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Listing 86 - 20 of 2809 results.

Characterisation of Propagation Loss for a 3G Cellular Network in a Crowded Market Area Using CCIR Model

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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In this paper, the propagation loss for 1800 MHz cellular network in a crowded market is studied and characterized using the Comit´e International des Radio-Communication, (CCIR) propagation loss model. Empirical measurement of the received signal strength in the market was conducted using CellMapper android app installed on Samsung Galaxy S4 phone. The CCIR model was configured with three different percentages of covered areas (PB). The model was optimized using the root means square error (RMSE) method and also by tuning the PB value. The un-tuned CCIR model gave an RMSE value of 9.23 dB which is above the acceptable upper limit of 6 dB for propagation loss prediction models. On the other hand, the PB-tuned CCIR model gave the best prediction result with an RMSE value of 2.177 dB and prediction accuracy of 98.11 % which is better than the performance of all the RMSE-tuned CCIR models. The results showed that apart from using an RMSE value to tune the CCIR propagation loss model, adjustment of some other key parameters of the model can as well provide a better prediction performance. However, the choice of the parameter to be tuned depends on the specific nature of the case study area.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is the development of an alternative approach for optimizing the CCIR model by adjusting the percentage of covered area rather than using the root mean square error (RMSE). The paper demonstrated that the proposed method can give better propagation prediction performance than the RMSE-based optimization approach.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Development of Web Application for University of Uyo Post UTME Examination Timetable

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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In this paper a web application for Post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (Post UTME) timetable for University of Uyo (UNIUYO) was presented. The system includes a web-based mapping system for visualizing the Post UTME examination venues on a Google base map. The system interfaces with the Google map server using a comma separated version interface file that contains the spatial data of the items to be visualized on the Google base map. An evolutionary software development model was used in the development of the web application. The system was implementation using Macromedia Dreamweaver, Cascaded Style Sheet (CSS), MYSQL Database Management System, HTML language, PHP server-side scripting language, Apache web server and Google Maps application programming interface. The application was hosted locally and sample Post UTME examination timetable data from UNIUYO were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Post UTME timetable web application.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have developed a map mashup timetable web application for the Post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (Post UTME). The web application uses Google base map to visualize the Post UTME timetable venues on a map and also gives direction for the users.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

An Analysis of Chinas Poverty Research Based on CiteSpace

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This paper uses CiteSpace to comprehensively grasp the situation of poverty research through the keyword co-occurrence and cluster by extracting the literature information in China during 1998-2017. The results show that the literature on poverty in China has different kinds of hotspots, which changed from rural areas, poverty alleviation and economic growth to multidimensional poverty, industrial poverty alleviation, and precise poverty alleviation. The researches mostly focus on subjects of poverty, poverty alleviation, sustainable development, and so on. This paper also finds that the number of research is huge, but the targeted research and field research is not enough. In the future, deep research on precise poverty alleviation will become a new trend.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first analysis of the hotspots and frontiers of poverty research in China with the information visualization tool - CiteSpace. And this study has summarized the trends of research content and research paradigm based on the analysis.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Determination of Refractivity Gradient and Modified Refractivity Gradient for Cross River State

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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In this paper, determination of refractivity gradient and modified refractivity gradient for Cross River state was carried out. The year 2013 Radiosonde meteorological data from Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) was used. Refractivity, modified refractivity, refractivity gradient and modified refractivity gradient were computed. The results showed that in the year 2013, Cross River state had maximum modified refractivity gradient (dM/dz) of 114.9 (M -units/Km) and it occurred in December whereas the minimum modified refractivity gradient (dM/dz) on 81.9 (M–units/Km) and it occurred in October . Also, in the year 2013, the maximum refractivity gradient (dN/dz) was -42.1 (N-units/Km) and it occurred in December whereas the minimum refractivity gradient (dN/dz) was -75.1 (N-units/Km) and it occurred in October. The standard refractivity gradient of -39 N-units and standard modified refractivity gradient of 118 M-units occurred in December at altitude of 103 meters. In all the months the atmospheric condition was in the normal state except in the month of October where superrefraction occurred.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the modified refractivity gradient for Cross River state. Available related studies on Cross River State were mainly on refractivity gradient.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Impact of the Optimal Tilt Angle on the Solar Photovoltaic Array Size and Cost for a 100 kWh Solar Power System in Imo State

