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Listing 116 - 20 of 2809 results.

Trend Analysis of Climatic Variables at Mulde Location of Maharashtra State

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The present study comprises the seasonal & annual trends of different climatic variables for Mulde location of Maharashtra state. The trend analysis for different climatic variables such as maximum temperature (TMax), minimum temperature (TMin), rainfall (RF), morning relative humidity (RH I), afternoon relative humidity (RH II), evaporation (EVP), wind speed (WS) and sunshine hours (BSS) was carried out for 25 years from 1991-2015. The trend of TMax was tested and indicated that the trend was significantly increasing except southwest monsoon while in case of TMin trend was non significantly increasing during different periods. In case of rainfall trend was increasing during annual, winter and summer but statistically non-significant at 95 % level of significance and during southwest monsoon and northeast monsoon decreasing trend but statistically non-significant at 95 % level of significance. The trend analysis for RH I indicated that during annual, summer and northeast season the trend was significantly increasing at 95 % level of significance and while RH II, linear regression analysis indicated for all periods the trend was significantly increasing. In case of evaporation, analysis indicated that trends of all periods increasing and statistically significant at 95 % level of significance except summer and northeast monsoon while for BSS, indicated that trend was decreasing and statistically significant at 95 % level of significance except southwest monsoon. In case of WS, analysis showed that trend was significantly decreasing for all periods at 95 % level of significance.
Contribution/ Originality
The present work on trend analysis using non-parametric test such as MK test was carried out for Mulde Maharashtra. The work was based upon the historical data about 25 years. Very few attempts were made earlier regarding the trend analysis of climatic parameters using MK test. The study will be very useful for water resouces planing, crop planning and for precision agriculture.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Perception of Ethno-Veterinary Medicine among Poultry Farmers in Oyo State

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Getting to source for credit to finance poultry production as well as high cost of conventional medicines have been a major constraint among poultry farmers in Oyo state, Nigeria. The relatively low cost of ethno-veterinary medicine comes with added advantage such that when used for the treatment of poultry diseases, farmers would have the opportunity to reduce cost and increase their scale of production. Therefore, the study assessed perception of ethno-veterinary medicine among poultry farmers in Oyo state. Primary data were collected from 119 randomly selected poultry farmers. Well-structured questionnaire along with interview schedule was used to elicit information from the poultry farmers. Respondents’ mean age and years of experience were 44.3±12.3 and 9.3±7.0 years, respectively. Most of the respondents were male (90.8%), married (84%), sole proprietors (91.6%) with mean flock size of 6,255.8 ±2, 2462.5 birds. Majority (84.0%) of the respondents had low level of awareness of ethno-veterinary medicine. Lack of standardisation (2.9±0.2) ranked first among the constraint to the use of ethno-veterinary medicine. Most (65.5%) of the respondents had favourable disposition towards ethno-veterinary medicine. The study concludes that poultry farmers had favourable disposition towards ethno-veterinary medicine despite the constraints associated with its use and their low level of awareness. The study recommended the need for experimentation of medicinal plants with potentials to treat poultry diseases as well as increased sensitisation on the use of ethno-veterinary medicine to poultry farmers.
Contribution/ Originality
The study is one of the very few studies which investigated poultry farmers’ perception of ethnoveterinary medicine and provided relevant information and recommendations which when provided which when implemented would decrease the cost of poultry production by increasing the use of environmentally friendly ethnoveterinary medicine among poultry farmers.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Differences in Business Ethics Perception: A Developing Country Perspective

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This research paper has been developed based on study conducted on perception difference towards business ethics between final year public and private university business students of Bangladesh. A separate legal personality or ethical judgment of a business entails a business to have its own moral principles that smears to all the features of a business demeanor and is pertinent to an entire organization. Data were collected through a close-ended structured questionnaire to depict the views of business students. For analyzing collected data descriptive statistics and chi-square test is used. Result shows that public university students are more direct towards business ethics than that of private university students. Their opinion differs in the nature of business, religious view, profit-making attitude of firm, recruitment policy of a company, strictness of regulation, healthy work environment, and gender discrimination behavior of a firm. However, both the groups agreed that the overall ethical practice in business of Bangladesh is very poor and for the best compliance, some authoritarian instructions are needed.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by portraying the opinion difference of business students regarding ethical practices of business in Bangladesh. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the study is the first of its kind, which scrutinizes the perception gap of public and private university students from Bangladesh perspective.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 6

Evaluation of Bread Making Performance of Some Wheat Flour Brands Available in Nigerian Markets as Affected by Cassava or Sweet Potato Flour Inclusion

