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Listing 94 - 20 of 2809 results.

A Review: Role of Inulin in Animal Nutrition

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Inulin is an oligosaccharide which can be used in the animal diet as a functional fiber. Among other natural plant-derived fructans, inulin has so many beneficial effects on the immune system, lipid metabolism, and helps in mineral absorption and has the ability to balance the intestinal microbiota of animals. Increasing global meat demand and ban of antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed due to its residual effects in human food are the factors driving the growth of inulin as a feed additive. As feed additive in animal feed inulin has a positive effect on intestinal health and have the potential to improve the immunity of livestock and poultry. From few years, inulin has been making headlines in animal nutrition, but it remains a little-known feed ingredient and is even less used in the feed industry. Therefore, the objective of this review is to provide recently applied knowledge to the researchers about the general beneficial functions of inulin in the animal body and its application in the animal feed industry.
Contribution/ Originality
Present study has much contribution of inulin use in animal nutrition. Before that lot of studies available on inulin in human. In our study we focus on inulin use in animal diet. It is considered a functional plant-based ingredient that effectively boosts digestion and other processes. From this study scientists and nutritionists get idea to use inulin in livestock and other animal feed.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Effects of Municipal Abattoir Waste on Water Quality of Woji River in Trans-Amadi Industrial Area of Port Harcourt, Nigeria: Implication for Sustainable Urban Environmental Management

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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This research provides a spatial analytical framework for sustainable urban environmental management. It examines the effects of abattoir wastes on water quality of the Woji River in the Trans-Amadi industrial area of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The research was premised on the fact that untreated wastes from the Trans-Amadi abattoir are discharged directly into open drainage which flows into the river. Water samples were collected from nine points along the stream (upstream; 3 samples, downstream; 3 samples, fallout; 3 samples) and subjected to physico-chemical laboratory analysis for total dissolved solids (TDS), temperature, pH, turbidity, hardness, iron content, nitrate, sulphate, magnesium, nickel, copper as well as some biological parameters. The results obtained from these parameters were at variance with the allowable limits of WHO standards for human use and aquatic life. The result further showed that the abattoir effluent has lowered the quality of the receiving Woji River particularly at fallout point and downstream. There is, therefore, need to stop the discharge of effluents into the receiving Woji River by upgrading the wastewater and urban waste management techniques of the abattoir to international standard.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on the spatial analytical framework on abattoir wastes on water quality. This study uses a new estimation methodology of Peason’s Coefficient to represent the relationship between microbiological and physico-chemical parameters of the river.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Pre-Service Teachers Professional Development through Four-Step Problem-Solving Model: A Seminar Method

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Effective teaching and learning strategy is one of the most important topics in the field of teachers’ professional development. Teachers’ education and pre-service teachers’ training programmes provide necessary coursework, field experience, and student teaching internship experience to pre-service, potential, and second career teachers who are seeking initial license status. Due to the rapid developments in Hong Kong, China, school teachers face challenges, difficulties, and social problems due to excess enrolment of teachers from different backgrounds. The regular curriculum and material also fail to cover all these issues. The current study applied the seminar technique as recommended in Polya’s Four-Step Problem-Solving Model with targeted discussion topics and engaged 12 STEM pre-service teachers at one of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) programmes. The results indicated that beyond regular coursework, field experience, and internship experiences embedded in the curriculum, additional seminars allowed the participants to establish inter-disciplinary teaching strategies and critical thinking skills. The results of this study serve as a blueprint for teachers’ education programme leaders and school administrators to establish similar seminars and conduct such sessions for their pre-service and in-service teachers to refresh and advance their teaching and learning strategies.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature on teachers’ education programmes, teachers’ training, and teachers’ professional development. The primary contribution of this article is also to provide directions for school leaders and administrators to establish professional training to their in-service and pre-service teachers in K-12 school environments.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 3

Effects of WebQuest on Secondary School Biology Students Achievement in Cell Division in Ilorin

