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Listing 97 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Mediating Effect of Financial Self-Efficacy on the Financial Literacy-Behavior Relationship: A Case of Generation Y Professionals

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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A comprehensive financial literacy questionnaire surveyed prospective psychological constructs as antecedents (financial literacy, economic perception, financial self-confidence, financial behavior, and personal financial performance) of applying financial self-efficacy in a large sample of working students in the hospitality and tourism industry. It is expected that financial literacy and economic perception are key antecedents of financial self-efficacy, which in turns may influence financial behaviors and personal financial performance in shaping a working student’s future skills for designing effective financial plans. For this purpose, the structural equations model was empirically tested. Moreover, the mediating indirect effects of financial self-efficacy in the relationships between financial literacy and economic environment on financial behavior and financial performance were tested through a two-phase methodological analysis. This study contributes to the literature by investigating the effects of financial self-efficacy, financial literacy and economic perception on personal financial behavior. The significance of the contribution is to propose and examine empirically a theory-based model of financial self-efficacy and financial behavior-performance in a service context among Generation Yers.
Contribution/ Originality
The financial efficacy model presented is applicable to different contexts, while the significant power of economic perception and financial knowledge shapes the formation of an adequate financial behavior and performance. This research not only tests the direct relationship of the constructs but also test the mediating power of financial self-efficacy.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Determinants of Corporate Tax Avoidance Strategies among Multinational Corporations in Malaysia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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Tax avoidance has been widely discussed around the globe, particularly among multinational corporations (MNCs). The MNCs are reported to have better opportunities to engage in aggressive tax planning techniques. Hence, this study examines the determinants of MNCs tax avoidance strategies by looking at their effective tax rates (ETRs). This study utilized the tax return form data from the Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (IRBM) to model ETRs of the MNCs in Malaysia, as a proxy of the tax avoidance. Regression analysis was performed in order to meet the objectives of the study. The findings suggest that MNCs in Malaysia can be associated with the tax avoidance since their ETRs are below the statutory tax rates (STRs) as stipulated under the Income Tax Act 1967. The results also suggest that firm’s size, profitability, extensiveness of foreign operation, capital intensity and leverage are the determinants of the tax avoidance of MNCs in Malaysia. The findings would assist the policymakers on the selection criteria of audit cases by focusing on MNCs with high profitability, extensive foreign operation, capital intensity and high leverage.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the literature by examining the determinants of MNCs tax avoidance strategies by looking at their effective tax rates (ETRs).
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Study on the Effect of Foreign Investment on Anhuis Industrial Structure Optimization

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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With the deepening implementation of the strategy of the rise of central China, the degree of opening up of Anhui Province has increased year by year. It is of great significance to study the impact of foreign direct investment in the optimization of industrial structure in Anhui Province and how to achieve efficient economic development during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. Using the method of empirical analysis, the time series data from 1997 to 2014 reflects the characteristics of the actual utilization of foreign direct investment and industrial restructuring in Anhui Province. There are significant differences in the contribution of the three industries to the added value of each industry. From the short-term effect, the actual use of foreign direct investment in the secondary industry contributes the most to its added value. From the long-term effect, the actual use of foreign direct investment in the second industry contributes the most to the current added value. Foreign direct investment has promoted the industrial structure of Anhui Province to a certain extent, but it has aggravated the imbalance of the industrial structure at the same time.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that foreign direct investment has promoted the evolution of the industrial proportion of Anhui Province from the first industry dominance to the second industry dominance, and also promoted the upgrading of the industrial structure.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

The Influence of the Addition of Nickel on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Bronze Alloy

Research Article
Journal: Review of Industrial Engineering Letters

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This paper describes an investigation of the influence of the addition of Nickel on the mechanical properties of aluminium bronze alloy. The investigation began by casting the specimens in a crucible pit furnace. Sand casting was utilised and was discovered to be more effective because it is inexpensive and easy to use during the production of aluminium bronze alloy. Five different samples of the aluminium bronze alloyed with 0% to 4% nickel were added into the furnace in accordance with their melting points. Nickel has the highest melting point of 1453°C, while copper, aluminium and zinc have melting points of 1084°C, 660°C and 419°C respectively. The mixture was manually stirred for around 5 minutes to ensure proper mixing of the alloying materials. After casting, both tensile and hardness tests were carried out on the machined, sectioned and ground specimens. An increment was observed in the samples’ hardness as the percentage composition of nickel increased while the tensile strength initially increased and then decreased. It was also observed from the results that the tensile stress for each specimen increased with strain.
Contribution/ Originality
The current study investigates the effect of adding a range of percentage compositions of nickel to aluminium alloy.
Engineering » Review of Industrial Engineering Letters » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 1