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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The study examined the baking potential of wheat flour brands available in Nigerian markets and their performance in composite flour bread. Three flour brands were identified and selected based on availability and popularity: Dangote (DG) Bread flour, Golden penny (GP) Prime, and Honeywell(HW) Bakers Delight. Cassava (CV) and Sweet Potato (SP) flours were separately blended with each of the selected wheat flour brands in a ratio of 80:20 to obtain six formulations code named: DG, GP, HW, DGCV, DGSP, GPCV, GPSP, HWCV, HWSP. Breads were produced using AACC straight dough method. Physicochemical and sensory properties of the flours/flour blends were evaluated using approved procedures. The moisture, crude protein, crude fat, total ash, crude fibre and carbohydrate contents of the wheat and root flours were: 5.35-10.10%, 5.78-14.52%,1.79-3.15%, 0.80-2.59%, 1.77-3.15% and 70.83-81.16% respectively. GP flour had significant higher dry gluten (19.00%), water absorption capacity (2.0ml/g) and HW flour had the highest thoroughs (95%) through 212?m sieve followed by Sweet potato (92.50%) yet none met the Codex Alimentarius standard for wheat flour particle size. The specific volumes of the wheat breads varied significantly (p<0.05) from 2.55-3.28ml/g with GP leading, although DG had though had the highest absolute volume, those of composite flour bread (2.16-2.48ml/g) were lower and GP and HW flours produced better composite flour bread with cassava in terms of specific volume. The sensory attributes of GP and HW wheat breads were rated higher which also reflected in higher scores for GPCV and HWCV breads. This study has demonstrated that GP brand of wheat flour had superior bread baking performance either alone or in a blend with 20% cassava flour. It is recommended that further study be carried out involving other brands of wheat flour and other indicators of wheat flour quality.
Contribution/ Originality
Some indices of quality for wheat flour brands available in Nigerian markets were characterized, in addition to evaluating their baking strength when blended with either cassava or sweet potato flour. The study provided decision making information for the miller and the end-user, and much needed baseline data for further study, even though the factors governing flour quality are dynamic.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Economic Benefits of Waste Management Based on Cocoa Farming System in Rural Area: Evidence from East Kolaka District of Southeast Sulawesi Province

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Indonesia is the three largest countries producing cocoa in the world. However, the productivity tends to be slow down, which cause concern income generation for smallholder farmers across the county. This study deals with the performance of diversification based on creating cocoa by product and waste management of livestock integrated farming in order to increasing household income due to low productivity. This research covers more than 120 household farmers as the respondent through the survey by using questionnaire in three districts population sample. The results of this study indicate that the response of farmers in this study location those are introduced technology components shows effective value. This shows a positive support for the results of this study. The results of the cost and feasibility analysis of the business of making solid organic fertilizers, processing cocoa beans and making bio-char or biological charcoal of cocoa pod show those businesses can be a pattern of diversification of farm household income in the small scale concept. The household scale model of this study development through the zero waste concepts applied at the study site is expected to be a recommendation for the local government in an effort to improve the welfare of cocoa farmer households in this region.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that the zero waste models based on the cocoa commodity becoming the diversification of income generation for smallholder farmers due to the low productivity of cocoa beans in enhancing household income.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

School Management Practices, Teachers Effectiveness, and Students’ Academic Performance in Mathematics in Secondary Schools of Cross River State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study assessed school management practices, teachers’ effectiveness and students’ academic performance in mathematics in Cross River State’s secondary schools. The study was guided by two formulated null hypotheses. The study adopted the factorial research design. Simple and proportionate stratified random sampling techniques were adopted in selecting a sample of 2,145 (893 teachers and 1252 students) from a population of 6,356 teachers, and 39,468 senior secondary school students respectively. “School Management Practices Questionnaire” (SMPQ), “Teachers’ Effectiveness Questionnaire” (TEQ), and Students’ Mathematics Achievement Test (SMAT) were all used as instruments for data collection. The reliability of the instrument was established using the Gutman Split-Half (GSH) reliability technique, with coefficients of .919, .889, and .952 obtained for SMPQ, TEQ, and SMAT respectively. The null hypotheses were all tested at .05 alpha level using Pearson correlation matrix and multiple regression. Multiple regression was employed as a multivariate statistical tool due to its ability to examine the combined effect of several independent variables on a dependent variable. Findings revealed that principals’ leadership techniques, conflict management, teachers’ motivation, teachers’ discipline, school supervision, students’ records management, students’ discipline, effective communication, teachers’ effectiveness, and students’ academic performance are significantly related. The eight independent variables jointly predicted teachers’ effectiveness (F= 505.47, p<.05) and students’ academic performance (F=728.16, p<.05) significantly. It was recommended that secondary school principals should perform their routine duties of school management regularly and consistently in order to boost teachers’ effectiveness and improve students’ academic performance in mathematics.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of few studies which have assessed inter-relationships among some school management practices, teachers’ effectiveness and students’ performance in Mathematics. The study also contributes to existing literature by determining the partial and cumulative effects of some school management practices on teachers’ effectiveness and students’ performance respectively.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Measuring Customers Satisfaction of Islamic Banking Sector in Jordan