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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In this paper the impact of adjusting the optimal tilt angle of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules on monthly bases was studied and compared to that of the annually-fixed optimal tilt angle. PVSyst software was used to determine the optimal tilt angle for each month for a given case study site in Imo state in Nigeria. Mathematical models for computing the required PV array power to meet the daily energy demand of 100 kWh were presented. Addition parameters considered in the study were the PV array number of modules as well as PV array area and cost. For the case study 100 kWh daily energy demand, the selected PV module had a peak power rating of 100W, with a unit cost of N 18,000 and with dimensions that gave an area of 0.65945m^2. The results showed that there is about 4 % (annual average) reduction in the required PV array power when the monthly adjustment of the optimal tilt angle is used. December had the highest percentage reduction in the required PV array power. The reduction in the PV array power resulted in the corresponding reduction in the number of PV modules needed to provide the required power, as well as a reduction in PV array area and cost.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the impact of the optimal tilt angle on the solar photovoltaic array size and cost for the solar power system in Imo state, Nigeria.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Social, Economical and Environmental Issues of Floriculture Sector Development in Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: Review of Plant Studies

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The floriculture sector is a new agricultural industry in Ethiopia. The sector created job opportunities for thousands of people especially women and generates huge amount of foreign exchange earnings to the country. However, it’s social and environmental issues associated with the development of the sector are not yet well documented. The present review was therefore initiated with the objective to summarize and the sector development and document the issues raised associated with its development in the country. According to the review results the floriculture industry is suffering from insufficient infrastructure system necessary for further development of the industry which should be solved with the respective stakeholders. Moreover, the industry is accused from negative environmental and social impacts which may have negative impacts for future development of the industry. Continuous awareness trainings on health and safety issues through respective stakeholders and regular monitoring in the implementation of guidelines and roles regarding environmental protection is recommended to sustain the further improvement of the industry in Ethiopia.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper contributes to give an insight for the potential investors of the sector and for the government to design intervention strategies for further development of the industry in the country.
Agricultural Sciences » Review of Plant Studies » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 1

Influense of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) for Stenting Propagation of Cut Rose

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Growth promoting hormones like auxins are now a day commercially used for rooting of many ornamental plants including roses in propagation industries of many countries. Their effects are however influenced by environmental conditions, types of plants, the rooting media and the concentrations used. This research was therefore mainly conducted to evaluate the effects of different IBA concentrations on growth and development of stenting-propagated roses. The experiment was laid down in completely randomized design with four replications in the propagation house of Tana Flora PLC. The performance of rose cuttings treated with 1500 ppm of IBA was the best in all growth parameters including shoot length, Root length, toot number etc. which can be recommended to propagate roses by stenting method in the study area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have been investigated for the improvement of the rooting capacity, growth and development of stenting-propagation of cut rose flowers treating with IBA-Hormone. Therefore, the present finding will contribute to flower growers and propagators through providing ideal concentration of IBA Hormone.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Child Labour and Protection: An Exploration of Vulnerable Children in Lagos State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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In recent times, there are increases in the incidence of child labor in Lagos State. Many children worked in informal sectors of the economy such as market, construction sites, beer parlors, and motor parks. Many were on the streets hawking and begging for alms. Economic doldrums, lack of parental care and forced migration were linked with the rampant in child labor in Lagos State. The problem is the Child’s Rights Act promulgated by the Lagos State government has become so ineffective. This study therefore, sets to examine the reasons for surge in child labor in recent times in Lagos State. It investigates government’s efforts in the protection of children. The study also examines parental roles in providing and nurturing children. Anomie and Social Structure Theory was used in this study to explain the reason why many children engaged in labor. This study was conducted in two areas with highest cases of child labor in Lagos State, namely: Oshodi, and Lagos Island. Qualitative method of data collection was used in this study. In-depth interviews were conducted among one hundred and ninety-eight child laborers, and fourteen welfare officers. This study found that many child laborers were abandoned by their parents, guardians and relatives. Many were truants, victims of breaking home, poverty, polygamy and forced migration. This study concluded that government should provide welfare services for children who are between Age 0 and 18. The number of children per family should also be limited to 3.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on child labor and law on the protection of children.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2018 Issue: 4

Forecasting Equity Index Volatility: Empirical Evidence from Japan, UK and USA Data

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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Using non-linear models to forecast volatility for three equity index samples, this study examines weekly returns of three indices; Dow Jones Industrial index, FTSE 100 index, and Nikkei 225 index. The sample covers a twenty year sample period. The study employs an in sample and out of sample volatility forecast using standard symmetric loss functions in order to identify an appropriate model that best forecast volatility. Using the mean error (ME), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), the study finds the EGARCH model to outperform the ARCH, and GARCH model in forecasting volatility.
Contribution/ Originality
This is among the first studies that found EGARCH model to outperform the ARCH, and GARCH model in forecasting volatility using a combination of Japan, UK and US data.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 1