The Difference in the Structure of the Functional Readiness of the Football Players with Different Abilities

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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This study on the functional readiness of football players in the different game roles of the teams of Vietnam's first and second championships is revealed. The criteria for the readiness of football players are indicators such as maximum oxygen consumption and physical performance. Functional status of the players is determined in the research laboratory of HCM State Physical Culture Academy. The difference in the structure of the functional readiness of the players with different abilities of different playing roles (goalkeeper, center and wing, central midfield and wing and attack) is revealed. The results of this study show that the greatest level of aerobic performance is characteristic of wing players and midfield players. But, especially important is aerobic performance for the flank, or, the wing players who perform the greatest amount of work on the field. It has been established that the VO2max of wing defenders is in the range from 64.32 to 65.32 ml/min kg-1.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by studying on the functional readiness of football players in the different game roles of the teams of Vietnam's first and second championships is revealed.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Governance-Led Intellectual Capital Disclosure: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The study objective is to empirically examine the relationship between intellectual capital disclosure (ICD) and corporate governance with a specific focus on the role of family ownership. Secondary data of 99 Pakistan Stock Exchange listed manufacturing firms pertaining to the 2008?2017 period were obtained from the annual statements of these companies. Owing to the non-linear role of family ownership in corporate governance, quadratic regression was employed to estimate the relationship between the degree of IC disclosure and various attributes of corporate governance. Study findings confirm that the relationship between ICD and family ownership follows the familiar inverted U-shaped curve, whereby the degree of IC disclosure tends to decrease once family ownership exceeds 22.64%. Moreover, analysis results depict a significantly positive impact of board independence, presence of an audit committee, and foreign ownership on ICD. Conversely, CEO duality was found to be negatively associated with the degree of ICD. In further analyses, IC disclosure was disaggregated into three major dimensions, namely internal capital, external capital, and human capital, yielding congruent findings. Thus, for effective IC disclosure, the study findings indicate that it is necessary to improve the governance mechanisms. It would also be beneficial for firms to restrict the family ownership to a certain level in order keep the information disclosure optimal. Since these recommendations are based on analyses of secondary data pertaining to a limited number of indicators of corporate governance pertaining to Pakistani manufacturing firms, any generalizations should be attempted with care.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by finding the threshold level of family ownership through a quadratic regression which provides unique insight for the relationship between corporate governance and ICD.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2019 Issue: 3

Problems of Bilateral Trade Deficit between Bangladesh and India: A 2SLS Regression Analysis

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This study investigates the factors that determined the bilateral trade deficit of Bangladesh against India. The results of the Johansen cointegration test indicated that there were long-term associations between the trade deficit of Bangladesh real income levels, and the bilateral RER of both countries. Results from the two-stage least squares regression analyses indicated that a 1% increase in the real income levels of Bangladesh and India aggravated the bilateral trade deficit of Bangladesh by 4.61% and 3.98% respectively while a 1% real appreciation of the bilateral real exchange rate was found to reduce the deficit by almost 6%, ceteris paribus. Results also showed that Bangladesh faced persistent deficits in its bilateral trade balance against India due to its exports being comparatively less elastic than its imports engagements with India. The paper also sheds light on the anti-dumping policy pursued by India that has contributed to the unbalanced trade between the two economies.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by analyzing the elasticities of Bangladesh’s imports from and exports to India. It is relevant from the perspective of policy implications to understand the degrees of responsiveness of Bangladesh’s import demand and export supply leading to the nation’s trade deficit with India.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2019 Issue: 4

