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Listing 41 - 20 of 2809 results.

Moderating Effects of Project Management Experience, Project Team Size, Project Duration and Project Value Size on the Relationship between Project Manager’s Leadership Roles and Project Team Effectiveness in Malaysia

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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Many organizations are using project teams to achieve their organizational goals because they believe the importance and benefits of project teams.  Project managers are advised to learn and demonstrate the leadership roles as proposed by Quinn (1988) because these roles can improve the project team effectiveness.  Moreover, it is important to select an experienced project manager leading an effective team at the same time negotiating for ample time to execute the project.  The current study developed a research model underpinned on models related to Quinn (1988) leadership roles and Hoevemeyer (1993) five criteria of project team effectiveness as well as four demographic moderators i.e. project management experience, project team size, project duration and project value size.  Based on a sample of 201 project managers, this empirical study had confirmed that a project manager’s leadership roles are positively influencing project team effectiveness.  At the same time, only project management experience and project duration are positively moderating the relationship between leadership roles and project team effectiveness.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature of project management in Malaysia whereby longer the project duration as well as the more experience a project manager is, the relationship between his or her leadership roles and project team effectiveness will grow stronger.
Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Liability of the Insurance Company in International Insurance of Carriage of Goods

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The paper deals with complete analysis of the liability of insurer in the international carriage of goods. The paper lays down the international instruments that govern the field and the extent to which they affect the liability of the insurer. The paper also analyzes the conflict of laws issues related to the international insurance. The paper further does a study of the concepts related to the international insurance of carriage of goods and liability of the insurer. The focus has been on the common law principles. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: The paper analyzes the extent of liability of the insurance company. SCOPE: Due to the paucity of time and space the researchers have limited the scope of the paper to the liability of insurance company in general sense. There is also a lacuna in International Law on this particular aspect of insurer’s liability thus more attention is paid to common law principles and the Marine Insurance Act, 1906. The author has referred to case laws from different jurisdictions to give a wider prospective but has not done a comparative study of different legal regimes. RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the importance of International Insurance? What are the instruments governing the International Insurance? What is the extent of liability of the insurer? PROBLEM STATEMENT: The existing legal setup is not in itself equipped to deal with the issue like liability of the insurer in international insurance and thus codification is required. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: A descriptive style of writing has been used throughout the paper. Doctrinal method of research has been adopted.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2015 Issue: 4

Reliability of the Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis (Lrinec) Score for Early Diagnosis of Necrotizing Fasciitis

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Diagnostics

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Objective: Necrotizing fasciitis is a surgical emergency often requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment. Delay in surgical intervention can have catastrophic results including death. The laboratory risk indicator for necrotizing fasciitis (LRINEC) score uses laboratory parameters to assess the severity of infection and helps in early recognition of necrotizing fasciitis.  In this study, we collected the data of 40 patients diagnosed and treated as necrotizing fasciitis to validate the reliability of this score in early diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study. Data of 40 patients admitted to Fr. Muller Medical College Hospital, Mangalore from August, 2012 to August, 2014 with a clinical diagnosis of Necrotizing fasciitis was analyzed and relevant statistical tests were applied to evaluate the reliability of the LRINEC score. Results: A total of 40 patients were included in the study. A LRINEC score of > 6 had a sensitivity of   93.10 %, specificity of 90.91%, positive predictive value of 96.43%, and negative predictive value of 83.33%. The most common organism isolated on culture was Staphylococcus aureus. Conclusion: The LRINEC score is an impressive diagnostic tool to differentiate between necrotizing fasciitis and other less severe soft tissue infections. It aids in early recognition of necrotizing fasciitis enabling prompt and appropriate treatment.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on the reliability of the LRINEC score in early diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis. It establishes the conclusion of previous studies that a universally reproducible scoring system like the LRINEC score is essential for the early and accurate management of necrotizing fasciitis. 
Medical Sciences » Journal of Diagnostics » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Localized Amyloidosis of the Neck: A Rare Case and Literature Review

