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Listing 32 - 20 of 2809 results.

Incorporating User Participation in Heritage Institutions: Approaching Institutional Strategies in Relation To New Social Media and Audience Needs

Research Article
Journal: Journal of New Media and Mass Communication

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The gradual inclusion of the participation of the public in museums through social networks and other tools that enhance the user’s leadership in the management of information and in the knowledge production seems to have led to an evolution in the cultural experience of the public. However, we do not know yet whether the possibility to intervene and manipulate the content really optimize the communication between visitors widening their possibilities of action turning them into a concerned and active audience.  In this study, we have analyzed practices and motivations of on line audience, detecting some guidelines that should be considered when incorporating user participation in heritage institutions. The analysis of when a participatory environment can encourage the dissemination of the contents of the museum and engage audiences in an ongoing and repeated relationship that encompasses even the attendance realm, was performed using a qualitative methodological perspective though supported by some quantitative data related to the profiles of the recipients of cultural activities and their practices in the network. The suggestions proposed, by virtue of being the result of an evaluation process of public preferences, would highlight the real needs of on line visitors and reduce the dissociation between the way that museums seek to use their pages and effective practices of their users. Looking at these results, this research (based on the analysis of four case studies) represents an attempt to approach the strategies adopted by the institutional sphere in relation to the new social media and to the current needs of the public.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the digital strategies used by museums of art and design to communicate with their audiences. The paper’s primary contribution is finding those that elicit a positive response from the general public and the factors that are linked implicitly to their success.
Social Sciences » Journal of New Media and Mass Communication » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Effectiveness of Treatment of Water Surface with Ferric Chloride and Aluminium Sulphate

Research Article
Journal: Review of Catalysts

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The municipality of M’rirt located in the eastern part of central Morocco, in response to the scarcity of water resources in food, the national Office of Drinking Water has used the coagulation-flocculation for water treatment of Oum Errabia River, process of removing the most delicate phase in suspension by the addition of a body chemical called coagulant. The application of coagulation flocculation process for the treatment of surface water is an interesting alternative as the treatment is fast, cheap and allows obtaining perfectly clear water can fill the deficit in water. In the case of our study, we chose the coagulation-flocculation with aluminum sulphate and ferric chloride in order to compare their effectiveness in the elimination or reduction of turbidity on the one hand, and On the other hand see the effectiveness of aluminum sulfate in an acid pH range. The tests are performed in the laboratory and were conducted using a jar test. Ferric chloride showed an effective reduction of the turbidity of water from the aluminum sulfate at low concentrations. The reduction in turbidity of the water by the aluminum sulphate is higher in acid pH (pH 5.5) according to the results obtained from the tests.
Contribution/ Originality

Medical Sciences » Review of Catalysts » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Performance Evaluation and Adaptation of Lentil Varieties in Lemu, Gumur and Damot Gale Districts of Southern Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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This study was conducted on stations and on farm in three districts of South region, Ethiopia, to evaluate the lentil varieties for yield and adaptation, assess farmer’s preferences during 2004/05 Meher Season. Data on plant height, hundred seed weight, pod per plant, days to flowering, days to maturity and grain yield were collected. Six lentil varieties which included five released and one local check of respective locations were planted on 3.2m2 plots at spacing of 20cm* 2cm.  The plots consisted of four rows which were four meters long for on-centre and on farm trials. The trials were laid in randomized complete block design with four replications. Twelve farmers from three districts of four farmers at each village were participated in executing on farm trials. Each farmer was a replicate for on farm component. There were significant differences among varieties for grain yield and some of traits. The results for the on-centre and on farm trials indicated that there were significant yield differences between the local check and the released varieties at two stations and three districts. The varieties Teshale and Alemaya were superior yielded overall to the local check across three villages ’and on stations. Thus, Alemaya and Teshale out yielded other varieties and had average yields of 1239.1 kg/ha and 1193.8 kg/ha at on station and 1165.1 kg/ha and 1202kg/ha at on farm trials, respectively. Combined statistical analysis and farmers assessments identified two genotypes (Teshale and Alemaya) as potential varieties for production in south Ethiopia. Therefore, based on researchers and farmers’ preference, varieties Teshale and Alemaya are recommended for production in Lemu, Gumur and Damot Gale districts and similar agro ecologies of south Ethiopia.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Germination Effects of Purposive Bruchid Screening of African Ebony (Dalbergia Melanoxylon) Seeds In the Arid and Semi-Arid Region of South Eastern Kenya

