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Listing 101 - 20 of 2809 results.

Triad of Big Data Supply Chain Analytics, Supply Chain Integration and Supply Chain Performance: Evidences from Oil and Gas Sector

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The objective of the paper is to examine the impact of big data supply chain analytics on supply chain performance. Second, study also examines the role of supply chain integration in the association between big data supply chain analytics and supply chain performance. The data were collected from 166 experts working in Oil and Gas Marketing companies. The experts were selected through expert sampling, a sub case of purposive sampling. We employed covariance based structural equation modeling to estimate the modelled relationships. The results of measurement model indicated the reliability, validity and fitness of measurement models. The findings of the study revealed a significant direct impact of big data supply chain analytics upon the five major dimensions of supply chain i.e., plan, supplier management, procurement management, make, and inventory management. Whereas the results did not show any effect of BDSCA on transportation management. Likewise, findings also revealed that distribution and network designing part of supply chain could be radically improved with the application of BDSCA. The study concludes that despite sea-potential of BDSCA in supply chain management field, the research work in this area is yet in infancy stage. Primarily, the research work aiming to know the level of BDSCA orientation and its application strategy requires immediate attention of the researchers and practitioners.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the literature on BDSCA-supply chain performance association in two ways. First it provides empirical evidences on the association of BDSCA and supply chain performance. Second, it clarifies the role of supply chain integration in the association between BDSCA and supply chain performance.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2019 Issue: 4

Exchange Rate Volatility, Foreign Exchange Market Intervention and Asymmetric Preferences

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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Policymakers in emerging market economies intervene in currency markets to counter appreciation or depreciation pressure, while also responding to the degree of exchange rate volatility. This paper investigates whether the asymmetric response in terms of foreign exchange intervention depends on the degree of exchange rate volatility. Specifically, we estimate whether the response by policymakers to currency market conditions differs in above or below threshold levels of volatility. We use dynamic threshold panel analysis presented within an asymmetric policy reaction function to investigate the role of exchange rate volatility in foreign exchange intervention. We estimate the model using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) with monthly data for 23 emerging market economies from 2000 to 2016. We find that the asymmetric aversion to appreciation only holds under below-threshold volatility scenarios, and that the majority of the time, policymakers are simply leaning against exchange rate movements to ensure stable exchange rate conditions. The results confirm that exchange rate volatility impacts the response of policymakers to exchange rate conditions.
Contribution/ Originality
This study assesses how exchange rate volatility impacts foreign exchange policy decisions in emerging and developing economies. We provide evidence that prior literature, which did not consider volatility, missed an important policy concern for central banks in these economies when analyzing the existence of asymmetric preference in foreign exchange intervention.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Match Running Performance of Elite Soccer Players and Correlations with Anthropometric and Power Indexes

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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The aim of this study was to investigate possible correlations between a) jumping ability (squat jump and countermovement jump performance) and c) anthropometric indexes with the distances covered at different intensities during soccer matches by Greek elite soccer players (n=11). Match running performance was analyzed using a global positioning system (GPS) within the second division professional league. Body weight and height were moderately correlated with the distance that was covered in the first half with the speed from 19.7 to 23.7 km/h (r=-0.605, p<0.05 and r=-0.616, p<0.05, respectively). No correlations were found between SJ and CMJ performance with match running performance in all the velocities. The players covered greater distances in the first half at all speed levels except for walking (6–11.9 km/h: 1,548 vs. 1,260 m, p<0.01; 12–15.7 km/h: 896 vs. 696 m, p<0.001; 15.8–19.6 km/h: 438 vs. 347 m, p<0.01; 19.7–23.7 km/h: 176 vs. 142 m, p<0.01; 23+ km/h: 71 vs. 52 m, p<0.001). The results demonstrated that match running performance depends on the tactical strategies of each team. Shorter players and who weight less may perform better in higher velocities. However, more studies with greater samples are needed to estimate the relations that were mentioned.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the relationship between match running performance with anthropometric and power indexes. The paper’s primary contribution is finding that match running performance does not correlated with player’s power and shorter players may perform better in higher velocities.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 12-2019 Issue: 2

Assessment of Some Selected Metals from Textile Effluents in Amhara Region Using AAS and ICPOES

