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Listing 130 - 20 of 2809 results.

Visitors Preferences for Tourist Destinations: A Comparative Analysis of Two Contrasting Destination Themes in Lagos, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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This research was conducted to investigate motivating factors that influences the preferences of visitors to either Culture-based or the Nature-based destination. The 'Push and Pull' theory of motivation was adopted to identify how Push (motivations) and Pull (destination attraction) influenced visitors’ preferences destinations under investigation, and to identify their relationship. Six (6) sampled destinations- a combination of both Nature-based and Culture-based destinations were randomly selected for this study. Appropriate statistical analyses were carried out and major findings indicated that both Push and Pull factors influences visitors preferences, however Pull factors had more significant effect on visitors preference, especially on the destination visited, indicating that destination attractions has more influence on visitors than their motivations to achieve their desires or needs. The chi-square was used to determine statistical significance among 'Push' and 'Pull' factors and analysis revealed a significant association between preferred Tourist destination and the actual destination visited. Mean measures unveiled that destination attributes/attraction (Pull factors) significantly influenced those that visited nature-based destinations than those that visited culture-based destinations, with attributes: 'Ease of access', ' Overall cleanliness of the destination' and 'Quality of service' with higher rankings. Destination Managers, marketers and all stakeholders in Tourism marketing should pay attention to the intrinsic and extrinsic reasons why people visit in other to grow tourism and because they are fundamental to why people visit or travel. Especially pull factors, as a lot more can be done in this regard, than what pushes visitors due to the unpredictability of human needs.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies that have given an insight on what is obtainable in the types of tourist destinations and how they can be improved; it also characterized the relative preference of tourist between nature and culture based destinations and revealed major factors for these preferences.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Construction of Sustainable Frugal Innovations Index for the Agriculture Sector

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The proliferation of agriculture innovations require stakeholders to have an accurate measurement scale to screen and select the best inventions for returns maximisation. Agriculture has evolved to become a scientific business hence the need for scientific measurements of agro-innovations and their consequences. The concepts of sustainability and frugality, hence sustainable frugal innovations are trending themes in agriculture. High quality scientific measures of these innovations remain scarce. The purpose of this study has been to develop a Sustainable Frugal Innovations index for use in the agriculture sector. A data collection instrument derived from sustainability and frugality constructs was developed and administered to 450 Agriculture experts across Zimbabwe. Twenty-five (25) constructs were extracted through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), validated and analysed, culminating in a composite Sustainable Frugal Innovation Index.
Contribution/ Originality
This study originates a new index to measure the sustainability and frugality of agriculture-oriented innovations. The index guides innovations design thinkers to be sensitive to sustainability and frugality issues while helping users in making adoption choices.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Determinants of Mobile Learning Systems Adoption in Zimbabwe Rural Secondary Schools