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study investigated the effects of the WebQuest Instructional Package (WQIP) on senior secondary school biology students’ achievement in cell division in Ilorin, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. Two classes from two secondary schools were purposively sampled. The instruments used were the Cell Division Achievement Test (CAT) and the WebQuest Instructional Package on Cell Division (WQIPC). Four research questions guided the study and four corresponding research hypotheses were tested at the 0.05 significance level. The study observed that using the WQIP significantly improved students' achievement in cell division. However, no significant difference was found between the achievements of male and female students taught cell division using WQIP. There was also a significant difference in the achievement of high, medium and low scoring students taught cell division using WQIP in favour of the low scorers. There was no significant interaction effect among WebQuest, gender and score levels on students’ achievement in cell division. It was recommended, among others, that biology teachers should tryto use the WebQuest Instructional Package (WQIP) in the teaching of cell division and other similar hard to teach concepts in biology.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature and discourse on the integration of modern ICTs in the teaching and learning of biology at the secondary school level. The study’s primary contribution is the finding that the WebQuest Instructional Package significantly enhanced students’ achievement in cell division, a hard-to-teach and hard-to-learn biology topic.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Mortalities Profile among Dubai Population 2017, Utilizing Breakdown Fractions for Intervention and Forecasting of Future Epidemiologic Transition - Dubai, UAE 2019

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Background: Mortalities and morbidities are recognized as a major statistics for health and disease measurements at any given population setting. Health care system performance is often linked to morbidity and mortality measurement as a direct quantitative outcome, Objectives: To study the mortality distribution among Dubai population. To study future interventions and forecasting of population mortalities in Dubai. Methodology: A retrospective record review of the Dubai Annual Statistical Report for the year 2017 has been carried out. All secondary data collected from 2008- 2017 related to outpatient and inpatient visits at Dubai Health Authority, Dubai Health Care City, Ministry of Health and private sector facilities in Dubai were included. Results: The current study revealed that almost one third of mortalities among Dubai Population or 30.4% were due to cardiovascular relevant causes. While 11.3% of mortalities was due to respiratory related diseases such as Pneumonia, COPD and others 6.9% were injuries related mortalities, 19.8% were neoplastic related diseases, 6.4% were accounted to perinatal period diseases and 1.2% were due to septicemia.. Conclusions: Mortality interventions and forecasting in the Population of Dubai can be made through Projections that represents a set of three visions for the future population health, based on certain explicit assumptions. Although, the wide uncertainty ranges around future projections, they enable health care system decision and policy makers to appreciate better the implications for health and health policy of currently observed trends, and the likely impact of future trends, such as the ageing population.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by studying the mortality distribution among Dubai population.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Articulation between the Websites of the City Hall and the City Council of Tourism in Porto Seguro-BA / BR: The Importance of the Virtual City for Tourist Communication

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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This study present a case study on the virtual tourist city, referring to the connection between the sites of the City of Porto Seguro-BA and the City Council of Tourism Development. It is a qualitative case study, following the trans-methodological rationality, using both retroductive and critical-dialectic methods. The methodological procedure analyzing both the structure and content of the websites. The characteristics and categories of attitudes defined by Levy (1999) served as parameters for analyzing the structure. Pertinent content was defined through questionnaires sent to high school and university students who live in Porto Seguro. This research has concluded that the articulation between the City of Porto Seguro-BA and the City Council of Tourism Development websites does not yet constitute an informational environment in keeping with the demands of tourism in cyberculture.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing tourism promotion literature as it generates new qualitative research procedures through a critical-dialectic methodology. As one of the few research studies on the tourist cybercity concept, it contributes to the first systematic analysis of the destination, offers an integrated promotion model and documents online tourist communication.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

