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Listing 79 - 20 of 2809 results.

Detection and Prevention of Phishing Attack Using Linkguard Algorithm

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Information

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Phishing is another sort of network attack where the attacker creates an imitation of a current site page to trick users into submitting individual, financial related, or password information to what they believe is their service provider's site. The idea is an end-host based anti-phishing algorithm, called the Link Guard, by using the generic attributes of the hyperlinks in phishing attacks. The link Guard algorithm is the idea for finding the phishing electronic messages sent by the phisher to get hold on the data of the end user. Link Guard depends on investigation of the attributes of phishing hyperlinks. Each end user is implemented with Link Guard algorithm. Subsequent to doing as such, the end user perceives the phishing emails and can abstain from responding to such mails. Since Link Guard is qualities based, it can identify and prevent not only known phishing but also obscure ones.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by introducing an idea in an end-host based anti-phishing algorithm, called the Link Guard and it uses generic attributes of the hyperlinks in phishing attacks. This study uses new estimation methodology for finding the phishing electronic messages sent by the phisher to get hold on the data of the end user.
Computer Sciences » Journal of Information » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Ethnobotanic Study of Use of Medicinal Plants Utilized in the Quilombola Community of Chapada Da Natividade, Tocantins, Brazil

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diseases

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The knowledge of medicinal plants utilized by the quilombolas is considered important in the conservation of these plants within the Brazilian biodiversity, and must be preserved and transmitted over the generations. Thus, the objective of this study was to make a survey of the use of medicinal plants utilized by the Quilombola Community of Chapada da Natividade, located in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. The data gathering was carried through informal interviews with listing of the plants and the sampling technique utilized for selection of informers was the “Snow Ball”. There were registered 32 species belonging to 22 distinct families. The families with the higher number of cited species were Fabaceae, Anacardidaceae and Lamiaceae. The predominant medicinal uses are mostly associated to the respiratory and tegumental systems, with the leaves being the most used parts, in teas by decoction and infusion. Also, there was carried the study of the main illnesses, considering the use of medicinal plants for the treatment of them. The results show a vast diversity of vegetal species utilized, and that the role of the medicinal plants is not only as agent in the cure of diseases, but also as cultural form
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the main medicinal plants used by Quilombolas for the treatment of diseases and the different forms of preparation. This contributes with information that can help in the alternative treatment of diseases, as well as a cultural form of preserving the knowledge acquired through the generations.
Medical Sciences » Journal of Diseases » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Organisation Restructuring: The Influence of Interpersonal Conflict, Anomie, and Trust in Management on Counterproductive Work Behaviour

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Employees’ reaction to organization restructuring varies as some react positively towards change but others refuse to accept it. Those who react negatively may engage in counterproductive work behavior. Since the existing studies are scarce in addressing this issue especially during organization restructuring, the present study is meant to investigate the influence of interpersonal conflict, anomie and trust in management on employees’ counterproductive work behavior. Data were collected from 215 non-managerial staff of a company offering maritime related services, which is undergoing restructuring exercise. Using a multiple regression analysis, it was found that trust in management and interpersonal conflicts negatively influence counterproductive work behavior while anomie or feeling helplessness or hopelessness positively influences counterproductive work behavior. The implications of the study are discussed in the paper.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the role of trust in management, interpersonal conflict and anomie in influencing counterproductive work behavior. These three factors are significant predictors of counterproductive work behavior.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 02-2018 Issue: 2

The Relationship Between Low-Carbon Finance and Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Industrial Bank of China

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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The action plan of China-proposed One Belt One Road initiative play a significant role of sustaining the green and steady growth of Chinese economy. Meanwhile, it also brings tremendous opportunities and challenges for low-carbon economy. Developing low-carbon finance is necessary for developing low-carbon economy in China. Commercial banks' primary objective is to maximize profits, so they inevitably pay attention to the influence of competitiveness and earnings after developing carbon finance. Industrial Bank as China’s first bank joining Equator Principles is the typical example of commercial banks which develop low-carbon finance. This paper analyzes the total assets, non-performing loan ratios and net capital of the bank and concludes that if a commercial bank can do a good internal management, the development of low-carbon finance will promote its sustainable development. In other words, the sustainable development based on low-carbon finance will generate visible benefits to the bank.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that commercial banks can improve its market competitiveness, decrease its operational risk, enhances its profitability and gain support from investors through developing low-carbon economy. The finding in this study sheds light on the sustainable development of Chinese commercial banks.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

The Politics of Fear in the US Political Discourse about Migration: An Argument- Based Approach

