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Listing 75 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Quality of Fried Chips Varies with Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Varieties and Soaking Regime

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Fried cassava chips are largely accepted in Cameroon but their quality is not consistent. This study investigated the appropriate cassava varieties and soaking regime for processing good quality fried cassava chips. Fried chips were processed from four cassava varieties (0110, 8034, 92/0326, makumba) using four soaking regimes which were: unpeeled roots, soaked for 72 h, peeled roots, soaked for 24 h, peeled roots, soaked for 14 h and peeled sliced roots, soaked for 24 h. The proximate composition, physical characteristic and sensory test were done to evaluate the quality of fried chips obtained. Fried chips processed from variety 0110 presented the highest carbohydrate (77.94±0.34 %) and the lowest moisture (1.75±0.22 %) and fat content (15.11±0.30 %). The variety 8034 showed higher level of Ca, K, and Fe than other varieties. Variety 0110 was more salty, crispy and crumbly with higher global quality. Fried cassava chips processed from peeled soaked roots for 24 h scored the highest global quality as compared to other soaking regimes. Therefore, cassava varieties and soaking regimes influence the quality of fried chips. Socio-economic studies are warranted before large-scale dissemination of results to users.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the variation of the quality of fried chips with respect to different cassava varieties.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 1

Coal, Renewable, or Nuclear? A Real Options Approach to Energy Investments in the Philippines

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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The Philippines is making a significant step to become energy independent by developing more sustainable sources of energy. The country sees investments in renewable energy and nuclear energy as promising alternatives to address the country’s problem in energy security. This paper evaluates the comparative attractiveness of either investing in alternative energy sources or continuing the use of coal for electricity generation in the Philippines. Applying the real options approach under coal price uncertainty, this study analyzes investment values and optimal timing of switching technologies from coal to renewable or nuclear energy. It also examines how negative externality and the risk of nuclear accident affect investment decisions. Results identify possible welfare losses from waiting or delaying investing in alternative energy. Negative externality favors investment in nuclear energy over coal, whereas the risk of nuclear accident favors investment in renewable energy.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by applying real options approach to analyze investment strategies of shifting energy source from coal to renewable or nuclear energy considering the uncertainty in coal prices, risk of nuclear accident, and negative externality.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 06-2017 Issue: 2

Lobatto-Runge-Kutta Collocation and Adomian Decomposition Methods on Stiff Differential Equations

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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In this paper, we show the parallel of Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) and Lobatto-Runge-Kutta Collocation Method (LRKCM) on first order initial value stiff differential equations. The former method provided closed form solutions while the latter gave approximate solutions. We illustrated these findings in two numerical examples. ADM solutions were in series form while those of LRKCM gave sizeable absolute error. We further visualized our findings in respective plots to show the great potentials of ADM over LRKCM in providing analytical solutions to stiff differential equations.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in showing the originality of ADM in obtaining exact solution to Stiff differential equations, while LRKCM provided approximate solution whose accuracy depended on step size.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 02-2017 Issue: 2

Seasonal Time Series Analysis on Export Performance of Hawassa Green Wood Flower Production (SARIMA Model)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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This study focuses in determining the trend and seasonality export performance of stem rose flower at Hawassa Green Wood based on five year monthly data. The data was obtained from secondary and primary source and includes from January 2006/7 to December 2010/11. Both descriptive and inferential Statistical methods of analysis are used to analyses the data. The analysis is done by using Minitab statistical soft ware. The methods of interests are trend analysis and Box-Jenkins SARIMA models. The trend for this data shows an increasing trend however seasonal fluctuation occurs. SARIMA (0, 1, 2) (0, 1, 1) are the selected Box-Jenkins potential model for this data and by using this model forecasted two years ahead.
Contribution/ Originality
This study shows the application of Stochastic Mathematical Model to Real Problems
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 02-2017 Issue: 2

