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Listing 10 - 20 of 2809 results.

Effect of Different Sources of Fertilizers on the Yield and Yield Components of Wheat Variety Kohat-2000 Under Rainfed Conditions of Kohat During 2012

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Experimental site had pH value of 7.44 with electrical conductivity of 0.14 dS/cm. Soil was alkaline, strongly calcareous (21.25% CaCO3), deficient in organic matter, nitrogen & phosphorus and adequate in potassium. It has no problem of salinity and is clay loam in texture. The grain yield was significantly increased due to different fertilizer combinations. The highest grain yield of 2133 kg ha-1was recorded by applying Nitrophos+UREA+K2SO4 @ 90-60-30 kg ha-1 followed by 1933 and 1900 kg ha-1 obtained by applying DAP+ Ammonium sulfate+ Potassium sulfate combinations and DAP+URAE+K2SO4combinations respectively.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Gender and Location Influence on Ghanaian Students’ Perceptions of Energy and Classroom Learning

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study used descriptive survey design to find out Senior High School students’ perceptions of energy and examined influences of gender and geographical location on students’ perceptions of energy. Data from 720 students in 18 Senior High Schools in Ghana was collected using a questionnaire comprising seven frameworks of energy.  The collected data was analysed using frequency counts and percentages. Chi-square and multiple comparison tests were used to examine any significant differences of gender and geographical location on students’ perceptions of energy. The result shows that Senior High School students in Ghana perceive energy as anthropocentric, depository, an ingredient, an activity, a product of processes, functional and flow. In general, no significant differences exist between female and male students’ perceptions of energy except for energy as depository. No significant differences exist among urban, semi-urban and rural area students perceptions of energy as ‘depository’, ingredient, process and functional. However, students’ perceptions of energy as anthropocentric, activity and flow of fluid differ significantly between urban and semi- urban as well as urban and rural. In the physics or science classroom, when teaching energy, a better strategy is to build on what students perceive of energy and try to help them modify their perceptions in the appropriate manner rather than simply contradicting their perceptions.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

Learning Analytics in Practice: Development and Implementation of A Support System to the Management of the Teaching Activity

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The use of technological platforms based online has become increasingly important in the formative activity of higher education. In this context, by its almost universal use in educational institutions, the LCMS (Learning Content Management Systems) stand out. From the activity of students and teachers in these platforms a huge amount of data ends up being recorded, with great potential for management, which are not used. The idea of the Learning Analytics is related to the organization and analysis of these data, transforming them into intelligible information so that people and bodies of Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) can control actions and make more informed decisions, in terms of the adoption strategy of LCMS and the discovery of patterns that enable statistical inferences               The Learning Analytics in education is in its infancy at the theoretical level, which is reflected in the difficulty in maintaining a stable discourse, and, even more evident on the practical level of development and use of these systems. This paper presents the results of the work of design, development and operationalization of a Learning Analytics system to assess the integration of the LCMS in the teaching and learning process in higher education. The proposed system combines the reading of data from two sources: from the automated reporting platform and from a scale applied to students. As a methodological approach to the subject the Design Science Research Process model was followed. The results achieved were reflected in a backoffice of the extraction and analysis system within the LCMS and in the development and validation of a scale to assess the integration of the LCMS in the formative process in higher education.In this paper the operation of this system is done in a real context in a face to face Curricular Unit (CU) for the first semester 2013-2014, at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto. The results indicate that this system, when crossing data from two sources, has the potential to allow the process of decision making to be more informed by teachers or leaders of the educational institution, opening new possibilities in the field of pedagogy and organizational efficiency.
Contribution/ Originality

Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

Development of Logarithmic Equations for Statistical Sample Determination

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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Sample size estimation is a fundamental step in designing trials and studies for which the primary objective is the estimation or the comparison of parameters. In this paper, the equation of sample for proportion was used to develop two equations for sample size determination. The resultant equations are natural and normal logarithmic. The validation test was conducted for populations with different sizes from 10 to 100000 from which sample size was calculated applying the equation of sample for proportion, finite population correction for proportion equation and the developed equations at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of significance. It was found that the sample size calculated by natural logarithmic equation was larger than sample sizes calculated by proportion, finite population correction for proportion, and normal logarithmic equation. Sample size calculated by normal logarithmic equation was the smallest up to 1000 population size at 0.05 level of significance and up to 10000 population sizes at 0.01 levels.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