An Empirical Evaluation of Cashless Systems Implementation in Ghana

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This study aims to evaluate cashless systems as a means of payment and receipt in Ghana. Specifically, the study sought to identify the modes of cashless systems in use and evaluate the level of implementation. A quantitative approach was adopted and primary data was gathered from 345 respondents knowledgeable in cashless systems using a structured questionnaire. Secondary data on cashless systems transactions between 2013 and 2017 were obtained from the Bank of Ghana. Data were analysed quantitatively using SPSS and presented using tables and charts. The findings reveal that the value of transactions made through cashless systems is on the rise. The use of cheques continues to be the dominant system in place at the end of 2017. The study found that mobile money services are penetrating the market at a pace faster than all other cashless payment and receipt modes. Internet banking is another emerging area that is also fast gaining ground. Debit/credit cards, E-zwich and Electronic funds transfers are not fully used in day to day transactions. Point of Sale terminals are rarely available at local shops to promote the use of cards in making purchases. The study found convenience, time savings and security from physical attacks to be the key benefits of cashless systems. Low literacy serves as major challenge to cashless system implementation. Based on these findings, it is recommended that local shops and supermarkets be assisted to adopt cashless receipt systems. The ease of finding shops that accept e-payments for items will reduce the desire in carrying cash for transactions.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of few studies that have assessed the effectiveness of cashless system implementation in Ghana. The study adopted a mix of research approaches and strategies aimed at exploring the level of implementation, benefits, drivers and challenges of cashless systems as a means of transaction.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 3

The Effects of Using Assessment Rubrics on the Assessment and Grading of Pupils Conceptual Understanding of Algebra

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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In an effort to improve performance in mathematics, this quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group pre-test post-test study was designed to establish the effects of using assessment rubrics on the assessment and grading of pupil’s conceptual understanding of algebra. This was done using Algebra Achievement Test (?=0.9) and Attitude Questionnaire Math (?=0.832) as data collection instruments. In the study, two groups of pupils (control, n=30 and experimental, n=34) doing 10th grade ordinary level mathematics were randomly selected at Muyombe Boarding Secondary School. Both groups received Problem Based classroom instructions on the topic. Then the experimental group was assessed using assessment rubrics. Data collected were analyzed using statistical tests through SPSS version 16. The independent t-test results showed that the experimental group exhibited a statistical significance with higher Mean Achievement Score (? =62.76 SD=21.844) than the control group (? =49.72SD=14.027), t (62, 0.05) =3.590, p<0.05). The Manny Whitney U test also showed that the experimental group (?=92.92, SD=3.11) had a statistical significance with a higher positive attitude toward mathematics than the control group (?=84.35, SD=8.59), p<0.001. The results of the study showed that assessment rubrics could serve as a powerful tool for assessment and grading of pupils’ work that led to improved performance in mathematics. The study recommended that teacher educators should consider including assessment rubrics in their respective methodologies and assessment courses for pre-service teachers, and suggestions were provided for further research studies.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the effects of using assessment rubrics on the assessment and grading of pupils’ conceptual understanding of algebra, and also how to design and use rubrics in a mathematics classroom.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

A Framework for Digital Forensic in Joint Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Environment

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Future Internet

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The cloud computing is nowadays an embracing computing technology by many organizations, academic institutions and business centers. Resources availability, resources capacity, security are among the factors that subscriber consider while rating Cloud Service Providers when subscribing. Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) are limited in some resources, lacking some resources requested by their customers, this gave rise to the need for interconnecting multiple clouds to interoperate and share resources. The interconnected clouds can be in different features and schemes and the system can be prone to insecurity or intrusion. The architectural modeling system was used in developing framework. In this paper, a Digital Forensic Framework that can detect intrusion within heterogeneous joint clouds was developed with the architectural model and algorithm that can handle the joint clouds heterogeneity and complexity during inter-clouds resources management. This study originates a new framework and an algorithm that enable detecting crime and locating a scene of a crime for digital investigation (digital forensic) in a joined different configured cloud service providers (CSPs) platforms.
Contribution/ Originality
This study originates a new framework and an algorithm that enable detecting crime and locating a scene of a crime for digital investigation (digital forensic) in a joined different Configured cloud service providers (CSPs) platforms.
Computer Sciences » Journal of Future Internet » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

