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Listing 13 - 20 of 2809 results.

French Students of Maghreb Background and Entrepreneurship

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The aim of this article is to analyze the theoretical motivations for entrepreneurship among French students of Maghreb background (hereafter FSMB). Indeed, there are two opposing logics: the entrepreneurial logic, and the social integration one. Is entrepreneurship still seen as a last chance for these young studentswho are stigmatized (Goffman, 1975) and socially labeled (Becker, 1985), and who remain very often unemployed after graduation? Or does it fit in the context of the ambitious individual who wants to find a place of one’s own in an increasingly competitive social environment. This study also addresses the question of ethnic entrepreneurship by analyzing the specificity of the potential corporate projects of the French students of North African origins.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 07-2014 Issue: 7

Reminiscing Stock Splits Announcement: A Malaysian Case

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This study attempts to understands and verify the effects of stock splits on the abnormal returns of announcing companies share prices using Market Adjusted Returns (MAR) Model. Test findings reveal splits announcements in Malaysia result in positive but insignificant abnormal returns. Additional OLS test was carry out to examine the relationship between companies’ cumulative abnormal returns (CAAR) and prior dividend yield (PDY). Result from uni-variate regression analysis shows there is minimal but significant positive relationship between CAAR and PDY.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 07-2014 Issue: 7

Teachers Characteristics and Students’ Performance Level in Senior Secondary School Financial Accounting

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship that exists between teachers’ characteristics (qualification, years of experience) and students’ performance level in Senior Secondary School Financial Accounting. In doing this, the study investigated selected teachers characteristics and students performance level in Senior Secondary School Financial Accounting using correlation research design. The study was limited to Senior Secondary Schools in Ondo State.  A total of 200 students were selected through purposive sampling technique to participate in the study. Two research questions were raised and answered. Two validated instruments titled; Teachers Qualification and Experience Questionnaire (TQEQ) and Financial Accounting Achievement Test (FAAT) were used for data collection. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was the major statistical tool employed for data analysis. Findings revealed that a positive relationship exists between teachers’ characteristics (Qualification and Experience) and performance level of the students in Financial Accounting. It is recommended among others that capacity development scheme should be put in place for teachers with the aim of enhancing their efficiency and improving students’ performance.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Game Analysis on Influence Mechanism of Equity Incentive on R&D Investments

Research Article
Journal: Review of Knowledge Economy

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A game model between shareholders and manager is built to analyze influence mechanism of equity incentive on R&D investments based on principal-agent theory. Research shows that there are inverted U-shaped relationships between equity incentive and R&D investments, the modest equity should be gave for stimulate manager.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper offers a powerful model and an innovative way for researchers to analyze influence mechanism of equity incentive on R&D investments and understand the embedded relationships between shareholders and manager.

Business & Management » Review of Knowledge Economy » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

Marketing Destination Zimbabwe During and Post the 2000-2008 Political and Economic Crises

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Consequences of political and economic crises on tourist destinations are profound and inescapable. This paper discusses the 2000-2008 political and economic crisis issue in Zimbabwe in relation to the tourism industry. The 2000-2008 political and economic environment was characterised by political stand- off among the three major political parties, heightened negative publicity, shortages of basic commodities, hyperinflation and isolation of Zimbabwe by the international community. During the height of this crisis, international visitors declined sharply and hotels reported a one digit occupancy figure triggering a tourism crisis. This paper has some significance, as the tourism industry was greatly affected by the political and economic instability. Yet the overall marketing and promotional strategies adopted by stakeholders during and post the crisis to put the tourism industry on the recovery path have been rather minimal. The study used secondary sources of data and netnography to collect data. The article argues that tourist destinations that are prone to political and economic instabilities should be pro-active and device novel marketing strategies to reassure prospective tourists of the safety of the destination. The study revealed that destination Zimbabwe re-engaged with the western markets, courted the Asian market, bid to host high profile events and sought destination endorsement as a cocktail of practical marketing strategies to revive the tourism sector. Recommendations include collaborative marketing campaigns fronted by political leaders, activation of tourism police service and partnering with embassies to ensure visitor`s safety. Future research is suggested at micro level and industry sub-sector level like hotels and tour operators on how they individually market their products during a crisis period.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

The Sustainable Livelihoods Index: A Tool To Assess the Ability and Preparedness of the Rural Poor in Receiving Entrepreneurial Project

