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Listing 64 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Role of Habit and Emotional Regulation on Entertainment Video

Research Article
Journal: Journal of New Media and Mass Communication

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Communication research has largely sought to explore how users come to consume media. This study examines audience selection of entertainment media, in particular television program genres streamed in the online environment. By drawing from social cognitive theory, it is the aim of this study to investigate whether acts of emotional self-regulation can provide an explanation for selective exposure to media entertainment. In an experimental setting, mood management theory and social cognitive theory are pitted against each other in determining content preference under the influence of sad moods. Putting all subjects in a sad mood, and manipulating habit strengths for comedic and dramatic content, it is predicted that subjects whose emotional self-regulation is depleted will select more habitual entertainment video options than non-depleted subjects.
Contribution/ Originality
This study extends prior research by examining media selection behavior in online environment. The findings of this paper indicate that habits drive selective exposure when individuals are in depleted-resource states regardless of their mood.
Social Sciences » Journal of New Media and Mass Communication » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 2

Content Preference among Online and Hardcopy Newspaper Readers in Imo State

Research Article
Journal: Journal of New Media and Mass Communication

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The emergence of newspapers online has created an ambivalence globally. Whereas the general feeling is that the online version of newspapers are a threat to the print’s business model, it is difficult to tell  between online version and hardcopy newspapers which one is more economically rewarding as both are readily available and appear to thrive at least in Nigeria. This study is a survey of 392 newspaper readers in Imo State, selected in accordance with the Taro Yamane formula. Findings show that 80% of the respondents read both versions of newspapers, and that content is immaterial as a determinant of preferred version (76%). Rather, availability accounts for the version attended to per time. In addition, certain demographic and psychographic factors influence choice of content as well as media. It is therefore recommended among other things that the newspaper industry strive to provide both online and print versions provided that appropriate emphasis is laid on news which respondents consider the most valuable of newspaper contents.
Contribution/ Originality
This is one of the few studies that have investigated preference among Nigerian newspaper readers. Findings reveal that although the online version of newspapers is clearly preferred, readers are content with any version available to them provided that their information needs are met. Print is losing, but still viable.
Social Sciences » Journal of New Media and Mass Communication » Month: 06-2017 Issue: 1

Determining Rural Poverty in Manga Del Cura – Ecuador Non Delimited Zone

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This paper shows the implementation of the direct method, also called unsatisfied basic need index, indirect or poverty line method, Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve in Manga del Cura non delimited zone in Ecuador. The data used are the result of the processing of questionnaires applied to the people living in the zone. Simple probabilistic randomized sampling was applied for data processing (136 questionnaires).  Housing and minimum equipment for home were analyzed, together with infrastructure, access to education and home subsistence ability. Results show that residents have more than one unsatisfied basic need, among them overcrowding, in an infrastructure that does not guarantee the minimum sanitary standards needed. These people live under the line of poverty because their average earnings correspond to 271, 37 USD, not enough to cover the cost of a basic food basket and Ecuadorian vital food basket. Engel and Gini coefficients demonstrate that there is equity in income distribution, what does not necessarily constitutes an indicator of good economic conditions, on the contrary, in this particular case, they indicate that this population group has  similar, under 300.00 USD, monthly incomes.
Contribution/ Originality
This is the first study of the kind carried out in Manga del Cura non delimited zone in Ecuador and it contributes a new socio –economic and environmental perspective   of community evaluations. Besides, it opens new research lines to Ecuadorian scientific community
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

A Factor Analysis Approach Towards a Study of the Factors Affecting Students’ Choice of Higher Education Institution: A Case Study of a Private Institution (Twintech International University College of Technology)

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This study was conducted to discover the input that will help in the strategic management of the educational institution. The input is focused on information of the factors affecting students’ choice of a higher educational institution. For private educational institutions, the input also aids them in strategic marketing to gain competitive advantage. Specifically the study was done to discover the most important underlying factor that affects students' choice of an educational institution and also to show what aspects of the institutional factor are considered by students when they make their choices of educational institutions. This research followed a quantitative research design, where a survey, using a questionnaire, was used to gather the data on the factors that affect students’ choice criteria. By employing the pertinent research methodology, which is the Factor Analysis, more specifically the principal component analysis (P.C.A.) the researcher was able to reduce all the 51 items of students' responses to six (6) significant factors. The overall findings revealed that students chose more institutional factors than other factors. Based on this finding, a one factor solution was discovered to the study of students' choice, which is the factor of the "institution" with the highest factor loadings. No other studies had covered comprehensively all the items from the literature review (social, economic, physical, institutional and environmental, academic, marketing and administrative items) regarding students’ choice of tertiary education.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on students’ choice criteria of higher educational institutions. While most studies employ descriptive statistics using frequency and mean analysis, this study uses the factor analysis approach (Principle Component Analysis) of statistical methods which is a reduction scheme of many independent variables into groups through their loadings.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2016 Issue: 2

