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Listing 92 - 20 of 2809 results.

Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on Selected Economic Sectors of the Nigerian Economy

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The study investigated the impact of exchange rate fluctuation on selected economic sectors of the Nigerian economy. The study covered the agricultural (AGDP), manufacturing (MGDP), petroleum (PGDP) and service sector (SGDP) of the Nigerian economy. The petroleum sector represented the oil sector while the agricultural (AGDP), manufacturing (MGDP), and service sector (SGDP) represented the non-oil sector. The main objective of the study was to determine whether exchange rate fluctuations had a significant impact on the selected sectors of the economy. These sectors were invariably the largest contributors to the GDP. The time scope covered 1981-2016. Data for the study were obtained specifically from CBN statistical bulletin (2016). The data were analysed using the Auto Regressive Distributed Lagged (ARDL) model. The study concluded that there was no significant impact of exchange rate on AGDP, MGDP and SGDP respectively. However, there was a positive and significant impact of exchange rate on PGDP. The study recommended that Nigeria’s economy should be diversified to enable the non-oil sector to become significant foreign exchange earners.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by unbundling Nigeria’s economy into its component sectors and determining the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on each sector. This study uses a relatively new estimation methodology of Auto-Regressive Distributed Lagged model (ARDL). This study originates a new formula which integrates lagged variables into the model.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Dutch Disease: Myth or Reality? An Analysis of the ARDL Model

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The theory of Dutch disease has existed in literatures since the 1960’s. The concept has developed and has been attributed to the increase in pernicious distributive struggle of resources and rent seeked by various equally powerful groups, which resulted in a decline in investment levels and growth rates. This concept is applicable to the Nigerian economy as Nigeria is a mono-product economy depending solely on crude oil. This paper differs from others as a different model (ARDL model) is used to analyze the extent of Dutch disease prevalent in Nigeria. The methodology can be applied irrespective of whether the time series is I(0), I(1) or frictionally integrated; the problem of endogeneity is avoided while the short run and long run parameters are estimated simultaneously. Data used spans the years 1980-2016, as it captures both long run and short run relationships effectively. The stationarity test depicts stationary at I(1) taking into consideration two lags. In addition, the long run and short run relationships were established through the bound test since the computed F statistic is higher than the upper boundary. Analysis suggests that the relationship between effects of oil production on the balance of payments and exchange rate in Nigeria extends to the long run. The results showed that for every unit change resulting from the balance of payment, oil price increased by 90% and for every unit change resulting from the exchange rate, oil price fell by 59%. This study supports the fact that the balance of payment and exchange rates are veritable ingredients to raise economic growth if maintained for the benefit of all. Therefore, the option of economic diversification should be seriously considered by the Nigerian government.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is to contribute by applying different model (ARDL model) in order to analyze the scope of Dutch disease in case of Nigeria.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 3

Molecular Identification of Gut Microflora of Bacillus coagulans Supplemented Feed Fed Macrobrachium rosenbergii Post-Larvae Using 16S rRNA

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Probiotics yield numerous health benefits to the host. In this way the probiotic bacterium, Bacillus coagulans has competitively been excluded the pathogenic bacteria, Streptococcus spp., and Klebsiella spp., from the gut of Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae when given through feed (Manjula et al., 2018). The elimination of these two pathogenic bacteria indicated the fact that B. coagulans improved the disease resistance capacity of M. rosenbergii. The present paper deals with 16S rRNA sequence analysis of gut microbial diversity of M. rosenbergii fed with B. coagulans (CFU, 2.28x10-7) supplemented feed, which revealed the presence of B. coagulans (1541 bp), Lactobacillus fermentum (1516 bp), Lactobacillus lactis (1499 bp), Lactobacillus acidophilus (1507 bp), Escherichia coli (1465 bp) and Staphylococcus aureus (1476 bp). The BLAST of these sequences showed almost 100% similarities with the same species retrieved from the NCBI database. The MAS showed 920 identical amino acids residues, 119 similar amino acids residues and 461 variable amino acids sites. The nucleotide sequence divergence and the calculated phylogenetic information clearly discriminate these bacterial species.
Contribution/ Originality
This study indicates that the probiotic, Bacillus coagulans used as a feed supplement helped in the exclusion of two pathogenic bacteria Streptococcus spp., and Klebsiella spp., from the gut of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. The gut microflora identified have been barcoded and authenticated.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 01-2019 Issue: 1