Market Integration and Seasonal Price Variation of High-Value Vegetable Crops in Chittagong Hill Districts of Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The present study analyzed the spatial price integration and seasonal price variations of brinjal and yard-long bean in the Chittagong hill districts of Bangladesh. Secondary data were amassed from the Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM) for the time period of 2006-2015. Correlation coefficient and Engle-Granger (EG) co-integration tests were used as a tool for analyzing price integration among selected district markets. For the estimation of seasonal price variation, ratio to moving average method was adopted for the study. The findings of the study from this observed evaluation of spatial price linkage through correlation coefficients and co-integration among the selected markets of Bangladesh considering the wholesale price of selected vegetables indicated that these markets were well integrated but not strongly integrated. That means the Chittagong market for each commodity was significantly integrated but not significantly highly integrated because of not as much developed transportation system in the hilly areas. The average seasonal variation of price of brinjal was found to be the maximum in the month of October and the minimum in the month of March. The average seasonal price variation of yard long bean was utmost in February and lowest in the month of June. The outcome of the present study could benefit the farmers and market actors monetarily if the production and marketing system of vegetables are well developed.
Contribution/ Originality
Since vegetables are inexpensively and socially important, the spatial price integration among the different vegetable market has not been discussed so far and analyzed for the intended study area where enormous prospects of vegetable production are present. This research is one of the very few researches which attempt to explore the potentiality of value addition practices, market integration and price variation of vegetables in CHT’s Bangladesh.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2019 Issue: 3

Money Supply and Inflation Rate in Nigeria: The Missing Link

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Conventionally and theoretically increase in money supply according to the quantity theory of money triggers a high inflation rate in developed and emerging economies. The reality in Nigeria contravenes the quantity theory of money. This study investigates the missing link in Nigeria from January 2010 to December 2018 by applying the Johansen co-integration, Granger causality tests and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) on the monthly data. The findings indicated that money supply does not cause inflation. Inflation is caused by non-monetary factors of political instability, corruption, poor basic infrastructure among others. Money supply and inflation co-integrate in the long-term. The causality test proposed a uni-directional flow from inflation to the money supply. Bi-directional causality was not observed in this study. The VECM result indicated that disequilibrium caused in the previous year can converge back to equilibrium in the current year. The general findings of the study disagreed with the quantity theory of money. The study recommends that non-monetary factors of political instability, corruption, poor basic infrastructure among others were responsible for the missing link. These factors should be checked and put in perspective to achieve low inflation at a single digit in Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the extant literature by using monthly M3 and M2 money supply data, and the implicit price deflator to GDP to measure inflation, the GDP and monetary policy rate. This study investigates the missing link between money supply and inflation rate in Nigeria by using the data from January 2010 to December 2018. The above serves as a hug contribution which most studies used M2 money supply and annualized time-series data.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2019 Issue: 3

Activity Cost Management and its Effect on Enterprise Productivity

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This study investigated the relationship between activity cost management and its effect on enterprise productivity using the exploratory research design. It focused on critical factors that lead to cost-effectiveness. A sample of 113 respondents participated in the study, and data collected from secondary and primary sources were analyzed through descriptive and regression statistical techniques. The result showed that activity cost management has significant positive effect on enterprise productivity. The new result is important because an enterprise is effective when it attains its goals, but productive only when such goals are achieved efficiently. Through the exploration and result, the study clearly highlighted that factors such as activity-based cost management, cost-benefit-analysis, internal control, ratio analysis, zero-base budgeting, internal accountability, and transparency, as well as cost leadership form the basis for enterprise productivity. An effective board of directors is imperative in any enterprise to provide necessary cost leadership for cost-effectiveness and enterprise productivity. The study was limited by insufficient current academic literature, therefore, further study could examine the relationship between activity cost management and enterprise failure. Based on the result, it was recommended that activity cost management practices must be intensified in public enterprises as a measure to reduce the heap of fraud prevalent in such enterprises.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few recent studies that have investigated the relationship between activity cost management and enterprise productivity using descriptive and regression statistical techniques to achieve the desired result. The paper’s primary contribution is finding that there is significant association between activity cost management and enterprise productivity.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2019 Issue: 4