The Effects of Different Scoring Systems on Upset Percentage and Match Length in Tennis: A Simulation Study

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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Tennis has used many different scoring systems throughout its history.  Researchers have been examining these scoring systems for over forty years.  While several intuitive themes have emerged, no systematic examination on how different scoring systems affect the stronger player’s probability of winning over a range of serving strengths has been done. This research study used simulation to examine the three most common scoring systems used in the United States and their effect on match win probability, total points played, and expected length of the match.  Moving from ad to no ad or 10-point scoring can result in a more than 3.5% and 5% respective decrease in the probability of the stronger player winning a match.  When applied to NCAA Division I team tennis, moving from ad to no ad can decrease the stronger team’s probability of winning by over 4%.  Changes between scoring systems are more pronounced at relatively weaker serving strengths.
Contribution/ Originality
This study formally quantifies, through a systematic design of experiment, how different scoring systems affect upset percentage, match length, and match duration in tennis, thus extending upon earlier work which touched upon these aspects in a less comprehensive and quantitative manner.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 09-2016 Issue: 3

The Comparison of Communication Skills of Istanbul Gelisim University Physical Education and Sports School Students According to their Departments

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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The aim of this research was to compare the levels of communication skills of students from the departments of Recreation, Coaching, Sport Management and Sport and Exercise Science of the School of Physical Education and Sports at Istanbul Gelişim University. The Communication Skills Evaluation Scale was used as data collection tool. Portable IBM SPSS Statistics v20 software package was also used to analyze the obtained data. After the data were examined for normal distribution and homogeneity of variance, it was decided to use the parametric test method. The descriptive analysis and one-way Anova analysis which was used to determine the difference between two variances and Tukey’s test were also used to compare the variables among themselves. At the end of the study, it was determined that the students from the department of Recreation Department have a higher level for communication skills than the students from the other departments.
Contribution/ Originality

Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 4

The Requirements of Disabled Customers: A Study of British Customers in Egyptian Hotels

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The disabled customer market has become an increasingly important market in the hotel industry; however, the literature revealed a gap between what hotels provide and what needed by people with disability (PwD), which this study aims to bridge such a gap. The study employed a questionnaire comprising questions on 57 hotel attributes. The hotel attributes were divided into three groups: hotel employees, guest room, and public areas. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed to a convenience sample of British PwD customers. Among the questionnaires returned, 126 were useable, representing a response rate of 63%. The analysis of variance test was employed to determine the presence of significant differences between four types of disabilities (i.e., hearing, sight, physical, and intellectual) in relation to the importance and performance of the 57 hotel attributes. Additionally, importance-performance analysis (IPA) was conducted using SPSS. The results showed some statistically-significant differences for two hotel attributes. Specifically, people with physical disabilities attached more importance to two hotel attributes, i.e., “Automated door openings should be provided”, and “All corridors should be suitable for wheelchair users.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature to investigate the requirements of British customers with disabilities in Egyptian hotels. The findings of the current study would be useful and helpful for hotels in making sure that the required facilities for disabled customers are covered in their plan.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 2

Tourism in Odisha: An Engine of Long Run Growth

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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In this globalized era, travel and tourism has become an indispensable economic activity world over. It has the potential to strengthen the socio-economic foundation of a nation. It has the capability to disseminate the peace message across the globe. It is well-known for job creation, foreign exchange earnings, revenue and income generations, and developing socio-economic infrastructures. Thus, it is critical for unemployment reduction, poverty alleviation, inequality reduction, and bringing up balanced regional development. It is instrumental for achieving inclusive and sustainable growth of a nation like India and her States. It is with this backdrop, this paper is an attempt to assess the role of tourism in Odisha, an eastern State of India, as an engine of long-run economic growth. In recent years, tourism has grown considerably due to the availability of good infrastructure facilities, favorable government policies, improvement of existing tourist locations, development of new tourist destinations and strong growth of hotel and restaurant industry in the State. This is reflected in the growing number of both domestic and foreign tourists to the State. In a multivariate framework, the use of multiple regression model over the period spanning from 1990-91 to 2011-12 provides the evidence of the  positive contribution of the tourism sector to the economic growth of Odisha thereby justifying the role of tourism as an engine of long term growth of the State. Hence, the government of Odisha should formulate plans and policies such that tourism activities are promoted to lead a stable and sustainable growth of the State.
Contribution/ Originality
This is one of very few studies which have investigated the role of tourism as an engine of long-run growth by quantifying tourism sector in terms of domestic tourist arrivals, foreign tourist arrivals and in terms of tourists’ expenditure. This paper contributes to the literature the evidence of tourism-led growth in the context of Odisha State of India.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 2

