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Listing 23 - 20 of 2809 results.

Transition Metal-Oxo Based Sensing Of Chromium (III) Using 1, 2-Hydroxyphenylthiourea in Activator and Surfactant Medium

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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1,2-hydroxyphenylthiourea(HPTU) undergoes oxidative dimerisation to form an yellow coloured disulphide in the presence of chromium(III)-oxo species which acts as a catalyst. This catalytic process is enhanced to a great extent in the presence of 1,10-phenanthroline which played the role of an activator and sodium dodecylsulphate as a surfactant. The reaction was monitored at λEx = 416 nm and λEm = 520 nm.  The studies reveal that the rate of reaction and the amount of chromium(III) are proportional. This sensing mechanism lead to the development of an analytical method for determination of chromium(III) using photometric and fluorometric techniques. The developed methods were applied for the determination of chromium(III) in plant and waste water samples.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature, a novel way to sense chromium(III) using HPTU for the first time. The methodology involved for determination is very simple and uses affordable instrumentation available in normal laboratories. The paper’s primary contribution is the analytical investigation of the catalytic reaction of HPTU catalysed by chromium in the presence of activators and surfactants.  
Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 10-2014 Issue: 10

Tourism Advertisement Management and Effective Tools in Tourism Industry

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The definition of tourism “is the travel for recreational, leisure, family or business purposes, usually of a limited duration. Tourism is commonly associated with trans-national travel, but may also refer to travel to another location within the same country”. Tourism as an industry, in today’s modern language is a means of global communication between nations and travelers of all countries, introducing them to the various cultures and societies abroad, as well there history, ancient, historical sites, and languages. Hence, advertising overall has become a tool of necessity in this ever-growing global industry.  Given that, tourism is a part of the infrastructure of any country’s economy the growth and development of tourism is of great importance. Advertising plays a vital and is a crucial tool in developing the countries tourism by attractively presenting the nations points-of-interests, historical and cultural.  Advertising has a central role in expanding this industry, generating economic growth in this area, as well as creating direct and indirect employment, but most importantly a creative innovating competition in the national and international travel industry. Importantly, to achieve a successful tourist industry, the Travel Agencies and governmental offices of the Ministry’s of Tourism and Business must work hand-in-hand to attain these goals. This article shows the impact of the various media and advertising methods used in tourism, which assisted in identifying the correct tool for expanding the country’s industry of tourism. The results of this study illustrated that the appropriate tools for promotional strategies to attract domestic and foreign traveler’s, found to be the most effective were, handbook, internet advertising, TV, brochures, newspapers. 
Contribution/ Originality
This paper introduced most popular effective tools in tourism industry such as slogan, logo, etc. In fact, it shown some countries which use these methods in their tourism industry can get more visitors in contrast to others and today most of countries use these effective tools.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 10-2014 Issue: 10

Curative Bioactivity of Moringa (Moringa Oleifera Lam.) Seed Oil against Callosobruchus Maculatus F. Infested Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L. Walp.) Grain in Storage

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Farmers, households as well as grain merchants have to contend with infested stored cowpea grain once attacked by Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). They could be compelled to consume, sale at low economic value or find other way of salvaging the grains from total damage and loss. This paper reports the curative effect of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) seed oil (MSO) in mitigating C. maculatus damage and loss to freshly infested cowpea grains in storage. Ten grams cowpea grains of three varieties (Gwalam, Borno brown, and Banjara) were each weighed into a 200 ml bottle in three replicates for un-treated and four levels of MSO treatments (0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 ml). Three pairs of opposite sex adult C. maculatus 0-48 hrs old were used to infest grains in each replicate. Insects were removed five days after infestation and the number of eggs laid on grains in each replicate counted. MSO treatments were carried out at five and eight days after infestation. The number of adults that emerged was counted daily throughout the first filial generation (F1). All data were subjected to analysis of variance at 5% level of probability. Significantly different means were determined using Least Significant Difference. Results indicated statistical significances (P<0.05) between treated and un-treated infested grains of each variety. This implied that MSO is effective in mitigating C. maculatus damage to cowpea grain in storage. Grains infested with 1-8 days old cowpea bruchid eggs could be salvage from total damage and loss. Control was achieved mainly through ovicidal action and / or adverse effect of the oil on early larval instars thereby reducing and / or eliminating the damaging effect of C. maculatus.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the use of moringa seed oil to control C. maculatus in freshly infested stored cowpea. The oil was effective in reducing and / or inhibiting damage and loss in cowpea grains infested with freshly laid eggs. 
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 4