Effects of Hydroclimatic Variability on the Spatial Dynamics of Ponds (Simenti, Kountadala and Oudassi) of the Gambia River Basin in the Niokolo Koba National Park (Senegal)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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With climate change, West African watercourses have undergone profound changes with large runoff deficits, faster dryings and very severe low flows. These modifications have led to a sharp decrease in water resources and a drying up of some water bodies. This article evaluated the effects of hydroclimatic variability on the spatial dynamics of a few ponds (Simenti, Kountadala and Oudassi) in the Gambia Basin in the Niokolo Koba National Park, NKNP, (Senegal). Data from five sets of images are used for pond trend mapping (Landsat, Google Earth and Sentinel). The hydroclimatic data used in this study include precipitation, temperature, evaporation, and discharge data from the Gambia Basin subjected to trend (Mann-Kendall) and rupture (Pettitt) tests. The results show that the trend is positive and significant for temperatures and evaporation and negative and significant for precipitation at a 95% confidence level. The surface area of the ponds, from 40.3 ha in 1975, increased sharply to 79.3 ha in 1988, then rose slightly in 1999 with 80.2 ha and in 2010 with 83.4 ha before to shrink sharply from 67.8 ha in 2019 due to rainfall deficit and the expansion of aquatic vegetation. Recommendations were made on how to improve the problem. Faced with the scarcity and drying up of water in these ponds of Niokolo Koba Park, water transfer operations such as those noted with the Simenti pond to save animals, remain fundamental according to some conservatives.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the exist literature by evaluating the effects of hydroclimatic variability on the spatial dynamics of a few ponds (Simenti, Kountadala and Oudassi) in the Gambia Basin in the Niokolo Koba National Park, NKNP, (Senegal).
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Effect of Seed Rate and Cultivar on Productivity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in New Halfa Locality, Sudan

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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An experiment was conducted for two winter seasons during 2016/017 - 2017/018 at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kassala (New Halfa), Sudan to investigate the effect of seed rate and Variety of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on grain productivity under New Halfa environment. The treatments consisted of three seed rates (119kg/ ha, 143kg/ ha and 167kg/ ha) and two cultivars (Condor (early mature) and Bohin (medium mature). A complete randomized block design (CRBD) with four replications was used. The results revealed that the lesser seed rate (119 kg/ ha) had a lower grain yield compared with the mid seed rates (143kg ha-1) or highest seed rate (167kgha-1). Cultivars had significant differences in the total seed yield. Condor gave the highest seed yield. It could be concluded that the seed rate of 143 kg or 167 kg/ha recommended to improved seed yield in New Halfa area of Sudan.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the effect of seed rate and Variety of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on seed yield under New Halfa environment, Sudan.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Exploring the Asymmetric Linkage between Commodity Prices and Fiscal Performance in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The paper examines the asymmetric relationship between commodity prices and fiscal performance in Nigeria between 1984 and 2017 using the non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) cointegration technique. In the analysis, the existence of a long-run cointegration relationship between the oil prices, cocoa prices and fiscal outcome is confirmed as well as the asymmetric impact of commodity prices. The study shows that changes in oil prices have a substantial influence on both debt (% of GDP) and external debt stocks. It is demonstrated that since Nigeria’s fiscal operation is largely financed by the proceeds from commodity exports, especially crude oil, in the long run, unanticipated rise or decline in oil prices could have significant effect on public debt levels in the country. Further evidence reveals that an increase in cocoa prices positively and strongly enhances debt (% of GDP), but with no evidence of such effect on external debt stocks, indicating that an increase in cocoa price may not result to a large reduction in external debt stocks. In sum, the study asserts that there is a host of potential significant impacts associated with primary commodity prices (cocoa) on fiscal policy design and economic development in both long and short run. Hence, the study posits that to cushion the effect of commodity price fluctuations, it is crucial to launch several initiatives that would enhance the diversification of the economy. This can be better achieved through the provision of financial incentives and strong regulatory framework for the development of agricultural sector.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by examining empirically possible asymmetry in the nexus between commodity prices and fiscal outcomes in the context of Nigeria.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

The Efficacy of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) and Insecticide Treated Nets against Anopheles Mosquitoes

