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Listing 110 - 20 of 2809 results.

The Relationship between Food Production, Agricultural Land, Rice Production, and Rice Price: An Empirical Study on Thailand and Viet Nam

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Food security has been considered as one of priorities in the development of socio-economics of Southeast Asian countries. The article aims to examine the causal relationship between food production, agricultural land, rice production and rice price in Thailand and Viet Nam between 1988 and 2017. We found that agricultural land positively affects food production index. We also found that paddy rice production has a positive relationship with food production index. Results showed that there are directional relationships running from food production index to agricultural land and paddy rice production; from agricultural land to paddy rice production; from paddy rice production to food production index; and from rice price to agricultural land. Further, there is a co-integration among variables in the long run. Lastly, policies are recommended to ensure food security and achieve a sustainable development in Thailand and Viet Nam.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by clarifying the causal relationship between food production, agricultural land, rice production and rice price in Thailand and Viet Nam between 1988 and 2017, using a vector autoregressive model.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2020 Issue: 3

Assessment of Landuse and Landcover Changes and its Implications to Flooding Along Omambala Flood Plain, Anambra State

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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This paper assessed the landuse and landcover changes and its implications to flooding along Omambala floodplain in Anambra State. The paper aimed at identifying the landuse and landcover types in Omambala floodplain in relations to their temporal dynamics, the extent of landuse change and its implication to recurring incidence of flood disaster in the study area over a period of 20 years starting from the year 1998 to 2018. Multi-temporal Landsat TM and ETM+ imageries were obtained at 10 years interval; 1998; 2008 and 2018 to observe the pattern of landuse and landcover along the floodplain over the period of study. Population data of study area were obtained from National Population Commission on four time paints as to understand the rate of land conversion and modification of the floodplain. Visual interpretation method was used to map landuse and landcover into five classes namely: waterbody; built-up; sparse vegetation; bare surface and dense vegetation. The result of the analysis of the imageries showed a considerable change in the pattern of landuse and landcover classes within the period under study. There was also a considerable population growth leading to progressive conversion of natural vegetation to other human activities with Built-up lands sparse vegetation and bare surface on the increase as well as their attendant consequences. However, the study concluded that various anthropogenic landuse activities especially poor farming system leading to increasing sparse vegetation, bare surface and built-up area are major factors that affects natural vegetation thereby worsening the incidence of flooding in the study area. The research therefore recommends relocation of settlements, greening of space already turning bare, effective floodplain management and continues monitoring of changes on land characters to ensure environmental sustainability and to forestall recurring incidence of flooding along the floodplain.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated land-use and land-cover changes and its implications to flooding along Omambala flood plain, Anambra State. The research demonstrated the ability of GIS and remote sensing in capturing spatial-temporal data for land-use, land-cover changes and flood incidence studies.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 01-2020 Issue: 1

Smart Feature Fusion and Model for Human Detection

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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Extraction of discriminate and accurate features is challenging to precise the statistical data on monitoring people. It still remains an active research due to various variations as inter class and intra class, lighting challenge, static and dynamic occlusion. To tackle this variation and occlusion issue, this paper proposes to combine the differential gradient and statistical Tamura features with joint histogram. In addition, these extracted smart features use actually to detect people by using the gradient feature descriptor and a statistical feature detector. The model fusion of human detection creates by combining two models result (Grammar model and Poselet model) with the adaptive threshold weighted non-maximum suppression algorithm. The system presents a powerful fusion insight to capture the stronger occlusion parts and several variations of the foreground people. To compare the performance with the state of the arts, the public Pascal VOC 2007 Dataset is used. The outperformed result of this work proofs our concern.
Contribution/ Originality
Various feature and model was studied to detect the human. Focused on this, a fusion feature and model was contributed.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Designing Weight Training Programs Based on Basic Principles