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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In todays technologically-driven educational landscape, mobile learning systems (MBL) have progressively risen to become critical tools for effective education delivery in many rural schools. Like in most developing countries, the education sector in Zimbabwe plays a critical role in facilitating human capital development and economic growth and development. However, the country’s rural secondary schools are still lagging behind urban secondary schools in embracing MBLs. The adoption of MBLs could represent a significant breakthrough not only in terms of reducing educational costs but also for providing effective and efficient learning and teaching processes. The adoption and acceptance of MBLs is likely to transform rural secondary school students’ lives by enabling them to access cheap education and also to meaningfully contribute to the eradication of poverty and hunger in their communities. The study employed structural equation modelling where data was collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire from 100 randomly selected respondents attending rural schools in Guruve and Chiota Rural Districts. The findings show that the likelihood of adopting or deferring the adoption of MBLs in rural secondary schools is influenced by factors such as perceived usefulness, compatibility, perceived ease of use, social influence, learner and teacher’s autonomy, relative advantages and learner awareness. Policies that increase usage of mobile banking learning systems in rural secondary schools especially the reduction in transaction cost, perceived risk, complexity of user interfaces are recommended.
Contribution/ Originality
This study show is one of the first to examine the likelihood of adopting or deferring the adoption of MBLs in Zimbabwe’s rural secondary schools. Therefore, it contributes to the existing literature on factors that contribute to the adoption of MBLs using unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT).
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Inclusive Values and Pedagogies Needed by Business Studies Teachers for Effective Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Inclusive education as a global phenomenon in the 21st century is becoming an acceptable approach for the training of children with less ability. Programs for teachers’ education all over the world are seeking innovative values and pedagogies to ingrain teachers with for its implementation. It is on this premise that this research was conducted to determine the inclusive values and pedagogical strategies needed by business studies’ teachers for effective practice of inclusiveness in secondary schools. The study utilized survey design for data collection and it was guided by two research questions and two null hypotheses. The study’s population consisted of 54 lecturers of special education in tertiary institutions in Delta State, Nigeria. Data for the study were generated with a questionnaire and the questionnaire was scrutinized by three professional experts to enhance its validity. Data obtained from the field were analyzed with mean statistic and standard deviation in respect of the research questions while t-test was used to test the null hypotheses. The results of the study showed that business studies teachers need inclusive values such as patience, tolerance, fairness, equality, empathy, affection, confidence, trust, passion and respect as well as pedagogies such as encouraging peer-assisted learning, providing individualized attention and approach for effective inclusive education in the class rooms. No significant differences were found in the mean responses of participants based on their academic attainment and years of work experience on the inclusive values and pedagogies needed by business teachers for effective practice of inclusion. The study therefore concluded that inclusive values and pedagogies were strongly needed and should be acquired by business studies teachers for effective inclusive education in secondary schools.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes significantly to existing body of knowledge on educational inclusivity by empirically determining some inclusive values and pedagogies needed by business studies’ teachers for effective practice and implementation of inclusiveness in the classrooms. The study has documented arrays of inclusive values and pedagogies to the benefit of business studies’ teachers and learners in general.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

The Role of EFL/ESL Teacher Preparation Programs in Raising the Awareness of Pre-Service Teachers of Intercultural Communicative Competence Model: A Comparative Study between Saudi Arabia and Singapore

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) empowers language learners with the skills to compare different cultures and raise critical cultural awareness. The present study aims to identify and compare the role of EFL/ESL teacher preparation program in raising the awareness of pre-service teachers of ICC Model in Saudi Arabia and Singapore. The author developed and applied an online questionnaire of the ICC Model to a sample of (30) faculty members in Saudi Arabia and (30) faculty members in Singapore. The descriptive comparative analytical approach was utilized to describe, analyze, and compare the present situation of the EFL/ESL teacher preparation program in raising the awareness of pre-service teachers of the ICC model in Saudi Arabia and Singapore. The results revealed the availability of the ICC in the EFL/ESL teacher preparation program in both countries. The study recommended reviewing and continually updating the EFL/ESL teacher preparation program at the College of Education according to the ICC Model to meet the needs and communicative competence of students.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to EFL/ESL teacher preparation by offering suggestions to reform the educational system through IC applications by comparing teacher preparation programs in Saudi Arabia and Singapore. This study is a pioneering work that links teacher’s preparedness with the communicative competence of students.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Comparative Analysis of Nested Domain Sensitivity on Thunderstorm Simulation using WRF-ARW Model: A Case Study Over Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: Review of Environment and Earth Sciences

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Several thunderstorm indicators (TI) and thermodynamic features were evaluated and compared by simulating a thunderstorm (TS) event over Sylhet (24.89° N, 91.86° E), Bangladesh that occurred from 1429 UTC to 1441 UTC on 29 March 2018 using the Advanced Research dynamics solver of Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-ARW). The model was run to conduct a simulation for 36 hours utilizing six-hourly Global Final Analysis (FNL) datasets from 0600 UTC of 29 March 2018 to 1200 UTC of 30 March 2018 as initial and lateral boundary conditions. The domain was nested in two different ways: (a) two domains of 15 and 3 km horizontal resolution, and (b) three domains of 12, 6 and 3 km horizontal resolution. These domains were nested with varying outer-domain horizontal grid spacing but a constant 3km inner-domain resolution in order to reasonably verify the effect of nesting on the approximation of the thermodynamic indicators by WRF-ARW. The model outputs were generated with a 10-minute interval for the innermost domain. These outputs were analyzed numerically and graphically using Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS). Model evaluations of mean sea level pressure (MSLP), maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity (RH) and 24-hour rainfall were compared with available observational data obtained from Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) to validate the model performance in each case. Based on the analyses and comparisons, it is found that the estimated values in the case of three-way nesting were better indicators of the likelihood of a TS event over that area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies that estimate several important thunderstorm indicators of a thunderstorm event over Bangladesh using the WRF-ARW model. This paper’s major contribution is the comparative analysis of those indicators based on different nested domain configurations.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Review of Environment and Earth Sciences » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Evidence of Transformative Teaching Extracted from the Reflection Logs of Pre-Service Teachers using Butin's Cultural Lens

