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Listing 84 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Study of the Landscape Restoration and Reuse of Foreign Company Facilities in Tamsui, Taiwan

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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This paper discusses both the surviving and now-disappeared foreign company facilities in Tamsui. The discussion topics include historical analysis of foreign firms and suggestions for preservation and reconstruction. The methodology of this study combines historical research of architecture with discussion of the cultural landscape, and proposes a discussion of lost landscapes and the preservation of the existing foreign company facilities in Tamsui. The Shell Company and the Douglas Lapraik & Co. warehouses in Tamsui are the witness and the cases of well-preserved with a scarcity value. These cases warrant preservation as a heritage site based on their historical value and for reasons of environmental sustainability. A representation of the foreign company storage and sites should be displayed in the Tamsui eco-museum for inclusion with the other historical heritage areas in Tamsui.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the surviving and now-disappeared foreign company facilities in Tamsui. The methodology combines historical research of architecture with discussion of the cultural landscape.
Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 01-2018 Issue: 1

The Poverty of Lecture as an Instructional Strategy in the Teaching of Science at the Secondary School Level

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The issue of concern in this discourse is the poverty of lecture method of teaching in the teaching and learning of science subjects in the secondary school. Often times, science teachers cast aspersions on the prevalence of lecture in science classrooms given the popular belief that science, by its nature, dictates that activity-oriented methods should be used rather than a rather passive method like lecture method. It has however been argued in this paper that when lecture is enriched, it serves a vital role in delivering science lessons profitably. Based on this position, it was recommended that lectures should be suffused with other methods, science teachers are advised to use visual aids as they teach and emphasis should be placed on hand-on-activities and experiences so as to maximally realize the benefits of lecture as an instructional process so as to improve field practice.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the on-going debate on the limitations of lecture in science teaching and learning. Its uniqueness and primary contribution is the appeal to suffuse lecture with activity-based methods to improve students’ engagement, academic achievement, morale, and career prospects of learners, hence the advocacy for enriched lecture.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2018 Issue: 4

A Comparison of Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Poverty and Rural Poverty in the North-West China

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This paper explores the contrast between urban poverty and rural poverty under climate change in north-west China based on association theory. In order to effectively evaluate the different impacts of climate change on rural and urban poverty, this paper establishes a dynamic GMM regression model of climate change, uses the north-west region panel data to clarify the relationship of ecological environment, carbon emissions and poverty alleviation in north-west China. The empirical test results show there exists an inverted U-shaped curve relationship between carbon emissions and the rural poor income, but there is no significant correlation between carbon emissions and that of the urban poor. There is an obvious intertemporal transmission of poverty, and that of rural poverty is more obvious than urban poverty. Economic growth is still the most important power source of poverty reduction in urban and rural areas in north-west China, however, the number of years of education had no obvious influences on the income of urban and rural poor population.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the contrast between urban poverty and rural poverty under climate change in north-west China through empirical analysis, and analyzes whether the region has obtained a broader poverty alleviation through the consumption of natural resources.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 01-2019 Issue: 1

The Factor Testing of Indicators of Physical and Functional Preparation of Basketball Players

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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The problem of physiological study of non-traditional means of coaching attracts a lot of scientists’ attention in recent years. This is due to the need to provide a maximum development of certain muscle groups and direction of the coaching process. Proper use of simulators weight machines bring positive results (Valeria et al., 2018). Obviously, an important step in the use of technology is the right choice for team sports coaches and personal trainers for the effectiveness of the coaching process. One effective component of this process is the inclusion to a coaching program with the help of physical exercises would be TRX® function loops. Among specialists of functional and physical coaching innovation as TRX® – coaching is one of the best equipment for complex solution of the tasks. This exercise is an exercise using body weight. It was designed to develop strength, power, core stability, flexibility and balance. TRX® is the valuable creation for the sports industry of any levels. TRX® Coaching –Suspension Coaching became commonly usable for Fitness Health Clubs, Professional Sports and Elite Strength Conditioning Workout for Sports Teams (Dao and Le, 2018). Therefore, it was suggested the use of TRX® exercises in preparation of basketball players. The results of the study clearly show that the inclusion in the 18-25 years old basketball player coaching program with the TRX® functional loop contributes to a significant increase in overall fitness levels and ability to foster gas of life. Using TRX® during coaching can be considered to be an important factor in increasing the effectiveness of basketball preparation
Contribution/ Originality

Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

An Empirical Investigation into the Key Drivers of Economic Performance in the CEMAC Zone: A Panel Corrected Standard Errors Approach

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The economic performance of CEMAC countries is severely poor, when compared to other communities of the same region. It is on the bases of this background, that this paper purports to empirically investigate the potential key drivers of economic performance in the CEMAC zone. Specifically, the study attempts to scrutinise the effect of: (a) educational expenditure, (b) gross physical capital formation, (c) public health expenditures, and (d) private health expenditure on economic performance. To ascertain these objectives, data is sourced from the World Bank Development Indicators (WDI) of 2017 and used is made of both descriptive and inferential statistics. The Panel-corrected standard errors (PCSE) regression model was employed to test the objectives, due to its capacity to produce appropriate standard error estimates with very insignificant loss of efficiency. The empirical findings, among others suggested that, all forms of investments included in the model, significantly influenced the economic performance of countries in the CEMAC sub-region. Specifically, the results showed that educational expenditure and gross physical capital formation positively influence economic performance in the CEMAC zone. Intriguingly, public and private health expenditures negatively influence economic performance in the said zone. The policy implications of these findings suggest that, emphasis should be laid on increasing investment on government’s educational expenditure and gross physical capital formation in the CEMAC zone, if economic performance must be revived.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses panel corrected standard errors approach, to scrutinize the causal relationship between the CEMAC economic performance and variables like educational expenditure, gross physical capital formation and public and private health expenditures.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 6

Firm-Level Investment Decisions Under Uncertainty and Irreversibility in Zimbabwes Private Firms

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Zimbabwe’s business operating environment is abounding with both micro and macro uncertainties that regularly impact on firm-level investment decisions. Under uncertainty and irreversibility private firms are forced to integrate into their investment appraisals and decisions some expectations regarding future product demand and prices, likely returns on fixed capital investment, expected margins, cost of capital expectations and cash flow projections. These important issues are not known with definitive assurance and hence, making investment decisions under uncertainty a challenging task for Zimbabwe’s private firms. The study examined investment under uncertainty and irreversibility in Zimbabwe’s private firms using a polychotomous regression model with the three investment decision outcomes; “invest now”, “do not invest now” and “defer investment”. The major findings are that; (1) liquidity constraints, firm size and credit constraints significantly influence the probability of investing now irrespective of uncertainties in the economy. (2) Poor public infrastructure, political uncertainty, inconsistent application of the indigenization laws and absence of laws that protect private property rights increase the probability of private firms’ deferring investment decisions under uncertainty and investment irreversibility. The paper recommends that policy makers should reduce macro uncertainties in the financial sector that affect firm-level investment decisions, adopt policies that enhance productivity of public infrastructure and must observe national and international laws that safeguard investor property rights.
Contribution/ Originality
The study is one of the few studies that used a polychotomous probabilistic distribution function to investigate investment decisions of Zimbabwe’s private firms given the presence of uncertainty and investment irreversibility.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 6

Development and Performance Analysis of Bisection Method-Based Optimal Path Length Algorithm for Terrestrial Microwave Link

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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In this paper, Bisection method-based algorithm for the computation of optimal path length of terrestrial microwave link is presented. Also, performance analysis of the algorithm is presented in terms of the convergence cycle of the algorithm. The impact of various link parameters on the convergence cycle of the algorithm is also presented. Mathlab program was used to carry out sample numerical computation for a microwave link having the following parameters: frequency (f) = 12 GHz, transmit power (PT) = 10dBm, transmitter antenna gain (GT) = 35 dBi, receiver antenna gain (GR) = 35 dBi, fade margin (fms) =20dB, receiver sensitivity (PS) = -80dBm, Rain Zone = N, point refractivity gradient (dN1) = -400, link percentage outage (p0) = 0.01% . The results showed that the Bisection algorithm converged at the 17th cycle. It was found from the analysis that the convergence cycle of the algorithm varied linearly with frequency, decreasing with frequency from a value of 17 at frequency of 12 GHz to 15 at a frequency of 45 GHz. On the other hand, the convergence cycle varied nonlinearly with percentage availability of the link. Also, for a given frequency and link percentage availability the convergence cycle increased with increase in rain rate. The result of the research is very essential for microwave link designers to determine the optimal path length for effective link performance under different link configurations and locations.
Contribution/ Originality
This study applies Bisection algorithm to determine the optimal path length of line of site wireless communication link. The Bisection method presented in this paper is simpler and easier to be applied in more situations than the Newton Raphson method. Used in Emenyi, et al. [1].
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Development of Facilitated Participatory Spatial Information System for Selected Urban Management Services

