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Listing 46 - 20 of 2809 results.

Estimation of Export Demand Function for Swazi Sugar: A Panel Data Analysis

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Export demand estimates are important for meaningful export forecasts, planning, and policy formulation that can help improve the performance of the sugar subsector in Swaziland. This study estimated the determinants of export demand for Swazi sugar and measured the impact of the EU reform on Swazi sugar export demand. The study used panel data approach by using annual time series data between the periods 1997 and 2012. An LSDV fixed effects model was employed. Export price, Importer GDP and the EU reform were found to be significant in explaining export demand for Swazi sugar. These variables had coefficients -121.069, and -2.682, respectively, whose signs were against the priori expectation except for export price. The EU reform was found to have an overall positive impact to Swazi sugar export demand with coefficient of 120 816. The study also measured elasticities of the explanatory variables to the export demand of Swazi sugar. Export price, foreign income, producer prices and real exchange rate were found to be inelastic with elasticities of 0.35289, 0.00168, 0.04256 and 0.28572, respectively, for all the markets (SACU, EU, USA and COMESA) pooled together. Explanatory variables in the individual markets were found to be highly elastic. The study, therefore, recommended that Swaziland needs to take advantage of the EU reform and invest more on sugar production as it was not negatively affected. Swaziland also needs to negotiate for the quotas abandoned by those countries heavily affected by the EU reform.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by using demand function on the Swaziland Sugar Industry. This is the only study to be undertaken in Swaziland in relation to the Sugar Industry. Hence the study is original.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

Analyzing the Determinants of Achievements of Beneficiaries of Literacy Programs in Morocco: A Multilevel Analysis

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This paper aims to assess the determinants of success of literacy programs in Morocco. This work uses hierarchical models. This specification provides opportunities to simultaneously analyze the impact of individual variables and taking into account the socio-spatial variations. The results show that the quality of literacy services, as measured by the total score, the level of information about the level of knowledge, is subject to variability. The analysis highlighted the diversity of factors that may be responsible for this variability. Some of these variables are related to the characteristics of the beneficiaries, other characteristics of trainers and logistical conditions in which the literacy process unfolds.
Contribution/ Originality
Aims to assess the determinants of learning achievements of the beneficiaries of illiteracy programs. Some of these are related to the recipients’ characteristics, others to the trainers’ characteristics and logistical conditions in which the literacy process unfolds using hierarchical models.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2015 Issue: 3

Principals’ School Plant Management and Academic Performance of Biology Students in Public Secondary Schools in Uyo Senatorial District, Akwa Ibom State

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study investigated the relationship between Principals’ School Plant Management and Academic Performance of Biology students’ in Public Secondary Schools in Uyo Senatorial District of Akwa Ibom State. The population of the study comprised all principals, and 18,573 SS2 students. However, teachers in the study area were involved in the study as they were used to rate principals ability to manage school plant. Correlational design was adopted. To guide the study, three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated. Stratified random sampl-ing technique was used to select 281 teachers and 371 SS2 Biology students as respondents for the study. Two-researchers-developed-instruments tagged School Plant Management Questionnaire (SPMQ) and Students’ Achievement Test in Biology (SATB) were used to collect data needed for the study. The instruments were validated by experts in measurement and evaluation .The reliability of the two instruments was established using randomly selected members of the population who did not take part in the study. The data obtained was analyzed using Cronbach alpha technique and a reliability co-efficient of .801 and .803 was obtained; The data were analyzed using Simple and Multiple Regression Analysis. The formulated hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance. Findings revealed that: There is significant relationship between management of instructional facilities,  circulation space,  and academic performance of Biology students. The result also shows that there is no significant relationship between management of recreational facilities and academic performance of Biology students..  This study therefore concludes that  systems approach should be instituted by principals in the management of school plant components under review to improve on academic performance of students. It is recommended among others that, Education Board, Ministry of Education, Institutional planners, and all stakeholders in secondary education should adopt effective and sustainable strategies to ensure adequate provision, utilization, maintenance and management of school plant in the secondary system.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses contributes in the existing literature on the theoretical concept of school plant management.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 08-2015 Issue: 8

Characterization of Sedimentary Anzali Sand for Static and Seismic Studies Purposes