QSPM Usage in SWOT Analysis as a Tool for Strategic Management of Caspian Sea Coasts (Case Study: Tourism Development in Caspian Eastern Coast at Gilan Province)

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The studied area is located in the eastern coast of Caspian Sea at the Gilan province in Iran including the sea shores at Rudsar, Langaroud, Lahijan, and Astane Ashrafiyeh cities. This research aims to study and analyze the important factors on developing tourism industry in the selected area. Therefore, the influential capabilities that lead to growth of potential tourists and tourism in the coasts, and have positive impacts on the economy and job growth of the area have been evaluated; the current weak points are discussed as well. This research employed field operation, observation, interview, survey and opinions of experts for data collection and analysis of the current situation in this area. Results show that to improve the tourism industry in the eastern coast of Caspian sea, the current coast-relevant proposals have to be integrated with other tourism factors applicable in the sea coasts; such as linking the sea and mountain, enhancing the cooperation of local people, increasing the number of secured sites, increasing the number of lifeguards, providing utility services in the research area, equipping the infrastructures specially accessibility and transportation, health and security, education and information. At the end, strategic suggestion are provided.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies of tourism management on the eastern coast of the Caspian sea using a combination of SWOT and QSPM that is examined.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2017 Issue: 1

The Importance Performance Analysis of Taiwan Tourism Mobile Marketing

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The growing power of the Internet, mobile technology and smart phones has offered new marketing services in tourism industry. Mobile marketing services becomes the most important factor in creating of marketing strategies. This study consider tourism mobile marketing application types in six major aspects: transportation, accommodation, food, tour, community and other, combined with Technology Acceptance Model of usefulness, ease of use and interesting; Analyze of the satisfaction and importance of users by Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results showed: user perception of each application in tourism mobile marketing, important susceptibility is higher than satisfaction; ease of use is the most important; real time and correct information are important, but not in good satisfactory, should be in the most need to improve.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature to examine tourism mobile marketing application types in Taiwan, consider those application types in six major aspects, analyze the satisfaction and importance of users by Importance Performance Analysis (IPA).
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2017 Issue: 1

Examining Long Run Relationship between Household Debt and Household Savings in South Africa – An Error Correction Model and Granger Causality

Research Article
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research

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Savings is vital to maintain and expand an economy’s capital structure and economic growth. Saving is an important component of economic growth model in that investments are created from savings. Investment allows an opportunity to improve technology and thereby increasing levels of productivity.  Increasing levels of productivity lead to increased real wages. The end result of increasing real wage is improvement of the welfare of the nation. Nevertheless, savings have been declining over the years, placing the South African economic development agenda in jeopardy. Since 1984, savings have deteriorated significantly, reaching a mere 15.3 percent of GDP in 2009 (SARB, 2010). The decline in savings at the beginning of the 1980s coincided with increased access to credit by households. Alongside these developments net wealth of the households increased relative to their disposable income (South African Reserve Bank (SARB), 2002). Mutyaba (2013) states that savings declined considerably during the last decade in South Africa. In 2006, for example, savings turned negative. In contrast, during the same year the debt increased to its highest level ever Mutyaba (2013). Clearly voluntary savings are becoming even more unaffordable by a number of households in South Africa, mainly amongst the low earners (Chiroro, 2010).This study uses Engle & Granger cointegration approach and granger causality to examine the link between debt and savings in South Africa.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper makes a contribution towards the household savings discourse in South Africa. The use of Engle and Granger cointegration approach to examine the link between household savings and household debt in this paper is one of the very few studies in this area in South Africa.
Economics » Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research » Month: 06-2016 Issue: 1

Panel Data Analysis of the Impact of Economic Freedom as Well as Economic Conditions, The Quality of Life, and Public Education Spending on U.S. Undocumented Immigrant Settlement Patterns

