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Listing 103 - 20 of 2809 results.

Impact of Co-Teaching Approach in Inclusive Education Settings on the Development of Reading Skills

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study was conducted on three students with special education needs and their 16 non-disabled classmates in the 2nd year of an elementary school in Cyprus where inclusive education is offered to them and their parents. In the mentioned inclusive education setting, student and parent opinions with regard to the effectiveness of reading comprehension applications based on a one teacher one assistant model, which is a co-teaching model, conducted by the classroom teacher and special education teacher, have been evaluated. For this purpose, opinions have been obtained from students during the application that consisted of 14 sessions between October 2017 and January 2018 and from parents after the applications with regard to the effectiveness of the co-teaching practice using semi-structured interview forms. When the research findings were evaluated, it was seen that the students felt happy, successful and academically prepared during the co-teaching practices, they found the materials used by their teachers interesting, they were willing to attend the class, and were pleased to be in the school / classroom environment. When the findings of the parents' opinions were evaluated, the parents stated that they had some concerns prior to the co-teaching practices were implemented. However, they stated that the variety of materials and homework used during the practices and seeing their child's academic progress made parents feel at ease with the new approach. The parents also stated that the reading skills of their children had improved, their willingness to read had improved and their writing skills had improved as well.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature in terms of reflecting on the perspectives of both parents and students on the effectiveness of co-teaching. It is assumed that not only children with special needs but also children with normal development will benefit from co-teaching. In particular, it is believed that families, who are key stakeholders in special education, will develop increased awareness regarding the actions they can take to support the development of their children.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 01-2020 Issue: 1

Examining the Impact Records Keeping, Information Sharing and Partner Relations on Procurement Performance in Firms

Research Report
Journal: International Journal of Business Strategy and Social Sciences

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This study examines the extent to which information sharing, records keeping and partner relations influence firm performance via the creation of an efficient procurement system. A survey of 142 firms in the Ashanti region of Ghana, selected using the convenience sampling technique is used in the study. The study adopted a quantitative approach, with a structured questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument. An examination of the relationship among the variables reveal that procurement efficiency partially mediates the relationship between each of the three procurement related practices and firm performance. The implication of these findings for practice is that a focus on collaboration, not competition must be the aim of procurement. In modern times, firms must move beyond adversarial relations and focus on creative collaborative, long term relationship with selected suppliers. The study proposes that records keeping and audit of the process must be accorded as much importance as tender evaluation and contract management. The findings further imply that Suppliers are an extension of the focal firm and must be viewed as such. Excessive use of power leaves the weaker party aggrieved and willing to resort to unethical practices, which may include supply of low quality materials or creation of artificial shortages.
Contribution/ Originality
The study extends procurement literature beyond the sourcing process and advances scholarly knowledge on the interaction between these processes and procurement performance. It demonstrates the relevance of streamlining the procurement process via a close monitoring and evaluation of all auxiliary functions to the sourcing process.
Social Sciences » International Journal of Business Strategy and Social Sciences » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 1

Exploitation of Solar Energy between the German Leadership and the Reality of the Algerian Experience: Analytical Study During the Period (2000-2017)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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This study aims to reveal the reality of the Algerian experience in the exploitation of solar energy, considering that Algeria is a large country in terms of space and climate capabilities that allow it to attract this kind of renewable energies. The study also observes the German experience in this field in order to benefit from it; thus, it relied upon the analytical descriptive approach. The results of the study showed the limited exploitation of this type of energy in Algeria. Despite the gradual improvement in the use of solar energy, mainly since 2015, this improvement is not as expected as it recorded an output of 244.1 MW in 2016, and the output did not exceed 400 MW until the end of 2017. This is despite the tendency of Algeria in activating and assimilating solar energy and developing its exploitation as an alternative energy for fossil energy, which comes as a priority within the National Renewable Energy Program 2015-2030. The results of the study also showed the high level achieved by Germany in the exploitation of solar energy despite the obstacles encountered where the country is cloudy. Germany’s solar power capacity reached 40988 MW in 2016 after it was within 114 MW in 2000. This would not have been achieved in Germany in the absence of the promotion of investment in renewable solar energy and consumption, where the growth rate of solar energy consumption reached about 9% in 2016, but in Algeria remains very modest, as less than 0.05%.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is giving a clear vision about the possibility of strengthening the partnership between Germany's technical development as the largest generator of electric energy from sunlight in the world, and Algeria's abundant potential as the largest solar energy reservoir in the world.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