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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Heavy metals are some of the common pollutants that are found in industrial wastewaters a variety sources one of them textile industries. In Ethiopia, there are more than fourteen major textile and garment factories. The study of industrial wastewater, it is important to select the appropriate wastewater treatment program. Samples of textile effluents from textile industries found in Amhara Regional State Bahir Dar, Kombolcha, and Debre Brihan textile industries were collected. Heavy metal concentrations effluents were determined using FAAS and ICP-OES. The determined heavy metal concentration of Pd 0.85 to 0.61, As 1.3 to 0.4, Cr 0.08 to 0.03, Zn 2.6 to 0.32 and Mn 0.37 to 0.25 mg/L by FAAS. The determined heavy metals in all textile industries didn’t have significant effluence to environment, but there is a significant difference between FAAS and ICP-OES. The concentration of all the studied heavy metals except Mn were comparable with the WHO and EEPA guideline. This study suggests quick intervention and closes monitoring to arrest and solve the growing environmental pollution.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that influence of environmental pollution assessment with standards of EEPA and WHO and determined heavy metals Pb, As, Cr, Zn and Mn from textile industries waste water effluents in Ahmara region, Ethiopia and comparison of FAAS and ICP-OS methods.
Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 01-2019 Issue: 1

Assessing Spatial and Temporal Precipitation Dynamics in Upper East Region of Ghana Using Chirps Data from 1981 to 2016

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Precipitation variability evaluation assumes a vital part in water asset administration and rainfed agribusiness. In Ghana, rain gauge stations are poorly distributed and also, obtaining long time span of data is difficult due to data inconsistency, as a result remotely sensed precipitation products are largely used to complement ground gauge stations data for assessing climatic variability and water resource managements. In this study, Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS) precipitation data from 1981-2016 and also utilizing Cumulative Residual Analysis (CRA), Mann-Kendall, Sen's Slope, Wavelet Transform (WT) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Results show that 1981, 1999, 2002 and 2013 were four noteworthy years with changes in precipitation. The Mann-Kendal and Sen's Slope demonstrate that 55.71% of UER indicated diminishing month to month precipitation with 27.34% critical patterns. Precipitation in April, May, and June demonstrated a diminishing pattern while July, August, and September showed an increasing trend during the 35 years’ study period. Further investigation using Continuous Wavelet Transform indicated an annual variation significant. PCA uncovered that the spatial variability of precipitation in UER is extremely assorted, however greater part (33.76%) of the fluctuation is situated in the north-eastern part. Thus, the results from remotely sensed precipitation products an effective, efficient and cheap way of assessing top to the bottom comprehension of precipitation variation at regional level.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated in the study area which applied new methods such as Cumulative residual analysis (CRA), Mann-Kendall and Sen’s Slope tests, Wavelet transform (WT), Principal component analysis (PCA) on remotely sensed precipitation data to assess both spatial and temporal variability.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 04-2019 Issue: 4

Consumers’ Behavioural Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa Using an Extension of Technology Acceptance Model: Lessons from Zimbabwe

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The zeitgeist of mobile banking epoch in Sub-Saharan Africa has marked a fundamental transition from the use of physical currency, debit/credit cards and cheques towards a mobile banking e-commerce. In these countries mobile banking provides consumers with added-on advantages such as user-friendliness, cost effective, fast transaction speeds and increased customer satisfaction. Despite the popularity of mobile banking, consumers in most rural areas have largely remained excluded from such beneficial financial innovation. In addition, the extent to which mobile banking services are being adopted by rural consumers has not increased as expected, yet, economic growth and development of Sub-Saharan Africa could fundamentally be contingent on how these potential consumers adopt and use mobile banking innovations. The main objective of the study was to examine the adoption of mobile banking in Sub-Saharan African rural areas drawing lessons from Zimbabwe. Quantitative data was collected using a questionnaire from a random sample of 100 respondents. The findings show that the likelihood of adopting mobile banking in rural Sub-Saharan Africa regions are influenced by perceived usefulness, compatibility perceived ease of use and demographic factors. The likelihood of deferring the adoption of mobile banking are due to complexity, relative advantages, perceived usefulness, social influence and perceived risk. The study recommends policies that reduce perceived risk and complexity, increase trust, confidentiality and awareness knowledge among rural user.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature by employing both technology acceptance model and multinomial regression technique to examine factors that affect the probability of adopting mobile banking in rural areas of developing economies.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 07-2019 Issue: 6

User Perceptions of Technology Integration in Schools: Evidence from Turkey’s Fatih Project