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Anzali as one of the populated coastal cities in the Northern Iran, contains a particular type of marine sand which is worth to be investigated for many engineering practices. This particular sand is mainly composed of saturated fine grains and is highly prone to liquefaction phenomenon during seismic events. Geotechnical zonation of the subterraneous layers show that most of sandy sedimentary soils found below the surface in this area is formed by relatively clean and fine sand. In this research, the geotechnical characteristics of Anzali sand have been studied. It is done based on three sources of information, i.e. field studies, static tests and physical modeling by dynamic tests. In this regard, the overall zonation of this area has been carried out and the extent of the sandy area has been investigated. Anzali sand has been characterized by making use of a number of soil samples obtained from various parts on which, index tests have been carried out. Furthermore, based on laboratory shear tests and information gathered from in situ tests, the shear strength parameters and the critical limits for Anzali sand have been classified. Finally, large scale physical model tests were conducted to show the dynamic behavior of the sand under cyclic and dynamic loads and also the development of the excess pore water pressure during dynamic loading that could cause the liquefaction initiation.
Contribution/ Originality
In essence, the paper’s primary contribution is to find or estimate Anzali Sand parameters which are required for prediction or analysis of liquefaction potential during seismic effects. This is done by a number of tests on samples extracted from locations in this area.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 10-2015 Issue: 10

Chemical Composition and Facieses of Water from Vaskareh Village, Damavand: Implication for Industrial, Agricultural and Human Consumptions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The study region is located in Vaskareh, Rudhen, Damavand, in Tehran Province in the 1:100,000 map of east of Tehran. Formations of Shemshak, Karaj, Fajan, alluviums and alluvial fans of this area have outcrops in this region. Ions and cations were concentrated in this region due to severe tectonic events and rock variation. Three springs, two water reservoirs, and three wells were sampled to identify chemical type and facieses of water of Vaskareh. This sampling was taken in two turns in 2013 and 2014. Radial vectors and Piper charts were used to determine hydro chemical type and facieses of water. Finally, it was found that the samples were from bicarbonate calcite chemical types. Villax and sodium solution percentage (SSP) and alkalinity degree (RSC) and two criteria of SAR (sodium danger) and electrical conductivity (salinity danger) were used to classify water quality for agricultural applications, which water quality was suitable for agriculture in most points. Water quality for industrial use was evaluated for hardness and Langelier factor. It was unsuitable for industrial applications. Schoeller Chart showing that the water was indeed good for human consumption.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have water quality for different consumptions was studied. Agriculture water was studied by Wolcox Chart, SSP, RSC, SAR, and salinity danger. Water hardness was determined by Lanjelier Factor. Schoeller Chart was used to classify drinking water.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 11-2015 Issue: 11

Interaction of Laser Radiation with Solids -Review Articles

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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A historical highlight to Laser acronym is given .Moreover, Laser heating effects induced in solid targets for one phase and multiphase cases are provided. Metallic and nonmetallic materials are highlighted. The effect of the temperature dependence of the front surface of the irradiated targets on the thermal response are considered. A bibliography of some fundamental papers published on the subject up to 2014 is presented.
Contribution/ Originality
This review highlights original mathematical trials to solve laser heating problems. The study considers laser induced phase transitions, multilayer systems and temperature dependence of surface absorptance. This study covers some semi-empirical expressions to predict the experimental laser pulses. This review documents the concept of "transit time" in laser heating problems.
Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 6

Correlation between Certain Complications and Health Education Program among Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Miletus Patients

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Background: A total of 150 diabetic patients were selected retrospectively from Khartoum State Diabetic Care Centers, this group divided to two equal groups, had been analyzed using the certain complications of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients after implementation of health education program. Group (cases) the program was implemented and the other group was considered as a control (75 patients for each group). Objective: The aim of the study to evaluate the correlation between the Health education program and complications among non-insulin dependent diabetes Miletus patients. Results: Reveals that the controls & intervention group had the same basic knowledge about DM complications at pre-test. Knowledge relevant to complications of DM was improved as a result of educational program in the intervention group in the immediately post-test. The level of knowledge were shown some decline in follow up test after 15 months the level of knowledge were significantly higher than the pre-test program another had, significant differences between intervention & control group was found. Shows foot care practiced among the studied patients before and after the program and after 15months of the program. Practicing good foot care was not done by a high percentage of our studied patients before program intervention. The most common practiced was washing the feet daily (46.7%). The least practiced foot care was asking the doctors for food exam (6.7 %), then management of minor foot complications (8.00%). Immediately after the program, there significant improvement was observed in the practices of foot care, as started to avoid activities that injure the feet, washed their feet daily, and chooses footwear (78.7%, 88%, and 65.3% respectively). Statistically significant was found between both groups (intervention and control) regarding foot care practiced compound to pre-program. Conclusion: In this study population, the Health education program of non-insulin dependent diabetes Miletus patients its relation diabetic complication determined. 
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature in Khartoum State Diabetic Care Centers among Sudanese diabetic patients. This study uses new estimation methodology of implementation health education program to understand the certain complications of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 10-2015 Issue: 10