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aimed to analyze the Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) pre-service teachers’ reflection logs using cultural lens of Butin’s model. Using the critical social design, this study investigated transformative teaching from 21 MAPEH pre-service teachers. The pre-service teachers were selected using maximum variation sampling method. Data were gathered from their written reflection logs in response to the questions crafted by the researcher. Findings revealed that pre-service teachers put premium to cultural competency and considered diversity in the educative process. Pre-service teachers have developed appreciation of student diversity by helping them understand and appreciate their uniqueness through meaningful connection with them. They even discussed with them issues beyond the classroom including personal problems and emotional concerns. In addition to this, MAPEH curriculum touches on the personal lives of students. Music and Arts depict culture, tradition, and beliefs of various groups. This study is based on the premise that MAPEH is best taught if teachers welcome cultural diversity, make learning forceful by touching on the personal experiences of the learners, and enhance the skills of students to make them useful in improving their lives and their community. These attributes require the adoption of transformative teaching and learning.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few qualitative studies which have investigated pre-service teachers’ reflections on their practical teaching experiences in the Philippines. The results of the study have significant implications in designing and implementing a culturally relevant curriculum that fosters transformative teaching and learning in pre-service teacher education.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Student Teachers Socio-Demographic Variables, Internet Addiction and their Loneliness in the Digital Age

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study investigated student teachers’ demographic variables and their internet addiction as possible predictors of their loneliness, given that the youth are increasingly becoming lonely resulting in mental health problems. The sample size comprised 600 (mean age = 19.69, SD = 3.17) student teachers. Findings showed that male undergraduate students had a non-significant higher mean score in loneliness than their female counterparts; while significant differences occurred as a result of gender in students’ internet addiction. Students whose primary residence was in the urban area had a non-significant higher mean score in loneliness than students from rural areas; while primary residence accounted for significant differences in mean scores in internet addiction. Regression analysis revealed that age, gender, primary place of residence, number of social media sites used and internet addiction jointly contributed 10.3% to explain the variances in response and the corresponding F (5, 567) = 13.051, was statistically significant (p<.05). However, only internet addiction showed a significant individual contribution in accounting for the variances in student teachers’ loneliness. Discussion was based on the findings, leading to the conclusion that factors associated with loneliness may be linked to those that impede the respondents’ interpersonal relationships. This study has implications for the university education given that ensuring student teachers’ good mental health will lead to the training of students who can self-regulate their emotions and interact effectively with others.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by determining factors that are associated with loneliness among student teachers in Nigeria. The study demonstrated that loneliness in this digital age may be linked to factors that impede interpersonal relationships of the respondents.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Study Orientation and College Readiness among Alternative Learning System Graduates in Northeastern Philippines

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Access to quality basic and tertiary education has been the primary concern of the Philippine government. The World Bank has reported that a high percentage of Filipino Alternative Learning System (ALS) graduates are enrolled in tertiary education. However, little is known on their transition from basic to tertiary education specifically focused on their study orientation and college readiness. Hence, it is imperative to examine these variables among ALS graduates considering its repercussion to their educational outcomes. This descriptive correlational study investigated the interplay of study orientation and college readiness of 143 ALS graduates (77 males and 66 females) enrolled in a public university in Northeastern Philippines. The results revealed that the ALS graduates have unfavorable study orientation and are not college-ready. The study orientation also was found to significantly influence and predict college readiness. The findings imply the need for ALS graduates to enhance their study habits and attitudes as these are essential skills in improving their college readiness.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is a preliminary attempt to investigate the relationship between study orientation and college readiness of Filipino ALS graduates. The results of this undertaking hope to broaden knowledge on the current status of ALS graduates with the end view of crafting educational policy reforms and basic-tertiary education interventions for ALS learners.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Classification and Recognition of Urban Tree Defects in a Small Dataset using Convolutional Neural Network, Resnet-50 Architecture, and Data Augmentation

