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Listing 128 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Liability of Foreignness in Early-Stage Corporate Venture Capital Investment

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Cross-border corporate venture capital (CVC) investments are inevitable for firms outside the U.S. in order to access the emerging and disruptive technology of ventures in the U.S. In particular, investing in early-stage ventures has more strategic benefits than in later-stage ones. However, investing firms suffer from the liability of foreignness (LOF) to a greater extent in the case of CVC investments in early-stage ventures. Since establishing a local unit is a generally accepted approach to resolving the LOF, we examine whether non-U.S. firms establishing a local CVC unit in the U.S. helps to overcome the LOF. In addition, because CVC investments engender imitation risk for ventures, we also examine the moderating effect of the intellectual property protection (IPP) regime. The hypotheses are tested with 2,171 CVC investments in the U.S. between 2001 and 2010. We find that a local CVC unit is only effective in resolving LOF when the target venture is under a strong IPP regime.
Contribution/ Originality
This study extends the research on the liability of foreignness from the perspective of the capital market, in particular CVC investment. Specifically, it highlights that not only the imitation risk for ventures but also the adverse selection risk for corporate investors needs to be mitigated for early-stage cross-border CVC investments to be successful.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

The Influence of Institutional Voids in the Institutionalization of Bitcoins as a Currency

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Bitcoin is a social movement, which promises free and decentralized money, absent from the traditional regulatory institutions, but it can be challenging for financial industry regulators and other players in the financial markets. Thus, our study aims to analyze how the institutional voids manifest in the bitcoin institutionalization process as a currency. We adopt the institutional theory, from the perspective of institutional voids, in order to observe the concepts in emerging markets that show the difficulty or the beginning of the institutionalization of bitcoin as a currency. The institutional theory provides an opportunity to understand the reasons for using particular practices, actions, or manifestations. Our method is based on a qualitative exploratory approach with semi-structured interviews to understand how financial market experts perceive this phenomenon. Our results show that it is possible to identify how institutional voids manifest themselves, reinforcing the debate on whether bitcoin is, in fact, a currency.
Contribution/ Originality
This study analyzes bitcoin as an economic object through the logic of institutional voids. Thus, with the institutional perspective as a background and theoretical support, it is examined how the institutional voids are manifested in the process of institutionalization of the bitcoin as a currency.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 3

Ovitrap Surveillance of the Dengue Vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Selected Endemic Areas in Sandakan, Sabah

Research Article
Journal: International Research Journal of Insect Sciences

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Ovitrap technique could be considered an efficient tool for monitoring of Aedes populations. This study aimed to monitor the dengue vector population and to provide baseline data of vector density in selected endemic areas. 1600 ovitraps were placed indoor and outdoor randomly in selected houses from January till July 2014 at eight selected localities. 96%–100% of ovitraps were recovered after seven days. In total, 9399 larvae were examined of which 2674 (28.2%) were Ae. Aegypti and 6752 (71.8%) Ae. albopictus. Ae. albopictus were dominant than Ae. aegypti in every locality. Highest collection of Ae. albopictus was recorded in Kampung Air (total larvae = 1357), followed by Kampung Bokara (total larvae = 1165) and Taman Fajar (total larvae = 846). Three main localities that recorded highest collection of Ae. aegypti were Kampung Bokara (total larvae = 504), Kampung Air (total larvae = 457) and Taman Fajar (total larvae = 341). Ae. albopictus was found more abundant compared to Ae. aegypti. The ovitrap index recorded in all localities (ranged 18.0% - 59.0%) was more than the transmission threshold (10%). Mix breeding of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus were also detected for outdoor ovitraps. In conclusion, this study found that selected localities in Sandakan district have a high risk for transmission and outbreaks of dengue. Furthermore, this study also provided a baseline data of Aedes density for further planning of prevention and control activities.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the ovitrap surveillance as an important tool for management and planning of dengue vector strategy focusing on endemic areas.
Agricultural Sciences » International Research Journal of Insect Sciences » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Child Support Enforcement and Infants Health Outcomes

