courses from the School of Educational Sciences at the University of Jordan during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was hypothesized that the relationships between these variables and the degrees of social presence and online learning self-efficacy could predict student satisfaction in these online learning settings. To this end, we used a stepwise multiple regression model for student satisfaction involving social presence and online learning self-efficacy. Data were collected from a sample of 435 participants, all of whom were undergraduate students enrolled in the summer semester at the University of Jordan in 2020 Academic Year. The results demonstrated that the undergraduate students had high levels of online learning self-efficacy and moderate levels of social presence and student satisfaction. The study also revealed a significant positive relationship between social presence, online learning self-efficacy, and student satisfaction. The findings revealed that social presence and online learning self-efficacy impact and significantly predict student satisfaction in higher education institutions in Jordan in online learning settings. Based on these results, the authors recommend that instructors at these institutions foster social presence to enhance student satisfaction.
Contribution/ Originality
This study focuses on the importance of social presence and online learning self-efficacy and predicts a number of factors that significantly influence student satisfaction in online learning settings and affect the quality of online learning. These findings would encourage online instructors in the School of Educational Sciences to foster social presence between their students and enhance student satisfaction
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

Analysis of Demographic Factors on Perceptions of Inventory Managers towards Healthcare Performance

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The healthcare sector has proven as one of the most crucial sectors, especially during a situation like COVID-19 pandemic. Further, healthcare is an area of concern that significantly influences economic growth. Higher rates of mortalities have contributed to the issue of whether inventory managers are paying adequate attention to the ongoing pharmacy and other inventory-related operations in striving for productivity optimization. This paper aimed to determine whether there is a substantial difference between individual factors regarding the perceptions of inventory managers on healthcare performance. This research applied the quantitative method through IBM-SPSS statistics, and 200 inventory managers employed at different public healthcare facilities of Punjab, Pakistan were randomly selected for the research survey. The research found that any difference in the attributes of demography does not affect the perceptions of inventory managers towards healthcare performance and is equally essential regardless of their demographic attributes. This research is useful to the department of health, to the body of knowledge, public and private healthcare facilities. Further research could examine the mediation of demographic attributes in back-log inventories and healthcare performance.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few investigating the dimensions of disruptive factors and inventory control. The study contributes, identifying the dimensions within the constructs, to the existing literature as well as the reliability of those constructs and their relevant dimensions.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Occurrence of Diabetes among Rural Women

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diseases

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Diabetes has already been described as an epidemic, and health care system around the world is bearing its pressure. Globally, it has to be dealt with huge care. In the present study, 1001 rural women (Age 21-90 years; mean age: 54 ± 3.2 years) from the northern region of Punjab were analyzed for the serum glucose levels, to estimations its occurrence/prevalence. The subjects were divided into different age groups. The study revealed a high percentage (46.2%) of subjects with serum glucose levels higher than the normal range of 70-110 mg/dl of blood. Age groups of 21-30 and 81-90 years showed a less prevalence of diabetes, whereas age groups between 31-40 and 41-50 years is most prone showing higher percentages (average 12.9 and 18.5%, respectively). The study is an indicative of a major crisis in the coming times. The data suggests that awareness drives and remedial measures should be enforced with immediate effect.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature related to prevalence of diabetes in India. This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the prevalence and awareness of diabetes among women of rural areas of Punjab. The paper's primary contribution is finding that rural women in age groups between 31-50 are most prone to diabetes.
Medical Sciences » Journal of Diseases » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Diversity of Cultural Tourism Attractions in Nairobi Urban Destination

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The purpose of this research was to find out the diversity of potential cultural attractions in Nairobi urban tourism destination. Today cities are tapping into diverse sources to increase international visitor arrivals as well as their spending. Cultural tourism and urban entertainment are the greatest motivation for urban tourism since culture is a fundamental component within the tourism system. The subjects of interest in this study for quantitative data consisted of foreign departing tourists through Kenya’s biggest airport - Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) located in Nairobi. To get a complete picture of the research, the study also employed qualitative approach, specifically; in-depth interviews with public and private sector stakeholders to answer questions on key areas. The research found out there was a weak motivation to cultural attractions despite their proximity to the CBD. Thus, Nairobi urban cultural tourism destination managers should ensure that urban cultural attractions have the highest score if a definite visitor appeal is to be created, realized, and maintained for continued and repeat visitor visitation. The findings of this research have provided invaluable understanding on the opportunities available to cultural attractions available in Nairobi. This information can be used by private and public stakeholders to develop clear policies and collaborations on urban cultural tourism development.
Contribution/ Originality
It contributes to urban managers on the diverse cultural tourism attractions found in in Nairobi urban destination. Their roles and opportunities available for all stakeholders to develop clear policies for their continued development.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Preservative Effects of Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Tumeric (Curcuma longa) Extract and Citric Acid and Pasteurization on the Nutritional Quality and Shelf Life of Tiger-Nut Non-Dairy Milk

