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Listing 57 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Lead-Lag Relationships between Construction Investment and GDP: Granger Causality Tests and Impulse Responses Using Japanese Data

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This paper analyzes the lead-lag relationships between construction investment and GDP at business-cycle frequency by the tests of Granger causality and the impulse responses in the framework of the vector autoregression, using the annual Japanese data. The analysis find that private construction investment tends to lead GDP, not vice versa, in the Granger sense and is of value in predicting the course of GDP one year ahead. Government construction investment, on the other hand, tends to lag GDP.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated empirically whether construction investment preceded the economic growth in business-cycle frequency within the methodological framework of Granger causality.

Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 02-2016 Issue: 2

Forecasting-Based Carry Trade Using Pegged Currency: A Case of Omani Rial

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This paper examines the profitability of using an emerging country, currency that is pegged to the U.S. dollar in carry trade against floating currencies. It also examines the effect of embedding forecasting techniques in its profitability and risk-adjusted returns. While carry trade is performed largely with currencies that adapt a floating exchange rate system, conducting such a strategy using pegged currency has proven to be very rewarding, especially when the strategy is enhanced with forecasting methods. Carry trade is a speculative strategy where carry traders take advantage of interest rate differential between two currencies. It is conducted by borrowing a low interest rate currency and investing in a high interest rate currency. According to uncovered interest parity (UIP), carry trade should not yield any profit. If investors are both rational and risk-neutral, then exchange rate changes will eliminate any gains arising from the differential in interest rate. But literature has shown that UIP does not hold. This failure has led to unprecedented returns for that strategy matching the returns of the S&P 500 and outperforming it in terms of Sharpe ratio.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on carry trade by examining the feasibility of using pegged currencies in such strategy. This study is one of the few studies which has investigated the effect of embedding forecasting methods in the selection process and its effect on return, risk and risk-adjusted returns.

Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 02-2016 Issue: 2

Assessments of Market Oriented Beef Cattle Fattening System Under Farmer Management Condition in South Omo Zone of Snnpr

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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A sample survey was conducted in six  districts of three woreda in South Omo zone of SNNPR  to assess smallholder beef cattle fattening and  marketing systems under farmer management condition. Using a purposive sampling technique, a total of 120 households from six districts were included in the survey. The sample respondents indicated that about 97.5% were  castrate their animals for fattening purpose while only 2.5%  didn't. About 25.6%  of the sample respondents  had experience in fattening of uncastrated animals while 74.4% had not experienced in fattening uncastrated animal. About 90.6%  of the fattening system they carry out was outdoors,5.1% was indoor and 4.3% were both indoor and outdoor. About 78.9%  of the sample respondents indicated that the establishment of farmers' cooperative organization could help to exploit the existing livestock potential in a better way while 21.1% didn't think. About 77.9% Of the respondents indicated that although individual farmer tells the selling price for their own product, they were unable to sell at their own selling price. This is because market price setting for the product was by trader ,15.9% was by  negotiation,2.7% was  by farmer individually,1.8% respondents determined prices through involvement of brokers/middlemen-this offers the lowest profit margin for the producer due to the fee paid to the middle men and 0.9% was by both broker and negotiation. According to sample respondents, the majority of individual farmer didn’t set the price for their own product, they were price takers. Cattle marketing in the study area function at two levels, namely village level and primary markets. Market actors were producers, consumers, middlemen, restaurant owners, traders and butchers. The channels of cattle marketing was farmers-to-farmers, farmers-to-consumers, farmers-to-traders and farmers-to-butchers. Most of the feed resources were locally available Therefore, to increase the quality and number of animals fattened, providing farmers with sufficient training and extension services on improved cattle fattening technologies, adaptation and introduction of improved feeds and feeding system, market information are needed. Season and market locations were found to affect price of cattle suggesting the need to plan cattle fattening targeting season and market location to benefit farmers from better price, so that cattle fattening become sustainable.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that  investigating the existing cattle fattening practices and marketing systems, constraints and opportunities, the main actors in marketing of beef cattle fattening  and locally available feeds used for beef cattle fattening  in order to plan and develop improved cattle fattening and marketing systems.

Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 09-2016 Issue: 3

Model for Absorption of Perfluoropropane Intraocular Gas after Retinal Surgeries

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Purpose: The intended audience for this paper is retina surgeons who perform retinal detachment (RD) operations, anesthesiologists and dentists who use nitrous oxide, ophthalmologists and optometrists who encounter RD patients, students of ophthalmology and optometry, and RD patients, their families and friends. To help future retinal detachment (RD) and macular hole patients understand imminent eerie visual events, the author developed a mathematical model for the behavior of an injected intraocular C3F8 perfluoropropane gas bubble after an RD operation. Ophthalmologists could use this model to create animations showing patients what to expect. Methods: Our subject had three RD operations with the injection of perfluoropropane gas. After each of these operations, he daily recorded the horizon to gas bubble angle and the radius of curvature of the gas bubble. These data were used to calculate the volume and surface area of the gas bubble. Then formal modeling techniques were applied. Results:One gas bubble, which lasted 73 days, was studied extensively. Fitting the measured data required four geometric submodels, corresponding to the four possible bubble configurations. Conclusions: This model for the absorption of an intraocular gas bubble had two components: the structural component described the four geometric configurations that the bubble went through in its lifecycle and the dynamic component that described the absorption rate of the gas. The model suggests that the gas-bubble absorption-rate is not proportional to either the surface area of the bubble or the surface area between the SF6 gas and the aqueous humour. Rather the gas-bubble absorption-rate is proportional to the surface area of gas in contact with the retina.
Contribution/ Originality
This is the first paper to show the four sequential geometric models of an intraocular perfluoropropane gas bubble after a retinal detachment operation. This bubble is absorbed at a rate proportional to the amount of gas in direct contact with the retinal surface.

Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 05-2016 Issue: 5

Current Issue: Smoking Cessation, The Patient, The Physician and The Policy Makers

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Tobacco smoking continues to be a bane in the US. Nearly 540, 000 people die annually because of cigarette smoking. These deaths are preventable. Smoking is implicated in lung cancer and many other medical conditions. Billions of dollars have been spent on health issues related to smoking. Lung cancer affects men and women. Nicotine addiction is the culprit in continued smoking and understanding its role is important in promoting smoking cessation. Smoking cessation is important and scientific evidence and approaches exist in the literature. We have explored traditional, non-traditional and novel modalities for smoking cessation and the need for physicians to be actively involved in recommending smoking cessation. We have also discussed special populations that have special requirements for smoking cessation.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper’s primary contribution is making stakeholders aware of the implications of smoking and the role of the physicians and policy makers in reducing the incidence of cigarette related deaths. It also emphasizes how available smoking cessation methods may be beneficial to smokers.

Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 06-2016 Issue: 6

Microbiostratigraphy, Microfacies and Depositional Environment of the Sarvak Formation in Bi Bi Hakimeh Oil Field (Well No. 29), Southwest Iran

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The Sarvak Formation in Bi Bi Hakimeh oil field (well No.29) with the thickness of 324 m consists of limestone in Cenomanian - Turonian period. The upper boundary of the Sarvak Formation is in the form of disconformity with the Gurpi Formation. The lower boundary of Sarvak Formation is not clear because of lack of sequential excavation. According to microbiostratigraphy studies, 4 genera and 2 species of planktonic foraminifera and 22 genera and 28 species of benthic foraminifera are identified and based on them, three biozones were introduced including Nezzazata–Alveolinids assemblage zone, Rudist debris, and Oligosteginid facies. The zones are in consistence with zones introduced by Wynd (1965). In the study area (southwest of Iran), the Sarvak Formation is subdivided into 8 microfacies that are distinguished by petrographic analysis on the basis of their depositional textures and fauna. In addition, four major depositional environments were identified in the Sarvak Formation. These include shelf lagoon, platform margin, slope and basin environmental settings, which are interpreted as a carbonate shelf without an effective barrier separating the platform from the open ocean.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the upper cretaceous sequences of oil fields. The results of this study will help to make biostratigraphy biozones, interpretation of microfacies and depositional environments upper cretaceous, Recognition of lithology specificities and Separation and definition of the upper cretaceous sequences.