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This paper explores the potential externality of enforcements in child support policies on infants’ health outcomes. Exploiting the variations in child support policies across states and over the year and using the universe of birth records in the US (1975-2004), I document that the policies were effective in improving birth outcomes. Infants born to single mothers in states that fully adopt child support policies have on average 38 grams higher birth weight and 99 basis points lower likelihood of being born with low birth weight. These effects hold for a wide range of health outcomes. The marginal impacts are larger for mothers in states above-median changes in child support policies and for mothers who reside in poorer states. The results suggest that a higher quantity of prenatal care and better timing of prenatal care could be possible mechanisms of impact. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing the first evidence of health externality of child support policies for infants’ health outcomes.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper contributes to existing literature by exploring the potential externality of enforcements in child support policies on infants’ health outcomes.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Critical Review on Flipped Classroom Model Versus Traditional Lecture Method

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Flipped classroom model is now a well-established learning approach which has brought a paradigm shift by blending technology with the traditional method of teaching. The real meaning of Flipped classroom model is that the traditional lecture method is flipped so that learners get the initial learning material at home and class time is used for cooperative learning. The tools used for the flipped classroom model include Learning management system, social media and like. A lot of research studies exist on Flipped classroom model but these studies lack a unified approach over its significance. If one set of studies ranks Flipped classroom model better than the traditional lecture method; the other instruction models consider its success due to its integration with technology. There are also studies that associate Flipped classroom model with student-centered approach especially in university education. This article reviews a few of these studies with the objective to understand this debate about the right method of learning; and to identify which studies acknowledge the significance of Flipped classroom model. A set of 33 articles published from 2012 to 2020 were selected for this study. The statistical results show a mixed reaction about the acceptability and adaptability of the Flipped classroom model in the modern learning environment.
Contribution/ Originality
This study makes a critical review of 33 studies on Flipped classroom model with the view to understand how the previous studies have acknowledge the importance, adaptability and of flipped classroom model in the modern learning environments and also how they differentiated this model from the Traditional Lecture Method.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Students Fear of COVID-19, Psychological Motivation, Cognitive Problem-Solving Skills and Social Presence in Online Learning

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Online learning has been considered a successful source for reaching learners anywhere, and anytime despite all challenges for decades. This two-fold study was designed to explore how COVID-19 fear affected students’ social presence in online learning, and how their internal psychological resources such as motivation moderated to make their online learning experience successful in public, and private universities. A cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational research design was carried out by using a simple random sampling (N=244 students from Public sector universities, and N=178 students from Private universities). Online structured questionnaires were developed to collect data by using Google forms. The study found fear of COVID-19 highly insignificant in relationship with Social Presence, while Cognitive Problem-Solving Skill was significant with Psychological Motivation in Public Sector universities. Psychological Motivation also exhibited a strong positive and significant correlation with Cognitive Problem-Solving Skills. The study concluded that in Public Sector Universities, the existence of fear of COVID-19 was accompanied by greater psychological motivation among students, resulting in an increase in their cognitive problem-solving ability. While in Private Sector universities fear of COVID-19 was seen having a significant relationship with Social Presence, Cognitive Problem-Solving capability, and Psychological Motivation. In Private Sector universities, fear of COVID-19 was also accompanied by greater psychological motivation among students, resulting in an increase in their social presence.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to Constructivist’s Theory (Cipolletta & Ortu, 2020; Hoic-Bozic, Mornar, & Boticki, 2008) concerning the online learning effectiveness of university students’ during COVID-19. The logical analysis states that students’ online learning satisfaction is determined by their psychological condition encompassing social, emotional, behavioral commitments, where psychological motivation regulates the relationship between COVID-19’s fear and social presence, cognitive problem-solving skills.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