Impact of Abattoir Effluent on Soil Chemical Properties in Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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intensification very little attention has been paid to the soil quality. This research work was carried out to evaluate the impact of abattoir effluent on soil chemical properties in Yola, Adamawa State located on latitude 90201N and longitude 120301E. Discharging abattoir effluent to the surrounding soil had significant (P <0.05) effect on some soil chemical properties. The results revealed significant effects of abattoir effluent on soil pH, percentage organic carbon and organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, exchangeable sodium and calcium, cation exchange capacity and percentage base saturation. The results showed no significant effects on exchangeable potassium and magnesium. Highest mean values of 6.09, 0.64 Cmolkg-1 and 68.43% were observed on control samples for pH, exchangeable calcium and percentage base saturation respectively. Highest mean values of 1.70%, 2.94%, 2.81gkg-1, 5.28mgkg-1 and 3.17Cmolkg-1 were observed on samples taken from new effluent discharging area for percentage organic carbon and organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and exchangeable sodium respectively. The highest mean value of 8.70Cmolkg-1 was observed on samples taken from the old effluent discharging area for cation exchange capacity.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature, uses new estimation methodology, originates new formula and one of the very few studies which have investigated the impact of abattoir effluents on soil chemical properties and contributes the first logical analysis which documents that the quality of the soil is negatively affected by the activities of the abattoir.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 4

Prevalence and Factors Associated With Refractive Error among Primary School Children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Introduction: - Refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism) affect the whole spectrum of the population irrespective of age, gender, race and ethnic group. Such refractive errors can be easily diagnosed, measured and corrected with glasses or other refractive corrections to attain normal vision. In the last few years, considerable attention has not been given to the contribution of refractive errors to global cause of visual impairment and blindness.  Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries in Africa, with relatively poor health service coverage especially of eye health care and is believed to have one of the world’s highest rates of blindness. Refractive error is the second leading cause of low vision in Ethiopia accounting for 33.4%, and the leading cause of blindness accounting for 7.8%.Objectives:-To assess prevalence and associated factors of refractive error among primary school children.Methods: - An institution based cross sectional study of 1800 students in four elementary schools in Arada and Gullele sub cities was conducted from February 29- April 15, 2014. Subjects were selected by multistage random sampling. Data was collected by pretested questionnaire. Data collected was cleaned, coded and entered to SPSS version 20.0 for analysis. Bivariate logistic analysis using odds ratio was made to assess predictor variables. Beside, multivariate analysis was applied to control confounding variables. A confidence interval, which does not contain one, is significant. Result: - This cross sectional study was comprised of 695 male and 1105 female, from 4 randomly selected elementary schools with a response rate of 99.4%. Refractive errors in either eye or both were present in 71 students (4%). Of these myopia was diagnosed in 19(26.7%), 12(17%) of them have Astigmatism, 10(14%) of them were with Myopic astigmatism, 6(8.4%) of them had Hyperopia, and 3(4.2%) of them had Hyperopic astigmatism on both eyes, 21(29.6%) participants had Anisometropia. Being male and not having visual impairment decreases the odds of refractory error with odds of [(95%AOR.573 (.331-.994) and 95%AOR.312 (.180-.540)] respectively.Conclusion and recommendation: - Refractive error among children is a common problem in school age and they should be screened at least once in their stay in the elementary school.
Contribution/ Originality
As to the knowledge of the authors, no such study is conducted in the urban central part of Ethiopia. Most studies were done in the northern and rural central part of the country. Therefore, this study investigated prevalence and factors associated with refractory error in the urban central part of the country.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 09-2014 Issue: 9

The Level and Associated Factors Of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Blood Donation among Health Science Students of Addis Ababa University