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study measured the satisfaction of customers with the quality of Jordanian Islamic banking services. This study investigated the effect of customer satisfaction factors (quality of services, trust, and institutional image and the confidence of customers) in Islamic banks on their satisfaction with their services. The sample size consisted of 186 clients of Jordanian Islamic banks. The paper used simple and multiple linear regression methods. The major findings revealed that there is a positive significant impact of elements (services quality, customer confidence, and institutional image) in customer satisfaction with their services. The sample of this paper does not cover the total number of customers of Islamic banks in Jordan and did not take into account all the factors that affect the satisfaction of customers. In the future, it could be a more comprehensive study done in Arab countries. This result is highly relevant with immediate practical implications. This study is intended to help Jordanian Islamic banks' management develop their marketing strategies. This is important for the survival of this type of bank.
Contribution/ Originality
The primary contribution of this study revealed that there is a positive significant impact of bank services quality, customer confidence, and institutional image on customer satisfaction. These findings will help banks' management develop their marketing strategies, keeping current customers satisfied and attracting new clients.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Building Strong Teaching and Learning Strategies through Teaching Innovations and Learners’ Creativity : A Study of Vietnam Universities

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Building a teaching and learning strategy is an essential task for both lecturers and students. Innovation in methods and forms of teaching and learning, and in conducting examination and evaluation are in the direction of developing and promoting students’ creativity. However, not all lecturers and students deeply understand and effectively use this strategy in their teaching and learning. To develop active and creative teaching and learning strategies, both lecturers and students must develop their own strategies, that is, teachers and learners must understand the nature, objectives, motivation, teaching, and learning methods. This study uses the survey method to describe the correlation between the lecturers and student. Respondents included 1.000 students and 130 lecturers at ten major universities in the Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam. Data obtained from the interviews and questionnaires was used to analyze the current teaching and learning model in the sampled universities along with the advantages and limitations of this model. Based on these data and analysis, we proposed a new paradigm in developing active teaching and learning strategies for lecturers and students, optimal methods for achieving the expectations from teaching strategies and active learning methods utilized by lecturers and students.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the development of positive teaching and learning strategies, creating interest, and promoting students' self-study ability. At the same time, it designs the basic contents of the strategy development process of teaching and learning for both lecturers and students.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Examining the Influence of Computer Literacy and Mathematics Competency on Pre-Service Teachers in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Since it has been well established that students’ learning and achievements depend hugely on teachers’ ability and competency, this study was aimed at investigating the issues of computer literacy and mathematics competency in human resource development among pre-service teachers. Two test instruments, the mathematics competency test (MCT) and the computer appreciation test (CAT) were used for data collection. The study was guided by two research questions and two corresponding null hypotheses tested at the 0.05 level of significance. The result obtained showed that mathematics competency and computer literacy had significant influence on pre-service teachers’ performance. Those competent in Mathematics with understanding of computer applications performed better in both MCT and CAT. Gender was also found to be a big criterion in determining the differences in the mathematical and computer skills among pre-service teachers. From these findings, the study recommends that institutions involved in the 21st century teacher preparation programme should ensure that their products are potential teachers with high quality training, rooted in mathematics competency and computer literacy and in tandem with current global best practices.
Contribution/ Originality
Since studies on the influence of mathematics and computer competency on students’ achievement in Nigeria are scarce in literature, this study comprehensively examined the trends in preparing pre-service teachers in mathematics and also checked the extent to which they have acquired basic computer skills in relation to mathematics. Findings obtained will be useful to educational policy makers in Nigeria.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

The Effect of Group Counseling in Reducing Parental Stress and Depression in Jordanian Mothers of Children with Autism