Assessment of Haemoglobin Polymorphism as a Potential Protein Marker in Selection for Genetic Improvement of the West African Dwarf Goat Population in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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This study was conducted to ascertain the level of genetic diversity at the haemoglobin (Hb) locus and to assess its potential as a protein marker-assisted selection for genetic improvement of Nigerian West African Dwarf goat populations. Haemoglobin genotyping was performed on forty (40) West African Dwarf goat obtained from Okpokuu local government area of Benue state, Nigeria, using cellulose acetate electrophoresis. Data on Haemoglobin genotypes were also subjected to chi-square test. Two co-dominant haemoglobin alleles HbA and HbB observed controlled three haemoglobin genotypes (HbAA, HbAB and HbBB). The genotypic frequencies were Hb AA 0.42, HbAB 0.50 and HbBB 0.08 for does populations, while that in the bucks population were HbAA 0.38, HbAB 0.44 and HbBB 0.19 respectively. The most frequent haemoglobin genotype observed in the study was HbAB. The heamoglobin genes (allelic) frequencies observed in this study were 0.64 and 0.36 for HbB and HbA respectively. The result of chi-square test was not significant (P>0.05), critical value was 3.84 at 1degree of freedom. Which implies that the oberseved and the expected genotypic frequencies at the heamoglobin locus in west African dwarf goat populations in okpokwu local government area were in handy-Weinberg proportion. Since protein molecules are easily accesseble through electrophoresis, heamoglobin blood protein polymorphism can be used as a potential biochemical marker in selection for genetic improvement of the West African Dwarf goat populations among rural farming communities in Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality
The study indicated that two co-dominant haemoglobin alleles HbA and HbB controlled three haemoglobin genotypes. Genotypic frequencies at the heamoglobin locus in West African dwarf goat populations in the area were in handy-Weinberg proportion. Heamoglobin blood protein polymorphism through electrophoresis can be use as a potential biochemical marker in selection for genetic improvement of the West African Dwarf goat populations among rural farming comunities in Nigeria.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 01-2019 Issue: 1

Determinants of Banks Profitability & Liquidity and the Role of BASEL III in Islamic & Conventional Banking Sector of Pakistan: A Case Study of NBP

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This study aimed to examine and compare the performance of Islamic and Conventional banking sector of Pakistan in terms of the impact of BASEL III reforms on the profitability and liquidity of Islamic and conventional banks of Pakistan. For this purpose, National bank of Pakistan has been taken as a unit of analysis and eight year’s financial data has been collected from the official website of NBP. BASEL III standard’s ratios including CAR, CER and LCR have been used as an independent variable while the bank’s profitability and liquidity have been taken as a dependent variable. Descriptive statistics have been performed first to examine and compare the performance of both Islamic and conventional banking sector before and after the induction of BASEL III. After that T-Test has been performed to investigate the differences between the impact of BASEL III on the profitability and liquidity of Islamic and conventional banking sector. The regression analysis has been performed to examine whether BASEL III has a strong relationship with Islamic or conventional banking sector. The results found that BASEL III has a significant positive relationship with the profitability and liquidity of the Islamic sector. Islamic banks are higher in terms of the impact of BASEL III on profitability and liquidity. They are more profitable, more liquid and highly capitalized with BASEL III standards. While Conventional banking sector needs to redesign their policies and make them more compliant with BASEL III to generate more profit and be more liquid as Islamic banks are.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the impact of BASEL III on the profitability and liquidity of Islamic and Conventional banking sector through comparative analysis. The results reveal that Islamic banks are more profitable, more liquid, more compliant and highly capitalized with BASEL III standards.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Attitude of Youths to Agriculture as Career in Iwo and Aiyedire Local Government Areas of Osun State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The study determined the attitude of youths to agriculture as a career in Iwo and Aiyedire Local Government Areas of Osun State, Nigeria. The sample size of the study was 90 youths who were randomly selected from the clans of the study area. The questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Data were analyzed with mean and t-test. Results showed that the attitude of youths to agriculture as a career in the study area was negative as indicated by grand means of 2.44 and 2.47 in Iwo and Aiyedire respectively. The variable with the highest negative response in Iwo with a mean of 2.32 was that agriculture is a gold mine for young entrepreneurs. For Aiyedire the variable with the highest negative response of 2.42 was that agriculture is attractive and decent. The major constraints of the youths to the choice of agriculture as a career in Iwo were insufficient land to start (3.02) and use of crude tools for farming (3.02). Lack of funds to begin (2.91) and insufficient career guidance by agricultural extension workers and rural sociologists (2.79) were the major constraints for youths in Aiyedire. In order to attract more youths into having a positive attitude to agriculture as a career, the study recommends provision for sufficient land and fund for young farmers and engagement of more agricultural extension workers and rural sociologists for career guidance to youths in the study area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the attitude of youths to agriculture as a career in Iwo and Aiyedire Local Government Areas of Osun State, Nigeria. Results showed that the attitude of youths to agriculture as a career in the study area was negative.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Impact of Asymmetric Government Spending on Real Balances Demand