A Woman in Her Forties with Six Months of Worsening Dyspnea

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) is a rare cancer that originates from the smooth muscle of the uterine wall. ULMS is aggressive with a high rate of recurrence and mortality. Although the majority of ULMS are initially diagnosed within the uterus, they possess a high metastatic potential. Two thirds of metastatic ULMS sites involve the lung. However, the clinical presentations of such metastases are surprisingly not well described. In this case, we describe a case of a woman in her forties who presented with 6 months of worsening dyspnea and chronic cough. Her pulmonary function test demonstrated severe restrictive lung disease. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest was done which showed multiple pulmonary nodules. CT abdomen and pelvis identified multiple uterine masses with largest being 17 cm. Biopsy of uterine masses confirmed the diagnosis of UMLS. Her restrictive lung disease was diagnosed to be secondary to UMLS, as patient had no other identifiable risk factors.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper documents a rare case of uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) that presented as severe restrictive lung disease. It further highlights the essence of keeping broad differentials when managing a patient with non-specific pulmonary symptoms.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

A Novel Approach for Lithium Extraction from Sea-Water and Subsequent Battery Fabrication for Solving Energy Crisis: Energizing the Earth for Future Dearth

Research Article
Journal: Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation

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The Environment seems to be in detrimental health conditions owing to extensive pollution from the vehicles using conventional sources of fuel energy. Renewable energy sources and technologies possess the acumen to provide solutions to the long-standing Global Energy problems and our paper unveils one such novel technique for the extraction of Lithium metal from Seawater (Renewable, Sustainable and Infinite Energy Resource), followed by the fabrication of Lithium batteries that would eventually be employed in the automobile and several other industries. The collected Seawater is first passed through a Graphene mesh network whereby, the water network bifurcates into two halves: one half consisting of pure water and the other half consisting of Brine which is our chief concern. This Brine contains Lithium in the form of insoluble Lithium Carbonate (Li2CO3) which when heated and then treated aptly, produces the target metal Lithium (discussed vividly with associate reactions in the full paper) which may be deployed in the manufacturing of rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs) for use in Green Vehicles. The formation of dendrites can be potentially done away with by effectively creating electrodes with Smoother Surface finishes. Furthermore, on adding small amounts of HF and H2O in the electrolyte, the resultant formation of Li2O and LiF coatings help to vanquish these dendrites and whiskers thereby making the procedure effective, efficient and void of any disparities.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper’s primary contribution is the introduction of a novel approach for the effective and efficient Lithium Extraction from Sea-water and consequent manufacturing of Lithium-Ion Batteries. The produced Lithium-Ion Batteries can be further utilized in Green Vehicles to promote a sustainable and environment-friendly transport system.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Fostering Students Writing Skills through the Use of Computer and its Multimedia System in English as a Foreign Language Class in Benin

Research Article
Journal: Research in English Language Teaching

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This survey aims to assess the effectiveness of computer and its multimedia system in the teaching and improvement of students writing skills in English as a foreign language. The study adopts the exploratory, qualitative, and the quantitative methods. The study was carried out in public and private secondary schools in Benin and in language centres in the state, during the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020. The respondents involved in this study included 21 teachers and 205 students randomly selected from four chosen schools and language centres. The students belong to class options, A, B, C and D (A, relating to letters, B to human sciences, C to exact sciences, and D, to common sciences) added to advanced level students. Data collection was undertaken through the questionnaires, class observations and interviews. Data analysis was accomplished via the aid of a statistical tool called SPSS (Statistical Package for Social science). The findings revealed that very few teachers in Benin use computer to teach English as a foreign language in their classes. The results also revealed that many students prefer traditional methods of teaching, and very few of them like writing skill. The researcher reached some conclusions and made some suggestions and recommendations.
Contribution/ Originality
This is one of very few studies in Beninese context which have investigated on how computer can make students go beyond the traditional writing techniques in EFL classes. Those engage in teaching EFL to learners can find what is needed as a basic training in the theoretical issues of Foreign and understanding of a broad range of pedagogical issues that shape classroom writing instructions.
Arts and Education » Research in English Language Teaching » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Assessing the Effects of Household Wood Burning on Particulate Matter in Rwanda