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 10-2016 Issue: 10

Landfill Site Selection Using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method and Artificial Neural Network Method; A Case Study from Lorestan Province, Iran

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The selection of a site for landfill is one of the most difficult steps in landfilling process. Several techniques and methods have been used in a sanitary landfill site selection in the literature. In this paper two methods consist of a method based on the artificial neural network method and simple additive weighting (SAW) method have been used to landfill site selection in Lorestan province, IRAN and the results of two methods compare to each other. The input data of the research consist of 9 digitized data layers including geology, faults, slope, vegetation, residential areas, road and railways, groundwater resources, dams, drainage network maps. The land suitability map prepared by means of SAW method has been grouped in five categories with 0.5 intervals (Ai: 0 to 2.5). Derived map from the neural network modeling exhibit a gradual suitability for a landfill site. With SAW method that was used in the first step of the research, most of the area is considered unsuitable, while by the neural network method, the area with high suitability covers different parts of the study area. One of the most characteristics of the neural network methods is flexibility. The maps that are provided by these methods help the decision makers to select areas with a high suitability value and then proceed to field investigations according to the level of enforcement of the other policies.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature about the multi-criteria decision making and the using intelligence tools for site selection. This study uses new methodology for landfill site selection by means of artificial neural networks. This study originates new model for site selection based on the geological and geographical data.

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 10-2016 Issue: 10

The Role of Supervisory and Leadership Type in Budgeting Commitment on Hospitals’ Financial Performance in East Java Province, Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Analysis of an organization’s financial performance reveals whether an organization’s financial condition is performing better or worse. This reflects its performance and achievement in that time period. In order to achieve good financial performance, the organization’s staffs need to be committed to work according to the organization’s plans and its budgetary commitment. Leadership type is crucial in determining the organization’s success because it affects and enhances the staff’s commitment to participate in creating and implementing the organization’s budget. Supervision control is needed to ensure that budgetary commitment is on target and does not deviate from its predetermined commitment. This study to analyzed the role of supervisory role and leadership type on budgetary commitment and financial performance across 15  hospitals in East Java, Indonesia. 10 participants were surveyed from each hospital with questionnaires about supervisory role, leadership type, budgetary commitment, and financial performance. We also obtained secondary data in the form of financial statements from each hospital and later correlated this data with our questionnaire using a path analysis computer software Smart Partial Least Square. The results showed that a hospital’s managerial supervision (estimated path coefficient = 0.222, p=0.001) and its leadership type(estimated path coefficient= 0.572, p=0.000) positively influenced the hospital’s budgetary commitment. Leadership type(estimated path coefficient = 0.294, p =0.020) and budgeting commitment(estimated path coefficient= 0.243, p=0.030) directly influenced a hospital’s financial performance. While managerial supervision has no direct effect on a hospital’s financial performance (estimated path coefficient = 0.130, p=0.125), it exerts its effects on financial performance indirectly through its effect on budgetary commitment.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper contributes to the practitioners of the hospitals through the implementation of budgetary commitments and the achievement of financial performance, especially the leadership of the delegate authority to subordinates and prepare human resources who are competent in the implementation of the budget thus improve financial performance.

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 05-2016 Issue: 5

The Creation of Financial Performance Based on the Economic Value Added Perspective: A Case of Indonesian Estate Firms

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This study examined the valuation of financial performance from 13 Indonesia Estate Firms. The valuation involves eight key performance indicators which are based on accounting principles including Return on Equity, Return on Investment, Total Asset Turnover, Cash Ratio, Current Ratio, and others. Those indicators are combined with indicators weighted to be as Financial Health Score. Both the indicators could be improved simultaneously, but whether the improvement always valuable or not? To answer this question, Economic Value Added (EVATM) was employed to measure shareholder value. Financial reports of 13 firms from the period of 2002 to 2011 are selected. Nine hypotheses were proposed to examine the relationship between performance indicators and financial health score to EVATM. Each hypothesis was tested under Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) model. The findings indicate that all tested hypotheses show significant relationship. However, it can be identified that the creation of financial performance based on accounting method, it would disclose the shareholder value. But EVATM method demonstrates that actually some companies suffer a loss of their value although the financial performance improved.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 06-2016 Issue: 6

Investigation of the Effect of Weather Conditions on Solar Energy in Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Atmosphere

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This study presents the effect of temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and evaporation on solar energy in Port Harcourt City, Nigeria. The data was recorded every 5 minutes daily and monthly, covering 2008 – 2014, in The Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt Meteorological Logging Unit. The MATLAB software used in the analysis of the data reveal a direct relationship between solar radiation and temperature and evaporation, and an inverse relationship with rainfall and relative humidity. The mean atmospheric temperature is 26.02oC, while solar energy varies between 47.07 mJm-2 month-1 and 113.99 mJm-2month-1 with a mean of 87.87 mJm-2month-1. During the rainy season (April – September), the mean monthly solar energy is 86.69mJm-2month-1, while in the dry season (October – March), the mean is 89.05mJm-2month-1. The amount of evaporation per temperature ranges from 2.92 mm/oC to 4.47 mm/oC with a mean annual of 3.57 mm/oC. In the rainy season, this value  varies from 2.79 mm/oC to 3.79 mm/oC. In the dry season months, the variation is from 3.12 mm/oC to 4.47 mm/oC. The rainfall-to-evaporation ratio of 5.71 in rainy month demonstrates that about the amount of rainfall is recorded for the amount of water evaporated. This correlates with the fact that humidity is high. The results of this work could be used in the design and construction of solar energy technologies to provide energy. Moreover, the results could also provide input for climate risk information, local and national planning and decision-making for sustainable development in the areas of agriculture, aviation, health, and weather forecasting.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » Journal of Atmosphere » Month: 06-2016 Issue: 1

