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Listing 83 - 20 of 2809 results.

Variations of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability Conditions Over Climate Belts in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Climate Research

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This study examined the variation of atmospheric stability conditions in Nigeria’s climate belts using the Pasquill-Gifford (PG) technique. Surface meteorological data (2010-2015) from Era-Interim platform were used. Results show that across climate belts in Nigeria unstable conditions increased from the coast of Port Harcourt (tropical wet climate) to Kano (tropical continental climate) in the northern part of Nigeria. There is a revered trend for the neutral conditions. It is also observed that stable atmospheric stability conditions are slightly higher in the tropical continental climate and the semi-arid zone than the coastal zone. However the climate of Nigeria is dominated by the unstable atmospheric conditions. Very stable atmospheric conditions (stability class F) prevailed during the hours of the dawn for most of the seasons in the coastal areas while less stable atmospheric conditions (stability class E) prevailed in the semi-arid region of Nigeria. During the day, the boundary layer atmosphere is slightly unstable in the coastal areas and moderately unstable in the semi-arid belt. However, it indicates otherwise during transition periods. The implication of these atmospheric conditions across the various locations especially for the coastal city of Port Harcourt is that uncontrolled emissions will be constrained at ground level during the night due to subsidence inversion triggered by the very stable condition of the boundary layer. This will create health problems for boundary-layer dwellers exposed to severe air pollution episodes. Policy makers should ensure that emission reduction techniques are engaged by potential emitters sited near sensitive receptors in cities such as Port Harcourt.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature the pattern of stability conditions over the climate belts of Nigeria. This identifies the most prevalent stability category that could either enhance or suppress boundary layer emissions.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Climate Research » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Creation of Algoritms for Recommendation System Based on Users Data on Internet Advertisement Marketing

Research Article
Journal: Review of Information Engineering and Applications

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Nowadays, products are offered to buyers in different varieties and qualities on the Internet environment. Recommedation systems are needed to make the right choices and make effective decisions. The article offers a new method and algorithm based on data obtaned through different ways and by creating hybrid recommendation systems. Estimation method is given based on information about objects and users for proper development of the algorithm. The proposed method can identify the proximity between the users group and the objects the users are interested in.
Contribution/ Originality

Computer Sciences » Review of Information Engineering and Applications » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

The Potential Effect of Zinc Deficiency on Reproductive Profile of Male Rat and its Possible Consequences

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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Zinc (Zn) has antibacterial and antifungal properties, so, it is being widely used in food and pharmaceutical industries. Transition metal especially Zn deficiency has deleterious effects all over the world due to wide consumption of Zn deficient food byproduct. Several studies have reported that transition elements especially Zinc deficiency affects the endocrine and reproductive system. This overview comprises the information about negative effects of Zn deficiency on reproductive system of male rat and their possible outcomes. Scientific studies indicated that Zn deficiency severely affects the reproductive physiology of male rats. Zn deficiency suppresses the function of male rat testes inclosing spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis by reducing the production of androgen hormone. In addition, Zn deficient rats also indicated testicular atrophy, primary and secondary spermatogonial stem cells disruption, lower number of sperm cells count, sperm quality, motility, viability, enhance in oxidative stress, inhibition of Testosterone (T) level which, in turn may cause infertility. The different consequences in animal models by zinc application are dose and duration dependent. Several studies propose that both higher and lower Zn concentration can effects the rat reproductive function. Therefore, the available outcomes revealed that Zn deficiency might have significant influence on luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone affecting the sperm physiology and histology in certain tissues.
Contribution/ Originality
This recent study has contributed significant scientific information on a particular subject area “Zinc deficiency”. A lot of reports have discussed the Zinc and its effects on human but there is lack of sufficient data related to Zn deficiency on reproductive profile of male rats. Therefore, this study is one of very few studies which have documented that Zinc is necessary in male reproductive system of human and animals. On the other side, it is recommended that optimum amount of Zinc supplementation should be used to avoid the deleterious effects on male reproductive physiology.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

An Evaluation of Effectiveness of Oversight Committees: A Case of City of Johannesburg, Section 79 Committees