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This paper uses time series technique on Nigeria’s data spanning over 20 years, 1995Q1 to 2018Q1 in order to examine the impact of asymmetric government spending on money demand. Taking into account the recent empirics and methodological approach in money demand function such as income decomposition in public and private sectors, an augmented empirical model of real balances demand was applied which underscores the positive and negative changes in government. The empirical results show a positive value of real government spending accounting for 30 per cent changes in long-term demand for real balances. However, the negative value of real government spending influence accounts for 20 per cent real balances demand in the long-term. This inquiry, thus contributes to the literature on the demand for real balances by focusing on the cyclical behavior of fiscal policy in Nigeria that has not so far been systematically tested. The findings on real government spending effect also suggest that bureau de change exchange rate and financial innovation have a negative and significant impact on money demand, which is consistent with findings of existing literature. The degree and direction of asymmetry provide a novel dimension to fiscal policy shock toward improving the outcome of stabilization policies.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few investigations to consider the influence of the cyclical behaviour of government expenditure on demand for real balances using the ARDL model in Nigeria from 1995 to 2018.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Design of Automated Departmental Lecture Timetable System

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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A lecture timetable is a tabular list showing the times which a particular lecture is scheduled to hold and the venue in each day of the week. Its content includes the course code for each course, the coded lecture venue, and the time for each lecture. A lecture timetable is designed every semester. In this era of technological advancement, virtually every aspect of human enterprise has been automated (the use of machines especially computers instead of human to accomplish a task). Now students can pay their school fee, register their courses and even check their results on the internet. This is the drive that gave birth to this research work: the design of an automated lecture timetable for the department of mathematical sciences, Kogi State University Anyigba. The project presents the automated design of lecture timetable. The principle of operation is simple and employs the use of computer technology. A program is written in Visual Basic which produces the output in an error free tabular form displaying the courses/venues for each particular lecture schedule.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is the eradication of double scheduling, time clashing, and poor resources’ utilization in timetabling. The implementation employs the use of ICT to reduce the cost and time taken to design a timetable, eliminates the drawback of human error. Every semester, the application only needs an update of courses, and venues.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Identification of Privacy and Security Risks of Internet of Things: An Empirical Investigation

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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The internet of things (IOT) is a phenomenon of connected devices over the internet to ease human life. It is a system where a separate computing device embedded with sensors is connected to other devices or to the cloud through the different infrastructures of the Internet. The implication of the IOT is still challenging in a geographically distributed environment. Particularly, the main challenges are associated with data privacy and security. In this study, we investigate in the report the risks/issue related to IoT data privacy and security from the existing literature for the last two years and provide a review. We identify a total of seven issues related to IoT data privacy and security. The findings revolved that Privacy, Security, confidentiality, and integrity are the most significant issues for IoT in the current era. The findings of this study provide the researchers with a body of knowledge about the critical issues faced by the users and practitioners of IOT across the globe.
Contribution/ Originality
In this paper, we conducted the literature review to find out the main challenges that are being faced by challenges related to privacy and security mainly, authentication and access control, confidentiality and integrity IOT devices users and as well as for IOT manufacturer. We highlighted seven, privacy, trust on the device and conducted a questionnaire survey from different organizations and from different research experts and ranked it accordingly.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

School-Community Relationship and School System Effectiveness in Secondary Schools in Cross River State