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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Identifying hazard trees in urban setup is a time-consuming and tedious task and therefore concerned organizations and homeowner associations may not identify and fix such hazard trees in time. The purpose of this study was to identify the type of defects in the trees with the use of convolutional neural networks. This technology could speed up the process of identifying hazard trees. The study used the Image Processing Toolbox of MATLAB 2019a to process and classifies the images into one of the seven most prominent types of tree defects. The CNN used for this classification was ResNet-50. The Tree Defects dataset was prepared from images from publicly available sources. Further, the accuracy of the classification of these images into each of the defect categories was tested by obtaining a confusion matrix. The performance of ResNet-50 architecture was compared on three more publicly available and common research datasets Caltech101, Flower, and Dogs. The novel Tree Defects dataset was very small and had only 298 images. For its effectiveness on smaller datasets, ResNet-50 architecture was used along with data augmentation of tree defects images by rotating them 90-degrees clockwise and anti-clockwise. The effect of the proportion of the training dataset on model performance was also evaluated by training the model on 70%, 80%, and 90% of the total images in the dataset. The augmented Tree Defects dataset had 894 images. The model performance improves by 43.56% on the augmented Tree Defects dataset. The augmented model achieved the highest classification accuracy of 91.48%.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies that have investigated the ways to find an image classification model that delivers high accuracy on smaller datasets. Mostly, a machine learning model is believed to perform better on vast datasets but building large datasets is costly and time-consuming.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Newly Qualified Teachers Integration of Technology during Curriculum Delivery

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Newly qualified teachers (NQTs) not in all cases use the available technology in most constructive and effective ways to achieve better learning outcomes. This study explores how and why NQTs integrate technology during curriculum delivery. A qualitative method was used within an interpretive paradigm: six NQTs were observed and interviewed. The TPACK model formed the framework and data were deductively analyzed. Findings revealed that NQTs embraced technology and used it in varying ways and frequencies. The majority used videos to capture learners’ interest during lessons and teach difficult concepts, to use PowerPoint to consolidate lesson, to use technology to facilitate collaborative learning; and to boost learners’ self-esteem. Some of the NQTs in schools that lacked resources did not teach constructively with technology, they did not blend technology, pedagogy and content knowledge as required for effective teaching with technology. It is recommended that Western Cape Department of Education (WCED) and Departments of Education in other countries bridge the digital gap by prioritizing, in their planning schedules, the need to have one furnished computer laboratory capable of accommodating an entire class with the necessary technological resources in schools that lack resources.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on complex issues that teachers encounter when integrating technology with curriculum delivery. Based on results, researchers make recommendations to the WCED and Departments of Education generally as to how they can create enabling environment for more NQTs to adopt, adapt and teach effectively with technology.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Assessment of the Implementation of Entrepreneurship Education Programme in Technical Colleges of Education in South-South Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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This study assessed the implementation of entrepreneurship education programme in colleges of education in south-south Nigeria. Three research questions based on curriculum design in terms of objectives and content, methodologies and quality of personnel were raised to guide the study. Also two hypotheses were formulated. Survey research design was used and a sample of 117 lecturers in school of business education from the three federal colleges of education in south-south Nigeria was equally used. The instrument used was a structured questionnaire which consisted of two sections with five point response options. The instrument was validated by two experts in business education and one in measurement and evaluation. Test-retest reliability was used to determine the internal consistency of the instrument and the reliability test coefficient (r) of 0.78 was obtained. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyse data relating to the research questions in order to answer them while t-test was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Results of the analysis showed that curriculum design in terms of objective and content, methodologies used in teaching and learning, and retraining of lecturers contributed to effective implementation of entrepreneurship education programme in Federal Colleges of Education in South-South Nigeria. Based on the findings, recommendations were made including that caliber of lecturers; particularly experienced ones involved in the implementation of the programme should be increased.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by revealing the extent to which curriculum design, methodologies employed in teaching and retraining of lecturers contributed to effective implementation of entrepreneurship education programme in federal colleges of education in South-South Nigeria.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Determination of Phosphorous Fixation Capacity on Alluvium, Sandstone and Shale Soils of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The study was aimed to determine the fixation capacity of phosphorous from three parent materials (Alluvium, Shale and Sandstone) in Akwa Ibom State. A composite soil samples were collected from three representative locations. A treatment solution containing 0, 20, 40 and 80mgl-1 of P prepared from KH2PO4 were added to 20g of soil samples in a cups and incubated for 1, 7, 30 and 60 days. The design was 3 x 4 factorial experiment (3 soil types and 4 rates of P) were fitted into Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. At a set day, the exchangeable and water soluble P were extracted with Bray P – 1 extractant and P not extracted was considered fixed in the soils. The results revealed that the soils were fertile and moderately acidic and than the amount of phosphorous fixed in shale and alluvium soils, decrease with length of incubation and a significant higher fixation were observed in day 1 (60.6 mgkg-1 shale and 50.6mgkg-1 in alluvium). The amount observed in sandstone increased with the length of incubation and a significant amount fixed was observed in 30 days (54.4mgkg-1). The study also revealed that the concentration of P fixed increased with increasing rates of P added in all the soils. Base on the inherent fertility of the soils, the use of crop rotation and organic manure is recommended to maintain its fertility for high productivity.
Contribution/ Originality
The study was aimed to determine the fixation capacity of phosphorous from three parent materials (Alluvium, Shale and Sandstone) in Akwa Ibom State.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Meta-Subject Potential of a Foreign Language in Teaching Natural Disciplines at a Pedagogical University