Monitoring of Surface Soil Quality Parameters of the Sitalakshya River, Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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The present study was carried out to monitor and assess the surface soil quality parameters of the Sitalakshya River, Bangladesh. The soil samples were collected from Kanchpur Bridge and Atlapur during rainy and winter season. Soil texture is an important tool that aids in organic matter retention, minerals dispersal, microbial biomass, and other soil properties. The soil of the study area was recorded sandy loam and loam. The concentrations of soil parameters ranged for EC: 65.7 ?S/cm-99.83 ?S/cm; pH: 6.67-6.97; organic matter: 0.43%-0.66%; and organic carbon: 0.23%-0.35% in the soil of the Sitalakshya River. Most of the parameters showed no substantial variations in respect of sites and seasons (p>0.05) except electrical conductivity and pH (p<0.05). Statistical analysis like correlation matrix exposed the close relationship between organic matter and organic carbon. The soil of the Sitalakshya River has low nutrient contents that are not enough for the plants and organisms. Rapid industrialization and the huge establishment of brickfields are the major factors behind this less productive ecosystem. The river must be protected from further deterioration by taking fruitful management plan. This preliminary study will be a useful tool in the conservation plan. This will also help the future researchers who want to work on the river.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first logical analysis of the soil quality parameters of the Sitalakshya River. The study demonstrated the preliminary ecosystem condition of the river. This will provide baseline information for researchers and policymaker in the conservation issue.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Intention to Use E-Recruitment System: Empirical Evidence from Jobseekers in the Advertising Industry in Malaysia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Advancements in technology have a massive impact on the workplace including recruitment of staff. The aim of this study was to examine jobseekers’ behavior towards e-recruitment system usage by jobseekers in Malaysia. The study population was jobseekers intending to apply for jobs in the advertising industry. This was a quantitative study and self-administered questionnaires were used to collect information from a sample of 100 jobseekers. The SPSS statistical tool was used to generate descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results revealed that perceived usefulness was the key determinant of e-recruitment adoption. However, the impact of perceived information content quality (PICQ) and perceived search engine optimization (PSEO) was insignificant. The implications of this study are that recruitment agencies and human resources practitioners need to focus on the perceived usefulness of the e-recruitment system to attract and create the desire in jobseekers to use e-recruitment system.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated jobseekers intention to use e-recruitment system in Malaysia. This study provides insights for human resources practitioners on the effective use of e-recruitment system to attract a greater pool of applicants.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Disaggregated Foreign Capital Inflows and Economic Growth in a Developing Economy: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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This study estimates the impact of Foreign Capital Inflows on economic growth in Nigeria from 1986Q1 – 2014Q4. For empirical analysis, the paper adopts the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag- Unrestricted Error Correction Model (ARDL-UECM). Empirical evidence from the ARDL-bounds Co-integration Test shows there is co-integration between Economic Growth (proxied by Growth rate of Real Gross Domestic Product) and Foreign Capital Inflows (disaggregated into Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Portfolio Investment and Workers’ Remittances) in Nigeria. The results also show that apart from remittances, other components of Foreign Capital Inflows have significant impact on Economic Growth in Nigeria. The study therefore recommends that Government should, alongside other economic activities, provide an enabling economic environment for more Foreign Capital Inflows. Also the financial sector should be improved so that workers’ remittances can be efficiently tracked through the banking channels and also put to productive use. This is how to minimize the negative impact of workers’ remittance inflows into Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature as one of the recent empirical papers that focus on the disaggregated impact of Foreign Capital Inflows on economic growth in Nigeria using the framework of the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag- Unrestricted Error Correction Model (ARDL-UECM).
Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 1

Social Media for Higher Education: A Cross Sectional Study among Teachers in India and Sri Lanka

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The literature bound the usage of social media by professionals and the present study posits to investigate teachers in higher education who are sophisticated users of social media today. Currently, the usages of social media by faculty personal is increasing, although their usage of social media for teaching is lacked. It is not apparent that who use social media in the classroom yet. Thereby, in line with the UTAUT-Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model, the purpose of the present study has derived as to investigate the effects of social media in terms of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions on behavior intention and finally on use behavior in teaching and learning activities. In addition, the study inspects the barriers that inhibit the minds of the management faculty in the use of it. The survey was conducted using standard questionnaire as online forms and printed copies. In this study, B-school faculty were considered as the population. The sampling method is used for the study is snowball sampling and 400 samples used for the study. One–Sample t-test was used for analyzing the data. Overall, the study found that there is a clear difference in the usage of social media by Indian faculty and Sri Lankan faculty.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature as this is the first attempt which compared the usage of social media in higher education of teachers in India and Sri Lanka as a cross sectional study.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2018 Issue: 4