College English Teachers in China: Developments, Crisis and Solutions

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This research investigates whether the employment of College English teachers (CETs) is threatened in China. In order to explore this issue, the study traced the evolution of College English (CE) and the past and present status of CETs, analyzing various causes for change in the status of CETs that also lead to the issue of surplus CETs. The threats to CETs identified include the changing patterns in English learning and teaching, amendment in the language policy and the absence of a justification of CE as a course at tertiary level. The study proposed a few possible solutions to tackle the issue of surplus CETs. It concluded that a successful transfer of ‘surplus labors’ in CET not only depends on the implementation of top-down scheme scientifically designed for teacher training, but also relies on the CETs’ professional commitment to seizing every opportunity of upgrading their personal, technical and pedagogical competencies. Although the potential problems and challenges facing CETs are discussed in Chinese contexts, they may have implications for other similar educational contexts where English is taught as a foreign language.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper is one of the pioneering studies to examine the evolution of College English and the status of College English Teachers in China. It is also among the first studies to investigate and suggest possible solutions for the latent threats posed to the employment of College English Teachers in post-College English era.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2019 Issue: 4

Do Entrepreneurial Education and Training Impact on Entrepreneurial Skills-Based Ecopreneurship?

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This paper examines the effect of entrepreneurship education and training on entrepreneurial skills of ecopreneurship students at public vocational secondary schools. This study applied a quantitative research method using analysis regression model to examine the relationship between variables. The population of the study was students in the second grade of vocational school in Jakarta, and the sample was about 200 students gathered using purposive random sampling. The data was taken using a questionnaire following a Likert scale. The findings showed that there is a correlation between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurship training positively affects entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship training have an influence on entrepreneurial skills based on students’. Based on these findings, schools are expected to improve the quality of learning through more innovative entrepreneurial materials oriented towards ecopreneurship to enhance students’ entrepreneurial mindset. In addition, schools are expected to hire experienced training mentors in the field of environment-based entrepreneurship so that the training will be of a higher standard.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that education, entrepreneurship training lead to entrepreneurship skills-based ecopreneurship. This research can also be used for stakeholders to improve entrepreneurship education at senior high schools.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2019 Issue: 4

Corporate Criminal Liability in the Collapse of Bank Century in Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This research aims to determine the form of criminal responsibility corporate banking should bear, having particular reference to the case of the Bank Century. It also seeks to understand the form of legal proceedings used against victims of banking crime in that case. The concept of corporate criminal liability is well established, and can apply both to the corporation and/or the board of directors. However, in the Bank Century case difficulties in conducting the prosecution arose because criminal sanctions against corporations were not included in Law no. 10 of 1998 which regulates banking. Secondly, the form of legal protection for the victims consists of two forms: preventative; and repressive. Indonesian regulators remain reluctant to recognize corporate criminal liability. Cultural change among regulators is required to ensure corporations in the banking sector are subject to criminal prosecution where appropriate.
Contribution/ Originality
This is one of very few studies to have investigated corporate criminal liability as a legal subject. The academic debate over Bank Century has been minimal to date, and this research seeks to remediate that situation.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Innovations Dissemination Approaches among Government Co-Operative Supporting Organisations in Tanzania