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aimed to investigate the impact of a group counseling program on reducing parental stress and depression among mothers of Jordanian children with autism. A purposive sample comprising 40 mothers of children with autism was selected from three autism centers in Zarqa and Rusaifa in Jordan; these participants were then randomly assigned to either an experimental group (N = 20) or control group (N = 20). Participants were asked to complete both the Parental Stress Index–Short Form (PSI–SF; including its three sub-scales) and an amended Arabic version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS): pre- and posttest by both groups, and a six-week follow-up test by the experimental group. A CBT-based group counseling program was designed and 14 sessions were held three times per week over a four-week period. The difference between the pre- and posttest scores for the two groups revealed that the experimental group was significantly more likely to have lower levels of parental stress and depression. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in scores between the experimental group’s posttest and follow-up assessment: Total Stress (Total PSI), Parental Distress (PD), and depression had all decreased significantly; Parent–Child Dysfunctional Interaction (PCDI) had also decreased, but not significantly; however, although not significantly, stress levels associated with a Difficult Child (DC) had increased.
Contribution/ Originality
This study confirms the findings of previous studies that CBT-based group counseling is effective in improving the well-being of mothers caring for a child with autism. However, its primary contribution is revealing that alternative, more effective strategies need to be identified for addressing both the stress associated with a difficult child and parent–child dysfunctional interactions.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Impact of the Self-Assessment Process on Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Vietnam

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Quality assurance and accreditation has been implemented in Vietnam for nearly twenty years. It is mandatory for all Vietnamese higher education institutions to undertake accreditation including self-assessment. This study aims to investigate the impact of the self-assessment processes on quality enhancement of universities in Vietnam. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 33 participants from three Vietnamese universities located in three major regions: the North, the Central and the South. The interviewees were those who directly involved in the self-assessment processes including institutional leaders, department heads, faculty deans, internal quality assurance staff and lecturers. Thematic analysis identified that there was a number of notable impacts resulting from the implementation of self-assessment on higher education quality. Key impacts were reported in relation to: leadership and management, teaching staff, students and student support, and training programs. The study concludes that self-assessment processes had a positive impact on improving the quality of teaching, learning, program management and student support in Vietnamese universities sampled for the current study.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the first studies to highlight key stakeholders’ viewpoints about the implementation of quality assurance and accreditation in higher education. It points out how self-assessment processes made positive impacts to improve the quality of teaching, learning, management, and student support in the Vietnamese universities.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Transforming Higher Education Spaces: Analysis of Higher Educational Attainment Expectation Factors among High School Learners in Kwa-Dlangezwa, South Africa

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Higher education is a major driving force of transformation. To achieve this, higher educational attainment expectation among adolescent learners is critical. In order to clarify why it is challenging for so many black South African adolescents to pursue higher education using the little available facilities and resources, this study analyzed educational expectation factors in transforming higher education. This study adopted a quantitative research approach using the descriptive design of correlation type in other to explore variables such as parental engagement, academic self-efficacy and school connectedness on educational expectation of higher school adolescents in Kwa-Dlangezwa in South Africa. A total of 100 participants were selected as sample using simple random sampling with average mean age of 14 years (SD= 9.31). A structured questionnaire consisting of parental engagement, academic self-efficacy, school connectedness and educational expectation was used to collect data. Three research questions were asked and answered using Multiple Regression and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistical tools. The result revealed that educational expectation could be achieved by parental engagement, academic self-efficacy, and school connectedness. It was concluded that if educational system will be transformed for sustainable development, factors such as parental engagement, academic self-efficacy, and school connectedness should be given adequate consideration.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to scanty literature in South Africa on parental engagement, academic self-efficacy, and school connectedness as determinant of educational attainment expectations. It brings result of parental engagement as the highest contributing factor followed by school connectedness and academic self-efficacy to educational attainment or learners.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Investigating Informational Texts Teaching and Learning in Developing Countries: The Case of Vietnamese High Schools

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Reading comprehension of informational texts has been largely debated and introduced at all levels of education across western countries. However, it has not received enough attention in developing countries including Vietnam. This paper aims to investigate the procedure of reading and comprehension of informational texts in high schools in Vietnam. The study surveyed 588 teachers and 2744 high school students across all regions of Vietnam. The survey questionnaires asked teachers and students’ opinions on the teaching and learning of informational texts. Through statistical analysis with Excel sheets, the results show that the part of informational texts in the curriculum was small when compared with literary texts. This shows that there is very little requirement of teaching and learning informational text in high schools which results in students’ limited ability in reading informational text. The findings also suggest that understanding and reading informational texts have been contended as essential to the educational performance of students. The research also revealed that both teachers and students need to be more prepared in the classrooms to teach and learn informational texts. It is recommended that Vietnamese general education curricula should include a greater amount of informational texts in textbooks and instruction on informational texts should be given more attention to improve students’ understanding.
Contribution/ Originality
This study revealed that informational text reading comprehension was a fairly new concept at high school level in Vietnam. In fact, the proportion of informational texts in the curriculum was small when compared with literary texts. High school students were not instructed techniques and strategies to read informational texts. In this context, this study will provide useful new insights.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Factors Affecting the Capital Structure of the Textile Industry in Bangladesh: An Inferential Study

