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Listing 126 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Development of the Entrepreneurship Learning Design Based on Caring Economics to Enhance Spirit of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intentions

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study aims to establish a caring economics-based entrepreneurship learning design in order to enhance students’ spirit of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions at a higher education level. This research and design study referred to design-based research (DBR) and data was gathered by distributing questionnaires and conducting interviews to develop quality recommendations for revising products from validators and trial courses. Respondents were the students of Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia, and the validators were the learning design experts from the State University of Malang, Indonesia. The data was a descriptive elaboration of the validation stage and trials before and after the product prototype revision. Based on factual model analysis, it was found that the recent entrepreneurship learning practice had not yet enhanced the students’ spirit of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention. The entrepreneurship learning material had not been linked systematically to the concepts of caring economics, which align with the spirit of mutual cooperation and togetherness. The validation and learning design prototype trials result was very beneficial and is ready to be implemented in the entrepreneurship learning class at a higher education level. The study is expected to contribute to the colleges, especially in entrepreneurship learning based on caring economics that prioritizes social entrepreneurship development, by emphasizing caring aspects for people and the environment.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few that have investigated entrepreneurship learning design development based on caring economics to enhance the students’ spirit of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions in higher education.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

A Conceptual Framework of Customized Services for Tourism Industry: Perspective of Emotion and Moderator of Gender

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Customized services allow travelers to receive services that would meet their unique needs. This study establishes a theoretical framework of customized service for the tourism industry including the emotional and behavioral outcomes of customized service, integrating the moderator of gender. In tourism, the interactions between the traveler and the service provider can generate the feeling of gratitude. However, there is a gap in the literature developing a framework integrating customized service and gratitude in tourism contexts. In addition, there is a lack of research investigating the effect of gender on the differences between 'males' and 'females' emotional responses after receiving customized services. This study attempts to bridge this gap in the literature by constructing a theoretical framework of the relationship among customized service, customer gratitude, customer repurchase intentions, and gender. The framework proposed would provide explanations of the effect of the social interactions between travelers and the service provider in the tourism industry. Furthermore, the study would help explain the impact of customized services on 'customers' repurchase intentions from the perspective of emotions and how men and women differ in their emotional responses after receiving customized services. The framework proposed would assist the tourism industry to take advantage of customized services to retain customers in the company and make those customers loyal to the company.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper’s contribution is establishing a conceptual framework of customized service for the tourism industry. Specifically, the paper proposes the emotional and behavioral outcomes of customized service, integrating the moderator of gender.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Perceptions and Application of Learner Autonomy for Vocabulary Development in Saudi EFL Classrooms