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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Efficient governments do encourage, support and promote innovations. Such realisation has necessitated some governments to establish strategic organisations to facilitate some of its innovation mandates. Some innovations have been developed by government co-operative supporting organisations (GCSOs) in Tanzania but only a few have been disseminated to end users. This has prompted questioning of the appropriateness of the innovations dissemination approaches used by such GCSOs. Research Method: The case study research design was used whereby five cases were picked. Primary data were collected using key informants’ (KIs) interviews, focus groups discussion (FGDs) and documentary review. A qualitative research approach was adopted. Data were analysed using content analysis. The Atlas.ti computer software facilitated analysis of the data. The results show that albeit the existence of several innovations dissemination approaches, there were no mechanisms to institutionalise the effective ones. Concurrently, the approaches applied largely left out the primary co-operative societies (PCSos) treating them as submissive receivers of innovations. Moreover, numerous setbacks including perceived unwillingness by GCSOs executives to prioritise and allocate available resources for innovations, inadequate incentives and resources deficit were constraining inclusive innovations dissemination efforts. The study covered GCSOs only as they have been receiving direct government resources to support among other things innovation activities unlike other member-based and private organisations operating in Tanzania.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents on the importance of inclusive innovations dissemination approaches among GCSOs and the need for its successful intervention and implementation to enable more innovations dissemination to end users (PCSos).
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Development of Learning Videos for Junior High School Math Subject to Enhance Mathematical Reasoning

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aimed to develop Mathematics learning media in the form of learning videos in order to enhance the reasoning abilities of students of Mathematics Education Study Program.. This study used the development model to construct products in the form of learning videos on topics like Surface Area of Cuboid, Cube, Prism and Pyramid. To achieve this purpose, the ADDIE, Analyse, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation, development model was used, In this study; the steps conducted only reached the Development stage. Based on the validation of media experts, the percentage of the feasibility of learning media obtained was 95.15%. After being converted into a scale conversion table the percentage of the achievement level of 95.15% was in very good criteria. This proved that the learning video on the material surface area of the Cuboid, Cube, Prism and Pyramid were feasible to be applied in learning. Then, it was validated by material experts and based on expert validation, in terms of media aspects, material substance aspects, and learning design aspects which was scored at 90.86%. After being converted to a percentage scale conversion table the level of achievement of 90.86% was again in very good criteria. This led to conclude that the learning videos of the material surface area of Cuboid, Cube, Prism and Pyramid were feasible to be applied in research by making improvements in the order of material delivery.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature related to the development of instructional media such as learning videos as Mathematics learning media to enhance the reasoning abilities of students of Mathematics Education Study Program at Universitas PGRI, Semarang.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 01-2020 Issue: 1

The Effectiveness of the Production of Healthy Rice in Comparison with other Rice Varieties in the Upper Northern Region of Thailand

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The objective of this study is to examine the efficiency of the production of healthy rice and that of other varieties grown in the upper northern region, by using Meta-Frontier approach in analyzing the rice production efficiency. This study focuses on rice production of farmers by comparing between healthy rice growers and farmers of other rice varieties about 300 and 900 sampling respectively, in the areas of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Phayao. In analyzing the efficiency used one variable of the output, the quantity of rice products and five input variables namely quantity of seeds, cost of soil nourishment fertilizer, cost of weeding, cost of labor in production, and cost of labor for harvesting. The study found that there were more variables for analyzing the efficiency of other rice varieties of rice than those of the healthy rice. Plus, general rice growers had higher production efficiency than healthy rice farmers (0.9439> 0.8604). However, it seems that they should reduce more production factors, particularly labor in production and that in harvesting. Meanwhile, the overall economy of scale had increased while that of each group appeared to be unchanged.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have examined the efficiency of the production of healthy rice and that of other varieties grown in the upper northern region, by using Meta-Frontier approach in analyzing the rice production efficiency.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

