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Listing 11 - 20 of 2809 results.

Does the Mena Countries May Converge in GDP to Southern European One? The Effects of International Trade

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The recent integration of the countries of the MENA region in globalization movement and the signing of the Euro-Med agreements with the European Union has naturally prompted researchers and economists to test the hypothesis of convergence towards the Europe. This paper, which is in this context, tends to test whether movement toward international trade will foster a reduction in the disparity of incomes among countries. More specifically, we try to answer the following question: does international trade allows MENA Countries to converge in GDP per capita to Southern European  one, and if this convergence is possible, what is the time required for a developing country to reduce the gap that separates the countries of a developed one? Using time series approach convergence over the period 1990-2011, results shows that the convergence hypothesis is checked for most of the selected countries in the MENA region.Our findings show also that the calculation of the time required for MENA countries to reduce the gap that separates to the Southern European one varies from one country to another.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 07-2014 Issue: 7

The Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis in Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) With Smartpls 2.0 M3

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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The Important-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA) is widely used in analytical technique  that yields prescription for the management of customer satisfaction. IPA is a two-dimensional grid based on importance and performance of customer satisfaction. Yet, this paper intend to use the volunteers as a research subject to identify to what extent the strength of the relationship between exogenous and endogenous variable that can be derived. As pedagogical theoretical and past empirical studies, attribute level of performance and importance is relevance and significant. These finding reveals the capabilities of IPA towards a volunteerism program. Using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling with SmartPLS 2.0, the asymmetric relationship importance and performance is provided. Futhermore, it shown that benefits factor is a major importance and performance for establishing Motivation.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 02-2014 Issue: 1

Is the Tourism Industry A Fragile Heavy Weight? Validation through a Literature Review of Tourism System Shocks

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The global tourism industry has arguably become the world`s pre-eminent sector, contributing about $3.6 trillion to the global gross domestic product (GDP) and employing 225 milion people (World Travel and Tourism Council, 1997). Despite its acknowledged economic power and apparent resiliency, tourism is highly vulnerable to internal and external shocks ranging from political conflicts, natural disasters to epidemic diseases. This article argues that the tourism industry is increasingly becoming susceptible to crisis events to the extent that tourism players have to contend with this reality in their daily operations. The study employed literature narratives as data sources from primed tourist destinations that have been hit by tourism crises. This study has some significance of confirming that tourists evaluate destinations according to safety and risk factors. The study further revealed that tourism crises do not only impair a tourist destination`s image but also weaken and destroy the competitive advantage of the destination. The review identified the quartet of terrorism, epidemic diseases, tsunamis and political conflicts as having the most devastating effects on the global tourism industry. Recommendations include less reliance upon tourism as an economic sector in favour of economic diversification, identification of potential destination specific crises and putting in place pro-active crisis management and recovery strategies. Future studies should explore how positive tourism shocks impact on the global tourism industry.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

“Students’ Perspective of Most To Least Preferred Parameters Affecting the Quality of Education in an Affiliated Undergraduate Engineering Institution in Haryana”

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The objective of the study is to find out the students’ perspective of most and least preferred parameters affecting the quality of education in an affiliated undergraduate engineering institution in Haryana, India. It is a descriptive research. The data has been collected with the help of Questionnaire Based Survey.The sample size for the study is 500. The respondents are the students pursuing B.Tech who were selected randomly from the above said geographical area. For data analysis and conclusion of the results of the survey, statistical tool like factor analysis was performed in SPSS.The most preferred aspects of the institution by the students are: enough opportunities for Industry Institute Interaction, entrepreneurship cell conduct sufficient activities, Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC) is active and efficient, sufficient clubs and societies providing developmental activities, adequate activities for enhancement of soft and life skills, good hands - on skills are imparted during the workshop practices, students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular & extra-curricular activities, atmosphere is conducive for the development of the requisite competencies, etc. The least preferred aspects of the institution by the students are: students follow the rules and regulations of the institute, a secured Wi-Fi facility for the students, and fresher party, farewell party, techno fests etc are well organized under disciplined environment.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 05-2014 Issue: 5

Taylor Rule in The Context of Inflation Targeting: The Case of Tunisia

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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The aim of this paper is to determine the optimal Taylor-type rule and the appropriate variables for the Tunisian economy in its conduct of the economic policy. Our starting point is the traditional Taylor rule. The results of the estimation of the reaction function in its static version confirm the hypothesis that Tunisia has been leading an efficient policy to control its inflation. Based on Akaike and Schwarz criteria, the results indicate that the static model better represents the reaction function of the Reserve Bank of Tunisia.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Geographical Starting Points the Analysis of Current Rural Problems in Montenegro: Case Study of Rural Local Community Kralje