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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In this paper, the development of a web based spatial information system for selected urban management services in Akwa Ibom state is presented. The selected urban management services include; disaster management, waste management, land administration and land transportation information hub. Participatory evolutionary software development methodology was used in the system development and the system was implemented using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) for the web interface, PHP Hypertext preprocessor (PHP) for the server side scripting , MySQL for the database, Google map API (Application Programming Interface) for the maps and Apache as the web server. The web application was hosted locally using WAMP server and tested with some dataset obtained in the case study area. Relevant screenshots of the webpages are also presented. The web application presented in this paper can be used to facilitate participatory urban service in any given city or state.
Contribution/ Originality
This study originates requisite flowcharts and accompanying web applications for online management of selected urban services. Notably, the software designs are based on the prevailing technical and socioeconomic conditions in the case study area (Akwa Ibom State Nigeria).
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Stanford University Interim Propagation Loss Model for a Gmelina Arborea Tree-Lined Road

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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In this paper, the extended Stanford University Interim (ESUI) path loss model was evaluated and optimized based on empirically measured path loss obtained along a suburban road lined with Gmelina Arborea trees. The study was for a 1800 MHz cellular network located in Orlu Imo state. The field measurement was conducted in August which is in the rainy season with the entire trees blossom with their green leaves. G-NetTrack Lite 8.0 Adroid app installed on a Samsung Galaxy S8 mobile phone was then used to capture and log the received signal strength (RSSI) in dB, the geo-coordinates of the measurement points as well as the particulars of the 3G network base station. Two datasets were captured and one f the dataset was used for the model optimization while the other dataset was used for validation of the model. For the training dataset, un-tuned ESUI model had a root mean square error (RMSE) of 46.82 dB and maximum absolute prediction error of 46.64 dB whereas the RMSE-tuned ESUI model had a RMSE of 4.094dB and maximum absolute prediction error of 3.41dB. Similarly, for the validation dataset, the un-tuned ESUI model had a RMSE of 48.37dB and maximum absolute prediction error of 48.19 dB whereas the RMSE-tuned ESUI model had a RMSE of 4.39 dB and maximum absolute prediction error of 3.0 dB. In all, the tuned ESUI model was derived and it gave good path loss prediction performance for both the training and the validation datasets.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is the derivation of a root mean square error-based optimized extended Stanford University Interim (ESUI) path loss model for a suburban road lined with Gmelina Arborea trees.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Cost Efficiency of Bioenergy Industry and its Economic Determinants in EU-28: A Tobit Model Based on DEA Efficiency Scores

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This study looks at how increasing efficiency drives the production of the bioenergy in the European Union (EU-28) region. The paper used the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) statistical approach to use the cost efficiency (CE) rate of the bio-energy industry of the EU-28 region as a dependent variable of this study in the first stage of analysis. The study’s second stage analysis used the Tobit Model to investigate the impact of economic determinants on the CE of the bioenergy industry in the EU-28 region during the period between 1990 to 2013. The results of the second stage panel regression using Tobit model for the EU-28 region during 1990-2013 shows that CE has positive and significant correlations with capital cost (lnCI) and labour cost (lnLI). The results also show that cost efficiency and real interest rate (lnRIR).have a negative and significant relationship. The study showed that gross domestic product (lnGDP) and CE have a positive and significant relationship in the time specific model, but not in the country specific model. In addition, there is significant and positive correlations between CE and both the Interaction Dummy Country factor (Dum_CP) and the Country Dummy factor (Dum). The estimation also showed insignificant correlations between CE and both the Interaction Dummy Time factor (Dum_CP) and the Time Dummy factor (Dum).
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature in investigating the CE of the bioenergy industry in the EU-28 region. This study uses new estimation methodologies such as the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Tobit Model to investigate the impact of economic determinants on the CE of the bioenergy industry in the EU28 region during the period between 1990 and 2013.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 02-2019 Issue: 2

