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Listing 14 - 20 of 2809 results.

Factors Affecting Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Academic Communities: Grounded Theory

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Purpose: The paper aims to develop a framework to account for knowledge sharing Knowledge management policy needs to be reinforced more promptly in order to facilitate sustainable development, business thrival and entrepreneurship. Despite the substantial benefits of organizational knowledge, there has not been any tangible evidence as to how and why employees are typically reluctant to share their knowledge. As a qualitative research, the present study sets to identify the determinants of knowledge sharing at the individual level using grounded theoryMethodology: In this regard, a number of 23 faculty members of Iranian universities were selected as the participants using purposive sampling and snowball method. The data was collected through in-depth, semi-structured interview using Strauss and Corbin’s constant comparative method.Finding: The results showed that social-emotional relations, market value, personal growth and development, and requirements (internal and external) were the most significant factors affecting knowledge sharing among faculty members. Practical implications: Through identifying the factors leveraging faculty members’ inclination toward knowledge sharing, the present findings may help educational managers develop appropriate knowledge management policies to facilitate the flow of knowledge among faculty members. 
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6

Flood Hazard Assessment and Decisions Support Using Geographic Information System: A Case Study of Uyo Capital City, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The study aimed at assessing flood prone areas in Uyo Capital City with a view to suggesting control measures. It used 2008 NigerSat imagery, soil texture, rainfall, and road network data of Uyo. With Multi-criteria evaluation technique, the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and single output map algebra were employed to generate flood hazard map of Uyo. The DEM was used to generate contours, terrain elevation, slope, and aspect surfaces, where aspect provided the direction of slope that contributed to flood inundation. Flood mapping was done to determine flood locations based on a 3D terrain assessment while flood hazard assessment formed the basis for flood control in the area.  From the result of the study, flood hazard areas in Uyo Capital City were identified and classified into high, moderate, and low hazard zones. Based on this classification however, flood control measures have also been rated as critical, less critical, and non-critical respectively. Out of the 25 flood locations captured during the 2012 flash flood event, twelve locations were found on the critical control zones while thirteen were found on the less critical control zones. Based on the findings from this study, it was however suggested that town planners, construction companies and individuals should work in consultation with Geographers, Hydrologists and other stakeholders in the field who have adequate knowledge of the terrain and the technical ability in flood hazard modeling. Additionally, non-structural flood control measures have also been strongly advocated for implementation in the capital city of Uyo.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

Field Performance of a Modified Chisel Plow

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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Conventional and modified with wide winged tools chisel plow was operated in clayey. Total field time showed no significant difference between two designs in each location at 0.05 level. The conventional plow showed higher speed than modified plow in the first location and second location. Theoretical field capacity recorded by conventional plow was higher than that recorded by modified plow by 0.11ha/h in the first location and by 0.18ha/h in the second location:, respectively. The effective field capacity of conventional plow was higher than that for modified plow by 0.064 ha / h in the first location and by 0.137 ha / h in second location. Field efficiency of conventional plow was lower than that for the modified plow. Fuel consumption rate recorded by conventional plow was higher than the rate recorded by modified plow by 0.10 L / ha in first location. The results showed that the crop yield recorded by the conventional plow was lower than that recorded by modified plow by 47.7 kg / ha in the first location and by 50.1 kg / ha in the second location.
Contribution/ Originality

Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6

Ensuring Quality Provision of Education for All: Discovering Challenges Faced by Teachers of Students with Learning Disabilities in Regular Primary Schools in Masvingo District