A Structural Framework for Distributed Electronic Voters Register

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Information

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Electronic Voters Register is a key deliverable of the pre-voting stage in an E-voting system that has become a key component of governance in this 21st century. E-voting system is generally grouped into three phases: before-voting, during-voting and after-voting phase. Before-voting handles the enlistment of eligible voters into the voters’ database which is a determinant factor for a successful election. Just being enlisted is not a guarantee that a registered voter will participate in an election unless the voter is present at the particular polling unit where the voter registered, on account of change of location, the voter must request for transfer of data to the new location before the election to qualify for voting. So many voters have been disenfranchised due to inevitable relocation which poses a serious challenge in the efficiency of the voters register. This has greatly reduced the total number of eligible voters in the existing system. The Purpose of this research is to design a structural framework that eliminates the hurdles voters go through to become eligible to elect their preferred candidate. Once the Direct Data Capture (DDC) system registers a voter at each polling unit, a locally distributed database across all the registration centers collate and transmit the data to the central database through the States thereby eliminating duplicates from any quarter, redundancy, and need for transfer request as a result of migration. The most suitable approach is the distributed database model that implements a tree data structure for efficient electronic voters register.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution in the proposed framework is the eradication of disenfranchisement due to change of location and seamless registration of voters that produces efficient Electronic Voters Register devoid of duplicates thus laying a solid foundation for a transparent E-Voting.
Computer Sciences » Journal of Information » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Correlation between Financial Difficulties and Financing Strategies among Market Stallholders in Batangas City

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between financial difficulties and financing strategies among market stallholders in Batangas City. Specifically, the study sought to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, market section, number of years in operation, average monthly business income and stall location. The researcher also assessed the financial difficulties experienced by market stallholders and the extent of utilization of financing strategies in terms of internal financing and debt financing. Moreover, the researcher also determined the correlation between financial difficulties and financing strategies, the significant difference on the financial difficulties experienced by market stallholders and extent of utilization of financing strategies of the respondents when grouped according to profile variables. The findings of the study revealed that there is a correlation between financial difficulties and internal financing and another correlation between financial difficulties and debt financing utilized by market stallholders. An extension activity was proposed as an output of this study so that market stallholders would understand the different financing strategies banks and other microfinancing institutions are offering.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on the financial difficulties of market stallholders. The study uses a new estimation methodology as a survey questionnaire in determining the correlation between financial difficulties and financing strategies. This study is one of the very few studies about financing strategies utilized by market stallholders.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Adoption and Perception of Farmers towards Attributes of Improved Teff (Quncho) Varieties: Evidence from Benishangul-Gumuz Region of Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Adoption and wider diffusion of improved Teff varieties (Quncho) are playing a vital role overriding present situation of food insecurity in many parts of Ethiopia. However, the use of improved teff varieties are constrained by various factors. Hence, in this study, an attempt was made to examine factors affecting the adoption and use of improved teff varieties (Quncho) regarding attributes of varietal preferences of small-holder farmers. A multi-stage random sampling technique was employed to select 249 sample households from Assosa district and Mao-Komo special district. Descriptive statistical tools like mean, percentage, frequency distribution and t-test were used to summarize the characteristics of the sampled households. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data collected during 2015/16 production season. About 58.23% of the sampled household were adopters while 41.77% of them didn’t adopt improved Teff varieties (Quncho) in the study area. The finding of this study suggest that farmers in the area seek specific varietal attributes, such as yield potential, tolerance to disease and lodging, better Teff grain price and color, etc. The farmers’ preferences with improved Teff varieties-specific characteristics significantly determine adoption decisions, which suggests the need to go beyond the commonly considered socio-economic, demographic and institutional factors in the adoption process. There is a need to target small-holder farmers’ characteristics, priorities and production constraints while improved Teff varietal developments considering users preferences. Therefore, the research centers and extension system has to give more attention to participatory research which considers farmers’ priorities and needs.
Contribution/ Originality
The contribution of this paper is to analyze the preferences and perception of small-holder farmers towards attributes of improved teff varieties adoption and infer farmers’ perception of the new agricultural technology packages. Thus, the paper's primary contribution is finding that investigating the farmers’ varietal trait preference and characteristics of varieties required by farmers that would enhance the acceptance of the technologies in the farming community.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Africa's Human Capital Development: Is Public Finance Management an Effective Strategy?