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Teaching a foreign language in the process of preparing future teachers is guided by the needs of the modern school system, in which reforms are being actively implemented. The meta-subject approach at school serves as the basis for planning learning outcomes. For example, in biology, foreign language, and physics classes, students are not only expected to know the laws and principles of a particular field of science but also to be able to embed this knowledge into an integral system of worldviews. The implementation of the idea of tri-lingualism in school education increases the role of a foreign language in the cognitive process of students. When using the meta-subject approach, English serves not only the communication needs but also for contributes in the development of meta-cognitive processes. The study of natural disciplines in Kazakh pedagogical universities is carried out not only in the Kazakh and Russian languages, but also in English. Future teachers of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics ought to master the basics of the natural sciences and methods of teaching them, by using the knowledge of a foreign language as a source of relevant scientific facts. This article analyzes the possibilities of a meta-subject approach in the practice of teaching a foreign language to future teachers of natural sciences. By substantiating the concept of the meta-subject potential of a foreign language, the main categories associated with meta-cognition through diagnosing students' readiness to use these ideas, one can build a foreign language education program for future teachers.
Contribution/ Originality
This is study about the readiness of future teachers to use the meta-subject potential of a foreign language in their professional activities. This study shows how to develop a target module of the program for foreign language training of future teachers for teaching natural sciences in English. The developed program was subsequently implemented in the process of teaching natural sciences to students of a pedagogical university.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Developing Virtual Communication Skills in Online Learning Based on Modified PBL During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aims to determine the virtual communication skills of students in the Vertebrate Zoology course, the subject of the Reptile Class with the example of the Varanus salvator species. The research was conducted by survey method using an adaptation observation sheet from the 2012 Greenstein instrument. Data collection was carried out on modified online Problem Based Learning (PBL) using Zoom meeting and WhatsApp Group (WAG). While presentation and organizing stages were carried out by class discussion on Zoom, the problems that have been formulated were discussed by each group using a WAG. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively, using the percentage formula (Akbar, 2013) in the book Learning Device Instruments and showed the results that the percentage of oral communication skills was 86.73%, of the skills to understand the intent/purpose of communication was 85.65%, of the skills to use communication strategies was 86.57%, and of presentation skills was 85.19%, with each criterion falling in the category ‘Exceeded Expectations’. Meanwhile, viewing the percentage results and aiming the target of 84.57%, the two receptive communication skills listening and reading were included in the ‘Satisfactory’ category. The general percentage of communication skills of 85.16% as average was included in the category ‘Exceeding Expectations’. This finding suggests that communication which included oral communication skills, receptive communication skills, understanding the purpose of communication, using communication strategies, communicating clearly for a purpose, and presentation skills can be achieved virtually.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the domain of skills acquisition that during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite social distancing students’ virtual communication skills can be achieved through online learning using a modified PBL through WAG and Zoom Meeting.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Heat Tolerance Stability of Bread Wheat Genotypes under Early and Late Planting Environments through Stress Selection Indices