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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This study assessed school-community relationship and school system effectiveness in secondary schools in Cross River State. Four null hypotheses were formulated accordingly as guide to the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. A total of 1,480 academic staff which comprised 271 principals, and 396 vice principals selected through census technique, and 813 teachers selected using simple random sampling technique, were used to elicit data for the study. “School-Community Relationship and Secondary School System Effectiveness Questionnaire (SCRSSSEQ)” was used as instrument for data collection. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while the null hypotheses were all tested at .05 level of significance using Pearson Product Moment Correlation with the aid of SPSS version 21. Findings from the study revealed that: parent-teachers’ relationship, school-community use of resources, school-community communication and school-community collaboration are significantly related to secondary school system effectiveness respectively, in Calabar Municipal Area of Cross River State. It was concluded that generally that school community relationship has significant relationship with school system effectiveness respectively. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that; principals should setup active parents’ teachers’ associations in their schools with leaders of the association comprising of community members and staff of the school. This will serve as a link that binds the school to the community and will create a platform for discussing and settling disputes.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated and addressed the concerns underlying poor school system effectiveness in Cross River State. The study also used a unique approach to explore some variables of school community relationship which are rare in previous studies.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Importance of Arginine as Immune Regulator in Animal Nutrition

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research

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Arginine grouped in a gluconeogenic amino acid extensively found in the animal's cells. Fast growing animals require more arginine in their diet as broilers and pigs. It plays a critical role in ammonia detoxification and protein biosynthesis. Arginine is not only involved in the synthesis and catabolism of a variety of nutrients in the animal body but mainly act as an immunomodulatory mediator. Along with nutritional function has immune-related functions. In urea cycle act as an important intermediate and also catalyzes the production of ornithine by enzyme arginase and converted into polyamines that involved later in cell proliferation and wound healing. Nitric oxide synthases catalyze the production of nitric oxide from arginine and NO is a cellular signaling molecule for immune regulation. Many hormones secretion increased by arginine particularly the growth hormones which could enhance the immune function. Arginine metabolism pathway and its downstream metabolites like nitric oxide and polyamines might be vital for the activation of T-cell and ultimately take part in adaptive immunity. For immune regulation, arginine could stimulate the production of different immune cytokines. In this paper, in the perspective to provide significance reference about arginine in the immune study, the arginine immune mechanism and use of arginine in animals will review.
Contribution/ Originality
Present study has contributed significant scientific information on a particular subject area “arginine as an immune regulator”. Many researchers have discussed the arginine as feed ingredients in the animal diet, but less scientific data is available related to immune functions of arginine. Therefore, this study is one of the very few studies which have reported that arginine use as an immune regulator in animal nutrition.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Effect of Blended Fertilizer and Lime Application on Yield of Finger Millet, and Soil Properties of Acidic Soils in Western Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) is a small seeded cereal grown in low rainfall areas of Ethiopia. It is tolerant of drought. Nutritionally, the grains are a good source of quality protein and various minerals. However, production of finger millet is constrained by poor soil fertility and low input production systems. An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of different fertility management on yield of finger millet and soil physicochemical properties under limed and unlimed conditions of acidic soils in western Ethiopia. The treatments comprised of NP and different formula blended fertilizers under limed and unlimed conditions were laid in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The result revealed that amelioration of soil acidity and application of N and P nutrients are a key intervention that should be sought in the study area. K, S, Zn and B are not limiting nutrients for the production of finger millet in the study area.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper serves as the most recent study on the use of blend fertilizer in acid prone highlands of Ethiopia in giving sight whether it has a comparative advantage or not than the recommended N and P fertilizer.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Partnership as a Factor in the Effectiveness of Practice-Oriented Education of Students

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The task of ensuring the effectiveness of practice-oriented secondary and higher professional education based on social partnership and network interaction of subjects of education in an innovative educational environment is set based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ for the pedagogical and psychological specialties in higher education and modern (actualized) educational standards for the specialties “Construction and exploitation of buildings” (08.02.01) and “Primary school teaching” (44.02.02) in vocational professional education for the formation of general (general cultural) and professional competencies of students and graduates of institutions of secondary vocational and higher education. The aim of this study is to present the results of theoretical and experimental studies of activities and innovation platforms based on the institution of secondary vocational education, in conditions of the social-network educational partnership. The main methods used in this study were analyses, experiments, questioning and expert evaluation. The results of the experiments show the positive impact of partnerships on the levels of innovative activity of teachers and formation of general (general cultural) and professional competencies of students and graduates of secondary vocational education organizations. The study proves the role and importance of social-network educational partnerships in ensuring the effectiveness of practice-oriented education in modern professional schools, as it takes into account and reflects the characteristics, requirements and needs of the society and individual. It allows one to fulfill his role and take into account the interaction of organizations, institutions and individuals in ensuring the transfer and mastering of the content of professional education in organizations of secondary vocational and higher education.
Contribution/ Originality
The study on solutions to the problem was carried out within the framework of the reflexive-activity concept, which consists of substantiating students' professional education through the incorporation of activities for personal development.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Insecticide Spraying Regime to Control Insect Pest of Cowpea: Management and Monitored Application of Cypermethrin in Lomami Province, DR Congo