An Enquiry into the Contributions of Microfinance Institutions Towards the Development of Small Scale Business in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This paper examined the impact of Microfinance Institutions’ policies on the growth and development of Small Scale Business in Nigeria for the period 2005 to 2012. Nine (9) Microfinance Institutions and one hundred and fifty five (155) of their clients were interviewed. Records from the period shows that   there is an increase in the numbers of savings and loans made by the Micro Finance Institutions, this signifies a rise in the need for Microfinance Institutions services in the economy. The study adopts the use of Multiple Regression Analysis to regress the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables. We also employed the use of Analysis of Variance to determine the strength of the Regression Analysis. The OLS result suggests existence of positive relationship between both the dependent and independent relationship. Our findings suggested that macroeconomic policy should be designed in such a way that will encourage the survival of Microfinance Institutions and attracts low income – informal sector which in turn leads to increase in productivity and employment generation.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6

Use of Solar Drier Papapya Lather as a Fat Replacer in Cakes

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Fat is a major constituent of food that softens the food product in addition to provide energy. High fat foods are energy dense foods that produce obesity and also some other major disorders. To reduce the risk of disease fat replacers can be used. Weight conscious people are adopting these fat replacers very quickly. There are three different types of fat replacers i.e. carbohydrate based, protein based and fat based. Solar dried papaya lather is an excellent source of fat replacers.  This fat replacer can be used in baked especially for cakes products instead of shortening and oil. Papaya lather has the same functions as of fats. It has numerous theraputical perspectives and can be used in different drugs preparation. Papaya is a rich source of papain that acts as meat tenderizer. Papaya fruit has rich contents of antioxidant activity hence important to be used in diet owing to different health benefits. 
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Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

Bioremediation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Polluted Soil Using Microorganisms Found in Organic Wastes

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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The aim of this study was to demonstrate the use of chicken droppings and cow dung in the amendment of soil polluted with palm oil mill effluent (POME) in bioremediation. Soil polluted with 20 % raw (POME) in the laboratory was amended with different concentrations of chicken droppings, cow dung and a combination of the wastes (10 %, 20 % and 30 %). Isolation, characterization and identification of microorganisms were carried out and compared over time with respect to the different concentrations. Gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GCMS) analysis of extracts of POME polluted and amended soil indicated a reduction in the number of long chain hydrocarbons (C13-C44) in POME polluted soil to C8-C21 in amended soil. This was attributed to the presence of microorganisms of the genera Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Proteus, Micrococcus, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Paecilomyces and Candida in significant numbers throughout the period of analysis. However, a combination of the two organic wastes at 20 % concentration was most effective in this reduction. The implication of these findings is that the bacteria, mould and yeast isolates found in these organic wastes can be useful in rehabilitation of POME polluted soil and possibly other oil polluted sites.
Contribution/ Originality

Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

The Impact of Credit Risk Management on the Commercial Banks Performance in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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Credit risk management in banks has become more important not only because of the financial crisis that the industry is experiencing currently, but also a crucial concept which determine banks’ survival, growth and profitability. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of credit risk management on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria. Financial reports of seven commercial banking firms were used to analyze for seven years (2005 – 2011). The panel regression model was employed for the estimation of the model. In the model, Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Asset (ROA) were used as the performance indicators while Non-Performing Loans (NPL) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) as credit risk management indicators. The findings revealed that credit risk management has a significant impact on the profitability of commercial banks’ in Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality

Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 05-2014 Issue: 5

Empowerment of Women Through Budgets: Indian Experience

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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If money has  the  power  to  make things  happen   Budget  has  the   potential  to   mend  the  socio  economic  structure  of   a society. This  notion had provided  necessary  impetus  to  the  concept  of  Gender  Responsive  Budgeting (GRB)  to gain  currency  as  an  international  tool for  empowering  women  so  as to progress towards the  ultimate  goal  of    Gender  equity.  This  paper  attempts  to gauge the  performance  of GRB  in India as a tool for  Gender Equity   using  three parameters : 1)  Extent  of  adoption  measured in terms  of  no.  of  demands  in Gender  Budget  Statements, (2)Degree  of  Gender  Responsiveness  of  Indian  budget  as  measured  by  financial commitments  towards  women  empowerment ,3) Govt. seriousness towards implementation  of women  issues measured  in  terms  of  difference  between  budget  estimates (BE) and  Revised  estimates (RE). This  paper reveals that GRB   is  now  in vogue  in  India  through two  prime  strategies  of  Gender  budget  statement (GBS)  and  Gender budget cells (GBC’s) .This  paper also  finds out that   decrease  in  Expenditure  under part A  of Gender budget statement   as  percentage  of total   budget  Expenditure  over  the   period  of  time   indicates  that  we  are  heading  towards  the   paradox  of  gender  budgeting   wherein  on  one  hand  we are  showing  increasing  sensitiveness  towards the women  issues while  on other  hand in  percentage  terms we are earmarking  lesser   and  lesser from  national  coffer   towards such  policies and actions.  Further  continuing positive   gap   between  budget  estimates  and  revised  estimates  shows  lack  of  commitment on  the  part  of  Govt. to  make  stipulated  expenditures that  might stifle  motive  of  gender budgeting . As   such  there is need  to embolden  our women  oriented  policies  and  programmes by  adequate   financial  commitments  and     allocations in GRB  statement (both under Part  A and B )  need  to  be  increased  with  special  emphasis  on expenditure   under  Part  A  which  is  specifically for women empowerment . "Gender equality does not imply that all women and men must be the same. Instead, it entails equipping both with equal access to capabilities; so that they have the freedom to choose opportunities that improve their lives. It means that women have equal access to resources and rights as men, and vice versa". (Asia Asia Pacific Human Development Report, 2010)
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Preservative Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Ginger in Wara - A West African Traditional Soft (Unripened) Cheese

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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The effect of ethanolic extract of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on sensory and storage qualities of wara was evaluated. Pasteurized fresh milk samples were used to prepare wara and; 1.6%, 2.4%, 3.2% and 0% ginger extracts (samples A, B, C and D respectively) were incorporated into the samples separately. The wara samples were then fried in hot palm oil as it is done traditionally and organoleptic properties of the samples were determined by a taste panelist. Also physico-chemical and microbiological changes during six (6) days storage at ambient tropical temperature (30 ± 2oC) were determined. The samples (A, B and C) containing ginger were rated better than the control sample (D). Sample C had the highest overall acceptability of 4.0 while sample D had the least (2.8). During storage a significant decrease (P≤0.05) in pH with a corresponding increase in titratable acidity (TA) was recorded for the wara samples. The pH ranged between 4.17 and 6.55 while the TA ranged between 0.018 and 0.099 (mg/100g).The peroxide values (POV) of sample D increased at a faster rate than samples A, B and C. The POV for sample D after 3 days of storage was 34.15 meq/kg while that of sample C was 25.33 meq/kg at the end of 6 days storage. Although there was general increase in the microbial loads (MLs) of all the samples, the MLs of samples A, B and C were significantly lower than that of sample D. Moreover samples A and B got spoilt by day 4 of storage; sample D by day 3 while sample C was still in good condition at the end of 6 days storage. This study therefore showed that incorporation of 3.2% ethanolic ginger extract significantly improved acceptability of wara and increased the shelf life of the product by 3 days.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

An Assessment of Child Abuse among Muslim Parents in Keffi Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The study intends to find out whether Muslim parents who acquire some level of formal Islamic education perceive the causes of child abuse different from those who did not acquire any formal Islamic education. Results from the questionnaires distributed indicated that the greatest cause of child abuse among Muslim parents in Keffi was poverty and lack of Islamic education. The paper recommended that the government should come to the aid of the masses by improving their lots economically as this would go a long way in reducing not only their sufferings but also their proneness to practice child abuse.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

A Review on Criteria for Green Infrastructure to be Adopted by Local Authorities

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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Green infrastructure planning has grown in prominence since it was first discussed in the late 1990’s. Since the President’s Council on Sustainable Development discussed the concept researchers and academics from across the globe, though predominantly the UK, Western Europe and North America, have won the process. However, green infrastructure is an important trust in National Landscape Policy (NLP). At the moment, Malaysia is moving towards to a developed nation by the year 2020. One thing that must take into accounts are enviromental requirement which is to ensure the planned development. This is to ensure that development does not destroy the heritage and the environment. Therefore, efforts are carried out extensively with concerted efforts by the government. In the Malaysian government efforts to intensify efforts to raise awareness and participation in issues of global warming, green technology is the discourse is often featured. The preservation of green spaces in urban areas can function as recreational and social interaction areas in molding citizens who peaceful, harmonious, unified, and healthy. However, the approach to Green Infrastructure in Malaysia is still at an early stage, but these efforts have actually started to walk among scholars and researchers to disentangle the appropriate method with the situation in Malaysia. The purposes of this paper is to identify the green infrastructure criteria to be adopted by local authorities Malaysia to control and effectively development in Malaysia.  
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