Establishing Shipping Service Complex Standard Framework: Experience from Shanghai

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This paper introduced the experience of Shanghai in building the waterfront urban complex with industrial characteristics. In order to ensure the logic and scientific rationality, this paper developed the standard system on the concept of system engineering, based on which a three-dimensional space was proposed for the Shanghai Shipping Service Complex (SSC). Fundamental elements such as technology, management, economy and environment are analyzed and further classified, thus ensuring the systematicness and scientificity of the standard. The framework of standard system was then established through further elaborating the initial structure with four aspects as shipping service, building technology, environment friendly and sustainable management.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper is a pioneer research in the standard establishment for urban complex. The primary contribution is proposing a framework and design logic in forming the standard system of the complex, providing reference for similar waterfront reconstruction projects.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2018 Issue: 4

Social, Economical and Environmental Issues of Floriculture Sector Development in Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: Review of Plant Studies

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The floriculture sector is a new agricultural industry in Ethiopia. However, together with associated industries the sector created job opportunities for thousands of people especially women and generates huge amount of foreign exchange earnings to the country. However, it’s social and environmental issues associated with the development of the sector are not yet well documented. The present review was therefore initiated with the objective to summarize and the sector development and document the issues raised associated with its development in the country. According to the review results the floriculture industry is suffering from insufficient infrastructure system necessary for further development of the industry which should be solved with the respective stakeholders. Moreover, the industry is accused from negative environmental and social impacts which may have negative impacts for future development of the industry. Continuous awareness trainings on health and safety issues through respective stakeholders and regular monitoring in the implementation of guidelines and roles regarding environmental protection is recommended to sustain the further improvement of the industry in Ethiopia.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Review of Plant Studies » Month: inpmonth-0000 Issue: 0

The Impact of Intensive Utilization of Cultivated Land on Grain Yields: A Case Study of Shandong Province in China

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Using time series data of agriculture in Shandong Province during the period from 2000 to 2015, this paper sets up an assessment system of intensive utilization of cultivated land, which has 4 criteria(input intensity, utilization intensity, output effectiveness and sustainability) consisting of 9 indices, comprehensively estimates the level of intensive use of agricultural land with entropy method, and empirically analyzes the impact of intensive utilization of cultivated land on grain yields through the use of a multivariable linear regression model. The results are shown as follows: (1) The level of intensive utilization of cultivated land in Shandong Province has been fluctuating upwards but not significantly progressing. (2) Grain yield per hectare is positively correlated with output effectiveness and utilization intensity, and the contribution of output effectiveness to grain yield per hectare is more than the other. (3) grain yield per hectare is negatively correlated with input intensity and sustainability. Therefore, in the long-term, cultivated land management strategy should be planned to improve the input intensity, to emphasis on the sustainability of farm land and to promote the consciousness of cultivated land protection in order to increase the productivity of grain yields.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by supplementing existing research related to Shandong Province cultivated land, few of which have been conducted on the relationship of grain yield and intensive utilization of arable land. Hence, the current research constitutes an original contribution in this field.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2018 Issue: 4

Roles of Extension Services in Adoption of Agroforestry Practices among Farmers in South West Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The study examined the roles of extension in the adoption of agroforestry practices in South west Nigeria, with a view to providing data on the practices of agroforestry in the area. It highlighted the extent of agroforestry, the ownership and management of agroforestry practices, the utilization and sustainability of the practices, as well as the challenges faced by farmers practicing agroforestry. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 200 agroforestry farmers. A large proportion (82%) of the respondents are married and the mean age was 52years. Majority (81.5%) of them had formal education while 92% are involved in farming as their primary occupation. 39.5% of the respondents are involved in the practice of shelter belt and wind breaks, 35% are involved in improved fallow, 24% in Taungya, 22% in fuel wood production, 16% in the practice of Alley cropping, 10% in Tree on range land, while 7% and 2.5% are into home garden and apiculture respectively. About half (54.5%) of respondents had no contact with extension services, access to extension service in the study area as rated by farmers is an indication of low extension agent to farmer ratio. The result of Pearson moment correlation coefficient showed that there was no significant relationship between extension contacts and sustainable adoption of agroforestry practices (r = 0.12, p = 0.07).
Contribution/ Originality
The study examined the roles of extension services in the adoption and utilization of agroforestry practices by farmers. It discussed the various agroforestry practices available, the acceptability and perception of the farmers. The study also revealed the lack of proper extension services needed for successful implementation of any adoption process.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Assessing the National Sanitation Policy in Rwanda

