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Listing 115 - 20 of 2809 results.

Effects of Genetically Modified (GM) Maize Adoption in Small Scale Farms on Cropping Systems of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Genetically modified (GM) crops are being promoted to ensure agricultural productivity and food security to keep pace with the ever-growing global population and food demand. In as much as agricultural technological advancements are crucial, there is need to strike a balance with agrobiodiversity for sustainable farming. Surveys were conducted in five municipal districts of the Eastern Cape Province to determine GM-technology adoption effects on maize cropping systems, agronomic practices and farmers’ perceptions of production constraints. Interviews of 232 farmers, independent (IF) 22.4% and government sponsored (GCP) 77.6%, revealed a wide variation in agronomic practices amongst them. Results indicate significant differences on the maize cropping systems practiced by the Eastern Cape small scale farmers. The majority (81.7%) of interviewed small scale GCP farmers produce maize as a monocrop, under dryland (91.7%) through conventional tillage practices (100%). In contrast, IF farmers practiced maize sole cropping (34.6%), under dryland (90.4%) through conventional tillage practices (86.5%). There were significant differences between the two farmers’ groups on crop mixture used (p=0.00), crop rotations (p=0.02), choice of maize varieties (p=0.00) and fertiliser use (p=0.00). Demographic and farm characteristics, type of land cultivation, production constraints, pest problems and pest management practices are discussed. The findings suggest the need to devise a system that will improve compatibility of GM-maize technology and traditional farming practices to ensure sustainable farming and food security for the resource poor farmers. The government support schemes seeking to enhance agricultural productivity need to equip farmers with the necessary versatile farming skills.
Contribution/ Originality
This study investigated the impact of the GM-technology adoption African small scale cereal based cropping systems, agronomic practices and farmers’ perceptions of production constraints. The findings suggest the need to devise a system that will improve compatibility of GM-maize technology and traditional farming practices.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

A Study of Factors Influencing the Development of Student Talent

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study examined how the development of student talent is influenced by factors such as guidance and counseling, the school environment, parent participation, and learning activities that are high quality, competitive, and character building. The research was conducted in eight secondary schools (four states schools and four private schools). In order to gain an insight into the development of student talent, the sample respondents were the parents of students. The main instrument used in the data collection process was a questionnaire, which was supplemented by focus group interviews and discussions. The items in the questionnaire were validated and verified using the Pearson and Cronbach Alpha product moment test criteria and the SPSS version 24.0 program. Data were processed and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach, using the Lisrel 8.70 program. The results show that the above factors have a positive effect on students’ talent and competency development, including self-awareness, learning and problem-solving skills, as well as strengthening students' characters and personalities. On this basis, efforts to develop student talent should consider all such variables of influence and their indicators, and more attention should be paid to the indicators that influence student talent the most.
Contribution/ Originality
This study focuses on the importance of paying attention in order to manage a number of factors that significantly influence the development of student talent. As well as affecting the development of student talent, these factors also have a positive impact on self-awareness, learning and problem-solving skills, and the strength of students' character and personality.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Estimation of Natural Variability in Different Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) Sudanese Genotypes