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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A weight (resistance) training program includes training variables, such as exercises, sets, repetitions and training frequency. A training plan describes how the variables should be modified over time. In order to be effective, both training programs and plans should be based on some basic principles, applicable to all trainees. Based on the literature review, the most important and well supported is the principle of progressive overload, which states that the stimulus should be gradually increasing over time. The principle of specificity states that the training adaptations are specific to the stimulus applied, while the principle of variation (and periodization) states that the stimulus should change (within the specificity limits) to remain challenging. Although they are not necessary to increase performance, there is evidence supporting higher improvements. The principle of individuality states that the stimulus should be adjusted based on the individual’s needs. Even though overlooked, limited data indicate that it may be more important than specificity and variation. This paper discusses the basic principles, the criticism against them, and how they should be applied when designing resistance training programs.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the principles that a weight training plan should be based on some basic principles, applicable to all trainees. This study contributes in the existing literature by clarifying the confusion and misconceptions on the topic.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Synthesis and Characterization of 1-Amino-2-Naphthol Hydrochloride and Dyeing Potentials of 1-(1-Phenylazo)-2-Naphthol

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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Emergence of diverse classes of dyes occurred due to constant effort to find specific dye or class of dyes of industrial importance for various applications. Azo dyes have been reported to possess diverse applications and properties. In the present study, 1-(1-Phenylazo)-2-naphthol azo dye was synthesized by diazotization of aniline and azo coupling with 2-naphthol. This was further reduced with stannous chloride under reflux to produce 1-amino-2-naphthol hydrochloride. The results obtained from the UV-vis and IR spectra were used to elucidate the structural characteristics of the reduced compound. The dyeing potentials of the 1-(1-Phenylazo)-2-naphthol with material fabrics showed that the compound was reasonably fast to washing, rubbing and light with application of ingrain azoic dyeing method.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literatures of 1-amino-2-naphthol hydrochloride, use of 1-(1-Phenylazo)-2-naphthol for dyeing and reductive reaction to 1-amino-2-naphthol hydrochloride.
Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Determinant of Tax Revenue Effort in Sub-Saharan African Countries: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The main objective of this paper was empirically examined the trend and its drivers of tax revenue effort in Sub- Saharan African countries using panel data and stochastic frontier analysis techniques inter alia:- random effect, fixed effect, half-normal, exponential-normal, and truncated-normal analysis for a period of 2000 to 2018. The estimation result shows that tax effort is positively and significantly related to openness, Share of agriculture sector, external debt, share of the construction sector, population growth, age dependency, corruption and GDP per capita and negatively and significantly related with a share of the service sector, official development assistance, foreign direct investment, population density, literacy and official exchange rates. In general, depending on the choice of analysis technique, both supply- side factors and demand - side factors are highly affected tax revenue effort and before designing tax policy, therefore, those concerned bodies be going to first determine their tax revenue effort.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses the new estimation methodology of stochastic frontier analysis to examine tax revenue effort in 23 Sub-Saharan African countries over 19 year’s panel data set from 2000-2018 and the paper's primary contribution finding is that economic, demographic, policy and institutional factors have a significant effect on tax revenue effort.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Effect of Savings Deposit Rate on Stock Market Capitalization in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This research plan is prepared to find out the impact of savings deposit rate on security market capitalization in Nigeria. The inquiry plan employed monthly data between January 2016 and December 2019. The data were collected from the publications of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Variables on which data were sourced are stock market capitalization (MCAP), savings deposit rate (SDR) and bank lending rate (BLR) as a control variable. The data analysis was done via descriptive tools, Johansen cointegration test, ADF test of unit root and regression procedure. The investigation discovered a significant inverse association among savings deposit rate and security market capitalization. The research also discovered insignificant negative link between bank lending rate and stock market capitalization in Nigeria. The overall equation judging from the R2, Durbin-Watson statistics and F-statistics is significant. It is thus recommended that, at anytime the country intend to raise the level of stock market capitalization, government should formulate and implement policies to reduce savings deposit rate in Nigeria. Government should also implement policies to reduce bank lending rate to boast economic growth and as well raise the level of stock market capitalization in Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the effect of savings deposit rate on stock market capitalization in Nigeria. This study contributes in the existing literature is to be a reference for further researchers who want to deepen or re-examine the effect of savings deposit rate on stock market capitalization.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 04-2020 Issue: 4

Analysis of Credit Ratings Determinants: Evidences in Brazilian and American States

