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Listing 61 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Extent to Which Parental Involvement Influences Transition of Pupils from Lower to Upper Primary in Manga District Schools

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The purpose of this study was to find out the extent to which parental involvement influences transition of pupils from lower to upper primary in Manga district schools in Nyamira County, Kenya. The objective of the study was to find out whether parental involvement activities influenced transition of pupils from lower to upper primary. Survey design was used for the study. The study population comprised of 19880 pupils, 590 teachers, 57 School Management Committee members, 57 and Head teachers. All the six Quality Assurance Officers were interviewed. The research instruments were the questionnaires which were filled by pupils and teachers, interview schedule for head teachers, SMC members and Education Officers. Piloting, involving two schools in the district was carried out and used test re-test technique to ascertain its reliability. The researcher visited all sampled schools and educational offices to collect data. Sampled teachers and pupils were given questionnaires to fill and head teachers and officers were interviewed by the researcher. Data was analyzed using statistical methods for analyzing and quantifying data. Statistical values in tables were used to compare the calculated value with tabulated value. It was observed that there was a strong correlation between parental involvement in school activities and performance of their children which in turn influenced their transition from one level to another. The study recommended that parents should involve themselves in school activities as it motivates their performance and enabled them to transit from one learning level to another.
Contribution/ Originality
The papers primary contribution is finding that parental involvement in learner’s educational activities, encourage and motivate them to perform well. This influences their transition from one level of learning to the next. 
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2017 Issue: 2

Entrepreneurial Behavior amongst Students of Community Colleges in Malaysia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The government has strategised initiatives to organize an education system that improve the training and skills quality wise, as well as enhancing the lifelong learning programs. In the field of education and training, interests and apprehensions on the entrepreneurship subject is the highlight of today’s higher learning institutions. This study aims to measure the implementation of Basic Entrepreneurship Module (BEM), by using the Stufflebeam’s CIPP Evaluation Model. The achievement level of entrepreneurial behaviors in terms of cognitive, non-cognitive, commercial skills and the early initiative is assessed as product evaluation. The strated sampling is used for a large scattered population in Malaysia. Data obtained from 105 students in the Business Accounting Certificate program from six community colleges. This study used questionnaires as research instrument. The questionnaires were then analyzed by using descriptive statistics method.  Overall, the findings indicated that respondents agreed that the implementation of BEM has given impact to the product evaluation that consists the aspects of cognitive, non-cognitive, commercial skills and early initiative at the high levels.
Contribution/ Originality
This study shows the existing entrepreneurship education especially in the higher education institutions. It is one of very few studies which have evaluated on the entrepreneurial skills amongst students of community colleges in Malaysia. This paper's primary contribution is the finding that the entrepreneurial behaviors are vital in cultivating the young entrepreneurs in the community colleges.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 02-2017 Issue: 2

Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Supervising Graduate Students Enrolled in African Universities

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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In a globalizing economy, education is key to competitiveness and economic growth.  Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is playing catch up in terms of investing in the human capital needed to participate effectively in the world economy.  The Sub-Saharan region is currently engaged in what has been termed as a “catch-up” period as is reflected in rapid growth in investment in education at all levels, with an increased recognition over the last decade of the need for increased number of graduates at the tertiary level. This expansion has implications on the quality of training and research. Key among the factors that can help enhance quality is supervision. Currently, in many countries in SSA, graduate training and research is largely self-paid and students make significant sacrifices to obtain advanced degrees with the expectation that they would finish on time and secure lucrative careers. With this expectation, supervisors have an enormous task of ensuring quality mentoring. It is a privilege to hold a faculty position and supervise students; nonetheless, this comes with a great responsibility associated with great expectations from the students. The expectations are targeted to supervisors and the institutions of learning.  Although there is still an imbalance on power relationships between supervisors and students, especially in developing countries, supervisors still need to understand and know the student expectations. This way, they can build professionally and healthy long lasting relationships than can spread beyond the supervision period. This paper discusses the issue of supervision, with a focus on different approaches to delivering quality supervision, students’ needs and expectations, and how these can be addressed based on authors’ experiences working at universities from a developing country perspective.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper presents an extensive review that faculty and students will find handy as part of quality graduate training. With the increasing number of graduate students, higher education institutions must hone their role and provide both ethical and leadership to mold excellence in graduate students. 
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2017 Issue: 3