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Introduction: Blood can save millions of life. Blood is the cure, and- man is only source of that cure. The 2012 world blood donor day campaign is "Every blood donor is a hero" focuses on the idea that every one of us can become a hero by donating blood. The percentage of blood collected from voluntary Blood donors and the average annual blood collection rate in Ethiopia are extremely low.Objective: To assess knowledge, attitude, and practice of blood donation and associated factors among health science students in Addis Ababa University.Method: A quantitative institution based cross-sectional study design was used to conduct the survey on May 2014 among health science students in Addis Ababa University. There were a total of 384 respondents    selected from six departments of the College of Health Sciences in the university. Stratified sampling technique followed by systematic sampling was applied to select respondents. A pretested self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data.  Data will be cleaned, edited, coded and entered on SPSS version 16. Descriptive statistics was applied to describe variables. An analysis of logistic regressions for identifying associated factors was done. A significance level of less than or equal to 0.05 was considered significant.Result: More than half of the participants, 206 (53.6%) were males and the age range of most of respondents, (90%) were from 19-24 years.  Fifty six percent of respondents were studying medicine. Three hundred twenty one (83.7 %) and 63(16.4%) of respondents have high and low level of knowledge regarding blood donation. Increased year of study and being students in the department of medicine and nursing increased the odds of level of knowledge of respondents on blood donation. Being age > 25 years increased odds of knowledge [AOR (95% CI) =5.092 (1.1, 24.2)].  One third, 123(32%) of respondents have unfavorable attitude towards blood donation. Being male increased odds of favorable attitude [AOR (95% CI) =2.2 (1.4, 3.6)]. Less than one quarter, 90 (23.4%) have ever donated blood. Among these, 38(42.2%) of them were a regular donors. Being male increased odds of practice [AOR (95% CI) =3.9 (1.4, 10.8)] and being age >25 increased odds of practice [AOR (95% CI) =6.5 (1.6, 26.9)Conclusion and recommendationsThe level of knowledge on blood donation is high, however, significant number of students in this study have unfavorable attitude towards blood donation. Practice of blood donation is good. In this study, being male, age > 25 and increased year of study and department have significant association.  The university in collaboration with Red Cross society should increase and strengthen clubs. Moreover, clubs in the university should organize different events to build students attitude positively and to increase the number of blood donors.
Contribution/ Originality
The percentage of blood collected from voluntary Blood donors and the average annual blood collection rate in Ethiopia are extremely low. Lack of adequate and safe blood supply results in significant number of morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia. To understand these, this study is the first of its kind to investigate the level of knowledge, attitude and practice and associated factors of blood donation among health science students.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 10-2014 Issue: 10

Genetic Evaluation and Activity of Antifungal against Clinical Isolates Candida Albicans Biofilms

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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 Candida yeasts are common in the oral cavity and can cause candidosis in the presence of predisposing factors, especially diabetes. The manifestation of the disease is related to this set of local factors such as the presence of dental prostheses, salivary pH, salivary flow and tobacco and the ability to form biofilms. Biofilms are specific and organized communities of cells under the control of signaling molecules rather than random accumulations of cells resulting from cell division and frequently are drugs resistance.  Aim: The objectives of this study were to determine the genetic patterns of these C. albicans isolates and to evaluate the in vitro activity amphotericin B and caspofungin against C. albicans biofilms. Methods: Microbial samples were collected from subgingival sites and seeded in CHROMagar for subsequent identification of C. albicans by PCR. Genotypes were defined based on the identification of the transposable introns in the 25S rDNA by PCR. Results: In this study, 6 strains were identified as C. albicans and of these, 3 strains were genotype A and 3 were genotype B. The results showed that both amphotericin B and caspofungin exhibited strong antifungal activities against C. albicans biofilm formation and inhibiting the biofilm formation ranging from 70.8 – 95.3% and 77.7 - 88.7%, respectively. The antifungals studied had low inhibitory effect on preformed   biofims, ranging from 39.5 - 50.8% for amphotericin B and from 23.1 - 36.9% for caspofungin at the same concentration. The activity of the two drugs was most effective in inhibit biofilm formation. 
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in existent in literature, demonstrating that clinical isolates that deserve special attention in connection with the difficulty of treatment. 
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 10-2014 Issue: 10

Does the Propolis Reinforce the Autoclaved Bone Allograft and Does it Have an Immunomodulation Effect?