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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The African ebony (Dalbergia melanoxylon) is a tree that is crucial in making of high value wooden traditional artifacts, however its slow growth in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs), poor germination and low seedling growth rate, seed pest predation coupled with overharvesting pause a great threat for the future availability of the species. Unscreened natural methods of seed germination might not sustainably solve the problem of low germination. Overharvesting for wood carving, and low natural regenerative ability of the species and lack of the local and national conservation efforts present a serious threat its availability to the future availability of Dalbergia melanoxylon. Availability of viable seed plays a crucial role the establishment of African ebony. There is need for immediate methods for multiple seedling production for propagation of D. melanoxylon. Our studies showed 2% germination without screening but increased to 40% after screening (p< 0.001). Careful moisture monitoring of the seedling seemed to increase the growth rate in the ASAL region. Therefore, selected propagation methods of this species can rescue it from the current extinction trend which is caused by its low regenerative ability when natural methods are used and over exploitation. There is need to support on farm cultivation of the tree to sustain the carving industry. 
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Rural Saving Mobilizations and Economic Development in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State - Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Challenges

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This study presents an analysis of “Rural Saving Mobilizations and economic development in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State Nigeria”.   The data available shows that savings mobilization plays an important role in rural development and in rural Economy like Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State Nigeria.  The major objectives of the study are to examine the mobilization of rural savings in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State and the factors militating against the mobilization of savings in the area. The study also assesses the roles and contributions of the formal and informal financial sectors in the mobilization of savings from the rural area.  Primary and secondary data were collected from the rural households and the two major financial institutions in the area then (the Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, and the peoples Bank of Nigeria). The analysis shows that 80% of Awi- the Cross River State College of education Community indicated a greater percentage of their awareness to save their money in the bank.  It was also  discovered that  out of 351 workers of the State college of Education, Akamkpa, 243 or 69.23% save with the Union Bank of Nigeria, Akamkpa Branch under the salary payroll Accounts.  While 108 or 30.77% save with the people Bank of Nigeria, Akamkpa branch respectively.  The study also reveals that the higher the rate of interest, the greater the inducement to Savers to increase their savings and supply more funds. policy implications of the study are that the government or the monetary authority should maintain the equality of saving and investment where the market rate of interest equal to the natural rate.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few empirical studies which have been conducted in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State Nigeria; on rural saving mobilizations and economic development in the area. The study’s primary contribution is in the area of existing empirical literature on rural saving mobilization in Nigeria. 
Economics » Journal of Challenges » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Survey on Economical Important Fungal Diseases of Tomato in Sub-Zoba Hamemalo of Eritrea

Research Article
Journal: Review of Plant Studies

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Hamelmalo region. Through the survey, 4 diseases namely, early blight, late blight, powdery mildew and wilt and 2 insects: Helicoverpa armigera and Tuta absoluta were recorded. The main objective of the study was to undertake survey for the incidence of early blight and powdery mildew of tomato caused by Alternaria solani and Oidium neolycopersici respectively. The maximum disease incidence due to early blight was 56.28% in F5 and minimum was 19.05% in seven days interval during survey whereas in case of powdery mildew the maximum and minimum was 38.96% in F2 and 13.43% in F5 respectively. Overall average for higher leaf infection in early blight and powdery mildew of tomato were recorded 41.85% and 34.63%, respectively. The average of disease complex incidence of 71.6% and 62.60% was recorded in F6 and F4, respectively.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes about incidence and severity of tomato diseases in Sub zoba Hamelmalo of Eritrea. Research conducted about the insect pest and diseases occurrence in tomato in this area. This study can be used for further reference for future research work in particular area.
Agricultural Sciences » Review of Plant Studies » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 2

Prosthodontic Rehabilitatative Therapy through Surgical Obturator for Maxillectomy Patients: A Review