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This piece of work, due to its relevance, aims to analyze the methodology used in the determining of ratings, not only expanding the number of variables tested and broadening the discussion on rating determinants, but also using variables which solely measure the market, liquidity credit and operational risks. Thus, the risks mentioned were compared to the ratings set for each Brazilian state from 2013 to 2017 (post-adoption of the MCASP accounting standard for financial statements) and for each American state from 2006 to 2016 (the most recently published financial datum). In face of that, this work is different from the others because it seeks to broaden the researches and the methods used in public listed companies or in financial companies, in public finances of Brazilian and American states, a subject which is little approached in researches. The ordered logit model was used since the credit rating is considered latent variables, besides following an ordinal version. The study was carried out with 50 American states, 26 Brazilian states and 648 ratings altogether. The model proposed in this work proved to be efficient, being able to successfully estimate 64.10% of the sample of the Brazilian states and 68.50% of the sample of the American states. The results reached are specially relevant for stakeholders, who are able to analyze or manage their possible investments regarding risk and return.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature to answer which drivers explain the ratings of the Brazilian and American states. This paper is different from the others because it broadens the researches regarding credit ratings determinants since the method used by rating agencies is not transparent with regard to the rating definition process.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 04-2020 Issue: 4

Improving Work-Related Outcomes in Educational Contexts

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study examined the stress encountered and stress-coping skill used by the school principals, enabling the development of an improvement program for work-related outcomes in educational contexts. An adapted survey questionnaire was distributed to school principals and teachers-in-charge of public schools in the Asturias district of the Cebu division in the Philippines. The first part of the survey questionnaire collected personal and professional details from school principals, while the second assessed their performance. Five categories of stressors were identified: administrative responsibilities, administrative constraints, interpersonal relationships, intrapersonal conflicts, and employers’ expectations. The respondents’ stress-coping strategies were then analyzed for their suitability and effectiveness in stress management. The data were analyzed using frequency, simple percentages, weighted means, and correlation coefficients, which revealed the extent of the stress they encountered from each of the five categories of stressors as well as the stress-coping strategies preferred by the school principal and observed by other teachers. Based on the findings, it is recommended that an improvement program be developed for work-related outcomes in educational contexts, focusing on school principals and stress management, which may be referred to as the Dynamic Administrative Performance Network.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on stress management in schools, focusing on school principals’ experiences in undertaking their duties and managing their teachers. Due to the little literature available in this field, the findings provide a contextual analysis of not only school principals’ personal experiences but also their stress-coping strategies, resulting in the development of an improvement program to improve outcomes in educational contexts.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

A Preliminary Assessment of Gut Helminths of Two Synanthropic Foragers, Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis), and the African Pied Crow (Corvus albus), on a University Campus, Ghana

Research Article
Journal: The Asia Journal of Applied Microbiology

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Objective: This study was carried out in Legon, Accra to determine the occurrence of parasitic helminths infecting the cattle egret and the African pied crow. Methods: Between January and April of 2019, the two bird species were trapped, and their gastrointestinal contents and droppings examined for adult parasites and ova. Results: Identified GIT parasites included adult worms (adult tapeworm and adult Strongyloides sp) and ova (hookworm, Trichuris, Trichostrongylus, Strongyloides, Paragonimus, and Diphyllobothrium species). With regards to GIT examination, 38 Trichuris species ova (mostly in the gizzard) and five (5) adult tape worms (in the ileum and colon) were detected in the African pied crows. In the cattle egret, four (4) Trichuris sp ova, three (3) hookworm ova and one (1) adult Strongyloides sp were detected in the ileum and colon only. Forty-one (41) ova (six of the types above) were detected in the 45 cattle egret droppings processed. Trichuris sp (31.7%, 13/41) and hookworm (26.8%, 11/41) constituted the majority. Conclusion: Overall, helminth richness was found to be higher in the cattle egret compared to the African pied crow. The outcome of this study provides preliminary information on helminth types in these two birds, and has negative public health implications.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by providing a nonspecific evidence of helminth genera in two birds, which could be common to or potentially cross to humans. This knowledge on infectious diseases in birds will help foresee outbreaks that may occur in the future due to zoonotic pathogens.
Biological Sciences » The Asia Journal of Applied Microbiology » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

