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Listing 137 - 20 of 2809 results.

Proposal for an Analytical Model for Sports Migration

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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The purpose of this study was to present a proposal for an analytical model for sports migration studies is presented. The model was developed by sports Researchers located in Brazil and seeks to broaden the perspective of the migratory phenomenon in the social field of sports. The model is based on the understanding that the migration process in the sports sector is influenced and shaped by a set of four dimensions, namely, political, cultural, economic, and personal. It is believed that the proposal is legitimized by the needs identified from the literature, adding different perspectives to analyse the phenomenon, thus reducing any dichotomies and limitations of view. In addition to being a point of view that starts from the perspective of the global south.
Contribution/ Originality
The contributions provided by this manuscript refer to new ways of looking at and analysing the phenomenon of sports migration. The originality of the model presented is found in its search for a broader understanding of the phenomenon of migration, based on different dimensions of analysis.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Green Supply Chain Management and Firm Performance: Evidence from Ghana’s Food Production and Processing Industry

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business Strategy and Social Sciences

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Based on the Natural Resource Based View (NRBV), this study examines the relationship between Green Supply Chain Management practices and Firm performance in response to calls for empirical evidence from developing country contexts, and the need to consider the Triple Bottom Line approach to sustainability performance measurement. The study is conducted among Food production and processing firms in Ghana. A structured questionnaire was administered to a Senior Manager in each of the respective organizations. Based on data collected from 94 firms, this study uses OLS regression to examine the relationship between GSCM implantation and operational, environmental, social, and economic firm performance. The results indicate a positive relationship between GSCM implementation and all four firm performance dimensions. This suggests that it is in the best interest of managers to deploy resources towards the implementation of green initiatives, as there are potential gains to be made in the long run.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the scholarly discussion on whether it pays to be green. We provide empirical evidence from a developing economy in Sub Saharan Africa. The study is one of the few to include all dimensions of sustainability performance (environmental, social and economic) in a single model.
Social Sciences » International Journal of Business Strategy and Social Sciences » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Women in Parliament and Public Health Expenditure: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African Countries

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The linkages between women in politics and economic development have received significant attention from policymakers and researchers. There is a consensus in political economy literature that women are more sociable than men and that the higher number of females in parliament is associated with lower levels of corruption, better quality of environment and a higher level of economic growth. This paper investigates the effect of female representation on public health expenditure on a panel of 40 sub-Saharan African countries from 1995 to 2014. The empirical evidence is based on the ordinary least squares (OLS) method and the instrumental variables (IV-2SLS). The results show that a higher number of women in parliament increases the share of public spending devoted to health. Based on these results, several policy implications can be drawn.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing studies by providing one of the first empirical study on the effect of political representation of women on public health expenditure in Sub Saharan Africa.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Evaluating the Effects of Temporal Distance on Tourists Decision-Making Processes

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Kenya’s tourism continues to rely heavily on wildlife. Of the approximately 922,000 annual international arrivals during the peak season between June and October, nearly 738,000 head for the Maasai Mara National Game Reserve to witness the seventh wonder of the world, the annual wildebeest migration. Several studies have been conducted based on construal level theory to establish the effect of temporal distance using various factors that determine travel decisions. However, to date, no study has been carried out to establish the effect of temporal distance on destination choice decision-making. As tourism consumption involves making a purchase decision now for a future point in time, this study evaluated the effects of temporal distance on the destination choice decision-making based on the construal level theory framework. The study adopted the survey approach based on a confirmatory research design. Using a sample of 144 drawn from a population of 230 tourists, data was collected and analyzed using correlation, ANOVA, and regression methods. The findings revealed that temporal distance has a positive and significant effect on decision-making regarding destination choice based on levels of construal measured through R=0.324; R2=0.105; ? = 0.295; t= 3.024 > +2; F=9.145; and p=0.003<0.05. The study revealed that temporal distance has a significant effect on the decision process of choosing a destination. In conclusion, therefore, marketing communications targeted at tourists should be intensified well in advance of the season envisioned for traveling to increase the desirability of the destination and thus, influence more tourists to choose the destination. The study also contributes valuably to the literature on tourists’ destination choosing decisions based on temporal distance in the construal level theory framework.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature on tourists’ choice of a destination by taking into consideration the effect of temporal distance by adopting the Construal Level Theory (CLT), which has not yet been adopted in service industries such as tourism. And more so in a developing country like Kenya.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Econometric Analysis of Dutch Disease Implication of China-Africa Trade