Research Article
Journal: Cancers Review

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The maxillofacial patient experiences a unique alteration in the normal oral/craniofacial environment and functions, which are the results of congenital, traumatic or surgical insults. Maxillofacial Prosthetics aimed to attain the optimal functions, such as speech and swallowing, and normalcy of surrounding structure. The provision of surgical obturator is one step in achieving normalcy, as it allows covering the deficiencies/defects to regain optimal/suboptimal functions immediately after surgical resection. This paper provides an overview on the designing principles, goals and role of surgical obturator in rehabilitating maxillectomy cases.
Contribution/ Originality

Medical Sciences » Cancers Review » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 2

The Enhancement of Sustainable Tourism Education and Training to Primary School Level and Rural Communities in Zimbabwe

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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In a bid to mitigate adverse long term effects in biodiversity and loss of wildlife and to prepare communities for the challenges arising out of tourism and hospitality developments in their vicinity, it is vital that communities living next to tourist attractions be educated so that they practice eco-tourism or sustainable tourism as a matter of priority.  This study postulates a model for the development of a curriculum for the education of primary school learners in Zimbabwe and for the training of rural communities living within or neighboring tourism resorts and attractions. Such a curriculum should equip primary school learners and communities with the requisite knowledge to preserve and protect their environment effectively. Introducing tourism and hospitality education at primary school and community level augments benefits for school learners and rural communities.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated and posited a model for the creation of an educational curriculum introducing Tourism and Hospitality as a subject at primary school level and for the training of local communities in tourism and hospitality. The study contributes in the literature a model that will be useful to the Ministries of Education and tourism stakeholders during their curriculum review processes.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Studies on Seasonal Performance of Newly Developed Bivoltine Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L) Hybrids Tolerant To Bmnpv and Effect of Temperature on Disease Induction

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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Season and region specific studies of silkworm Bombyx mori L. are of greater importance in identifying and understanding the adaptability of silkworm genotypes, which are largely influenced by climatic factors. The performance of the newly developed hybrid combinations was evaluated for twelve economic  traits during pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons of the year to understand genotype and environment interactions and their stability under fluctuating tropical environmental conditions with Bombyx mori Nuclear Polyhedro Virus (BmNPV) inoculation @ 2x106 PIB’s/larva. The data was subjected to two way analysis of variance and season-wise relative merit of individual hybrids was computed following Multiple Trait Evaluation Index method. The index values indicated that the hybrids BNR9 x BNR10 and BNR9 x BNR4 with higher average cumulative EI values were ranked I and II and establishing their superiority over multiple traits.  Further the larvae soon after fourth moult were kept at room temperature (25ºC), low temperature (5ºC) and high temperature (32ºC) without feed for 6 hours and then inoculated perorally with BmNPV.  The newly ecdysed fifth instar larvae when exposed to low temperature of 5ºC and starved enhanced larval susceptibility to BmNPV while the hybrids BNR9 x BNR10 and BNR9 x BNR4 exhibited higher tolerance to BmNPV at 25ºC and moderate tolerance at 32ºC.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the evaluation of silkworm hybrids under BmNPV inoculated conditions during different seasons of the year. The methodology includes the estimation of the tolerance of the hybrids to BmNPV during various seasons influencing the physiological activities affecting their growth and development as well as the expression of economic characters.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 4

Experimental Investigation of Palm Kernel Shell and Cow Bone Reinforced Polymer Composites for Brake Pad Production

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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Formulation of brake pad from palm kernel shell (PKS) and cow bone reinforced polymer composite was investigated. Palm kernel shell and cow bone were added in different sieve grading into an epoxy resin and hardener at 100, 100 and 120 sieve grading respectively. The formulated brake pads were characterized based on the requirements for brake pad uses. All properties investigated were observed to be within the acceptable requirement for brake pad function. The impact test for PKS and cow bone show 1.0 J and 1.5 J respectively. The hardness test show 55.7 HRB and 46.0 HRB values for PKS and cow bone respectively. While the water absorption test for PKS was 5.05% and cow bone was 5.53%.  Oil absorption test for PKS was 2.23% and 4.16% for cow bone.  The values of thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) were measured in terms of highest percentage weight loss and for PKS it was 57.14% and 63.24% for cow bone.  While the values of coefficient of friction for PKS and cow bone were 0.735 and 0.677 respectively. Wear rate for PKS was 9.57E-7 and 1.44E-6 for cow bone.  Crushing strength for PKS was 23N/mm² and 21N/mm² for cow bone.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that reinforced polymer composite of PKS and cow bone particles can be an alternative to asbestos based reinforced material in brake pad formulation.
Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 2