Research Article
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research

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This study seeks to identify key factors influencing the geographic settlement pattern of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., with a particular emphasis on the impact of economic freedom, and to extend the OLS findings in previous related studies. Indeed, this study adds to the literature in several ways. First, it provides current insights into the link between the settlement patterns of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. and economic freedom. Second, the study adopts a panel data-set and provides estimates using cross-section fixed-effects. Third, this study also endeavors to provide further insights into the impacts on the settlement patterns of undocumented immigrants of non-economic-freedom economic conditions, as well as the quality of life and spending on primary and secondary public education.  The various state fixed-effects estimates provided in the present study yield several conclusions. In particular, according to these estimations, the settlement pattern of undocumented immigrants in the U.S is inversely a function of colder climates, higher crime rates, higher population density, and a higher cost of living. In addition, the interstate distribution of undocumented immigrants to the U.S. is positively a function of the annual per pupil outlays on public primary and secondary education; it is also positively a function of the degree of economic freedom, the principal focus of this study.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the literature by providing contemporary insights into the factors influencing settlement patterns of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. using panel data. It is also one of the few studies to examine the influences of economic freedom and primary and secondary public school outlays.
Economics » Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 2

Dynamics of Inflation, Economic Growth, Money Supply and Exchange Rate in India: Evidence from Multivariate Analysis

Research Article
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research

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The present study investigates the dynamics of inflation, GDP and exchange rate and money supply in India for the period 1975-2012. The data source is cumulated from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Handbook of Statistics 2012. The empirical findings of the study show that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship exist among the variables. The result also suggest that money supply has a positive effect on GDP growth in India. The result of error correction indicates that correct and negative sign for Gross Domestic Product and exchange rate. The behavior of GDP implies there is no problem of adjustment in the long run in case of shocks in the short run. The VECM Granger causality confirms that unidirectional causality from GDP to inflation and exchange rate to inflation. The result also found that exchange rate Granger causes both GDP and money supply at 10 percent level of significance. The impulse response result shows that GDP has a positive response to money supply from the occurrence to the end of the period. Whereas the response of exchange rate to money supply negative in the whole lag period. The variance decomposition result explainss that no significant part of variance is caused by money supply. The result also reveals that cyclical variance of GDP caused by money supply, exchange rate, and inflation.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which has investigated the growth inflation relationship in the context of India in a new approach using VAR model. 
Economics » Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 2

About the Calculation Method of the Coefficient that Shows Significance Extent of Geometric Characteristics in Determination of Racial and Ethnic Identity of Human

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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In the article, a new algorithm for finding coefficients that determine significance extent of the values of geometric characteristics that are used for determination of racial and ethnic identity of human is proposed. It is explained that the calculation of coefficients which determine the importance extent of the values of geometric characteristics is important in several respects. The determination of coefficients that indicate the importance extent of geometric characteristics causes reduction in numbers of values of geometric characteristics that don’t have particular importance and in time that is spent for the identification and improvement of identification quality.
Contribution/ Originality

Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 10-2016 Issue: 3

A Comprehensive Review of Semiconductor-Type Gas Sensors for Environmental Monitoring

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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In this paper a review of different semiconductor-type gas sensors is presented. The different types of gas sensors from various companies like Hanwei, Libelium, Sandbox Electronics and Sensor Tech SGX are discussed along with their technical specifications. Environment is surrounded by various sorts of gases cum pollutants and it is utmost necessary to keep a efficient check on them as these gases can cause trouble to the health of human beings and pollute environment drastically. The main objective of this research paper is to present all sorts of gas sensors which are based on semiconductors and to generate awareness regarding which sensor is best for which detection. However, for more improved sensitivity and selectivity for these sensors, future trends and outlook for researchers is also suggested. The paper can also act as base for researchers to get hold of these sensors to develop a market ready product like drone or robot for Environmental Gas Detection.
Contribution/ Originality

Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 10-2016 Issue: 3

Analysis of Suitable Security Protocols for Apply a Model of Identity in the Civil Registry of Ecuador

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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Different security protocols were analyzed are used for a centralized database with distributed architecture. The goal is identify adequate security protocols to mitigate the security of information through identity of a model without relying on technological infrastructures. In this phase the suitable security protocols for a model of identity authentication, authorization and auditing (AAA) was analyzed. Deductive method is used in exploratory research to analyze security protocols more used among the main mentioned: Feret, Kerberos, Radius, Dnssec, Ipsec, Pgp, Secure Rpc, Set, Ssl, Tls, Maille, Eap, Pap, Map, Diameter, Peap, among others. It turned out that security protocols should be adopted on a model of identity for a centralized data base. It was concluded that protocols and security algorithms must have a direct relation to the identity model; allowing mitigate the vulnerabilities and risks considering To mitigate the threats and risks of information with confidentiality, integrity and availability. The technological infrastructure should not influence the implementation of different security protocols.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper provides the first analysis to adopt appropriate security protocols for an identity model with authentication, authorization and auditing without relying on specific technological infrastructure for Ecuador's civil registry; in a distributed architecture database. Different civil registries of the world with similar characteristics can refer this research project.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 4