The Prospects of Accounting and Economic Systems in the Era of Global Knowledge Economy

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This article is devoted to the study based on secondary data of journal articles and websites. There is a growing interest in research on the treatment of intangible assets in the knowledge assets [intangible assets or intellectual capital (IC)] in this digital era, or a knowledge-based economy. Various observers describe today’s global economy as one of the stages of the transition to a "knowledge economy" or "information society". But the rules and practices that determined success in the industrial economy of the 19th and 20th centuries to be changed in an environment where resources such as know-how are more critical than other economic resources. The paper highlights recent developments and thinking and provides guidance for the development of appropriate organizational strategies for success in the new millennium. It summarizes the main results of the research analyzes trends in accounting in the era of global knowledge economy.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 02-2014 Issue: 2

Internal Validation of A Six Non-Codis Ministr Loci (D1s1627, D3s4529, D5s2500, D6s1017, D8s1115 And D9s2157) System

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Non-CODIS (NC) miniSTR genotyping systems were developed to produce smaller amplicons by moving the primers as close as possible to the repeat region of interest.  These systems are valuable when profiling degraded or compromised DNA samples.  This study details the internal validation for a six NC miniSTR system comprised of the loci: D1S1627, D3S4529, D5S2500, D6S1017, D8S1115 and D9S2157.  These loci demonstrated the ability to produce consistent, accurate and precise genotype profiles for low concentrations of template DNA.  Template DNA concentrations as low as 50pg were successfully amplified and typed.  Differentiation of major and minor components were easily identifiable in miniplex 1, but in miniplex 2 complete profiles for each contributor was only observed from ratios ?1:4.  This internal validation allowed for the determination of the reliability as well as the limitations of this NC miniSTR genotyping system.  
Contribution/ Originality

Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

Financial Integration and International Risk Diversification

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The effect of international financial integration on performance strategies diversification is ambiguous for countries émergents1. It is explained by two reasons: hand, financial integration of national markets makes international diversification portfolios more efficiently, and helping the transition from one market to another and increasing efficiency of financial markets. On the other hand, financial integration increased correlations between national financial markets, reducing income strategies international diversification. We will show that this ambiguity is due to the use different properties with different testing procedures provided in the literature econometric. This is of particular interest to the present unit root test in the presence arch.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 3

Nutritional Properties of Some Novel Selected Fish Species in Khuzestan Province, Iran

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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 The proximate biochemical contents of some fish species i. e. Thunnus alalunga, Evynnis japonica, Caulerpa lentillifera, Orcynopsis unicolor and Euthynnus affinis were analyzed. Protein contents was determined in T. alalunga (22 %), E. japonica (13.02%), C.lentillifera (26.9%), O. unicolor (22%) and in E. affinis (24%) respectively. Fat content was recorded as 23.3%, 0.24%, 15%, 16% and 14% respectively in the five species of fish. The ash content was highest in C. lentillifera (8.8%). The present findings revealed that the highest protein content was recorded as in C.lentillifera (26.9%), but the fat was highest in T. alalunga (23.3%). The overall nutrient contents of studied medium indigenous fishes were observed as higher or equal to those of larger fish species.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 1

Efficacy of Allicin (Allium Sativum Linn.) Against Bipolaris Sorokiniana in Barley Plants