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Millet is grown mostly as the main grain crop in the drier Western Parts of Sudan (Darfur and Kordofan States) where climatic conditions permit only millet production. Also there is a limited cultivation of millet in the Eastern region of the country. Most species of Pennisetum are protogynous, but pearl millet is more conspicuous in this regard. This facilitates the introgression of characters from other annual penicillaries into pearl millet and hence has helped in the genetic enrichment of this species. In this study 20 pearl millet genotypes were collected from different parts of the Sudan with concentration on the western states. They were evaluated to assess the extent of variation among them in morphological and yield parameters, using a randomized complete block design with two replications. The twenty pearl millet genotypes exhibited significant differences in most of the characters studied. Out of the 19 parameters, only yield per tiller panicle and total yield per plant were non-significantly different. There is a noticeable variation, not only among the different genotypes of the same species but also within the same genotype or cultivar. Such variation may be attributed to the open pollination system of this crop
Contribution/ Originality
This study will add basic information to the existing literature concerning Sudanese genotypes. This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the Sudanese local Pennisetum glaucum genotypes, giving full botanical and agronomic characters. This study can elucidate the use of these genotypes in any future improving programs.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Exchange Rate Volatility and Agricultural Commodity Prices i Nigeria (2000-2018)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Exchange rate stability is one of the main factors that promote investment, price stability and stable economic growth. However, the effect of positive and negative changes in exchange rate has been a controversial debate among academia and experts. Thus, this study seeks to examine the effect of exchange rate volatility on agricultural commodity prices in Nigeria. Additionally, the study examines whether exchange rate volatility have a symmetric or asymmetric effect on agricultural commodity prices in Nigeria. In order to account for the volatility behaviour such as nonlinearity and time varying risk, the study used the Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model with monthly data for real effective exchange rate, agricultural output prices, inflation rate, and RGDP between 2000 and 2018. The study found that there is a positive and significant relationship between positive changes in exchange rate and agricultural commodity prices and also between negative changes in exchange rate and agricultural commodity prices. The study found that inflation rate has negative effect on agricultural commodity prices while RGDP has a positive effect on it. Asymmetric test using Wald Statistics revealed that positive and negative changes in exchange rate of the same magnitude have equal impact on agricultural commodity prices. The study concluded that movement of the exchange rate plays a significant role in altering the prices of agricultural commodity in Nigeria and the volatility effect is symmetric on agricultural commodity prices in Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature in terms of symmetric effect of exchange rate volatility on agricultural commodity prices. It uses Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model. The paper's primary contribution is finding that exchange rate volatility have positive and significant effect on agricultural prices while RGDP effects is positive.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2020 Issue: 5

Concept of Disaster is in Disarray: Need a Consensus among Experts

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Huge number of definitions is in use national and international spheres to provide a meaning for the concept of “disaster”. Most of them are defined vaguely and others inclined to limited aspects. Concept of disaster with different meanings causes to socialize different understandings on the nature of disaster. This background leads to interpret and make plans for disaster management program from various points of views. Reaching the objective of disaster management program depends entirely on the consensus of the “concept of disaster”. Consensus helps groups to work together to meet the group’s objectives. Therefore, adhering to a consensus and unanimous concept of disaster can be regarded as the main solutions to solve array of problems related disaster management programs. Aim of this study is to identify the disagreement nature of the concept of disaster and the negative impacts of it. Qualitative data are main type of data used in this study. Reviewing literature through web page browsing was the main method used to collect data. The results of this study reveal that absence unanimously agreed concept of disaster has created a meaning crisis of the concept of disaster. This background led to practice disaster management program among respective authority without any consensus which end without successful results. One of the main reason for this is imperfect concept has led to formulate disaster management programs paying way to neglect, ignore and abandon well established disaster management policies, legal systems, institutions and its networks, reserved human and other capitals.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first logical analysis over the meaning crisis of the concept of “disaster”.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Practicum Students Views about Field Experience Program for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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There is very little research about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Jordan, and no specific programs to help support these children. In addition, teachers are not equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to work with children with autism in school, so many parents send their children to a private center to get more support. The little research available indicates a lack of qualified teachers and equipment, which negatively affects children. However, many studies have shown that outcomes for children with ASD improve when teachers are provided with specific training that meet children’s needs (Browder, Trela, & Jimenez, 2007; Dib & Sturmey, 2007; Jordan, 2003). This study examined the effect of specific training on autism spectrum disorders for practicum students in special education. Based on the hypothesis that educators and school leaders would benefit from specific training and coursework on ASD, this quantitative study obtained data from 45 practicum students who participated in four months of training on different teaching methods and skills specific for children with ASD. The results of this study suggest that the training had a positive impact on the students’ views about ASD.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents valuable information about the importance of field experience in improving practicum students’ skills, knowledge and experience in working with children and youth with ASD. It may also encourage leaders and educators to plan field training for more than one semester.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Work Stress Related Problems in Teachers of Social Studies in Government Schools in Qatar