The Effects of Visual Merchandising and Price Sensitivity on Impulse Purchase Behaviour among Young Apparel Shoppers in Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The intense competition among apparel retail outlets in Bangladesh are on the rise. Due to the increasing number of these outlets, young consumers tend to differentiate the apparel products by visiting stores and compare prices with other outlets and end up with impulse purchase. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between visual merchandising, price sensitivity and impulse purchase behavior among young apparel shoppers. For this purpose, the sample of 305 young shoppers in Bangladesh completed the questionnaire. Stimulus Organism and Response (SOR) model was employed. The data were analyzed by deploying partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). By applying two-step approach for instance, measurement model for indicator loadings, convergent validity, reliability and structural model for path analysis, the result signifies that both visual merchandising and price sensitivity positively and significantly affects shoppers’ shopping enjoyment and impulse purchase behavior, which shoppers’ shopping enjoyment positively affects impulse purchase behavior. Results also found that shopping enjoyment mediates the relationship between visual merchandising, price sensitivity and impulse purchase behavior. The findings are useful for retailers to understand the essence of impulse purchasing behavior and factors, such as visual merchandising and price sensitivity, which can have great impact on impulse purchase behaviors among consumers.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes in the existing literature by employing external stimulus and organism of S-O-R model. Variables of this study are widely being exercised but limited to apparel product purchasing behavior in Bangladesh context.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 3

Understanding Mcdonalds Nutrition Facts using Discriminant Analysis and Neural Network

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Using data extracted from MacDonald’s nutrition facts for targeted popular menu items, this study tried to classify groups exhibiting common patterns of nutrition facts from the targeted popular menu items. The one-way ANOVA results showed that significant differences in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and protein were found with the three types of the targeted popular menu items. In this study, group means were significantly different using the Wilk’s Lambda scores for both discriminant functions, respectively. The canonical correlation results also supported that there were strong relationships between the discriminant score and the group membership. The multilayer perceptron neural network model was utilized as a predictive model in deciding the classification of MacDonald’s nutrition facts for targeted popular menu items. The predictive model developed had excellent classification accuracy. From an architectural perspective, it showed a 10-2-2-3 neural network construction. Results of this study may provide insight into the understanding of the importance of MacDonald’s nutrition facts for targeted popular menu for consumer references.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have classified groups of nutrition facts from McDonalds popular menu items. This study also addresses that discriminant analysis and multilayer perceptron neural network model can be utilized to detect the classification of MacDonald’s nutrition facts for targeted popular menu items.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Theorising Machine Learning as an Alternative Pathway for Higher Education in Africa

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Machine learning technology is currently a new frontier for higher education globally, and the African higher education system needs to change in tandem with this technological trend in order to combat challenges faced by the system. These challenges include lack of institutional research to discover new knowledge, unfavorable methods of instruction, especially the language conflict, access to education for marginalized and isolated communities, high dropout rates, depleted infrastructure and unavailability of resources, overpopulated classrooms, and a biased grading system. This paper discusses alternative machine learning solutions to these challenges faced by the African higher education system, in order to ensure that students develop the skills needed to thrive in this digital era. Findings reveal three key technological solutions that can provide alternative solutions to these challenges, and they include customized/personalized learning, predictive analytics and digital administrative management, and virtual assistance. This paper concludes that for Africa, Catching up with the world goes beyond adopting these new innovations to facilitate learning. Recommendations include rethinking the content of the African curriculum, developing an unbiased education system, and adopting a suitable medium of instruction.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the major challenges plaguing the higher education system in Africa, and proffers a pathway to a better system using machine learning solutions. Most importantly, it finds that these computerized technologies can be applied using Africa’s unique indigenous knowledge.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Fraud Auditing Law Implications in the Case of Jiwasraya Insurance in Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The Jiwasraya case is a fraud auditing legal case that has taken a lot of public attention and is particularly influential on capital market investors. The purpose of this study is to find out the legal implications of the Limited Company case and preventive measures that can be taken so that similar cases are no longer repeated. By using normative and empirical research methods, the study presents the conclusions that it is very important training in fraud detection and prevention especially for internal auditors in the Limited Company. In this case, being cautious in investing to avoid "fried" shares is an important lesson for other companies. Based on the Jiwasraya case empirical study where only recently detected cases of corporate asset fraud revealed the facts about the lack of a comprehensive understanding of fraud auditing, technology implementation, and corporate management mechanisms that are not in accordance with Good Corporate Governance in the corporate body.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies that have been investigated about cases of a lack of comprehensive stakeholder understanding of fraud auditing, technology implementation, and corporate management mechanisms that are not in accordance with Good Corporate Governance in the corporate body.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 04-2020 Issue: 4