Modeling and Optimization of Extraction of Oil from Sesamum Indicum Seeds: A Case Study of Response Surface Methodology vs. Artificial Neural Network

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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In this work, response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN) was used to optimize of oil from Sesamum indicum seeds. ANN predicted optimal condition for extraction was Sesamum indicum powder weight (SIPW) = 54.71 g, extraction time (ET) = 44.88 min and solvent volume (SV) = 165.8 mL. The predicted Sesamum indicum oil yield (SIOY) was validated as 85.70% (w/w) while RSM predicted optimal condition was Sesamum indicum powder weight (SIPW) = 60.00 g, Extraction time (ET) = 44.48 min and solvent volume (SV) = 150 mL. The predicted SIOY under this condition was validated as 83.20% (w/w). The result obtained showed that ANN was superior and more effective optimization tool than RSM owing to its value of RMSE, AAD, R2, R2Adj. Meanwhile, the qualities of Sesamum indicum oil yield (SIOY) as compared to the earlier researched works indicated that the oil produced is of good qualities and needs no further purification. Fatty acids profile reflected that the oil is highly unsaturated. The study concluded that the oil is not only edible, but also could have an industrial application.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that Sesamum indicum seed is not only for food consumption but could also be used as oil source for industrial application. This study documents the supremacy of ANN over RSM.
Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 02-2015 Issue: 2

A Model of Optimal Time-of-Day Pricing of Electricity under Diverse Welfare Assumptions

Research Article
Journal: Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation

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An important feature of an electric power system is that its customer’s load varies greatly at random according to time of day, and day of season. Time-of-day pricing of electricity is an indirect load management against such variable demand according to which electricity is charged in relation to the time-differential cost of supply. The present study is an attempt at modeling seasonal time-differential pricing of electricity. The static, deterministic model that we present incorporates diverse technology, as well as soft deterministic equivalents of chance constraints representing stochastic demand and inflows. The model is solved for two types of power systems – pure hydro and hydro-thermal – under the umbrellas of four structural assumptions – first best, second-best, monopoly and constrained monopoly.
Contribution/ Originality
The present study models seasonal time-differential pricing of electricity under diverse welfare assumptions of first best, second best, monopoly and regulated monopoly pricing, in the case of two typical power systems – hydro and hydro-thermal.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 2

Effect of Active Mass in Electrode Disc on Performance of Li1.06ni0.313co0.313mn0.313o2cathode

Research Article
Journal: Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation

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Li1.06Ni0.313Co0.313Mn0.313O2 sample has been synthesized by calcination of co-precipitated precursors. Scanning electron microscopy shows that sample powders are aggregated microplates with average sizes of 200 nm. Electrochemical tests show that Cell-2.0 which has the least mass in cathode disc presents initially a much higher discharge capacity under a current density of 135 mA•g-1, 270 mA•g-1, 540 mA•g-1, 810 mA•g-1, 1080 mA•g-1and 1350 mA•g-1 than the other cells. And Cell-2.0 exhibits better cycling performance with capacity retention of 95.58 % after 40 cycles at 270 mA•g-1 current densities than Cell-2.6(77.18 %), Cell-3.0(74.54 %), Cell-3.2(74.79 %) and Cell-3.6(77.56 %). The cells with a regression equation: DC(mAh•g-1)=a×m(mg) +b, regression coefficient: r≧ 0.75216; a = 7.16984I(C)– 61.50523, regression coefficient: r = 0.95522;b= -39.75258I(C) + 297.48985, regression coefficient: r = 0.9508. Therefore, decreasing the mass in each cathode disc can improve the performance of Li1.06Ni0.313Co0.313Mn0.313O2 cells.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first example to establishment the regression equation about discharged capacity and the mass in each cathode disc.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 2

Economic Load Dispatch in Thermal Power Plant Considering Additional Constraints Using Curve Fitting and Ann