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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This study investigates challenges faced by teachers of students with learning disabilities in regular classes in primary schools in Masvingo district. From global perspectives, it is argued that for quality teaching and learning of learners, all teachers need to possess the necessary pedagogical knowledge and skills to meet the individual needs of each learner. This was a mixed methods study. Purposeful sampling was employed to get participants across the district, who participated by responding to closed and open-ended questionnaires, through focus groups or in interviews. The major findings of the research were that teachers lack knowledge and professional competency of teaching the students with learning disabilities in regular classes. Schools do not have enough resources like textbooks for quality teaching of students with learning disabilities and this is a major challenge to teachers. Parents have negative attitudes towards their children with learning disabilities and do not assist them to do homework, do not provide them with learning resources at home and schools and do not consult the teachers on the learning progress of their children. The Ministry of Education has to inject some funds in order to run workshops to equip all teachers with the requisite skills for handling students with learning disabilities in regular classes. Teachers’ colleges should have special needs education as a major component of their curriculum in order to equip teachers with pedagogical knowledge and skills in handling such learners. Through parents’ meetings, school heads should instil positive attitudes in parents so that they provide their children with all forms of help that promote effective learning. School heads and school development committees need to source for teaching and learning resources in order to make it easier for teachers to perform their work. School leadership should run staff development and in-service training workshops to assist teachers to gain necessary skills in teaching learners with learning disabilities. 
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Flaxseed Nutritied Meat Balls With High Antioxidant Potential

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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 In the present era, nutraceutical foods have become a dietary inclination among consumers due to its health enhancing properties. Flaxseed is an important source of lignans which are phenolic compounds, linked to numerous health boosting effects against various life threatening ailments. To prevent different lifestyle disorders some antioxidant enriched foods must be included in our diet. To fulfill this requirement flaxseed enriched meat balls were prepared. Flaxseed bioactive moiety was obtained by using (3%) conventional solvent extraction system (T1) and with its comparison with (T2) supercritically extracted lignans (0.1%).  Flaxseed fortified meat balls were analyzed for its physicochemical and the sensory evaluation. After properly frying the fortified balls color was investigated by CIELAB color system. The maximum L*and a* value was observed in supercritical extracted nutrified meat balls however, b*, chroma and hue angle was observed maximum in conventional solvent extracted enriched meat balls. The T2 balls also have better texture and maximum antioxidant activity among all the treatments. In the case of sensory attributes color and over all acceptability was maximum in T2 whist T1 was best in texture however taste was more appreciated in control treatment. 
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

Power Loss Reduction in PWM Inverters of Induction Motor Drives Based on Soft Switching Technique

Research Article
Journal: Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research

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Performance of the systems equipped with PWM inverters can be improved through increasing frequency of switching. However, frequency improvement made some troubles in the system such as electromagnetic interactions or interferences (EMI) and increased power loss. Generally in the inverters working based on PWM method, the losses of switching are so high, where the load is induction. But, in the presented method, it is possible to minimize the switching losses. In this investigation, by adding Snubber circuit in the driver circuit, switching losses significantly reduced. The results obtained from simulation showed that soft switching inverter is more efficient than hard switching inverter in terms of reduction of switching losses.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

Lead Menace: A Persistent Issue in Painted Housing Units in Lagos, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: The Asia Journal of Applied Microbiology

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This study evaluates Pb occurrence in homes in order to assess the toxicity risk in Lagos, Nigeria. Painted wall scrapings were collected from selected locations in Lagos metropolis. The relationship between Pb-based paints applied on family housing units and socio-economic status of residents were compared. Forty eight exterior and interior samples were collected from twelve urban locations and twelve rural locations. The bacterial population density in paint scrapings from rural locations ranged from 1.0 - 2.1 and 0.5 - 1.9 x 105 cfu/g. However, in the urban samples, it ranged from 1.6 - 26.1 and 2.0 – 24.0 x 104 cfu/g for the exterior and interior samples respectively. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) showed that in rural samples, Pb concentration ranged from 0.000 – 3.175 and 0.000 – 2.688 ppm while in urban samples, 0.129 – 19.26 and 0.000 – 18.21ppm for exterior and interior samples respectively. Generally, Pb concentration was higher in urban interior and exterior samples than in rural samples. The isolated bacteria were identified using the Analytical Profile Index (API) to be Bacillus megaterium, Enterobacter gergoviae, B. circulans, and B. subtilis from rural samples and Pseudomonas putida, Proteus mirabilis, B. lentus, E. amnigenus, Klebsiella oxycota, Citrobacter youngae and Pantoea sp. from the urban samples respectively. 
Contribution/ Originality

Biological Sciences » The Asia Journal of Applied Microbiology » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Performance Audit: A Tool for Fighting Corruption in the Nigeria’s Public Sector Administration