The Relationship between Creative Accounting Risks and Auditing Risks from the Perspective of External Auditors in Saudi Arabia

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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The present study aimed to identify the relationship between creative accounting risks and auditing risks from the perspective of external auditors in Saudi Arabia. The sample comprised licensed auditors who serve in Saudi statutory audit offices. The outcomes showed that external auditors were aware of creative accounting risks. In addition, their professional technical factors, such as professionalism, commitment to training programs and continuing education, mentorship, considering professional standards in auditing, good planning for external auditing, their supervision of auditing teamwork, and auditing fees, enormously helped identify creative auditing practices. There were no statistically significant differences in the external auditors' estimates of the effect of creative accounting risk on auditing risks according to the variables of (academic qualification, professional qualification, occupation, and experience). No statistically significant differences were found in the external auditors' estimates of the external auditor's responsibility to detect creative accounting practices according to these variables. The research recommends giving concern to the concept of creative accounting risks, and set the standards and procedures that the auditor must follow to address these practices because of their negative effects on the reliability of the financial statements.
Contribution/ Originality
This study was the first in Saudi Arabia to identify the external auditors' views on the impact of creative accounting risks on auditing. The findings will encourage statutory audit offices to consider detecting creative accounting practices, and thus confidence in financial reports is promoted.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

The Post War Performance of the Lebanese Banks Using the Balanced Scorecard: A Case Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This study covers a 15 years period after the end of the Lebanese civil war, that is from 1990 to 2004.The importance of the period under study comes from the many Lebanese banking industry’s internal and external environmental changes. This period witnessed mainly the stabilization of the foreign exchange rate, the financing of the reconstruction process, the heavy subscription of banks in Lebanese T-bills, the unprecedented mergers and acquisitions among Lebanese banks, and the expanding of banking activities abroad, and toward retailing and banc-assurance. A balanced Scorecard is constructed using the four perspectives as developed by Kaplan and Norton in 1992. Five measures have been developed for each of the four perspectives, and the case study approach is employed. The determination of the measures is based upon those used in previous works, and the specific conditions and constraints related to the banking industry in Lebanon. The study concludes that the highest performing perspective is the Customer, followed by the Learning and Growth, and the Internal Process. The study recommends that Lebanese authorities start encouraging banks to adopt Performance Management Systems (PMSs) to reflect both the financial and the non-financial activities of banks. This is crucial since the Lebanese Banking Sector is anticipated to face a new era of challenges due to the expected extraction of gas resources, the reconstruction of Syria, and the development of the banking system in the Arab Gulf Area.
Contribution/ Originality
This research seeks to empower the Lebanese banks, academics and researchers to follow the steps of many other countries in the MENA region and to start practicing the BSC model in a trial to improve the performance of banks and enhance economic growth in Lebanon.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Does Good Governance Practice Leads to Sound Financial Performance? Evidence from RMG Companies Enlisted in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of good governance on financial performance as well as internal and external financial performance. The population of the study consists of 56 readymade garments companies enlisted in Dhaka Stock Exchange. 40 companies of the total population were conveniently selected as sample size for conducting the research. The data used in the study was collected from basically secondary source mainly extracted from the annual reports of the sampled companies during the study period of 2019. For performing the data analysis, rigorous econometric tools such as descriptive statistics, normality statistics, correlation test, multiple OLS regression analysis were used with the support of SPSS software (Version-23.0). The results of the study found that, companies’ board structure, ownership structure and audit committee structure have significant impact on ROA used as proxy of internal financial performance and MBR used as a proxy of external financial performance. The study also found positive impact of firm specific control variable firm size on financial performance whereas institutional ownership affects financial performance of the studied companies inversely.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature about the role of sound corporate governance practice on companies’ financial performance especially in reference to Readymade Garments industry sector which is the most export oriented industry in Bangladesh.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 2