Strategic Management of Rural Tourism Towards Gender - Sensitive Planning

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Gender blind tourism management, eventually will lead to unsustainable development. This Qualitative research has established to explore the  gender  needs and opinions related to tourism development, via strategic management The statistical population of this research is elite people that has been involved in tourism activities in rural areas of Kan district in the North- West of Tehran- Capital city of Iran .Two focus group including 23 men and 16 women had attended  in separate workshops .The technique of SWOT had been used .The result shows there are convergence between the views of men and women about strengths of tourism.  Meanwhile the divergence appears in the case of weaknesses and threat points, as that women are more concerned about environmental degradation. However, men think about physical facilities. As opportunities, men emphasis on economic prosperity, but women believe that  tourism promotes them a higher social status in the family and society.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies in Iran, which have investigated the differences and similarities between gender’s perceptions about tourism in their village. The primary purpose of this paper is to contribute towards decision making in order to promote tourism via strategic management based on gender – sensitive planning.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 11-2016 Issue: 11

The Role of Stratigraphy in Growth Strata Studies: A Case Study from the Middle-Late Cretaceous Deposits in Persian Gulf, SW Iran

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The growth strata in the Middle-Late Cretaceous deposits including Kazhdumi, Sarvak and Ilam formations and Lafan Shale in the Well 1 located between Qatar-Iran height and Hormuz Strait in Persian Gulf was studied. The present work is based on the lithostratigraphic analysis and distribution of microfossils. Based on the microfossils content, the age of studied successions is Albian to Campanian. Comparison of seismic points, lithostratigraphic analysis and distribution of microfossils show that growth and generation of anticlines are occurred in the Middle-Late Cretaceous. As of results, the Kazhdumi, Sarvak and Ilam formations and Lafan Shale have potential reservoir and oil trap.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the growth strata in the Middle-Late Cretaceous deposits in Persian Gulf, south west of Iran with using the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic analysis and seismic interpretation. The basic information of this manuscript are provided by National Iranian Oil Company.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 12

Is the Sosiani River Healthy? Investigating the Relationship between Water Quality Indicators and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in the Sosiani River

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The health of rivers is of great concern to governments and communities worldwide due to their important ecological functions. Numerous studies have established that water quality indicators have a positive effect on river health. However, only a few studies have examined equatorial rivers, and, to date, there has been no study on the Sosiani River in Kenya. As such, this study explored the health of the Sosiani River by considering how its aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages were affected by various water quality parameters. The research considered whether there was a relationship between water quality indicators and macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Sosiani River. This knowledge is of paramount importance to the communities and decision makers of the Sosiani catchment, and Kenya as a whole, since there is need to understand the relationship between the water quality indicators and the health of the river in order to allocate resources for its rehabilitation and maintenance. This study examined 10 sites, nine being “test” sites and one a “reference” site. The study established a significant relationship between water quality parameters and macroinvertebrate assemblages. The sites with natural riparian zone vegetation conditions were found to have more Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera macroinvertebrates when compared to those without or with exotic vegetation. In terms of absolute numbers of surface aquatic macroinvertebrates, sites characterised by dense stream bank vegetation had more macroinvertebrates than those characterised by forest with eroded, bare stream banks. From the study, it was therefore concluded that Sosiani River is healthier at head waters where there was natural forests compared to downstream where there was plantations, intensive farming and urban area. The study recommends that more detailed studies classify macroinvertebrates to gunus level and include microinvertebrates, since this may give a more accurate assessment of the river’s health. The study further recommends that identification keys for East African macroinvertebrates be developed.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by establishing the relationship between the condition of riparian zone vegetation and indicators of river health in the equatorial region. Much of the literature in this field is based on studies from outside of the equatorial region.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 12

The Role of Handicrafts in the Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism with an Emphasis on Indigenous Knowledge