Implementation Model of Integrated Public Policy in National Program for Community Empowerment in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The implementation of the bottom-up model policy especially the Smith model has not been effective in implementing the policy of the National Program for Community Empowerment of Independent Urban Area, known as PNPM MP, in Makassar City. Through qualitative method with case study, performance of policy implementation of PNPM MP aims to assist and develop community through development trajectory, but new infrastructure development is quite successful, but economic development in business capital and socio-political development has not been effective. The program, for example; Social development problem is stagnant after much practice because it is not supported by the equipment work post training. The ability to manage revolving funds, and repayment of interest on loans, and cooperate with others economically. Politically they generally do not know it. The overall linkage is very weak, so it sometimes provokes confusion to frictions between stakeholders in the region. The cause of the problem is that stakeholders are adopting what is formulated as a poverty alleviation policy (PNPM MP). However, the policy does not provide the flexibility of stakeholders or target groups to change policy objectives. This means that the peasants program of poverty is not bottom up, but a combination of top down and bottom up.
Contribution/ Originality
This research contributes to the policy implementation literature which shows a new model of implementation of the national community empowerment program and this study finds the problem of economic development in the development of business capital and socio-politics has not been effective. This model contributes thought to the government to take effective policy measures.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2017 Issue: 4

The Effects of Exchange Rate Variability on Trade Flows in Nigeria: A Cointegration Analysis

Research Article
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research

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This study is designed to investigate the effects of exchange rate changes (volatility or variability) and other macroeconomic variables such as real exchange rates, real foreign and domestic income, terms of trade and lagged exports and imports on trade flows in Nigeria. The study examined the long-run macroeconomic factors of exports and imports in Nigeria using Johansen cointegration tests and analysis for the period 1971 to 2011 studied. The time series properties of the data were first analyzed using the Augmented Dickey – Fuller (ADF) tests to execute unit root tests for the relevant trade indicators. The study found a long-run cointegration relationship between trade flows and their determinants. It further discovered that exports and imports exhibit varied sensitivity to exchange rate risks (i.e volatility or variability). Thus, a stable exchange rate is recommended for expansion of trade and stable growth of the national economy as persistence in exchange rate volatility would snowball into a depression if not arrested on time via application of a managed floating exchange rate regime by the central bank of Nigeria. More-so, there are other viable policy options that should be adopted by the government to stop this sliding trend like restructuring the domestic economy from consumption to production using agricultural and industrial sectors diversification. In particular, the policy of a guided deregulation of foreign exchange market is strongly recommended instead of allowing the market forces to determine the value of the domestic currency vis-à-vis other key currencies of the world. This is because foreign currency is scare and sources of its inflow is few as at present.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research » Month: 12-2017 Issue: 2

Structure and Properties of Zrtio4 Thin Films Prepared by Reactive Magnetron Co-Sputtering Without Heating

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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ZrTiO4 thin films were deposited by reactive dc magnetron co-sputtering method without heating. The crystal structure, surface morphology, thickness, optical and dielectric properties of the thin films were investigated. At sputtering currents above 2.0 A without heating ZrTiO4 thin film was crystallization of the orthorhombic phase (111). The values of refractive index were ranged between 2.01 and 2.23 (at 650 nm). The optical packing density values were ranged between 0.85 and 0.96. From this study, it was observed that the refractive index values were strongly dependent on packing densities. The high dielectric constant width decreases from 74.3 to 43.3 when sputtering current increases, which is higher than other research.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have a high degree of insulation of 43.3, which is higher than other research due to ZrTiO4 thin films were deposited by reactive dc magnetron co-sputtering system at Zr and Ti sputtering current of 2.5 A without heating
Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 03-2017 Issue: 3

What Drives Banking Stability? Empirical Evidence from ECOWAS Countries

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The study investigated the drivers of banking stability in ECOWAS countries. The results show that the stability in the banking sector is mainly influenced by the banking spread (Net Interest Margin-NIM). However, it finds that crises in the banking sector pose a negative influence on stability. In addition, the result reveals that high percentage of foreign banks reduces stability in the banking industry. The impact of income diversification has a positive influence on stability even though the effect is weak. Similarly, the impact of more concentrated banking industry on stability is positive but insignificant.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2017 Issue: 6

To Check the Effect of Advertising, Personal Selling and Public Relations on Consumer Preferences, A Case of Telecommunication Sector in Faisalabad