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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The main objective of the study is to recognize the major factors influencing the capital structure of the textile firms and to identify the association among them from the context of Bangladesh. The researchers reviewed different conditional theories of capital structure before identifying the determinants of the textile firms. For this purpose, panel data for A-category listed textile companies of the Dhaka Stock Exchange were selected. The study developed multiple regression models for the period 2008 to 2017. Key -independent variables include firm profitability, tangibility, growth, age, liquidity and Size. Leverage ratio was used as the dependent variable. The study explored that profitability; firm size and liquidity have significant positive relationship with the debt ratio, which is consistent with the Trade-off theory. On the other hand, tangibility, growth rate and age are not significantly related with the said ratio. The findings of this study will help financial managers to make the right decisions on fund borrowing and equity financing. Then they can use borrowing in a proper way to support the market value of their companies.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the direct relationship of determinant factors with the debt maturity of the listed textile companies in the stock exchange by using panel data analysis.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Vital Statistics for Leading Countries in COVID-19 Cases

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diseases

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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus and the overall number of the COVID-19 cases is increasing worldwide. As on 24th March, 2020, China, Italy and United States were found to be the countries with maximum number of reported cases. China seemed to manage this outbreak with only 3,281 deaths for 81,218 cases with a death rate of 0.040 and a recovery record of 73,650 patients. The present review emphasizes the comparative patterns with which this pandemic spread in the above mentioned three countries. Paper also discusses total cases, daily recorded cases and total deaths of patients with daily death records. Conclusively, COVID-19 is affecting the population globally at a very rapid rate and should be dealt with maximum efforts by all the countries.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the comparative patterns with which this pandemic spread among the leading countries including China, Italy and United States of America. The present paper also discusses total cases, daily recorded cases and total deaths of patients with daily death records.
Medical Sciences » Journal of Diseases » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Processing and Storage Impact on Carotenoid Contents and Functional Properties of Yellow Cassava Traditional Food Products

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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This study determined the carotenoid content, functional properties and sensory qualities of seven cassava products (Dried chips, Attieke, Chickwangue, Fufu, Gari, Lafun and Pupuru) obtained from yellow fleshed biofortified cassava varieties (TMS 01/1371, TMS 01/1412 and TMS 01/1368) before and after processing over a 3months period of storage. Cassava products obtained from the three varieties were analysed and compared with non biofortified products. Bulk density was highest at 0.92 g-1ml in variety TMS01/1412 and lowest at 0.57 g-1ml in TMS 01/1371. Swelling capacity ranged from 25.67-51.33% while Water absorption capacity ranged from 19.33-75.33% across all the biofortified products. Carotenoid content decreased after processing and even much more after storage but modest retention recorded in variety TMS 1368. Retention of total carotenoid after the storage period was highest in Chickwangue (95%) and Fufu (92%) for variety TMS01/1368 and lowest in lafun from TMS 01/1371(25%). Overall acceptance of food products from variety 01/1368 was significantly higher among the samples hence, have potential to be the choice of biofortified cassava variety for production of cassava based food products with high retention of total carotenoid content.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to literature on valorization of yellow fleshed biofortified cassava varieties by examining the retention of total carotenoids as well as the functional properties of traditional food products from these yellow varieties for possible industrial application.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Infrastructure Development, Capacity Utilization and Manufacturing Value Added in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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One of the greatest challenges being grappled with by most developing countries is to boost manufacturing sector performance. In achieving this however, emphasis has been laid on the role of infrastructural development coupled with utilization of capacity in the manufacturing sector. Previous studies have focused on the effect of infrastructure on manufacturing productivity. This study differs from the rest by examining the impact of infrastructure development and capacity utilization on manufacturing value added, using Nigeria data from 1980-2019. Our framework of analysis employed electricity, average capacity utilization, government capital expenditure and manufacturing value added annual percentage growth as variables of analytical relevance. Finding indicates that electricity had negative and insignificant effect on manufacturing value added while manufacturing capacity utilization and capital expenditure had positive and significant effect on manufacturing value added. The result reiterates that capital expenditure on social and economic infrastructure has the capacity to improve manufacturing value added.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies which have investigated infrastructure development, capacity utilization and manufacturing value added in Nigeria.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