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This paper describes the Sustainable Livelihoods Index (SLI) as a useful tool in assessing the livelihood elements of the rural poor households. Income data alone may not fully reflect the suitability of the hardcore poor in receiving government assistance in the form of entrepreneurial projects. In this case rendered projects do not take into account the ability and preparedness of the poor in receiving the projects. The main objective of this study is to measure comprehensively all the livelihood elements of the rural poor households through developing a Sustainable Livelihood Index (SLI). This index was based on Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA) framework. A total of 22 livelihood assets and outcomes indicators were identified from the data set and broadly grouped into five groups of assets namely human, physical, natural, social, financial assets and 2 groups of livelihoods outcomes which are food security and health status. Then, an aggregate SLI for each household was constructed by averaging all the seven groups of livelihood assets and outcomes indices with an equal weight. Overall, about 73% of considered households were attained an SLI below than 0.5, with a mean of 0.47. With regard to household income that has been used as a poverty measurement, the study found that the Sustainable Livelihood Index (SLI) was moved in tandem with the total of household income. There are 90.91% of the households in hardcore poor group were obtained SLI below 0.5 indicating that households with a low income will also have a low SLI. Although income and SLI were moved in the same direction, this paper suggests the use of SLI as a more analytically rigorous tool to assess the ability and preparedness of the rural poor than the regular use of household income level alone.  Besides it may help the local authorities to broaden their scope in a manageable way as to ensure the sustainability of a given project.  
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6

Fiscal Decentralization and Poverty Reduction: Citizens View

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This study intends to corroborate the positive theoretical relationship between fiscal decentralization and poverty reduction (Crook and Manor, 1998; Moore and Putzel, 1999; World Bank, 2001) base on non-monetary measurement. A qualitative research method was applied for the study. Focus group discussions was conducted using one-hundred and thirty (130) stakeholders in the community divided into five (5) area councils. The study revealed participants clear understanding of poverty. There was however, a limited support from the findings on the theoretical construct on the positive relation between fiscal decentralization and poverty reduction using non-monetary measurement. It was therefore recommended authorities must tackle both economic and social dimensions in any policy definition in order to achieve success at poverty reduction.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6

Investigate of Mechanical Fuse in Cardan Shaft Using FEM

Research Article
Journal: Review of Information Engineering and Applications

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A Cardan shaft is a mechanical component for transmitting torque and rotation, usually used to connect drive shaft to driven shaft that cannot be connected directly because of distance or the need to allow for relative movement between them. If overload is applied to cardan shaft, failure can occur in each part of the cardan shaft and maybe some irreparable damage occur to the cardan shaft. Thus it is important to investigate the existence of mechanical fuse in cardan shaft, and this subjcet is analyzed by Abaqus software and the results are illustrated that the cross shaft of an standard cardan shaft, fails first and is the best part as a mechanical fuse.
Contribution/ Originality

Computer Sciences » Review of Information Engineering and Applications » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

Micro Biostratigraphy and Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Permian Dalan Formation (Zagros Basin, Southwest Iran)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The objective of the present study is to perform Microbiostratigraphy and Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Permian Dalan Formation at a Well (Well 1) in the Zagros Basin. The Upper Permian Dalan Formation contains vast gas reservoirs in the southwest Iran and is composed of three Members: The Lower Dalan Member corresponds to Wordian to Capitanian; the Nar Member is latest Capitanian and the Upper Dalan Member corresponds to Wuchiapingian to Changhsingian. Lower and Upper Dalan Members include mainly limestone, dolomitic limestone and Nar member mostly consists of anhydrite and thin interlayer of dolomite. The biostratigraphic study allows individualizing Foraminifers from the Wordian to the Changhsingian (Middle to Late Permian). Based on the stratigraphic distributions of the Biostratigraphically significant fauna and flora the following 7 biozones and age determinations are proposed in the Upper Permian Dalan Formation: 7. Paraglobivalvulinoides septulifera zone (Changhsingian)6. Paradagmarita zone (Changhsingian)5. Rectostipulina zone (Wuchiapingian)4. Shanita zone (Capitanian)3. Paraglobivalvulina zone (Capitanian)2. Globivalvulina zone (Wordian)1. Eoverbeekina zone (Wordian)
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

Storage Stability of Intermediate Moisture Cauliflower Brassica Oleracea, Var, Botrytis Cabbage Brassica Oleracea, Var, Capitata Using Radiation as Hurdle Technology

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Processing conditions were established for developing shelf stable ‘intermediate moisture’ (IM) cabbage and cauliflower. The new protocols were based on the hurdle technology (HT) - a mild heat treatment, addition of 1% Potassium meta bi sulphite as antimicrobial agent, partial dehydration to lower water activity (aw ) using two methods - Infrared drying (IR) and Tray drying (TD). The IM vegetables prepared were packed in 400 gauge polyethylene covers and treated with low doses of gamma radiation as major hurdle technologyand observed for shelf life stability at ambient conditions (30oC and 65% RH). The physical, chemical and pathological stability were monitored during storage. Infra-red dried (IR) vegetables treated with gamma radiation at 0.75-1.0 kGyyielded a product with improved rehydration potential, appearance and maximum nutrient retention up to 43.1%-44.6 % of vitamin C with maximum shelf life of 5 to 7 months.No significant changes   were noticed in scores for color, taste, flavor, texture and overall acceptability during storage period. The growth of microbes were controlled throughout the study resulting in shelf stable IM vegetables.Among the four treatments studied, infrared dried with radiation dose of  0.75 kGy for cauliflower and1.0 kGy for cabbage  was found to be best in obtaining high quality IM products with optimum sensory, microbial, nutritional quality and storability.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

