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Listing 113 - 20 of 2809 results.

Phytoremediation: An Environmental Detoxification Technology using Plants

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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Phytoremediation is a green technology that uses plant to remove, detoxify and clean up some selected environmental contaminations inside the soil, waste water, ground water and sludge that are contaminated through human, economic, agricultural and industrial activities. Excessive contaminations of the soil usually pose significant health hazard to human and plants life, hence it is imperative to adequately and carefully remove all these toxic substances from the soil leaving the soil free of contaminations. They are usually less expensive and eco-friendly. These pollutants are usually remediated using five different applications; Phyto-extraction, phyto-stabilization, phyto-filtration (Rhizo-filtration), phyto-volatization, phyto-transformation (Phyto-degradation). Different plants have been identified as phyto-remediators and are capable of bio-accumulating shallow contaminants, toxic metals, organic and nutrients pollutants into their different harvestable body parts; like the leaves, root, shoot and stem thereby stabilizing the soil of variety of pollutions. The plants that are efficient in remediating the soil are also called ‘Hyper-accumulators’ they thrive well in a toxic environment. They concentrate heavy metals like; Pb, Ni, Co, Cd, Co and lots more into their body parts and the plant biomass are carefully disposed and incinerated in an enclosed medium. United States Environmental Protection agency reiterates that phytoremediation is a clean and cheap technology that can be used in remediating our polluted sites.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature on how to make use of green plants to effectively remove, cleanse, restore and remediate soils contaminated with metals, pesticides, solvents, crude oil, waste water, sludge and sediments without disrupting the structure, texture and quality of the soil.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Effectivenes of Hipermobility on Sport Injury among Young Players

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between hypermobility and sport injury in different sports branches. A total of 256 athletes who were 15,7±7,6 years average age from 5 different branches (football: 52 basketball: 28 volleyball: 32 swimming: 28 and athletics: 19) participated in the study voluntarily. Beighton hypermobility diagnostic scoring and sport injury history questionnaire were used to data collection. Study showed that; 19.5% of the participants were found to be advanced hypermobile. The highest rate of hypermobile was found in Volleyball branch (n: 12/37.5%). The incidence of hypermobility syndrome in women was found to be higher than in men (42.3%). 58.9% of the athletes had previously had a injury, the type of sprain injury was the most common type of injury (37.7%), the foot and ankle was the most injured body part (48.1%). Injury mostly occurs in training (45.3%). Overuse was the most injury reason (35.2%). Duration of the recovery was 1-3 weeks mostly answered (30.9%). Injury mostly seen in football branches (60.9%). No relationship was found between the injury status of the athletes and hypermobility levels (p= 0.103). As a result of the research; hypermobility prevalence was 19.5% found among participants. According to gender, analysis showed that; It was seen more frequently in women and the rate of hypermobility in volleyball branch was higher than other branches. On the other hand, it was found that the level of hypermobility had no effect on the sport injury history of the young athletes.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the relationship between hypermobility and sport injury. The data obtained from this study will be a source for future studies.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Biochemical Composition and Consumption Risk of Leafy Vegetables Puts and Babenda Cereals Produced in Five Cities in Burkina Faso

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Babenda is a national dish that has become famous in food habits and production without adequate knowledge of its nutritional and energy potential. It is made with leafy vegetables and cereals. This study aimed to determine the risk assessement of some heavy metals and physico-chemical characteristics of leafy vegetables and Babenda consumed in five cities in Burkina. The samples of 120 leafy vegetables and 60 Babenda were collected. The analyzes focused on the total levels of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) and were carried out using standard methods. The moisture content varied between 86.82 ± 2.51 and 88.57 ± 1.19. The lipid content varied from 13.89 ± 0.22g/100g to 19.91 ± 0.41g/100g, the carbohydrate content ranged from 60.91 ± 0.2 g/100g to 77.35 ± 0.22 g/100g; the protein content between 9.76 ± 0.09g / 100g and 23.56 ± 0.02g / 100g. The energy potential was between 469.45 kcal and 499.57kcal with an average value of 480.766 Kcal 100g of dry matter. Babenda is a source of calcium (129.52 ± 2.38mg / 100g), sodium (12.92 ± 0.29mg / 100g). Babenda has a good nutritional value and its consumption can help fight against food insecurity and malnutrition.
Contribution/ Originality
This study assesses the contamination risk and the Babenda composition. These are necessary valorization steps this local resource and fight malnutrition and improve food security. Besides, its consumption should be recommended, especially among the low-income population with little access to products with high nutritional value and the human health benefits.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Rural Population Perceptions on Anti-Silting Managements in Kebili Governorate, South Tunisia