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diseases

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Field bio-efficacy of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 times washed PermaNet 2.0, Icon LLIN, Deltamethrin and Icon treated cotton and Nylon nets (ITN) against wild caught Anopheles mosquitoes were tested with WHO cone test Kit method in Myaebinthar village Myothit Township, Magwe Region. Mosquitoes were exposed in cones for 5min and 15min fixed exposure period under room temperature in raining and cold season. Knockdown effect was measured after 60 min of exposure. In raining and cold season, a total of 221 and 196 mosquitoes, consist of 8 and 6 species of Anopheles adults were collected. Maximum number of An. culicifacies was caught followed by An vagus in cattle bate k net, human bait and lowest was collected in morning resting collection. In both season maximum number of main vector An. minimus was caught on human and cattle bait collection between 21:00 and 24:00hours. The bio efficacy of 0 and 5 washed all PermaNet 2.0, Icon and deltamethrin LLINs and ITNs found 100% knockdown ability with all caught mosquitoes. An.minimus and An.culicifacies found to be 80-100% knockdown effect against 10washes with PermaNet 2.0 and Icon LLINs in both season. Knockdown efficacy was significantly declined between 5 and 20washes,100-60% knockdown on LLINs and 90-20% for Deltamethrin and Icon treated nets in both season. PermaNet 2.0, Icon LLINs were found higher wash resistance ability till 15 washes than deltamethrin and Icon treated cotton net but nylon net was found lowest wash resistance needs repeated treatment.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature to develop a testing method for investigation the bioefficacy of ITN nets and LLINs nets.
Medical Sciences » Journal of Diseases » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Assessing the Perceived Value of Customers for being Satisfied towards the Sustainability of Hypermarket in Malaysia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This study examines the relationships between product quality, service quality, pricing strategy and store attributes with customer satisfaction through perceived value using a sample of 211 from 3 hypermarkets in Malaysia. Our results reveal that there are relationships between product quality, service quality and store attributes with perceived value. Furthermore, a positive and significant relationship is also found. However, this study didn’t find any conventional relationship between pricing strategy and perceived value. This study adds to the growing literature of sustainable development of hypermarket. Recently, International marketplace is targeted by so many hooked up outlets, because they're searching out new capacity marketplace growth. This study focuses on determining the factors that influence on customer satisfaction in the hypermarkets. It is to identify the reasons that impact on customer satisfaction towards hypermarket in Malaysia. In addition, this investigation considers the most noteworthy explanations that improve customer satisfaction towards hyper markets in Malaysia.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the relationship between product quality, service quality, pricing strategy and store attributes on perceived value towards customer satisfaction for the sustainable development of hypermarket through empirical analysis and analyses whether customers become satisfied through the perceived value.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 5

Effects of Constructivist Instructional Method on Low Achievers Academic Performance and Retention in Automechanics in Technical Colleges

Research Article
Journal: Review of Knowledge Economy

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The study determined the effects of constructivist instructional method on low achievers’ academic performance and retention in automechanics in technical colleges. Two research questions guided the study and two hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study was a non-randomized quasi experimental research design. The population was 121 National Technical College II (NTC II) students offering automechanics trade. Two intact classes with a sample size of 88 were purposively selected from technical colleges in the State. Automechanics Performance Test (APT) was used to collect data. Findings revealed that low achievers taught automechanics using constructivist instructional method performed better with higher post-test and retention scores than those taught with conventional method. It was concluded that constructivist instructional method could enhance students’ academic performance and retention in automechanics. Hence, teachers should be made to use the method in teaching to enable students with learning difficulties learn and retain concepts so as to improve their academic performance.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper primary contribution is finding that constructivist instructional method could enhance students’ academic performance and retention in automechanics.
Business & Management » Review of Knowledge Economy » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

A Retrospective Assessment of Syphilis Seroprevalence among Pregnant Women, Cape Coast, Ghana

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diseases

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This is a hospital-based cohort study, which aimed at assessing the seroprevalence of syphilis among pregnant women who sought antenatal care at the Cape Coast Metropolitan Hospital (CCMH). We retrospectively analyzed secondary data of 2,640 term pregnant women, who gave birth from January, 2016 to December, 2018. Data was compiled from the CCMH delivery register. Out of the 2,640 pregnant women who delivered from 2016 through 2018, 107 [4.1%, 95% CI: 3.3 – 4.8] tested reactive (2016, 1.5%, 40/2640; 2017, 1.0%, 26/2640; 2018, 1.6%, 41/2640). Seroprevalence among the primagravida (those with first pregnancy) was 0.8%, while that among the multigravida (? 2 pregnancies) was 3.3% (?2 = 37.562, p = 0.021). Pregnant women within the age group of 22-31 years were the most reactive, 2.3% (60/2640), followed by 32-41 years, 1.1% (30/2640). A prevalence of 1.9% (50/2640) was recorded among Junior High School holders, while 0.2% (5/2640) was found among those who have attained tertiary level education. A Relatively high prevalence of 3.0% (78/2640) was recorded among informal workers compared to the unemployed, 0.9% (23/2640). An appreciable proportion of 18.9% (499/2640) had no syphilis testing record indicated in the register. Early detection of syphilis and treatment of infected partners, rapid testing for ANC non-attendants at the maternity/obstetrics and gynecology departments is highly recommended either before or after delivery, as laboratory services may not be available in the nights when most deliveries occur.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing information, a three year socio-demographic trend of syphilis infection among pregnant women along coastal communities. It also reports for the first time, syphilis prevalence among women with different gravidity in Cape Coast, Ghana.
Medical Sciences » Journal of Diseases » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Effects of Socio-Cultural Diversity on the Performance of Private Health Care Organizations in Kogi State

