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Listing 7 - 20 of 2809 results.

Assessment of Radiofrequency Radiation Distribution around Mobile Base Stations in Makurdi, Benue State

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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The radiofrequency field levels of selected MTN and ZAIN base stations in Makurdi were measured using electromagnetic field tester (EMF 827, Lutron). Measurements were done at distances of approximately 5.00, 10.00, 15.00 and 20.00 metres for each base station at the North, South, West, and East directions. Results shows that the average magnetic field levels of MTN and ZAIN base station ranged between 0.09 μT to 0.15 μT. The mean electric field values for eye, brain and muscles ranged between 18.81〖vm〗^(-1)to 31.55 〖vm〗^(-1). The specific absorption rate (SAR)  were found to range between 0.18〖Wkg〗^(-1)to 1.03〖Wkg〗^(-1) for MTN and ZAIN networks. This work has, therefore shown that the radiation emitted by the mobile base stations are within the regulatory standards and have no adverse effects to the members of the public.
Contribution/ Originality

Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 01-2014 Issue: 1

Productivity and Economics of Sorghum Varieties for Grain As Influenced By Nitrogen Levels in Sandy Loam Soil

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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The experiment was carried out at the Student Farm of CCS HAU, Hisar for two consecutive kharif seasons of 2011 and 2012.  The field was laid out in a split plot design following the block randomization system with three replications.  Four varieties (HC 541, HC 308, HC 171 and HJ 513) and five nitrogen levels (0, 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg N ha-1) were taken in the main plots and subplots, respectively.  Data collected revealed that varieties and nitrogen levels has a significant influence on panicle length, number of grains panicle-1, test weight and grain yield in both the years.  Variety HJ 513 gave the maximum panicle length (28.4 and 29.6 cm), highest number of grains panicle-1 (1385 and 1402), test weight (17.60 and 24.33g) and grain yield (1949 and 1938 kg ha-1) in both the years. The overall economic optimum nitrogen rate (EONR) was found to be 139.1 kg ha-1 for all the varieties. However, each individual variety showed the following EONR: HJ 541 (143.1 kg ha-1), HC 308 (144.4 kg ha-1), HC 171 (139.3 kg ha-1) and HJ 513 (131.5 kg ha-1). The application of 100 kg N ha-1 gave the highest net returns and BC ratio. Variety HJ 513 had the highest BC ratio (2.24 and 2.01) in both years.
Contribution/ Originality

Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 01-2014 Issue: 1

Discovering Opportunities in the Solar Energy Industry: A Subjectivistic View of Entrepreneurial Activity

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Using the subjectivist view of entrepreneurship, the focus of this paper centers on understanding how certain individuals have created opportunities in the solar energy industry. An in-depth case study is developed to analyse the subjectivist character of discovery and creativity; the relevance of organizational learning for entrepreneurship; and the role of entrepreneurs’ experiences in shaping a firm’s subjective productive opportunity set.  Through this research the relationships between the subjective visions and experiences of entrepreneurs, and perceived opportunities are presented. Besides the diversity of the problems that entrepreneurs encounter during the creation and development of the company, and the range of resources utilized are also discussed.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

Impacts of Macroeconomy on Stock Market: Evidence from Pakistan

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Stock market is a place where the securities of listed companies are traded and this can be affected by both macroeconomic and non-macroeconomic factors. The impacts of macroeconomic factors on stock market of Pakistan are investigated in the current study. For this purpose monthly data covering the period from January 2008 to December 2012 is used in this study while taking the three most important macroeconomic variables, Exchange Rate, Interest Rate and Inflation. Using the more advance Bound Testing Approach, a very strong long run cointegration is found amongst the variables taken for the study. In the long span of time, the results suggest that both Exchange Rate and Interest Rate have negative association with stock market of Pakistan while the Inflation Rate does not create such a condition that affect the stock market of Pakistan. Same results are found for the shorter version of time.
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Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

Antecedents and Outcome of Sustainable Environmental Manufacturing Practices

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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An increased demand has been placed on the manufacturing industries to be more responsible to their environment with respect to their product and processes. This demand is due to various antecedent factors driving sustainable environmental practices in manufacturing firms. However, environmental value is not only the concern of firms. The impacts of this environmental initiative on the performance of these firms are as well important. The aim of this study is twofold: (i) to propose a comprehensive framework that encompasses the antecedents and the outcome of sustainable environmental manufacturing practices and (ii) as a validation process for the developed instrument of the ongoing research for the identified constructs of the study. Data were collected from thirty respondents using a seventy-seven item instrument. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS software. The results of the Cronbach’s Alpha test reveal a strong internal reliability of the construct and the overall instrument. The research is significant because it explores the implementation of sustainable environmental manufacturing practices in Malaysia and validates the instrument in which most of these constructs still need further exploration.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