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The efficient and effective management of financial resources forms the basis for achieving good governance. In achieving the good governance, fiscal transparency and accountability must be ensured. Performance audit provides the platform to determine if the resources are being managed with due regard for economy, efficiency and effectiveness and that accountability requirements are being met reasonably. This study looks at performance audit as a tool for fighting corruption in Nigerian public sector administration. Questionnaires were distributed and analysed using the Pearson’s correlation co-efficient and we discovered that performance audit could be an effective tool in curbing corruption. It was suggested that performance audit report should be made public and stringent punishment should be melted on offenders to serve as deterrent to others.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6

Theories of Knowledge: A Critical Examination of the Validity of Different Kinds of Explanations

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The theories of knowledge are the most important areas of knowledge. The major issue in “Theories of knowledge”, is the real source of obtaining the knowledge. In the field of philosophy of social sciences, the theories of knowledge and its different kinds of explanations provides basis for conducting research. Regarding the theories of knowledge, Rationalism and Empiricism are the two main sources of acquiring knowledge.  The followers of rationalism believe that logics are the primary source of knowledge for conducting research and the followers of empiricism believe that experience is the primary source of knowledge. In this regard, the paper has described that how the theory of induction and deduction works. The research paper has critically discussed the observations of followers of these two schools of thoughts and has examined the validity of different kinds of explanations i.e Scientific Explanations and Social Explanations. The research paper has thoroughly discussed the theories and models of explanation and attempted to answer the following questions; what are the problems with the theories of knowledge? What is the nature of different kinds of explanation?  What is the validity of different kinds of explanations?. In the end, the paper has presented conclusion from the critical discussion in the paper.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6

A Study of Transnational and Transformation Leadership Styles and Factors Affect The Leadership Style

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Current Global Corporative World provides the opportunity to the organizations to interact with various nations across the geographical limits. These interactions grant the cultural and value variations among the nations which recognized as the biggest challenge in front of the corporative managers. Suitability of an organization depends on the Effective leadership style in the complex competitive world. An Effective and Efficient Leadership style is the best tool to face these kinds of challenges. The paper focuses on the most popular Leadership style used by the international organizations in the current scenario. The study represents the picture of the existing literature on Transactional and Transformational Leadership styles and as well as on the cross-cultural dimensions model given by Greet Hofstede. The objectives of the paper (a) Comparative study of Transactional and Transformational Leadership Style and (b) Determine the cultural factors affect the leadership style.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 08-2014 Issue: 8

Corruption’s and Democracy’s Effects on Economic Growth

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Economists have a long argue that political process such as democracy and corruption are important for economic growth. Our objective in this paper is to demonstrate that one of democracy’s indirect positive effects is its ability to mitigate the negative effect of corruption on economic growth. Although most democratic countries in our sample have a high level of corruption, the electoral mechanism inhibits leaders from engaging in acts of corruption that cause damage to economic performance and thus jeopardize their political survival. Utilizing a dynamic panel data approach for more than 40 countries over the period 2000- 2011, the results show that in democratic countries, corruption has no significant effect on economic growth, while the non-democratic countries suffer the negative effects of corruption that retard economic growth.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 08-2014 Issue: 8

Using Cooperative E-Learning Teaching Strategy to Enhance Students’ Creativity in Secondary School Biology: A Study of Selected Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Creativity and innovation are among the key pre-requisites for industrialization. One of the key defining features of the 21st century is the use of information communication technologies (ICTs) in every sphere of life. For Kenya to realize her vision 2030 of transforming to a newly industrialized, middle-income country that provides a high quality life to all citizens by the year 2030, there is need to integrate the use of ICTs in education. This would enhance creativity and innovation and spur industrialization and economic growth. This study investigated the effects of Cooperative E-Learning (CEL) teaching strategy on students’ creativity in biology. Solomon Four Non-Equivalent Control Group design was used. The study involved four County secondary schools in Nauru County and focused on Form Two (second grade in the secondary school cycle) students. Convenience sampling was used to select the four schools. A total of 200 students participated in the study. The instrument that were used in this study a Creativity Achievement Test (CAT). with  a reliability coefficient of 0.98. Data generated was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), t-test. Statistically significant values were accepted at α =0.05. The findings show that the students exposed to CEL teaching strategy were more creative than students exposed to conventional teaching methods. It is concluded that CEL is an effective strategy that can enhance creativity and innovation and should be incorporated in the teaching of school biology and teacher education programs.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6