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Lambin [1] affirmed that the definition of desertification used by the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) makes it clear that, whilst biophysical components of ecosystems and their properties are involved (e.g., soil erosion, loss of vegetation), the interpretation of change as 'loss' is dependent upon the integration of these components within the context of the socioeconomic activities of human beings. The CCD's definition of desertification explicitly focuses on the linkages between humans and their environments that affect human welfare in arid and semi-arid regions. In Tunisia as in many regions of the world, desertification and silting are an adversity to economic development and environment. This study aims to bring out population perceptions determinants about this scourge on the governorate of Kebili, located at the south of Tunisia. Several efforts have been made by the administration since the 1980s to combat silting. We conducted this research with the view to study population’s perceptions towards realized management against silting and desertification. We need to know the factors that make these managements not evenly successful at all the governorate zones. Therefore, we conducted a socio-economic survey: among the population with concern to examine the reaction of the inhabitants towards these anti-silting structures and strategies.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature about how Tunisia faced silting scourge by biological and mechanical techniques. This study has investigated on population opinion about these techniques. These techniques were successful and maintained by population in some zones while in other zones population was reluctant and removed them.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Perception of Professional Accountants about the Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Auditing Industry of Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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Globalization and frequent evolution of technology keeps putting pressure on professionals mastered in different fields which does not leave accountants and auditing professionals behind. With frequent adoption of modern technologies like AI, it has become incumbent on every professional to adopt and regularize the use of such technologies in respective fields. Accounting and auditing, previously a tedious work, has become faster and easier through technologies like knowledge based systems. Although the concept of AI is relatively new in the world of accounting, it is being used extensively by some firms and practitioners and continues to evolve its ways. However, within the context of Bangladesh, the application of AI is still in its infant’s stage. This study aims at exploring the perceptions of accounting professionals about the application of AI in their profession. Respondents of this study are audit practitioners employed in different auditing firms across Dhaka city. We have collected data through five point Likert scale and a questionnaire survey. We have found a variety of perceptions about this technology from the practitioner’s. Result indicates that professionals in Bangladesh still are not fully aware of AI use in auditing. Certain problems like incurrence of huge cost, lack of information security and unsecured jobs create hindrance for AI to get rooted in the auditing industry of Bangladesh.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the perceptions of professionals about use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the accounting and auditing industry of developing country such as Bangladesh. It finds that there is an unexplored and untapped market for AI in Bangladesh, which can be utilized if proper policy is taken by authorities.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Service Quality and Brand Loyalty in the Schooling Industry of Pakistan

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This research studied the relationship between core service satisfaction, perceived switching cost, attractiveness of alternatives and brand trust while also establishing the relationship between brand trust and brand loyalty in the context of Pakistan’s schools industry. The study was conducted on a sample of 355 parents of school going children and all the respondents were over the age of 30. The study contributes in identifying the dynamics of loyalty in this specific industry because it is unique in its environment as compared to the school industries of Europe and the USA. The study reveals that in a highly competitive industry where expansion is in continuous effect, loyalty is tested thoroughly. The research findings point out a strong positive relationship between service satisfaction and trust. High switching costs also increase brand trust whereas attractiveness of alternatives negatively affects brand trust and brand loyalty. In the end, the analysis shows that brand trust has a strong positive relationship with brand loyalty. This exhibits how a satisfied customer trusts the brand and remains brand loyal. High switching cost help manifest forced whereas the hypothesis of the relationship between attractiveness of alternatives on brand loyalty with mediating effect of brand trust cannot be supported because the relationship is negative but relatively weak.
Contribution/ Originality
This research studied the relationship between core service satisfaction, perceived switching cost, attractiveness of alternatives and brand trust while also establishing the relationship between brand trust and brand loyalty in the context of Pakistan’s schools industry.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Environmental Pollution in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation