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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Given the prevailing conjecture that human capital has multiple pathways through which it influences growth and development, understanding its current level and capacity and the public finance management impact in Africa cannot be overemphasized. Hence, the study examines the long-run and short-run relationship between public spending and human capital in twenty-one (21) sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries between 1984 and 2016 using mean – group (MG) and pooled mean – group (PMG). Empirical evidence reveals that when primary school enrollment is employed as the human capital indicator, public spending has a positive and significant effect on human capital in the long-run, whereas it is insignificant in the short-run. The findings support the view that public spending oriented towards education could lead to human capital enhancement in the long-run. Also, with the inclusion of life expectancy as the human capital measure, government expenditure positively and significantly influences human capital in the long- run as well as in the short-run, suggesting that public expenditure on the advancement of literacy rate and provision of better health facilities would stimulate human capital development in SSA. The study highlights that political and institutional failures which undermine good-quality delivery of sustainable social services (including education and healthcare services) could harm the development of human capital in the region. Thus, the paper posits that ensuring effective expenditure control and results-based funding are central to the drive towards raising the quality of human capital in Africa.
Contribution/ Originality
Aside addressing the growing human capital deficiencies in SSA, the study basically unravels public finance-human capital development gap, and offers a sufficient ground for remedying it. With the use of frontier econometric methods, the paper gives accurate accounts on the inadequacies of institutional measures in engendering sustainable social policies.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Effect of Tuber Sections, Heat Treatment and Rehydration with Process Chemicals on the Physicochemical Properties of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L. (Lam)) Flour

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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The impact of tuber sections and some processing conditions on the physicochemical properties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)) flour was investigated. Flour samples were generated as fresh, boiled and steamed from the head, middle, tail and the whole tuber. All the samples were subjected to some physicochemical analyses such as swelling index (SI), water absorption capacity (WAC), oil absorption capacity (OAC), total soluble solids (TSS), blue value index (BVI), gelling point temperature (GPT), boiling point temperature (BPT) and pH in order to assess the effect of tuber section, heat treatment and post-milling rehydration properties of flour in different steeping solution of varying concentrations. The result showed that the proximate composition of the flour from the tuber sections and the whole did not differ significantly (p < 0.05). The influence of steeping solution type (SST) was not significant (p > 0.05) on WAC, SI (boiled and steamed) and TSS (raw) while steeping solution concentration (SSC) effected significant variations (p < 0.05) in all the tested parameters of the flour. Also, the parameter analytical temperature (PAT) caused significant differences (p < 0.05) in all the test parameters.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the effect of tuber sections and processing conditions on the physicochemical properties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)) flour. The investigation showed that the test variables had significant effects on the physicochemical properties of sweet potato flour.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Analysis of the Effects of Pull and Push Factors on Brain Drain: An Example of Turkey