Impact of Telecommunications Market Liberalization on Labor Productivity in Economic Community of West African States

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This research establishes an indirect link between the liberalization of telecommunications services and labor productivity based on the causal chain following Francois (2002) and Wang (2006). Estimates are based on Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) countries data for the period of 2002-2012. The results show that the degree of competition has a significant effect on the performance of telecom services, which in turn significantly affects the labor productivity. There is no correlation between the openness of telecom services and the degree of competition. As policy implication, on the basis of our results, the regulation in the telecommunications sector needs to be strengthened in order to reduce operators' monopoly power. Thus, we will witness a great penetration of telecommunications services in the ECOWAS countries. In doing so the goal of universal service access would be achieved and the productivity of the work factor will improve accelerating economic growth.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the impact the liberalization of trade in telecommunications services in African economies. Unlike other studies that analyze the impact on the growth economy, this article analyzes the impact of the liberalization of the sector on labor productivity in the ECOWAS zone.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Urban Population Growth and Environmental Sustainability in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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It is believed that the increasing urban population has led to rapid forest decline and degradation of the environment. This paper examines the impact of urban population growth on environmental sustainability using Nigeria data from 1981-2017. The variables used are urban population growth, fossil fuel consumption, carbon emissions, food production index, arable land, and agricultural raw material exports with renewable energy consumption and forest reserves as explanatory variables. Autoregressive lag model was used to determine the impact of urban population on renewable energy consumption and forest reserves, which are proxies for sustainable environment. From the findings, urban population growth had significant impact on environmental sustainability while real gross domestic product does not have significant impact on renewable energy consumption and forestry. Findings also show that urban population growth increase renewable energy consumption but decrease forest reserves. A basic policy in this direction is effective curtailing in the rate of population growth and depletion of forest reserves.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in existing literature by examining the influence of urban population growth on several sustainable environment variables such as fossil fuel consumption, carbon emissions, renewable energy consumption and forest reserves.
Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 1

In-Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Plantago Lanceolata Against Some Selected Standard Pathogenic Bacterial

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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The leaves of Plantago lanceolata have been used for centuries to treat diseases. Currently there is an increasing incidence of multiple antibiotic resistances in microorganisms which is a major threat. Widespread overuse of antibiotics is one led to increasing clinical resistance of previously sensitive microorganisms and the emergence of previously uncommon infections. Thus all these calls for an urgent need to search new, effective and safe anti-bacterial agents. The objective of this study was to determine antibacterial potentials of extracts of P. lanceolata against standard pathogens bacteria. Active antibacterial compounds were extracted using three solvents. The antibacterial sensitivity activities of crude extracts were determined using agar well diffusion assay. MIC and MBC of each crude extracts were also determined using broth dilution method. The test showed various degrees of antibacterial activity towards each standard pathogenic microorganism with mean zone of inhibition ranges up to 18±2mm against S. typhi. The plant extract was showed as low 3±1mm to high 18±2mm diameter inhibition zone. Chloroform extract have the least inhibition zone while the ethanol have highest inhibition zone. The extract value of MIC was showed at the ranges of 12.5mg to 50mg while the MBC were showed at the range of 25mg to 50mg. The result of this study showed that leaves of P. lanceolata have considerable antibacterial potential. The claimed efficacy could be attributable to antibacterial activity of its components but its mode of action is unclear.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by providing basic information for other researchers regarding the antibacterial efficacy potential of P. lanceolata leaves crude extract. Therefore, even though it needs further studies, leaves of P. lanceolata may be considered as a potential option to antibiotic regimens.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 01-2018 Issue: 1

The Importance of Public Administration Towards Achieving Good Governance for Positive National Development by Using SmartPLS 3

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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This research is an applied research using both quantitative and qualitative techniques instrument developed (questionnaire) and it’s been conducted in a broader spectrum of constructs to give a bigger picture of the Public Administration problems and challenges faced by Ghana which gives an indication as to why Ghana is not achieving Good Governance status. A total of 65 questionnaires were distributed but only 55 respondents where gather from the target group of Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) within the Tamale Metropolis. A scientific tool used to run this analysis is SmartPLS 3. This research measures the relationship of two variables with Partial Least Squares and Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The main purpose of this research is to make contributions to the underpinning Public Administration as the main driver in the discourse of achieving Good Governance for a country. The hypothesis is that Public Administration has positive relationship towards Good Governance of the country. The findings confirmed the hypothesis that Public Administration is significant to Good Governance positively based on both reflective and formative models. In this study many of the Good Governance constructs are positively reflective but the Public Administration constructs which consists of behavioural ethics and institutional performance status had conflicting results in terms of significance and some are very low in the outer loadings. Institutional failures under the Public Administration need to be looked at seriously by all stakeholders and adopt a way forward model. This research drew inspiration from a theory of Matei et al. (2016).
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first logical analysis of the importance of public administration towards achieving positive good governance since the study uses new scientific methodology to define relationships and their applicability. It is to inform stakeholders of the missing links for proper development decision-making of the poorer nations in Africa.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Depositors Confidence and Mergers and Acquisitions: The Nigerian Banking Sector Experience