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Advances in Life Science and Technology

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The loss of bone substance in diaphyseal region of long bones is a common problem faced by veterinarian orthopedic surgeon. In order to recover from cortical bone defect our study proposes to implant an autoclaved orthotopic allograft of one centimeter length and compares effects of covered and uncovered bones with propolis in the femoral diaphysis under general anesthesia and sterile condition.  The experiment involved eight adult dogs, from local breed and different sex; split into two groups. An autoclaved allograft without propolis was implanted for the first animals group (control group ) then the same graft  has been implanted to the second animals group.The aim of our study is to determine whether the propolis resin can diminish the fragility of autoclaved allografts that was confirmed by the resistance of the graft covered with propolis even once the osteosynthesis material is removed and if the autoclaved grafts covered by the propolis used in our experiments have not suffered resorption despite the intensity of the immune response during the first month.The results show that all grafts covered with propolis remained unbroken and have not suffered  of the resorption problems.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which has investigated both phenomena resorption and fragility of the autoclaved allograft. Extract propolis purchased was used in vivo and its advantages were highlighted 
Physical Sciences » International Journal of Advances in Life Science and Technology » Month: 09-2014 Issue: 2

Study of Inhibition of Apha6 Gene in Acinetobacter Baumanii by Satureja and Thyme Essence with Rt-Pcr Technique

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Increasing isolation of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (MDR) has been reported in worldwide and it is recently one of the most difficult nosocomial acquired gram-negative pathogens to control and treatment.These bacteria are one of ESBL producing that great potential have for the rapid development of antibiotic resistance. The indecorous use of antibiotics is often associated with adverse effects on the human health.Because of Satureja and Thyme essence has antimicrobial properties so they can be used against infections caused by MDR Acinetobacter baumannii. With attention to increase in population and tendency to lesser use of synthetic drugs, many of these of medicinal herbs have been replaced. The present study was aimed to investigate the inhibitory effects of Satureja khuzestaniea and Thyme essence against the expression of antibiotic resistance genes aphA-6 and compare to Housekeeping DNA gyraseA in strains of Acinetobacter baumannii with RT-PCR Technique. The major components of Satureja khuzestaniea essence were carvacrol (90.88%), ?-cymene (3.11%), ? terpinene (1.24%), linalool (0.91%) and Thyme essence were thymol (28.8%) and carvacrol (23.46%). Satureja khuzestaniea with MIC (0.3 ?l / ml)  and Thyme with MIC (0.45?l / ml) has the effect of reducing the expression of antibiotic resistance genes aphA-6 but these are essence no inhibitory effect on the housekeeping DNA Gyrase-A gene. This study indicated that these are essence have inhibitory effects against gene expression of antibiotic resistance aphA-6 with high MIC. Because these are essence has a good inhibitory effect against MDR Acinetobacter baumanii and, aphA-6 gene expression so it can be used as therapeutic complementary no side effects against this bacterium.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that Thyme essence has exciting properties for gene silence and can introduce it as complementary treatment.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 09-2014 Issue: 9

A Comparative and Corelative Study On Body Composition and Motor Performance of 14 Years Old Boys of Four Different Altitudes of Darjeeling District

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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The purpose of the study was to find out the difference in Body composition (skinfolds) and motor performance of 14 years old boys of Darjeeling. The samples are school students. Researcher had taken 100 male students each from Sukhia Pokhari Higher Secondary School (Alt.-7200 ft.), Trunbull higher Secondary school (Alt.-6700 ft.), Jnanpith High school(Alt.-3000 ft.) and Kadamtala High School(Alt.-430 ft.). Researcher had measured height and weight as personal data measured skinfolds of triceps, biceps, subscapular, supra spinale, iliac creast and medial calf for body composition. 50 mt. dash, shuttle run, standing broad jump and sit ups were motor performance parameters.It has been observed that there were significant differences in medial calf skinfold thickness, agility and strength endurance.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature as very few anthropometrical researches had conducted in the hilly area of Darjeeling. This study uses new estimation methodology and tried to provide the unbiased and exact findings. It is a thrust area of research as there are differences in anthropometric and motor variation due to altitude difference. The paper’s primary contribution is finding that how difference in anthropometric and motor difference occurs with increases or decreases in altitude and to set the physical education programme according to the need of the students living at different altitudes.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Investigation on Annealed Behaviour in the Powder of Cerium Oxide Nanostructures