Research Article
Journal: Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research

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This paper presents a new efficient approach to   economic load dispatch (ELD) problem with cost functions using curve fitting, ANN and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Economic load dispatch is one of the most important problems in power system operation. The practical ELD problems may not have fixed cost functions rather it changes with the coal quality, that make the problem of finding the global optimum difficult using any traditional mathematical approach. Therefore, curve fitting technique is used to obtain the coefficients of the cost curve. The same data is used for the training of the artificial neural network. The effectiveness of the algorithm is validated by carrying out extensive test on a power system involving 8 thermal generating units. The variation in calorific values of the coal used in different generators cause the change in coefficients of cost curve. This effect is incorporated using curve fitting, ANN and PSO approaches. The ELD problem is then optimized. The comparison shows the better results.
Contribution/ Originality
This study for economic load dispatch is one of very few studies which have investigated for variation in calorific values of the coal used time to time in thermal power plants.  This uses the comparison of conventional, curve fitting, PSO and ANN.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Energy Technologies and Policy Research » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Projection and Resources Adjustment in Cassava Production in Oyo State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Review of Knowledge Economy

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Projection was made by the use of ARIMA model, contribution of area and yield towards cassava production was done by decomposition analysis and adjustment in cropping pattern was estimated by calculating index level. Forecast result showed that maximum value of area is 843.0 thousand hectares which would be expected in 2013-14 while minimum value is 826.0 thousand hectares which is likely to occur by the year 2025-26. Production forecast revealed maximum value of 1407.0 thousand tons which would be expected by 2025-26 and the minimum value of 1181.0 thousand tons in 2012-13. 
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first logical analysis to determine optimization levels which give maximum return with least cost minimization.
Business & Management » Review of Knowledge Economy » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Introduction to the Application of Organic Polymers for Photovoltaic Devices Organic Electronics Approach: Critical Review

Research Article
Journal: Review of Knowledge Economy

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Photovoltaic effect is the emergence of a voltage between electrodes attached to a solid or liquid system up on shining light on to this system. Conjugated polymer is a molecular entity whose structure is represented as a system of alternating single and double bonds which give rise to their semi-conductor properties. Conjugated polymers are used for photovoltaic devices because, Intrinsically stable up on photoexcitation with visible light, High absorption cross-section for photon harvesting, Tunable band gap with in the entire visible spectral range and High yield of charge generation when mixed with electron acceptor materials. The important physical process in the energy conversion process that take place in polymers for photovoltaic cells are; Absorption of a photon of light by photoactive material and generation of excitons, diffusion of excitons in conjugated polymers, dissociation of charge carriers (electron-hole pair) at the donor-acceptor interface in to free carriers, transport of free carriers towards the electrodes, and extraction of the charge carriers at the respective electrode interfaces. The efficiency of converting solar to electrical energy by a solar cell depends on the band gap of the light absorbing semiconductor. Band gap (Eg) is the difference in energy between the HOMO and LUMO and there by the maximum amount of energy required for an excitation or is the energy difference between the edges of the conduction band and valence band. The power conversion efficiency is a function of band gap. For device architectures of conjugated polymer based photovoltaic cells; there are three types Single layer photovoltaic cell, Bilayer hetero junction photovoltaic cell and Bulk hetero junction Photovoltaic cell. 
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that introducing to the application of organic polymers for photovoltaic devices, that is the application of conjugated organic polymers in electronics or the relation between organic chemistry and electronics which in turn contributes to the investigation of new materials for environmentally friend renewable energy. 
Business & Management » Review of Knowledge Economy » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

The Influence of Information Technology and Communication Supply Chain Management Performance for Greater SME Manufacturing in Aguascalientes

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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In this research, it aims to show how the information technology and communication (ICT) have influence on the supply chain management in manufacturing SMEs, likewise, analyze how it affects this relationship to operational performance in these organizations, however, for these companies, not all ICT can be adapted to any business, results of the statistical analysis indicate that employers in their interest to adopt ICTs require taking into account the complexity the supply chain to ensure that adoption is not a bad investment and especially the approach to maximize performance in these organizations. The research was conducted with a random sample of 120 SMEs in the manufacturing sector in Aguascalientes during the months of March and April 2012 through a survey designed under the technical fieldwork aimed at managers responsible for coordinating operations Manufacturing of SMEs. The analysis in this study implies that employers establish strategies to enable all workers to improve their skills in the subject of ICT and in this sense, the results are to be useful for decision making and for the better Management of supply chain.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 12-2014 Issue: 12