Teacher Preparation Programs and Technology Integration: Best Practices for Curriculum Design

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Differences in teacher preparation program design were investigated by researching conceptions of technology integration for pre-service teachers in both undergraduate and graduate programs.  Participants responded to surveys regarding their technology skills and ideas about technology integration both at the beginning of their program coursework and after completing the technology requirement of their degree program.  Responses were analyzed by program and graduate/undergraduate status in order to assess the impact of stand-alone courses verses an integrated model, and also to investigate changes in all students’ dispositions regarding technology.   
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 07-2014 Issue: 7

Gendered Perspectives of Men’s Health and Help Seeking: Implications for Public Health and Health Promotion

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Men have a shorter life expectancy than women and have higher death rates.  Despite this, men have limited contact with GPs, are reluctant primary care users and often seek help late in the course of an illness compared to women.  While research has elicited men’s attitudes towards their health and accessing health services, it has not determined the factors that men take into account when assessing their own health status; the criteria men use to decide whether or not to seek formal health care; or the factors that inform men’s perception of what constitutes an acceptable threshold for seeking help.  Therefore, this research set out to explore these aspects of men’s health. A qualitative approach was undertaken incorporating semi-structured interviews (n=18 males), two three focus groups with males (n=26) and two focus groups with females (n=20). Potential research participants were sourced from urban and rural locations throughout Ireland via purposive/snowball sampling.  The principle of theoretical saturation was applied.  The focus groups and interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analysed using thematic analysis.  Men’s attitudes and behaviours towards health seeking were complex.  Health consciousness increased with age, as did willingness to access health and preventive health services.  Health was primarily assessed by physical fitness and absence of disease/illness.  Perceived severity of the symptom was the primary trigger to attend the GP although others included persistent symptoms, prompting by a significant other, a direct/indirect health crisis and the media.  Men experienced structural, psychological and social barriers to help seeking.  Such factors must be taken into consideration when developing health services and health promotion programmes for men.
Contribution/ Originality

Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 02-2014 Issue: 2

An Exploratory Study of Financial Management Practices Among Ghanaian Households

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This is an exploratory study that investigates the financial management practices of 286 selected households in Greater Accra Regions of Ghana. The main objectives of the study are to examine the budgeting and budgetary control practices of the households and to identify the relationships that exist between the budget culture of a household and their educational level, stage, income, and savings/investment stock. Questionnaire was used in data collection and descriptive statistics such as cross tabulation and Chi-Square test of significance were applied to the data. It was found that most households do not prepare a budget for various reasons. Husband’s dominance of the resource allocation and bargaining process was emphasized by the findings. The study found a significant relationship between household budgeting and level of saving, educational level, income level and age of household. Most households do not seek the assistance of finance experts in financial planning and decision making. We suggest that coordinated measures are put in place by relevant government agencies and finance professionals to boost the level of financial literacy among households and individuals since it has an implication for saving and wealth creation as well as family harmony and unity.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 07-2014 Issue: 7

The Impact of Team Diversity, Task Interdependence, Team Conflict and Team Cooperation on Job Performance: Using Real Estate Brokers as Examples

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This study investigated the impact of team diversity, task interdependence, team conflict, and team cooperation on job performance. The research subjects were real estate brokers in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, and the results were measured by a linear structural model. A total of 568 questionnaires were distributed, of which367 were retrieved. After eliminating the invalid samples, 362 valid questionnaires remained, with a valid return rate of 98.64%. According to the empirical results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn: team diversity positively and significantly influences task conflict and relationship conflict; task interdependence positively and significantly influences job performance and team cooperation; task interdependence negatively and significantly influences relationship conflict; relationship conflict negatively and significantly influences team cooperation; and team cooperation positively and significantly influences job performance. In addition, team diversity and task interdependence were found to be critical exogenous factors of job performance. 
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 07-2014 Issue: 7