An Agnostic Analysis of Exchange Rate Movement in Ghana

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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Based on quarterly data for the period 2006:3-2018:4, the effect of exchange movement on a set of price indices in Ghana is examined via a Bayesian Vector Autoregressive model. Using normal inverted-Wishart priors, the posterior estimates are generated by Markov Chain Monte Carlo draws via a sign restriction algorithm. Findings showed that the response of consumer prices (CPI), producer prices (PPI) and non-food prices (NFP) to exchange rate shocks is low and incomplete. Furthermore, the forecast error variance decomposition (FEVD) indicated that CPI is most responsive to exchange rate impulses than NFP and PPI. In addition, inflationary pressures in Ghana emanated from exchange rate sources other than monetary sources. The paper recommends “pricing in local currency” as a deliberate policy to insulate domestic prices from volatilities in the exchange rate.
Contribution/ Originality
This study used a new estimation methodology to examine the effect of exchange rate dynamics on prices in Ghana.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

The Effect of Nasal Breathing Versus Oral and Oronasal Breathing During Exercise: A Review

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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Historically, exercise physiologists believed that humans produce the greatest physical work by breathing orally. Recently, however, authors from the fields of medicine, health and exercise have described the potential benefits of limiting breathing to the nasal airway during exercise, but actual effects have been infrequently examined in the literature. The purpose of this review was to examine the effects of nasal breathing as compared to oral and oronasal breathing during exercise from the available peer reviewed literature. Studies were identified using six search terms in Google Scholar. All related descriptive studies were included as were experimental studies with the following three criteria: a repeated measures design, randomization of condition order, and valid measurement techniques. The search results yielded a total of 30 published articles as of August, 2019, and both descriptive (n=7) and experimental studies (n=23) were reviewed for the effects of nasal breathing on exercise. The evidence suggests that exclusively nasal breathing is feasible for most people at moderate levels of aerobic exercise without specific adaptation, and that this breathing approach may also be achieved during heavy and maximal levels of aerobic exercise following a sustained period of use. Benefits of nasal breathing include a reduction in exercise induced bronchoconstriction, improved ventilatory efficiency, and lower physiological economy for a given level or work. The use of nasal dilation devices can increase the work intensity achieved during exercise while breathing nasally. Further research on the effects of nasal breathing during exercise is needed.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first logical analysis of the scientific literature addressing the use of nasal versus oral or oronasal breathing during exercise.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Perceived Poverty and Alleviation Efforts of Kogi State Community and Social Development Agencies in Kogi State: An Empirical Investigation

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This study investigated the perceived poverty and alleviation efforts of Kogi State Community and Social Development Agencies in Kogi State, Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. The survey was conducted on selected rural areas of Kogi State. Snowball sampling method (which involves referral of respondents) was used, and the total of 300 respondents was surveyed. The sampling procedure adopted for the study was simple random sampling. Data were analysed in tables using percentage and Ordered Probit Regression. Findings show that poor rural roads and inaccessible water supply significantly and negatively affect the socio-economic development of Kogi State; and that massive rural-urban drift and conducive educational environment created by private schools have positively contributed to the socio-economic development of Kogi State. Findings further show that coordinated management, commitment and discipline on the part of the members of the agencies have significant negative effect on the efforts towards poverty reduction in Kogi State; and that over-politicization, regular payment and monitoring logistics are seen to have significant positive effect on the efforts towards poverty reduction in Kogi State. The study recommended that the government and economic stakeholders should pay more attention to poor rural roads and inaccessible water supply as they significantly affect the socio-economic development of Kogi State. Also, the government should intervene in the procurement of alternative source of power supply and encourage increased number of private schools to complement effort on the socio-economic development process of Kogi State.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to existing literature by investigating the perceived poverty and alleviation efforts of Kogi State Community and Social Development Agencies in Kogi State, Nigeria.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

