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Listing 3 - 20 of 2809 results.

Representation of Science Process Skills in the Chemistry Curricula for Grades 10, 11 and 12 / Turkey

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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In one study conducted in Turkey, Berberoğlu et al. (2002) stressed that methods of designing and implementing especially laboratory experiments should inevitably be focused on developing one’s higher-level mental skills. (Berberoğlu et al., 2002).  It was suggested in a study by Koray et al. (2006) entitled as “Conditions of Representing Science Process Skills in 9th grade Chemistry Course Books and Chemistry Curriculums” that scientific process abilities should be given more place in Chemistry curriculums. In this study, conditions of representing science process skills in 10th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade Chemistry curricula were analysed. Related programs were studied by document analysis method. As a result, representations of basic level and advanced level abilities in above-mentioned programs were year ten, year eleven and year twelve respectively, and it can be inferred that the emphasis in the programs underlined by educators were not disregarded.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 08-2013 Issue: 5

Using Jigsaw Technique as an Effective Way of Promoting Co-Operative Learning Among Primary Six Pupils in Fijai

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The focus of the study was to improve upon cooperative learning with the use of Jigsaw technique in Basic six of Holy Child Practice Primary School. Action research design was used in addition to a Case study design to conduct the study.  The research instruments were observation and questionnaire. The researcher employed the Jigsaw technique as the intervention. The sample size used was 40, made up of 30 pupils and 10 teachers from the same institution. Responses gathered from both the observation and the  administration of the instruments indicate that some of the causes of pupils poor performance in school were poor teaching methods during lessons and the inability of teachers to vary teaching techniques. It was observed during the research period that pupils had problems in actively participating in lessons. More so pupils did not know how to learn in groups.  It also came to light that lack of understanding of collaborative and cooperative learning was the pupils’ deficiency. The study therefore empowered both teachers and pupils to resort to the use of collaborative learning due to its immense benefits.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2013 Issue: 6

Poster Presentations Improve Engineering Students’ Communication Skills

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This research reports the procedures the writers have employed in teaching several academic and workplace communication skills through engineering multidisciplinary projects (EMDPs). In these projects students are divided into teams, with each team comprising a minimum of three and a maximum of four students from different engineering majors. The students choose and appoint a team leader, choose a research topic/problem in the surrounding environment that requires input from all team members and collaboration from all students, each in his/her respective discipline, in finding a solution to the situation/problem. Team members choose the topics, obtain approval of the topics from cooperating engineering faculty and the course instructor, and then prepare detailed research proposals. They receive specialist feedback on their proposals, and based on how detailed their proposals are, are given the go ahead to proceed with their research. The execution of the research project requires the use of several technical communication skills such as, internet searches; sending email messages; writing formal letters; meeting with officials, engineering academics and experts, as well as giving powerpoint supported oral presentations, EMDP poster presentations and submitting end of research written reports.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 10-2013 Issue: 7

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Agricultural Development A Block-Wise Study of Dehradun District

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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In the present paper an attempt has been made to find out the spatio-temporal variation in the adaptation of improved agricultural practices to ascertain the level of agricultural development in Dehradun district of Uttarnchal. The study is based on the block-wise published data obtained from Statistical Bulletin of Dehradun district. The spatio-temporal pattern of agricultural development is determined with the help of thirteen variables. Beside this, the analyses have been carried out by transforming and combining the data related to thirteen variables, using ‘Z’ score to get the composite score. On the basis of Composite Score, developments of blocks have been categorized into three categories i.e. high, medium and low. Results of the aforesaid analysis shows that the modern technological inputs have reciprocal relationship with agricultural development in the study area.
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Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 03-2013 Issue: 3

