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Listing 1 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Potential of Scientific Research Support and Its Role in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Universities “Zarqa University as Case Study”2001-2013

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Change has become a modern-day feature, affect all human societies components, as organizations became one of the main components of human society, the ability of organizations to success is determined by its ability to deal with those variables positively and effectively. higher education institutions as a leader of knowledge and producer of it, it is also eligible for change like other organizations by different political, economic and social dimensions, , and many of the issues that were higher education institutions distance themselves from dealing with it, it became inevitable seen as a determinant of its ability to continue and survive. In this context, concepts such as market competition and customers have become importance issues and necessity in higher education institutions. In contrast the development is the most important issues related to developing economies, especially Arab ones, and since the development beyond the concept of capital development and production to human development intellectually and scientifically, the necessity require attention to this activity, which is a fundamental pillar for the development of the economy, the higher the level of development or activation of scientific research and technological development efficiently, the higher the level of progress in the economy. The researcher study the impact of financial Fund provided by universities to Academic stuff on the competitiveness of higher education institutions expressed by the development of student numbers on one hand and the level of educational attainment for students. For this purpose, the researcher chose Zarqa University of Jordan as a model for the study. Using descriptive approach and statistical analysis program, The Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to analyse data and level of significance was set at the (0.01) level. Results of this study indicate that there is a positive relationship between scientific research support provided by Zarqa University and the competitiveness of Zarqa University.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the impact of financial Fund provided by universities to Academic stuff on the competitiveness of higher education institutions. This research is important at both the academic and practical levels. Academically, few studies are concerned with exploring the relationship between financial Fund provided by universities to Academic stuff and the competitiveness of higher education institutions. Most of the studies are concentrating on the profitability side of universities. So the study can contribute to the accumulated knowledge in this area. From practical point of view, few universities in developing countries lack the link of funding with the performance criteria. Performance-based funding is a concept that is understood differently.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 01-2015 Issue: 1

Users’ Attitudes towards Institutional Repository in Jadavpur University: A Critical Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This paper examines the user-aware of institutional repositories in Jadavpur University. The main objective of this study is to investigate the awareness of Institutional Repository (IR) in an academic institution and different aspects associated with it, such as, software, sources for user’s awareness, motivators for developing a repository, demand of the users in changing paradigms from traditional to digital environment, etc. In the present days, libraries are also adopting the latest technologies to provide best possible services in user friendly form. This paper also describes the potential role of institutional repositories and its easiness and simplicity of use are attracting more patrons in the use of institutional repositories. Only a wide range of user awareness is needed for proper usage of its beauty.  Entirely this paper is based on a critical study, which measures the utility of institutional repositories in users??? point of view. 
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 12-2012 Issue: 2

Differentiation and Positioning Strategy: A Toss of the Same Coin

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The increasing rate of the incidence of globalization of market, and the attendant intense competition amongst local business organizations in rapidly developing economies has taken a shift from price competition strategy (to avoid price war) to non-price competition strategy in terms of product/service differentiation and positioning to achieve the same objectives of preventing declining sales-turnover, profitability, and market-share and by extension secure market/competitive advantage over competitors. Differentiation and positioning have each been separately discussed in marketing literature; however, this paper represents an attempt to view same as a toss of the same coin.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 12-2012 Issue: 2

Emergence And Returning Activity In The Indian Flying Fox, Pteropus Giganteus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Approach: After a diurnal resting in the roost, bats adapts some behavioural pattern to get themselves active towards foraging there by involving in various activities. Their activity pattern differs from time to time depending on the change in climatic factors. But the behavioural activities they involved varies from time to time. Observation was done on the emergence and returning gate i. e the emergence or returning of first to last bat, pre emergence behaviour and post return behaviour, and influence of moonlight on foraging activity.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 10-2012 Issue: 1