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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In this study, CeO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by a microwave-assisted method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method and UV- visible spectroscopy. Results show that the annealed temperature significantly affected the crystalline nature, particle size, and optical properties of the processed CeO2 nanoparticles. The XRD spectra indicate that the CeO2 crystal has a pure cubic structure. TEM images agreement with the XRD data shown that the average size of the nanoparticles. The optical properties of the samples are investigated by measuring the UV-VIS absorption at room temperature. With increasing annealed temperature the band gap of the samples remains almost same, and the size of the particles increases. 
Contribution/ Originality

Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 11-2014 Issue: 11

Developing Pre-Service Teachers Awareness and Change of Gender-Oriented Perceptions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Studies of gender still indicate lack of equal opportunities between the genders as well as gaps prevalent in the education system. Creating an equalitarian culture at school obliges teachers and certainly pre-service teachers to examine their attitudes before inculcating values of equality to their learners. This study aims to explore pre-service teachers’ awareness of gender-oriented issues and find whether their gender perceptions have changed following attendance of the ’Gender and Education’ annual course. The study was conducted according to a qualitative approach and the research population consisted of18pre-service teachers. The research tool consisted of a semi-structured in-depth interview. A qualitative content analysis was performed according to Schein’s model. The findings illustrate changes in the level of pre-service teachers’ knowledge and competences, self-awareness, dialogue with the environment and behaviour. Moreover, the pre-service teachers’ awareness of gender issues and importance of offering equal opportunities to both genders were enhanced.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that gender stereotypes still exist among pre-service teachers. It is therefore important to integrate gender studies into teacher education programs. Developing pre-service teachers` awareness and changing gender stereotyped thinking, will enable future teachers to educate for gender equality and social justice.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 11-2014 Issue: 11

Quality Assurance in Curriculum Implementation of Accounting Courses in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Effective teaching and learning have been identified to significantly depend on the degree of quality assurance in the teaching methods as well as the adequacy of the course curriculum. This paper therefore, appraises the degree of quality assurance in the teaching of accounting courses in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It aims at ascertaining the adequacy of accounting curriculum among the tertiary institutions in the country and to ascertain the extent of quality assurance of the lecturers. It adopted the descriptive research design and data were generated from accounting lecturers and operators of education in the country by means of questionnaire. The data analysis was conducted by mean scores and standard deviation of the responses. The hypotheses were tested using the students’ t-test statistics. The result of the analysis reveals that the teaching methodology used by accounting lecturers is rarely evaluated. Most lecturers still used traditional methods of teaching accounting which neither enhances students’ neither learning nor interest in the course. Also the results show that the accounting curriculum is adequate. Finally, the result reveals that many of the accounting lecturers are not computer literate especially on modern methods and packages in accounting. It was therefore recommended that the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the supervising agencies should ensure regular training of accounting lecturers by organizing in-service training programmes. Also to involve accounting lecturers in the curriculum planning and development for the accounting courses and regularly carry out a review of the accounting curriculum to ensure that modern topics in accounting are brought into the curriculum. Finally, a close supervision of the lecturers is important to ensure that the accounting curriculum is adequately covered.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature, being the first empirical investigation of the quality assurance in the curriculum of accounting courses in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The study primarily finds and documents that regular review of accounting curriculum is essential for producing high quality accounting graduates that will easily adapt to the ever changing business world.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 12

Quality Management Practices towards Customer Satisfaction in Local Authority Public Services Website