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This study examined the effect of nonrenewable energy use, output, domestic credit and FDI on environmental pollution in Nigeria through the use of ARDL method from 1980 – 2016. The outcome of the study’s estimation reveals that all the variables possess the long run association. It is indicated that in short and long run conditions, nonrenewable energy use, FDI and trade increased environmental dilapidation, thereby adversely affect environmental quality in Nigeria. However, financial development has negative influence on environmental degradation. The finding clearly illustrates that nonrenewable energy utilization rise environmental pollution in Nigeria. Hence, policymakers should design appropriate policies to enhance environmental quality through policies that will regulate the use nonrenewable energy and backed the policies in promoting the utilization of renewable energy resources, inform of wind, solar and hydro energy. It is essential for government to take anti-corruption measures, that the designed policies are implemented appropriately to achieve the benefits of the policies. This would be very vital in achieving environmental quality, welfare enhancement, poverty reduction as well as sustainable economic development.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes in the existing literature by examining the effect of nonrenewable energy use on environmental pollution in Nigeria, as studies on environmental quality are few in African and Nigeria in particular. The outcome of the study would help policymakers in designing appropriate and effective policies for environmental quality.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Color-Based Forest Cover Type Image Segmentation using K-Means Clustering Approach

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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In order to understand forest composition, classifying forest cover type can help research regarding forest resilience, carbon sequestration, and climate change concerns. The purposes of this study were to develop and implement some image processing functions based on the histogram of forest cover type color image, and to classify forest cover type using its color feature sets of image pixels. Color-based image segmentation that is based on the color feature of image pixels assumes that homogeneous colors in the image correspond to separate clusters and hence meaningful objects in the image. The Image Processing Toolbox of MATLAB R2019a was used to convert the original forest cover type image to the enhance contrast image, including histogram of enhance contrast image. Furthermore, It was also used to analyze color-based forest cover type image segmentation using the enhance contrast image for this study. Using K-Means clustering analysis, a three-cluster solution was developed, labeled as Hardwoods (Yellow Color) Cover Type, Hardwoods (Gray Color) Cover Type, and Loblolly Pines Cover Type. There was a significant difference among three different forest cover type clusters in terms of histograms and L*a*b* color space features visually.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have classified forest cover type using its color feature sets of image pixels in order to understand forest composition. This study also addresses that K-Means clustering analysis can be utilized to develop and implement the classification of forest cover type image.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Impact of Training Program on Self-Efficacy: An Empirical Study on the Faculty Members of Universities in Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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This study assesses the training effect on increasing self-efficacy of teachers in the tertiary level. It focuses on the necessity of teachers' training at the very beginning of their careers and the continuation of it at regular intervals. Though many pieces of research have been conducted on training, the actual gap lies in the quality measures of research especially for the development of a positive mindset. The data were collected by a non-probability sampling technique while the corresponding hypothesis was tested with linear regression. The findings indicate that there lies significant positive relationship between teachers' training and self-efficacy. The study will assist the policymakers and concerned authorities to initiate training sessions at the designed timeframe. Thus, the value of the training program should be used to gain a competitive advantage and it should be viewed as a medium to enhance the capacity of an individual as human capital.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the faculty training and self-efficacy on the faculty members of universities in Bangladesh. This study can be base of further research on faculty training connecting with behavioral outcome.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Determinants of Sale Response Probability and Tourism Backward Linkage with Local Micro and Small Enterprises of Kisumu County – Kenya