Research Article
Journal: Genes Review

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Amyloidosis is the term used for a group of diseases characterized by extracellular deposition of fibrillar proteinaceous substance called amyloid, in a β- pleated sheet conformation. Amyloidoma or amyloid tumor is a tumor-like localized deposit of amyloid encountered occasionally in association with multiple myeloma, various chronic inflammatory diseases and primary amyloidosis. Soft tissue amyloidoma is rare, and soft tissue amyloidoma without evidence of systemic amyloidosis is even rarer. We report a rare case of primary AL type localized amyloidoma with a clinicopathological review and particular attention to its head and neck manifestation.
Contribution/ Originality

Medical Sciences » Genes Review » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 1

A Comparative Study on Circumference of Selected Body Parts of 13 Years Old Boys of Four Different Altitudes of Darjeeling District

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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The purpose of the study was to find out the difference in circumference of different Body parts of 13 years old boys of Darjeeling. The samples are school students. Researcher had taken 100 male students each from Sukhia Pokhari Higher Secondary School (Alt.-7200 ft.), Trunbull higher Secondary school (Alt.-6700 ft.), Jnanpith High school (Alt.-3000 ft.) and Kadamtala High School(Alt.-430 ft.). Researcher had measured height and weight as personal data measured circumference of head, neck, arm relax, flex arm, waist, gluteal, calf and ankle.It has been observed that there were significant differences in neck, wrist and calf circumference.
Contribution/ Originality
This research paper will contribute in the few existing literature of anthropometry especially conducted in the hilly area of Darjeeling. This study uses new estimation methodology and tried to provide the unbiased and exact findings. It is a thrust area of research as there are differences in circumference of different body parts due to altitude variation. The paper’s primary contribution is finding that how difference in circumference of selected body parts occurs with increases or decreases in altitude and to set the physical education programme according to the health status of the child.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 12-2015 Issue: 4

An Analysis of the Impact of Investment on Economic Growth in Zimbabwe

Research Article
Journal: Review of Knowledge Economy

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The study seeks to find out the impact of investment on economic growth from 1980 to 2013. The model used is a linear function. It has been discovered that investment positively affect economic growth in Zimbabwe. It is recommended that the investment authorities should check and monitor the magnitude of the contribution made by investment in Zimbabwe to adequately provide investment incentives to those with the resources to do so.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the impact of investment on economic growth in Zimbabwe spanning a longer period from 1980 to 2013. The study utilised private investment, government investment and foreign direct investment as the main components of investment in the study.
Business & Management » Review of Knowledge Economy » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Investigation on the Dependence of TCP Upstream Throughput on Snr for Single and Multiple Links in a Wlan System

Research Article
Journal: Review of Information Engineering and Applications

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An empirical investigation on the dependence of TCP upstream throughput (TCPupT) against signal to noise ratio (SNR) in an IEEE802.11b WLAN system was carried out in various environments and varieties of QoS traffic using an Infrastructure based IEEE802.11b WLAN system set up consecutively in various environments (open corridor, small offices with block walls or plaster boards and free space). Empirical models describing the TCPupT against SNR for different signal ranges (all signals, strong signals, grey signals and weak signals) were developed and validated for both single and multiple users on the network. Our results show a strong dependence of TCPupT on the received SNR which varied as the SNR values changed from high (strong signals) through low (grey signals) to very low (weak signals). Our models showed lower RMS errors when they and other similar models were compared with validation data. We observed RMS errors of 0.5605471Mbps, 0.4479389Mbps, 1.04536603Mbps and 0.5813471Mbps for the General, Strong signals, Grey signals and Weak signals models respectively for the single user scenario. We also observed RMS errors of 1.3319396Mbps, 0.9457431Mbps, 0.8092979Mbps and 0.4220292Mbps for the multiple users scenario. An appreciable difference was observed between the throughput behavior for single and multiple users on the network showing the inefficiency of the distributed coordination function and Point coordination function used in WLANs as access mechanisms. Our models will provide researchers and WLAN systems users with a tool to estimate the TCP upstream throughput in a real network in various environments by monitoring the SNR.
Contribution/ Originality
This study has investigated and showed the dependence of TCP upstream throughput on SNR and originated new formulae for predicting TCP upstream throughput based on observed SNR by a Client on single and multiple IEEE802.11b WLANs. 
Computer Sciences » Review of Information Engineering and Applications » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 1

Stover Yield and Chemical Composition in Some Sorghum Varieties in Gadarif State, Sudan