Hospital Site Selection Using a BDI Agent Model

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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This paper presents a newly developed Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) Agent-based model for estimating suitable hospital sites. Our model makes use of existing geospatial functions and a novel BDI architecture of agent techniques. More specifically, the fundamental concepts of practical reasoning architecture such as belief, desire, intention, along with commitment, and interaction have been combined with analyses and applications of Geographical Information System (GIS). The proposed model can be customized for a wide range of decision making problems in GIS, one of which is site selection. In this model, minimal travel time, air pollution and land cost are considered as the goals of agents, and then the agents observe, and believe in the environment. The agent then determines the intention to implement on the environment for achieving their desires. The desires are generated from agents’ goals. The interactions among agents are considered as a part of process for achieving contemporarily goals. In this paper, the fundamental components of agent such as observation, belief, desire, intention, commitment, and interaction are introduced spatially, and a BDI-GIS model is defined based on these components. The Desktop GIAgent software, introduced in this paper, has the advantage of using agents for spatial analysis. The interface helps guiding decision makers through the sequential steps for site selection, namely; importing data, defining goals, determining actions and identifying the agent’s characteristics. For demonstrating the robustness of our new model, a case study was planned and executed in Tehran, Iran. The efficiency of the BDI-GIS model in the decision making process for selecting suitable hospital sites was also demonstrated based on the characteristics of the agents and the types of their interactions.
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Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 04-2013 Issue: 4

Fonctionnement Hydrodynamique Des Aquiferes Discontinus De La Region D’abidjan-Agboville (Sud De La Cote D’ivoire)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The region of Abidjan-Agboville, in spite of an abounding haste and the existence of a water-bearing system constituted by the two main hydrogeological units of the Côte d’Ivoire, knows numerous problems of supply with water. This study offers to know hydrodynamic functioning of water-bearing discontinuous of the region of Abidjan-Agboville. This study uses the method of Theis and Jacob for the counting of the hydraulic parameters of the water-bearing of plinth and statistical multivaried method. The flow rates of wells range from 0.20 to 18m3/h, with an average of 4.03m3/h. Average flows at high flow rates represent 47% of the drilling operation. Half of the recorded flows greater than 2.5m3/h and acceptable to the village water. The specific flow ratesarelow and vary from 0.02 to 3.26m3/h/m, among these, 91.85% are less than 1m3/h/m. The results of this study show that transmissivities of the water-bearing varies from 1.6.10-6 to 1.11.10-3m2/s, with an average of 1.12.10-4m2/s. The permeability of the water-bearing ranges from 2.25.10-8m/s to 9.29.10-5m/s. The slaty fields are the most productive than granite fields with stocks of permeability which wobble between 2.77.10-8m/s and 9.29.10-5m/s. The hydrodynamic parameters of the water-bearing are represented by the law of lognormale distribution. The most important debit sides of working are acquired from the thicknesses of impairment consisted of between 10 and 50m. In the area, the productiveness of aquifers is influenced by the transmissivity, permeability, the debit side of working and the specific debit side. The accessibility of groundwater is linked to bored complete depth and to thickness of the zone of impairment.
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Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 05-2013 Issue: 5

Investigation into the Realization of Naturalism in Hashtgerd New Town Based On the Iranian Islamic Model

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Naturalism has been regarded as one of the most significant indices of the appraisal of the identity of Iranian Islamic cities. This index, by the emergence of the new era, in spite of the lucidity in the urban structures, is not deemed as an identity determiner owing to its combination with other elements, and consequently taking new roles and functions. This study focused on naturalism manifested in the presence of natural elements such as water, fountains, ponds, pools, water running in water paths on either side of roadways and streets, green spaces, the sun shining, and the wind flowing. In order to evaluate the index of naturalism in the design of Hashtgerd New Town, 379 inhabitants of this city participated in the present study. This is an applied research and a descriptive-analytical approach was utilized. For data collection, methods of library and field research were adopted. For data analysis, Frequency, Mean, and Standard Deviation were estimated and a One-sample T-test was conducted via SPSS software. The results revealed that the index of naturalism in line with the unique criteria of Iranian Islamic urban construction has been overlooked by the urban designers and constructors of Hashtgerd New Town.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 06-2013 Issue: 6