Adoption Impact of Improved Cowpea Variety in Selected Areas of Chattogram District of Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The study was carried out in 13 villages under three Upazila’s namely Hathazari, Fatikchari and Satkania of Chattogram District, Bangladesh during 2017-18 covering 210 farmers in the selected locations. Results revealed that the rate of adoption of cowpea (BARI Cowpea-1) was found to be higher (71%) than that of the local and mixed varieties. The highest number of the respondents came to know about BARI Cowpea-1 from DAE (58.6%) followed by seed dealers (31.7%), research stations (19.0%) and NGO’s (17.0%). The average yield of BARI Cowpea-1 was recorded at 0.613/ha irrespective to all locations; which indicated that the productivity of this variety has been declined due to perhaps mixed cultivation practices with the local variety, lack of knowledge on modern production technologies, lack of irrigation water during the dry seasons and not using the recommended dose of manures and fertilizers. Thus the adoption rate of individual production technology of BARI Cowpea-1 was found unsatisfactory. But it still might project promises; if the farmers could be acquainted, trained and put in practice with the modern production technologies. The respondents had agreed upon significant positive socio-economic impacts of cowpea cultivation on their livelihoods; so it’s needed to motivate farmers to follow the recommended production technologies for gaining higher yield from this variety or alternatively needs to develop and release new varieties for this region.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the adoption status of a BARI released cowpea variety, BARI Cowpea-1 and its specific production technologies at field level and the factors influencing adoption/ non-adoption for developing new cowpea varieties for the region.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Perception and Impacts to Climate Emergency in Maiduguri Urban, North-East Nigeria: A Case for Community Based Adaptation Approach

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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Presently, a global climate emergency has been declared due to human lifestyles that have released anti- friendly gases into the atmosphere. This timely study captures the vulnerable climate aggression in Northern Nigeria and the need for adaptation for formidable climate actions. The study assessed the climate emergency perception using a community based adaptation/participatory approach in Maiduguri urban. The study employed the use of survey approach which included the random sampling of 300 structured questionnaires, observation, focus group discussion and interview of key informants. Findings from the study showed that 60% of the residents were aware of climate crisis especially in high income areas. Also, 24.7%, 19.3%, 18% and 17% agreed that deforestation; household activities, industrialization and urbanization are major factors that aid climate change in the study area respectively. Findings from FGD and oral interviews showed that there is increased temperature, rainfall unpredictability and heat intensity. Further, they indicated that the increased heat seasons have triggered health risks in low income areas affecting mostly young children and the aged. The study also revealed that only 9% of the respondents were women while 81% were men. Obviously, the little role of women may be a huge setback on taking adaptive climate actions since 86% of respondents agreed that household activities are a major contributor to climate emergency. To address this challenge this study recommended the Community based adaptation/participatory strategy (CBA/P) which is all inclusive and participatory tool that will promote the health and well-being of the community from climate crisis.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have identified the community based adaptation approach as the best adaptation strategy to the impacts of climate emergency in urban Maiduguri.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: 06-2019 Issue: 2

The Moderating Effect of Age on Preschool Teachers Trait Emotional Intelligence in Greece and Implications for Preschool Human Resources Management

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Preschool teachers play a significant role in nurturing the social and emotional development of young children. Moreover, their own social and emotional skills can influence how they instruct their pupils in emotional intelligence (EI). This study aimed to examine the individual dimensions of trait emotional intelligence (TEI) for preschool teachers working in Ioannina, the capital city of Epirus in northwestern Greece, using the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Short Form (TEIQue–SF). The mean EI score of the participants was 4.98(±0.57), with a small number having EI scores either below 4 (1.61%) or above 6 (1.76%), while the majority had a mean EI score between 4–5 (49.18%) and 5–6 (47.54%). Although no effect of age or experience on overall EI was found, age was negatively correlated with emotionality on the one hand and positively with sociability on the other. This trend toward a moderate increase in sociability as teachers grow older may reflect their different backgrounds and experiences. Educational administrators should direct resources toward safeguarding and enhancing the preschool teachers’ EI at all stages of their careers.
Contribution/ Originality
This study establishes the effect of age on certain aspects of preschool teachers’ emotional intelligence in Greece. The results can be used for future developments and human resources management, particularly for monitoring, safeguarding, and enhancing preschool teachers’ EI at all stages of their careers.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 01-2020 Issue: 1