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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An experiment was conducted at the faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences farm, University of Gadarif, Gadarif State, Sudan to evaluate dry matter yield and nutritive value of the stover of four local sorghum varieties (Bashier, Zahratelgadambalia, Butana and Arfagadamac). Dry matter yield, morphological traits and chemical composition were determined. There were significant (P<0.05) differences in dry matter yield and other morphological traits among varieties. Zahratelgadambalia had the highest dry matter yield (2520 kg/fed) and was 100%, 31% and 19% higher than Bashier, Butana and Arfagadamac varieties, respectively. It also had the highest stem height, stem weight and least in stem thickness. Arfagadamac was next to Zahratelgadambalia in dry matter yield and had the highest stem thickness. Butana was less productive than Zahratelgadambalia and Arfagadamac, but not significantly. Bashier was inferior to all varieties in dry matter yield and had the highest leaf: stem. Dry matter yield had a highly significant positive correlation with plant height (0.999) and positive correlation with stem weight (0.553), number of leaves/ plant and leaves weight. There were significant variations in chemical composition among sorghum varieties. Acid detergent fibre (ADF) was 46.4- 70.0%, neutral detergent fibre (NDF) was 59.9 - 79.3% and lignin was 9.2-13.5%. Butana variety stover had the least NDF and ADF among the four varieties. This indicated it was better in chemical composition and expected to be better in nutritive value unless other factors were not involved like anti nutritional factors.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the nutritive value and dry matter yield of local sorghum varieties in Gadarif State, the most important region for sorghum production in Sudan. It contributes to the existing literature in the analysis of correlation between morphological traits and dry matter yield.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 09-2015 Issue: 3

An Analysis of the Pre and Post Harvest Management Techniques in Rice Production: The Case of Unvda Ndop, North West Region, Cameroon

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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This paper examines the adoption of  improved pre and post  harvest  management techniques with  a view to finding  means to improve on the livelihood of  rice  farmers. These farmers were selected from two divisions (Bui and Ngoketunjia) where rice is being produced by the Upper Nun Valley Development Authority (UNVDA) in the North West Region of Cameroon. The study was to identify; the major causes of pre and post harvest losses, the management techniques adopted to overcome these losses, the socio economic characteristics of farmers that influence the adoption of the techniques. The multistage random sampling technique was used to get a sample of 120 rice farmers, from whom necessary information were elicited using questionnaires. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and binomial logit model. The results revealed  that  marital  status,  quantity  of  grains  harvested,  membership  into  a  common initiative  group  and  surface  area  cultivated  were  statistically  significant  factors  influencing adoption  of  pre  and  post  harvest  management techniques. Also household size, farming experience and farm type were positively and statistically not significant factors while gender, age of farmer, level of education and income level affected adoption negatively and were not statistically significant  Lack of financial incentives, inadequate  machinery,  poor  soils,  were major constraints faced by  respondents.  It  was  recommended  that  all  factors  that  significantly  affect  adoption  of technologies  be  improved.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies which have investigated the causes of pre and post harvest losses experienced by farmers of UNVDA and have used a different estimation methodology to determined factors influencing the adoption of pre and post harvest management techniques.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2015 Issue: 4

Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiencies of Smallholder Vegetable Farmers with and Without Credit Access in Swazil and the Case of the Hhohho Region

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The purpose of the study was to determine and compare the technical efficiencies of smallholder vegetable farmers in the Hhohho region of Swaziland. Data were collected from farmers through a structured questionnaire, which was administered using personal interviews. A two-stage sampling procedure was used by stratifying the vegetable farmers in the Hhohho region according to the four Rural Development Areas (RDAs) in the region. This was followed a random sampling technique used to select the number of vegetable farmers from each stratum. A sample size of 120 farmers was selected from a population of 289 vegetable farmers. Descriptive statistics and a Cobb-Douglas production function were used to analyze the data using the STATA program (version 12). The results revealed that tomato yield was positively associated with the amount of chemicals used, while cabbage yield was positively related to seed, and fertilizer. Beetroot has positive relationship with amount of fertilizer and labour, but a negative association with the amount of land used. The yield of green pepper was negatively related to fertilizer and positively related to chemicals and amount of land used. The technical efficiencies of tomato and cabbage farmers were affected by age, education level, farming experience and access to credit (p <0.01), while beetroot and green pepper was affected by farmer’s age, and off-farm income (p <0.05). The study recommended that vegetable farmers should increase the amount of seeds, fertilizer and chemicals used in order to improve yields. The Swaziland of Swaziland should subsidize farming inputs and financial institutions should make credit easily available to vegetable farmers in order to improve the efficient use of input resources. 
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature on technical efficiency. It is noted that not many studies have been conducted on technical efficiency in Swaziland, especially on vegetable production. Hence, this is an original contribution in this field.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2015 Issue: 4