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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Considerable efforts have been made to protect people from indoor air pollutant exposure as approximately 80% of people spend time indoors where pollution is often worse than outside. Further, vulnerable populations, including elderly, children, and pregnant women, spend an excessively of time indoors, exposing them to pollutants that are responsible for both short-term and long-term negative health effects, resulting an estimated 4 million premature deaths annually. Aim of this research was to assess impressions of domestic use of solid fuels (firewood and charcoals) burning on Particulate Matter PM2.5 and PM10, which are particles that are less than or equal to 2.5 and 10 micrograms (?m) in diameter respectively within Kigali the capital city of Rwanda. A sample of 31 households using only charcoals and woods for cooking were selected for targeted 72 hours of monitoring. Portable air quality sensors AirVisual Nodes were used to measure concentration levels of PM2.5 and PM10 in microgram per cubic meter (?g/m3). Results showed that homes using wood for cooking experience moderately high concentrations level of PM2.5 and PM10, over 1000 ?g/m3 and 1200 ?g/m3 respectively, whereas homes using charcoals for cooking had lower concentrations. This later direct to that: Outstanding to low market prices of these solid fuels, poorer households are highly exposed to indoor air pollution. So, an alternative reasonably priced domestic energy to be used for cooking are indorsed and pollution levels survey in households using combination or different types of fuels for cooking are recommended for future research.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is that:
 • Households using woods and charcoals for cooking activities are exposed to high air pollution levels.
• An alternative reasonably priced domestic energy to be used for cooking should be used as a primary energy for cooking.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Optimal Design and Operation of Fast Charging Station for Electric Vehicle Via Renewable Energy in Wadi El-Natrun-El Alamein Road, Egypt

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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The cost of Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) infrastructure is one of the problems which stand as a barrier in the way of widespread Electric Vehicles (EV). In this paper, the optimal design and operation of a renewable-powered EVCS will be introduced with minimizing cost and air pollution. By considering the station located in isolated area and will be supplied by hybrid Energy Sources. Configuration, sizing, economic optimization, operation and its effect on the environment are discussed. The proposed hybrid micro-grid consists of, photovoltaic panels, storage batteries, wind turbines, biogas generator and also a diesel generator. The case study of this work is to satisfy the 1056 KWh/day demand of EVCS for using at the selected site. Five different configurations of energy sources are studied to get the optimum case. HOMER software is used to implement the simulation model; the model is based on economic and environmental factors. Finally, the study introduces a cost-effective, socially and sustainable accepted design that can be useful in specifying the appropriateness of optimal design for other EVCSs.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few that investigated an optimal hybrid energy configuring the power system to operate the electric vehicle charging station in Egypt. This study documents that renewable energy sources are effective option to reduce the emissions from burning fossil fuels and also minimize cost of energy.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Survival Quantile Regression Analysis of Covid-19 in Rivers State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) cases in Rivers State, Nigeria are on the increase day by day. It became imperative to investigate the survival rate of covid-19 patients in this state. The survival quantile regression was applied assuming right censoring to estimate the effect of age, sex, fever, anosmia, comorbidity, and cough on the survival time of patients. The results show that on admission into the hospital the survival time of the patients depended on the age and the presence of anosmia, comorbidity, and fever. By the mid survival period only anosmia and fever were seen to be significant but at the 75th quantile comorbidity was also seen to be significant along with fever and anosmia. The result also shows that having fever is associated with longer stay in the hospital based on the size of the effect at different quantiles. We also noticed that though the effect of anosmia and comorbidity were significant at the 25th and 75th quantile the sizes of the effects were minimal, but comorbidity was seen to have a bigger effect than anosmia. Comparing the survival time of groups, the results showed that males and females have the same survival time and patients with and without comorbidity equally have the same survival time. Patients without fever, anosmia and cough had a shorter survival time than those that had fever, anosmia, and cough. We then concluded that fever, comorbidity, and anosmia are the major factors that affect the survival time of covid-19 patients in Rivers State, Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies that have investigated the effect of different covariates at different points on the distribution of the survival time of Covid-19 patients in Rivers State, Nigeria.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Professional Foreign Language Competence Formation using Educational Multimedia Technologies