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This qualitative case study explored how female English language learners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) realize learner autonomy, especially in the context of the learner’s meaning development via purposeful vocabulary acquisition. EFL students’ perceptions and applications of autonomous learning strategies for English vocabulary development were investigated, and their adapted methods for learning English. Data collection included face-to-face semi-structured interviews of 8 students from two different classrooms, classroom observations, participants’ reflections on specific English coursework, and English learning autobiographies. The findings revealed the students’ appreciation of the English language showed how various autonomous learning methods developed their sense of self-possession, self-confidence, and learning outcomes. This study brings to light the necessity for further review of the role of EFL learners in developing the required skills for the English language.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature examining learner autonomy in English vocabulary learning in the Saudi context where English functions as a foreign language and theorize that vocabulary learning necessitates autonomous learning to self-select and self-apply vocabulary knowledge in various real-life settings.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Strategy for Improving the Effectiveness of Management Vocational School-Based Enterprise in Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Indonesian government is focusing on improving the quality and effectiveness of Vocational High Schools. One of many efforts conducted is transforming vocational schools into vocational school-based enterprises. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the effectiveness of vocational school-based enterprise management through the implementation of School Governance and Total Quality Management. This study used quantitative and qualitative approaches and PLS-SEM analysis, AHP, and ISM techniques. Questionnaires were distributed to 231 respondents from students, teachers, principals and committees in 25 vocational school-based enterprises in East Java and DKI Jakarta. The results of PLS SEM analysis demonstrated valid, consistent and good modeling. Furthermore, TQM showed a significant and positive effect on SG with R2 of 80.2 percent. Consequently, SG and TQM also had a positive and significant effect on improving the effectiveness of vocational school-based enterprise management with R2 of 92.2 percent. In addition, the strategy reveals an increase in the effectiveness of vocational school-based enterprise based on AHP by increasing the implementation of SG through adding criteria for strong and firm leadership in the human resources in vocational school-based enterprise. Meanwhile, based on ISM result, by increasing TQM as the key factor has the greatest driving force before improving SG. It is recommended to devise a strategy that could help to increase the effectiveness of managing vocational school-based enterprises.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the factors influencing the effectiveness of vocational school-based enterprise management through the implementation of School Governance and Total Quality Management based on quantitative and qualitative approach.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Characterization of a Novel Floral Mutation Induced by Gamma Irradiation of Philippine Rice Variety NSIC Rc9 (Apo)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Seed mutation by gamma irradiation of 250 Gy 60Co of the Philippine rice variety NSIC Rc9 (Apo) in 2009 DS generated 390 M2 plants, from which one line exhibited a floral mutation different from those previously reported. The mutant was then designated as PR40858-SM2009DS 929-1. Floral development observation resulted in the determination of the crop stage at 76 days after seeding (DAS) in which the floral mutation started to manifest. Comparative agro-morphological characterization of the mutant in 2012 WS showed that it is variable in seven (7) traits, including floral characteristics such as, panicle axis, type and secondary branching, lemma and palea color, and seed coat pubescence. Reduction in grain yield and yield component traits was observed in the mutant line. Detailed characterization of the young panicle showed abnormalities involving the elongation of the rachis, the secondary branches, spikelet and reproductive organs. Mutations in spikelet includes reduction in size and shape, which was translated to the changes in matured grain dimensions. The mutation also affected the viability of the pollen grains resulting to higher spikelet sterility in comparison to the wildtype. The mutant were also variable in nine (9) agronomic traits, including flowering days, plant height, panicle length, tiller production, culm diameter, leaf length and width at maximum tillering, and flag leaf length and width. The characterization of the mutant line revealed other abnormalities aside from the mutation observed in its inflorescence structure making it significantly variable from the wildtype and from the other floral mutations reported in rice.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes to the initial characterization of a novel floral mutant generated from gamma irradiation of the Philippine rice variety NSIC Rc9 (Apo), which is different from the previously reported floral mutations in rice. This paper presents the traits of the mutant plant, specifically the mutation in the floral structures.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Chemical Control of Alternaria Brown Spot on Mandarins Cultivars in Tunisia

Research Article
Journal: Review of Plant Studies

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Three field experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficiency of seven active ingredients (Tryfloxystrobin, Iprodione, Procymidone, Mancozebe, Propinebe, Tebuconazole and Coppersulfate), against Alternaria brown spot (ABS) caused by Alternaria alternata on Minneola, Fortune, Nova and Tangerine mandarins citrus cultivars in Tunisia. Over the three trials, citrus trees received 6, 10 and 16 fungicides sprays. The results of the present investigation demonstrated the prevention ability of Mancozebe, Iprodione and Copper sulfate according to disease incidence, fruit infection and losses caused by ABS. Furthermore, the applications of those three fungicides used in mixture reduce the ABS development. In fact, disease incidence was reduced better after an application of a mixture of Mancozebe and Iprodione compared to application of Mancozebe or Iprodione alone and after an application of an alternation of Mancozebe and Iprodione with copper sulfate. From this study, it revealed that the incidence of ABS, an emerging fungi disease on Citrus in Tunisia, could be reduced by using chemical products.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the evaluation of the efficiency of seven active ingredients against citrus Alternaria brown spot caused by Alternaria alternata on Minneola, Fortune, Nova and Tangerine mandarin cultivars in Tunisia.
Agricultural Sciences » Review of Plant Studies » Month: 12-2020 Issue: 1

English Teaching Reconstruction at Indonesian Elementary Schools: Students' Point of View