Children, Morality and Abusive Words: The Ghanaian Perspectives

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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In almost every Traditional-Akan society in Ghana, generally one observes and listens to growing-up child say words such as ‘mummy or daddy’. Addition to these words is some few names of familiar people that the child struggles to mention accurately. How surprising it may look or sound, the successive words the child may speak are those words that are abusive upon hearing. However, one may want to understand the where and why children use abusive words as part of their choice of diction. Secondly, can we say whether these children comprehend the ethical/moral implications of the use of these words in their world of life? By joining this ethical/moral discourse, this paper seeks to find out the source(s), children’s understanding of abusive words by paying particular attention to words like ‘aboa’, ‘kwasia’ and ‘wo maame’. The paper concludes by suggesting some pragmatic measures that parents, teachers and guardians in Ghana can adopt to make sure that children do not become acquainted to the use of abusive words in the society.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies that have investigated into the reasons, the source, understanding, and the ethical implications of the use of abusive words by children in the Ghanaian context especially, among children growing up in Traditional Akan communities in Ghana. 
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2015 Issue: 2

Exploration of Suitability of Situational Leadership in the Oil and Gas Sector

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether managers in Nigerian Oil and Gas companies exhibit situational leadership style, flexibility and adjustment to different situations. This study also investigated the validity of the Situational Leadership model, examining the relationship between employee maturity and leaders tolerance for autonomy. To identify a leader’s observed leadership style and a follower’s preferred leadership style, the Leadership Effectiveness and Adaptability Description (LEAD) – Other Instrument was used. The researcher used secondary sources (literature review) in order to analyze in more depth the data selected. Connections with theory and practice were made through the main theoretical lenses of leadership theory, particularly leadership style theory and situational leadership.  Reference was also made to the context and nature of the oil and gas industry, as well as, to the influence of national culture on worker orientation.
Contribution/ Originality
The present study contributes in the existing literature of leadership investigating whether situational leadership applies in the natural resources sector and specifically in the oil & gas sector. The findings of the empirical study support some fundamental principles of situational leadership theory, as well as, indicate the importance of consideration by the leader of employees’ needs, expectations and issues of job gratification that relate to readiness level and willingness to accomplish tasks. 
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 01-2015 Issue: 1

Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Volcano Bandai Using Shape Texture

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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This paper reports a three-dimensional modeling of the volcano Bandai  near The Aizuwakamatsu City. Aizuwakamatsu is located in the western part of Fukushima Prefecture, in the southeast part of Aizu basin. A volcano model is coded as multilevel height map. To visualize the terrain, tessellation is not required. During the recursive voxel subdivision on each level, voxels are projected onto the base surface (plane). The altitude corresponding to this address and a level of details are calculated, and use it to modify coefficients of the plane equation. As a result was obtained a terrain surface modulated with the values from the altitude map.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses a new technique for rendering terrain. The computation time in terrain generation is practically independent of the height map resolution. The computed coordinates, as well as in the case of ordinary RGB texture map, will define address in the so called "altitude map" or "shape texture".
Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 02-2015 Issue: 2

Physicochemical Parameters and Phytoplankton Diversity of Kware Lake, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Kware Lake is a popular natural lake in Sokoto which is used for domestic purposes, irrigation practices, and fisheries. Anthropogenic activities are routine at the catchment area. In this study, water and phytoplankton samples were collected for five months. Standard procedures were adopted for determination of physicochemical parameters viz; temperature, depth, turbidity, nitrogen, phosphorus, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), etc. These parameters were observed to have varied within the period of study. Five species of phytoplankton were identified, and Volvox globator was recorded the highest percentage distribution during the study. The irregular fluctuations and variations observed between the parameters studied do not exceed the limit approved by WHO and EPA.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature on this aspect of limnology, at the same time first of its kind in this part of the globe. Therefore more of such research should be encouraged in the area.  
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 05-2015 Issue: 5