Knowledge and Utilization of E-Health Care Delivery among Health Care Professionals in Federal Teaching Hospital Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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The high burden of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in Nigeria underscores the need for electronic health. This study determined the knowledge and utilization of e-Health care delivery among health care professionals in federal teaching hospital Abakaliki (FETHA) Ebonyi State. A self-developed questionnaire was used for the study. Two specific objectives with four null –hypotheses were postulated to guide the study. Out of a population of 2092 health workers in FETHA, 209 representing 10% were drawn through a multistage sampling technique and were studied. Frequency and percentage were used to answer research question one, Mean statistic was used to answer research questions two, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used in testing null-hypotheses one and two while Binomial Logistics Regression was used in testing hypotheses three and four at .05 level of significance and appropriate degree of freedom. The findings indicated that health care professionals in FETHA possessed good knowledge of e-Health care delivery with an overall per cent (85.6%). The findings further show that utilization of e-Health care delivery was low (x?= 2.14). The four null-hypotheses tested shows that there is no statistical significant difference in level of knowledge by age (P=.236 >0.05), level of utilization by age (P-value =.087>0.05), level of knowledge by gender (P-value=.051>0.05), level of utilization by gender (P-value = .908>0.05). The study concluded among others that Nigerian government at all level, through their various ministries of health should organize intensive ICT training and retraining of health workers regarding e-Health use in health care delivery.
Contribution/ Originality
This Study Contributes to the Existing Literature by Evaluating the Knowledge and Utilization of E-Health Care Delivery among Health Care Professionals in Federal Teaching Hospital Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Role of Fossil Fuel and Urbanization on Environment Panel Data of China and Japan

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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This study explore the association between the fossil fuel base power plants, increasing urbanization, manufacturing with (CO2) emissions and their role toward the environmental deterioration of two economies china and Japan. We have used the data of thirty six year 1980-2015, and apply the panel data analysis technique and fixed effect and random effect model for the analysis and find fixed effect model is appropriate by the use of hausman test study conclude that coal base power plants in china and Japan are the significant and positive contributor to raise the level of (CO2) in atmosphere. Oil base power plants are emitting the Carbon significantly and having the positive relationship with (CO2) emissions, natural gas base power plants show a negative effects on (CO2) emission and insignificant in this study .Raising level of urbanization in the cities raise the level of (CO2) emissions, increasing level of manufacturing value addition also significant contributor of (CO2) emission and negatively influencing the environment of the world. China’s and japans government should try to reduce the electricity production from fossil fuels and try to develop the new renewable source of energy which having least carbon emission with optimal cost and also Reduced the level of urbanization and manufacturing to make the environment clean and friendly.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by investigating The Role of Fossil Fuel and Urbanization on Environment Panel Data of China and Japan covering the year 1980-2015.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2

The Effect Assessment of Industrial Activities on Air Pollution at Cimerwa and its Surrounding Areas, Rusizi-District-Rwanda

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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In the last three decades, considerable efforts to protect people from ambient air pollutants exposure have been made. However, vulnerable populations groups, including the elderly, children, and pregnant women, and other people present with respiratory problems are most concern as their immune system is weak. The main aim of this paper was to assess the effect of industrial activities on air pollution at CIMERWA Cement factory, one of the biggest industries in Rwanda and its surrounding areas. Portable air quality sensors (Pockets PM2.5 Sensors) were used for monitoring the concentration levels of PM2.5 and PM10. Questionnaire method was also used for investigating the presence and potential sources of pollution across the site. Survey results indicated that dust; noise pollution and Particulate Matter come up as the main pollutants in the areas where industrial activities and vehicle emissions are the potential sources. Sampling activities showed that the average concentration levels of PM2.5 are in range of 28.0–32.0µg/m3 during morning hours and 46.0-50.0µg/m3 during evening hours while that of PM10 are in range of 51.0-55.0µg/m3 and 69.0-73.0µg/m3 during morning and evening hours respectively. Results showed that air pollutants were present around the considered area that is why the appropriate mitigation and management strategies concerning these pollutants were highly recommended as the contribution of this paper.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the effects of industrial activities on air pollution in Rwanda.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 2