Trace Metal Distribution in Surface Water, Sediment, and Tissues of Freshwater Catfish (Clarias. Gariepinus), From Oke- Afa Canal, Lagos Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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This paper discusses concentrations of 7 essential trace metals (chromium,cadmium, copper, lead,nickel, manganese and zinc) in water, sediment and freshwater fish (Clarias. gariepinus) tissues from Oke-Afa Canal, Lagos Nigeria The sampling and analysis of the samples from Oke Afa canal were carried out between the month of June-October, 2011 and experimental procedures used followed the description of American Public Health Association (APHA) The results showed that Liver concentrated highest level of zinc, copper and lead (6.851±0.005 mg/Kg, 1.876±0.001mg/Kg and 0.143±0.001mg/Kg respectively). This was followed by sediments with mean values of (nickel = 0.400±0.001mg/Kg, chromium-=0.127±0.003mg/Kg, mn =0.092±0.001mg/Kg and cadmium= 0.076±0.003mg/Kg). Surface water equally concentrated some metals such as Manganese, cadmium and lead with mean values of 0.069±0.101Mg/L, 0.043±0.011Mg/L, 0.039±0.016Mg/L respectively.The order of bioaccumulation in sediment are Zn >Cu>Ni>Cr>Pb>Mn>Cd while the order of bioaccumulation in liver was Zn>Cu>Ni>Pb>Cd>Mn>Cr Also the order of concentration in surface water was Mn>Zn>Cd>Pb>Ni>Cu>CrMetal concentration in the fish tissues (flesh, bones gills and guts) was low in concentration, but the values were still significant at 95 percent confidence limit (P< 0.05) with the exception of Manganese. This suggest that the water quality of Oke Afa canal system is adversely affected and impaired by the discharge of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastes.Comparison of these values with FAO/WHO limits in fish tissue showed that it is safe to consume the fish species from Oke -Afa canal for now but may be unsafe due to possible bioaccumulation of the metals in the organs of man since humans are at the top of food chain.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 10-2012 Issue: 1

Land Use Change Modelling In Developing Countries: Issues And Prospects

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The growth of world population has been of serious concern in the last few decades. Of particular worry is how earth’s resources will match the concentration of human populations especially in developing countries. Associated with these are issues of urbanization, global warming and climate change which are also expected to have more impacts on poor peoples and places in developing countries. Responding to these issues has been problematic as we do not know expertly what will be the future scenarios especially in developing countries. It will be interesting to know the future trajectories of population growth, urbanization, urban land change (land use and land cover), and the socioeconomic conditions of developing countries. To this end various models have been evolved overtime for urban land use change forecasting but with more application in developed countries. How do we then make these urban change models more applicable to solving practical issues especially in developing countries? It is pertinent therefore to examine the current knowledge about these models; and to assess their usefulness, challenges and prospects in developing countries. It is against this backdrop that this paper by using extensive literature review examines urban land use change and modeling in developing countries. The historical developments of models was examined with the view to describing, classifying and characterizing the existing models, identifying the limitations to their adoption by decision makers, and suggesting ways to strengthen their relevance and applicability in developing countries. It concludes that models should be designed to clearly communicate their outputs to the practical users/policy decision makers. Besides, it suggests that since it may be difficult to calibrate models to have standard measurements or procedures, each region such as the developing countries should be treated in the context of its uniqueness with respect to urban dynamics, ecology and metabolism.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 10-2012 Issue: 1

Perception And Management of Human Fertility: A Shona Landscape

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The history of the Shona people has it formally and informally that fertility is an issue of major concern to the couple, family and community. However, very little literature has been documented concerning the Shona worldview of fertility, as well as its causes and effects. Most of the knowledge and belief systems exist in oral form to the extent that, there is a temptation to exaggerate and mystify as well as misrepresent the concept and its practice. This makes it difficult for outsiders and other non-practising Shona people to appreciate the value of this real life-long African belief system, which has survived the test of time. The paper seeks to offer a philosophical insight and analysis of the perception and management of human fertility among the Shona people of Zimbabwe.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 10-2012 Issue: 1

Integrals Involving H-Function And Some Commonly Used Functions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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The aim of this paper is to obtain some integrals involving Fox’s H-function.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 10-2012 Issue: 1