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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Unemployment remains a major social problem with the impact of economic, social, political, historical and cultural factors. This problem is not only limited to Turkey but also becomes a global threat to other countries. Unemployment cannot be considered separately from employment. Unlike unemployment, employment policies are the process of inclusion of the labor element in the labor market. The most basic problem of unemployment and employment in Turkey; it is artificial employment and poverty rather than open unemployment in the western sense. On the other hand; frequent economic crises have led to the loss of employees' jobs. As a matter of fact, after the last crises, approximately 10 out of every 100 people, who are called as a qualified, highly educated gold collar, lost their jobs and the official unemployment rate increased from 9% to 12%. The most affected sectors are unemployed; while banking and finance and industry and service sectors are stated, there is a marked decrease in the quality of life of individuals. Another important development that attracts attention with the increasingly difficult working conditions and the economic crises is the increase of brain drain. Undoubtedly, it is possible to say that the unemployment phenomenon and the decrease in the quality of life have a significant effect on these negative developments. In this study, the reasons for going abroad and their decision to return to the country of the qualified labor force will be evaluated by logistic regression analysis in terms of pull and push factors.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing brain drain literature on high skilled immigrant going abroad. This study is one of the few studies which have investigated the importance of the high skilled person going abroad from Turkey.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Analysis of Environmental Factors Affecting Manufacturing Small and Medium-Size Enterprises in Kogi State Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This study analyzed the environmental factors affecting manufacturing SMEs in Kogi State, Nigeria. The target is to investigate the effects of internal factors as they affect the profitability of manufacturing SMEs in Kogi State. The survey research design was adopted for the study; covered 171 SME owners in Kogi State. The clusters of SMEs were located and utilized for this study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, principal component factor analysis, and binary logit regression. Findings show that business strategy has a significant negative relationship with the profitability of SMEs in Kogi State. Operational strength and debt leveraging significantly and positively relate to the profitability of SMEs in Kogi State. These factors play critical roles in the sustainability of the profitability of manufacturing SMEs in Kogi State. The study recommended that manufacturing SME owners should seek knowledge and skill to crafting and adopting an effective business strategy, boost their operational strength and manage their debt leveraging distinctively to sustain their profitability in the competitive business environment of Kogi State.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on the environmental factors affecting Manufacturing SMEs. The study uses new methods of principal component analysis and binary logit regression to analyze the environmental factors affecting manufacturing SMEs in Kogi State, Nigeria.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Customer Care Service Management is Moving Forward to Achieve Sustainable Customer Retention in Every Industry. Does it play a Role to Increase Brand Retention?

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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To increase the sustainable brand retention level of consumer, service quality plays a key role as the first consideration in the service or manufacturing industry. Our study reveals that consumer-friendly customer-care service is the only prime factor to grab higher brand retention at a competitive level. The study findings show that individuals having experience of customer-care service has a positive relationship with the study variable (brand retention interest) at a significant level. We also found significant correlation between using a product or service and the brand retention interest of consumer. Companies operating in either service industry or manufacturing industry focus on upper-grade customer-care service but actually deliver semi-grade services to customers especially those living in developing countries. Having such a practicable technique, the service delivery process remained the same, instead of continuous flexi development except for some developed countries like Japan and Malaysia. Therefore, the consumer gets excellent experience in developed countries and poor experience in underdeveloped or developing countries and retention interest of the same brand slides down and is identified as a strategic customer service gap by this study. Although we faced some unavoidable study limitations, the study findings and recommendations would be helpful especially for managers, decisions makers, and market planners to redraw implementable strategic plans for customer-care service management systems to achieve sustainable competitive advantages in the long run.
Contribution/ Originality
This is the first study that covers up the existing researcher gap between the retention-choice of consumers and the actual service facilities available for consumers. By conducting this study, we have concluded that a sustainable competitive advantage could be achieved by enhancing promised and acknowledgeable service to consumers because a balanced service delivery system would increase the retention level of consumers to stick with the same brand in the long-term.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Regime Changes in the Volatility of Stock Markets

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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Modeling and forecasting the volatility of financial markets has been the subject of considerable research over the last few decades. It is a key indicator on which financial decisions are based, knowing that the behavior of financial market operators is changing. In this regard, the most popular model in the description of the volatility of financial asset returns is certainly that of the heteroskedastic type. Some authors explain that the behavior of conditional variance can come from structural changes that are not considered by standard GARCH models; hence, the motivation of this paper is to investigate the GARCH model with regime changes. Applications on several world stock indexes, namely, the American S&P 500, the Japanese Nikkei 225, and the French CAC 40 show that the model with regime changes explains the dynamics of risk more efficiently than the classical single-regime models. Furthermore, the conditional distributions of the returns are better modeled with the flexible student’s t test.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses a new estimation methodology by using a GARCH model with regime changes to explain the dynamics of conditional volatility.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Ectoparasitosis in Domesticated Turkeys (Meleagris Gallopavo) in Jere Area, Borno State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research