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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Nigeria implemented major financial reforms between 2004 and 2005 in which mergers and acquisitions became an imperative option for most of the deposit money banks to meet the new and hiked minimum capital base requirement. This study examined the impact of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on depositors’ confidence in the Nigerian banking sector. An ex-post facto research design was used with secondary data collected for twenty years. The study covered all the deposit money banks in Nigeria within the period 1995-2015 with 2005 as a base year separating pre and post merger periods. Multiple regression and paired student t-test approaches were employed to analyze the data with the aid of SPSS (20) software. The output yielded mixed findings. While M&As as proxied by dummy merger showed mostly positive and insignificant impact on confidence of depositors, they indicated positive significant impact when measured by shareholders’ funds - an alternate proxy. The paired student t-test yielded significant positive impact on depositors’ confidence. Overall, the findings suggest that the mergers and acquisitions have positively and significantly impacted on depositors’ confidence in the Nigerian banking sector. It is recommended inter-alia that banks should endeavor to further enhance their shareholders’ funds while partnering actively with monetary authorities in pursuit of aggressive financial inclusion via innovative product offerings for cheap deposits and financial stability. This will further enhance the depositors’ confidence in the banking system.
Contribution/ Originality
The work is one of the very few studies which have examined the impact of mergers and acquisitions on depositors’ confidence in Nigeria banking sector and also of those whose findings suggest that mergers and acquisitions have positive significant impact on confidence of depositors in the Nigerian banking system.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 1

Assessment of Dual Carriageway for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development in Ado Ekiti, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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Various studies have been carried out on urban dual-carriage ways and its implication on sustainable development in different parts of world. In Nigeria, work on dual carriageway for sustainable development still remained under explored. This study therefore, focused on urban dual carriageway for sustainable development of Ado- Ekiti and to enhance good quality of life of the people. Data for this study were obtained from primary and secondary sources as well as field observation.250 copies of questionnaire were administered in 5 purposively selected areas in Ado-Ekiti with the use of questionnaire. Simple random sampling method was used to choose 30 houses at an interval of 10 houses through balloting .Secondary data were sourced through journal articles and edited books. Data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistic techniques. Chi-square statistical method were adopted to test the two hypotheses stated (i) effect of dual carriageway on socio-economic activities in the area and (ii) the impact of dual carriageway on travel time and cost of transport in the area at 5% level of significance. It was discovered that dual carriageway has great influence on socio - economic activities, trip generation, travel time, cost of transport among others in Ado- Ekiti
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Economic Contributions and Environmental Effects of Geothermal Energy: Çanakkale-Tuzla Geothermal Example

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Today, energy is important, the value of renewable resource geothermal energy created by the economy is quite high. In addition, there are fewer environmental effects than fossil resources. Turkey has rich geothermal resources due to its location on the Alpine-Himalayan folds. Geothermal resources in Turkey are used in electricity generation, in industrial, agricultural, residential heating and health tourism. The Çanakkale-Tuzla geothermal area, which is one of the geothermal areas in Turkey and located on the Biga Peninsula, is important due to the realization and privatization of electricity production from geothermal power. The research was carried out in order to examine the environmental effects and economic contributions of geothermal energy in Çanakkale-Tuzla. Çanakkale-Tuzla Geothermal Power Plant is Turkey's 776th with 7.50 MWe installed power and Çanakkalen is the 16th largest geothermal power plant. The facility is also Turkey's 30th largest geothermal power plant. Tuzla Geothermal Power Plant has an average of 46,090,778 kilowatt hours of electricity production and can meet all the energy needs of 13,925 people in daily life. Annual electricity production of Tuzla Geothermal Power Plant is increasing continuously from 2012. According to 2015 data, this plant has achieved 1.04% of the provincial production with 48.298.037 production. Similarly, according to 2015 data, Tuzla Geothermal Power Plant has received 0,018% of the total electricity generation in the country.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: inpmonth-0000 Issue: 0