Attitude and Motivation in L2 Learning among Ummaster Students

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This mini research was conducted among UM(University of Malaya) students, in particular, non-English major master students. The research was under the main purpose of figuring out a quite simple question: with the same amount of time, learning opportunity and environmental factor, what makes some people acquire and learn the language betterthan the others? A quick answer is that "some people have the gift of languages, others do not, and the intriguing search for the gift or the so called ’knack’ by Gardner and Lambert (1972) mentioned that attitude and motivation could be the key to successful language learning.The hypothesis implies that learners with a positive attitude and high level of motivation, be it instrumental or integrative, will be successful in developing proficiency in the language provided with the strong set of verbal aptitude and intelligence. A questionnaire was delivered to about 20 UM master students for the research purpose, which revealed and confirmed the hypothesis in the sense that learners who were highly and positively involved in their English proficiency had positive attitude and highly motivated towards learning English. This study involved the correlation of various explanations for the apparent findings of the study. The findings led to a reconceptualization of attitude and motivation: The scope of this socio-affective factors can be seen from a learner’s standpoint and also, through its pedagogical implications.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 10-2012 Issue: 1

Socio-Cultural Implications of Breast Feeding in Urban Area of Pakistan: (A Case Study of District Faisalabad)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Breastfeeding is considered as the most economical and easily accessible complete nutrition for every new born child. Beneficial effects of breast feeding both for the mother and child are well-known. However, there is evidence that breast feeding is on the decline in many developing countries. The main objective of the present study was to explore the different socio-cultural issues which were associated with breast feeding practices. The universe of the present study was Faisalabad District, Pakistan. Multistage sampling technique was applied for the selection of the respondents. At first stage two towns were selected by using simple random sampling technique. At the second stage, four colonies were selected randomly. Convenient sampling was done to select the households. A sample of 120 married women was interviewed who have at least one breast feeding baby from each household. Data show that majority of the mother were in the opinion that breastfeeding is essential for their baby for their physical and mental growth. The researchers also found the main hurdles in the completion period of breastfeeding were poor socio-economic condition of mothers, lack of appropriate gap in birth space, lack of knowledge and awareness among mothers about the benefits of breastfeeding, poor health of mothers, maternal employment and cultural norms of the society. It is suggested that mothers should give proper knowledge and awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding for their child???s future survival.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 10-2012 Issue: 1

Contemporary Approach to Enhanced Road Transport System in Nigeria Through the Application of It-Based (Online) Bus Ticketing and Payment System

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The world is trending towards IT based technologies and Nigeria as a country is not left behind. The nature of transport needs makes it a key player in any viable economy. Owing to the possibilities that IT offers and the need for improved services (ticketing and otherwise) in the transport sector it is proper to look at what exists currently in the country and what steps could be taken based on current findings. This study looks at the existing ticketing systems, makes comparison with contemporary approaches to ticketing, draws information from other materials, journals, investigations and makes recommendations based on the findings. It further suggest a theoretical model for the Nigerian road transport system.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 08-2012 Issue: 1

Making Poverty A History in Africa: The Role of the G8

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The issue of Africa living with the scourge of endemic poverty is not a recent trend. This is for the fact that poverty is one of the major factors defining the underdeveloped and developing third world societies world-wide and Africa in particular. Several factors have been identified in this study as being responsible for the perpetuation of poverty in Africa. These include war and armed conflicts, illiteracy, poor agricultural practices and land owning policies, poor water and sanitation, health and education, corruption, among others. The G8 we know is a forum of the eight leading industrialized nations of the world. In their summits, they have reached a number of policy agreements aimed at fighting poverty and eradicating it to the point of making it a history. There were theoretically some arguments for and against the dependence on exogenously induced economic measures to eradicate poverty rather than the endogenous measures. The dependency and the modernization schools of thought proffered their solutions to the scourge of poverty in Africa. In all, it was seen in this study that the G8 has made few efforts in line with debt cancellation, aids and technical assistance as well as in the areas of trade liberalization. All aimed at fighting poverty in Africa but it was discovered that these are not enough as their failures were numerous. It was therefore suggested that African countries should look inwards for the solution to their poverty. If not, if the G8 is really serious and committed there are many more things they need to do if they will actually help in making poverty a history in Africa.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 08-2012 Issue: 1