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Indonesia has experienced a resurgence of interest in the English language teaching. English learning is viewed as an essential aspect to build skills of the youth. In order to keep abreast of these demands, a lot of curricular and pedagogical changes have been made in teaching programs and formal education setting. This research investigated the reconstructing patterns of English Teaching after the implementation of the New 2013 curriculum in the Indonesian elementary schools from students' point of view. The sample of this qualitative study constituted participants randomly selected from primary schools in Serang City, Indonesia. Questionnaire and in-depth interviews were used to collect the data on three factors, namely the potential of reconstructing English curriculum learning sources, the opportunity of English learning, and students’ perception toward learning English. This study found that primary school students had higher English learning familiarity since they had access to adequate English learning sources; they also responded very well to learning opportunities of the English courses; and revealed a positive perception about their English learning experience. These results indicate that the English language had the potential to be reconstructed in the latest curriculum of primary schools in Indonesia to optimize the young learners' potential for language acquisition. This study recognizes that the reposition of English teaching is essential to maximize students' potential. The study recommends highlighting students' points of view while reconstructing the curriculum. This study also answered the gap of students' perception towards English learning in order to complete user acceptance.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the importance of teaching after the English reconstruction attempts made by the new Curriculum 2013 in elementary schools of Indonesia from students’ point of view. It highlighted the aspects of learning source, learning opportunity, and perception toward English faced by students in order to reform English teaching position in Indonesia.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Teachers Perspectives on Barriers of Inclusion of Autistic Students in Saudi Arabia Schools

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The study aimed to identify barriers to achieve inclusion goals for Autistic students in the regular schools in KSA, from the teachers' point of view according to variables (teacher gender, teacher qualification, and the stage at which he or she teaches).This study was based on a sample of (120) teachers (70 male and 50 female) of autistic children in inclusion programs for children with autism in regular schools in Riyadh. The questionnaire was applied through survey delivered via email and its results revealed that school administration barriers came in first place, followed by the barriers related to the families of students with autism disorder, then barriers related to autism, and last place was barriers related to society. There were differences of autistic students’ teachers in the first domain "barriers related to autism" and in the third domain "barriers related to school administration" in favor of females teachers. However, in the fourth domain "barriers related to society" were in favor of male teachers.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to identifying barriers to achieve inclusion goals of autistic students in regular schools from teachers' perspectives taking variables like teacher’s gender, teacher’s qualification, and stage at which he or she teaches. The study relied on four axes, viz. barriers related to school administration, autism, family, and society.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Sustainability Performance and Sustainable Development Goals

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of sustainability performance on the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). This study examines each of the sustainability performance indicators consisting of economic performance, social performance and environmental performance on the achievement of sustainable development goals. The data used in this study are primary data. This study used a quantitative approach with a questionnaire survey model given to division managers in go public companies in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia. The questionnaires that can be processed are 124 respondents from 42 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that publish annual reports. Methods of data analysis using structural equation modeling with the help of the Smart PLS application. The results showed that the social and environmental performance that has been achieved by the company was seen as capable of supporting the achievement of the SDGs, but that the economic performance has no impact on the SDGs.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies that examine the effect of sustainability performance on the achievement of sustainable development goals. This research contributes to identifying the dimensions of sustainability performance (economic, social and environmental) to support the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Global Economy: Emphasis on Poverty Alleviation and Economic Growth

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the global economy, which has rendered many of the world's population impoverished. Moreover, the pandemic has generated some uncertainties regarding economic and social policies. This phenomenon is lately the brunt of every government across the globe. This present study seeks to evaluate the pandemic's impact on poverty alleviation and the global GDP by considering individual countries' heterogeneous effects in a panel study. The motivation is to unravel the social and economic effects on the global economy. However, 170 countries are utilized in this study, and econometric panel techniques such as OLS and robust least square regression methods are utilized. The data was collected from, comprising total COVID-19 cases, total deaths, stringency index, human development index, and gross domestic product per capita. The study's findings stipulate that many people's stringency and the contraction of the disease have inversely affected poverty alleviation and economic growth. Nevertheless, for the deaths recorded so far positively affects both poverty alleviation and economic growth. This development signals the essence of controlling population growth as it impedes economic growth and poverty alleviation. The study recommends that governments invest in health and education improvement and stimulate their economies to create employment that could propagate growth to improve poverty alleviation and economic growth.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature and presents the long-run impact of COVID-19 pandemic on economic growth and poverty alleviation in the global context.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

The Effect of Farmers Social Networks on Sustainable Agricultural Practices Adoption: A Scoping Review Protocol