Modeling a System of Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) for Biodegradation of Phenol in Industrial Wastewater

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research

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A model for a 4-stage Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) for the biodegradation of phenol from industrial wastewater has been developed using the mass conservation principles. The kinetics for biodegradation of phenol and oxygen utilization were obtained from literature under the same operating conditions. The systems of non-linear differential ordinary differential equations obtained were integrated numerically using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm adapted to a Visual Basic 6.0 computer program. Model predictions of 0.0505mg/l obtained for effluent phenol concentration, compares favorably well with the plant data of 0.05mg/l with a maximum deviation of 1.0%. A biodegradation of approximately 70mg/l at residence time of approximately 10hours, 56mg/l at residence time of approximately 8.5hours, 57mg/l at residence time of approximately 7.5hours, and 68mg/l at residence time of approximately 6.0hours with a constant oxygen concentration utilization of 0.087mg/l, were obtained from the first, second, third and fourth-stage respectively.  Functional parameters such as retention time, rotational speed, respiratory coefficient and biomass concentration were simulated to study its effect with a view to obtain optimum efficiency.    
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by developing a model that can be adapted for simulation of industrial RBC unit, unlike other works on RBC which requires extensive experimental studies to obtain data. It improves on earlier work by presenting a four-stage model as against a lumped model.
Engineering » International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research » Month: 05-2015 Issue: 5

In Vitro Differential Effect of Nerve Growth Factor on Functional Parameters of Murrah Buffalo Spermatozoa in Low and High Fertile Groups

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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Aim of the present study was to examine the influence of in vitro supplementation of Nerve growth factor (NGF) on functional parameters of Murrah buffalo (Bubalusbubalis) spermatozoa from fresh semen, like, motility, plasmalemma integrity, acrosomal integrity, ATP concentration. Fresh semen samples (n=6) were washed in Tris buffer and divided into two equal parts (control and NGF groups). Only in the NGF group, NGF was added to a final concentration of 50 and 100 ng/ml. The samples were incubated at 37o C for different time intervals   in TCM 199 medium supplemented with BSA and the effects were observed at 0, 30, 60 and 120 min of incubation. The experiment was performed in low (LF) and high fertile(HF) groups based on previous three years conception rate and taking cutoff value , below and above this value  were categorized as  LF and HF group. The mean concentration of the buffalo seminal plasma (n=12) NGF was 67.7±3.25ng/ml and 65.5± 2.76 in LF and HF groups respectively. The concentration of NGF in blood plasma was 83.5±7.82 and 68.6±3.82 in HF and LF groups respectively. The concentration of blood plasma NGF being higher (P<0.05) in HF group. With either dose of NGF in vitro significant effect on the total motility (P<0.05), progressive forward motility (P<0.05) was observed. It could be maintained in HF group till 120 min but in LF group it was restricted to 60 min when compared with their respective control. The functional membrane integrity did not differ significantly between groups (control and NGF treated) in both LF and HF groups with either concentration of NGF. The plasma lemma integrity was significantly less (P<0.05) at 120 min of incubation when compared with the initial value at 0 min of incubation. The percentage of acrosomal intact spermatozoa decreased continuously over a period of time in both the groups. As compared to 0 min of incubation, the significant (P<0.05) loss of acrosome was observed at 60 and 120 min of incubation in LF and HF control groups and NGF supplementation could maintain acrosome integrity in HF group for 60 min where as in LF group it could be maintained significantly only till 30 min of incubation when compared with the initial values of respective groups. Viability of spermatozoa was not significantly different when compared between groups with their respective control, However  when compared at different time intervals, the viability of sperms in HF and LF supplemented  groups was significantly different from initial values only at 120 min of incubation whereas in respective control groups the loss in viability was significant from 60 min itself. With respect to ATP concentration of spermatozoa in different groups it was observed that 100ng dose could increase the concentration of ATP in HF group significantly (P<0.05) at 60 min of incubation only with NGF in vitro when compared with its respective control. In conclusion, all the parameters decreased significantly at 120 min of incubation when compared with their respective initial values for all the groups. In HF group supplementation of NGF@50ng/ml could maintain functional parameters of spermatozoa for a greater duration of time when compared with LF or control group. 
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 12-2015 Issue: 4