Impact of Labour, Capital and Human Resources in Productivity of Transport Firms in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The extent of damage to the Transport Industry in Nigeria can not be overemphasized. These problems arose from the lack of critical and vital information concerning the extent of manpower development in the transport industry in Nigeria. In addition, information on the quantitative relationship between manpower developments, labour, and capital investment and the level of corresponding productivity are not readily available. Therefore there is need for extensive research on the relationship between human resource development, labour and the capital investment and related productivity in the Nigerian Transport industry. Therefore, the objective of this study is to ascertain the significant contributions of the above mentioned variables to the productivity of the transport industry as a whole. The Primary data sources comprised of direct questionnaires that were administered to the parastatals and transport firms of all modes of Transport (land, sea and air). Secondary data sources comprised of existing documents that have been published from various transport organisations. Data collected form the study were analysed using the regression analysis (Y=Bo +B???X???+B???X???+?? (v-u)) and the application of the frontier model can be influenced by human capital inputs was further applied to determine the extent to which productivity and efficiency of transport firms. From the results of the analysis it was discovered that majority of the workers in the transport industry were unskilled with only a few workers possessing higher degrees. Although, positive relationship was observed between the between human resource effect and the productivity and in conclusion it was seen that effects of productivity in transport firms in Nigeria depends largely on labour and capital inputs than on human resource effect.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 08-2012 Issue: 1

Effect of Different Energy Drinks on Liver and Heart Enzymes in Rats

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Eighteen-year-old Irish athlete was died as a result of playing a basketball game after consuming four cans of red bull in 2000. France, Denmark and Norway have banned red bull. Britain issued a warning against red bull use by pregnant women and children in 2001. There was very limited evidence that the consumption of energy drinks have any effect on the enzymes of our body. Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of six different types of energy drinks (Red Bull, Power Horse, Bison, Bugzy, Boom Boom, and Code Red) on liver and heart enzymes. One hundred forty seven male Wister rats were divided into seven groups in each group 21 rats. The first group is as control drinking water. The other six groups received orally the drink (1.8 ml/250 g/day)daily by gavage for 30 days. After 10, 20, and 30 days, the blood samples were collected from all groups to determined liver and heart enzymes. Inliver, the results showed a significant decrease of alanine aminotransferase concentration by drinking Bison, Bugzy, Boom Boom and Code Red groups. All energy drinking groups showed a significant decrease in the concentration of aspartate aminotransferase except in Red Bull group. Also, they showed decrease of alkaline phosphatase concentration except in Bison group. In heart, the results showed that creatine kinase concentration decreased significantly by all energy drinking groups except Red Bull and Bugzy. All energy drinking groups showed a significant decrease in the creatine kinase-MB concentration except in Bugzy group. As conclusions, most energy drinks may cause a disorder in liver and heart which effect the production of their enzymes.
Contribution/ Originality

Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 01-2014 Issue: 1

Supercapacitors Based on Activated Carbon and Polymer Electrolyte

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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The supercapacitors are characterized by  faster discharge rate and easy for maintenance. Their demand is predicted to be most extensive in frequency regulation applications. The other area for significant growth is in regenerative braking for grid, connected light rail systems. In this research we fabricated a Supercapacitor using a commercially prepared Activated carbon which was sized to an area of 1 cm2 and combinations of two electrolytes solutions; polymer electrolyte polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) assembled in an innovative supercacitor tester. The result indicates a relatively high efficiency of about 90 % and also exhibited long cyclability of life time under different voltage windows.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 12-2012 Issue: 1