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Agriculture as practiced for decades had a considerable negative impact on the environment. To fulfill the needs of the growing population, the yield had been increased by the use of more land, fertilizer, and pesticides. The consequences were the destruction of the forest, the loss of biodiversity, irrigation problems, the pollution, and so on. To remedy this, a new form of agriculture has emerged: sustainable agriculture. The goal is “to meet society’s food and textile needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Adoption of adequate agricultural practices is the best way to implement sustainable agriculture. Many factors have been found to affect farmers in their decision to effectively adopt sustainable agricultural practices. External factors, such as farmers’ social networks, have increasingly captured the interest of researchers. In this paper, we will be presenting a scoping review protocol under the structure recommended by Arksey and O’Malley (2005) by answering the following questions: 1-What do we currently know about the influence of farmers’ social networks in their decision to adopt sustainable agricultural practices? 2-What are the theories/methods used by researchers to study this effect? 3- What are the major knowledge gaps? We used five electronic databases to conduct this scoping review: Web of Science, Sciences Direct, Wiley Online Library, SpringerLink, and EBSCO host.
Contribution/ Originality
To the best of our knowledge, this scoping review protocol is the first to focus only on the influence of farmers' social networks in their adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. The evidence produced from the review will therefore be important in driving future research on the topic.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Effect of Quercetin on Liver Oxidative Stress Parameters Induced by Butylparaben in Male Wistar Rats

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Parabens are hormonally active chemicals widely used as preservatives in foods, cosmetics, toiletries and pharmaceuticals. Quercetin is a flavonoid with antioxidant property found in many fruits, plants and vegetables. The study investigated the effect of quercetin on the liver oxidative stress parameters induced by butylparaben in wistar rats. Thirty albino rats divided into six (6) groups of five rats were administered with 100mg/kg of butylparaben (BP), 100mg/kg of BP and 25mg/kg of quercetin (Q), 100mg/kg of BP and 50mg/kg of Q, 100mg/kg of BP and 100mg/kg of Q, 100mg/kg of BP and 200mg/kg of Q all dissolved in corn while the control were fed rat diet and water ad libitum with corn oil three (3) times weekly for sixty (60) days. The rats were sacrificed and liver harvested, homogenized and used for malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) estimation using thiobarbituric acid method, Ellman’s method, epinephrine method and Rotruck et al method respectively while biuret and bromocresol green methods were used to estimate the blood Total protein and albumin levels respectively. The result showed significant difference(p<0.005) in concentrations of MDA (µmol MDA/mg protein) (2.62±0.44, 7.65±0.50 and 3.21±1.14), GSH (Units/mg protein) (12.65±1.52, 6.50±1.70, and 14.58±3.05), SOD (Units/mg protein) (90.67±8.30, 62.67±4.35 and 81.04±8.41),GPx (Units/mg protein) (1.16±2.81, 1.05±0.56 and 1.17±0.55), Total protein (g/L) (58.41±2.10, 55.08±3.60 and 58.41±2.10) and Albumin (g/L) (45.20±1.05, 40.69±4.82 and 42.14±1.51) for Control, (Bp) and (Bp+Q) respectively. The result has shown that quercetin caused a reversal of butylparaben-induced toxicity on liver oxidative stress parameters.
Contribution/ Originality
The study investigated the effect of quercetin on the liver oxidative stress parameters induced by butylparaben in wistar rats.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Study and Comparative Analysis of Programming Languages Used for Big Data

Research Article
Journal: Review of Information Engineering and Applications

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This article provides information about the industrial revolutions and analyzes the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Fourth Industrial Revolution takes away the potential risks of unsustainable growth and world systems, and its coming is estimated as a challenge. The main technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are identified. Big data technologies enable to handle different types of data at the same time. Big data is very important among technologies. The difference between big data and usual data is that the volume of Big Data starts at terabytes. The types technologies used for big data are explained. The programming languages used for big data are extensively analyzed. Their similarities and differences are compared. Big data will be among the most required information technologies. The article analyzes the literature in this area and data analysis methods for Big data. There are other criteria that emphasize the need for new methods to work with big data.
Contribution/ Originality
The study also contributes the exploration of the types of technologies used for big data.
Computer Sciences » Review of Information Engineering and Applications » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

South African Teachers Perspectives on Using the Computer as a Tool for Teaching and Learning

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The aim of this paper was to explore teachers’ perspectives on the importance of the computer as a tool for enhancement of effective teaching and learning. Current research indicates that the developed world is at vanguard in revealing most of this information much more than developing nations like South Africa. Taking cognizance of teachers’ perspectives in South Africa helps in improving the educational dispensation systems because future economic realities of any country depend on the quality of its education. Using an interpretivist paradigm, semi-structured interviews were triangulated with participant observations to elicit detailed data from a case study involving three secondary schools that were purposively sampled by virtue of having and using computers. A sample of six participant teachers was interviewed, and one lesson of each was observed using computer tools. Findings reveal that computer usage was irregular, rather superficial and insignificant. This small scale investigation recommends that Technological Pedagogical Educational Psychology and Content Domain (TPEPCD) model should be adopted in all teacher training institutions; so as to enhance the professional development of teachers who can teach diligently in accordance with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) requirements.
Contribution/ Originality
The primary contribution of this study is to encourage policy makers, educational planners and the South African Department of Basic Education, in particular to adopt proactive and practical measures to enhance teachers’ professional repertoire in the wake of digital technologies and trends of the 4IR. Furthermore, these findings hint at the contingent global educational trends and suggest Education and e-Learning policymakers how to make decisions from an informed perspective.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Modelling Stock Returns Volatility and Asymmetric News Effect: A Global Perspective