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Cowpea is one of the most important grain legumes growing in Lomami province, DR Congo. Despite the high potential for production in this region, insect pests are the main problems of cowpea producers. They most often belong to the following categories: pod borers (Maruca vitrata), pod-sucking bug (PSB) complex of which Riptortus dentipes and Apium varium. A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of three spray regimes of Cypermethrin on the density of M. vitrata, A. varium and R. dentipes and the performance of yield components of cowpea. Trials were conducted at three different sites, one controlled (INERA) and two peasant sites (Mpiana and Yamba). Three genetically improved varieties called Mujilanga, CNGKASC2-1-1-T, and CNGKASA7-2-M of cowpea were used. The tests were conducted using a split-plot device with three repetitions. Results demonstrate that Cypermethrin is effective against insect pests of cowpea, the population of all target pest were found to decrease in the plot treated to the untreated plot. Application of insecticide three times recorded the highest increased grain yield between 93 and 169 %. The average yield for spray regime recorded 689.1 kg, 651.8 kg and 553.3 kg for D1, D2 and D3 sprays. Famers can use two or three spray regimes of Cypermethrin to manage the pest, this option may reduce the cost, in order to achieve a sustainable level of agricultural and a high level of environmental and human health protection in cowpea field in DR Congo.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the chemical spraying regime to a cowpea insect pest in the field in the central part of DR Congo. The results finding that insect pest were below the economic threshold and grain yield is highly significant with the tree or two sprayings of Cypermethrin.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Modelling and Simulation of PV Solar-Thermoelectric Generators Using Nano Fluids

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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A simulation model has been developed to predict the behavior of a hybrid system composed of PV-Thermal panel and thermoelectric generator using nanofluids. The model has been established after the energy and mass conservation equations for nanofluids flow the dynamic behavior of the PV-Thermal panels, and the thermoelectric generator has been studied and analyzed under different nanofluid particles concentrations and different solar radiations conditions. The model fairly compared with existing data.
Contribution/ Originality
Our contribution is to develop an original numerical model to predict the behavior of PV-Thermal and thermoelectric generator using nanofluids. The use of nanofluids shows significant improvements in the behavior of PV-Thermal and thermoelectric generator over the base fluid water. Our work uses different well-known nanofluids with various concentrations. This work represents a step forward in advancing the use of PV solar panels and thermoelectric generators. Our paper provides useful significant guidelines for the designers to use an integrated hybrid system of PV-Thermal and thermoelectric generators.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Investigating the Impact of English Picture Books on EFL Learners Anxiety in Taiwan

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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English picture books have been claimed to raise EFL learners’ learning motivation and to promote independent learning and thinking. However, there is little research focusing on the effect of English picture books on tertiary learners. The study involved 25 participants; the study time was one-semester long. The instruments for the study were a set of questionnaires related to learners’ background, perception and attitude attempting to examine respondents’ attitude towards English picture books and language learning anxiety. Each participant was required to read English picture books during the class and after reading; they had to write down feedback or thoughts. On-site teacher observation and post-interviews were also conducted after the study. The findings showed a difference in language learning anxiety. They felt less anxious and more confident in learning English. This study results provide evidence that English picture books play an influencing role lowering the EFL learners’ language anxiety and enhancing positive attitude towards English learning. It is suggested that English picture books can serve as good learning resources for low-proficient EFL adult learners.
Contribution/ Originality
Previous studies have although focused on picture books and young learners; however, in this current study, college learners’ learning anxiety is the focus to examine how picture books can reduce this anxiety particularly in an EFL context and that of learners with low-proficiency.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

The Impact of Industrial Agglomeration on Carbon Emissions: Empirical Evidence from China