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Tourism backward linkage with local enterprises in an economy enhances its economic impact. However, high income leakages experienced in Sub Sahara Africa especially in Kisumu County in Kenya indicate limited tourism linkage. The aim of the study was to find significant factors explaining extent of tourism backward linkage with economy of Kisumu County and factors influencing probability of local sales as proportion of total sales surpassing a national government threshold of 30%. Across section survey of 106 randomly selected tourism enterprises was conducted in Kisumu County. Linear probability and multiple linear regression models were developed to explain variables with significant effect on changes in response probability and local purchase ratio respectively. It was established that local purchase ratio in rural area of Kisumu County was higher than that obtaining in the outskirts of Kisumu Town and CBD of Kisumu Town by 15.3%. Increasing number of employees in local supplier business and rate of weekly local supplies reduced the probability of sale of such supplier exceeding 30% of all purchases made by tourism enterprise by 7.4% and 5.3% respectively. But quality of local supplies enhanced probability of exceeding 30% threshold by 8.8%. In conclusion location of tourism enterprises affected tourism backward linkages with local businesses. Though quality of local supplies enhanced penetration of local business activities in tourism sector, number of employees in suppliers` enterprise and higher weekly rate of supplies depressed it.
Contribution/ Originality
The papers primary contribution is the finding that location of tourism enterprises affect tourism backward linkage with local economy and local sale response probability is enhanced mainly by quality of local supplies. Visitor length of stay effect on economy depends on strength of linkage between tourism and local economy.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Tourism and Growth in Nigeria: Application of TYDL Granger-Causality Test and Innovation Accounting Techniques

Editorial Note
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The causal relationship between economic growth and tourism development, first formalized by Balaguer and Cantavella-Jorda, has been a subject of an intensive debate, extensively discussed and studied in tourism economics treatise. However, an in-depth reading of this literature suggests that, besides the fact that evidences are contentious and mixed across data, methodologies, countries and, remain at best inconclusive; country-specific studies examining the relationship within the context of African countries has received relatively little attention as the bulk of existent country-specific studies mostly focused on European, American, and Asian economies. Thus, the study empirically examines whether the rapidly developing tourism sector can effectively stimulate growth in Nigeria from the period 1995 to 2019. Bounds testing procedure to co-integration, Toda-Yamamoto and Dolado-Lutkepohl approach to causality and Innovative Accounting Techniques were applied. Empirical results reveal that tourism receipts and arrivals per capital from tourism industry can effectively stimulate long- and short-run growth, as do investments in human and physical capital, in Nigeria. Thus, apt policies such as provision of adequate securities for both foreign and domestic tourists, tax incentives to tourism related industries and hotels, investment in basic infrastructure that will enhance and accelerate tourism expansion in the country should be pursued.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to exiting literature by examining the relationship between economic growth and tourism development.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Demographic Profiling and Domestic Tourism Participation Behavior in Nairobi County, Kenya

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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This study sought to determine the extent to which demographic characteristics of residents influenced their domestic tourism participation behavior. This was achieved by establishing the relationship between seven demographic characteristics and participation behavior, followed by a comparison of the demographic characteristics of respondents participating and those not participating in domestic tourism. The purpose was to identify the segments with greatest potential for conversion from non-participation into participation in domestic tourists. The study targeted Nairobi residents aged above 18 years. Questionnaires were administered to 337 domestic tourists and 339 non-tourists. Chi square cross tabulation indicated that domestic tourism participation behavior was dependent on all the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Chi square goodness of fit test exhibited significant differences between tourists and non-tourists across all attributes of gender and level of education. For the other characteristics (namely age, occupation, income, marital status and family life cycle), the test revealed significant differences across some of the attributes while registering no significant difference across others. The segments with no significant difference were; Age (31-40), Occupation (students and retirees), Income (those earning Ksh.200,000-300,000 and above 300,000), marital status (the widowed and divorced), and family life cycle (those with young children and empty-nesters). The study, therefore, concluded that these were the segments with the greatest potential for conversion to domestic tourism participation. It further recommended the targeting of the segments identified above for domestic tourism in addition to the existing marketing efforts.
Contribution/ Originality
The papers primary contribution was the identification of the most viable demographic segments of non- tourist with the highest potential for conversion into domestic tourists. It is one of the few studies that compare tourists and non-tourists. Those with no significant difference are targeted as potential segments for domestic tourism.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Effects of Melon Seed or Soybean Meal Supplementation on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Incompletely Peeled Cassava Garri