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Tourist is a process that had been existed a long period of time with different forms in human societies and   has gradually solved its historical and evolutionary processes. As the tourism has influenced in the economic, social and cultural countries that economists have called it as an invisible export. On the other hand, rural tourism is one of the most important subgroups of the development of tourism in each region that nowadays is considered one of the most popular forms of tourism and in the form of tourist activity takes place in the village. Descriptive and analytic study based on library studies and documents. At first, we evaluated the quality and importance of Indigenous knowledge and sustainable development with the approach of tourism and with regard to conceptual framework and fundamental issues related to rural handicrafts and tourism. Then, findings from the study In relation to effects of Socio - economic Handicrafts tourism development in Iran were extracted and analyzed by the research subject. And the results show, by combining "Indigenous knowledge" and "modern knowledge “and regarding to existence  of  rural conditions such as  Indigenous areas , taking into account the resources , the potential and conditions of each region can be acquired grounds for an favorable model from sustainable rural development. Despite the frequency of human resources in rural areas, the Lack of water and land push on farmland and cause to migration of labor efficient from rural to urban areas where efficiency is reduced because of lack of expertise. Therefore, in rural areas where there are no grounds for agriculture that can be used the non-farm economy, "such as local industries, etc.”
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes the roll of indigenous knowledge to the development of rural tourism and preservation of  handicrafts Which leads to creating employment so that it is caused to prevent migration from rural settlements. Therefor rural environment is considerd as National treasure that  it can help sustainable development.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 01-2017 Issue: 1

Paleoecology of Permo-Triassic Boundary According to Palynoflora in Shourjestan, Iran

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Using palynoflora findings, the present study was conducted to determine paleoecology of Permo-Triassic boundary in Shourjestan Region in north of Fars Province. Permo-Triassic boundary in this region is gradational (transitional) and continuous. Four stratigraphic sections were selected and 7 spore and pollen instances were identified after sampling and performing needed experiments for separation of palynomorph samples. Based on the achieved palynomorphs on pyroclastic deposits in the studied sections, it can be concluded that Coniferophyta, Equisetopsids, Filicopsids, Progymnosperms and Cordaitales had probably higher relative frequency in plant tissue around the basin environment. According to relatively high frequency of land palynomorphs in the studied deposits and on the basis of association of land and marine palynomorphs in the studied palynoflora, it can be concluded that pyroclastic deposits of upper Permian are formed in shallow marine setting. Regarding studies on the identified palynomorphs of Elika Formation equivalent deposits, one might infer that probably in plant tissue around these deposits, Triassic seed ferns and Coniferophyta had higher frequency and distribution and also the aforementioned deposits are settled in shallow marine settings.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 01-2017 Issue: 1

Dimension Effect on the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Ultrasonic pulse velocity test is non-destructive and relatively simple to carry out at both in-situ and laboratory conditions. The sonic velocity (SV) test has been used to determine the dynamic properties of rocks in different applications of rock and geotechnical engineering. In the laboratory conditions, the SV tests determine the velocity of propagation of elastic waves through the rock samples. The velocities of P (Vp) and S (Vs) waves are calculated from the measured travel times and distance between transmitter and receiver. The SV values of rocks are influenced and controlled by different factors such as rock type, density, grain size and shape, etc. This study focuses on the possible dimensional, sample diameter and sample length to sample diameter ratio, effect on the mean Vp, mean dynamic elastic modulus, Ed, mean shear modulus, Gd, mean Poisson’s ratio, υd and mean dry density, ρ. For sample preparation and the SV tests, the representative rock blocks of Upper Eocene-aged limestone, Dammam Formation, is collected from Jabal Hafeet in Al Ain City, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and taken to the laboratory. Forty-nine SV tests was carried out on the prepared core samples having different dimensions. The study reveals that the Vp, Ed, Gd, υd and ρ of limestone can be estimated using the simple linear mathematical equations. Even though the obtained equations are useful and practical, but it still needs better ratification with more samples having different dimensions in order to use confidently in engineering applications.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the dynamic properties of Upper Eocene limestone in the Hafit mountain, a prominent feature located in the eastern region of United Arab Emirates and it focuses on the possible dimensional effect on the ultrasonic pulse velocity.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2017 Issue: 2