The Relationship between Spirituality and Meaning at Work and the Job Happiness and Psychological Well-Being: A Spiritual-Affective Approach to the Psychological Well-Being

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Health and well-being are such important issues for employees in the workplace. Given the importance of this issue, this study was conducted to investigate the role of spirituality and meaning at work for job happiness and psychological well-being. The research design used in this study was correlation one and the sample consisted of 204 numbers of revenue & customs staff of Isfahan and Tehran cities. The research questionnaires were spirituality and meaning at work questionnaires, job happiness scale and psychological well-being questionnaire.¬ The research hypotheses were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between spirituality and meaning at work and job happiness and psychological well-being. The results of structural equation modeling also showed that during a series of chain relationships first spirituality and meaning at work communicate with job happiness and psychological well-being and then job happiness reinforces psychological well-being. Totally, the results of this study showed that psychological well-being at work can be considered as a variable with spiritual/affective basis in the workplaces.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

ROSCAS Remain Strong in India despite Greater Financial Inclusion

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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We begin this paper by summarizing various studies which used surveys and economic models to describe the characteristics and benefits of the old tradition of ROSCAs which is prevalent in many developing countries around the world. These studies also document the types of draws and the factors that motivate people to participate in a ROSCA. We expand the information on this tradition in a state in India where ROSCA is referred to as bhishi.  During the month of January 2013, we interviewed (in-person & over the telephone) several regular participants living in two metro areas in the State of Maharashtra, namely, Mumbai & Pune. Another smaller city of Miraj was also included. The findings from the interviews in India are illustrative of the creative ways people have taken the old, money-based idea of bhishi and interwoven it with the fabric of social and cultural traditions.  It is being kept alive to build and strengthen relationships among friends, relatives, and neighbors.  Incorporating the fun dimensions ranging from enjoying different cuisine to taking trips into the old tradition seems to maintain its popularity. This behavior is noteworthy especially with India’s recent entry into the world market as an emerging economic power.  Although people with lower incomes still value bhishi in its traditional role as a saving vehicle (and occasionally as a lender of last resort), most middle and upper-income earners strongly believe in this modern evolution of an old tradition and are committed to continue it.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

On Energy Subsidy Reform and Sustainable Development in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Reforming fossil fuel subsidy in Nigeria offers greater opportunities in putting the country on a sustainable path of development. However, removing or reducing fuel subsidy is one knotty issue that has generated severe challenges to government over the decades. Several attempts at this direction have often met stiff opposition from entrenched interest groups. Among other things, a successful reform would require a strong political will to trade off the concentrated benefits of vested interests groups against greater benefits to the society. Achieving this end may not be an easy exercise and a number of issues/options that should be considered have been highlighted in the paper. 
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Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

Responsibility Formation in Medical Students in the Course of Foreign Language Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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In Ukraine formation of responsibility is a teaching paradigm in the process of studying foreign languages at higher medical educational institutions. The task of humanitarian disciplines at the medical universities is to help medical students develop self-discipline and to become better students, self-motivated learners and constructive members of society. Culture, humanization of the pedagogical process, personality-oriented education and personal qualities development are considered to be the most important aspects in humanistic education. Formation of responsibility at the English lessons is a group management. Theoretical material should be fruitful and thought-provoking, giving rare opportunity to spend time on reflecting and discussing as well as on learning. All tasks used in the process of foreign languages study should be communication-oriented and adjust students to the correct interpretation of the problematic situation that requires mental stress and stimulates the activity of students’ speech in the discussion of real-world facts. Teaching English through words and actions can help transfer solid character principles such as personal, social and moral responsibility to students in a long-lasting manner. Personal responsibility is an obligation to medical students and their future profession. Thus, teachers are to assist medical students to be seekers of responsibility and truth, and often these mean demonstrating varying opinions to find the one most suitable for presentation. Qualities of health care specialist should include responsibility, respect, humility, courage and willingness. The main humanistic values comprise mutual communication and understanding, spiritual, moral and physical health developing in the process of teaching English. A teacher must be competent, creative and know how to motivate a medical student properly trying to improve the environment in which personality of health care system is formed.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 01-2014 Issue: 1

Teacher CPD across Borders: Reflections on How a Study Tour to England Helped to Change Practice and Praxis among Jamaican Teachers