An Assessment of the Impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) On the Administration of Public Records: A Case Study of the Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly in the Upper East Region of Ghana-West Africa

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The study assessed the impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on the administration of public records in public institutions with the Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly as a case study. The researchers adopted both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The data was gathered using a self-administered questionnaire as all the respondents are literates. The purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample size of forty-eight (48) staff of the Assembly. Simple descriptive statistics such as frequency tables and charts were employed in presenting the results after using Microsoft Excel to analyse the data. The research revealed that the type of ICT facilities being used by staff of the Assembly included computers, internet, telephones and fax machines. Majority of the respondents mentioned that staff usage of ICT facilities depended on whether they are ICT literates or not. Other factors mentioned were the availability of certain ICT facilities and knolwdege of their existence as a trigger to their usage. Finally, the results confirmed that indeed the use of ICT facilities had a positive impact on the administration of public records in the Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly. The benefits derived by the Assembly included; increased productivity, security of public records, personal development and easy communication among staff of the Assembly and between the Assembly and other organisations or individuals.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2015 Issue: 5

The International Logistics Center of Turkey: Situational Analysis of Mersin Port’s Seaways Logistics

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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In these days, the convergence of economies and the extension of manufacturing and marketing to international levels increase the importance of the safely transporting of goods along with logistics and the related activities. Today, as in the world trade, an important portion of Turkey’s trade is being carried via marine transportation whose domain of activities carries international significance. Mersin Province, with its potential of logistics and the logistics services it provides, makes valuable contributions to both the international trade and the domestic market of Turkey. In this context, this study aims at examining the current situation of seaways logistics of Mersin Province, which is viewed as the largest port of Turkey and the logistics base of Mediterranean Region, as well as the fundamental problems of the sector. In this study, the research material is made up of data obtained through the face-to-face interviews with the representatives of the firms which operate in Mersin Province in the sector of international transportation. Descriptive statistical analyses have been utilized in the evaluation of the data. With this study, it has been established that the province’s geographical position is being viewed to be a great advantage, but also that the employment of unqualified work force affects the sector negatively, that there are deficiencies in the port’s infrastructure, and that the firms do not yet have institutionalized frameworks.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which has investigated the strength and weakness of Mersin Province in terms of maritime logistics through SWOT analysis, interview with local logistic companies and benchmarking with other national ports.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2015 Issue: 4

Wind To Select the Recreation Flying Site

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Soaring is a recreational activity and competitive sport where individuals fly unpowered aircraft known as paragliders. Also soaring Pilots need to understand the sky to fly successfully and safely. Wind can be re-evaluated in the growth of soaring. This paper provides wind as an integral part of paragliding for: Beginner pilots, Regular pilots, Good pilots. In this research Surfer and GIS software (IDW Method) used in evaluation of prevailing Wind speed and direction to create maps to select recreation flying site in Esfahan, Iran. The results revealed that, the most area and prevailing wind speed frequent is appropriate to the Regular pilot class.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated wind speed and direction in advance to generate an optimal flight condition based on real-time case study data. An important use of the analysis is the possibility of predicting events in another location or at another point in time.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 03-2015 Issue: 3

Cholesterol Content of Bull Spermatozoa Alters Survival at Ultra-Low Temperatures

