About » Corporate » Introduction


About CB

Conscientia Beam is a leading academic journals publishing company. It covers a wide range of academic disciplines including the agricultural sciences, arts and education, biological sciences, business & management, chemistry & materials sciences, computer sciences, economics, energy & environmental sciences, engineering, medical sciences, physical sciences, and the social sciences. 
The company serves the global academic community in several fields and contributes to the progress and application of social science and scientific knowledge by delivering scientific information, and solutions to research problems that advance scientific research.

All research papers are published online immediately after the acceptance, editing and formatting process.

Journals Covered by Indexing Databases

Currently three journals published by Conscientia Beam, the  International Journal of Education and Practice (From 2018), Humanities and Social Sciences Letters (From 2019), and International Journal of Management and Sustainability (From 2020)  are accepted for indexing in Scopus. Our other journals are undergoing evaluation for inclusion and indexing by Scopus and ESCI. Our journals are archived with the RePEc (Germany), CNKI Scholar (China), Pak Academic Search (Pakistan), Scilit (Switzerland) and some of our journals are indexed by ProQuest (UK) and J-Gate (India).

Conscientia Beam’s Mission

At Conscientia Beam, our aim is threefold. We aim to:
1. publish high quality, high impact, peer  reviewed research papers and books;
2. distribute scientific findings faster by reducing the lag time between "submission to final publication" to a maximum  of four to five  months; and,
3. provide the opportunity to download full text research papers for free, to encourage research across the world, especially in countries that would otherwise have less access to academic research and information.

All Our Content is Free for Readers

Journals published by CB are fully open for readers: research articles, reviews or any other content on this platform is available to everyone free of charge for reading. To be able to provide open access journals, we finance publication through article processing charges (APC); these are usually covered by the authors' institutes or research funding bodies. But now we are publishing 99% journals without publication fee.

Conscientia Beam’s Publication Ethics Statement

Conscientia Beam, as a company, takes on the responsibility of enforcing a rigorous peer-review process together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure that only high quality scientific research is published in our journals.

Unfortunately, cases of plagiarism, data falsification, inappropriate authorship credit, and the like, do arise. Conscientia Beam takes such publishing ethics issues very seriously and, in such cases, our editors are trained to proceed with a zero tolerance policy. To verify the originality of content submitted to our journals, we use iThenticate to check submissions against previous publications.



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General Support

Please use the following form for general or support inquiries with Conscientia Beam: info@conscientiabeam.com  

Editorial & Production

To contact us about publishing proposals, including new journal titles or transferring journals to Conscientia Beam.
Tom Hardy: tom@conscientiabeam.com

To contact us about inquiries regarding the status of manuscripts and production of articles:
Sanele Phillip: Sanele@conscientiabeam.com
Simon Bell: simon_bell@conscientiabeam.com

To inform us of content errors and other issues with our website:
Dim Michael: Michael@conscientiabeam.com

Issues related to ethics

To let us know of any issues related to ethics:
Nayab: ethics@conscientiabeam.com

Human Resources and Recruiting

Human Resources desk: jobs@conscientiabeam.com