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The purpose of the study is to analyze the use of multimedia teaching technologies as a means of developing future linguists' professional foreign language competence and to substantiate the effectiveness of their use in professional training. A combination of modern methods of pedagogical research has been used to fulfil the set goals: theoretical methods, such as analysis, generalization, comparison, synthesis, and systematization of scientific, educational-methodological literature, to determine the current state of the research subject; empirical and diagnostic methods (observation, conversations, interviews, questionnaires, testing) to determine the effectiveness of using multimedia teaching aids and determine practical recommendations for their use; prognostic methods to ascertain and diagnose the level of professional foreign language competence in future linguists; pedagogical experiments to experimentally check the effectiveness of the application of multimedia teaching technologies (multimedia educational presentations) in the process of developing the professional foreign language competence of future linguists; and methods of mathematical statistics for quantitative and qualitative processing of research results and statistical verification of their objectivity using the Pearson ?2 test. The usefulness of multimedia technologies in the development of future linguists' foreign language competence has been substantiated. The practical aspects of creating multimedia presentations aimed at developing professional foreign language competence have been described. It has been proved that the use of multimedia educational presentations to create a foreign-language communicative environment during future linguists' professional training will increase the level of linguists' independent acquisition of educational information, as well as provide positive motivation for educational and future professional activities.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by analyzing the use of multimedia teaching technologies as a means of developing future linguists professional foreign language competence and to substantiate the effectiveness of their use in professional training.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

The Effect of HVP Training in Vowel Perception on Bilingual Speech Production

Research Article
Journal: Research in English Language Teaching

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Prior investigations (Giannakopoulou, Uther, & Ylinen, 2013) have indicated high variability phonetic training intervention can help L2 English adult learners change the perception of vowels such that they shift their attention to primary cues (spectral features) rather than secondary cues (e.g. duration) to correctly identify vowels in L2. This experiment explores if high-variability training impacts on L2 adult learners’ production of L2 speech. Production samples from a prior experiment were used to conduct ratings of accuracy (Giannakopoulou, 2012). In the current experiment, the production samples were transcribed and rated for accuracy by twenty native English listeners. The intelligibility levels of L2 learners’ speech samples as indexed by higher accuracy in transcription were observed as having been rated higher following training than prior to training. This indicates that high-variability phonetic training helps to turn L2 learners’ perceptual benefit of enhancing their identification and discrimination of non-native contrasts into a tangible benefit when producing speech in L2. The implications of the results are considered with regard to theories on the connection between speech production and perception, and Flege (1995) Speech Learning Model.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper’s primary contribution is finding that through high-variability perceptual training, native Greek speakers as learners of English as second language can enhance their identification and discrimination of non-native speech contrasts, thereby increasing vowel intelligibility at word and sentence level when producing L2 speech as assessed by native English listeners.
Arts and Education » Research in English Language Teaching » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Temporal Rhythms of Dry Tropical Forest Regeneration under Exploration of Granite-Gnaisse Mining in a Semi-Arid Area