Optimal Density Determination of Bouguer Anomaly Using Fractal Analysis (Case of Study: Charak Area, Iran)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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In exploration geophysics the main and initial aim is to determine density of under-research goals which have certain density difference with the host rock. Therefore, we state a method in this paper to determine the density of bouguer plate, the so-called variogram method based on fractal geometry. This method is based on minimizing surface roughness of bouguer anomaly. The fractal dimension of surface has been used as surface roughness of bouguer anomaly. Using this method, the optimal density of Charak area insouth of Hormozgan province can be determined which is 2/7 g/cm^3for the under-research area. This determined density has been used to correct and investigate its results about the isostasy of the studied area and results well-coincided with the geology of the area and dug exploratory holes in the text area.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 07-2013 Issue: 7

Some Aspects about Financial Knowledge of Undergraduate Students

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The purpose of study is to measure the level of financial literacy of accounting students at the Universidad Veracruzana; campus Mocambo, considering that financial education is the knowledge that people have on financial issues in order to solve everyday problems regarding financial management. The variables analyzed include age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, learning styles and student’s perceptions on financial services, the way they take care of their money and their knowledge of five key financial issues. Three hypotheses were raised, therefore, in order to test H1 we performed a factorial analysis with an extracted principal component; to H1.a the statistical procedure of linear correlation of Pearson r and t test are applied, and to H2 a Z test is performed. Although the theory suggests that the level of higher education gives the student a better understanding of the financial issues, this research however, proves otherwise. In fact, the range of “excellent money management” is below 50%.  The findings suggest that there is no a good level of financial literacy in the population studied. This fact is contrary to expectations, because the student who studies public accountant is expected to have financial knowledge in these subjects, all this, in considering the subjects which integrates the curriculum related to the field of finance. Therefore this finding should be an important indicator for the academic authorities of the Universidad Veracruzana for corrective actions in this respect.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2013 Issue: 4

Tourism Industry of Kashmir (1947-1989)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Tourism is one of the vital sectors of Kashmir economy. Though this industry emerged in modern sense during nineteenth century but it flourished after 1947 with the establishment of popular government and subsequent change in the nature of state. Also the various plans were framed and implemented for the promotion of this industry. The present paper highlights the historical development of tourism industry and the causes responsible for its vicissitudes during the period under reference. Data has been collected from the department of tourism, Jammu & Kashmir Govt. The statistical data of the tourism industry reveals that the tourism industry in Kashmir saw a great progress and reached to its full boom in the eighties of the twentieth century, though the industry saw many ups and downs during this period.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2013 Issue: 4

Competitiveness of Ciit Sahiwal

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This research aims to evaluate the competitiveness of Comsats Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) Sahiwal with Other Higher Educational Institutions (OEI) of Sahiwal. An Early Warning System (EWS) has been used to analyze expectations and actual feelings of respondents from CIIT and OEI of Sahiwal. The research findings reveal that: (a) CIIT Sahiwal has more innovative capabilities and more competitive advantage as compared to OEI of Sahiwal. (b) The students of CIIT Sahiwal are almost satisfied from their institution however there is a need for further improvement especially regarding social responsibility. (c) The students of OEI of Sahiwal are completely unsatisfied on some points like human resources (HR), government support (GS), innovative learning (IL), library (LB) and social responsibility (SR) and showed almost satisfaction on some other points like research work (RW), international cooperation (IC), examination and assessment (EA) and fee structure (FS).
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2013 Issue: 4

The Role of Teacher Characteristics and Managerial Support in Implementation of History and Government Curriculum in Wareng District, Kenya

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This paper undertakes an assessment of the extent of professional support that the teachers of History and Government subject are accorded by the schools’ management. The study investigated the challenges of teaching History and Government in Kenyan secondary schools as experienced by teachers in Wareng District, located in the North Rift region of Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Simple and stratified random sampling techniques were used to select a sample of 120 respondents from the History and Government teachers of the secondary schools in the study area. Questionnaires, interview and observation schedules were used to collect data. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. These comprised frequencies and percentages. Data collected was presented using tables. The study revealed that there was inadequate support in the acquisition and purchasing of instructional materials for teaching the subject, teacher recruitment issues, provision of funds for seminars and workshops, and rewarding of high performing teachers. Most teachers also reported underestimation of the importance of History and Government subject by the head teachers of their school. The study recommends the need for professional managerial support to the teaching of history and government in secondary schools. The findings of this study are intended to benefit the school management, teaching staff, educational planners and other stake-holders in identifying the challenges faced by teachers and adopting concerted efforts to overcome them.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2013 Issue: 4