Quality Characteristics of High-Oleic Sunflower Oil Extracted from Some Hybrids Cultivated Under Egyptian Conditions

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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This work was conducted to study the oil content, quality criteria of different seven sunflower hybrids growing under local environmental condition. Three high-oleic hybrids (2031, 2033 and Olivico), two mid-oleic hybrids (A12 AND A15) and two traditional hybrids (120 and 53) were studied to determine the oil content, physico-chemical properties, total tocopherol, oxidative stability by Rancimat method at 100ºC and fatty acid composition by GC during2012-2013.According to the results, the hybrids 2033, 2031 and A15 produced higher oil content (44.00%, 43.30% and 38.79% respectively, than other hybrids under study. Hybrids 2033, Olivico and 2031 had higher tocopherol content (445, 423, 419ppm) than other hybrids. In contrast, significant differences were noticed in oxidative stability and fatty acid composition. The hybrids 2033, Olivico and 2031 showed the higher oxidative stability (19.00, 17.50 and 17.00 hr) and oleic acid (82.87%, 82.11% and 81.40%) respectively. In conclusion, results indicated that the high-oleic and mid- oleic sunflower hybrids cultivated under Egyptian conditions gave higher quality oil.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

Public Infrastructure Spending and Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) Approach

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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 The aim of this study is to critically analyze the determinants of public infrastructure spending and economic growth in Nigeria, using available time series data from 1970 to 2010. The specific objective of the study with an overriding aim of providing policy-relevant evidence are: to examine the trend in public expenditure on infrastructure in Nigeria between 1970 to 2010; to compare the trend in public expenditure between the military and democratic government in Nigeria between 1970 to 2010; to determine the relationship between expenditure on infrastructure and long-run economic growth; ascertain the factors that influence public expenditure growth in infrastructure; test for the stability of growth in public expenditure on infrastructure over time and derive policy recommendations based on the findings of the study. The model specification is based on the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) multiple regression. While the estimation procedures is that of the Johansen Maximum Likelihood (JML) and OLS estimators.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 07-2014 Issue: 7

Survey of Students’ Academic Achievement and Mathematics Identity-Formation

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The study explored mathematics identity-formation and development, which concerned with how students come to orient themselves toward or away from engagement in mathematical activity due to a combination of perceptions of self as a high or low achiever in the learning of mathematics on one hand and perceptions of how others such as teachers, peers, parents and community see them in mathematical contexts. As a qualitative research study with an open-ended unstructured questions (r=0.69) and four research questions, an exploration of possible relationships that exist in mathematics achievements through the four faces of identity-formation of mathematics learning, namely engagement, imagination, alignment, and nature were considered. Findings through unstructured interview with the selected students reveal different variations of identity-formation, which serve as contributions to better articulate and conceptualizing the academic achievement of students in mathematics, which serves as an indispensable tool for Science and Technology.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 07-2014 Issue: 7

Organizational Commitment of White Collar Employees in Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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Committed workforce has now become a competitive advantage of all types of organizations. However, employees’ organizational commitment is comparatively lower now if compare to the past. The main aim of this research is to identify whether there is a significant relationship between personal characteristics and organizational commitment. By understanding personal characteristics that predict organizational commitment, organizations could take necessary actions to improve employee commitment levels before greater losses are incurred. In essence, results from this survey indicate that age group, educational level and organizational tenure have significant statistical differences in organizational commitment.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 07-2014 Issue: 7

The Nexus between Financial Crisis and Household Consumption: Evidence from Emerging Countries

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This paper stains to test the effects of financial crisis on household consumption. More specifically, an aggregate annual data from 36 emerging countries from 1990-2012, is used to estimate a model that capture the interrelationship between financial crisis and household consumption. Our findings show that emerging countries that have experienced financial crisis during the last three decades tend to experience a substantially greater contraction of their consumption level. Whatever the type of crisis considered, they are generally followed by a substantial contraction of their welfare. More specifically, banking crisis, in contrast to the currency ones, appears to have a more important impact on the standard living household. On the other hand, twin crisis seems to have a more pronounced impact than the two first ones.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 08-2014 Issue: 8

Study of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Inflation: Application to the Countries of the South Side of the Mediterranean: A Panel Data Approach