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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This research aims to identify and analyze the level of regeneration of Caatinga vegetation in different stages, under the impact of granite-gneiss mining in a semi-arid region in Northeast Brazil. To carry out the floristic and phytosociological survey, four areas of vegetation cover were selected in different stages of regeneration: 20 years (closed bush shrubland); 15 years (open bush shrub); 10 years (sub-shrub Caatinga); 50 years (reference area with shrubby Caatinga). The species records of the four sampled areas were compared using the Jaccard and Sorensen similarity index. For the phytosociological analysis, the parameters of Basal Area, Absolute and Relative Density, Absolute and Relative Dominance and Coverage Value of the species were calculated. The floristic survey registered 5,494 individuals belonging to 14 families and 34 species. It was found that Euphorbiaceae and Fabaceae were the families that contributed with the largest number of species in the tree and shrub components. The species in the areas where there was exploitation 20 and 15 years ago showed a regeneration process close to that registered in the preservation area for 50 years. However, with respect to wealth, the 20-year area showed the greatest abundance. From the results it was possible to know the process of regeneration of the pioneer and secondary successional species in the Caatinga, contributing to the preservation of the species and the recovery of degraded areas in the semi-arid region of Paraíba.
Contribution/ Originality
The exploitation of granites and gneisses has a high economic impact in the state of Paraiba. There are extensive areas under environmental impact and biological loss due to the removal of vegetation. We characterize the rate of regeneration of Caatinga vegetation with a history of exploitation of these rocks.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Using Structural Equation Model to Reveal Factors Affecting Faculty Members in University Colleges in the Use of Moodle

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The current study aimed at using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to detect the factors affecting the role of faculty members in university colleges for e-learning system (Moodle). The study has used the descriptive approach through the questionnaire tool which consisted in its final form of (33) items distributed on (10) factors. The study sample consisted of (487) faculty members in university colleges. The AMOS program was used to analyze the data using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the path analysis method and (goodness-of-fit) tests to test the validity of the proposed model. The results of the study identified (6) factors that affect the use of faculty members for the e-learning system (model) in the teaching process viz., the competence of faculty members, the efficiency of the e-learning system, training benefits, the influence of others, and facilities, in addition (3) factors were identified as outputs for the use of the faculty E-learning system namely quality of teaching, faculty satisfaction, and faculty confidence in the e-learning system. The study recommends educational policy makers in the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and University Administration to adopt these factors identified in this study and implement the effect of these factors on the use of faculty members for the e-learning system (Moodle) in order to achieve learning outcomes for academic programs.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated Structural Equation Model (SEM) to reveal the factors affecting the use of faculty members in university colleges for the e-learning system (Moodle). This study represents a guide for universities on providing all facilities for faculty to improve their efficiency in using the e-learning system (Moodle).
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Effect of Blanching Time and Drying Method on Quality of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Quality of black pepper highly depends on pre-drying treatment and drying method. A pre-drying treatment, blanching (dipping in boiled water), is practiced in different countries. However, Bangladesh is yet to follow this technique to produce black pepper. So, this study investigated the effect of blanching, blanching time, and drying method on¬¬¬ black pepper quality. Pepper berries were treated in boiled water (blanched) for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes and kept fresh (untreated). Both treated and untreated pepper berries were dried under the open sun and in a mechanical dryer. Results showed that blanching time negatively correlated with drying duration for both mechanical and sun-drying method. Blanching limited the moisture content of dried pepper 5.33-11.52%, where the moisture content of untreated sun-dried black pepper was more than 12%. Mechanical dryer needed the lowest time over open sun-drying and decreased the moisture % to a safer level (<10%). The moderately blanched (1-3 min) black pepper was attracted by the consumers due to its uniform shiny black color. In contrast, untreated pepper could not meet the consumers' desire. Again, blanching for longer time deteriorated black peppers’ color and consequently decreased consumers' preference level to buy.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies investigating the effect of blanching, blanching time, and drying method on the quality of black pepper.