Histopathology Studies of Selected Organs of Hemichromis Fasciatus [1] Inhabiting Igun Gold Mining and Opa Reservoirs, South Western Nigeria: A Comparative Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Advances in Life Science and Technology

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This study examined histopathological alterations in the gills, fillet and liver of Hemichromis fasciatus in Igun reservoir (located in an abandoned goldmine area) compared to those of Opa reservoir. Fresh adult fish samples were collected from Opa and Igun reservoirs and identified in the laboratory. Techniques based on histological analyses were done on the organs and photomicrographs taken using digital binocular compound LED microscope. Epithelial lifting and hypertrophy of lamellae were observed in the gills of H. fasciatus in Opa reservoir compared to rupture of gill epithelium, rupture of chloride cell, fusion, hyperplasia, curling of lamellae in H. fasciatus of Igun reservoir. The fillet of H. fasciatus in Opa and Igun reservoirs revealed splitting and atrophy of muscle bundles. Also, parasite cyst and necrosis was observed in the fillet of H. fasciatus of Igun reservoir compared to degeneration in muscle bundles in the fish of Opa reservoir. Similarly, the liver of H. fasciatus in Igun and Opa reservoirs showed splitting at the wall of central vein, hepatopancreas and liver cells degeneration. Moreover, nucleus hypertrophy were also identified in the liver of H. fasciatus in Opa reservoir compared to vascular congestion in the central vein, bile duct, portal vein and portal artery of H. fasciatus in Igun reservoir. The study therefore concluded that H. fasciatus specimens in Igun reservoir are histopathologically unhealthy compared to those of Opa reservoir.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents histopathological alteration in the organs of Hemichromis fasciatus collected from an abandoned gold mine reservoir of Igun and Opa reservoir. The study confirmed the effects of established heavy metals pollution in Igun reservoir due to pronounced alterations observed in the fish specimens from Igun reservoir when compared to the relatively unpolluted Opa reservoir.
Physical Sciences » International Journal of Advances in Life Science and Technology » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Supply Chain and Logistics Management and an Open Door Policy Concerning Cyber Security Introduction

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The need for integrity and reliability in the supply chain and logistics management operations has a well-established array of theoretical frameworks that guide organizations and managers in the field. However, what is missing is a comprehensive, established framework for logistics and supply chain cybersecurity. The emerging area of cyber-supply chain security continues to lack suitable models to help secure critical data and systems. In all industries and fields today, cybersecurity is no longer just an information technology issue. It is a business sustainability and business strategy issue. The human factors in the cyber-supply chain operations represent the actions or events when human error results in a successful hack or data breach. Today, protecting logistics and supply chain organizations from cyber and data security risks is no longer just an information technology employee function. Every organizational employee has a responsibility in the data protection process. Progressive organizations are ones that can create methods, policies, and approaches that encourage employees to play an active role in the information and cybersecurity process. This paper explores innovative approaches around open-door systems as a proactive data security and cybersecurity risk reduction organizational strategy. This research provides cyber-supply chain practitioners and scholars an array of concepts to help them understand and describe the dynamics of cyber-supply chain and logistics management data security vulnerabilities and opportunities for process improvements.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by exploring innovative approaches around open-door systems as a proactive risk reduction approach.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis in Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Genotypes in Northwestern Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Studies on degree of genetic advance as well as rate of genetic progress in grain yield and yield associated traits in bread wheat genotypes over years are limited. Therefore, this study was initiated to explore genetic advance and rate of genetic progress over years in bread wheat breeding program. Twelve bread wheat genotypes released in between 1995-2012 were used as experimental treatments. The experimental treatments were laid out on randomized complete block design with three replications across locations over years. The study was conducted at Adet, Debretabor, Finoteselam, Injibara and Simada in 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons. The traits grain yield, biological yield, spike length, number of seeds per spike and thousand seed weight showed medium genetic and phenotypic variation, higher heritability and medium genetic advance to the mean of the population whereas days to physiological maturity, plant height, and test weight showed negligible in both genotypic and phenotypic variation, higher heritability and negligible genetic advance to the mean of the population. In the genetic advance analysis over years, only thousand seed weight showed positive significant increment while grain yield, biological yield, days to physiological maturity, plant height and test weight showed positive non-significant increment. Meanwhile spike length and number of seeds per spike showed negative non-significant decrement over 18 years. Therefore, breeders should be considered the yield related traits to bring the desired genetic enhancement as well as to develop demanded genotypes in the future bread wheat breeding investigations.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the magnitude of genetic advance of grain yield and yield related traits in bread wheat released varieties in Ethiopia. This study documents is vital to plant breeders to consider the non-significant steady increment of grain yield in bread wheat released varieties over 18 years.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Creative Accounting and Financial Performance of Public Listed Companies in Malaysia