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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Malaysian national government undertook a comprehensive initiative in total quality management (TQM) that led to extensive implementation of TQM process in many of the government agencies. However, after more than 20 years of the ‘Excellence Work Culture’ program has been launched, the performance of local governments in Malaysia still receives much criticisms and complaints, suggesting the inability of these institutions in delivering high quality services to meet the expectation of public at large. Hence, this paper investigates the effectiveness of such program via its objectives of determining the current implementation of Quality Management Systems (QMS) at local governments’ organization and evaluating the effect towards the improvement of the Malaysian public service organization. This paper adopts questionnaire survey, websites observations and interviews as its research methodology. Respondents are selected from the people that involved as customers in Kuala Kangsar Municipal Council public services website. There are various backgrounds of people such as executives, non-executives and self-employs. Questionnaire forms were sent out to 100 people throughout Kuala Kangsar. From 63 copies of usable questionnaire, the overall service quality is rating agreeable. The assurance dimension has the highest gap difference between perception and expectation. However, overall results have high expectation on all dimensions of quality management practices towards customer satisfaction in Kuala Kangsar Municipal Council public services website. The outcomes of the study will help local governments in Malaysia understanding better for a process that leads to continual improvements in the organization that, in turn, result in customer satisfaction.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 09-2014 Issue: 3

Space Tourism in Malaysia: A Strategic Move to Boost the Space Industry?

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The move to bring space tourism into Malaysia is not something new to the country.  The idea has caught the attention of the mass media way before the successful return of our Angkasawan Negara.  The hype of this idea is not of the interest of this paper.  This paper is more fascinated to understand the relationship between space tourism and space industry.  Thus, this paper aims to study the possible implications of space tourism to the development of space industry in Malaysia.  The study is basically undertaken based on papers written locally and internationally in regards to the topic.  Analyses are made thereupon to deduce all possible implications and hence leading to the final conclusion.  This paper will suggest the right stand that Malaysia should take in dealing with space tourism proposals. 
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the relationship between space tourism and space industry especially in Malaysian climate.  This study will be a useful reference for policy maker in Malaysia and other relevant countries in dealing with space tourism proposals with respect to space industry development.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 2

Diagnosis of the Process of Building Relationships between Customer and Company and Company and Employee

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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In the article the authors address the problem of the growing significance of measuring intangible assets of an organization and its increasing influence on the market position of companies. Within the set of intangible assets of an organization the authors focus on the problems of measuring employee motivation and customer satisfaction. As the results of these studies show, by nature non-quantifiable issues are key aspects of building market position of the twenty-first century company. To make an accurate diagnosis of the issues discussed in the work the authors present structural equation modelling method (SEM), as an effective tool for the presentation of the process of building complex marketing phenomena such as both employee motivation and customer satisfaction. Presented in this paper the results of our’ own studies show (in the measurement of employee motivation and customer satisfaction) performed SEM modeling confirm the high efficacy of these tools in the area of measuring the phenomena studied with the determination of the main success factors within the analyzed issues. The results show that the structural equation modeling is now regarded as the most advanced and simultaneously accurate method of measurement within the analysis of intangible assets of an organisation. Thanks to the structural equation modelling investigator obtains the exact knowledge about the perception of the company by its main stakeholders (internal - employees or external - customers), so it can match the management of the company to meet the needs and expectations of the market, which in in the strategic perspective, ensures the company sustainable competitive advantage and strong market position.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature, which deals with the usage of the SEM modeling in examination of the complex marketing phenomenon building processes. Presented researches proofs that the described methodology can be treated as the highly efficient diagnostic tool which enables managers to preciously determine the main success factors of both customers satisfaction and employee motivation building processes. 
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 09-2014 Issue: 9

Improving the Perceived Quality of Private Brands Using Co-Branding: The Role of Brand Equity and Store Image

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Private brands are typically regarded as lower quality products because of their lower price. Co-branding could be an effective strategy for retailers because it can enhance the quality image of a private brand. This study investigated the effects of the brand equity of national brands and store image on the consumers’ quality perceptions and purchase intentions toward co-branded private brands. We conducted a survey of 354 consumers with purchase experience in a leading convenience store chain in Taiwan. We found that the brand equity of national brands and store image both affect quality perceptions and purchase intentions for co-branded products. We also found that store image has not only an indirect effect on purchase intention through quality perception, but also a direct effect on purchase intention. However, brand equity has only an indirect effect on purchase intention through quality perception.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 09-2014 Issue: 9