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aimed to identify the work stress experienced by teachers of social studies in government schools in the State of Qatar and the problems caused by it. The study used a descriptive-analytical method. The study sample consisted of (391) male and female teachers of social studies in the State of Qatar out of the study population of (968) who were selected using the random sampling method In order to achieve the goals of the study, a questionnaire was designed as a tool to collect data from the study sample. The tool was checked for validity and reliability prior to its execution. The results of the study included that teachers of social studies at all academic levels in the State of Qatar faced an average level of work stress. The study showed a statistically significant difference at the level of significance (??0.05) between the opinions of the members of the study sample in favor of females; and in favor of teachers who held Qatari nationality. No statistically significant differences were found at the level of significance (??0.05) according to the variable of the educational qualification, and according to the variables (job experience, marital status, academic level). The study also showed the existence of a number of problems resulting from work stress and the most important and highest administrative burdens and the lowest were to distinguish between teachers by nationality. This study recommends that the school authority should be delegated to teachers, according to their abilities and aptitudes, and to reduce their workload in order to enhance their professional efficiency.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies that have investigated the stress faced by teachers of social studies in Qatar and identified factors that cause such stress. It is a pioneering study that also introduces practical solutions to reduce such work- related stress commensurate in the interest of the educational system and teachers.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

The Impact of Covid-19 on Tourist Consumption Behaviour : A Perspective Article

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The study aims to explore the impact of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) on tourist behaviour and identifies intentions to change tourist behaviour that will emerge as a result of this pandemic. In the absence of a similar previous study, this study is designed to be a polite study. 308 travellers, selected on a non-probabilistic basis, participated in this pilot research. The data collected were subjected to Chi-square test of goodness of fit test statistical analysis and content analysis. The results indicate that the current Covid-19 pandemic is expected to have an impact on traveler behavior intentions, in terms of personal safety, economic expenditure, conviction and attitude. Finally, key findings and practical implications of this study are described for the management of this crisis, based on the results and limitations of this research, future research directions are presented. To the best of our knowledge, this paper provides the first exploratory analysis of the consequences that the Covid-19 health crisis is expected to have on travel behaviour.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by exploring the impact of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) on tourist behaviour and identifies intentions to change tourist behaviour that will emerge as a result of this pandemic.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Market Participation and Food Security Status of Bio-Fortified Cassava Processors in South Western Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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A better understanding of the extent of food insecurity and its determinants, particularly among rural households, is a step towards proffering solutions to this menace. The study assessed market participation and food security status of bio-fortified cassava processors in South-Western Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was used to source for data from 160 bio-fortified cassava processor through a well-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, household commercialization index, Food Insecurity Experience-Based Measurement Scales-United States Department of Agriculture (FIEMS-USDA) and Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) were used to analyze the data. The result of the study showed that the mean age of the processors was 48(±11.36). Majority (70.6%) of the bio-fortified cassava processor had a high market participation level with a mean household market participation index of 63.14±7.23%. About (58.75%) of the respondents were food insecure with moderate hunger level. The result of the MLR showed that farm income, the value of processed bio-fortified cassava output, susceptibility to sickness, membership of association and access to extension services were significantly related to food insecurity status of the bio-fortified cassava processor. Appropriate programs and policy measures that would increase the value of the processed bio-fortified cassava output and farm income should be targeted towards the processors as this would help to reduce their dependency and increase the food security status of their households.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated market participation and food security in Nigeria especially among the biofortified cassava processors. It uses new estimation methodology and ascertained the contributing factors that will ensure food security among the biofortified cassava processors in Nigeria if properly harnessed.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Growth Performance of Kit Rabbits Fed Concentrate Diet Supplemented with Varying Foliage Leaf Meals

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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The study investigated the effects of supplementing concentrate diets of rabbits with Gmelina, Neem, Leucaena combined w/w with Moringa leaf meals on their growth performance. Four dietary treatments consisting of forage and concentrate were formulated alongside with the control diet (without supplement). Twenty-four weaner rabbits of both sexes equal in numbers of males and females were used for the experiment for a period of 12 weeks. The growth experiment was subjected to 4 x 2 factorial experiment in completely randomized design consisting of four experimental diets and two (2) sexes. Proximate composition of the experimental diets, weekly weight gain, feed intake, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio of the rabbits were assessed. As revealed from the findings, the crude protein, crude fat and crude fiber ranged from 9.36% to 36.73%; 6.75% to 11.58%; and 20.12% to 30.24% respectively, while the carbohydrate, ash and moisture content ranged between 57.90% and 73.27%; 6.20% and 17.75%; and 7.76% and 8.20% respectively. The statistical analysis revealed that the experimental treatments had significant effects on the growth rate, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio of the rabbits (p?0.05). A strong positive and significant relationship (0.01 level) was observed between feed consumption and growth rate of the rabbit. The results of the finding suggest that the inclusion of the Moringa forage leaves in the experimental diets favoured the growth performance of the rabbits in terms of growth rate, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio of rabbits.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated, the effects of supplementing concentrate diets of rabbits with mixed foliage augmented Moringa leaf meal and other foliage leafy meals including Gmelina, Neem, Leucaena on optimum growth performance within the shortest possible time.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