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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This research investigated the effectiveness of oversight committees in the City of Johannesburg, focussing on Section 79 committees which are constituted under Section 79 of the Municipal Structures Act, 1998, and which are tasked with performing oversight on departments. The problem with the separation of powers is that the performance and effectiveness of the oversight model in the City of Johannesburg Legislature (committees) has not been assessed and its performance level is still unknown. The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the oversight model in holding the executive accountable. Interviews with thirteen respondents aided the researcher to gather valuable information, understanding, and insight, into the oversight model and its reporting function at the City of Johannesburg. The research findings show shortcomings in the oversight model, which include late reports, Executive absence from committee meetings, lack of tracking and implementation of committee resolutions, lack of political will and integrated reporting framework. The study recommends that the City of Johannesburg develop an integrated reporting framework in order to assess the efficacy of the oversight model by engaging the services of retired professionals. Also, the City should develop a booklet with all relevant legislation and policies for oversight purposes.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents and highlights the shortcomings in the present oversight model which, since inception, have not been assessed. The programmes and objectives of the oversight committees have therefore not been effectively monitored and evaluated. These factors have hampered the effectiveness of the section 79 committees within the City of Johannesburg.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

An Investigation into the Causes of Failures in Railway Infrastructure at Transnet Freight Rail - A Case of the Steel and Cement Business Unit

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes of railway infrastructure failures in the case of Transnet Freight Rail’s Steel and Cement business unit and suggest methods to increase the reliability of the business unit’s railway infrastructure and recommend policies to increase the reliability of the railway infrastructure., A reliable railway infrastructure will grow the market share of the business unit, reduce operating costs, grow the economy of South Africa, create employment, and increase the revenue of the business unit. A quantitative approach was used to conduct the research and questionnaires were distributed to a population of 1048 employees that work for the business unit with the participants chosen based on their railway infrastructure experience and railway exposure. The study revealed that extreme weather conditions, ageing railway infrastructure, vegetation, lack of maintenance, other Transnet departments, poor railway infrastructure maintenance, theft and vandalism, are the major causes of railway infrastructure failures in the business unit. The research made a number of recommendations including that the business unit develop a lifecycle management program for its ageing infrastructure and introduce skills transfer programs in place. Railway maintenance was suggested as being a key performance measure.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution determined that management needs to improve on asset protection and security measures and controls, as neglected these can lead to substantial financial forfeiture and loss of life. The study identified the inadequacy of current security measures and makes a number of suggestions to alleviate loss.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Pulsing Preservatives to Prolong Vase Life of Cut Rose Flowers in Bahir Dar, Northwestern Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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The longevity of cut flowers including cut roses can be however prolonged using different pulsing preservatives where researches in this regard are lacking in the country. Keeping these bottlenecks of the sector in mind, this study was therefore initiated with objective to evaluate the effectiveness of different pulsing preservatives in prolonging vase life of cut rose varieties. The experiment was conducted at Tana Flora PLC in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. As pulsing preservatives Al2(SO4)3)(250 mg-1), Ca(ClO)2 (66.7 mg-1), STS [Ag (S2O3)2] (0.5 ml-1), Sugar (20 g-1) and distilled water were used. The three rose varieties namely: Upper class, Athena and Moon walk were used. Healthy flower buds having uniform length and harvested early in the morning were put immediately in containers filled with the respective concentration of pulsing preservatives. Flasks with six rose flowers each were placed in pre-cooling room (8-10 OC) for about 2 hours. Finally, treated cuttings were transferred into experimental room with temperature of 22-250C and 75% relative humidity and arranged in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. At this time, pulsing preservatives were replaced by distilled water. The analysis of variance revealed that most of parameters were highly significantly influenced by the main as well as interaction effects of pulsing preservative and varieties (P<0.0). Maximum water uptake (7.73 g/flower/day), transpiration loss (7.08 g/flower/day), flower fresh weight (21.77 g/flowers), flower head diameter (7.6 cm), and maximum flower vase life (23 days) were recorded in Athena variety pulsed with STS.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated to improve the shelf life and quality of rose flowers particularly in our country. Therefore, the present finding will contribute to flower growers through identifying appropriate pulsing preservatives for rose cut flower.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2018 Issue: 4

Teachers of Secondary Education and Professional Stress with Students Performance: A Geographical Case Study