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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In this present study, completely peeled (CP) and Incompletely peeled (IP)cassava roots were used to produce garri, other portions were supplemented with soybean (S) or Melon seed (MS) meals at 10% level and garri were produced, a total of nine which were subjected to physicochemical and sensory analysis using standard procedures and the results presented as mean±SE. The moisture, crude protein, crude fat, total ash, crude fibre and carbohydrate contents varied significantly (P<0.05) from 9.75-15.16%, 1.40-9.71%, 0.70-3.35%, 1.60-2.36%, 2.13-3.45% and 68.97-81.03% respectively. Significance increase was observed in ash, fibre, protein and fat contents of IP garri especially the seed meal treated. Calcium (45-87mg/100g), Phosphorous, Iron and Zinc contents were generally low but Calcium, Potassium and Phosphorous were greater in the IP garri than in the Cp garri, and the values of all the mineral elements were enhanced in the treated garri. The bacteria counts, fungi counts, coliform and staphylococcus aureus load were far below the approved permissible safe limits for ready-to-eat foods however, the E.coli observed in two garri samples could be attributed to post-toasting cross contamination. CP garri had the highest water absorption capacity (4.51%), the swelling index of CP (5.78%), IP (5.90%), and CP+IP (5.76%) were relatively high, and decreased on supplementation with seed meal. The PH of the various garri were slightly acidic especially the untreated garri. The cyanide contents of the various garri (0.11-0.34mg/100g) were low perhaps due to sweet cassava variety used in this study. The sensory properties of the either eba or soaked garri were well appreciated, however the texture of all eba made from IP were softer and stickier. This study has proved that complete removal of the cassava peel for garri production leads to nutrient depletion in a nutrient deficient staple and the waste accumulation constitutes environmental hazard.
Contribution/ Originality
The study proved conclusively wasteful peeling away of the cassava root cortex before garri production is unnecessary, increases cost of labour and create environmental pollution and it also depletes the mineral and the dietary fiber contents of the garri; moreover fortification with seed oil meal enhanced the nutrient density of all types of garri however higher oil contents of modified garri reduced water absorption and swelling capacities which are not desired by consumers.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Variations in Vitamin Composition of Four Accessions of Dialium guineense (L.) Fruit Pulp

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Dialium guineense is an important medicinal plant used in fighting diverse diseases because of the presence of vitamin c it contains. This study is aimed at varying the vitamin composition of Dialium guineense fruit pulp obtained from four accessions from different geopolitical locations (South-West, South-South, South-East, North-Central) in Nigeria. Different vitamins were considered which includes; Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. The vitamin composition of D. guineense fruit pulp were done according to the standard biochemical method. The result obtained for all the four accessions shows varying quantities in the vitamins investigated. Vitamin C has the highest amount in varying quantities with the trend: North-Central (Abuja) ? South-South (Edo) ? South-West (Oyo) ? South-East (Abia), while Vitamin A: North-Central (Abuja) ? South-West (Oyo) ? South-South (Edo) ? South-East (Abia), Vitamin B12: South-West (Oyo) ? North-Central (Abuja) ? South-South (Edo) ? South-East (Abia), and Vitamin E: South-South (Edo) ? South-West (Oyo) ? North-Central (Abuja) ? South-East (Abia). These accessions of D. guineense were high in Vitamin C, followed by Vitamin A, then Vitamin E, and Vitamin B12. The presence of all these vitamins are good indices that D. guineense is a very rich nutritional and medicinal plant with high potentials of vitamin content considering different accessions.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding how provenance/accession could alter the genetic make-up and vitamin composition of Dialium guineense. Since vitamin C is the main components of Dialium fruits, the experiment is set up to investigate how provenance could affect the different vitamin composition of Dialium fruit.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Phytochemicals of Senna auriculata (L.) Roxb. (Fabaceae) Flowers as Potent Antibacterial and Antidiabetic Agents