Technogenic Transformations of Sea Coasts on the Example of the Baltic Sea

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Natural and technogenic factors of violation of natural development of the Liepaja sandy rerash in Southeast Baltic are considered. Along coast for many years there has been a stream of substance and energy, unidirectional to the North. At the beginning of the 20th century after the reconstruction of the Russian port of Libava and lengthening of piers for more than 2 km, a stop of sea deposits along the coast appeared. It caused catastrophic local washout of the coast and bottom. In result, territorial losses, beach titanium-zirconium rerash, different types of pollution appeared. By a research it was established: 1. Rate of abrasion (20th century the coast receded to 200 m); 2. Formation and dynamics of the centers of concentration of heavy minerals, is defined amount of the useful ore minerals in a productive size of beach sands (0,2-0,25 mm, an ilmenite, a magnetite, zircon, rutile, a monocyte, leucoxene; 74% or 1523 kg/m3); 3. Major factors of change of a condition of coast and bottom of the sea. Also an assessment of consequences is given to events of World War II and on the Chernobyl NPP. Illustrations of the article show localization of concentrates of heavy minerals in a ledge of washout of the coast and on the beach, and also structure of mean annual coastal streams of substance and wave energy in technogenic morpholytho-dynamic anomaly at the port of Liepaja.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2017 Issue: 2

Gaseous Air Quality Indicators along Traffic Routes in Greater Freetown, Sierra Leone

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Urban air pollution is increasingly getting attention in developing countries in recent years. It was against this backdrop that this piece of work examined three indices of air pollution along a single carriage road (Kissy Road) and dual carriage road (Wilkinson Road) on either direction. Brief monitoring spell of nitrogen dioxide (NO2); sulphur dioxide (SO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) were made between August 2015 and September 2015 using the Drager X am 5000 realtime monitor for the different gases. Diurnal monitoring was made in the morning, afternoon and evening periods representing peak and off peak periods. Results indicated higher levels of pollution at Kissy Road relative to Wilkinson Road. Considerable variation were also observed among the pollutants for the two sites and the hourly average values revealed levels that are within ambient air quality standards except for SO2. Field observations revealed poorly maintained vehicles, human behavioral pattern, frequent traffic jams were attributed to the observed values.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 02-2017 Issue: 2

Interdisciplinary Studies of Ancient and the Most Ancient Heritage Sites in the Geography of Culture

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Ancient and the most ancient heritage sites are revered landscapes or their components (rock sculptures, geoglyphs, sacred hills, trees, aquatic complexes and other objects of natural, anthropogenic and mixed origin), which are usually associated with folk traditions and legends. Authors of the article relate inclusion of such objects in the cultural landscape to prehistoric times (the Stone Age and earlier), and as the main primary function allocate astronomical orientation in space-time. The article shows examples of possible instrumental use of well-known and respected sites on the example of the earth's surface arched sculptures located in different regions of the world. As a result of studies carried out on the basis of maps, satellite images, photos, published descriptions, the authors conclude that most of the objects served as elements of information support systems, were included into the ancient local and regional navigation network and represent key parts of the organization of geo-cultural space, that was the objective basis of their sacralization.
Contribution/ Originality
The author's concept of navigation model operation of the world opens new opportunities of reconstruction of primary rational purpose of ancient objects of cultural heritage. It is shown that the sacral sense and an esthetics of objects are bound to their informational (instrumental) function in a life support system.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 03-2017 Issue: 3