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The professional development of teachers and school leaders is an important factor in improving the overall quality and effectiveness of schools. Teachers and Principals who are well trained and who have exposure to different educational systems are in a position to draw on their experiences of other systems to improve outcomes for their classrooms, staffrooms and institutions as a whole.  Reflecting on our own experiences of organising and delivering a Study Tour, we also present the experiences of Jamaican public educators on a recent Study Tour to England. From their feedback, it is clear that this experiential approach to capacity building has gone some way in stimulating participants’ thinking as regards their practice and how this can be improved, underpinned by Hargreaves and Fullan’s (2012) notion of reconceptualising professional capital and Mintzberg (2004) view of global mindsets.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 01-2014 Issue: 1

Incorporating Error Analysis Approach into the Teaching of Practical Chemistry in Senior Secondary Schools in Makurdi Nigeria: Any Effect on Achievement?

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study focused on the effect of incorporating error analysis approach in teaching practical chemistry on students’ achievement in senior secondary (SS) school chemistry. The study was carried out in Makurdi Metropolis using SS2 chemistry students. Both purposive and simple random sampling techniques were employed to select the sample (N = 132) from the 28 government approved schools. Four intact classes were used and the members of these intact classes constituted the sample. Practical Chemistry Achievement Test (PCAT) was used for data collection. Using Spearman Rank Order, the reliability coefficient of PCAT was found to be 0.71.  The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings reveal that the experimental group showed significant mean gain in achievement towards chemistry learning (P = 0.0001 < 0.05). On the basis of gender there was no significant difference in the achievement of both boys and girls in the experimental group (P = 0.775 > 0.05). Some of the recommendations among others are that chemistry teachers should be trained in the use incorporating error analysis approach as a teaching strategy and that chemistry teachers should be motivated not to restrict themselves to the subject contents only but teach practical along with identified errors also.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2014 Issue: 2

Counselling Against Dropout among Secondary School Students in Edo State

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The study investigated the causes of school dropout among secondary school students in Edo State. Three research questions were formulated and descriptive survey design was adopted. A sample size of 150 teachers was selected from the public school in three Local Government Areas of Edo State. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire titled Counselling Against School Dropout (CASD). Frequency counts and simple percentages were employed to analyze the data. The findings of the study showed that school dropout was caused by indiscipline, failure, behavioural and emotional problems, and negative values of the society among others. The results also showed that counselling strategies were   effective. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the counselling strategies should be adopted by teachers and counsellor in reducing school dropout among students
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2014 Issue: 2

Tectomagmatic Origin of the Zahedan Batholiths – South East Iran (Reling on Intergrated Outcrop Study of the Petrology of High Mass in Loochan, Southwest Zahedan)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Zahedan batholiths, the largest intrusive igneous mass in Sistan Suture zone, in Southeast of Iran during the Eocene - Oligocene is formed in this zone. The mass of igneous outcrops in a narrow mass with scattered outcrops Larger populations with continuous advice, The Afghan Block of East and West Blocks of Lout outcrop at the surface, Granitoid batholiths magma intrusion in the petrographical Zahedan region specific and that the mass of Tectomagmatic origin of calc-alkaline and per aluminous igneous intrusion that is Melting of continental sedimentary rocks in the shallow crust Lateral movement of the compression zone includes the land area is under construction .
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2014 Issue: 2

Financial Performance Assessment of Large Scale Conglomerates Via Topsis and Critic Methods

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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In this study, TOPSIS method was used to analyze financial statements of the fourteen large-scale conglomerates which are traded on Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). At first, the study used CRITIC METHOD to calculate nineteen financial ratios of these holdings over three periods (2009-2011), and found their financial ratio weights. TOPSIS method was applied to the nineteen financial ratio calculated, and the conglomerates were given financial performance scores in accordance with the results reached. Financial performance scores of these conglomerates were compared in order to make an inference as to their future behaviors.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

Analysis of Batik Semarang Business Performance Using SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance) Approach