Previous Marriage Outcomes and Fertility Preference among Re-Married Women in Nigeria: Analysis from 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business Strategy and Social Sciences

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With increasing rate of re-marriage, women’s decision to stick to their intended fertility may be influenced by the dictate of men who demand additional child to consummate the new union. This study examined the influence of previous marriage outcome on women’s fertility preference by analysing 2013 NDHS weighted sample data of 2,671 Nigerian women, who reported to have re-married. The analysis employed Chi-square test and Multinomial Logistic Regression Model. The result indicates that, apart from previous marriage outcome, ideal number of children, wealth status, and ethnicity are predictors of re-married women’s fertility preference. Women who lost their husband in their previous marriage were more likely to desire no more children than other categories of women. The study recommends enlightenment campaign to empower women, especially the widowed to make informed choices about their marital status after the death of husbands, also, to increase their sexual bargaining power in later remarried union.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on women’s marital fertility preference in Nigeria by examining the influence of re-marriage in relation to outcomes of women’s previous marital union on fertility intention of re-married women.
Social Sciences » International Journal of Business Strategy and Social Sciences » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1

Analysis of Trend and Variability of Climate of Hawassa Based on Surface Observations

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Climate Research

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Precipitation and temperature are the main determinants of climate change and variability of one’s area. Their change can be disruptive to the normal hydrological processes which plays an important role in agricultural and non-agricultural operations activities. This study is to determine climatology, trends, onset and retreat of rainy seasons and variation in temperature and precipitation by statistical and Mann Kendall test methods at Hawassa station for the period of 1973-2018. The increasing trend of minimum and maximum temperature were detected to be 0.05 and 0.04°C with high coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.63 and 0.66), respectively. Besides, annual rainfall showed a coefficient of variation 15.2% with mean and standard deviation 965.3mm and 146.5, respectively. Seasonally, Belg season showed higher variability with statistical significant an increasing trend. And also the mean onset Belg season was identified as in the 1st decade of March and cessation date was in the 2nd decade of May, and Kiremt season mean onset was after 1st decade of June and cessation in the 2nd decade of September. The observed warming temperature and fluctuation of rainfall are impacts of global climate change during the last decades in the area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is my original work to contribute in the existing knowledge of climate and increase the understanding of the seasonal cycle of rainfall for the benefit of local social-economic activities.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Climate Research » Month: 03-2020 Issue: 1

Comparable Investigation for Rainfall Forecasting using Different Data Mining Approaches in Sulaymaniyah City in Iraq

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Advances in Life Science and Technology

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Weather prediction is a critical assumption in weather forecasting. Weather prediction and has been one of the major scientifically and technologically demanding issues worldwide in the last century. The most significant parameter in a hydrological model is Rainfall. The meticulous Rainfall forecasting is one of the major demanding in the atmospheric research. The factors such as pressure, temperature, humidity, wind speed, mean sea-level etc. are used for rainfall forecasting. This study evaluates multiple classifiers such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine for rainfall prediction in Sulaymaniyah city and describes which one is most suitable to predict the precipitation. The dataset has been collected from weather forecast department in Sulaymaniyah city. Pre-processing technique such as cleaning and normalization processes is used for effective prediction. The data mining approaches are evaluated and the Performance is analyzed regarding precision, recall and f-measure with numerous ratios of training and test data.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper contributes the first logical analysis for the rainfall forecasting in Sulaymaniyah city. The dataset collection is based on the local forecasting department, Weather Forecast department, in the city. This study tests several supervised learning approaches including (ANN), (SVM), and (NB) to perform a comparative analysis concerning their ability for rainfall prediction in the region.
Physical Sciences » International Journal of Advances in Life Science and Technology » Month: 06-2020 Issue: 1