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aims to provide insights into and evidence on technology integration in Turkish schools, particularly in high schools, through analyzing the effectiveness of the FATIH Project. The primary purpose attempts to determine whether teachers would accept this new technology and the barriers preventing its use. The frequently used technology acceptance model is used as a theoretical framework to highlight the integration process and behavioral aspects of acceptance. The results of the unstructured interviews are presented using tag cloud methodology. The findings reveal that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are two key factors affecting the use of technology in the classrooms. The proposed model can be applied to both secondary and higher education institutions; however, the methodology could be improved by including more participants in the focus groups.
Contribution/ Originality
The primary contribution of this study is finding that perceived usefulness and ease of use are the main factors affecting the use of technology in the Turkish classroom. The analysis supports previous research on the FATIH Project and adds a new perspective from the viewpoint of technology acceptance .
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 04-2019 Issue: 4

Socio-Economic Analysis of Tourism: Evidence from Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The paper was focused on the socio-economic analysis of tourism impacts on the economy with evidence from Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria. Data for the study was generated from well-structured questionnaire administration. The generated data was analyzed using descriptive statistic; while three hypothesis were tested in the study using and results shows that there is a significant difference between the socio-economic impact of tourism and the internally generated revenue; there is a significant difference between the impact of tourism on households and private businesses within the Metropolis; and there is no significant variation in the challenges faced by private businesses associated with tourism in the study area. Based on the findings, it was recommended that tourism experts should be employed to pilot the affairs of tourism to position the industry for greater benefits in the study area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on tourism activities/operations and the boost of internally generated revenue, household income and enhancement of private businesses.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

The Fungicide and Variety Integration Effect on Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans) Disease of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Western Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Potato is suffered by many abiotic and biotic factors. Among biotic factors late blight disease (LBD) is the most important. The study was conducted during 2017 at Adet and Debre-Tabor to determine and evaluate the combination effect of varieties and fungicides, to reduce LBD intensities and increase yield. Four potato varieties and three fungicides with untreated check were used in factorial randomized complete block design with three replications. Lowest disease severity 11.11% was obtained from Belete and Gudene at Adet and Belete at Debre-Tabor. Similarly, the lowest AUDPC (9.33 and 89.83 %-days) were expressed from Gudene + Saboxyl 72% at Adet and Debre-Tabor, respectively, whereas, the maximum PSI and AUDPC were obtained from untreated plots. In average up to 359.81% yield increases were recorded from Abalo + Saboxyl 72% WP. The highest marginal rates of return (2,886.50 % and 3,786.35%) were obtained from Saboxyl 72% treated plots of Abalo & Guassa at Debre-Tabor and Adet, respectively. Therefore, an application of Saboxyl 72% with different varieties was effective at both locations to reduce the yield loss of potato and could be recommended to manage LBD. The combination of Saboxyl 72% with Gudene, Belete and Guassa were highly hinder LBD development at both locations. Even though, its yielding capacity was relatively lower Gudene could be recommended for production without fungicide. Variety Belete and Guassa could be recommended for production in combination with Saboxyl 72%, since they have best performance with relatively lower disease reaction at Adet and Debre-Tabor, respectively.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature to fill the gap of the current state of knowledge of late blight disease management of potato. This study is one of very few studies which have investigated potato late blight disease management in Western Amhara Region Ethiopia.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Value for Money (VFM) Audit and Public Sector Performance in Afikpo North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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The study aims to determine the impact of value for money auditing in Ebonyi State with regards to ensuring efficient and effective accountability of public fund, as well as to ascertain how the application of value for money audit helps in enhancing the transparency of accounting system. Two hypotheses were put together in line with the objectives of the study. Survey method was adopted as the research design and data was collected through the use of questionnaire. Data generated was examined using percentages and the formulated hypotheses were tested with the help of chi- square statistical formula at 5% level of significance. It found that value for money audit has a significant impact in ensuring that the public fund is effectively and efficient accounted for; it also reveal that value for money audit is capable of enhancing the transparency of accounting system. The implication of this finding is that the absence of audit department or adequate qualified value for money audit staff in any sector will result to ineffective and inefficient transparency of accounting system and unaccountability of public fund. This study concludes that the impact of value for money audit in the performance of public sector cannot be overemphasized where there is no political and administrative interference of the controlled council officials. Therefore, the study recommends among others, that the government should improve the remuneration and fringe benefits of auditors as this would enhance their efficiency and sincerity in carrying out their duties.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper contributes in the existing literature as to ascertaining the impact of VFM audit as regard to the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of an organizations use of resources in the case of Afikpo North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State of Nigeria.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