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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A field study was conducted with an objective to assess thirty six wheat cultivars for tolerance, stability and enhancing productivity under optimum and stressed planting environments at Cereal crops Research Institute (CCRI), Nowshera, Pakistan during 2017-18. Experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design using three replications. Pool analysis of variance exhibited highly significant (p?0.01) variations among wheat genotypes, environments and G × E interactions for the under studied traits. In general, reduction in mean wheat genotypes for days to heading (19%) and grain yield (65%) was observed under stressed condition as compared to optimum planting environment. Across planting environments, highest grain yield was produced by wheat genotypes Pakistan-13 (3746 kg ha-1) closely followed by two other genotypes Zincol-2016 (3712 kg ha-1) and PR-122 (3671 kg ha-1). Various stress selection indices viz tolerance (TOL), mean productivity (MP), harmonic mean (HM), geometric mean productivity (GMP), stress tolerance index (STI), yield index (YI), stress susceptibility index (SSI) and yield stability index (YSI) were employed for each genotype under both environments. Correlation coefficient analysis unveiled that days to heading and grain yield had positive significant association with GM, HM MP, YI and STI. Aforementioned stress selection indices were found effective tools for identification of stress tolerant genotypes under delayed planting. On the basis of these selection indices, wheat genotypes i-e Zincol-16, Pirsabak-13, PR-122 and Pakistan-13 were found high yielding stress tolerant which could be sown under non-stressed and stressed conditions and could be used in future wheat breeding schemes.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding more stable, heat tolerant and high yielding bread wheat genotypes across normal and late planting environments. This study documents is vital to wheat breeders to suggest these genotypes for stress environments directly or to use for the development of new genotypes for the changing climatic conditions.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Central Bank Independence and Economic Growth of Ghana: What Inflation and GDP Per Capita Growth Rates Matter?

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The study analyzed data from the World Bank's World Development Indicators, Worldwide Governance Indicators, and Heritage Foundation's Monetary freedom index from 1996 to 2017 using the threshold regression method to determine if GDP per capita growth and inflation rates require total independence from the central bank of Ghana. From the analysis, it was observed that the impact of independence from the central bank is positively related to economic growth when the inflation threshold is less than 26.1% at a significance level of 5% with an elasticity coefficient of 0.07. On the other hand, when the inflation threshold is greater than or equal to 26.1% with an elasticity coefficient of 0.142 at a significance level of 1%, central bank independence (CBI) is positively related to economic growth. Nonetheless, the GDP per capita (PPP) growth rate witnessed a decline from 5.8% in 2017 to 4.1% in 2018 and 4.0 in 2019. The regression threshold was set at 5.8% or above to significantly impact economic growth when central bank independence is relatively improved. Furthermore, there is an inverse relationship between inflation variability, economic growth variability, and central bank independence. The responsibility of politicians is to persistently safeguard, protect and ensure the implementation of central bank independence over time.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature but presents fresh evidence regarding the threshold analysis of inflation and GDP per capita in the central bank independence and economic growth nexus in Ghana. Moreover, the study on the backdrop of the political agency theory of central bank independence presents empirical analysis.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

The Impact of Trade on Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Do Sources Matter?