Qanat and Its Challenges in Ferdows County-Iran

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The purpose of digging qanat or subterranean canal, this domestic and national art of Iranian is an operation of underground water that today we use it less than the past. Reviving of this traditional method of irrigating is just possible by increasing its yield from an economical perspective. In the recent decade because of the cost of labor, force and changes in ownership basis and negligence of public sector put the most of qanat toward aridness and reduced its importance . In this paper, we will study the effects of bemire Baladeh’ sqanat. Baladeh’ sqanat that supplied water for agriculture in Ferdows city, nowadays this qanat almost is dried. In the past people made the water of this qanat bemire for prevention of osmosis to the ground, nowadays the yield of water has been decreased and because of inattention in its maintenance and reparation, it became dry. Among the product that was irrigated in the past by water of qanat was saffron and decreased the importance of qanat’s water.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 12-2012 Issue: 2

The Impact of Neighborhood Characteristics on Housing Prices-An Application of Hierarchical Linear Modeling

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Housing data are of a nested nature as houses are nested in a village, a town, or a county. This study thus applies HLM (hierarchical linear modelling) in an empirical study by adding neighborhood characteristic variables into the model for consideration. Using the housing data of 31 neighborhoods in the Taipei area as analysis samples and three HLM sub-models, this study discusses the impact of neighborhood characteristics on house prices. The empirical results indicate that the impact of various neighborhood characteristics on average housing prices is different and that the impact of house characteristics on house prices is also moderated by neighborhood characteristics.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 12-2012 Issue: 2

External Factors Influencing on Industrial Building System (Ibs) in Malaysia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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For the adoption of suitable strategies by any organization or individual, there is the need to understand the organizations??? or individual???s current status and position in relations to the external environment. A PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) analysis is an environmental scanning division of strategic management. It can be used as a basis for future planning and strategic management. The application of PEST analysis helps a business to understand different macro-environmental factors that they need to take into consideration when determining the decline or growth of a particular market. In this study, PEST analysis has been conducted in order to investigate the important factors that are influencing the Industrial Building System (IBS) implementation in Malaysia.  This analysis has been conducted to evaluate how attractive the IBS in Malaysia is and the factors that can help its development and improvement. Therefore, at first the PEST factors introduce the Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors. Then, the PEST factors which affect the implementation of the Industrial Building System (IBS) in Malaysia are addressed through the review of past research and interviews with experts. In the next step, the identified factors will be ranked and prioritized as a result of applying the average ranking method. The classified factors in this study can be used in future studies to provide development strategies for IBS improvement according to its current position.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 10-2012 Issue: 2

A Comparative Study of Physical and Chemical Parameters in Sistan and Baluchistan University Wastewater and Its Re-Use of Wastewater

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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Following the university???s needs and current draughts, the university decided to establish a waste water treatment plant for proper management of its exotic waters. The recycled water of the plant is used for irrigation of its green space as well as providing water for its garden plants through drip irrigation method. The tests were performed during a 6- month period using input- output measuring devices. These tests were according to standard methods book. The photometer, spectrophotometer, and atomic absorption machines were applied for measuring cations and anions and heavy metals, respectively. The test results were analyzed by EXCEL/SPSS software. Finally, the acquired data were compared with the standards of EPA and FAO???s and it was concluded that they are in accordance with these standards and proper for irrigation of the green space and the greenhouse products.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 12-2012 Issue: 1

Effectiveness of E-Learning in Teaching Chemistry With Reference To Certain Selected Variables

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The advent of Internet connecting personal computers and mobile devices has made a incredible development in  the field of education. The web as a communications medium contributed for the growth of online learning and individual independent learning ambience. It provide a plethora of learning material with interactivity. At this stage  the technologies, tools, techniques, methodologies and standards are advancing at  a rapid pace wherein the  educationists has to familiarize themselves with online learning or E learning. They have to identify or explore  the best methods to be used for any given audience. E-Learning the new trend learning of gaining momentum at various levels of learning.  Under such circumstances this study aims at finding the effectiveness of e-learning in teaching chemistry at higher secondary level in relation to certain selected variables identified by the researcher.  The findings reveal that the students usage of computer and usage of internet have a better achievement than the other students who are not using the computer and internet frequently.  The findings prompt that the higher secondary students should be made familiar to use the computer as well as to use internet s for their learning purpose. 
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 04-2013 Issue: 1