An Order Four Numerical Scheme for Fourth-Order Initial Value Problems Using Lucas Polynomial with Application in Ship Dynamics

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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From the time immemorial, researchers have been beaming their search lights round the numerical solution of ordinary differential equation of initial value problems. This was as a result of its large applications in the area of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Control System, Electrical Electronics Engineering, Modeled Equations of Higher order, Thin flow, Fluid Mechanics just to mention few. There are a lot of differential equations which do not have theoretical solution; hence the use of numerical solution is very imperative. This paper presents the derivation, analysis and implementation of a class of new numerical schemes using Lucas polynomial as the approximate solution for direct solution of fourth order ODEs. The new schemes will bridge the gaps of the conventional methods such as reduction of order, Runge-kutta’s and Euler’s methods which has been reported to have a lot of setbacks. The schemes are chosen at the integration interval of seven-step being a perfection interval. The even grid-points are interpolated while the odd grid-points are collocated. The discrete scheme, additional schemes and derivatives are combined together in block mode for the solution of fourth order problems including special, linear as well as application problems from Ship Dynamics. The analysis of the schemes shows that the schemes are Reliable, P-stable and Efficient. The basic properties of the schemes were examined. Numerical results were presented to demonstrate the accuracy, the convergence rate and the speed advantage of the schemes. The schemes perform better in terms of accuracy when compared with other methods in the literature.
Contribution/ Originality
The study uses Lucas polynomial for the derivation of a new class of numerical schemes. The schemes were implemented in block mode for approximating fourth order ODEs directly without reduction. It solves variety of problems including problem in Electrical Engineering. The schemes performs excellently better than other schemes in the literatures.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Genetic and Molecular Relationship among Cucumeropsis Mannii Naudin using RAPD Marker

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Twenty-four accessions of Cucumeropsis mannii obtained from National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology and some markets from Seven Local Governments in Ibadan were evaluated for genetic relationship using RAPD marker. The field experiment was conducted at the research farm of the Department of Botany, University of Ibadan and arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with four replicates. The molecular experiment was done at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan. The mean square interaction of accessions and their Local governments were significantly (P<0.01) higher for growth, agronomic and yield characters. Accession C3 from Mokola performed best in morphological and yield characters while NGB/01611, NG/TOLO2/11/150 and NG/AA/03/11/040 had the least. Plant height is positively associated with number of leaves (r=0.73), leaf width(r=0.72), number of fruits (r=0.52) and leaf length (0.51). The number of leaves is positively related with leaf width, dry shoot weight, dry leaf weight and dry root weight at r= 0.94, 0.74, 0.73, 0.63 respectively, while dry root weight and fruit weight (r=0.73) are positively related. Two cluster groups were delineated from twenty-four accessions of C. mannii in the dendogram. Cluster 1 constitutes the largest 17 cluster groups and different sub-groups. Accession C12 from Lalupon had highest genomic DNA concentration of 1.89 ug, while highest total volume of 827.9 ul was recorded for C15 from Olodo. Primer OPHO9 had highest allele diversity and polymorphic information content at 0.93 and 92.23% respectively. Therefore, variability among accessions of C. mannii could promote the conservation of C. mannii for genetic improvement program.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies which investigated diversity of Cucumeropsis, and has contributed to the existing literature. However, this study revealed that there is existence of variability among the accessions of Cucumeropsis mannnii at the morphological level and molecular level using RAPD marker.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Up or Down! House Management and Public Finance Theory from America’s Era of Hastert