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Spot blotch is caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana, and is the most deleterious disease for the producers. To control the disease, fungicides have been used that can impact the environment and human health. One method to eliminate these drawbacks is promoting induced protection. This study investigated the use of aqueous allicin extract as a biological control of B.sorokiniana or as an inducer of protection in barley plants (Embrapa BRS 195) against the pathogen under greenhouse conditions and also evaluated the possible mechanisms. Results demonstrated that induction was shown to have local and systemic action but don’t have biological control in concentration of 0.097 to 0.97 µg /mL of allicin.In order to prove the resistance effect, biochemical analyses were performed to quantify proteins, phenols and the enzymatic activity of beta-glucanase. Barley plants when treated with aqueous allicin extract, showed an increased in the concentration of proteins, as well in activity of the enzyme beta-glucanase, when compared with the extract from healthy plants. In infected plants, protein concentrations decreased and enzymatic activity was lower than in healthy plants. Biochemical analyses indicated that p-coumaric acid, benzoic acid, caffeic acid and salicylic acid increased in treated barley plants. In conclusion, allicin can act as a potential elicitor that can be used as an alternative for diseases control. It’s less dependent on chemical compounds, with a lower cost and causing less damage to the environment. The acting mechanism depends on the increase of salicylic acid and presence of other molecules (glucanase, proteins).
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Ligninolytic Enzymes Activities of Pleurotus Sapidus P969 during Vegetative Growth and Fruit Development on Sugarcane Residues-Based Substrates

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Ligninolytic enzyme activities of extracts obtained from sugarcane residues-based substrates during solid-state fermentation (SSF) by Pleurotus sapidus P969 at mycelia colonization; primordial formation; harvesting and postharvest stages were investigated. SFF was performed in plastic bags using substrates formulated by mixing various proportions known weights of sugarcane bagasse (SB) and sugarcane tops (ST) on dry weight basis. Laccase, manganese peroxidase (MnP) and lignin peroxidase (LiP) activities in extracts of the substrates were determined using standard methods. The highest laccase activities reached were 43.94 U g-1 wet spent mushroom substrate (SMS) in SB/ST (60:40) mixed substrate on the first pinhead appearance (1st P.A). The highest manganese peroxidase activities observed were 11.90 U g-1 wet SMS in SB/ST (20:80) mixed substrate on the 1st P.A. The highest lignin peroxidase activities observed were 8.71 U g-1 wet SMS in SB/ST (20:80) mixed substrate after full substrate colonization (A.C). Thus, the results indicate enormous potential of P.sapidus for industrial production of ligninolytic enzymes on very low cost substrates through SSF. The study further demonstrates the possibility of production of specific ligninolytic enzymes by oyster mushrooms through tailor making the substrates using sugar cane-based residues.
Contribution/ Originality

Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 04-2014 Issue: 4

Academic and Administrative Staff Perception on Motivational Processes and Job Factors

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between personal and job factors and employees’ motivational processes of arousal, direction and persistence in Kigali Institute of Education (KIE), Rwanda. A correlational design was used to conduct this research and a questionnaire was administered to 151 employees from KIE, representing a population of 318 employees. Data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between employees’ motivational processes of arousal, direction and persistence and job factors. The exception was observed for the relationship between direction and task design which was not significant. The findings revealed that the difference between academic and administrative staff members in their perception of motivational processes of arousal, direction and persistence as well as personal and job factors was not significant. It was also observed that both academic and administrative staff members were not fully satisfied with what the institute leaders do with regard to employees’ motivational processes and the related personal and job factors. This study recommends that the institution’s leaders increase their efforts with regard to employees’ motivational processes of arousal, direction and persistence while increasing related personal and job factors.
Contribution/ Originality

Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 03-2014 Issue: 1

Promoting Entrepreneurship through Open and Distance Education in Zimbabwe. A Case Study of the Zimbabwe Open University Students at Masvingo Regional Campus

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The re-engineering of the Zimbabwean economy in the contemporary environment characterized by globalization has attracted the attention of the domestic policy makers. This is shown by the commitment by government on the re-positioning of the economy through the formulation of the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprise Development and the churning of the empowerment and indigenization policies. For these policies to reach fruition, Higher Education in the form of Open and Distance Learning has to shoulder the burden. In the quest for the country to forge ahead with the development of the economy, entrepreneurship development has to be promoted through the ODL platform. The current study used an open ended questionnaire administered to 50 students from the Zimbabwe Open University, Masvingo Regional Campus using the purposive sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed thematically and results showed that entrepreneurship education is vital for the enhancement of the economy and entrepreneurship education inadequacies cause business failures. It was therefore recommended that the ODL institutions should design short courses in entrepreneurship, compulsory course for entrepreneurship in all faculties and Higher Education curriculum to provide options for entrepreneurship development among university students.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2014 Issue: 6