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Nowadays, the politics of fear is frequently visited across the world; such as in Europe (Federici, 2006; Wodak, 2015; Greenhill, 2016). In the US, political figures, and especially presidents, are proved to use fear to justify their denials to welcome refugees (Ben Khalifa, 2017a; 2017b). Being grounded in this course of literature, this paper seeks to determine how Obama and Trump manipulate fear to justify their immigration policies. It focuses on the examination of several speeches that the two presidents delivered on this issue. The critical analysis and evaluation of the arguments they used in these speeches will be based on the use of practical reasoning (Walton, 1996; Fairclough and Fairclough, 2012). To apply this theoretical combination I followed a simple method of research that consists of three successive steps: a) going through the selected speeches to determine the logical components of each argument; b) re-constructing and analyzing the developed arguments; and c) evaluating these arguments and undertaking the logical interpretations. The obtained findings are of two types: theoretical and practical. Theoretically, it is proved that circumstances and values should be considered as essential components in the structure of the fear appeal argument. Practically, it is shown that the speakers used in their rhetoric of fear such discursive strategies like flash-back, narration, meaning-making, and graduation to: persuade the world that the US will not welcome refugees because they harm its home security; convince the Americans that welcoming more refugees will threaten their lives and values; and make their policies the most appropriate choices to save America and its values. So, fear is politically manipulated to serve the speakers’ interests and to justify their public policies.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by elaborating a more developed structure of the fear appeal argument and making connection between the rhetoric of fear and the art of policy justification. Also, it highlights the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to determine the goals behind any manipulation of fear.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

An Observational Study Evaluating the Impact of Chikungunya Virus Infection on Oral Cavity and Temporomandibular Joint

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Over a past few years, a very limited number of studies researched whether the chikungunya virus affects the oral cavity in addition to pronounced symptoms in extremities but on literature review different studies were found to have different conclusions. Thus an Observational Study was conducted evaluating the impact of Chikungunya Virus Infection on Oral Cavity and Temporomandibular Joint. This was a cross sectional study having a self-designed questionnaire, descriptive and associative tests were run for Data analysis using SPSS. Out of 527 tested, 204 patients were found seropositive and 135 were selected for data analysis on their consent (N 135). Pain and burning sensation of mouth (71.1%), discomfort in mouth opening (65.9%), Bleeding gums (53.3%), and taste aversion (50.3%) were the most common complaints followed by Inability to chew food (48.1%), Discomfort in swallowing (35.5%), Halitosis (34.8%) and tenderness over TMJ (30.4%). The study significantly recorded pain, discomfort and bleeding gums intraorally. Pain, tenderness and decreased efficiency of temporomandibular joint were also noted.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature of Chikungunya virus infection. Interval estimation statistical method is used. It is one of very few studies which have investigated impact of Chikungunya Virus Infection on Oral Cavity and Temporomandibular Joint and concluded it to be quite painful and uncomfortable to bear causing burning gums, limiting speech, decreased chewing ability, altering taste perception, TM-joint and muscles tenderness and difficulty in food swallowing.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 01-2018 Issue: 1

Political Economy and Stakeholder Perspectives on Inclusive Low-Carbon Energy Transition: Case of Kenyan Rangelands

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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Kenya, among other developing countries, is challenged by low access to clean power, particularly among households located in remote rangelands of the country. This study sought to evaluate the role and perspectives of energy sector actors in the transition of low-carbon off-grid technologies to households in Kenya as an alternative to the national grid for powering isolated low-income communities. To this end a key informant survey was conducted, involving State and non-state energy sector actors to assess the level of capacity, policy inclusiveness, constraints and delivery of clean off-grid energy technologies to rural households. Key findings revealed that County Government and non-state actors are largely excluded from clean energy planning for off-grid communities. In addition, women, within the framework of women’s groups are strong players in this sector and have a high potential to expand clean energy access to off-grid areas. It was also found that despite the Kenyan Government commitment towards a green economy, a change in policy direction would be necessary to ensure a multi-stakeholder planning approach for increased private investment and inclusive access to clean energy.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies investigating stakeholder perspectives and policy gaps constraining clean energy transitions into remote Kenyan rangelands, indicating that key constraints are economic, cultural and under-inclusion of local government and indigenous communities, particularly women, in national off-grid clean energy planning and implementation.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Process Design of Associated Natural Gas to Dimethyl Ether Production Via Direct Synthesis