Insecurity and Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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Nigeria has joined the league of countries that spend a higher proportion of their budgetary allocation on security. Thus, this paper empirically investigates the impact of insecurity on foreign direct investment (FDI) covering the period of 2003 to 2012. The study employed Least Square technique (OLS) to analyze the secondary data collected from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical bulletin of various issues. Vote on security and defense (VSD) was used as a proxy for insecurity. The paper reveals a negative relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and insecurity. The paper recommends that strong policy stance must be taken to address the state of   insecurity in Nigeria so as to attract more foreign direct investment essential for economic growth and development.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contribute to existing body of literature on effect of  insecurity on growth, it used OLS technique to estimate data collected, vote on security was used to form a new formula, it is one of the few studies that investigated the activities of Boko Haram on FDI in Nigeria.   
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 08-2015 Issue: 4

The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Debt, Liquidity, Growth, and Volume of Companies in Palestine Stock Exchange

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This study examines the magnitude of the potential impact of the global financial crisis on the companies listed in Palestine stock exchange  and its effects on the Palestinian economy. And that mainly  by knowing,  if the  period after the crisis  debt ,liquidity ,growth ,turnover ratios  is not significantly differing from pre-crisis era. To achieve the objectives of the study, a sample of 23 Palestinians companies listed at Palestine stock exchange was studied. The study covered the period from the period before the global financial crisis   (2006, 2007) and the period after the global financial crisis (2009, 2010). T-Tests and Mann-Whitney-U Tests were used to test the ninth hypotheses of the study. It was concluded that the impact of the global financial crisis is limited. Which means there are no differences after the financial crisis compared to   the pre- financial crisis variables.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 02-2015 Issue: 2

Organisational Politics – Causes and Effects on Organisation and Employees

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This work was just to look at the causes and the effects of politics within organisation. It started with the reasons for groups within organisations, causes and possible effects of organisational politics on the organisation and the employees.  Finally, the work made it clear that employees need to relate which may give room for politicking but moderation and utmost supervision should be the guarding principle.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge and literature by exposing that politics exist within organisation. The study went further to give adequate meaning to politics within organisation and finally documents mainly the likely causes and effects of excess organisational politics on employees and organisation.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 09-2015 Issue: 9

Performance Accountability in Higher Education (Case Study on the Performance Accountability at Andalasuniversity West Sumatera - Indonesia)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Accountability for higher educations institution in Indonesia has becomes a necessity. These higher education institutions should ensure that their performance meets the goals expected by the stakeholders, especially in providing quality education to the students. However, there is a gap between the actual and the expected performance. The gap is related to the accountability of performance in learning process, curriculum implementation, competences of lecturer members, adequate facilities needed to support quality education and public services which have become the primary mission of all higher education institutions in Indonesia. The reesearch is focus on the process and accomplishment of accountability of Andalas University (UNAND) located in West Sumatera. The goals of the research are to examine the actual institutional process and achievement of the goals of the accountability, on all accountability components as mentioned above. The methods applied in the research is qualitative method. The research has found substancial findings as follows; (1) In the process of study of the UNAND have good foundation to provide quality learning process. However, in practice the manajemen of learning process is not capable of providing the totality of learning process and focus only upon the hard skills and neglect the soft skills. (2) In regard with the curriculum used, the overall content is not capable of producing competent graduates with relevant knowledge and skills needed in the market. (3) The implementation of the curriculum in achieving of learning objectives cannot support the quality learning process. Lecturer members who have been considerd  as driving force in the learning are hanpared  with lacking qualification as needed and this affect the quality of learning process to be  provided to students.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature, the actual institutional process and the achievement of the goals of the accountability, accountability on all components in higher education. 
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2015 Issue: 9

Teachers’ Maxims in English Language Teaching; a Challenge in Education for Social Transformation in Kenya