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Global trade development has provided noteworthy global poverty gains since the 1990s. Accordingly, Africa has gradually engaged itself in trade and trade policy reforms through multilateral and regional trade agreements among other initiatives. Nonetheless, poverty levels in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region remain relatively high. Recognizing that existing evidence on trade-poverty nexus is based on aggregate trade, we provide a new perspective on SSA by disaggregating trade by sources for the period 2003-2017. We employed the Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) estimation of a panel data model derived from the Modified Basic Household Model and Neo-Conservative Poverty Theory for analysis. The results document poverty gains from trade liberalization, with the extent varying according to sources. Specifically, trade from MENA and within SSA was found to offer more gains. Furthermore, findings suggest that poverty gains from trade are strengthened with better institutional quality. It follows that to accelerate poverty gains from trade liberalization, SSA should promote intra-Africa trade as well as trade with MENA countries. To accelerate the gains, Africa has to invest in better institutions, in particular, to improve governance and corruption eradication.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature on trade-poverty nexus in two ways. Firstly, instead of basing conclusions on aggregate trade, we focus on trade by sources. We disaggregate SSA’s trade by regional sources. Secondly, we introduce control of corruption interaction term to control for institutional quality in the analysis.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 3

Bacteriological Quality and Cyanide Contents of Different Cassava Products Processed in Benue State for Use as Food for Man or Feedstock for Animals

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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The bacteriological profiles of the different cassava products were investigated. Ground cassava samples, serially diluted with sterile normal saline were cultured in different sterile bacteriological media. Hydrogen cyanide content was determined by spectrometric method. Colonies isolated from the different locations were statistically the same for total viable bacterial counts (TVBC). Cassava peels had the highest values of TVBC (4.456 log10CFU/g) TCC (3.025 log10CFU/g) EC (1.663) and SA counts. Gari had the lowest values of TVBC (3.193) TCC (2.580) EC (not isolated) and SA counts. The traditionally processed cassava products showed no statistically significant differences (p<0.05) with the mechanically processed products except in fufu. The total viable bacterial count was highest in cassava products dried along the roadside (6.980 log10CFU/g) and lowest oven-dried cassava products (2.763 log10CFU/g). No Salmonella and Shigella spp. were isolated in most of the assayed cassava products. The identified storage places of the cassava products did not significantly impact any difference on the bacterial load. There was a progressive decrease in the cyanide contents from cassava peels to cassava chips to fufu and least in gari. The highest hydrogen cyanide concentration of 14.50 mg/kg was recorded in cassava peels and was higher than 10 mg of HCN/kg body weight recommended by WHO. Gari had the least content of 2.25 mg/kg. The study provides information on potential infections and toxicities due to the microorganisms and cyanide level.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated bacteriological quality of different cassava products processed in Benue State for use as food for man or feedstock for animals.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Effect of Time of Feeding on Body Temperature of Wad Bucks and Pregnant Does in Tropical Environment

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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This study aims to assess the impact of time of feeding on the body temperature of West African dwarf (WAD) goats. Twenty-seven goats (15 buck and 12 pregnant does) were used in this experiment. The bucks and gravid does were fed same experimental diet once daily at either, 06:00h, 12:00h or 18:00h in the morning, afternoon or evening, respectively. Rectal temperature (P<0.001) of bucks fed at 18:00h was higher than 12:00h fed bucks which was higher than 06:00h fed bucks. In contrast, pregnant does fed in the evening had lowest (P=0.009) axillary and rectal temperature while afternoon-fed does had the highest. Time of feeding induced increase (P<0.001) in axillary and rectal temperature of the bucks and pregnant does. The excursion ranges of temperature of morning, afternoon and evening-fed bucks was 0.42-0.79, 1.11-1.25, 1.15-1.19oC, respectively, while the excursion range of temperature of morning, afternoon and evening fed bucks was 0.17-0.19, 0.55-0.72, 0.45-0.47oC respectively. This study shows that time of feeding can entrain body temperature and animal physiological state can affect the temperature rhythm of animals. In conclusion, feeding bucks or pregnant does in the morning or evening may be an effective strategy to manage heat stress in the tropics. Feeding livestock in the afternoon should be avoided. Feeding in the evening may be adopted in the future due to the changing climate that will be accomplished by increased ambient temperature.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies that has investigated the impact of time of feeding on the body temperature of livestock specie fed once daily. Feeding in the evening is a good management strategy to reduce body temperature in bucks and pregnant does.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1