Subsidies and the Demand for Petroleum Products in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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The study empirically examines the effect of subsidies on the consumption of petroleum products in Nigeria for the period of 1970 to 2007. The study employs Augmented-Dickey Fuller (ADF) test for unit root, Engle and Granger (1987) approach for cointegration and Error Correction Model (ECM) for correcting disequilibrium. The ADF test suggests that the variables are mean reverting series after first order difference. The results of the cointegration and ECM confirm that a stable, long-run relationship exists between the demand for petroleum products and their respective determinants: subsidies, real income, prices of the products, prices of substitutes and population. The empirical results show that the elasticity of own and substitutes’ prices are negative, while the own price of diesel, subsidy, real income and population coefficients are positive.  Meanwhile, the coefficient of subsidy on gas demand is negative. Hence, the removal of subsidy from petroleum products is not the problem, but the misapplication of the fund meant for the subsidy. This is due to the fact that the subsidy does not reflect in the prices of petroleum products in Nigeria. Therefore, the managers of the economy should ensure that subsidies are better used to achieve economic growth.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Testing the Random Walk: The Case of Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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 The purpose of this paper is to investigate random walk in HongKong stock exchange.  The unit root, autocorrelation and the variance ratio tests are applied, using daily data on returns of two indexes in the period 1997:7 to 2012:12. For two indexes, the null hypothesis of random walk is rejected and therefore the markets are no weak-form efficiency.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Relationships between Financial Development and Economic Growth: A New Approach by Inputs

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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This paper will discuss a new approach to studying finance-growth nexus, based on the production inputs. We analyze, from a panel of 93 countries (developed countries and least developed countries) over the period 1972-2012, the standard regress of economic growth as well as a new proxy for financial activity and interaction effects of the latter with catching up, education, and physical capital accumulation. The results of the Least Squares Dummy Variable estimator show that, from a global perspective, financial activity was beneficial for growth and development. The interaction between financial development and the standard explanation of growth is an appropriate characterization of the relationship finance-growth. Secondly, there are signs of a positive relationship between financial development of countries and its potential for catching up. Third, financial activity has led to additional benefits in countries with higher levels of adult literacy. Fourth, regardless of a possible volume effect of financial development on saving and investment, there is a positive relationship between financial activity and the rate of capital accumulation, with respect to growth.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Maximizing the Productivity of Olives by Using Some Materials and Its Impacts on the Quality Indices of Picual Olive Oil

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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The objective of this work was study that the effect using one treatment of (Girdling at first week of January and Kaolin sprayed at rate 5% mid December) and chemical (Calcium carbonate, sprayed at rate 5% mid December, Naphthalene acetic acid at 100ppm mid December and Boric acid (17.50%) at 300ppm in first week of March) on oil yield, quality indices, minor components and fatty acids composition of olive Picual cv. during seasons 2012-2013. Yield/tree, fruit weight, seed weight, flesh weight, flesh/fruit weight, flesh/stone, moisture and oil contents (%) were determined. Quality indices (acid value, peroxide value, absorbance at K232nm, K270 nm and ∆k, value), sensory evaluation, total polyphenol, tocopherol, bitter index at K225, pigments content, oxidative stability and Fatty acid composition were determined. Results indicated that the treated tree (Picual cv.) by Girdling, Boric acid, Naphthalene acetic acid and Kaolin gave a higher content in oil percentage/tree. Also, same the treatments gave best values in quality indices, total polyphenol, tocopherol and oxidative stability compared with untreated and treated samples with calcium carbonate. On the other hand, the treated trees by Girdling, Boric acid, Naphthalene acetic acid and Kaolin surpassed on untreated and treated samples with calcium carbonate in oleic acid levels. Generally, can be used (Girdling, Boric acid, Naphthalene acetic acid and Kaolin) to increase the productivity of olive trees Picual cv. and also improve the quality attributes of the oil extracted. Also these treatments increased the oleic acid more than untreated sample. 
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 2