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This paper examines the relationship between economic growth and inflation taking into account other economic indicators in the analysis of this relationship. This study uses the random effects model of panel data applied to a sample of four countries on the south side of the Mediterranean during the period that runs from 1980 to 2008. The analysis concludes that, in general, the relationship between the variables appears particularly if inflation or hyper-inflation. Indeed, if a country prices rise faster than in other countries, we will see an increase in imports and a decline in exports. To balance the balance of payments, it will attract the foreign exchange reserves. 
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 08-2014 Issue: 8

The Entrepreneurship, Knowledge Spillover and Economic Growth

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The purpose of this study is to test the knowledge spillover channel and introducing the Innovation as a channel for Knowledge spillover. Endogenous growth theory assumes that the knowledge spillover occur directly and lead to economic growth. In this paper, we suggest that the spillover of knowledge may not occur automatically as typically assumed in models of endogenous growth. We propose a model by incorporating the new variable based on the patent data to proxy for productive innovation. The empirical model estimated using a panel of data from 60 developed and developing selected countries for the period of 1990 to 2011. The empirical results provide evidence that in addition to measures of research & development and human capital, innovation also serves to promote economic growth. On the other hand innovation is identified as one such mechanism facilitating the spillover of knowledge.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 2

Analysis of Workplace Stress and Organizational Performance in Human Resource Management: A Case Study of Air Traffic Controllers of Pakistan

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Today main issue in management and organization is corporate sustainability which includes organizational performance.  Organizational performance is one of the strategic issues for any management. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between workplace stress and organizational performance; and mediational affect of employees’ health issues between workplace stress and organizational performance. Both primary and secondary data were used for the current study. A self-developed questionnaire was used after validating it through a pilot study for collecting the data. Proportionate random sampling technique was used to select the sample – air traffic controllers. The hypotheses were accepted at significant ‘p’ value proving the model as good fitting. Out of 134 questionnaires, 122 were received back from the respondents and used for the current study.  The study results confirm that there is a negative relationship between workplace stress and organizational performance; while there is a partial mediational affect of employees’ health issues between workplace stress and organizational performance. The quantitative technique was used for investigation of the problem.  The practical implications of the paper include implementation of the results provided by the researcher to reduce workplace stress by providing appropriate health facilities to the subjects; and increasing organizational performance. The findings of this study are important for corporations and future researchers on organizational behavior field. Original finding have a potential to contribute related field and expecially aviation management and strategy since sever workplace stress has an direct impact on both performance and employee sustainability in aviation business. The research aims to raise awareness of organizational behavior to achieving business objectives since human resource is most critical risk on the way of corporate sustainability.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6

Perception of Gender Mainstreaming in Agricultural Extension in Fogera Woreda, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Gender is a key analytic category for understanding global economic processes and gender mainstreaming is the core strategy to eliminate gender inequalities. Despite the increasing appreciation of gender and gender mainstreaming which is decisive for women and men equal participation in development, the concept of gender mainstreaming is not always understood in the same fashion. Perception of gender mainstreaming by various community members in the agriculture sector is not known. This study was designed to heave light on the perception gender concern in Agricultural sector which include workers and farmers. Two stage sampling procedure was employed to select 4 Peasant Associations (PA’s) out of 27 PA’s in the Woreda and 140 sample households from these 4 PA’s using simple random sampling techniques. In addition, 22 Agriculture and Rural Development workers were selected by using simple random sampling methods irrespective of sex. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were described, interpreted and appreciated. Likert type scales were developed to measure both types of perceptual statements. The findings indicated that lack of clear ideas on the concepts of gender and gender mainstreaming among Agricultural and Rural Development workers. There was a significant difference between farmers and Agricultural and Rural Development workers regarding their perception towards gender and gender mainstreaming, moderately female farmers have higher degree of perception than male farmers in rural areas. Relatively female workers have higher degree of perception than male workers in Agricultural and Rural Development workers. Agricultural and rural development workers and farmers in general should be exposed to intensive gender sensitization and training on improving outreach to female farmers. 
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Electrochemical Study of the Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid by Amlodipine Drug

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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The inhibition of mild steel corrosion in acidic medium inhibited by amlodipine at room temperature (30oC) was monitored via the linear polarization resistance electrochemical technique using a variable voltage, DC power supply (AC mV metre, 2channel model GVT 427). The concentration of the acid medium was maintained at 0.1M HCl throughout the experiment. The inhibition efficiency was found to increase with increase in the concentration of the drug in the corrosive medium. The highest polarization resistance (Rp) (1083Ωcm2) was obtained at the highest inhibitor concentration (10.0×10-3M) while the lowest Rp (567Ωcm2) was recorded against the lowest inhibitor concentration (2.5×10-3M). The adsorption mode of the drug was found to be by monolayer chemisorptions having found the experimental data obeyed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. 
Contribution/ Originality

Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3