Fiscal Federalism and Its Role in Optimization of the Financial Sistem Country

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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To optimize the financial system is exceptionally important to achieve an effective balance between revenues and expenditures of all-the central, regional and local budgets. Socio-economic development of regions cannot be accomplish without financial relations. "Fiscal federalism" multilateral and, respectively complex mechanism, which describes the financial device of rights and obligations between the "center" and "region", the rules of their relationship at all stages of the budget process, regulatory and legislative methods of budgetary resources redistribution. In the process of formation, distribution and exercising of public finances socio- economic relations between the State, legal entities and individuals are build and at the same time subjective interests are realized.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2013 Issue: 4

Invigorating Entrepreneurial Spirit among Workforce

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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With the key intent of stimulating entrepreneurial spirit among the workforce, this paper identifies the diverse entrepreneurial qualities required to propel the entrepreneurial spirit unremittingly. These relevant personal skills and strategies of New Venture Creation further aid in the successful creation and subsequent maintenance of an entrepreneur business. Prior to application of the identified skills, this paper vividly demonstrates the importance of such skills to any entrepreneurial business entity. This helps in New Venture Creation whilst aiding the businesses’ sustainability. Therefore, the through proper application of the knowledge attained as well as skills identified, the entrepreneur manages to depict dynamism by consistently exploring different entrepreneurial opportunities. Although these skills tremendously boost the entrepreneur’s spirit, they also create opportunities for the business to explore new and diverse opportunities thus circling back to enhancing entrepreneurial spirit. Furthermore, the paper seeks to make out the possible ways of constantly improving these entrepreneurial skills and in turn encouraging their adoption and consequent utilization among workforce. Further incorporation of knowledge attained from research projects on organizational climate, management support and reward and resource availability similarly focuses the paper to invigorating entrepreneurial spirit among workforce.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 05-2013 Issue: 5

Widening the Breadth of Knowledge Diffusion among Nigerian Employees: The Upsides of Globalization

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Many scholars from the developing world argue that globalization is a weapon of imperialism used to perpetuate the income and welfare gap between developing and developed countries. This study joins an emerging stream of studies calling for a holistic re-examination of the impact of globalization on developing countries to understand both the positive and negative contributions instead of have a one-sided view of globalization. Employing a quantitative design with a survey strategy, data for this study was collected from 130 human resources personnel across six multinational firms spanning: oil, banking, and manufacturing sectors of the Nigerian economy. Inferential analysis of collected data found significant positive contributions of globalization towards personnel training and development. In particular, findings show that globalization has increased the frequency and methods of trainings, increased use of e-trainings and certifications, and uniform design of training programmes across the subsidiaries of MNCs globally.  All these were found to reduce the physical incidence of personnel going abroad to study reducing both brain-drain and expenses to domestic companies and governments.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 06-2013 Issue: 6

The Place of Physical Infrastructure in Realizing Nigeria’s Vision 20: 2020

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This paper examines how infrastructure will play a vital role in the realization of Nigeria’s Vision 20: 2020.  The objective is to assess the adequacy of Nigerian infrastructural base as a pre-requisite to the realization of the laudable Vision 20:2020. It is expected that Nigerian government will use the result of this study to evaluate Nigeria’s infrastructure so that appropriate steps can be taken to address the palpable deficit in infrastructure. The study used data from secondary source of published materials from credible internet web sites to analyze the current Nigerian situation. The results of the study reveal that though the project of Vision 20:2020 is grandiose, there seems to be a lack of corresponding will to achieve the ideals of the Vision as evident in the deficit in our transport infrastructure, electricity power generation and technological impetus as shown by the standards of Nigerian tertiary education (universities and others). The study therefore recommends amongst others that: there should be sufficient fiscal discipline, transparency, good governance and accountability to ensure that there is adequate commitment to the Vision: the transport infrastructure should be expanded and upgraded, with provision made for their maintenance; Nigeria should take concerted steps to address the problem of power generation and distribution, and Nigerian tertiary education should be restructured.       
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 07-2013 Issue: 7