Research Article
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research

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This study revisits the analysis of the Dutch disease implication of China-Africa trade for Africa’s non-mineral resources sectors; specifically, manufacturing and agricultural sectors, while focusing on the trade relationship between China and 27 African countries for the period of 19years, 2001 to 2019. This prompted an econometric analysis with the use of two-step dynamic (difference and system) panel Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) models, which was also complemented with dynamic least squares panel econometric regression. The preliminary analysis revealed that Ethiopia is the largest African trading partner with China, with an average of about 21percent China-Ethiopia trade ratio, while Botswana has the least trade relation with China, with 1.5percent Botswana-China trade ratio. The result of our econometric analyses suggests that higher China-Africa trade has the potential to reduce Africa’s manufacturing value-added. In other words, China-Africa trade is not causing Dutch disease in Africa but has the potential to cause Dutch disease in the future. Furthermore, the result suggests that higher China-Africa trade has the potential to increase Africa’s agricultural sector productivity. This implies that China-Africa trade has no tendency of causing Dutch disease in the agricultural sector. Our results are robust to different data structures for the dynamic GMM model.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the Dutch disease implication of China-Africa trade for African countries. It focused on sectoral growth rather than the aggregate growth of the economy and also employed two-step dynamic (difference and system) panel Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) models.
Economics » Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Effect of Beneficial Soil Microbes on Growth and Yield of Celery in Volcanic Soil of West Java

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Soil beneficial microbes have a critical role in plant growth. Inoculating biofertilizer is suppose essential for supporting the plant performance and hence plant yield. The objective of field experiment was to verify the growth and production of celery (Apium graveolens L.) after biofertilizers application. The experiment had been performed in a plastic house in the mountainous area of tropical volcanic soil of West Java, Indonesia. The field trial was carried out in a Completely Randomized Block Design to test two microbial-coated urea formulas and a mixed biofertilizer. The control treatment was Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium (NPK) compound fertilizer. All treatments were replicated three times. The celery was growing in low Nitrogen but high Phosphor and Potassium soil during the dry season. The field trial verified that plant height and biomass as well as yield of celery didn’t depend on fertilizer treatments. Nonetheless, this trial founded that both microbial-coated urea and mixed biofertilizer can replace the NPK fertilizer to produce a same yield of celery.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literatures of biofertilizer application of celery productivity in the tropical mountainous area. The field experiment performed in shading field showed the increase of celery productivity in tropical area under either fertilizer or biofertilizer application.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Analysis of Smallholder Farmers Repayment of Bank of Agriculture Loan in Ezza South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria (2009-2018)

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Smallholder farmer’s repayment of Bank of Agriculture (BOA) loan in Ezza South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State was studied using 120 smallholder farmer beneficiaries selected using multistage sampling technique. Data were collected from primary source only using structured questionnaire and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed default of 32.3% as out of N333, 997,620.50 were disbursed to the farmers a total of N226, 080,887.00 were repaid. However, the socioeconomic characteristics of the loan beneficiaries contributed about 75 % (R2 = 0.754) significant influence on repayment of Bank of Agriculture loan. Meanwhile, high interest rate, excessive bureaucracy, high rate of illiteracy, late approval of loan, lack of collateral, short payback period, and low farm output were identified as the major constraints to the repayment of BOA loan. It is recommended that as a measure to promote efficient and timely repayment of BOA loans by the farmers, management of BOA should address the institutional factors such as high interest rate, excessive bureaucracy and late approval of loan, high-value collateral and short payback period that were identified as the major constraints to BOA loan repayment.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature on the repayment of Bank of Agriculture loan. It establishes that there is low repayment of BOA loan by the smallholder farmers in Ezza South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 4