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This paper presents a small-scale empirical qualitative research on school performance, which is a professional stressor for teachers of Western Attica’s (Greece), serving in schools of senior Secondary Education, as well as on effective ways of limiting this phenomenon. The sampling, the sample, the tool, and the credibility criteria of this particular survey are determined. The outcomes and the relevant conclusions, resulting from the processing and analysis of primary data, are presented along with a proposal for further research. According to these conclusions, the teachers’ stress is increased in the 3rd and last grade of senior secondary education, because of the national admission examinations to tertiary education that their pupils participate in. The stress-levels are exacerbated by parents and their expectations of their children’s success. For reducing professional stress, different strategies are applied by individual teachers, headmasters and Teachers’ Associations.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature about teachers’ professional stress, by presenting the strategies for reducing the stress of teachers in senior secondary education of Greece, applied by headmasters and Teachers’ Associations, along with a few general policy proposals for dealing with this issue.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2018 Issue: 3

Macroeconomic Indicators and Capital Formation Growth in Nigeria: A New Evidence

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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This paper estimates the impact of macroeconomic indicators on the growth of capital formation in Nigeria. Adopting the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL), the empirical findings showed that Foreign aid which is proxied by Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) and Domestic Private Investment (DPI) had positive impact on capital formation growth in Nigeria, while exchange rate, trade openness, and external debt had negative impact for the period under review. The study therefore recommends that aid, especially from the West should not be highly depended upon as a major source of revenue for the development of the economy. Other macroeconomic determinants of capital growth that government should encourage include; savings, investment and the quality of institutions.
Contribution/ Originality
This study tests the impact of macroeconomic indicators on the growth of capital formation in Nigeria within the framework of the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL).
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Foreign Capital Inflows and Unemployment in Nigeria: A New Evidence from ARDL-Bounds Testing Approach

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Using a novel approach, this study disaggregates and estimates the impact of foreign capital inflows on unemployment in Nigeria by adopting the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag- Unrestricted Error Correction Methodology (ARDL-UECM). The ARDL-bounds test co-integration results show evidence of co-integration between disaggregated Foreign Capital Inflow variables (such as Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Portfolio Investment and Remittances) and unemployment rate in Nigeria within the period from 1977Q1 – 2013Q4. The empirical results also show that foreign direct investment, foreign private investment and trade openness have negative impact on unemployment rate. On the other hand and interestingly, remittances and real exchange rate show a positive impact. The study therefore recommends the routing of remittances through the banking channels which would help in allocating remittances and other financial flows to productive uses. Again, government should enact investor-friendly policies and build conducive business environment in order to attract more Foreign Capital Inflows which will support job creation for the teeming population and thereby reduce biting unemployment.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by adopting the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag- Unrestricted Error Correction Methodology (ARDL-UECM) in estimating the impact of disaggregated foreign capital inflows on unemployment in Nigeria.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 6

Analyzing the Relationship between International Accreditation and the Quality of High-End Business Talents in China

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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In recent years, with the deepening of internationalization of higher education and the increasing intensification of international academic exchanges and cooperation, a large number of business schools in China participated in the process of international accreditation and evaluation in order to improve their quality of training and competitive power. Obtaining internationally acknowledged accreditations such as AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA raises their status among internationally outstanding business schools and a testimony of the quality of their business school. The existing research literature mainly focuses on the evaluation and policy review of international accreditation. Little or no research has been conducted empirically on the effectiveness of international accreditation. This study focuses on students as main stakeholders of education and their acceptance of the credibility of such international accreditations and their perception of education quality attached. This study is the result of an empirical research conducted through a survey questionnaire. A major finding of this research is evident in students’ offering a high degree of recognition to international accreditation Moreover, the “4+2” education mode led by international accreditation has a good impact on the improvement of the quality of training in business schools. The findings of the study would provide decision makers of business school effective data support and relevant policy advice.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies that have investigated empirically the subject of International Accreditation and The Quality of High-End Business Schools. It focuses on students’ perception and their acceptance of international accreditation as a benchmark of education quality.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 04-2018 Issue: 4