Challenges of Enforcement of Forestry Legislation in Taraba State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Forests are essential resources for human survival and well-being. Within developing countries, millions of extremely poor people depend on forest resources for their livelihoods and security. The forest resources of Taraba State has witnessed high timber and fuelwood exploitation, bush burning, expansion of farmlands and grazing activities. Despite the existence of forest legislation in the state, illegal logging and indiscriminate forest resource exploitation has continued to increase at alarming rate. This makes it imperative to reappraise the forestry legislation in the state and the challenges of effective enforcement of these legislations. Data were generated from secondary materials, personal observation and interviews with officials of the Department of Forestry. The study findings shows that with increase in population, people need to expand their settlements and require more lands to cultivate in order to meet increasing food requirement. This leads to encroachment into forestry reserve. Poor logistics and weak institutional framework hampers the capacity of the forestry officials to enforce forestry legislation. This has resulted in the depletion of Forest resources particularly timber and woody plant resources. Some of the problems includes lack of political will on the part of government, underfunding, lack of or dilapidated office/accommodation, inadequate manpower, lack of equipment, lack of capacity building, Government preference and emphasis on revenue generation as against biodiversity conservation, Conspiracy of forestry officers, village heads and chiefs with merchant timber loggers, lack of effective supervision, coordination and enforcement of forest legislations. The study recommends the need for the government to be more proactive on the issues of enforcement of forestry legislation.
Contribution/ Originality
This study has contributed to the ongoing discussion on the challenges of effective enforcement of forestry legislation in Nigeria as a means of protecting forest and wildlife resources.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 03-2017 Issue: 3

A Research on the Implementation of an ICT-Based Entry and Exit Control System to Prevent Hospital Infection

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Recently as contagious diseases such as SARS and MERS etc. have been widely spread across the globe, there is an increased emphasis on the importance of infection management. As hospital infection has been pointed out as a critical issue factor, the need to implement a disease control system in order to control infected patients is becoming necessary. Because hospital systems are information dense systems, utilizing ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and convergence technologies such as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Smart Devices, and LBS (Location Based Service) etc. are being proposed as the main methods to implement this system. But because previous research combining hospital data and the area of IT convergence, mainly conducted research with the objective of OA (Office automation) and MIS (Management Information System), there is a limitation of this previous research to be applied to infectious diseases and disease management. To address this, through in-depth interview with professionals, the entry routes of diseases into hospitals were examined and a method to prevent this was proposed in this research. The results of this research confirmed that to prevent diseases from entering a hospital, the most important factor was to increase the access layers of entrance of a hospital to control points of contact. Based on these results, an ICT technology that could be implemented in layers was proposed. It is expected that the results of this research will be helpful to managers and staff of hospital organizations that need to implement control systems to prevent contagious disease infection in hospitals.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper’s primary contribution is to help effectively prevent contagious disease spread by the combination of ICT and administration system of disease.  This study uses an expert interview to investigate key issues.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 11-2016 Issue: 11

Benefits and Risks of Satisficing Levels for Input and Output Quantities in Efficiency Analyses from a Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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In efficiency analyses it is being regularly insinuated that it is desirable to realize a maximum ratio between the produced outputs and the used inputs. According to the concept of satisficing, however, activities can be assumed to be satisfactory if they meet a specific aspiration level. The concept of satisficing has been incorporated into efficiency analysis techniques through satisficing levels. In this paper, benefits and risks are being discussed that result from considering satisficing levels in efficiency analyses from the perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Contribution/ Originality
The present study is one of very few studies which discuss the application of satisficing levels for input and output quantities in efficiency analyses. The study adopts the comprehensive view of Corporate Social Responsibility in order to analyze the benefits as well as the risks of satisficing levels.

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 12-2016 Issue: 12

Optimal Solution of Balanced and Unbalanced Fuzzy Transportation Problem Using Hexagonal Fuzzy Numbers

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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A fuzzy transportation problem (FTP) includes cost, supply and demand of transportation problems. Its numbers are fuzzy numbers. Fuzzy transportation problem works to reduce transportation cost of some commodities through a capacitate network. Present research paper points out a technique with an alpha cut, optimal solution for solving transportation problem. We suggest a technique to find the fuzzy optimal solution on scales of transportation problem and propose a new hexagonal representation of fuzzy numbers. In general, the comparison of balanced fuzzy transportation problem (BFTP) and unbalanced fuzzy transportation problem (UFTP) shows that the optimal transportation cost of UFTP is less than BFTP.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in networking for transportation. This study uses new estimation methodology. This study originates optimal solution and comparison between BFTP and UFTP. This study investigated comparatively. This paper contributes the first logical analysis that is minimizes or maximizes objective solution is an optimal solution in hexagonal fuzzy numbers.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 02-2016 Issue: 2