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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In this hyper competitive contemporary world, the organizations are focusing on consumer’s preferences which had been a significant sphere of research for researchers. The organizations are combating in this field to measure the preferences of the consumers through different marketing techniques. Even though firms are investing heavy amount of their capital on these techniques and tools rather they need assurance to invest the amount on what sort of marketing communication tools for the purpose of attaining the preferences of consumers. To explore this broad area, research was conducted by investigating the impact of communication mix activities on consumer’s preferences. The advertisement, personal selling and public relation were taken as independent variables and their impact was regressed on consumer’s preferences, the dependent variable. The convenience sampling technique was used because the population size was large and easily accessible and respondents were 323. The industry targeted was telecommunication sector of Faisalabad. The results of the research showed that the P value of consumer’s preferences was significant at p value 0,002, the P values of independent variables, advertising was 0.046, personal selling was 0.000 and public relation was 0.000. The research showed significant relationship between independent and dependent variables.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2017 Issue: 4

Implementable Approach of Addressing the Challenges of Cloud Based Smart City Using IoT

Research Article
Journal: Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research

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Implementation of IOT in smart city is a complex issue which requires advanced networking and communication technology and specifically cloud based technology is required. In this paper we introduce the general notion of IoT hubs and then Propose a algorithm to address the challenges faced to implement cloud based SMART Cities. We addressed two issues, one with integration of public and private cloud and another one ability to handle and exchange the data easily. This paper briefly describes an approach to address these issues and discuss about deploying cloud-based Smart City hubs.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research » Month: 12-2017 Issue: 2

Diversity and Growth Characteristics of Tree Species in the Botanical Gardens, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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This study assessed the diversity and growth characteristics of tree species in University of Ibadan Botanical Gardens with a view to provide data for improved management of the garden. Ten plots (25m x 25m) were sampled randomly in the garden. Growth parameters evaluated included: total and merchantable height, diameter at breast height, diameters at middle, base and top. Descriptive statistics of the growth characteristics of the tree species revealed a mean volume of 20.03+ 2.91m3/ha and 0.45+0.79m2/ha for basal area. Afzelia africana had the highest tree volume (72.42m3) followed by Vitex doniana (50.10m3) while the least volume was observed in Terminalia cattapa (5.57m3). Cedrela odorata (15.3%) had highest frequency of individual trees followed by Delonix regia (4.2%) while 12 species had single tree each (1.4%). Low Slenderness coefficient (SLC) of < 70 showed that most tree species in the garden are not susceptible to wind induced damage. Only Enterolobium cyclocarpum possessed moderate SLC which could be vulnerable to wind velocity despite some form of resistance. Further research centered on tree form and growth parameters need be encouraged for improved management of the botanical garden.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the unique characteristics of tropical trees that are important in sustainable management of Botanical gardens for: tree diversity conservation, ecological restoration and maintenance in developing tropical countries.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 12-2017 Issue: 2

Forecasting Goat Milk Production in Turkey Using Artificial Neural Networks and Box-Jenkins Models

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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The demand for goat milk has gradually increased in Turkey in recent years and dairy goat breeding began to be seen as an alternative investment area. The aim of the study is to create the data that will contribute to policy formulation in the stockbreeding industry by making a 10-year forecast of output pertaining to the goat milk production in Turkey. In the study, the annual data of the goat milk production in Turkey during the time period 1961 and 2016 obtained from Turkish Statistical Institute and Food and Agriculture Organization was utilized. Box-Jenkins estimation models and artificial neural networks model were used to forecast the production of goat milk. It was identified that artificial neural networks model gave the best result and prospective estimations were made through this model. As a result of the study, the projected value of milk production for 2026 was found to be 495,536.1 tons. Following the forecasts, it was calculated that the average rate of increase in the goat milk production will be 0.12%.
Contribution/ Originality
The study was conducted to estimate the amount of goat milk production in Turkey until 2026. Box-Jenkins and artificial neural networks models were used as prediction models. The results of this study contribute in the literature about the goat breeding production policies.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 09-2017 Issue: 3

Sooty Mold on Lemon Trees - First Recording from El-Beida City, Libya

Research Article
Journal: Review of Plant Studies

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Sooty molds are a lineage of follicolous fungi that cover the upper surface of leaves with black mycelia. Sooty molds do not infect plants, but grow on surfaces where honeydew deposits accumulate. Sooty moulds fungi proliferate in abundance on the foliage of lemon subsisting on the honeydew secreted by insects. whiteflies was found in different stages on lower leaf surface. The black color was checked and Alternaria alternata described and reported as new recorded on lemon leaves were infected with white fly in El-Beida, Libya.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Review of Plant Studies » Month: 06-2017 Issue: 1