A Survey on Efficient Power Management Using Smart Socket and IoT

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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Energy Saving is visualized to be one of the key components driving vitality uses in electronic gadgets. In spite of the fact that there are various methods and standards used to moderate vitality, there is no prescribed answer for any of the issues overseeing wastage of electrical vitality. These wastages might be because of obliviousness, indiscretion and a few different variables. Instead of utilizing a sensor organizes, keen attachment is utilized as a part of the request to decrease the vitality devoured while watching those associated gadgets. These attachments are equipped for estimating the present going through them and transmit with each other by means of the Zigbee organize inside the home portal and exchange the information bundles in like manner. These vitality utilization subtle elements are the associated with the server through a web association. Here, the attachments are arranged such that it covers the whole ecological space and are assigned with urgencies in light of client's way of life, time of the task, day of activity and the aggregate vitality that is accessible. Consequently, there is better checking of energy devoured without squandering critical vitality in observing.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature on efficient power management using smart socket and IoT. It refers to the use of intelligently connected device and systems to gather large amount of data. It is envisioned as an era in which objects can automatically and intelligently serve people in a collaborative manner.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Social Protection and Agricultural Production in ECOWAS: The Youth Unemployment Question

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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In an economy youths play a very pivotal role as they constitute the greatest share of human resource which is essential in the economic development of a country. However, this potential in built in youth if not efficiently harnessed through gainful employment, portends a danger to the society. Youth unemployment can be likened to time dynamite if effective policies are not put in place to create employment for the youth especially in ECOWAS where graduate unemployment has been on the increase. On the other hand, the agricultural sector remains the most veritable tool for generating youth employment, poverty reduction and the attainment of food security. At any rate, the capacity of the agricultural sector to generate employment depends greatly on how the sector is been protected, which creates incentive to operate as business just as recently enshrined in agricultural transformation agenda; however, agricultural output can be enhanced by social protection programmes. Thus, this study examines the extent of social protection policies that are related to agricultural sector and how it influences the level of youth employment in ECOWAS using panel cointegration econometric analysis finds that in the long run, agriculture has the potential for ameliorating youth unemployment in ECOWAS.
Contribution/ Originality

Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

A Review of Organic Food Consumption from a Sustainability Perspective and Future Research Directions

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This paper reviews organic food consumption from a sustainability perspective with a view to suggesting future research directions. It gives an overview of historical evolution of organic food consumption as a sustainability movement and provides a critical review of a large body of previous research, which examines organic food consumption from various perspectives. The paper highlights some research gaps and suggests essential future research directions in the field of study: (1) a discourse analysis of the notion of organic food; (2) a systematic industry review of the multiple organic food certification systems; (3) a comparative study to examine consumers’ confusion between scientifically proven health benefits of organic food and perceived value of organic food; (4) an examination of socio cultural aspects of organic food consumption; (5) an assessment of how the benefits of developing organic food markets transfer to developing countries and; (6) a development of a detailed profile of global consumers in the organic food market.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on organic food consumption by providing six future research directions. It provides a critical review of literature on organic food consumption from a sustainability perspective. The study highlights key issues and inconsistencies in the existing research findings pertaining to the research phenomenon.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 04-2018 Issue: 4

Comparison of Recover Heart Rate Status among 4th Year Male Sport Science Summer Program Students, Wollega University, Ethiopia

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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This study aimed to experiment, measure and evaluate the level of recovery heart rate among male sport science students of the summer program and to compare their mean with the standard status of the recover heart rate rating scale. From a total population of 80, the sample consisted of 40 male sports science students. The samples were selected by using a random sampling technique. The subjects were divided into two equal sections on a random basis (section A, and section B) consisting of 20 subjects in each group. Harvard step test was used to measure the recovery heart rate of the students' wich is an index of cardiovascular fitness. To compare the mean differences among the students independent t test was applied with the help of SPSS (version, 20) Software. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The findings of the current study show that the mean value of recovery heart rate for section A was calculated 104.2 with S.D. 3.4 and section B was recorded 106.8 with S.D. 2.24 respectively. The t-value on recovery heart rate is 2.924 which are greater than the required table value (2.021) with 38 df. So there is a statically significant difference in the recovery heart rate variable between section A and section B sport science students. There were statistically significant mean differences in recovery heart rate among the section A and section B male students, also the recovery heart rate level of the subjects was below the standard level of recovery heart rate rating scale.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature as the first investigation to comparatively examine the level of recovery heart rate among the students and to compare their mean with standard status of recover heart rate rating scale set by YMCA. The paper´s contribution is increasing the participation of subjects in regular physical exercise which is important for preventing themselves from different chronic disease.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Association between Physical Activity, General Health and Burden of Dementia Caregivers