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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This primarily conceptual article hypothesizes that the deep divisions in United States politics can in part be traced to the “Hastert Rule,” a management practice since the 1990s which limits lawmakers individual respect, legitimacy, and power. The article first philosophically analyzes the noticeable change in discourse since the “Hastert Rule,” from “compromise” to “common ground.” Next the article offers a regression showing the Hastert Rule’s impact on volume of bills passed, and on public opinion, then arguing via Public Finance/Choice Economics that this management practice has led to changes in American society. A strong case regression is run concerning immigration. The results show that the Hastert Rule has hardened party lines and the public is voting for candidates according issues they suspect are not favored by the opposite party, here termed “median-division” theory. The article concludes with policy suggestions to give individual lawmakers and voters more power over legislative management- up or down!
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature in that it is the first known article to regress political and societal divisiveness by the Hastert Rule which is used by the U.S. House of Representatives. Also, it proposes an original concept related to median-voter theory, highlighting the importance of voter turnout.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Interest Rate Ceilings and Financial Exclusion in Kenya: Evidence from Commercial Banks’ Sectoral Credit Distribution

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The Finance Act that was amended in November 2019 in Kenya saw the removal of the caps on interest charged on loans. The motive of repeal of interest rate caps was to encourage the commercial banks to offer credit to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and other sectors of the economy. The interest rate caps that were implemented in September 2016 led to a significant reduction in lending to the private sector and in particular the small and medium size enterprises and the rural poor which were financially excluded by commercial banks. The main objective of the study was to find out whether interest rate caps contributed to financial exclusion in Kenya’s commercial banks’ sectoral credit portfolio. The target population of the study was 11 private sectors that benefit from commercial banks credit in Kenya. Secondary balanced panel monthly data spanning from January 2016 to December 2019 was used in the study. Fixed effects panel data regression model was used to analyze the data. The results from the study showed a positive and statistically significant relationship between interest rate ceiling and financial exclusion implying that interest rate ceilings affects credit access leading to financial exclusion in Kenya. The results for inflation rate indicated a negative but statistically significant relationship between inflation and financial exclusion implying that inflation affects loan credit growth. The results for exchange rate and public debt are statistically insignificant, suggesting that they do not have an effect on credit access in Kenya’s commercial banks.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated on the effect of interest rate ceilings on financial exclusion in Kenya by focusing on stock of credit to private sector using fixed effects panel data regression model.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2020 Issue: 5

The Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on Bank Default: A Case Study in Brazil

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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With the end of the recession from 2014 to 2016, Brazil began a gradual recovery process, with a positive impact on some economic variables — among them, credit financing. Despite this, a robust recovery was not seen in 2019, and 2020 was marked by the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, which raises questions about the stability of the financial system and the control of defaults. Considering this, the present study explores how macroeconomic variables affected the default of a financial institution’s credit portfolio between January 2014 and April 2019. To perform this analysis, we built a Vector Error Correction (VEC) model that captured the long-term relationships between the default of different credit products and the selected macroeconomic variables. The results indicate that the macroeconomic variables do in fact impact default, however, this behavior is not homogeneous. In general, different credit products respond in different ways to each of the macroeconomic entities: while part of our findings is in line with others in the literature, we also found surprising results for some of the studied relationships.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating, through a case study in Brazil, the unique effects of the macroeconomic environment on the default of different and specific credit products, while most of the recent research focuses on aggregated data or default indexes.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2020 Issue: 5

Accounting Conservatism and Financial Performance: Accountability of Shariah Compliant Companies in Malaysia

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The accountability of Shariah-compliant companies is essential to ummah to ensure the quality of earnings and enhance performance. This study examined the association of accounting conservatism, which is a proxy for accounting quality and the financial performance of Shariah-compliant companies in Malaysia. Financial statements with high quality assist in better decision making, thus preventing fraud activities and misappropriation of assets. The data consisted of 144 firm-year observations of Shariah-compliant companies from 2012 to 2017. The results revealed that accounting conservatism is a feature of financial statements of Shariah-compliant companies in Malaysia and accounting conservatism had a positive association with financial performance. The findings gave insights on the accounting quality and performance of the Islamic capital market in Malaysia. This study contributes to the knowledge of financial reporting quality by explaining the ethical behavior of companies using stewardship theory.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated financial performance in relation to conservatism on listed Shariah-compliant companies by using two models which is Basu (1997) and Khan and Watts (2009) model.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Green Synthesis and Nanotoxicity Assay of Copper-Cobalt Bimetallic Nanoparticles as a Novel Nanolarvicide for Mosquito Larvae Management