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This study focused on the effect of socio-cultural diversity on the performance of Private Health Care Organizations in Kogi State. The study thus examined the effect of age difference, gender, ethnicity, religion, physical abilities and cultural beliefs on the patients’ satisfaction, financial performance and technological innovativeness of Private Health Care Organizations in Kogi State. The study used a descriptive research design. The population (1460) of the study comprised of the staff of Private Health Care Organizations in Kogi State. The sample size of 304 was determined using Sallant and Dillman’s sample size method. A two-method sampling technique was used. The data gathered were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Multiple Regression analysis. Finding shows that age difference, physical ability and religious differences have significantly positive effect on patients’ satisfaction; as against ethnic difference which has inverse effect. Ethnicity, cultural and gender differences have positive effects on the financial performance; as against age and religious differences which have significantly negative relationship. The study concludes that diversity in terms of age, physical ability and religion are taken seriously and managed very well in the Health Care Organizations of Kogi State. This study therefore recommends that the management, government and other stakeholders should invest in diversity management training and development programmes to widen the opportunity to create patients’ satisfaction and achieve other goals in the Health Care Organizations in Kogi State.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature. It is one of the few studies on the subject matter, and it made used of new estimated methodology. The primary contribution of the study is that diversity variables affect performance in Health Care organizations. The study was able to build arguments around these diversity variables and proven using scientific approaches.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Organizational Memory and Employee Performance in Federal Parastatals in Enugu State of Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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Currently, the rate at which information is flowing from employer to employee makes it almost difficult for employees to ensure that all records have been read before attempting to destroy them. This study therefore examines organizational memory and employee performance in federal parastatals in Enugu state of Nigeria. The specific objective is to determine the extent of relationship that exists between shared knowledge and employee commitment of the parastatals in Enugu state of Nigeria. The study was guided by one research question and descriptive survey design was used. The study was anchored on Social Learning Theory by Bandura (1976). The population of the study is 120 staff and 92 were sampled. The data used was a primary data collected through structured questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS, 23). The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between shared knowledge and employee commitment. The study recommends among others that parastatals should ensure that their employees are competent so as to measure to the innovative changes in the organization.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the level of relationship that exists between organisational memory and employee performance with specific focus on shared knowledge and employee commitment of Federal parastatals in Nigerian environment.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Eco-Friendly Use of Fly Ash for the Management of Root-Knot Nematode and Acid Rain in Pumpkin Crop

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Fly ash (FA) production has stridently been due to unjudicious demand of electricity for fulfilling the human needs. Generation and disposal of FA has been a serious concern in the current scenario. However, FA can be used for soil amelioration that may improve physical, chemical and biological properties of the degraded soils. Simulated acid rain was prepared by adding the HNO3 and H2So4 in the ratio 3:1 and maintained the different pH levels (5.0, 4.0 and 3.0). In the present study, a pot experiment was conducted in net house during 2017-18 to evaluate the efficacy of fly ash for the alleviation of simulated acid rain (SAR) stress on pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) with or without root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita inoculations. The result indicated that the different growth, yield, biochemical variables of Cucurbita moschata were significantly (P?0.05) enhance at 30% FA amended soil with lower level of SAR (pH5.0) and reduced the nematode population . After 30% of FA (40% and 50%) and all the levels of SAR (pH5.0, pH4.0 and pH3.0) were harmful to the plant growth, yield and, biochemical parameters and also reduce the nematode population as compared to control. From the result it appeared that the best level of fly ash was 30% with pH 5.0 of simulated acid rain, where lowest level of acidity (pH5.0) showed no harmful effect. However, in case of root-knot nematode the suppression was showed at all the levels of fly ash and simulated acid rain like in terms of root gall, soil population and eggmass.
Contribution/ Originality
The study indicated that the lower levels of fly ash (5%, 10%, 20%, 30%) soil amendment were found beneficial for pumpkin crop even after treated with different acidity levels of simulated acid rain (5.0, 4.0 and 3.0 pH). Moreover, all the levels of fly ash and simulated acid rain were significantly reduced the root-knot nematode, M. incognita population.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 01-2019 Issue: 1