Retracted: Pierced Salt Domes in the Persian Gulf and in the Zagros Mountain Ranges in Southern Iran and their Relationship to Hydrocarbon and Basement Tectonics

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The most enigmatic problems with the nearly 200 salt domes pierced in the Persian Gulf and in the Zagros Mountain Ranges (ZMR) in southern Iran, a unique morphology in the world, have been the matter of this study, which is based on a combination of field work, enhancement of satellite and aerial photographs etc. In the ZMR, structural anomalies are frequently associated with similar facies distribution patterns. In the eastern portion of the region, emergent salt plugs of Infra-Cambrian age exhibit the same alignment patterns. Such trends bear no apparent genetic relationship to the Tertiary folding responsible for the present Zagros fold belt, but rather indicate their affinity with linear basement features which are readily observable on Land sat imagery and aerial photographs. Bending  of anticlines in the competent cover rock, combined with minor strike-slip faults and horizontal displacements of parts of folded structures, strongly point to the presence of these basement faults. The salt plugs, which have pierced cover rocks of up to 10000 m thick, are distributed on the Arabian Platform along regional basement faults. The area of diapir outcrops is bounded by the Oman Line to the east and by the Kazerun fault to the west. Pieces of the basement have been brought up to the surface on some of the salt domes. The fragments were transported by rotational ascent of the Hormuz Salt Formation to the present and former land surfaces. The recognition of features related to basement tectonics and realization of their implication in the control and modification of geological processes are important adjuncts to the search for hydrocarbon accumulations in this region. To our best knowledge, data of basement faults in the study area are scarce. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine basement faults and their relation to salt dome distribution. Considering the fold axes bending, the trend of the salt plugs and also the distribution of epicenters of the last century, n umerous new basement faults are introduced in this paper.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 10-2013 Issue: 10

Retracted: Study Hydrogeochemistry Exploration of Thermal Spring in Ramsar Area, (North of Iran)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Ramsar area is located across and between Alborze Mountain and Caspine Sea in North of Iran. About 30 spas are located south of the Ramsar and Sadatshar town. They are almost in between 20 to 70 m elevation. Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks and alluvial deposit are exposed around the Ramsar area. In tertiary, acidic Plutonism was active and intrusion into the Paleozoic and Cenozoic formations. Quaternary and Alluvium deposits are exposed and extending on the Jurassic formations in Ramsar plain and have thickness lower than 10 m in show springs. The annual precipitation in the Ramsar region is 976 mm.There has not any proper Thermal spring management in Ramsar area yet. This could post some  serious  problem  on  improper  management  of  Thermal  spring  sites,  where  its environment has been put into jeopardy. This study aims to provide a way to classify the Thermal springs in Ramsar area. The result of this study help in the classification of Thermal spring sites for official planning improvement of administration and sustainable development of natural resources of the area.The study makes use of the Department of Applied Geosciences in Islamic Azad University. GIS  data of a total of 9 Thermal springs in the attempt to set up a classification system of Thermal springs in Ramsar area. These data include surface temperature, conductivity, alkalinity, acidity, TDS, pH values, H2S, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, SiO2, SO4 contents, their locations, usages and other relevant information.The surface temperature of Thermal springs are between 19oC – 65oC and Na-K-Cageothermometer shows estimated reservoir temperature range from 25 o C – 195 o C. Most of the water from these Thermal springs is relatively turbidness and their composition is sodium choloride. The Thermal springs in this area generally exhibit high SiO2 and Na content; strong smell of sulfur.In addition, there are 9 Thermal springs that show high concentration of Cl, Ca, Na, K and Mg.There are three major criteria used in the classification system in this study, temperature, pH and their usage. On the basis of temperature, there are three classes of Thermal springs in Ramsar area: hyper thermal spring (10 %, 50-99o C); thermal spring (80%, 30-50o C). There is one class achieved on the basis of pH values: all of Thermal springs exhibit weak acids. There are 4 types of usage classification: swimming pools, Tourism, space heating and drying of organic materials.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 11-2013 Issue: 11