Evaluating the Impact of Audio-Visual Media on Learning Outcomes of Drawing Orthographic Projections

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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This study aimed to evaluate learning outcomes of drawing orthographic projections between two groups of students: one group that learnt orthographic projections via audio-visual media and the other group through written material. An experimental design was used to determine the percentage increase in learning outcomes of both methods with factorial values. The samples were students from State Vocational High School (S-VHS) and Private Vocational High School (P-VHS) of Semarang city, Indonesia. The control group and the experimental group had 30 students each. Data analysis was carried out using two-way ANOVA with interaction and descriptive statistics. The results showed that there were significant differences in learning outcomes in orthographic projections. The findings of the study showed the highest increase in learning outcomes was in S-VHS at 61.06% (high category), followed by P-VHS with 52.04% (high category). The P-VHS students who received written teaching materials scored 43.34% (sufficient category), while S-VHS scored 37.86% (enough category). Based on these results, it was concluded that audio-visual media can be used to improve students' competency drawing orthographic projections.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper draws the attention of authors and teachers who teach mechanical drawings to help improve learning outcomes. The paper's primary contribution is establishing the use of audio-visual media as a suitable tool to improve the basic competencies of drawing orthographic projection.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Effects of Green Human Resource Management on Employee Green Behavior: Moderating Role of Employee Environmental Knowledge

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The study was conducted with an objective of measuring the effects of green human resource management (green HRM) practices on employee on-the-job and off-the-job green behavior within the context of garments industry in Bangladesh. Moreover, the study tested the moderating effects of employee environmental knowledge on the relationship between green HRM practices and employee on-the-job and off–the-job green behavior. A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted in order to collect data from the participants. Two hundred and seventy employees working at the managerial level of garments factories in Bangladesh participated in the survey. Moderated regression analysis was employed to test the proposed research model. The study findings revealed that green HRM practices positively and significantly influenced employee on-the-job and off-the-job green behavior. This findings suggest that employee green behavior displayed both inside and outside the organization stem from the learnings and experiences inside the organization. Employee environmental knowledge was also found to moderate the effects of green HRM practices on employee on-the-job and off-the-job green behavior indicating that green HRM effects are stronger in case of environmentally concerned employees. The study findings provide HR professionals and policy makers with the guidance regarding the promotion of employee green behavior for improving environmental performance.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by exploring the effects of green HRM practices on both employee on-the-job and off-the-job green behavior which has not been previously incorporated in other studies of green HRM practices.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

The Optimal Machine Learning Modeling of Brent Crude Oil Price

Research Article
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research

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The price of Brent crude oil is very important to the global economy as it has a huge influence and serves as one of the benchmarks in how other countries and organizations value their crude oil. Few original studies on modeling the Brent crude oil price used predominantly different classical models but the application of machine learning methods in modeling the Brent crude oil price has been grossly understudied. In this study, we identified the optimal MLMD (MLMD) amongst the Support Vector Regression (SVR), Random Forest (RF), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Deep Neural Network (DNN) in modeling the Brent crude oil price and also showed that the optimal MLMD is a better fit to the Brent crude oil price than the classical Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model that has been used in original studies. Daily secondary data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration were used in this study. The results showed that the ANN and DNN models behaved alike and both outperformed the SVR and RF models and are chosen as the optimal MLMDs in modeling the Brent crude oil price. The ANN was also better than the classical ARIMA model that performed very poorly. The ANN and DNN models are therefore suggested for a close monitoring of the Brent crude oil price and also for a pre-knowledge of future Brent crude oil price changes.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is to model the Brent crude oil price using different MLMDs and to show that the optimal MLMD performs better than the classical ARIMA model used in most original studies to model the Brent crude oil price.
Economics » Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Nexus of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth: A Study of Ghana