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Teachers being thinking human beings and not robots, they do not just implement the curriculum as designed. To improve Language Teacher Education (LTE) and English language teaching (ELT), general research in teaching language and on second language teachers, concerning their mental images, thoughts, and processes that they use while teaching have been carried out. These mental processes provide interpretive frames that teachers use to understand and approach their own teaching. The principles function like rules for good behavior or maxims. These maxims guide the teachers’ choice of instructional decisions. Analysis of teachers’ accounts of their teaching and lesson protocols reveal the nature of their maxims. The purpose of the study was: to examine the maxims that guide teachers in ELT, and to establish factors that influence the choice of teachers’ maxims in ELT for social transformation. It used ethnography research method. The research instruments used were: document analysis, informal interview, and observation. Findings reveal that teachers are guided by the maxim of ‘value addition’ which significantly affects the implementation of the curriculum. The teachers’ maxims are influenced by a number of contextual factors such as: the school administration, external examinations and Quality Assurance and Standards Officers. Teacher educators should train student teachers and design workshops for practicing teachers to improve their maxims of: planning, accuracy, efficiency and conformity to the designed curriculum.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on teachers’ maxims in English language teaching. The paper’s primary contribution is finding that teachers’ mental processes that provide interpretive frames which guide their approach to teaching are influenced by contextual factors and the maxim of value addition.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 10-2015 Issue: 10

Performance Quality Evaluation of Faculty Members at Al- Qassim University from their and their Students’ Perspectives and Proposing a Model for its Development in the Light of Total Quality Standards

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The study aims to evaluate performance quality evaluation of faculty members at Al-Qassim University from their and their students’ perspectives and proposing a model for its development in the light of total quality standards. The researcher used analytical-descriptive method because it fits the study purposes. The sample consisted of (102) male and female faculty members who hold PhD degrees and (730) male and female students in scientific and literary majors of both samples who had been purposively selected. The results revealed to that performance quality of faculty members at Al-Qassim University was (high) from their point of view. The study revealed to in the construction of a model to develop the performance, quality of faculty members in the light of the total quality standards. The researcher recommended conducting various studies in the field of developing faculty members’ performance in accordance with total quality standards at Al-Qassim University.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which combined between evaluation performances qualities of faculty members at university in the field of: instruction, scientific research and community service in addition to propose a model for its development in the light of total quality standards.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 11-2015 Issue: 11

In Vitro Antibacterial Study of Boerhavia Diffusa L. Root Extract on Slaughterhouse Isolate Bacillus Cereus Gd55

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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The predominance of drug-resistant pathogens have extended the devotion of pharmaceutical and scientific communities towards potential antimicrobial agents from plant derived sources. The present research work has commenced to study the antimicrobial activity of the methanolic extract of Boerhavia diffusa L. roots against slaughterhouse isolate Bacillus cereus GD55, by using the agar well diffusion method. Inhibition zones ranged between 17.68 ± 0.22 mm. The root extract inhibited the growth of Bacillus cereus GD55. The standard antibiotic chloramphenicol found to have a zone of inhibition 20.72 ± 0.26 mm at the concentration of 30 µg/ml. In divergence, the inhibition zone of methanol (negative control) was almost zero for testing microorganism. The spectrum activity of methanolic extract of this plant could be a possible source to obtain new and effective herbal medicines to treat various bacterial diseases.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding in vitro antimicrobial activity of the methanolic extract of Boerhavia diffusa L. roots against slaughterhouse isolate Bacillus cereus GD55. This study documents the antibacterial effect of Boerhavia diffusa L. Therefore more of such research should be encouraged in the area.

Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 6

The Mediating Effect of Market Orientation on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation Dimensions and Organizational Performance: A Study on Banks in Libya

Research Article
Journal: Games Review

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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of Market Orientation (MO) on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation dimensions (EO) namely: Innovativeness, Proactiveness, Risk-taking and organizational performance (OP). The motivation for this study was driven by the inconsistent findings in the literature concerning the relationships between EO, and organizational performance. Due to the inconsistent results, a new research has emerged and this has prompted further investigation on the effect of other variables that may better explain the nature of these links. In the related literature, many theories have suggested that the compatibility between strategies, resources, and capabilities as the keys for success. Questionnaires were distributed to 400 Sections of the Libyan banks. 230 questionnaires were returned and used in the analysis using the PLS-SEM. The results of this study revealed that EO dimensions were positive and have also been proven to be significant predictors of organizational performance. More importantly, the results have also confirmed the mediating effect of Market Orientation on the relationships between EO dimensions, and organizational performance.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by examined the role of market orientation in maximizing organizational performance – specifically, its mediating role in the relationships of EO and organizational performance.