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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Most caregivers do not engage in physical activity programs despite evidence that physical exercise improves general health and relieves symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. The aim of the study is a) to investigate the amount of physical activity of caregivers in everyday life, b) to examine the reasons of limited participation in physical activities and c) to find out if limited participation in physical activity affects their general health. Fifty three (n=53) caregivers (59.04±12.76 yrs) were recruited by a Dementia Day Care Center. A caregiver questionnaire was designed to obtain information on basic demographics, living habits and current care details (hours of care, etc). The Greek version of PASE questionnaire was used to measure the amount of physical activity undertaken by caregivers. Caregiver burden was assessed via the Greek version of the validated Zarit burden interview and general health was investigated via the Greek version of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). All data were analyzed by using SPSS, version 22. The majority of caregivers are daughters or wives. The current sample had a PASE mean score of 168.0±87.46. Differences in PASE score were found between occupational status (F=6.210, p=0.001) and living arrangements (F=3.882, p=0.05). No differences were found in PASE score between different levels of burden (F=1.058, p=0.376). PASE score was not related to GHQ28 scores. High correlations were found between ZBI and GHQ28 total (r=0.71, p=0.001) and ZBI and GHQ28 four subscales (somatic: r=0.62, p=0.001, anxiety-insomnia: r=0.66, p=0.001, social dysfunction: r=0.54, p=0.002, severe depression: r=0.44, p=0.003). ZBI was also correlated with years of care (r=0.38, p=0.004) and hours of care/day (r=0.40, p=0.003). The most frequent barriers to physical activity cited by caregivers were their living arrangements and their occupational status. In addition, burden was not cited as a significant barrier.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the amount of physical exercise of dementia caregivers and connects it with other important aspects of caregiving, as general health and their burden. Additionally, this paper explores the possible reasons that caregivers do not engage in physical exercise.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 03-2018 Issue: 1

Financial Market Predictions with Factorization Machines: Trading the Opening Hour Based on Overnight Social Media Data

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This paper develops a statistical arbitrage strategy based on overnight social media data and applies it to high-frequency data of the S&P 500 constituents from January 2014 to December 2015. The established trading framework predicts future financial markets using Factorization Machines, which represent a state-of-the-art algorithm coping with high-dimensional data in very sparse settings. Essentially, we implement and analyze the effectiveness of support vector machines (SVM), second-order Factorization Machines (SFM), third-order Factorization Machines (TFM), and adaptive-order Factorization Machines (AFM). In the back-testing study, we prove the efficiency of Factorization Machines in general and show that increasing complexity of Factorization Machines provokes higher profitability – annualized returns after transaction costs vary between 5.96 percent for SVM and 13.52 percent for AFM, compared to 5.63 percent for a naive buy-and-hold strategy of the S&P 500 index. The corresponding Sharpe ratios range between 1.00 for SVM and 2.15 for AFM. Varying profitability during the opening minutes can be explained by the effects of market efficiency and trading turmoils. Additionally, the AFM approach achieves the highest accuracy rate and generates statistically and economically remarkable returns after transaction costs without loading on any systematic risk exposure.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature by predicting financial markets based on overnight social media data. For this purpose, we observe tweets about the S&P 500 companies during the time span in which stock markets are closed and forecast the future price changes based on the collected information.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Study of Factors Linked to the Variation in Rentability in the Farming of Broiler Chickens in Northeast Algeria

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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Obtaining good zootechnical performance in broiler chicken farming requires continuous and regular zootechnical and sanitary monitoring throughout the breeding period to increase its rentability. Our work carried out at the level of private broiler chicken farming in Eastern Algeria with the objective of comparing zootechnical performance during the breeding period with that obtained under the optimal conditions of strain ISA 15. Whose controlled and compared parameters show: a very high mortality rate- a very low weight evolution- a higher consumption index.
Contribution/ Originality

Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

Report of an Outbreak of Peste Des Petits Ruminants in Iran, Clinical, Epidemiological and Pathological Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research