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This paper analyzes the geographical starting point’s research currentrural problems in Montenegro, in the example ofrurallocal community Kralje. Like so many times before in history and in these times, rural areas and the rural economy must be the mainstay for the surviva lof the population in rural areas of the local community: Kralje, Oblo Brdo, Sjenožeta and Gnjili Potok. Today, Montenegro is searching for a new identity, a new paradigm for social development and must not be forgotten nor marginalized rural areas and agriculture.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

Labor and Economic Growth in Zimbabwe

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The study investigates the impact of labour on economic growth in Zimbabwe. The research uses a simple Ordinary Least Squares regression modeling method. The results suggest that labour and capital impact positively on Zimbabwe’s economic growth. The study recommends the government to pursue an employment-intensive strategy. It also recommends the government to develop an education and training system geared towards employment creation. 
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Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

Can the Interdependence Effect and the Contagion Phenomena be Related with One Another?

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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This study suggests an alternative approach to the transmission process of financial crises across emerging economies. This paper hypothesizes that the interdependence effect could become weaker, disappears completely or swerves during the crisis period due to the contagion phenomenon. The hypothesis put forward in this paper is of great importance in terms of policy implications inasmuch as it is supported by the data for many cases.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Antifeedant Activity of Barleria Buxifolia (Linn.) (Acanthaceae) Against Spodoptera Litura Fabricius and Helicoverpa Armigera Hübner (Lepidotera:Noctuidae)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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To investigate the antifeedant activity of crude extracts of Barleria buxifolia tested against fourth instar larvae of Spodoptera litura and Helicoverpa armigera.  Antifeedant activity of hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts were prepared and tested against fourth instar larvae of selected insect pests. Ethyl acetate extracts of B. buxifolia, showed higher percentage of antifeedant, activity. This is first report on selected economically important pests. Further, the active compounds will be isolate from the ethyl acetate extracts which will be useful for controlling economically important insect pests.
Contribution/ Originality

Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 05-2014 Issue: 5

Institutionalising and Mainstreaming Policy Analysis Culture in African Environments

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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An institutionalised culture of policy analysis lays the basic infrastructure for promoting systematic policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. This article reviews inroads made towards mainstreaming a culture of policy analysis in the African policy landscape. The concern for an institutionalized culture of policy analysis dates back to the first decade of independence where it underpinned nation building and economic transformation processes across Africa. To date, the African policy landscape boasts of an expansive supportive institutional framework for policy analysis in the form of universities, independent research and training institutes, professional policy lobby groups and highly probing parliamentary portfolio committees. Specialized policy analysis review units (PARUs) have also been created in most government ministries and departments. Notwithstanding these developments, efforts towards mainstreaming policy analysis best practices are compromised by interactive factors of turbulent political environments, skills flight, institutional corruption, inadequate budgetary support for research and mutual mistrust between governments and universities and independent Think Tanks. Utilization of university research outputs is low note. African governments should take more concerted effort to forge strong research partnerships with national universities and think tanks. 
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth: Evidence from Tunisia Using Star and Stecm Models

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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Human capital is one of the most important drivers for economic growth. This paper aims to outline theoretical and empirical frameworks for thinking about the role of human capital in a model of endogenous growth. Only a small set of recent papers investigated the relationship between different educational levels and economic growth in one country. This first study conducted in Tunisia contributes to the existing literature by using Smooth Transition Autoregressive models (ESTAR, LSTAR) referring to non-linear least squares (NOLS) procedure to underline this non-linear relationship. The advantage of our modeling strategy is that the relationship between human capital and growth is nonlinear. The principal empirical finding conducted in Tunisia over the period 1974-2012 is that human capital exerts a significant influence on economic growth. 
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

Economic Empowerment A Panacea To Conflicts: A Case of Mashonaland Central Province, 1999 to 2012