Patterns of Hazardous Drinking and Socio Demographic Characteristics among Selected Tribal Community, in Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diseases

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Tribal and minority populations’ square measure progressively exposed to risk factors as a results of urbanization. The study was conducted within the Rakhain community in Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh, with the aims of deciding the patterns of unsafe drinking and their socio demographic characteristics. This cross-sectional study was done among 287 Rakhain people. Informations were collected by face to face interview using pretested structured form. Seriously sick, lunatic person and who weren't interesting to involve were excluded from the study. Substance use was significantly high among the age group of 35-44 years. Their mean age was 40.66 (±11.275) years. Majority of the respondents was male 148(52%), married 222(77.4%) and educated up to primary level 179(62.4%). The very best proportion 68(23.7%) of the respondents were housewife and day labourer and lowest was jobless 26(9.1%). Their average monthly family financial gain was 17874.56 (±7208.553) Taka. More than fifty percent Rakhain consumed beer as hazardous drinking. Statistically important association was found between their pattern of drinking and socio-demographic characteristics (p <0.001). Hence improvement of educational and employment status of tribals strongly needed. It’s dreadfully necessary of interventions to promote knowledge, awareness, and health skill among the ethnic Rakhain tribes to guide a healthy life.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated to find out the areas where interventions are needed. Findings of this study will help policy makers to prepare appropriate policy to bring healthy Rakhain community which is an ethnic tribal community residing in coastal area of Bangladesh.

Medical Sciences » Journal of Diseases » Month: 01-2016 Issue: 1

Dyspnea as an Unusual Presentation of Rickets in A 3-Month-Old Infant: A Case Report

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diagnostics

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Rickets, a condition caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, has a myriad of presentations and affects children all over the world. Infants who are exclusively breastfed by mothers who are vitamin D deficient are affected, particularly in the absence of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy. While breast feeding is encouraged, breast milk is deficient in vitamin D thus; exclusively breastfed infants require vitamin D supplementation. This case describes a three-week-old male infant with a continuum of rickets, which went undiagnosed from the initial presentation of noisy, difficult breathing and snoring at the pediatric emergency department. This case emphasizes that rickets may not always have a classical presentation.
Contribution/ Originality

Medical Sciences » Journal of Diagnostics » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 2

The Indirect Impact of Overconfidence on the Performance of Tunisian Firms Through their Financing Structure

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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In the current framework of behavioral corporate finance, this article studies the relationship between the managers’ overconfidence and firm performance through the financing structure in the Tunisian context. Our model seeks to identify if the financing structure as a mediating variable between the performance and overconfidence. The empirical study is based on a sample of 56 firm managers for the year 2014. The results of the conducted regressions confirm the existence of a mediating effect of the financing structure on the relationship between overconfidence and the performance of Tunisian firms.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies which have investigated the indirect impact of overconfidence on the performance of Tunisian firms through their financing structure; it is based on a new methodology that uses the theory of Baron and Kenny (1986) by utilising mediating variables to assess the relationship between the firm’s overconfidence and performance.

Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 06-2016 Issue: 1

Effect of Temperature and Time on the Physical Properties of Bread Produced from Wheat – Cocoyam Flour Using Response Surface Methodology

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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This  study  investigated  the  effect  of  baking  temperature  and  time  on the  physical  properties  of  bread  from  10% cocoyam  and  90% wheat  flour. A central composite  rotatable  experimental  design  with  two  factors  and  five  levels  were  used. The   independent  factors  were  baking  temperature (174.82 – 251.18oC) and  baking  time (30 – 45min). The responses were specific loaf volume (Y1), crumb moisture (Y2), crumb hardness (Y3) and overall acceptability (Y4). Thirteen (13)  baking  trials  were  performed  with  five  center  points  and  eight  non  center  points. The specific  loaf  volume (3.35 – 3.9cm3/g), crumb  moisture  content (32.1 – 35%), crumb  hardness (70 – 70.48N) and overall  acceptability (4.85 – 8) varied  significantly (P<0.05) with the  baking  temperature  and  time. The panelists preferred the bread baked at 186oC for 45min.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the effect of baking temperature and time on the physical properties of bread from wheat- cocoyam flour using response surface methodology and revealed that acceptable bread can be obtained from 90% wheat flour and 10% cocoyam flour at the baking temperature of 1860C for 45mins.

Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2016 Issue: 2

Influence of Hydrocarbon Additives on the Velocity of Detonation Wave and Detonation Limits in Lean Mixes by the Example of The Reaction of Hydrogen Oxidation

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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The formalism of the one-dimensional detonation theory taking into account both thermal losses and the theory of branched chain processes was applied to hydrogen oxidation in the presence of hydrocarbon additive. It is shown that accounting for both reactions of termination of the active centers of combustion via molecules of hydrocarbon additive, and chain oxidation of hydrocarbon additive allows qualitative interpreting of the main features of the process. They are both passing of detonation velocity through a maximum at an increase in content of the additive in lean mix and the existence of two detonation limits on the concentration of the additive.
Contribution/ Originality
This study originates a new approximate analytical formula interpreting the main features of the detonation velocities and limits in lean hydrogen – air mixtures.

Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 3

Soil Erosion Hazard Mapping in Central Zab Basin Using Epm Model in GIS Environment

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Soil losses and erosion are the primary concerns that decrease soil fertility, deposition materials in waterways, flooding, environmental pollution, and declining dam capacity. The aim of this study is zonation of soil erosion hazard and sediment yield in central Zab basin in southwest of West-Azerbaijan province in Iran. The Sardasht dam construction is established on its main branches that estimate amount of soil erosion and sedimentation of behind the dam is necessary. Hence EPM model have been used to soil erosion hazard mapping using series of GIS data, Landsat ETM+ satellite images, aerial photos in GIS environment. Required layers information was used in this research including slope, aspect, lithology, soil, land use, rainfall, and river erosion. Hence, GIS databases and their weighting of each map layers were extracted according to the hydrologic units. Also, GIS database was prepared based on EPM model to extract of erosion and sedimentation maps The obtained result using EPM model showed that south and southwest parts of central Zab basin near the Sardasht Dam construction are very highly eroded due to their soil erosion and lithology while the northern parts of case study are moderately eroded because of the intensive land cover.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature to determine the dominant erosion features in the mountainous catchment using satellite data and GIS techniques. This study documents can be used to estimate the amount of sediment reaching the dams, natural resource management and land use planning.

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 11-2016 Issue: 11

Factors that Influence Teachers’ Perceptions of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in Mathematics Teaching in Kenyan Secondary Schools

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study investigated the factors that influence mathematics teachers’ perceptions of ICT in mathematics teaching in Kenyan secondary schools. Participants for the study came from a population of mathematics teachers in Nairobi and Nyandarua counties in Kenya. The results revealed that mathematics teachers’ perceived roles of ICT in the classroom were positive with a large proportion of teachers agreeing that ICT plays a significant role in the teaching-learning process. Additionally, demographic factors such as age, school type, teachers’ educational level, principal’s subject major, and so on were significantly related to mathematics teachers’ perceptions of the roles of ICT in the classroom. The Internet and ownership of laptop computer were found to be useful in shaping mathematics teachers’ perceptions; however, this was not true for the availability of computer labs, technology resources, and location of the school (rural or urban). Additionally, limited time to integrate ICT in the lessons and inadequate ICT training in mathematics related software were found to limit mathematics perceptions of the positive roles of ICT in mathematics teaching. The study recommends that mathematics teachers need to be trained on the relevant mathematics software, be provided with reliable Internet connection, and encouraged to acquire laptop computers for instructional use.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated teachers’ perceptions of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in mathematics education. Limited studies have investigated this research problem in the African context. The study used the Chi-square statistics as a lens of identifying the variables in the study.

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 04-2016 Issue: 4

Unsteady Plane Couette Flow of an Incompressible Couple Stress Fluid with Slip Boundary Conditions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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In this work, the unsteady flow of an incompressible couple stress fluid between two parallel plates is studied. Slip boundary conditions are applied on the two plates and vanishing couple stress condition at the boundaries is assumed. The upper plate is suddenly moved with time dependent velocity while the other plate is fixed. The problem is solved analytically in the Laplace domain through the use of Laplace transform technique. The inverse transform of the fluid velocity is obtained numerically. The velocity profiles for different times and different physical parameters are plotted and the numerical results are discussed.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper contributes to the field of couple stress fluids by applying the more realistic slip condition to Couette flow of an incompressible couple stress fluid. It is found that the time, the couple stress coefficient and the slip parameters have significant effect on the flow field.

Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 07-2016 Issue: 7