The Impact of Human Activities on the Ndivana Forest Reserves, Kwaya Kusar Local Government Area, Borno State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The focus of this study is to assess the effects of human activities on the Ndivana forest Reserves in Borno State. The types of data collected for the study involves the satellite imageries of Landsat (MSS) 1976, 1986 (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) 1999, 2005, 2009 and 2013 respectively, from Global Lat-sat Cover Facility (GLCF) on Earth Science data interface. The GIS software used for the analysis of the datasets include: ILWIS 3.3a to geo-reference and image classification while, ArcGIS 10.1 was used for area calculation and over lay operations. The study adopted six land use and land cover classification scheme (namely, agriculture, bare surface, shrub/grassland, swamp, settlement and wood land). The major findings reported that the land use and land cove change for the period of 37years showed an increase and declining trends. For example, it was observed that agriculture increases in 1986 and 2009 with 3.84km2(7.21%) and 3.86km2(7.23%) because of the increase in human population that engaged in farming activities in the area and decreases in 2013 with 1.40km2(2.61%) due to increase in bare surface. Settlement also increases sharply in 1999 with 7.81km (14.75%) and decreases to 4.17km (7.79%) in 2013 due to the problems of insecurity in the region as many communities relocated to a safer environment. The implication of this change on the forest ecosystem therefore, could lead to further environmental degradation and biodiversity lost in the area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literatures and use geo-information techniques. It’s one of the very few studies which investigated the effects of human activities in the reserve. The primary contribution revealed landuse/cover change in the area. It documents GIS application for management of the reserve.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 06-2017 Issue: 6

Porous Carbon Materials for Clean and Sustainable Energy

Research Article
Journal: Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research

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Carbon materials mostly involved in new alternative clean and sustainable energy technologies have been playing more and more significant role in energy storage and conversion systems, especially for the carbon porous materials, because carbon porous materials with structures can provide large surface areas for reaction, interfacial transport, or dispersion of active sites at different length scales of pores and shorten diffusion paths or reduce diffusion effect. Therefore, the soft, hard templated and hierarchically ordered strategies employed to fabricate porous carbon materials are marked along with the relevant advantages and disadvantages aim to provide the vital information about the growing field for future energy to minimize the potential environmental risks. Carbon porous materials with attractive structures as ideal candidates for the versatility and feasibility of application to energy storage and conversion should not only be realized, but also much effort has to be devoted to systematic studies on the relationship between physicochemical properties of these materials and their performances in energy conversion and storage to more efficiently stimulate further developments in this fascinating area, alongside eco-technologies that will ensure minimal environmental impact.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature of carbon porous materials with attractive structures ordered by various techniques for future eco energy.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research » Month: 12-2017 Issue: 2

Physicochemical and Rheological Characterization of Goat Whey

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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The whey is a product with high nutritional value, but it is too wasted. In this sense, this study aims to evaluate the physicochemical and rheological properties of goat whey. Content of total protein, lactose, fat, ash, total solids, humidity, pH and density of goat whey were determined. The whey rheological behavior was evaluated in different conditions of temperature and share rate. Two rheological models were used to fit the behavior of the goat whey and the activation energy was determined by Arrhenius equation. The characterization of goat whey showed satisfactory results. The increase in temperature resulted in a decrease of shear stress and apparent viscosity of goat whey, while the reverse was observed for strain rate increased. Ostwald-de-Waelle model presented a satisfactory arrangement with R² above 0.99 for all temperatures studied. The goat whey presented behavior index larger than 1, indicating that this is a dilatant fluid.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature about physicochemical properties of dairy products, focusing in the physicochemical and rheological properties of goat whey. Up to now, nothing was discussed about that. The study also documents that the goat whey is a dilatant fluid with small effect of temperature on viscosity.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 1

EFL Teachers Response to the Ecological Expectations of the Teaching Context at a Saudi University