An Overview of Corporate Governance Models in Financial Institutions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The paper illustrates the models of corporate governance in the aspects of its definition, nature of management and objectives along with its roles, regulation and power of various stakeholders in ensuring the accountability and the protection of the rights of various stakeholders from conventional and Islamic perspectives. These models are different in their characteristics, nature, culture, costume, epistemology, and country’s rules and regulation. However, the conventional models highlight the roles of shareholders, stakeholders, depositors, institutions, investors, and communities from the perspective of the nation’s demand and cultures. In contrast, the Islamic model of corporate governance consists of some roles and responsibilities such as the responsibilities to suppliers, customers, investment account holders, shareholders, management, the board of directors, competitors, Shariah supervisory boards, societies, and the employees from its spiritual and social commitments. Through the critical analysis of these models of corporate governance is deemed to help the empirical research on corporate governance model and develop a certain model of Islamic corporate governance. However, the paper may help to give a simple understanding of the corporate governance models in both the conventional and Islamic perspectives of financial institutions.
Contribution/ Originality
This study illustrates the global corporate governance models in relation to financial institutions. The study is exclusive on the corporate governance models because to be our best of the knowledge none of the paper discusses the seven models of governance systems. The paper can be a source of understanding the corporate governance system for the academicians to get the preliminary picture of globalized models and help to develop and improve the existing systems.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2019 Issue: 4

Short-Run Dynamics between Trading Participants in Bursa Malaysia During QE and Post-QE Exit

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study investigates the trading dynamics between institutional, foreign and retail investors during Quantitative Easing (QE) Tapering and post-QE exit. An analytical framework is developed to classify all transactions into trading, short-selling or information flow. Notably our results show: Firstly, during QE tapering, there is short-selling by Foreign Investor. Foreign Sales also provides cue to Local Institutional Sales. Net buyers are Local Institution; Secondly, in Post-QE exit, Foreign Sales is the most endogenous variable. Net sellers are Foreign, followed by Local Retail; Thirdly, from 7 to 12 months in Post-QE exit, there are short-selling by Foreign and Local Institution corresponding to sharp market downtrend. Net sellers are Foreign and Retail. Overall, Local Institutional is the net buyer in all sub-periods while Foreign fund is the net seller during Post-QE periods. Our result recognizes the importance of Local Institutional Investors in withstanding the selling pressure of foreign investors during the QE exit periods. This paper contributes to the extant literature by providing the usefulness of trading participant statistics to market players in the backdrop of market uncertainty due to QE exit.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature of trading participant statistics from emerging market during QE and Post-QE periods. Using econometric modelling, this is the first study that analyses the trading dynamics of buying, selling, information flow and short-selling between different market participants in Malaysian stock exchange.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2019 Issue: 4

Evaluation of Leaf-Water Relation Traits, as Selection Criterion for Developing Drought Resistant Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Genotypes

Research Article
Journal: Review of Plant Studies

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Though breeding for drought resistance is tricky due to the many physiological and biochemical processes involved and their interaction with the environment; availability of precise, cheap and easy to apply selection tool is critical. The present study quantified the response of potato genotypes to drought and identified potential leaf-water relation traits that enables for identifying drought resistant genotypes. The study assessed sixty genotypes under two irrigation regimes: fully watered non-stress and terminal drought, whereby irrigation was withheld after 50 % flowering to induce post-flowering stress. Measurements for various traits were taken following the potato crop trait ontology. The post-flowering stress induced in this study caused a tuber yield reduction of 33.13% compared with the non-stressed treatment. The genotypes responded differently in tuber yielding potential to the drought. This differential tuber yield response to drought was associated with up and downward regulation of multiple traits related to drought adaptation in potatoes. Drought caused downward regulation on trait responses such as harvest index, leaf area, and specific leaf area. Aboveground biomass and relative water content of leaf contributed negatively for tuber yield under stressed condition. Hence, the attributes identified from this study could help the potato breeding program on drought resistance to develop climate resilient potato varieties.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature vis-à-vis drought adaptive leaf-water relation traits and is one of the very few studies which have evaluated potato genotypes for terminal drought stress. The study assessed sixty genotypes by scientifically comparing them with very important traits and come up with valid conclusion.
Agricultural Sciences » Review of Plant Studies » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 1