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The present cross sectional study was carried out to determine the prevalence and identify the species of ectoparasites infesting domestic turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in Jere area. The study was conducted from the month of April to October, 2016 of the study period. Out of the total of 300 domesticated turkeys examined for the presence or absence of ectoparasites, 185 (61.67%) were found to be infested with one or more ectoparasites. The prevalence rate according to the study locations varies as Galtimari Ward (15.0%), Mairi emirate (12.67%), Fori ward (12.33%), University Staff Quarters (11.0%) and Mairi Kuwait (10.67%) of Jere. Among the Four different types of ectoparasites encountered, Lice (31.67%) were found to be the most prevalent followed by the Flea (15.33%) and Mites (12.0%) while the Ticks (2.67%) are the least prevalent. However, among the eight (8) different species of ectoparasites found on the infested turkeys; the most prevalent species of ectoparasites found was Lipeurus tropicalis (17.67%), followed by Echidnophaga gallinacean (15.33%), Menacanthus stramineus (8.33%), Dermanyssus gallinae (7.0%), Chelopistes meleagridis (5.67%), Epidermoptes bilobatus (3.0%), Argas persicus (2.67%) and Cnemidocoptes mutans (2.0%) in a descending order of prevalence rate. There was mixed infestation with two or more species of ectoparasites in some infected turkeys. Ectoparasites infestation was found to be significantly higher in Adult (44.0%) than in the young (17.67%) turkeys (P = 0.0148; RR = 1.202). Ectoparasites infestation was also found to be higher in the female (33.0%) than in the male (28.67%) turkeys, but the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.3102; RR = 0.9240). Ectoparasites infestation was found to be significantly higher in turkeys reared under the extensive (50.0%) compared to those reared under the intensive (11.67%) management systems (P < 0.0001; RR = 1.622). This is the first survey to determine the prevalence and identify the species of ectoparasites among domestic turkeys in Jere area of Borno State, Nigeria. The occurrence of ectoparasites in domestic turkeys indicated the existence of diverse ectoparasites fauna in the present study area which is associated with inadequate management system such as poor hygienic rearing system, poor husbandry and lack of strategic ectoparasites control practices.
Contribution/ Originality
This present study has contributed to the existing literature of the occurrence of ectoparasites in poultry species in Nigeria. This study also represents one of very few studies which have investigated the prevalence of ectoparasites in domesticated turkeys in Nigeria. However, this is the first survey to determine the prevalence and identify the species of ectoparasites among domestic turkeys in Jere area of Borno State, Nigeria.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Agribussiness Mobile Based Learning: ADIC Model to Support Students HOTS and Life Skill in Vocational School

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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This study aimed to investigate the effect of the Attainment, Discussion, Implementation, and Conclusion (ADIC) model for learning Agribusiness in Vocational School by utilizing a delivery system model of Agribusiness to attain HOTS and life skill that suitable with material and student characteristic in the vocational school. This was a research and development (R & D) and continued with an experimental study. This study was conducted in class XI of a vocational school (SMK Negeri 10) in Muaro Jambi by involving one experimental class and one control class groups. In this case, the post-test on the experimental class was compared to post-test on control class. As a result, ADIC model as one of the delivery system models can improve and promote students’ HOTS and life skill in the current school effectively. Through the ADIC model, a teacher can take place students as a learner actively to control their learning activity, to attain their knowledge, to compose discussion material and discuss it, to conduct practice and experiment, and to conclude their experiment.
Contribution/ Originality
This study originates a new model of teaching that integrated mobile devices for Agribusiness in the vocational school. This model is used to facilitate students to attain HOTS and life skill. The model developed focused on the active learner to access the website, discussing, practicing, experimenting, and making conclusion to solve the learning problem.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1