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Since Zimbabwe’s political independence in 1980, the government has been making efforts of trying to raise the living standards of the citizens through various means. However, because of a variety of challenges and other factors like colonial policies, national divisions, illiteracy, selfishness and a poorly performing economy amongst others, poverty has continued to affect Zimbabweans. Subsequently, conflicts have characterised Zimbabwean communities. This study, through an intensive desk research supported by some interviews, sought to establish the most prominent conflicts that have bedevilled the society and their respective possible remedies. The study was focussed on Mashonaland Central province, Zimbabwe and was conducted in 2012. Data was collected from key stakeholders; farmers, technocrats, business-people, the youth, peasant farmers, public servants and political activists while reviewed literature was from government policy papers, political party policy positions, specialist organisations (RBZ, Zimstat, TIMB, GMB, AREX, Lands, Veterinary Services and ZIA), security services, media and past research papers. The study established that economic empowerment is indeed one of the best long-lasting and sustainable solutions to the conflicts, albeit with some short-comings and challenges like politicisation of the efforts and clientelism.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

National Security and Maritime Piracy in Nigeria: A Sociological Discourse

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The inclusion of the Nigerian maritime environment in the piracy hotlist has attracted the interest of researchers, security stakeholders and policy makers into the impact of maritime piracy on the nation’s security. Therefore, this sociological discourse on national security and maritime piracy has been made, identifying the nature, impact and policy actions taken so far to curb the menace. The discourse, using secondary data from International Maritime Bureau (IMB) to show the severity and pattern of piracy in Nigeria waterways, and the tenets of the three capability gap thesis, found out that while corruption is the major cause of maritime piracy and insecurity in Nigeria, election malpractices specifically equips the pirates with arms directly or indirectly. The government policies and action, as well as the multinational companies’ ransom payments were found to have not been enough in solving the problems and recommendations were therefore made. It was therefore concluded among others that addressing the political interference in maritime security management and intelligence as well as building a strong synergy (among security agencies) could consolidated and enhance security management and intelligence gathering in Nigeria’s security sector.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Access and Utilization of Micro-Lending Scheme among Rural Farmers in Cross River State: Potentials for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The main objective of the study was to investigate the factors that influence farmers’ access and utilization of micro-lending scheme in Cross River State. Six LGAs were randomly selected from the eighteen LGAs that made up the study area. Thereafter, sixty (60) respondents were purposively selected from a village in each of the LGAs. Hence, 360 respondents were selected for the study. Data were collected by use of questionnaire tagged AUMSQ (Access and Utilization of Micro-lending Scheme Questionnaire). The retrieved copies of questionnaire were subjected to numerical test using likert scale rating (SA=strongly agreed; A=agreed; D=disagreed; and SD=strongly disagreed), while descriptive tool comprising tables, percentages, Group Arithmetic Mean (GAM) and Mean Weight Values (MWV) were employed for analyzing data.  It was found out that gender, age, access, utilization, time and awareness were significant factors which can promote farmer’s access and utilization to micro-lending scheme in the study area. Contrary, result shows that religion, years put in farming, education and level of income were not significant in promoting access and utilization of micro-lending scheme by farmers in the study area. It was therefore recommended among others that: organizing farmers and building their capacities on business development and management, work plan and proposal development, improve breed and seed will not only address the issues if non-repayment of loan, but will improve the agricultural sector and contribute significantly to address the global food crisis.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Has Financing Poverty Reduction Scheme Help to Alleviate Poverty? Evidence from Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Various efforts both at recent and time past have been employed to curb the menace of poverty in Nigeria by various successive governments. The impacts of these efforts have been debated in various quarters. This paper examines the impact of various poverty alleviation schemes in Nigeria. We adopt the use of regression analysis to examine the effects and the relationship between poverty reduction schemes and income level, employment generation, food security and education attainment and found out that poverty reduction schemes have led to increase in the level of income, employment level, food security and increase in literacy level. It therefore suggests that holistic approach should be employed by both the public and private sectors through massive investment in agriculture so as to ensure food security, cottage industry establishment so as to increase employment level, education so as to increase the literacy level which will all lead to better opportunities for higher income in order to achieve meaningful poverty reduction in the country.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Learning Centred Environments Supporting The Environment of E-Learning in South Africa in Law Class