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This paper presents the analysis of a case study on EFL experienced teachers in the English Language Institute of King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The aim of the study is to investigate if the expectations of the environment affects the intentional activity and the agency of the teachers in their classrooms. The focal area of the study is to identify ways intentional classroom activity of the teachers have changed according to the expectations of the different agents within the mentioned EFL ecological context despite the contradiction of this change with the teachers’ cognition coming from their earlier education and practical experience. As for the research method, it is a case study where two semi-structured interviews were conducted with two experienced teachers. The results of these interviews demonstrate a positive correlation between the contextual expectations of the educational institution environment with all its constituents and the agency/the intentional activity of the teachers even if this intentional activity contradicts with the teachers’ former knowledge and practice. Further studies using varied research tools is required to investigate into how teachers’ practice is influenced by the expectations of the educational ecological setting.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the relationship between the contextual expectations of the educational institution environment in Saudi Arabia with all its constituents and the agency/the intentional activity of the teachers even if this intentional activity contradicts with the teachers’ former cognition and practice.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 01-2018 Issue: 1

Teacher Perceptions of the Impact of Peer Learning in their Classrooms: Using Social Interdependence Theory as a Model for Data Analysis and Presentation

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Peer tutoring is a structured process of co-operative learning, supported by social interdependence theory shown to have cognitive and affective level benefits. During a RCT, this study explores teacher perceptions (n=62) of effects of co-operative learning, including implementation issues, using a mixed methods approach during a 16-week peer tutoring intervention in 58 classes (10 secondary/high schools) in England. Data suggested strengthened peer relationships enhanced student learning. Teacher perceptions remained consistent and are congruent with social interdependence theory and research validating the theory. Implications for research, theory, practice and policy are discussed. Research was supported by Educational Endowment Foundation grant: Spring2012-105.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 01-2018 Issue: 1

Performance of Growing Grasscutters Fed Diets with Varying Levels of Soybean Meal Replaced by Brewers Dried Grain

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The objective of this study is to contribute to knowledge on the intensive rearing of the grasscutter (Thryonomis swinderianus), which is cherished for its meat and as a source of protein. The study, which involves five treatments and four replicates in a Completely Randomized Design, aims at determining the optimum performance of growing grasscutters fed diets in which soybean meal is replaced by brewers dried grain. Twenty female grasscutters, four weeks old, and weighing between 1312g and 1315 g, were randomly allotted in groups of four to five treatment diets, in which soybean meal was replaced at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% levels by brewers dried grain. The grasscutters were supplied water and elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) ad libitum. All data was subjected to the analysis of variance, and significantly different means were separated using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Results indicate significantly (P=.05) superior performance in respect of average daily forage intake (278.70g), average daily total feed intake (75.54g), final body weight (2145.30g), average daily weight gain (9.79g), feed conversion ratio (7.73) and cost to gain ratio (0.34) for grasscutters in the 50% diet group. It was concluded that the best growth performance was obtained when grasscutters were fed a diet in which 50% of soybean meal was replaced by 50% of brewers dried grain.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2017 Issue: 4

Competency Assessment of Veterinary Medicine Students Who are Trained in Basra Veterinary Hospital - 2017

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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This study designated to evaluate the competency of veterinary students who are trained in Basra Veterinary Hospital-Basra governorate- Iraq. In the student life, performance evaluations should revealed areas of excellence. Very little research has considered in training evaluation in a veterinary sciences. The test was carried out by the students of the Veterinary Medicine College- Basra University from the third and fourth stages who succeeded to the fourth and fifth stages. One hundred and two students participated in the performance evaluation, 47 students from the fourth stage and 55 from the third stage. Totally, there were 100 multiple questions presented to the participants. The questions included 13 aspects of veterinary sciences disciplines. The results of this study revealed that the evaluation of the competency of veterinary students in the fourth stage was higher compared to the third stage by comparing the percentage of correct answers for both groups (65.86 and 60.95) respectively. In addition, the two groups recorded high percentage in physiology correct answers and low percentage in animal hygiene for the fourth year students and infectious diseases for the third year.
Contribution/ Originality
Very little research has considered in training evaluation in a veterinary sciences. This study contributes to the educational literature by assessing the level of the trainee students using the method of direct questioning, which represents a good method in evaluating the veterinary performance to improve skills of veterinary undergraduates.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 12-2017 Issue: 4