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Contrary to the synthetic drugs, phytochemical constituents of plant origin possess an enormous therapeutic potential as antibacterial and antidiabetic agents. The phytochemicals of Senna auriculata floral extracts and avaram tea were screened and tested for antibacterial and antidiabetic properties respectively. Antibacterial activity was determined by disc diffusion method at 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00% concentrations against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Overall results indicated maximum antibacterial activity at the lowest concentration (0.25%) by the petroleum ether, acetone, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus; Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus and their respective zone of inhibition values were 32, 28, 22 and 15mm; at the highest concentration (1.00%) it was exhibited against Staphylococcus aureus for all extracts except for methanol against Klebsiella pneumonia and the values were 36, 34, 30 and 19mm respectively. Experiments were carried with male albino wistar mice treated with streptozotocin to study the antidiabetic property for a period of 21 days. The body weight of mice after treatment decreased on Day 7 when compared to Day 3 and then increased on Day 14 and 21. The blood glucose level decreased right from Day 3 to 21. Further, it is suggested that the molecular basis for the modes of action of plant-based antibiotics and antidiabetics be ascertained and determined.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents and highlights Avaram tea as a potential antidiabetic agent as the flowers of Senna auriculata is prescribed for diabetes in traditional practices in Siddha, besides its phytochemical compounds with proven antibacterial action.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Mindset: Towards Societal Re-Engineering

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Entrepreneurship is a derivative of entrepreneurial learning which promotes functional unemployment reduction through university education. However, universities in Nigeria have turned to producers of unemployed graduates instead of job creators in the face of high rate of global unemployment. This is due to the non appreciation of entrepreneurship among university undergraduates in Nigeria. Few studies have been conducted on the effect of self-efficacy and entrepreneurial mindset for societal, re-engineering with most scholars concentrating on entrepreneurship and economic growth. This study adopted survey research design. The population comprised of 25,353 four hundred level undergraduates in all Federal Universities in South-West, Nigeria. The sample size of 1,673 was obtained using Krejcie and Morgan formula. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted in selecting the respondents. A validated structured questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranging from 0.73 to 0.95 was employed in the study. The response rate was 76.91%. The study adopted stratified random sampling technique and a structured questionnaire with 6-point Likert scale was used for data collection). Self-efficacy had a significant effect on mindsets towards entrepreneurship (R2 = 0.238, t(1671) =22.843, ? = 1.029, p<0.05).The study recommended that, government, academia and the society should focus on measure to promote university undergraduates’ self-efficacy.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to literature by affirming the applicability of the social learning theory by Bandura which supports the finding of this study that undergraduates with a higher self-efficacy for entrepreneurship participate more readily, work harder, persist longer when they encounter difficulties and achieve at a higher level.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2020 Issue: 5

The Impact of Economic Growth, Oil Price, and Financial Globalization Uncertainty on Financial Development: Evidence from Selected Leading African Countries

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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A lack of financial scope has for long hinders the efficiency of the financial system in the African continent. In this paper, we investigate the effects of economic growth, oil price, and financial globalization uncertainty on financial development in six selected leading African countries, covering the period between 1976–2018. After the preliminary tests that confirmed the application of heterogeneous panel techniques, the paper was able used Larsson co-integration to establish the presence of long-run relationship among the variables, which the co-integration result confirms that. We further deployed Dynamic Common Correlated Effect (DCCE) for the elasticity estimation. The findings of the study based on the empirical analysis observed that both economic growth, financial globalization uncertainty and oil price affects the financial system of the sampled countries positively and statistically significant. We therefore, recommends that the sampled economies’ policymakers should strategize and come up with suitable policies that will promote substantial economic growth, attracts more foreign investors and continue to be resilient in times of financial shocks.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the literature by analyzing the impact of economic growth, oil price, and financial globalization uncertainty on financial development in six selected leading African countries.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2020 Issue: 5