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Learners differ from one another, therefore teaching approaches should differ according to the individual learners. Mentoring is a powerful personal development and also an empowerment tool. When it is effective implemented, it is a way of helping people to progress in their careers and academic live and it will increase the potential that a person can reach. A partnership exist between two people (the mentor and mentee), due to the fact that we are empathizing Higher Education the partnership can be considered between the teacher/lecturer or facilitator and the student that works in the same or similar field. A good learner centre learning environment is an environment that will allow the students space and time to interact within the learning and the teaching process. The question that arises is why do we have to create a positive learning environment? The simple answer is the students will feel comfortable, safe and engaged. In classrooms where values and roles remain constant and the focus is placed on the positive aspects of learning, the students will be more open to actively participate in the class. An e-learning facilitator has the role as instructor and is consistent with seminal adult learning research in, which and instructors guide is self-directed in the learning problem-centred environment. Finally, when interrogating online learning and face-to-face learning, the authors noted that when online learning is enforced in learner centred learning environments, that in the beginning the help of the teacher/instructor or facilitator is required. However the more knowledge the student gets (tacit or explicit) the more self-confidence the student will acquire and therefore will be learning much wider as anticipated. 
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Ndebele Kinship Structures: A Solid Base for Conflict Management, Peace and Security in Our Communities

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The concept of kinship ties among African societies, particular the Ndebele is a strong weapon for promoting peace, stability and conflict management in both the family and the entire community. The kinship structures put in place by the local people have in so many instances proved to be as effective in the maintenance of peace and security as well as respect for human rights .The titles of relationships in most African communities can be precisely referred to as titles of responsibilities, obligations and duties for instance the societal roles assumed by aunts, uncles, mothers, grandparents and senior members (the elderly) serve as societal  positions of authority. Culturally, any form of relationship which connects family or community members together comes with a host of expectations. If properly and positively revisited, the concept of kinship ties can assist in finding solutions to the current political and social conflicts in Africa. This paper explores the powerbehind the kinship structures in issues of peace, conflict management and development for use in the contemporary socio-political scene.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

The Relationship Between Bullying at Workplace with Psychological and Spiritual Well Being of Nurses

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Bullying is the threatening factor in hospital environment for nurses’ health and wellbeing. Current research was administered with the aim of studying the relationship between bullying in hospital with psychological and spiritual well being among nurses. Research method was correlation and statistical population was the nurses of Yazd hospitals, among them 299 persons were selected using accessible sampling method.¬ Data gathering instruments were the future made questionnaires which reliability and validity of them verified, including bullying questionnaire, psychological well being questionnaire and spiritual questionnaire. Results revealed that there is significant relationship between bullying (contempt and despising, angry and revengefulness, neglect, verbal persecution, threatening and unconventional work stress) with psychological well being and spiritual well being (personal, communal, environmental and transcendental). Also the results of regression analysis revealed that verbal persecution and unconventional work stress have significant predictive power for prediction of psychological well being, unconventional work stress have significant predictive power for prediction of personal spiritual well being and threatening have significant predictive power for prediction of environmental spiritual well being. The results of current research showed that bullying of co-workers and supervisors at hospital setting could expose the nurses’ psychological well being and relatively their spiritual well being with problem. 
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 2

Flooding in IMO State Nigeria: The Socio-Economic Implication for Sustainable Development

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The menace of flooding ravaging different areas of Imo state Nigeria has been a recurrent phenomenon in recent years. This research investigated the socio-economic implications of flooding for sustainable development of the state. The paper aimed at investigating, identifying and documenting the socioeconomic implications of flooding to sustainable development of Imo state. The study tried to identify various locations affected by flooding and also examined the positive and negative effects of flood to the area. 500 copies of questionnaires were distributed using systematic sampling in six local government areas of the state used for pilot survey. About 96.8 percent of the questionnaires was retrieved and used for the study. Collected data were presented using frequency tables, charts and percentages. The study identified various locations affected by flooding, years of severe flooding and also identified various effects of flooding in the state. Finally the paper concluded by making recommendations which includes discouraging development of areas prone to flooding among others.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2014 Issue: 3

Exchange Rate Movements, Import And Economic Growth in Nigeria (1986-2010)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The study empirically investigates the effect of exchange rate volatility on import trade in Nigeria during the period 1986: 1-- 2009: 4. The study focuses on import trade because, the import aspect of trade flows has often been ignored by researchers. The study showed that exchange has been volatile in Nigeria as evident from the unusually high and unusually low standard deviation. Also, the econometric results show that exchange rate displays a clustering trend during the period under investigation which portrays high degree of volatility. Further, the econometric results indicated that a long run relationship exists between exchange rate volatility and trade flows. Also, the study showed a significant negative relationship between domestic output and import component of trade flows suggesting that increasing import tends to shrink production line in Nigeria. The study concluded that exchange rate volatility exerted a significant negative relationship with import in Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6