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Worldwide corporate failure has become one of major issues discussed related to excessive practice of creative accounting. Creative accounting is conducted with the intention to indicate company performance aligned with the companies’ objective. This empirical study is conducted with an objective to examine the relationship of creative accounting practices (proxied by income smoothing and tax avoidance) and the impact of financial performance (measured using return on assets) of Malaysian public listed companies. Income smoothing and tax avoidance are some of the important elements being discussed together with creative accounting practices and financial performance. Using 409 public listed companies on Bursa Malaysia, secondary data was collected from data stream and from the information disclosed in the website of the sampled public listed companies. Agency theory is used to support the analysis and results of the research. Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences Software (SPSS) to test variables under study. The result indicates that income smoothing does influence the financial performance of Malaysian public listed companies. The result of this study could benefit the policy maker in order to responsively react on any issues and provides specific guideline for the companies in applying certain judgment by referring to the accounting standard.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature on the influence of creative accounting proxied by income smoothing towards firm performance. This study could benefit policy makers in order to identify the key area of their problems or issues to amend or implement the current policy with regards to creative accounting.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

The Outcome and Hepatic Function of an Extended Category II Treatment in a HIV-Seronegative Suspected Extensively Drug-Resistant TB Patient

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diagnostics

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A 25 year old HIV- seronegative client was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and placed on Category I (CAT I) treatment. After two months, acid fast bacilli (AFB) persisted in sputum. Rifampicin (Rif) resistance was detected with the GeneXpert MTB-Rif Assay® (Xpert; Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA, USA), leading to a change in treatment to CAT II after completing CAT I in the third month. Continuous detection of Rif resistant species and persisting ‘Scanty’ results (1-9 AFB found in 100 microscopic fields) from sputum smear microscopy (SSM) after one (1) year was suggestive of treatment failure to CAT II [possible extensively drug-resistant (XDR) species]. Category II treatment was continued for the next eight months as we anticipated the arrival of XDR medicines. Before commencement of XDR medication, SSM and GeneXpert were repeated. The SSM result was negative (no AFB seen), while Rif resistance persisted. The controversy was eventually clarified with the Bactec Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) liquid culture, which indicated no growth for M. tuberculosis. Since the rapid molecular GeneXpert will persistently detect Rif resistance even after months of treatment, we support the use of MGIT to confirm when treatment should be halted. This case study also showed tolerance to prolonged treatment with CAT I and II drugs and confirms evidence in existing literature.
Contribution/ Originality
The outcome of this case study contributes to existing literature on laboratory and clinical diagnosis, and the management of pulmonary tuberculosis. It further reinforces the need to equip district level laboratories adequately to expedite diagnosis.
Medical Sciences » Journal of Diagnostics » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1