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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This paper modelled stock returns volatility using daily S&P Global 1200 index from 1st September, 2010 to 30th September, 2020. The S&P 1200 represents a free-float weighted stock market index of global equities covering seven (7) regional stock market indices and approximately 70% of the global market capitalization, hence was used to compute global stock returns. The data analysis was carried out with Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) techniques. Of the variant GARCH models specified in this study, the symmetric GARCH-M (1,1) and the asymmetric TGARCH (1,1) models were found suitable for the estimation. The findings from the GARCH-M and TGARCH models revealed explosive volatility persistence and strong asymmetric news effect in the global stock market, respectively. The implication of volatility persistence is that current volatility shocks influenced expected returns over a long period. The asymmetric news effect showed that negative news (bad news) spurred stock returns volatility than positive news (good news) especially in 2020 which was due to the COVID-19 crisis as shown by the plot of the conditional variance. These results were consistent with the empirical findings of a number of studies in emerging markets. Hence, the study concludes that the global stock market exhibited high volatility persistence and leverage effect during the sampled period.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the literature by modelling global stock returns volatility and asymmetric news effect using a new stock index (S&P 1200 global index). The paper contributes the first logical analysis that volatility of S&P 1200 returns is explosive and largely influenced by news available in the global markets.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Evaluation of In-Vitro Anti-Bacterial Qualities of Camels Urine in Somali Region of Ethiopia against Selected Bacterial Pathogens

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Camel urine is believed to contain therapeutic and anti-bacterial factors. Until recently, there is no relevant study done to assess the antibacterial qualities of camel’s urine in Somali regional state, Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-bacterial activity of camel urine against some selected bacterial in the region. A laboratory based experimental research was conducted in Jigjiga University, Ethiopia. 13 samples of camel’s urine were collected in the Morning during April, 2020, of which 7(56.8%) were female camels and 6(43.2%) were male camels and the anti-bacterial potency of camel urine against some pathogenic bacterial including Klebsella Pneumonia, Citrobacter, Escherichia Coli, and Staphylococcus aureus were tested. Then, Minimum inhibitory concentrations and Minimum bactericidal concentrations values were figured out accordingly. Data were analyzed SPSS Version 23. Mean inhibition zone of Klebsella Pneumonia (18.631±1.39) Citrobacter (16.83 ±1.39) Escherichia Coli (14.73±1.39), and Staphylococcus aureus (10.66±1.39) were founded in the study and mean minimum inhibitory concentration of Klebsella Pneumonia (12.02%,) Citrobacter (8.2%), Escherichia Coli (12.5%), and Staphylococcus aureus (10.6%) and also the result indicated a mean minimum bactericidal concentration of Klebsella Pneumonia (9.6%), Citrobacter (9.1%), Escherichia Coli (9, 6%), and Staphylococcus aureus (10.1%). The result showed potential antibacterial effects of camel (Camelus dromedarius) urine against bacterial strains tested on. Therefore, camel urine could be used as an ingredient that can be produced antibiotics to prevail against any of the illnesses caused by the bacterial species tested on it.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature fill the geographical research gap of camel’s urine anti-bacterial quality and also global community a new agent that can be used to mitigate the diseases that is caused by bacterial pathogen.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Impacts of Domestic Savings and Domestic Investment on Economic Growth: An Empirical Study for Pakistan