MHD Flow of a Nanofluid at the Forward Stagnation Point of an Infinite Permeable Wall with a Convective Boundary Condition

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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The steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of a nanofluid at the forward stagnation point of an infinite permeable wall is investigated in this study. A mathematical model has been constructed and the governing partial differential equations are converted into ordinary differential equations by similarity transformation. The similarity equations are solved numerically by a shooting technique. Results for the surface shear stresses, surface heat transfer, and velocity, nanoparticle fraction and temperature profiles are presented in tables and in some graphs. Effects of the magnetic parameter  , constant mass flux   Biot number  , Brownion  motion parameter  thermophoresis parameter   and Lewis number   are examined. The present results are compared with previously available numerical results obtained using other methods of solution, and they are found to be in good agreement.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents important features of MHD stagnation point flow with the effect of convective boundary condition also suction and injection. The paper's contribution is finding that the development of skin friction, heat flux and mass flux, with the velocity, temperature and nanoparticle fraction profiles, in tables and graphs.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 02-2016 Issue: 2

Dx-Schemes and Jets in Conformal Gravity Using Integral Transforms

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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A  scheme is a scheme equipped with a flat connection over a smooth scheme on a base field. The flat connection equipment is a characterization of this scheme to construct through isomorphisms between commutative algebras and formal moduli problems the conformal images of the space-time that are solutions in conformal field theory. If are considered the  schemes and their particular tools, the jets, these determine conformal blocks of space-time pieces that are invariant under conformal transformations. These conformal block of space-time pieces determine a homogeneous degree factor that characterizes the solutions in a complex Riemannian model of the space-time of the field equations to certain tensors of the Weyl curvature. Finally, is demonstrated that the algebra belonging to the  schemes to the mentioned formal moduli problem is the image under a generalized Penrose transform that in the conformal context of many pieces of the space-time, has a structure as objects in commutative rings of CAlgk each one.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 02-2016 Issue: 2

Multi-Order Fractional Mathieu Equation with External Multi-Periodic Excitation

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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This paper presents an investigation of the behavior of the multi-order fractional differential equation (MFDE). We derive expressions for the transition curves separating regions of stability from instability for the MFDE generally and the particular case K=2. Employing the harmonic balance technique, we obtained approximate expressions for the n=1 and n=2   transition curves of the MFDE and particularly for the case k=2. We also obtained an approximate analytical solution to the multi-order fractionally damped and forced Duffing-Mathieu equation as well as some special cases computationally using the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM).
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 02-2016 Issue: 2

Consistency of a Mixture Model of Two Different Distributions Approach to the Analysis of Buying Behaviour Data

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Research

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A four-parameter probability distribution, which includes a wide variety of curve shapes, is presented. Because of the flexibility, generality, and simplicity of the distribution, it is useful in the representation of data when the underlying model is unknown. Further important applications of the distribution include the modeling and subsequent generation of random variates for simulation studies and Monte Carlo sampling studies of the robustness of statistical procedures. This research centered on combining these two distributions that will simultaneously capture the rate of occurrence of a phenomenon, especially buying behaviour and the actual performance of that phenomenon as well as tracking and forecasting future purchasing pattern based the data. Further important applications of the distribution include the modeling and subsequent generation of random variates for simulation studies of the robustness of statistical procedures. To do this, specification of the hybrid model named Exponential- Gamma mixture model is given and followed by its derivation. The concluding part of the paper depicts an example of the areas of its application.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by combining exponential-gamma mixture as a hybrid model to see its rate of tracking and forecasting purchasing pattern. This is carried out by using our newly arrived formula in analyzing both the real life and simulated data in other to ascertain the uniqueness of combined probability distribution in forecasting future customer buying behavior data for producers effective planning and administration.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Mathematical Research » Month: 02-2016 Issue: 2