Towards Low Carbon Society: Exploring Users Perceptions on the Service Quality Level Performance of Public Transport Staff in the Klang Valley

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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In the midst of Malaysia to become developed nation by the year 2020, there are many strategies implemented, including to encourage the usage of public transportation and carbon reduction. This research study was undertaken to determine the service quality level performance of supporting employees of the public transport as provided to the bus and train users in Klang Valley in Malaysia in effort to explore the level of quality for attracting more users.  Questionnaire survey was conducted on users within two pre-determined localities in the capital city.  A multi-stage approach was used where data were collected primarily through survey questionnaires.  This was supported through semi-structured interviews with selected individuals and site observation of facilities provided and staff-customer interaction.  Analysis of findings generally suggested that the service quality performance level generally was considered as ‘average’ for a number of soft trait dimensions.  All these dimensions are personal interaction between the staff and the users.  What emerged from the findings also suggested that there was a wide gap between service given and what is perceived and expected by the users.  Such instances suggested that the service provided by the staff has yet to be considered as achieving excellent quality service level from the viewpoint of the users.  As such, considerable improvement was needed to enhance the attitudes and behaviors of the staff to a level of service that would certainly satisfy and delight the users.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 08-2013 Issue: 8

Reinventing South African Management Students as Stewards of Democratization: A Critical Pedagogy Perspective

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This paper challenges orthodox higher management education provided in South Africa. The reflections explored here are of a democratic and ethical nature: Democratic as it promotes a more inclusive concept of management education; and ethical because the new principles informing management action should explicitly address the welfare of the disenfranchised. Drawing from Freire’s critical pedagogy, this paper proposes a reorientation of managers as an integral part of citizenship and by implication custodians of our democracy. Five recommendations for future management education are offered: (1) involvement in academic activism, (2) re-presenting ethics as an integral core, (3) promoting ‘flexible’ ideological perspectives (4) engaging in contextually relevant research, and (5) participating in community projects.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 09-2013 Issue: 9

Factors Influencing the HRD Climate of an Organization

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The aim of the study was to find out which factor (s) influence the HRD climate of the company. The descriptive research design was under taken with the help of the structured questionnaire to study the OCTAPACE culture of Spanco Ltd. which was based on the responses of the various levels of employees working in it. Thesample consistsof 59 employees.Employees believe that the top management gives importance to the human resource and all the employees are treated humanely in the organization. The climate is also favourable in terms of employee being handled with care by seniors as they understand the mistake and do not take any strict disciplinary action such as punishing or discouraging.There is also a fair share of management involvement in making work enjoyable. Good part of Spanco regarding HRD is that top management understands the importance of human resource and actually translates that realization into day to day practice and HR policies.In conclusion, the overall HRD climate of Spanco is encouraging. There is a keen interest of top management in HRD and there is a high team spirit and employees take training seriously. Organizational belonging of employees is also high. Despite of such positive base for HRD, HRD mechanism needs improvisation in a systematic way.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 10-2013 Issue: 10

Solution of Np-Complete Problems on the Landauer’s Computer

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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In this article a new kind of classical computer – Landauer’s one is suggested. It is a computer which operates in agreement with Landauer’s Principle (LP). It is characterized by clock rate which is exponentially large in comparison with clock rate of classical computers. It leads to the possibility to use Landauer’s computer for solving of NP-complete problems in appropriate, i.e. polynomial time with the help of ordinary searching algorithms.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 04-2013 Issue: 2