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Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute to sub-acute highly contagious and frequently fatal viral disease of goats and sheep and wild small ruminants caused by a virus in the genus morbilivirus, family paramyxoviridae. The flock of sheep including 800 fattening sheep were affected and the presence of PPR virus was assayed with RT-PCR test. The only significant change in the CBC was leucopenia. There were typical lesions on dental pad, hard palate, gingiva and tongue. The Morbidity and case fatality rates were estimated 50 and 60 percent, respectively. All deaths were happen in lambs and young sheep. Results of the histopathologcal findings indicated that the lesions were mainly located on the respiratory system, upper digestive system, kidney and lymphoid organs. Infiltration of mononuclear and inflammatory cells in lamina propria were seen in mouth, soft palate, intestines, lung, and tonsil. Secondary infection as result of immunosuppression activity of the PPR virus was happened and resulted in high mortality and case fatality. The present paper reports an outbreak of PPR in a sheep flock in Karaj, Alborz province in Iran, including pathological, and clinical observation and also serological detection.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents that PPR virus is severely immunosupressor and secondary infection is inevitable in outbreak. In clinical examination most suggestive symptom is the buccal cavity lesions and in necropsy, lung is the organ with most severe lesions. All the outbreaks with high morbidity and mortality, occur in unvaccinated flocks.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Veterinary Sciences Research » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 1

Electronic Banking Innovations and Selected Banks Performance in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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In the past few years, Nigerian banks have embraced the global trend of digitalization in banking operations. Thus, after the consolidation and recapitalization exercises, many banks have strengthened and streamlined their facilities, tailored their services as well as automated their operations. In the heat of competition, banks are now adding to the stock of e-banking in order to maintain a competitive edge over their competitors. However, despite the rapid development in electronic banking innovations, it is not clear whether e-banking innovations have impacted positively and significantly on banks’ performance in Nigeria. The main objective of this paper therefore is to estimate the impact of e-banking innovations (ATM transactions, mobile banking transactions, and point of sales transactions) on the performance of six selected banks in Nigeria. The study adopts a SURE model in the quantitative analysis of six selected old and new generation banks. The results indicate that automated teller machine transactions, point of sale transactions, mobile banking transactions are major e-banking innovations that contribute to old and new banks’ performance in Nigeria. The study therefore concludes that the selected banks and other banks should intensify efforts to increase their asset base and continue to invest in e-banking innovations in order keep preforming well and also remain profitable. The study also calls for efficient management and utilization of funds to train and educate bank workers and general public regularly on how to deploy and use e-banking channels and other related technological innovations respectively.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is among the first in Nigeria to estimate the impact of e-banking innovations (ATM transactions, mobile banking transactions, and point of sales transactions) on the performance of six selected banks in Nigeria since after the consolidation and recapitalization exercise. Unlike other similar studies, the study adopts a SURE model in the quantitative analysis of six selected old and new generation banks.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2

The Effect of Internal and External Factors of Companies on Profitability and its Implications on Stock Price Index of State-Owned Banks

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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This study aims to determine the effect of internal factors of the company (CAR, NPL, NIM, BOPO and CASA) and external factors of the company (inflation, economic growth and BI reference interest rates), both partially and jointly on the performance of State-Owned Banks measured with a Return on Assets ratio (ROA) and its implications on the Stock Price Index. The object of research is State-Owned Banks in the period of 2012 - 2017. The sampling technique is saturated sampling, that is, all members of the population are used as samples. The analysis technique used is Panel Data Regression. The results of this study indicate that CAR, NPL, NIM, BOPO, CASA, Inflation, Economic Growth and BI reference interest rate together have a significant effect on ROA. NIM, CASA and BI Reference Interest Rate partially had a positive and significant effect on ROA. BOPO, Inflation and Economic Growth partially have negative and significant effect on ROA. While CAR has a negative effect and NPL has a positive effect, but not significant on ROA. ROA has a negative and significant effect on Stock Price Index of State-Owned Banks.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature, useful for science in banking about the relationship between the company's internal and external factors on bank profitability and its implications for the Stock Price Index. In addition, adding literature in the financial sector is used as a guideline for subsequent research that will examine banking.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 06-2018 Issue: 2