Parents Approaches for Selecting Private Schools at Primary Level

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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The quality of education is a significant element to develop a nation. A research based on survey method has been conducted to discover the causes of increasing admissions attitude of parents in private schools and to analyze the standards of private educational institutions. The research was designed on survey method by using comprehensive questionnaires for students, parents and teachers of private schools. Data was taken from the teachers, students and parents by questionnaires. Three private schools of district Dera Ghazi Khan were nominated for data collection. The questionnaires were containing 12 items for students, 19 items for parents and 9 items for teachers. The data was tabularized, interpreted and evaluated for results. The collected data was analyzed by percentage formula. The findings of research indicate that curriculum, facilities, teacher’s abilities, motivation to the students and examination systems of these private schools is adequate for most of the parents.
Contribution/ Originality
The research was designed on survey method by using comprehensive questionnaires for students, parents and teachers of private schools.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Effects of Gender, Test Anxiety and Test Items Scrambling on Students Performance in Mathematics: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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The relative contributions of gender, test anxiety and test items scrambling on performance in Mathematics has been widely assessed, although there is an inconclusive argument regarding the magnitude of such effects. This study was designed to contribute to this debate, while also being the first study to evaluate the interactive effects of the three dimensions of test anxiety (worry, emotion and total) on performance in Mathematics. A systematic random sample of 1,358 SS3 students participated in a quasi-experiment. Data were obtained using the Test Anxiety Scale (TAI) (Spielberger, 1980) and a Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) developed by Etuk (2019). Findings indicated that there was no significant gender difference on performance; tests anxiety and items scrambling had significant effects on performance in Mathematics respectively; low students' performance in Mathematics was associated with high test anxiety and test items arrangement from complex to simple; there was a significant interaction of test anxiety worry, emotion and total on performance in Mathematics. It was concluded that gender does not play a significant role in the performance of students in mathematics. Test anxiety in terms of worry, emotion and total affect the performance of students in Mathematics. Based on the conclusions, relevant implications are discussed.
Contribution/ Originality
This is the first Nigerian study to investigate the effect of test anxiety in terms of emotional, worry and total dimensions on performance in mathematics. Globally, this study is also the first to examine the interactive effect of TA-W, TA-E and TA-T on students’ performance in Mathematics.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Proximate and Sensory Properties of Moi-Moi Developed from Cowpea and Avocado Pear Seed Flour Blends

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Moi-moi is a steamed cowpea based gel that is popular in Nigeria. The proximate composition and sensory properties of moi-moi produced from cowpea and avocado pear seed flour blends was investigated. Moi-moi was prepared by varying the proportion of cowpea to avocado pear seed flour in the ratios of 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40 and 50:50. The result of proximate analysis of the moi-moi samples revealed a significant decrease in the ash (1.73-1.17%), fat (2.15-0.71%), crude protein (12.33-7.18%) and carbohydrate (52.06-49.27%) contents while an increase in moisture (30.38-39.52%) and crude fibre (1.35-2.15%) contents was observed as substitution of cowpea with avocado pear seed flour increased in the blends. The control sample without avocado pear seed flour substitution was significantly different from all others except for ash in which the blend with 10 and 20% avocado pear seed flour substitution was not significantly different (p<0.05) with control sample. Results of the sensory analysis also revealed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the 100% cowpea moi-moi and all the other samples except for texture of the 10%, 20% and 30% avocado pear seed flour substitution (with mean value of 5.95, 5.85 and 5.35 respectively) and sogginess of 10% avocado pear seed flour moi-moi blends (with mean value of 5.95). This study therefore suggests that the blend of 10% avocado pear seed flour with cowpea can be used for the production of moi-moi with desirable sensory quality thereby providing an alternative way of utilizing avocado pear seed.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the possibilities of making moi-moi from the partial substitution of cowpea with Avocado pear seed flour. The acceptable level of Avocado pear seed flour to cowpea flour for moi-moi production was also established.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2