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Socio Economic Determinant and Profitability of Bari Mungbean Variety in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The study was undertaken to find out the socio economic determinants and profitability of BARI mungbean variety in some selected areas of Bangladesh. The study has been conducted three district viz. Jashore, Jhenaidah and Kushtia during June-July, 2020. A total of 90 farmers, 30 from each district were selected randomly for present study. It was observed that most of the farmer cultivated BARI mung-6 (67.78%), BARI mung-5 (21.11%) and BARI mung-7 (11.11%) in the study areas. BARI mung-6 was the popular variety among the farmers in the study areas as its adaptability to diverse nature and high yield. Total cost of mungbean cultivation was Tk. 46368ha-1, where as variable cost was Tk. 27391ha-1 and fixed cost was Tk. 18977ha-1. Among the cost item highest cost was land preparation cost Tk. 7684ha-1 (16.57%) followed by hired labour Tk. 4927ha-1 (10.63%), Seed Tk. 3584ha-1 (7.73%), pod picking cost Tk. 3487ha-1 (7.52%), pesticide Tk. 3029ha-1 (6.53%), fertilizer Tk. 2740ha-1 (5.91%) etc. Pod picking is important cost at mungbean cultivation and farmer expense averages Tk.12.00/kg of green pod. Women (64%) along with children (31%) were involved in pod harvesting. Average yield of mungbean was 1.030 tonha-1 in the study areas. Average Gross return was Tk. 66966ha-1 and net return was Tk. 20598ha-1. Benefit cost ratio was 1.44 that means the mungbean cultivation was profitable. Due to not synchronous ripening of pod mungbean harvest by the mechanical was not possible. Bad weather, pod picking and insect pest attack was major constraints for mungbean cultivation.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated on the socio-economic determinants and profitability of mungbean cultivation of Bangladesh. This study also document about which variety of mungbean was mostly cultivated in Bangladesh.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Antifungal Activities of Selected Plant Extracts in In-Vitro Control of Anthracnose and Root Rot Diseases on Cucumber (Cucumis sativus B.)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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An in-vitro experiment was conducted at National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology and the Nigeria Agricultural Quarantine Service, Moor plantation, Ibadan. The experiment was carried out to test the antifungal efficacy of some plant extracts (Ageratum conyzoides, Azadirachta indica, Morinda lucida, and Chromolaena odorata) and a chemical fungicide (mancozeb). The mycelial growth inhibition potentials of five concentrations of aqueous plant extracts were assayed at different incubation periods on the growth of Colletotrichum orbiculare and Lasiodiplodia theobromae. The experiment was carried out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five replications. A 3 mm mycelial disc of each test fungus was placed at the center of a 9 cm Petri dish containing 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 g of the plant extracts or 0.25g/100mL of mancozeb (synthetic fungicide) in Potato Dextrose Agar. The results obtained revealed that all the plant extracts, at all concentrations, significantly inhibited the growth of these mycopathogens, with 25g C. odorata having the highest percentage inhibition of 70.78% and 73.68% at 48 and 96 hours of incubation on C. orbiculare and L. theobromae respectively. All the selected aqueous extracts inhibited more than 50% C. orbiculare mycelial growth. Antifungal extracts recovered from the selected plants could be further purified to improve and characterize their fungicidal activities in controlling plant diseases. Extracts of plant materials, which are readily available to the farmers, are better alternatives to the commonly used hazardous, synthetic fungicides.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper’s primary contribution is finding that all the plant extracts used against cucumber pathogens had significant inhibitory properties inhibited at different concentrations and incubation periods respectively.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Students Problem-Solving Self-Efficacy Through Blackboard System in Higher Education

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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In this study, the effect of problem-based learning on students' problem-solving self-efficacy through the Blackboard system was investigated. The students’ perception of the implementation of problem-based learning into higher education and discussion through blackboard was also investigated. The participants of the study were 31 students in higher education, studying in the Curriculum and Instruction Department at Umm Al-Qura University. It is a quasi-experimental study, designed with a single group, pre-test, and post-test design. An open-ended questionnaire was used to investigate in-depth the students' perception. Both quantitative and qualitative data were obtained. The finding of the study reveals that there is a significant relationship between the pre-and-post-tests of the problem-based self-efficacy measurement scale. Further, the participants perceived advantages of using problem-based learning into their knowledge as well as into their learning and social skills. They reported that the Blackboard system had many benefits to complete the problem-solving activities. However, many students reported challenges in the implementation of problem-based learning as well as there were difficulties in using the blackboard system to achieve the raised problems.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated both Problem-based Learning and Problem-solving self-efficacy in higher education. The study uses a new formula of implementing problem-solving strategy into the Blackboard system to find out its effect of students’ problem-solving self-efficacy.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1