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Plant mediated nanoparticles have been investigated to possess many applications in many fields such as pharmaceuticals, therapeutics and other commercial products. In this study, Copper/Cobalt bimetallic nanoparticles were synthesized by an eco-friendly and cost effective method using Palmyra palm fruit extract and characterized using various techniques such as UV-visible spectrophotometry and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. Green synthesis method was used in obtaining the nanoparticles and the agar well diffusion method was used in evaluating the larvicidal activity. The resulting nanoparticles were evaluated to find possible application as nanolarvicide against first, second and third instar of Culex quinquefasciatus larvae in terms of percentage mortality. The lethal concentration values were LC50=12.036, LC90=143.316; LC50=14.774, LC90=263,456; LC50=16.076, LC90=296.758 ppm for the first, second, and third instars respectively implying moderate activity of this copper/cobalt nanoparticles. It could be concluded that copper-cobalt bimetallic nanoparticles synthesized using fruit extract of palmyra palm could be a potential nanolarvicide for mosquito larvae management.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on Copper/Cobalt biological activity for control of mosquitoes in our environment.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

The Nexus between the Exportation of Social Sustainability Certifications that Restrict Malaysian Palm Oil Companies and their Profitability: A Panel on Driscoll and Kraay Standard Errors and a Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square Approach

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Currently, due to the restriction of social sustainability certifications, exports of biofuel to Europe and other countries are a crucial phenomenon that financially affect companies. The primary aim of the current study is to investigate the effects on the profitability of palm oil export companies in Malaysia that have social sustainability certifications. Data were extracted from the annual reports of companies that export biofuel and have had social sustainability certifications between 2009 to 2018. The results indicate that exports have a positive financial effect on palm oil export companies in Malaysia. These findings present guidelines to policymakers on removing restrictions on exports and developing policies that enhance the exportation of biofuel, thereby enhancing the economic growth of the country.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by investigating the effects on the profitability of palm oil export companies in Malaysia that have social sustainability certifications.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Attitudes of Early Childhood and Preschool Education Students and Teachers towards Inclusion of Children with Down Syndrome

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study sought to see the difference in attitudes between early childhood and preschool education teachers and students towards the inclusion of children with Down syndrome in kindergartens. The research included teachers from three kindergartens in the City of Split, as well as early childhood and preschool education students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. A questionnaire on the assessment of attitudes towards the inclusion of children with Down syndrome was used. The results are presented through thematic statements grouped by content as follows: personal attitude towards inclusion of children with Down syndrome; inclusion success; knowledge and training; kindergarten and inclusion; and attitudes towards parents of children with Down syndrome. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between teachers and students in terms of their attitudes towards inclusion. The results of teachers towards the partial integration of children with Down syndrome are significant. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded there is a need for additional education in this field due to the lack of content, in formal and non-formal education of teachers, addressing the issue of the inclusion of children with Down syndrome and children with disabilities in general. It is necessary to follow the topic of inclusion in the context of kindergarten through a long-term research, using a more sensitive and comprehensive instrument, and a larger sample. If its sensitivity is increased, this instrument can be recommended to be used for all children with developmental disabilities, not just children with DS.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature and research on attitudes towards inclusion of children with Down syndrome. It brings results on the difference in attitudes of teachers with work experience and early childhood and preschool education students on the inclusion of children with Down syndrome in kindergartens.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Export- Led Growth Hypothesis for Ghana: A TVAR & TVECM Analysis

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This study employs threshold models to examine the export-led growth hypothesis (ELG) for Ghana from 1970-2018. The analysis commences as follows. Firstly, using real GDP as threshold variable, the study conducts a non-linearity test for the threshold vector autoregressive (TVAR) model as against the linear vector autoregressive (VAR) model. Secondly, the study evaluates whether the ELG hypothesis is best explained with linear co-integration models or threshold co-integration models. The empirical results indicate that, the ELG hypothesis is supported by the two-threshold vector autoregressive model (threshold values of 2.35 and 2.46) and a two-threshold vector error correction model (threshold values -0.50 and -0.20). The error correction term of the TVECM is negative and statistically different from zero, signifying speed of long run convergence. In terms of threshold co-integration, real GDP versus real exports and real GDP vs real imports are threshold co-integrated. In contrast, the null hypothesis of linear co-integration is not rejected for real export versus real import.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses new estimation methodology to evaluate the export – output growth nexus for Ghana for the period spanning from 1970-2018.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2