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The role of monetary policy instruments has not been explored by most researchers in Ghana; hence this study investigates the impact of monetary policy instruments on economic growth using time series data from 1990 to 2019. In testing for stationarity, augmented Dickey–Fuller and Phillips–Perron unit root tests were employed; Johansen cointegration and error correction mechanism were used in estimating the long- and short-run dynamic of the variables. The results obtained from the estimation revealed a positive and significant impact of money supply and exchange rate on economic growth for both long and short run. Moreover, monetary policy rate, interest rate, and inflation significantly affected growth rate negatively. The results also indicated a bidirectional causal linkage between money supply and growth rate. There was, however, a unidirectional relationship between interest rate and growth, between inflation and growth, and between monetary policy rate and growth in the long run. The study recommends that monetary policy authorities and the Bank of Ghana (BoG) introduce structural reforms and policies that will help create a favorable climate for both domestic and foreign investment. Again, BoG should keep interest rates, policy rates, and inflation in check to prevent shrinking of economic activities, since these have a direct influence on growth.
Contribution/ Originality
The study contributes to the existing literature on monetary policy and economic growth by considering interest rates, monetary policy rates, and exchange rates in the Ghanaian context. The study checked causal relationships among monetary policy variables and economic growth, which most studies have ignored.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Analysis of Arable Farmers Agroforestry Practices in Bokkos Local Government Area, Plateau State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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The need to increase arable crop production to keep pace with food demands for a growing population without degrading ecosystems can only be achieved through adoption of agroforestry. Agroforestry practices help to achieve food security, biodiversity, conservation and land sustainability. The 94 famers were chosen using a multistage sampling process. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Most (74%) of respondents practiced home gardening. The significant benefits derived from agroforestry were; food/fruits (97%) and soil improvement/conservation (88%). The mean adoption index was 0.27. The log-likelihood obtained from Tobit was 67.92 indicating that the independent variables significantly explained the variation in the farmers adoption decision. Educational level (?=0.426) and farm experience (?=0.597) were both positive and statistically significant at ??0.05; farm income (?=0.568) was significant at ??0.01, and extension contact (?=-0.887, ??0.01) was negative and had a negative impact on agroforestry adoption. The constraints affecting the practice of agroforestry among arable farmers were; poor policies, inadequate extension services, insufficient improved tree species among others. The study recommends intensification of extension services and provision of incentives to farmers to promote agroforestry adoption to achieve increased food production and sustainable land-use systems.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have empirically investigated agroforestry practices among arable farmers for sustainable land-use systems.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

The Antecedent of Intention to Visit Halal Tourism Areas Using the Theory of Planned Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Religiosity

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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Halal tourism has a significant current market share. The increasing number of tourists from Muslim countries is a consideration for many areas to change their marketing strategies. In various works of literature, religiosity plays a role in consumer behavior. In this study, religiosity becomes a mediating variable from the subjective norm, attitude, and perceived behavioral control (PBC) to the intention to visit a halal tourism area. This study modifies the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), intending to understand how intense religiosity affects tourists’ decisions to visit a halal tourism area. The number of respondents in this study amounted to 590 people. Questionnaires were distributed via Google forms to tourists in Indonesia and analyzed through Moderated Regression Analysis to test the moderating effect of the religiosity variable. This research shows new information related to the religiosity variable. TPB can predict the intention to visit a halal tourism area. Subjective norms and attitudes have a positive and significant impact, while PBC has a positive but insignificant impact on intention. Still, religiosity does not play a role in strengthening the three exogenous variables that can affect the intention to visit a halal tourism area. The insignificant impact of religiosity in moderating the three independent variables may be because, in Muslim-majority countries, domestic tourists do not have to consider the halal aspect of a halal tourism area. Halal restaurants and places of worship are relatively easy to find, especially in provinces that are known for having a religious presence.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the development of the TPB model by adding the religiosity variable as a moderator to measure the intention to visit a halal tourism area. Currently, the trend towards halal tourism is being promoted, so this study provides a view from the viewpoint of community religiosity.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

The Adoption of Social Media Platforms in Informal Home-Based Businesses in Kuwait