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) non-dairy milk is a plant milk and a rich source of nutrients. However, milk from animal or plant is highly perishable. The focus of this study was to evaluate the influence of inclusion of preservatives and pasteurization on the quality of tiger nut milk. Five samples were produced: control (0 % preservative); natural preservatives (ginger or tumeric extract); combination of ginger and turmeric and manufactured citric acid. Samples were stored at room and refrigeration temperatures and evaluated for 30 days. Analyses performed include physico-chemical and nutritional composition, microbial load and general acceptability of tiger nut non-dairy milk samples using standard methods. Tiger nut non-dairy milk without preservative was generally accepted, while milk with ginger extract scored higher in appearance. Values ranged from (5.9 - 6.1), (5.2 - 6.8), (4.8 - 6.5); and (0.05 - 0.17 %); (0.04 – 0.15%); (0.05 – 0.17 %) for 0; 15 and 30 days respectively for pH and total titratable acidity. Total viable counts were (<1 to 5.9±1.8ax106 CFU/mL); enterobacteriaceae, (<1 to 5.4±0.7ax106 CFU/mL), Staphylococcal (3.3±1.0d x105 to 4.2±0.9bx106 CFU/mL) and fungal (<1 to 4.5±0.5ax106 CFU/mL). Moisture content (85.6 to 87.8 %), protein (3.7 - 4.3 %), ash (0.7– 1.8 %), crude fat (3.5 – 4.57 %). Sodium and potassium content ranged from (178.2 - 431.9 mg/kg) and (52.5– 416.2 mg/kg) respectively. The L* value ranged from (75.2–79.7). Conclusively, tiger nut non-dairy milk with natural preservative was as effective as manufactured citric acid in reducing the microbial content and maintaining the nutrients.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature to the versatility of underutilized Tigernut. This crop can be converted to several food products including non-dairy milk. Natural preservative extracts were effective in preserving this nutritious plant milk. Preserving plant milk with turmeric extract is a novel idea to our knowledge.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

An Overview of Advances in Image Colorization Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Techniques

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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Automatic image colorization as a process has been studied extensively over the past 10 years with importance given to its many applications in grayscale image colorization, aged/degraded image restoration etc. In this study, we attempt to trace and consolidate developments made in Image colorization using various computer vision techniques and methodologies, focusing on the emergence and performance of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We talk in depth about GANs and CNNs, namely their structure, functionality and extent of research. Additionally, we explore the advances made in image colorization using other Deep Learning frameworks ranging from LeNets to MobileNets in order of their evolution in detail. We also compare existing published works showcasing new advancements and possibilities, and predominantly emphasize the importance of continuing research in image colorization. We further analyze and discuss potential applications and challenges of GANs to tackle in the future.
Contribution/ Originality
This study attempts to trace and consolidate developments made in Image colorization using various computer vision techniques and methodologies, focusing on the emergence and performance of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Methods for Estimating Missing Values in Descriptive Time Series Statistics: Novelty and Efficiency under Buys-Ballot

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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There is dearth of information in the field of statistics on the innovative estimation methods that can replace missing values in descriptive time series data. Therefore, this review work provides information on the existing and new methods of estimating missing values in descriptive time series data. The work provides new insight on the comparative performance of the recently-developed methods and the existing ones and discussed model structure and trending curves as important parameters in estimation of missing values. It is expected that the present contribution will assist statisticians seeking to solve the problem of missing values in descriptive time series data. The application of this work should be restricted to time series data with trend (linear, quadratic and exponential) and seasonal components combined in the additive and multiplicative forms. The contribution covers data missing at one point at a time in a row or column when data are arranged in a Buys-Ballot table. Use of the Buys-Ballot table arrangement in the estimation of missing values is new, convenient and merits scientific analysis.
Contribution/ Originality
This review work is one of the few papers that discussed the novelty and efficiency of Buys-Ballot table in the estimation of missing values in descriptive time series statistics.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Exploring the Climate Change Impact on Major Food Crops of Bangladesh - A Time Series Analysis

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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This paper tries to explore the dynamic relationship between the yield of major crops in Bangladesh (aus, amas, boro, wheat and potato) and climate change (average rainfall, average maximum temperature and average minimum temperature). Graphical visualization shows that, there is increasing trend in average annual minimum temperature and average annual minimum rainfall, while there is decreasing trend of average annual maximum temperature. We applied autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) cointegration method in order to study the dynamic relationship. The paper finds long run dynamic link between yield of aus rice and average rainfall and average minimum temperature. We have found short run dynamic relationship for yield of aman rice, boro rice and potato. However, we do not find any dynamic relationship has been found for yield of wheat with the variables of climate change. After estimation the dynamic relationship, we ensure there is no serial correlation among residuals using Breusch-Godfrey test and models are normally distributed using histogram and Jarque-Bera test. Finally, we ensure the stability of the models applying CUSUM test.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literatures of climate change and its impact on yield of major food crops in Bangladesh with more recent and extended dataset and more logical statistical analysis based on global literatures. This is our original work.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