2016-2017 Recession: Perspectives of Women's Vulnerability to Cassava Consumption and Cultivation in Nigeria's Sub-Urban Space

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Women are an important factor of livelihood in every household especially in the African traditional society. As recession stretches their resilience, the perception of women’s vulnerability to cassava consumption and cultivation was revealed in the purposively sampled Epiri Nsukara suburban space of Uyo. A sample size of 384 exposed 81% respondents earn below the minimum wage with a prevailing rising cost of cassava, 75% acknowledged that family income does not encourage savings nor investments as purchase of food Cassava being paramount. Out of the 91% women farmers 63% identified high cost of cassava as their motivation for farming. These women were exposed to limited access to scientifically improved species of the crop stems, fertilizers, disease outbreaks, pest damage, and limited farm space. A community based approach to this emergency response should be carried out where concern institutions and stakeholders provide improved cassava stems, fertilizers and other farm inputs through an easily accessible value chain. Also, subsidies should be granted these farmers to encourage their purchase of these improved species. An active community-agriculture extension agent relationship should be in place to bridge the knowledge gaps that exist for adopting modern models and methods of cassava cultivation to increase cassava yield at a limited possible time.
Contribution/ Originality
This study reveals resilience of women to recession in consumption and cultivation of Cassava staple. It contributes to the existing literature on urban farming by revealing on the vulnerabilities and opportunities available to women smallholders, investors and Government in appropriately increasing productivity.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 04-2019 Issue: 4

German Exports, Economic Growth and Foreign Demand: An Analysis of the Period 2000–2017

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Taken as a model of economic success expressed as a position of leadership achieved in an environment of economic integration, Germany has shown a growth based to a large extent on its exports. In this sense, this study aims to identify to what extent – and if – the exports of goods from Germany are conditioned by foreign demand between 2000 and 2017. According to the applied methodology, using an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model and the bounds test for cointegration, the estimated coefficients indicate, for both short and long run, an elastic behavior of German exports relative to the external demand changes. Additionally, in the same period, the results corroborated the positive hypothesis of a long-term relationship between the variables. However, although the statistics and historical analysis point to the weakness of a growth model that relies heavily on exports as a fundamental source of demand, the discussion raised forces reflection on the institutional characteristics that may actually contribute to a better understanding of the aspects that define the evolution of recent German economic history.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by identifying to what extent – and if – the exports of goods from Germany are conditioned by foreign demand between 2000 and 2017.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 07-2019 Issue: 6

Role of Top Management Advocacy in SME’s Business Sustainability: A Mediation through Technology Opportunism

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This study examines the role of top management advocacy of new technology and technology opportunism in advancing business sustainability (i.e. Environmental, economic and social). It also investigates the mediation effect of technology opportunism between top management advocacy and business sustainability. A survey based on emails and physical visits to the SME sector of Pakistan, to collect the data from the key informants and the owners of the SMEs. Random sampling technique is used to collect the data and for the analysis, we use Smart PLS version 3. The results demonstrated the strong impact of top management advocacy of new technology on business sustainability. The findings confirmed the significant and positive impact technology opportunism on business sustainability and it also shows a fully mediation between top management advocacy and business sustainability. The findings suggest several practical implications for managers in the SME sector.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by developing the link among top management, technology opportunism and business sustainability. This the first study in the case of Pakistan, and structural equation modelling (SEM) methodology applied on the primary data. The F square formula is applied to check the effect size of the constructs.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2019 Issue: 4

Supporting STEM in Higher Education

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Although there is much interest in pursuing a STEM career, many students choose not to or drop out prior to completing their STEM degrees for numerous reasons. In this research study, the focus is on supports that may increase overall STEM retention as well as underrepresented minority (URM) retention in STEM degrees consequently leading to a more robust and diverse pool of researchers and scientists within the US. The purpose of the current research was to assess the benefits of extra-curricular (outside traditional coursework) student workshops and other strategies provided by DIRECT-STEM, a university program emphasizing STEM-related career pursuits. Results indicate that program participation increased students’ interest level in graduate school and a career in STEM. Student confidence in succeeding and completing their current degrees also increased and students developed a sense of community through exposure to research culture within the university. Differences between funded, partially-funded, and non-participant groups are noted.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating how student research activities and workshop components beyond traditional academic courses can increase student interest in STEM-related graduate school programs and/or careers as well as increase student confidence levels in succeeding and completing their degrees.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 04-2019 Issue: 4