Prevalence of Stunting and Associated Factors among Under Five Children in Wondo Genet Woreda, Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Background: Stunting is a serious health problem and deep rooted in southern Ethiopia  of poor diet, in adequate food intake, disease burden, population growth, poor health service delivery and repeated drought. Objective: to assess the prevalence of stunting and associated factors among under five year’s old children in the study area. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in Wondo Genet Woreda from February, 25 to March 15, 2011. The sample size was determined using formula for estimating single population proportion. The sample size was determined using formula for estimating single population proportion. Three Kebele’s were selected by stratified two stage cluster sampling method and study households were identified by simple random sampling technique from each ‘Kebele. The data was analyzed using SPSS v.16.0 statistical software version16.0. For all statistical significance tests, the cut- off value set will be p<0.05 with CI of 95%. Results: Out of 576 study participants 50.3% were stunted. Stunting was 3.1times more common in households where decision was made by husband only (P=0.001), paternal education level of 7-8 grade was 2.29 times the contributing factor of stunting [AOR= 2.29, 95% CI: 1.15-4.54]. Children who did not eat vegetable source foods were 2.54 times more likely to be stunted [AOR= 2.54, 95% CI: 1.20-5.37]. Conclusion and Recommendation: Prevalence of stunting in Wondo Genet Woreda is similar when compared to the national figure and among female and male participants. Home delivery was found to be the protective factors of stunting and similar impact was seen by displacement from usual residence. Thus the community based nutrition program for prevention and early detection of stunting should be strengthened.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is the first of its kind in this study area. So it contributes for strengthening in the existing literature at national and regional level.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 2

Xerostomia in Geriatric Population: An Insight into Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis and Management

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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It is observed in geriatric population that a variety of changes occur with aging that can impact social, physiologic and psychological well being. Most people, however, experience a decrease or complete absence in salivary flow. Salivary dysfunction in old age is a consequence of debilitating systemic diseases and related medications, head and neck radiotherapy and reduced functional reserve that detrimentally impact nutritional status and general health. This article provides an overview on salivary gland hypofunction in geriatric population, etiopathogenesis and management strategies.
Contribution/ Originality
This compilation documents the causes and treatment of xerostomia among geriatric population in a comprehensive way.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 3

Development and Demographic Parameters of Bactrocera Invadens (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Guinean Climatic Zone of Togo

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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Among the 35 Tephritidae species recorded in Togo, only Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta and White had high prevalence throughout the year and infested fruits of commercial importance. In perspective for control of B. invadens, a wild strain of this pest was reared in an open room conditions similar to those of the external medium (27.5 ± 1 ° C, 79.5 ± 3% RH and approximately 12: 12 L: D). It was fed on local diet consisting of a mixture of soya flour and superfine sugar, and water in the presence of a mango (cultivar Eldon). These conditions allowed us to determine it biological and growth parameters. Ovariole number per ovary in B. invadens was 41. The total mean development time was 21.71 ± 0.99 days. Egg incubation, larval development and puparia-adult periods were respectively 1.28 ± 0.02, 11.35 ± 1.13 and 9.37 ± 0.19 days. About 68.50 ± 5.13% of the eggs developed to the adult stage. Life expectancy at pupal eclosion was 55.03 ± 30.75 days in males and 51.94 ± 21.03 in females. Average fecundity and fertility rates were respectively 535.74 ± 235.70 eggs and 92.67 ± 4.68%. Net reproductive rate and intrinsic rate of population increase were respectively 98.50 females per female and 10% per day. These results summarized the life-history of B. invadens in Guinean zone condition and are useful for assessment of demographic parameters of natural enemies of this insect in perspective of an efficient and sustainable management of its populations.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated reproductive and development of an invasive alien species B. invadens in a local condition in Africa. Then, the demographic parameters that are important for control strategies were determined.
Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 11-2014 Issue: 11