Economics » Games Review » Month: 12-2015 Issue: 2

Analysis of Farmers’ Vulnerability, Perception and Adaptation to Climate Change in Kwara State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Climate Research

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The study examined farmers’ vulnerability, perception and adaptation to climate change in Kwara State. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire to elicit information from 120 food crop farmers selected through a multistage random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, fuzzy set approach and multinomial logit model. Results show that majority of the sampled farmers were in their productive age with about 26.6% had no formal education and were predominantly small scale farmers. The study revealed that majority (84%) of the farmers believed that temperature had increased while about 65.8% noticed that precipitation had declined. The farm household vulnerability assessment showed that the average multidimensional vulnerability indices for male and female farmers are 17.5% and 27.8%, respectively, while the average vulnerability index for all the farming households is 18.4%, implying that the intensity of vulnerability to climate change is higher in female farmers and that the whole sampled population is less than 50% vulnerability threshold. The econometric investigation revealed that education of household head, farming experience, land ownership, rainfall and temperature were the most relevant and significant factors that determined the farmers’ choice of adaptation strategies to climate change in the study area. The major barriers to adaptation include lack of information on adaptation methods, land tenure problem and inaccessibility to credit.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature on climate change adaptations by taking into consideration the vulnerable poor farming households. The study adopted two methodologies to overcome the weakness of other studies. Gender attributes and their vulnerability intensity were investigated. The primary contribution is to guide strategy for future adaptations.

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Climate Research » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for CBR Traffic in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Information

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This paper presents the comparative performance analysis of Ad-Hoc routing protocols: Destination-sequenced distance vector (DSDV), Dynamic source routing (DSR) and Ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) based on constant bit rate (CBR) traffic patterns. Simulation results show that firstly, the UDP throughput for DSR routing protocol is largest among the others. Secondly, the routing overload of DSDV and AODV is higher than DSR. Finally, DSDV shows the lowest end-to-end delay for UDP transmission than AODV and DSR.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that among the three protocols analyzed which routing protocol performs better in given circumstances.

Computer Sciences » Journal of Information » Month: 03-2016 Issue: 1

Pleural Effusion in Gorham-Stout Syndrome: A Case Report and a Literature Review

Research Article
Journal: Cancers Review

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Gorham-Stout syndrome (GSS) is an uncommon disease characterized by massive osteolysis due to bone resorption associated with proliferation of blood or lymphatic vessels. Pleural effusion is an uncommon manifestation. We present a case report of GSS in a 46 year old patient admitted for bilateral serohematic pleural effusion and a review of the literature regarding GSS associated with pleural effusion. We analyzed 48 clinical casesfounded in English language literature concerning pleural effusion secondary to GSS. Patients affected by GSS manifesting pleural effusion are prevalently male with a large range of age. Pleural effusion is more frequently chylous (86%), but it can be also serohematic, transudative or bloody. Direct pleural involvement by the disease has been assessed only in some cases of chylothorax, otherwise the pathological process underlying the liquid production remains unknown. Pleural effusion is most of time bilateral. More frequently it conditions ingravescent dyspnea and when it is chylous it can determine malnutrition. No standard therapy has been established. In patients with relapsing pleural effusion several therapeutic approaches have been used: radiation therapy on mediastinum, pleurodesis, thoracic duct ligation, octreotide administration. Radiation therapy seems to be effective even when applied only on the bone lesions. Bisphosphonates and alpha-2b Interferon are useful to improve the multiple sites of disease, thanks to their systemic action. The papers considered report a short follow up time, during which almost 50% of the treated patients had no recurrences, but more or less 20% of the patients died.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by presenting the first case of bilateral serohematic pleural effusion in Gorham-Stout syndrome that was investigated with chest ultrasound and medical thoracoscopy bilaterally. Furthermore, this study provides the first review of clinical cases reporting  pleural effusion secondary to Gorham-Stout syndrome.

Medical Sciences » Cancers Review » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2