Contribution of Domestic Direct Investment and Direct Foreign Investment to Economic Growth in Indonesia Era Joko Widodo

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This study aims to analyze the contribution of Domestic Investment (DDI) and Foreign Investment (DFI) to economic growth in Indonesia under President Jokowi. The data used are the 2014-2019 quarterly time series from the Word Bank, BPS and BPKM. This research uses descriptive quantitative method, with multiple regression analysis with SPSS. Hypothesis testing uses the t test (partial test) and F test (simultaneous test) with a significance of ? = 0.05. The results of hypothesis testing show that partially FDI has a negative effect on economic growth in Indonesia, while DDI has no significant effect on economic growth. However, simultaneously DDI and FDI have no significant effect on economic growth. At the end of the study, it is suggested that the role of the government as a regulator is needed to increase DDI and FDI so as to increase economic growth. Furthermore, Indonesia needs to improve the quality of innovative human resources as an attraction for investors to invest in Indonesia, such as Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Contribution/ Originality
The papers primary contribution is finding that contribution FDI and DDI to Indonesia economic growth hasn’t been significant; however role of the government as regulator can encourage increased investment through ease of licensing. Furthermore, it necessary to provide innovative human resources as an attraction for investors to invest in Indonesia.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 01-2021 Issue: 1

The Impact of Renewable Energy on GDP

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Besides traditional production factors, such as labor and capital, one of the inputs used in the production process is energy. Although the use of fossil fuels is more common in many production processes renewable energy sources are increasingly important in ensuring sustainable development. In many countries in the world, the share of renewable energy is the total energy consumption is very high, including in European Union (EU) countries. The purpose of this study is the investigate the output elasticity coefficients of capital and renewable energy in 12 EU countries by using the Cobb–Douglas production function approach. In this study, the Gross domestic Product these countries from 2000 to 2017, was examined using a generalized method of moments estimation, which used labor, capital, and renewable energy data. As a result of the study, the output elasticity coefficient in the Cobb–Douglas production function was found to be 1.147. This indicates that a 1% increase in labor, capital, and renewable energy increased GDP by 0.598%, 0.446%, and 0.093%, respectively. Among the findings, the relationship between GDP and explanatory variables is statistically significant and economically significant. It is understood that there is a positive relationship between the variables.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by investigating the output elasticity coefficients of capital and renewable energy using the Cobb–Douglas production function approach.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 4

The Euribor and EONIA Reform: Achieving Regulatory Compliance while Protecting Financial Stability

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Based on an extensive review of the academic and legal literature combined with a screening of news articles and policy papers, this article is the first to describe in great detail the events leading up to the EURIBOR reform and the efforts to make EURIBOR compliant with the European Benchmark Regulation. It documents the development of the hybrid EURIBOR methodology to ensure the benchmark to be anchored to transactions as much as possible thereby reducing manipulative behavior. The article further explains the actions undertaken by the administration and the EU RFR Working Group to transition from EONIA towards €STER and the reasoning behind the choice to recalibrate EONIA into €STER plus a spread. Although EURIBOR is considered BMR-compliant since 2 July 2019 and EONIA can continue to be used until 3 January 2022, this article explains why market participants should not be disincentivized to already take actions to provide for fallback rates to EURIBOR in their legal documentation, and to move away from EONIA. This study addresses various fallback methodologies.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is the first to provide a holistic overview of the reforms of the EURIBOR and the EONIA, as well as the on-going work to transition away from EONIA towards the Euro short-term rate (€STER). The study documents the efforts made by the administrator, the panel banks as well as by the FSMA to reform EURIBOR and to keep it operational, at least in the medium term. It explains the choice of the EU RFR Working Group and the administrator to recalibrate EONIA into €ster + a spread of 8.5 basis points.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 02-2021 Issue: 2

Predictive Pseudo-Steady-State Mechanistic Model for Chain Reactions in Petrochemical Furnace Reactors