Path Loss Measurement and Modeling for Lagos State G.S.M Environments

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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This paper presents path loss measurement and modeling for Lagos state dense-urban (DU), urban (UR), sub-urban (SU) and non-urban (NU) G.S.M environments. It was carried out with data collection through drive testing using TEMS software in the chosen environments Lagos-Island(DU), Surulere (UR), Lekki-Oniru (SU), Agbede-Ikorodu (NU), over a distance of 0.5-10Km from Base station (BS) to Mobile station (MS) with measurement taken at 0.5Km intervals for a period of 52 weeks. Relative parameters like Rxlev, RSSI, Path loss were measured in all areas of investigation under 2G and 3G frequencies of operation and twelve (12) different sites location were covered and analysed. COST 231-Hata model was used as reference model for path loss calculation of field data, this was further adjusted to develop optimized models (tagged OMODEEN models) for path loss prediction in all environments of study, which shows results within 6dB acceptable range, hence recommended for modeling in these environs and other similar G.S.M  environments.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated path loss in classified environment. Effort was geared towards four chosen environment in Lagos metropolitan terrain. A new model known as OMODEEN was developed and can be used for specific environs. MATLAB was used to develop graphical representation of the model.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 4

Computational Modeling of Multi-Purpose Amphibious Aircraft Be-103

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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The paper is dedicated to the aspects of 3D computational modeling of Be-103 amphibious aircraft. The paper contains initial Figures and drawings; the computational modeling is performed in 3 ds Max 3D graphic modeling system. Models of amphibious aircraft structural components are produced by polygonal extrusion process. Shading is performed at the sub-objects level as well as assignment of materials. Figures illustrating realistic rendering of amphibious aircraft 3D-model are presented as well.
Contribution/ Originality
The main contribution of this article is to create a method of designing from the initial sketch-es to photorealistic model of amphibious aircraft. Polygonal modeling method has advantages in the designing of complex engineering objects. For high-quality rendering of the final model uses an improved calculating method of lighting.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 03-2017 Issue: 1

Urban Sprawl Analysis in Jalingo Metropolis, Taraba State Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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This study analyzed spatial and temporal land use /land cover change in Jalingo Metropolis, Taraba State, north east Nigeria. This was carried out with the use of land sat images from 1990-2015. Satellite images were obtained from the United State Geological Survey (USGS) database online resources. The images were georeferenced and processed. Supervised image classification technique was employed. Ground truthing field survey was carried out to complement information about the types of land use and land-cover classes in the area. The change detection and change matrixes of the classified satellite images were analyzed using percentage to see the rate of change in a simple form. Land use maps were obtained through supervised classifications of satellite imageries and presented in Tables. The findings of the study show that Jalingo Metropolis has witnessed unprecedented spatial growth over the years. The town has grown from 6.01km2 in 1990 to 55.7km2 in 2005 and 101.16 in 2015. This growth was as a result of change in the status of the metropolis from Local Government headquarters to state capital which brought about the establishment of government ministries and agencies, with wide range of opportunities. Despite the existence of master plan, implementation has not been satisfactory for a number of reasons. This has resulted in proliferation of haphazard and uncontrolled development (including slums and squatters), environmental degradation, lack of basic amenities and transportation problems within and around the town. The study recommends the need to update the urban database of Jalingo town using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques to plan and monitor urban land use changes in the area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies that maps urban sprawl in the study area. This helps to anticipate the likely danger of urban sprawl and the rate of urban expansion in the area.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 2

Zoning of Natural and Man-Made Disasters for Relief and Rescue Centers Site Selection Using the Model Logic (Case Study: Guilan Rural Area)

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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Guilan Province with vast forest resources and abundant rainfall which sometimes causes flooding, fires, road accidents and earthquakes, besides its tourist attraction, high population density and dispersion of rural areas has faced with the problems that necessitate emergency response centers against unexpected disaster with a balanced and equitable access. In order to select stationary and mobile station sites the potential risks were identified at first and then danger zones were determined. Nine major risks including floods, earthquakes, mass movements, fires, road accidents, snow and blizzards, marine incidents, avalanches and war were paired compared using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Then proper sites were determined based on required standards for establishing relief and rescue centers using the model LOGIC. Finally, 49 and 34 points were proposed for establishing stationary and mobile centers, respectively. Also the radius of effective range for each center was calculated based on a maximum response time to the incident.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which can be used as a template to optimal site selection for relief and rescue centers in rural areas of the Province.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: 06-2017 Issue: 1