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The purpose of this research is to explore the adoption of social media platforms by informal home-based business owners. A qualitative multi-case study approach was applied, and in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 owners of home-based businesses, and all are located in Kuwait. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis technique. The results revealed that social media (mainly Instagram) is an important advertising and marketing tool for home-based business activities in Kuwait. It aids the launch of new informal ventures for home-based business owners and facilitates the acquisition of requirements for the business. Also, social media accounts can be used as catalogues for displaying photos and videos about informal home-based business activities. This research makes several contributions to existing literature on this topic by empirically exploring the adoption of social media platforms for home-based businesses. The limitation of this study is due to its small sample size, which means that the results should be generalized with caution. This study contributes to the existing literature by presenting new knowledge about informal home-based businesses and social media in Kuwait. Also, it makes an empirical contribution to home-based businesses and marketing literature by exploring the role of social media on the start-up of informal home-based businesses. This study is one of very few studies which have explored the adoption of social media platforms in informal home-based businesses in Kuwait, and it can be used as a base for future research on adopting social media platforms in informal home-based businesses in Kuwait.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by presenting new knowledge about informal home-based businesses and social media in Kuwait. Also, it makes an empirical contribution to home-based businesses and marketing literature by exploring the role of social media on the start-up of informal home-based businesses. This study is one of very few studies which have explored the adoption of social media platforms in informal home-based businesses in Kuwait, and it can be used as a base for future research on adopting social media platforms in informal home-based businesses in Kuwait.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Assessing Banks Managerial Efficiency during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Selected Nigerian Banks

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Management and Sustainability

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This study analyzes the effects of COVID-19 on the managerial efficiency of commercial banks in Nigeria by analyzing secondary data relating to five (5) sampled commercial banks, the stocks of which are currently traded on the country’s equity market. The five banks were purposely selected, and the secondary data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and diagnostic tests, along with the structural equation model and regression technique. The results of this analysis indicate that the outbreak of COVID-19 significantly influenced the managerial efficiency of the five banks studied here. Given this result, we recommend that banks should continually develop and improve on the level of e-channel penetration by customers, as this will largely keep banking transactions from being disrupted by shocks – whether external or internal. Also, the country’s apex bank and other regulatory bodies should ensure that the peculiarities of Nigeria’s economy and markets are clearly understood, so that the design and implementation of policies and strategies meant to cushion the effects of perceived external threats (such as a pandemic) on banks and the economy as a whole will be purposeful and effective.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes the first empirical analysis in the Nigerian context that uses weekly stock price data, reported COVID-19 cases and the lockdown policy to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the managerial efficiency of banks.
Business & Management » International Journal of Management and Sustainability » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Escherichia Coli Encoding Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases Isolated from Diarrheic Patients in Minna, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Escherichia coli remains one of the most isolated etiological agents of diarrhea, accounting for more than 1 million deaths and about 4% of the total global disability-adjusted life-years (DALYS) per year across all age groups according to the global disease burden. This study evaluated multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli encoding extended spectrum beta-lactamases isolated from diarrheic patients in Minna, Nigeria using standard microbiological methods. A prevalence of 37.7% of Diarrheagenic E. coli (DEC) was obtained from the stool samples evaluated. Within the environment sampled, age group 21 – 30 years had the highest E. coli isolation rate (27.8%) while age group ?71years had the least E. coli isolation rate (2.6%). Females (64.9%) were the most affected compared to males (35.1%). The isolates were significantly resistant to most of the beta-lactams tested especially to 3rd generation cephalosporins [Cefotaxime (98.2%), cefuroxime (93%), ceftazidime (84.2%), Augmentin (70.2%), Amoxicillin (59.6%)]. Resistance to other classes of antibiotics was also observed in varying percentages. A high percentage (98.2% and 87.7%) of the diarrheagenic E. coli had a multiple resistant index (MARI) ? of 0.3. The isolates had varying patterns of resistance with 47.6% resistant to more than 5 classes of antibiotics tested and produced ESBL characteristics phenotypically. Molecular evaluation showed that 40%, 50%, and 90% of the isolates harbored the OXA, CTX-M and TEM genes respectively while 50% harbored VEB and PER genes. This study isolated E. coli from diarrheic patients with multidrug resistance profiles and encodes more than one type of ESBL gene within Minna, Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality
This study established the prevalence and multidrug resistance profile patterns of Escherichia coli encoding ESBL genes from diarrheic patients in Minna, Nigeria. The findings also revealed a genetic diversity of ESBL genes responsible for significant resistance of Diarrheagenic E. coli to most of the beta-lactams and other classes of antibiotics.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