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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Populated cities in Rwanda rely on decentralized wastewater management systems due to the absence of central sewerage systems and the limited finances for sanitation infrastructures. This paper studied the influence of the national sanitation policy and the best available technologies in addressing and reinforcing decentralized wastewater treatment practices in Kigali city such as on-site and off-site sanitation systems. Different sanitation and wastewater management related policies were reviewed with emphasis on densely populated cities. The paper highlighted the need for a sustainable sanitation policy focusing on the safe disposal of the wastewaters and the proper connection to protect the ecosystem and to improve the status of the sanitation services in Rwanda. It was also noted that policies cannot be implemented without a real intervention of the local authorities in monitoring, advising and putting practical guidelines for individuals and communities before and after constructing their treatment systems.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper highlighted and reviewed the social and environmental problems related to the wastewater management practices in Kigali city, which has had negative impacts on human health and the ecosystem. The message to be delivered: Connecting every household to an improved sanitation system to meet the MDGs doesn’t make any sense if the collected wastewaters were not treated and managed properly after the collection. Therefore, the paper reviewed and suggested some interventions to be included in the national sanitation policy of Rwanda trying to approach sustainable sanitation principles for the country sake before achieving any other global goals.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Monitoring of surface soil quality parameters of the Sitalakshya River, Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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The present study was carried out to monitor and assess the surface soil quality parameters of the Sitalakshya River, Bangladesh. The soil samples were collected from Kanchpur Bridge and Atlapur during rainy and winter season. Soil texture is an important tool that aids in organic matter retention, minerals dispersal, microbial biomass, and other soil properties. The soil of the study area was recorded sandy loam and loam. The concentrations of soil parameters ranged for EC: 65.7 ?S/cm-99.83 ?S/cm; pH: 6.67-6.97; organic matter: 0.43%-0.66%; and organic carbon: 0.23%-0.35% in the soil of the Sitalakshya River. Most of the parameters showed no substantial variations in respect of sites and seasons (p>0.05) except electrical conductivity and pH (p<0.05). Statistical analysis like correlation matrix exposed the close relationship between organic matter and organic carbon. The soil of the Sitalakshya River has low nutrient contents that are not enough for the plants and organisms. Rapid industrialization and the huge establishment of brickfields are the major factors behind this less productive ecosystem. The river must be protected from further deterioration by taking fruitful management plan. This preliminary study will be a useful tool in the conservation plan. This will also help the future researchers who want to work on the river.
Contribution/ Originality

Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: inpmonth-0000 Issue: 0

Analysis of the Effect of Variations in Refractivity Gradient on Line of Sight Percentage Clearance and Single Knife Edge Diffraction Loss

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research

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In this paper, analysis of the effect of variations in refractivity gradient on line of sight percentage clearance and single knife edge diffraction loss is presented. Relevant, mathematical expressions and approaches for the analyses are presented. Sample path profile data of terrestrial line of sight (LOS) microwave communication links operating at C-band 5.5 GHz frequency and Ku-band 11 GHz frequency with 15 Km path length are used in the study to demonstrate the application of the ideas presented in this paper. The results showed that the critical point of minimum LOS percentage clearance occurred at a distance of 8.89 Km from the transmitter. Based on the results regression models were derived for relating the refractivity gradient to the effective earth K-factor, earth bulge, LOS percentage clearance and single knife edge LOS percentage clearance. The implication of the result is that, given that for any location the refractivity gradient varies with the primary atmospheric parameters like temperature, pressure and relative humidity, the amount of diffraction loss posed to the signal in the atmosphere will be varying at different rates depending on the prevailing values of the atmospheric parameters upon which refractivity gradient depends. Also, apart from the reference refractivity gradient of 39.25 N units/km, different frequencies will experience different amount of diffraction loss. The specific impact of the refractivity gradient on different frequencies depends on whether the prevailing refractivity gradient is above or below the reference refractivity gradient of 39.25 N units/km.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the effect of variations in refractivity gradient on line of sight percentage clearance and single knife edge diffraction loss. The ideas presented can easily be used to study the effect of variations in atmospheric parameters on wireless signal quality.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Gross Morphology and Morphometric Studies of Digestive Tract of Barn Owl (Tyto alba)