A Multidimensional Structure of Shopping Centre Visit Objectives - An European Consumers Perspective

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Nowadays, one can observe significant, and, more importantly, constant shifts in numerous areas of consumer behaviour, especially those related to purchase processes and buyers’ attitudes toward shopping. With the grow of societies’ wealth and development levels, shopping becomes more a part of a lifestyle and a way of spending time, than a means of satisfying vital, elementary needs. Such situation resulted in tangible change in the role and the strategy of retail places and malls, and directly leaded to the concepts like leisure shopping.The purpose of this paper is to analyse the possible reasons for visiting shopping centres and malls as well as selected attitudes towards shopping. Such analysis made it possible to assess the significance and relevance of different objectives of the visit as well as to evaluate the existence and the size of the continuum between two approaches towards shopping, defined as: (a) strictly pragmatic, and (b) leisure and social experience. The study was conducted on the quota sample of 1375 polish consumers, who had visited a shopping centre in the recent months.The obtained results clearly show that, contrary to common belief, one cannot assume the existence of the consumers’ inclination towards one of abovementioned approaches, although some correlation with age and gender has been observed. Moreover, the adaptation of clustering methods (expectation-maximisation algorithm) made it possible to prove the existence of different, yet internally coherent groups of consumers, displaying different combinations of the perceived significance of evaluated reasons and objectives of the visit.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated detailed reasons and objectives of visiting shopping centers. Moreover, it presents the differences in the structure of aforementioned objectives in different types of consumers. 
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 10-2014 Issue: 10

Cumulative Average Abnormal Return and Semistrong Form Efficiency Testing in Indonesian Equity Market over Restructuring Issue

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Efficient market hypothesis is important in finance. Investors will expect superior gains from their investment strategies with respect to the risk profile. Event study is an approach to assess the impact of the information on the stock prices. If the market is efficient, the price of securities will be adjusted quickly to the announcement day. The objective of this study is to test the efficiency of Indonesian Stock Market in semi-strong form with respect to 19 recent merger announcements since year 2000.  In order to analyze the effect of the announcement, Event Study Methodology is conducted by calculating the Abnormal Returns (AR) of each stock, Average Abnormal Returns (AAR), and Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) 30 days prior to the merger announcement and 30 days after the merger announcement (event window). To calculate the Abnormal Return, market model is employed by regressing the daily stock return with the corresponding market return on the estimation period. Parametric and non-parametric test on the AAR is used to test for efficiency. The findings from this research is that Indonesian stock market is efficient in semi-strong form in the case of merger announcements. 
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the efficiency of Indonesian stock market in semi-strong form in the case of successful merger announcements. Event study is conducted to analyze the efficiency which uses the market model approach to calculate the abnormal return in the determined timeframe. Both, parametric and non-parametric test are being used to test for market efficiency.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 09-2014 Issue: 9

Effective Tax Administration and Institutionalization of Accounting Systems in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises: Evidence from Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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The study investigated the role of effective tax administration in institutionalizing accounting systems in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria against the backdrop of the prevalence of poor accounting systems in this sector. Data was obtained from SME operators and staff of the internal revenue agencies like the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) and State Boards of Internal Revenue (SBIRs) as applicable in Nigeria.  The econometric e-view was used to analyze the data so obtained, and it was observed that the lack of an effective tax administrative system which undermines the collection of profit tax from the operators of this sector accounts to a large extent for the non institutionalization of accounting systems SMEs in Nigeria. The study also identified several variables that militate against the establishment of an effective tax administrative system in the country. Accordingly the study advocated the need to build strong institutions, enact appropriate laws and implement stiffer penalties for defaulters. This should be predicated on the basis of an enhanced citizens’ confidence in the government and its institutions, which can be attained through the enthronement of fiscal transparency and accountability framework and good governance that has the capacity for building trust thereby enhancing voluntary compliance with tax laws. 
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature accounting systems of SMEs. This study used new estimation methodology via econometric e-view analyses and SPSS. This study is one of very few studies which have examined the hypothesized relationship and primarily contributes to addressing challenges of financial management by SMEs in developing countries. 
Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2