Speed Control of Induction Motor on C2000 DSP Platform

Research Article
Journal: Review of Information Engineering and Applications

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Three-phase AC motors are widely used in the industry. Nowadays, it accounts for 90% of the motors used in engine applications in technological lines. Control methods for this object are also quite complete and installed in industrial inverters in commerce. For commercial equipment, operators must not interfere with the control structure due to the closed nature of the system. For small-scale applications and applications that require operators, it is necessary to intervene in the control structure to customize the technology process. However, it cannot be done with commercially available equipment. Therefore, the authors propose a solution to build a standardized hardware system that can interfere with the control structure using the C2000 family microcontroller. The advantage of this solution is that it is inexpensive and allows us to install different algorithms. Besides, it is possible to connect to PC via Matlab/Simulink in real-time control problem.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by investigating the application of DSP C2000 in the control of alternating current electric motors creates an open system. Therefore, the operator can intervene directly in the control structure, which is not possible with commercial devices. This is particularly suitable for specialized applications that need to be customized according to technology.
Computer Sciences » Review of Information Engineering and Applications » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Comparative Evaluation of Six Different Storage Materials for Long-Term Preservation of Huckleberry (Solanum scabrum) Seeds

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Smallholder farmers in Cameroon often store seeds from their own-harvest for use in subsequent planting seasons, but they have limited information on appropriate materials for long-term storage of vegetable seeds. Hence, six different materials (sealed aluminium foil sachet, sealed glass bottle, closed plastic cup, sealed paper sachet, sealed polythene sachet, and open-and-seal glass bottle) were evaluated for their effectiveness as storage materials for huckleberry seeds. Factorial ANOVA revealed significant (P < 0.001) effect of the different types of storage materials, duration of seed storage, and their interactions on laboratory germination, field emergence, and percentage transplantable see dlings. Significant (P < 0.05) variations were observed for laboratory seed germination and field emergence from months 2–5 of preservation across the different storage materials, with the highest performance exhibited by sealed aluminium foil sachet, while glass material exhibited the lowest performance. These performances decreased significantly (P < 0.05) for each storage material across months of long-term storage, with the lowest decrease recorded in sealed aluminium foil sachet and highest decrease recorded in glass bottle storage materials. Percentage transplantable seedlings decreased significantly (P < 0.05) from month 0–5 for each storage material, with lowest decrease in sealed aluminium foil sachet and highest decrease in open-and-seal glass bottle. Overall, these results demonstrate that sealed aluminium foil sachet is the most effective storage material for long-term preservation of huckleberry seeds under ambient conditions of the study area, which can be adopted by farmers.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies that have investigated different storage materials for long-term preservation of huckleberry seeds in Cameroon, and demonstrated that sealed aluminium foil sachet is the most effective under ambient conditions in the study area, which can be adopted by smallholder farmers.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Seasonal Assessment of Relative Humidity, Ambient Air Temperature and CO2 Concentration Level in School Buildings of Kigali-Rwanda

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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Numerous researches on air quality have shown that schools settled in poor ambient air quality regions, the later can negatively affect health of people at the school including students, teachers and other staff members. In Kigali city, most of the schools are naturally ventilated given their surroundings, school car-parks, school occupancy and number of people attending school daily. The seasonal assessment of relative humidity, ambient air temperature and co2 concentration levels in school buildings of Kigali was the main objective of this paper. This research was carried out within three schools located in different parts of Kigali city and having dissimilar construction designs. Sampling activities were performed during both dry and rainy seasons by using air visual nodes instruments. Results indicated that the level of ambient air temperature for dry season and rainy season was in the range of (21-27) oC and (18-25) oC respectively for the three schools. The carbon dioxide concentration for the schools was in the range of (350-450) ppm for dry season and (400-550) ppm for rain season. The relative humidity of rainy season was higher than that of dry season. The result values found exceeded the recommended values of World Health Organization guidelines of 18 oC for temperature and 350 ppm for CO2. This paper suggests that school-car-parks and school-kitchens should be remote from schools. Waste-materials at school should be well managed and their disposal should be away from school-location. Schools should be surrounded by trees and gardens for better air quality within schools.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one the few studies which have investigated the seasonal changes in relative humidity, ambient air temperature and carbon dioxide concentration level in school buildings in Rwanda.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2