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research

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The flaring of associated natural gas in Nigeria results in environmental degradation and economic wastage. Thus, several routes for monetizing this associated gas, especially Gas to Liquid processes, have been proposed and researched extensively. Amongst these, is the Gas to Dimethyl ether (GTDME) process. Dimethyl ether (DME) is a clean and economical diesel-alternative fuel which has properties that are similar to those of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and therefore, can also be used as a fuel in power generation, home heating, and cooking. This paper evaluates the technical and economic viability of converting stranded and associated gases to Dimethyl ether via direct synthesis using associated gas from the Niger Delta region as feed, to serve as a route for the stoppage of natural gas flaring and underutilization in Nigeria. The multi-function single reactor plant was modeled with Aspen Hysys Process Simulator (version 8.6) and an economic analysis was carried out, using bare module costing, to determine the profitability of the plant, taking note of the Dimethyl ether market and price. The simulated plant produced ready-to-use Dimethyl ether with a molar purity of 97.47% and an annual revenue of $23 million at the current cost price of $0.99 per kg liquid DME; thus, proving the profitability of the Gas-To-Dimethyl ether plant in tackling the gas-flaring problem.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the direct conversion of associated gas to Dimethyl ether, as a way of its utilization, instead of flaring. It is geared toward provision of more components of clean fuel and environmental conservation.
Engineering » International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research » Month: 01-2018 Issue: 1

Implications of Poor Electricity Supply on Nigeria’s National Development

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Since 2005, the Federal Government of Nigeria has undertaken a long-term structural reform of the power sector to improve the provision of electricity to its citizens. The government has developed the power sector from a single state-owned utility to an unbundled system with private participation and ownership of assets across generation and distribution. This study contributes to the existing literature that unravels the implications on Nigeria's National Development. This study is situated within the output-oriented approach. This study uses new estimation methodology with data obtained from various qualitative and quantitative secondary sources while content analysis and table and pie chat were used in its analysis. Furthermore, the findings show that poor electricity supply has resulted to decay and collapse infrastructure, closure of industries as well as a rapid decline in the availability of social amenities like potable drinking water, improved health care services, etc.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Public Procurement in the Health Services: Application, Compliance and Challenges

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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Public procurement is a strategic partner in achieving the public good. The purpose of the study was to examine the public procurement in the health services. A mixed method approach through the survey with Pearson Correlation and Kendall Coefficient of Concordance aided the analysis of the study. The study found that training enhanced the application knowledge whereas documentation verification was a key compliance modality. The bureaucracy was a challenge while the Medical Superintendent and the hospital Administrator were the officers for policy approval and supervision of the Public Procurement Act. The paper suggests the need for regular training of staff and stronger stakeholder participation in the procurement processes.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on public procurement in the health services by focusing on the social and moral connotations in public procurement by public official's actions and inactions on the citizenry welfare.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Assessing the Relocation of Adekunle Ajasin University to Akokoland on Transportation System and Rural Development in Ondo State

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study investigates the impact of relocation of Adekunle Ajasin University (AAU) on transportation system and its effects on the socio-economic life Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from randomly selected respondents numbering three hundred and eleven. The quantitative data collected were analysed with statistical package for the social sciences, while the quantitative data was analyzed using content analysis. Findings revealed that transportation business has recently experienced changes. Most of the respondents (70.4%) agreed that 'Okada' transportation-system became a booming business with the relocation of AAUA. The teeming population of students and staffers had impacted positively on socio-economic activities in Akoko-land. Majority of the respondents 72.7% agreed that the increase in the number of 'agolo' buses (as taxi cabs) and 'Okada' motorcycles has made inter-town movements easy for most people. 64% agreed that improvement in the transportation sector in Akokoland has alleviated the negative impact of poverty on many youth. The study recommends that Government should intensify rural development by increasingly making the presence of Government visible through citing educational institutions, cottage industries.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the effect of relocation of higher institution of learning on rural transportation and rural development. The paper's primary contribution is finding that siting of higher institution of learning in rural area brings about socio-economic development.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Sphene and Zircon Fission Track Analysis of Syenite Rocks of the Sushina Hills, Purulia-Bankura Shear Zone (TPSZ)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Sushina hills are situated in the Purulia-Bankura Shear Zone. This is tectonically disturbed narrow zone nearly 100 Km long having WNW-ESE trend. Two different rock assemblages namely Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex and rocks of Singhbhum Group occur on the two sides of this shear zone. In this paper, I have used fission track ages of two cogenetic minerals and their corresponding closure temperatures to describe the denudation history. The difference of their fission track ages provides the rate of denudation 4 m/Ma during the period 970Ma-1458Ma due to tectonic activity. The youngest age of zircon of 970Ma represents the timing of the initiation of denudation.
Contribution/ Originality
Apatite fission-track (AFT) analysis has been widely used to constrain the low-temperature thermal histories of many igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks in a wide range of geological settings. This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the rate of denudation 4m/Ma and the timing of the initiation of denudation.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 04-2018 Issue: 4