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Batik Semarang is one of  Indonesia’s national heritage, which once had disappered in Japan colonialism era. In 2006, the city government of Semarang started to redevelop Batik Semarang  as a regional identity of Semarang, by conducting a preservation program of Batik Semarang. This research’s objective is to identify and analyze the business performance of Batik craftsmen or batik maker in Semarang  focused on the study on production, distribution, and market aspects. The  fact arose is the decreasing number of Batik craftsmen year by year. The research was conducted by using the survey method on 17 batik craftsman in Semarang city. The Analysis of Batik Semarang’s Business Performance uses SCP approach which covers market structure analysis, conduct analysis, and performance analysis. The industry level market is moderately concentrated over the study indicated by the CR4 75% and HHI 1889. The result of market structure analysis suggest an oligopolistic market structure. Performance analysis involves the elements of price conduct, product conduct, and market conduct. Price conduct shows that 76 % of respondents act as the price maker. Product conduct shows that 70 % of respondents have chosen to do product diversification. Market conduct shows that 56 percent of producers sell the products directly to the consumers.. Performance analysis is viewed from the element of Batik business profitability, which shows the average R/C ratio of 1.72 and the average ROA of 0.51. This indicates that Batik Semarang business is still profitable.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

Stock Market Volatility under Sanctions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Since 1979, Iran has faced with unilateral and multilateral harsh sanctions due to its nuclear energy program. These sanctions have resulted in significant problem to both sanctioned and sanctioning parties. Given the fact that sanctions have had significant impacts on Iran’s economy and since Iran stock market is the barometer of its economy, it is assumed that sanctions affect the Iranian stock market as well. To test this hypothesis, this study studied the Iranian stock market volatility during harsh sanctions using ARCH models. The study found that, despite all sanctions, not only Iran’s stock market shows major stylized facts of any stock market’s volatility i.e. volatility clustering, fat tails and mean reversion but also it shows no irregularity which could be attributed to effect of sanctions. This finding was consistent with Iranian stock market regulators claiming Iranian stock market growth and the U.S. Congressional Research Service report 2013. Therefore, based on findings, this study concluded that Iranian stock market has not affected by sanctions.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

The Impact of Chronic Exposure to Manganese on Testiculaire Tissue and Sperm Parameters in Rat Wistar

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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Aim: To assess the effect of chronic manganese chloride exposure on testis and sperm parameters. Methods: Twenty four male rats, 6 months old, were divided in 2 groups. 12 rats in the lot exposed to manganese, were watered by water containing manganese chloride tetrahydrate (MnCl2 4H2O) at dose of 4.79 for 12 weeks. And the group of control male rats received distilled water in the same conditions. The effects on the testicular histology, sperm concentration and percentage of abnormal sperm morphology were observed. Results: After a chronic exposure, microscopic examination of the testes showed degeneration of the seminiferous tubules and the gremlin cell. Seminal parameters indicated a decrease in the sperm levels (21.3 10 6 ±0.96 10 6 cells / ml) compared to the control group (62.70 10 6 ± 3.22 10 6 cells / ml) and a rise of morphological abnormalities (66.1 % ±2.93 %) compared to the control rats (10.83 % ±1.30 %). Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that long-term manganese chloride exposure may have a direct deleterious effect on fertility and reproduction functions of male rats. 
Contribution/ Originality

Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 02-2014 Issue: 2

Strategies to Increase the Self- Efficacy of Educational Administrators

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Many human behaviors are controlled and raised by Self-influence. Among the self- influence mechanisms, none is more important and inclusive than believing personal self efficacy. If one believes that he or she cannot achieve the expected results or prevent unacceptable behavior, He or she will be less motivated to do the work .Although there are other factors that act as triggers of human behavior but they depend on personal belief. This paper attempts to define self efficacy, its field, dimensions and forming and reinforcing factors, as well as training Educational administrators Managers
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

The Story of Layli and Majnun and Its Narrative Structure

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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For the analysis in this article, I chose the story of Layli and Majnun. In this narration, all events occur around the three characters (Lover, beloved and their families), the lover loves the beloved but the girl’s family refused to allow they married. The lover remained loyal to the beloved. Propositions of these stories include: proper noun (characters), verb (actions) and adjective (features and characteristics of persons).
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 1

‘One $ Dollar Saved My Life’ A Case of Kombi Text Inscriptions on Zimbabwean Roads

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Language is used in various contexts to achieve various communicative goals some of which are very much subtle. Textual inscriptions as discourse surround us in various environments for readers to decode volumes of meanings which by and large reflect people’s struggles, identities and wishes. Office text inscriptions have been studied and were found reflecting the emotions and struggles of office manners and their respective trades. This article reports an investigation on text inscriptions on selected Harare and Gweru commuter omnibuses and how far they go in reflecting commuter and operators’ identities, emotions, relations and nature of their daily lives. The article employs discourse analysis as texts are found here as discourse rather than isolated units of language.  The article analyzes kombi texts written in English and Shona.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2013 Issue: 1