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research

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The research predicts the application of pseudo steady-state mechanism to chain reactions. Process chain reactions taking place in a petrochemical furnace reactor generates many intermediates species, and the material balance process are written in the kinetic balance to account for the contributory effects of the intermediates species than assuming negligible concentrations in the kinetic balance process. A set of material balance model on the number of molecules cum intermediates species resulting from the free radicals’ mechanism of the initiation, propagation, and termination all taking place in the furnace reactor were developed; and resolved simultaneously with energy/temperature balance of the radiative-convective zones of the petrochemical furnace reactor. A mat-lab simulation process applying the petrochemical plant process data as boundary conditions, gave plot profiles of the molecules (ethylene, hydrogen, methane, and butane) and active intermediates of (methyl, ethyl, and hydrogen) and a clear flat plateau which mainly depicts applicability of pseudo steady-state mechanism in kinetic studies. The models predict the following results ethane cracking 5.57%. ethylene formation 14.6%, temperature effects 0.03% and pressure drop 3.5 % which is very adequate for the petrochemical furnace reactor operations industrially. Finally, the essence of the work is to demonstrate how intermediates species formed in reactions process should be incorporated in any given material balance model to account for the overall kinetic studies rather than neglecting as zero contributions in any process chemistry.
Contribution/ Originality
The research contributes to chemical engineering view point a pseudo steady state mechanism incorporates radical species of petrochemical chain reactions in writing the material balance to account for the overall effects in kinetic studies. While, chemistry assumes radical species are spectator ions assumed to be zero in any reactions kinetics.
Engineering » International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Reference Evapotranspiration by Hargreaves and Modified Hargreaves Equations under Semi-Arid Environment

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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The Penman-Monteith (FAO-56 PM) ETo equation is considered as the standard ETo equation to estimate reference evapotranspiration (ETo) under all the weather conditions of the world. But there are many regions of the globe where all the climatic data is not available to evaluate FAO-56 PM ETo equation. So, Hargreaves (HG) ETo equation can be used which required very small number of weather data. The HG ETo equation requires only air temperature as input data which is available at most of the weather stations of the world. But the major drawback of HG ETo equation is that it overestimates or underestimates FAO-56 PM ETo equation. So it becomes necessary to modify HG ETo Equation according to the local climatic conditions before it is being applied. The HGorg and modified HG ETo equations are assessed for ETo estimation under cold and hot semi-arid climatic conditions of Quetta and Zhob weather stations by using 9 years meteorological data of each weather station against FAO-56PM ETo equation. The original HG ETo equation overestimates FAO-56 PM ETo equation at Zhob weather station by giving percentage error of 15.82% and underestimate at Quetta weather station by giving percentage error of 35.02%. The coefficient of original HG ETo equation was modified by using a simple mathematical logic. The overestimation at Zhob weather station reduced to 1.89% and underestimation at Quetta station reduced to 0.87% by using modified HG ETo equation. The variations of original HG ETo equation with FAO-56 PM ETo equation has RMSE of 0.89 mm/day at Zhob weather station and 1.74 mm/day at Quetta weather station. The variations of modified HG ETo equation with FAO-56 PM ETo equation has RMSE of 0.27 mm/day at Zhob weather station and 0.29 mm/day at Quetta weather station.
Contribution/ Originality
The objective of this research is to modify the Hargreaves (HG) ETo equation according to the regional semi-arid conditions of Quetta and Zhob weather stations of Baluchistan Province.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Estimation of Ground Water Recharge for Irrigation Water Budget Planning in Kanzenze Swamp

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Hydrology Research

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Groundwater is the dynamic local water source for agriculture, industry, wildlife and human development activity. Hence, in order to sustain long-term groundwater use, make intelligent groundwater allocation decisions and water budget planning, develop on-farm water management strategies, the estimation of the net groundwater recharge from agricultural areas like Kanzenze swamp is paramount important. The study findings therefore showed that Ground Water Recharge estimation for the study area ranges from 33.85mm to 52.96mm while the average mean of ground water recharge is about 45.06mm per year. The coefficient of ground water recharge is ranging from 3.41% to 5.27% while average mean recharge coefficient is 4.06% recharged to ground water level yearly. However, monthly basis planning have advantages for farmers’ water budgeting. It revealed that highest recharge coefficient is recorded in months of March, April and November representing 17.22% and 17% of the mean monthly rainfall while the lowest recharge coefficient is recorded during the period of June, July and February representing 16.17%, 15.73% and 16.71% of the average monthly rainfall. Thus, it is recommended that utmost farmers around the Kanzenze swamp should plan the irrigation activities and minimizes unnecessary water use consumption in such way that in June and July there is water enough water even taught there is shortage of rainfall. It meant that priori irrigation systems should be applied to obtain optimum moisture content and water table levels for effective crop production mainly horticultural crops in season C rather than season A and season B of cultivation in Rwanda.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the Estimation of ground water recharge for irrigation water budget planning in Kanzenze swamp to solve the farmers’ problems in use of water during agricultural seasons alongside the swamp.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Hydrology Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1