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The purpose of this paper is to ascertain the dynamic impacts of domestic savings and domestic investment on economic growth of Pakistan by using annual data spanning from 1973 to 2018. After being confirmed that all the variables are stationary at first difference and have long-run cointegrating association, this study employed Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) approach to estimate long-run elasticities. The empirical findings reveal that domestic savings are negatively and domestic investment is positively associated with economic growth in Pakistan. In a nutshell, the results convey that domestic savings are dampening the economic growth figures and domestic investment is contributing to economic growth figures of Pakistan. The results of causality analyses report bidirectional causal link between domestic savings and economic growth and a unidirectional causal association between economic growth and domestic investment. Based on these empirical findings some policies are recommended to accelerate economic growth and for the long term sustainability of economic growth in Pakistan.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated how the economic growth of Pakistan has been influenced by domestic savings and domestic investment between the period 1973-2018. The study found that domestic savings negatively and domestic investment positively affected economic growth of Pakistan during that period.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

A Study on Financial Performance of Transport & Warehouses Firms Listed on the Hanoi Stock Exchange

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The aim of this study is two-fold. Firstly, it attempts to assess the financial performance of Transport & Warehouses Firms Listed on the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX). Secondly, it analyses and measure Cronbach's Alpha coefficients of the dependent variable, including, return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) & return on sales (ROS). A quantitative research was conducted by collecting ROA, ROE & ROS in 22 Transport & Warehouses Firms Listed on the Hanoi Stock Exchange. We then categorized the ROA, ROE and ROS indicators into 5 levels ranging from 1 to 5. The first main findings from the study reveal that there are over 30% of Transport & Warehouses Firms with low financial performance and limited financial capacity. The second main research findings resulted from Cronbach’s Alpha: Cronbach’s Alpha of ROA, ROE and ROS are pretty tall, enough for analysis. Research findings are bases for recommendations to improve financial performance of Transport & Warehouses Firms Listed on the Hanoi Stock Exchange.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses new estimation methodology to analyse and measure the financial performance of Transport & Warehouses Firms Listed on the Hanoi Stock Exchange over the period 2015-2019. The paper's primary contribution is finding that benefit the Transport & Warehouses firms Listed on HNX in the improvement of their profit.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Inclusion of 21st Century Skills in Teacher Preparation Programs in the Light of Global Expertise

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The present study aims to explore global expertise of including 21st century skills in teacher preparation programs and the reality of including (information and communication, thinking and problem solving, as well as interpersonal and self-directional) skills in these programs. It also highlights the differences in the reality of including 21st century skills in teacher preparation programs according to specialization, years of experience, and academic qualification. The author adopted the analytical-descriptive approach and applied a questionnaire to a randomly selected sample of 50 in-service teachers in Saudi Arabia. The results showed that the arithmetic means of the information and media literacy, critical and systematic thinking, self-direction, accountability and adaptability, and social responsibility skills were moderate. They were moderate and low in the communication, problem identification and solution formulation, and interpersonal and collaborative skills. The arithmetic means were low in creativity and intellectual curiosity. Moreover, there were no statistically significant differences in all domains due to specialization, years of experience, and academic qualification. The study recommends conducting training courses and workshops on 21st century skills for in-service teachers.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper draws the attention of authors and planners to teacher preparation programs in the light of 21st century skills that help create an aware and educated generation. It provides distinguished global expertise. Thus, in implementing programs, we should reconsider having a teacher who masters the 21st-century skills.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Destination Image as Means of Branding and Marketing: Evidence from a Mountainous City Destination in Greece

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The purpose of this paper is to offer insights on a mountainous city destination branding and image. The paper reviews existing literature by analyzing its factors, its formation and its measurement elements. The study aims to test a theoretical model of destination branding by examining the relationships of cognitive, affective and unique image components with the overall brand image and the tourist’s behavior in the city of Edessa on the mountainous area of Pella in Greece. This paper contributes to the analysis and exploration of tourists' views on the image of Edessa in such a way as to assist managers and tourism professionals in reviewing their marketing and promotional activities to meet the needs of tourists. The methodology used was twofold. First a quantitative research to the city’s tourists was conducted and secondly a qualitative research with the use of interviews was conducted to the city’s stakeholders. Focus was given on the general characteristics of the city of Edessa including the vision, goals, actions, set by the city authorities, in order to extract results through the research based on how the image of Edessa is perceived by the visitors and residents of the city and especially the stakeholders and those whose decisions shape the touristic image of the place. The results of the research conducted shows that the creation of images is related to the significance of the water element through the breathtaking waterfalls and city’s natural environment. In addition, the agricultural products of the area, contribute to the enhancement of the image of the city and particularly the integration of fruits in the local gastronomical culture.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature as it examines a theoretical model of destination branding and the relationships of cognitive, affective and unique image components with the overall brand image and the tourist’s behavior in the city of Edessa, Greece.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1