The Effect of Proactive Market Orientation on Company Performance: The Case of Medium and Large Manufacturing Companies in Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The objective of this study was to examine the effects of proactive market orientations on companies' performances to come up with possible managerial and theoretical insights as to how manufacturing companies become proactive in formulating and implementing their marketing strategies of these days. Quantitative research approach with explanatory research design was employed. The variables used in the research were formulated based on the extant literature review which includes proactive customer orientations, proactive competitors' orientations, and market-based innovations as determinant variables and the companies' performances as an outcome variable. Textile and leather companies become the center of attention for this study because being proactive is the demand of the competition for such industries as fashion dictates the needs of customers and the dynamism of the competition in general. Simple random sampling technique was applied and a total of 76 qualified questionnaires were used for the data analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis was used for data analysis and SPSS version 22 was used for the purpose. Based on the result, all of the three independent variables are found to significantly affect the dependent variable while proactive customer orientation is the strongest predictor among the three predictor variables. Hence, the managerial implication is implied for the companies that while being proactive is essential in general, being proactive in understanding the current needs of customers and predicting the changes in those needs in the future is particularly important in order for those companies to remain relevant and sustainable in the market.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the determinants of company performance by adding market based innovation to the known factors of proactive consumer and competitor orientations. The study also challenged prior findings that claim market based innovation has indirect effect on company performance
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 02-2018 Issue: 2

Audit Fees and Audit Quality: A Study of Listed Companies in the Downstream Sector of Nigerian Petroleum Industry

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study examined the relationship between audit fees and audit quality of listed companies in the downstream sector of the Nigerian petroleum industry. In order to achieve this objective, a total of nine (9) listed companies in the downstream sector of Nigerian Petroleum Industry were selected. Secondary data used for the study was extracted from the annual reports of the selected companies for eight (8) financial years (2007-2014). Audit quality which is the dependent variable was regressed on audit fees alongside leverage and age as control variables using the binary logit regression method. Finding shows that audit fee has a negative significant relationship with audit quality, while leverage also has an inverse relationship but was not significant. Firm age, on its part, had a positive sign and significantly associated with audit quality. It was therefore concluded that high audit fees have the likelihood of compromising auditors’ independence, thereby, resulting in lower audit quality. The study recommends that regulators of the auditing practice should adopt measures that would regulate and monitor the audit pricing process in order to strike a balance that would curtail over-charging and or under-charging which evidence shows could impair the independence of the auditor, thereby affect audit quality.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

A Historical Analysis of the Nature, Causes and Impact of the Foreign Debt Crisis in Latin America, 1970- 1980

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study examined the nature, causes and impact of the huge foreign debt crisis in Latin America between the 1970s and 1980s referred to generally as the ‘lost decade'. As a survey research, it employed the historical method of research and analysis. It gathered its data extensively through library search and adopted the qualitative technique of content analysis of historical documents. The paper noted that the debt crisis in Latin America came to a head in August 1982 when Mexico publicly declared its insolvency. It identified a number of factors that brought about this endemic burden of foreign debt in Latin America. These included: the over-preponderancy of foreign loans granted to Latin American states, particularly Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela, in the 1970s and the attendant inflation and increasing floating interest rates. These had combined to serve as great challenges to the economic development and survival of the Latin American countries during the period of study. The various attempts at debt rescheduling and cancellation between 1980 and 1989 were equally well documented. It concluded that Latin American countries should avoid excessive external debts to avoid disaggregation in their economic development in the nearest future.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on development crisis in Third World countries. The paper’s primary contribution is finding that excessive external debt is a major impediment to socio-economic growth and development in Latin American states.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2018 Issue: 3

Transformational Leadership and Contextual Performance: A Quantitative Study among Nursing Staff in Kuala Lumpur