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research

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Though cryopreservation bestows many advantages, it decreases tolerance to stress of temperature variations, reducing survival of spermatozoa to a great extent. A gradual reduction in cholesterol content of spermatozoa during cryopreservation was reported. Thus the objective of this investigation was to evaluate relationship of cholesterol content of spermatozoa with surviving ability, biochemical integrity of membrane and in vitro fertility (IVF) of spermatozoa following cryopreservation. From each ejaculate (n=12) aliquot was taken for evaluation of semen quality parameters and thereafter it was processed for cryopreservation. Cholesterol content, viability, motility and biochemical integrity of membrane (Hypo osmotic swelling, HOS response) of spermatozoa at fresh, pre-freeze and frozen-thaw stages and IVF parameters at frozen-thaw stage were evaluated. Values were fitted in prediction equation to predict  cryosurvivability and biochemical integrity of spermatozoa membrane. Study indicated that cholesterol content of fresh spermatozoa can be used to predict viability at pre-freeze and frozen-thaw stages of cryopreservation protocol with medium level of accuracy (p<0.05). Cholesterol content of fresh, pre-freeze and frozen-thaw spermatozoa can be used to predict HOS response with medium level of accuracy (p<0.05) at respective and forthcoming stages. However cholesterol content of spermatozoa was not found to be significant predictor of individual motility and in vitro fertility (penetration percent and penetration index). This study revealed evidence that cholesterol content of fresh, pre-freeze as well as frozen-thaw bull spermatozoa can be a good predictor of viability and biochemical integrity of spermatozoa membrane following preservation at ultra low temperature.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes by way of showing importance of sperm cholesterol in cryopreservation. The assays used were currently in vogue. The equation is new one and not many studies have been done on this aspect. The paper contributes in emphasizing that sperm cholesterol content has an important bearing on cryosurvival.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research » Month: 09-2015 Issue: 3

The Effects of Changes in Accounting Standards on Value Relevance of Financial Statement Information of Malaysia and Nigeria Banks

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Dearth of studies on the association between IFRS and value relevance of financial statement information in emerging economies and the continuous exclusion of financial institutions from samples of prior studies motivated this study to acquire the banking sector of two emerging countries – Malaysia and Nigeria in order to investigate whether changes in Malaysia and Nigeria accounting standards affects value relevance of financial statement information. Hence, this study used a sample of 21 banks representing 8 Malaysian banks and 13 Nigerian banks for a study period of 4 years (2009-2012).  This study used a modified price and return models to investigate value relevance of financial statement information of Malaysia and Nigeria banks for an equal pre and post IFRS/MFRS adoption periods.  The study discovered that MFRS impact more significantly and positively on the value relevance of financial statement information of Malaysia banks than the previous FRS. However the different models evidenced different results for the Nigeria banks. Particularly, while some measurements of the price model demonstrated that Nigeria banks post IFRS adoption financial statement information is associated with high value relevance, other price model statistics proved directly opposite. The return model total indicators also evidenced that financial statement information value relevance of Nigeria banks got worsened post IFRS adoption. Overall this study concludes that IFRS-based standard is fundamental to producing and publishing high value relevant accounting information. Hence, this study recommends that globally, IFRS should be adopted as the standard for the preparation and reporting of financial statements. Nigeria banks should borrow leaf from the efficient and effective institutional regulatory framework and good corporate governance practices of Malaysia banks.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the value relevance of accounting information of emerging markets- Malaysia and Nigeria banks in the context of changes in accounting standards.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2015 Issue: 5

Architectural Language Based on ‘Place’: The Case of Sille

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Natural Sciences Research

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The design studio is a medium of intense learning in architectural education. The theme of the studio exercise presented in this paper consists of the comprehension of place and space qualities and proposing new design in a historic context. While this theme directed learning of pertinent design vocabulary and concepts, it also required that students should develop an ethical approach based on the sense of responsibility towards delicate environments possessing cultural heritage. The aim of this study is to make the architect candidates do the investigation related to the “place”, and live the experience of using the properties unique for the place as design criteria. Konya-Sille, which for some people it is a Byzantium village, for some other it is a Central Anatolian settlement dated to very old periods, where either Byzantines or Turks, as being Orthodox Christian and Muslim, lived together. Sille, with it’s economic potential, has became one of the most important economic centers of Konya and it’s environment. Sille, which is known a very important centre up to the end of 19 Century, fell into a declining period at the end of that century, and accelerated its speed during the Post Exchanging period realized together with Lausanne Agreement, and reached to the 21 Century. The design problem is determined as “cultural center” in this area where is under conservation and has a unique traditional texture. In this study about a studio experience; the process of the discussions on culture, history, religion, texture, tradition, originality, continuity concepts upon context/place and new design realization in an existing texture in the direction of these concepts are explained.
Contribution/ Originality

Engineering » International Journal of Natural Sciences Research » Month: 02-2015 Issue: 2