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Based on panel data of China from 2004 to 2016, this paper explored the spatial spillover effect in industrial agglomeration and carbon emissions by using a spatial econometric model. Our results showed that industrial agglomeration significantly increases the carbon emissions in the local region, while inhibits the carbon emissions in the neighboring areas. After considering the choice of different spatial weight matrices, the conclusion is still robust. Further tests show that, on the one hand, industrial agglomeration can increase local carbon emissions and restrain them in the neighboring regions by increasing the industrial scale. On the other hand, industrial agglomeration suppresses the carbon emissions of local and neighboring areas by influencing the intensity of energy consumption. Moreover, the emission decrease effect of industrial agglomeration on the local part through the energy intensity is stronger than that in the vicinity. We propose that the government should coordinate the impact of industrial agglomeration on pollution emissions through both scale and energy effects. Maximize the role of energy saving and emission reduction in industrial agglomeration.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature that greenhouse gases, such as carbon emissions, which have an important impact on global temperature rise, have the characteristics of the transboundary transfer. Developing countries can reduce carbon emissions by promoting the scale effect and energy effect of local industrial agglomeration.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Using the Semantic Differential Method to Assess the Learning Motivation and Attitude of First-Year Students towards Chemistry in University of EMERCOM of Russia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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It is an interesting to obtain an objective view of students’ attitude toward a certain discipline and to construct effective pedagogical diagnostics based on the obtained data. Such data relates to both the academic performance of students and also their emotional attitude towards a subject and motivation to study it. This research study, using the semantic differential method, used a survey tool for measuring students’ attitudes towards “Chemistry” as a body of knowledge and practical use. A questionnaire was administered to first-year students from the University of EMERCOM of Russia, who were studying Chemistry as a basic discipline. Methods of graphical and factor analysis were used to process the data obtained during the study. The concurrent results of both methods prove the applicability of the graphical data processing method for small subject groups’ analysis, when factor analysis was not sufficiently accurate. As a result of statistical data processing, four basic factors, reflecting the students’ attitude to the Chemistry course, were identified. The learners were seen having different attitudes depending on the major chosen, on gender and on the nature of the educational group. A lack of understanding of the role of Chemistry in professional disciplines was found to be a major cause for low learning motivation. It was also revealed that academic performance could be increased by monitoring the students’ emotional states. A combination of both factor analysis and graphical data processing made this study both qualitative and quantitative.
Contribution/ Originality
The primary contribution of this research is to investigate the pedagogical diagnostics method of students’ emotional perception in an educational process, based on the differential method, which allows tracking of the change in attitude towards a subject during training and choose teaching methods that increase motivation for learning.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Factors Influencing Human Capital in Ready Made Garments Industry in Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The aim of this research is to determine the factors that influence the human capital of an organisation. An investigative study has been used to observe an exploratory factor analysis (CFA) of human capital. This study has been undertaken on the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) industry in Bangladesh and includes responses from 300 garment organisations using the cluster sampling technique. IBM, SPSS, and AMOS softwares were used to carry out the statistical analysis. The results suggest that skills, education and training, knowledge and competencies, and the attitudes of employees are very important elements of human capital. This study provides empirical evidence on the factors that affect human capital. It advises the policy maker to focus on key variables that affect the development of human capital in Bangladesh’s RMG industry. Bangladesh has a rapidly growing economy, currently maintaining above six percent annual growth in Gross Domestic Production (GDP), largely driven by the RMG industry.
Contribution/ Originality
This study undertakes the first logical analysis of this critically important sector and uncovered those variables that have significant influence on developing the human capital of an organisation RMG industry in Bangladesh.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

The Use of Indigenous Methods in Seasonal Climate Prediction and Adaptation among Farmers in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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In recent times, agricultural productivity has been on the decline in ATISBO Local Government of Oyo State due to neglect by the government and more recently, the severity of climate change. More worrisome is the fact that farmers do not have access to modern technologies for climate prediction and adaptation which has made them rely heavily on their indigenous methods. Consequently, the focus of this study is to investigate the indigenous methods used by farmers in climate prediction and adaptation as well as the effects of climate change on crop yield. Data for the study were obtained via a structured questionnaire and focus group discussion involving 260 farmers. It was found that farmers’ age (R²=19.7%; B=0.444), duration of stay in the locality (R²=35.7%; B=0.598) and education (R²=38.9%; B=-0.623) were the major determinants of the use of indigenous methods in climate prediction and adaptation. Animal behaviour, plant phenology, atmospheric changes, astronomical changes and water bodies were the major indigenous methods of climate prediction while multi-cropping and contour ploughing were some adaptive measures. Crop yields of the farmers declined drastically while it is glaring that climate change is taking its toll on the indigenous methods of farmers. The paper recommends easy access of farmers to modern technologies for climate prediction and adaptation, as well as the integration of indigenous methods with the scientific method.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies to investigate the use of indigenous methods in seasonal climate prediction and adaptation among farmers in Nigeria. Although different indigenous methods were reported, the severity of climate change is beginning to take its toll on the indigenous methods of farmers.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2