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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Four (4) adult barn owls were captured from Gamji Village of Bakura local government and transported in a cage to the College of Agriculture and Animal Science Bakura, Zamfara State, Nigeria, for morphology and morphometry of the digestive tracts. All the segments of the digestive tract (Esophagus, Liver, Crop, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Colon, Caecum, Colorectum, and Cloaca) were present, however the crop was found to be absent. This studies will provide valuable information for anatomist and other scientist working in the management and nutrition of this species, which will further help in the maintenance of this important bird in captivity or free life. Further investigation in the histology of these segments is recommended.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature, the gross features of the gastrointestinal tract of the barn owl, which will further assist in the feeding and management of this bird in captivity or free life.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1

Interrogating the Dilemma of Foreign Aid as a Tool for Economic Development in Latin America in the 20th Century

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The paper examines the dilemma of foreign aid as an invaluable tool for the economic development of Latin American region up till the 1990s. The study employed the narrative and analytical historical methods of research and analysis. Data was generated through library search. It was critically analysed employing the qualitative technique of content analysis of historical documents. The study notes that some advanced countries like USA, Canada, and Australia pumped and has still been pumping vast amount of money as aid to the region since the 1930s. Some goals of the aid regime were to: stimulate improved standard of living of citizens of Latin American states; alleviate poverty; promote rural infrastructural development and; enhance economic growth and sustainable development. Ironically, however, the paper records that all the Latin American states had to show for the huge inflow of foreign aid have been unparalleled level of corruption; huge foreign debt profile, significant level of illiteracy; political instability; incessant regime change; endemic conflicts; low level of domestic savings and significant impoverishment of women population, among others, with the possible exception to Cuba. It concludes that leaders of Latin American states should institute economic policies that are domestic-savings dependent and shun corruption to ostensibly promote sustainable development in the nearest future.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that the huge inflow of foreign aid into Latin American states has neither translated into an improved standard of living for average citizens nor succeeded to stimulate sustainable economic development in the region over the years.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2018 Issue: 4

Awareness on Air Pollution and Risk Preparedness among Residents in Kigali City of Rwanda

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The rapid human population growth, industrialization, urbanization, agricultural expansion and other development activities are gradually polluting the quality of air with severe effects on the human health and environment as well. This is particularly, exacerbated by lack information sharing which limits the risk assessment, and community approach to identify the key sources and the mitigation or adaptation strategies. The aim of this study was to assess the extent of air pollution risk awareness in order to enhance its preparedness and adaptation in Kigali City of Rwanda. The authors conducted an interview with 225 respondents randomly selected among the residents in May 2018. The results indicated that the primary air pollution sources are automobile highlighted by 45 percent of respondents, followed by stationery sources at 36 percent. However, the air pollution risk related information is mainly provided at television (50%), owned by 32 percent in contrast of radio possessed by 49% of residents, but used at low extent (36%). This consequently, leads to health problems, acid rain and natural resources depletion as stated by the informants. Accordingly, the air pollution risk awareness is at low level, as respondents highlighted that the related education/training is delivered at low extent (9.3 percent), despite its role in risk awareness and preparedness among the community. While the car free day (32.4%) and forestland expansion (42%) are practiced at large extent than education. The relevant community air pollution risk awareness and reduction measures are suggested.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the awareness on air pollution and the degree of preparedness to the risk in Kigali city of Rwanda. Thus, its findings will help policy makers to better set up air pollution abatement measures under consideration of the residents’ wellness.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 03-2019 Issue: 1