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The role of nurses in the health care sector is critical and the demand for nurses in Malaysia is expected to reach 130,000 qualified nurses by 2020. This paper investigated the influence of transformational leadership on contextual performance of nurses in Kuala Lumpur. Past research revealed that employee sustainable performance is positively influenced by transformational leadership. However, there is a dearth of studies on the relationship between transformational leadership and employees’ contextual performance in the nursing sector in Kuala Lumpur. The present study attempts to fill the research gap by investigating the influence of intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation and idealized influence towards better contextual performance This was a quantitative research and data was gathered through self-administered questionnaires from 135 nurses in Kuala Lumpur. The SPSS software was used, and the findings revealed that intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation and idealized influence had a positive correlation with contextual performance. The findings suggest that the four dimensions are interdependent, and they harmonize to yield better contextual performance. The findings of this study have practical implications in nursing leadership. Transformational leadership enables leaders in the nursing sector to motivate nurses and implement change effectively. This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the effect of transformational leadership on employee’s contextual performance in the nursing sector in Kuala Lumpur. The results of this study will add to the current body of knowledge plus assist in creating foundational solutions to improve performance of nurses.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 02-2018 Issue: 2

Management and Agrarian Sustainability-Impact of Institutions in Bulgaria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The specific system of management and governance is a critical factor, which to a great extent (pre)determines the level of sustainability. This article assesses the impact of institutional environment on agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria. The interdisciplinary New Institutional Economics framework is applied and assessment made on specific effects of major components of the “external” institutional environment on agrarian sustainability level in different administrative, geographical and ecological regions, subsectors of agriculture, and farms of various juridical type and size. Our study has found out that individual element of external institutional, market and natural environment affect quite unequally farms of different types, individual subsectors of agriculture, and specific ecological and geographical regions. This type of studies is to be expended and their precision and representation increased. The latter however, requires a close cooperation between all interested parties, and participation of the farmers, agrarian organizations, local and central authorities, interest groups, research institutes and experts, etc.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 02-2018 Issue: 2

Effect of Body Weight on Reproductive Fitness in Spodoptera Litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Research Article
Journal: International Research Journal of Insect Sciences

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The exact nature and even existence of the balance between natural and sexual selection are still controversial. Body size is a key determinant of an organism’s ecological and physiological properties. It is widely accepted that selection for higher fecundity is the main force behind the selection for larger body size. However, there are conflicting selection pressures operating on body size of both sexes in many organisms, for instance, natural selection for higher survival might reduce body size. In the present study, we found that in the common cutworm moth, Spodoptera litura, female fecundity and fertility significantly increased with her body weight, while male body weight or female–male weight interaction had no effect on female reproductive output. Results of this study also showed that heavier parents have heavier male and female offspring than those from lighter parents. Although not statistically significant, offspring from heavy and light parents showed lower survival rate than those from average weight parents.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that heavier parents have heavier male and female offspring than those from lighter parents, i.e. body size is heritable in Spodoptera litura.
Agricultural Sciences » International Research Journal of Insect Sciences » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Macroscopic and Microscopic Studies on Sarcocystis Infection in Buffaloes - Public Health Alert

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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Sarcocystosis is one of the important zoonotic parasitic diseases and commonly reported in buffaloes, cattle and pigs. Meat and meat products are the main sources of infection in human beings. The present study aimed to record the prevalence of Sarcocystosis in buffaloes during the time of slaughter. Out of 61 buffaloes slaughter for meat purpose, 38 showed the presence of macroscopic sarcocysts in different organs and they were in creamy colour lying parallel in between the muscle bundles. Distribution of the sarcocysts was noticed in the muscles of oesophagus, diaphragm, heart and base of the tongue. Microscopic examination of the stained impression smears collected from the mixed meat which is ready for sale from the 61 buffaloes, 52 were found positive for microscopic bradyzoites. In conclusion, Sarcocystis is more prevalent in buffaloes and diagnosis of the disease can be done by microscopic examination of the stained slide impression smears from the suspected meat along with the macroscopic examination of the muscles.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the diagnosis of zoonotic disease in veterinary sciences. This study contributes in the existing literature on diagnosis of the Sarcocystosis in the mixed meat which is readily available for sale to the public and caution as a public health alert.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Multivariate Analysis of EEG Data: Some Aspects of Diagnostic of MANOVA Model

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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The main focus of this study is the multivariate analysis of Electroencephalogram data which included multivariate analysis of variance. The multivariate model diagnostics comprise checking number of assumptions of MANOVA model such as multivariate normality, homogeneity of covariance matrices. In this paper, the model X=BC+E is used and estimate the different parameters. Also by using a general form, H0: GBF=0 to test the different types of null hypothesis. Here G and F is known matrices and obtained from the hypothesis. This study gives mathematical ideas from multivariate statistical analysis to find a solution or a good approximation of a complex scientific problem.
Contribution/ Originality
This study gives mathematical ideas from multivariate statistical analysis to find a solution or a good approximation of a complex scientific problem.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1