A Preliminary Cross-Sectional Assessment on Exclusive Breastfeeding among Women Attending a Postnatal Clinic at the Holy Family Hospital, Techiman, Ghana

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Nutrients

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Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first six months of life has remained low in Ghana, despite strong evidence of benefits to babies/infants that supports the practice. This study is a preliminary assessment of the adherence to EBF among mothers attending the postnatal clinic. Methods: The study was cross-sectional, involving 85 breastfeeding mothers who attended the postnatal clinic at the Holy Family Hospital, Techiman. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic information and adherence to EBF. A total of 85 mothers and their babies (50 females and 35 males) participated in the study. Out of this total, 45.9% (39/85) were exclusively breastfed, while 54.1% (46/85) were non-exclusively breastfed. About 17.6% of the mothers with Junior High School (JHS) education exclusively breastfed their babies compared to those with Senior High School (SHS) (15.3%) and tertiary (12.9%) (p > 0.05). Babies who were not exclusively breastfed were 12.9% (11/85), 17.6% (15/85), and 23.5% (20/85) for mothers with JHS, SHS, and tertiary education respectively (r = 0.182, p = 0.096). The distribution of weight classification among exclusive and non-exclusively breastfed babies was significantly different (?2 = 13.583, p 0.001). The findings of this study provide a preliminary assessment of adherence to EBF in Techiman, Ghana. Exclusive breastfeeding practices appear suboptimal. Education and working status of mothers negatively impact adherence on exclusive breastfeeding. Interventions emphasizing the continuous education of mothers could promote exclusive breastfeeding.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents a preliminary assessment of adherence to Exclusive Breastfeeding among women attending postnatal clinic at Holy Family Hospital in Techiman, Ghana.
Medical Sciences » Journal of Nutrients » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Inflationary Rate in Nigeria: Impact of Foreign Capital Inflows

Research Article
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research

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As the prices of daily needs are aggravating in Nigeria, the value of the country’s currency (naira) is less appreciated on a daily basis, and this pose a threat to a good standard of living in Nigeria. Therefore, this study investigated the impact of foreign capital inflows on the persistent increase in inflation in Nigeria over the period of 1985 to 2019. The Autoregressive Distributed Lags was used to obtain the parameter estimates of the long run relationship between foreign capital inflows and inflation. By using the Forecast Error Variance Decomposition techniques, the cause-effect analysis of foreign capital inflows and inflation was determined. Results provide evidence of a long run relationship between the series. Results further indicate that inflation is sensitive to foreign capital inflows variables such as net official development assistance received and remittance inflows in Nigeria. Policies that reduce the negative impact on inflation are recommended in the body of the paper.
Contribution/ Originality
In the previous literature, the influence of external capital inflows on inflation across the globe had been neglected. This may be an oversight on the part of the researchers. Hence, this paper contributes to the existing literature by investigating the influence of foreign capital inflows on inflation in Nigeria.
Economics » Quarterly Journal of Econometrics Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Facing the Challenges of Covid-19 in the Egyptian Banking Sector: The Role of Bricoleurs in Achieving Organizational Innovations via Learning through Improvisation

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The COVID-19 pandemic posed many challenges for organizational survival across the world. Innovative capability became a key force in meeting such challenges and was most evident in Egypt’s banking sector. This paper explores, through semi-structured in-depth interviews with six general managers of multinational banks operating in Egypt, what innovation competences may enable organizational improvisers, or bricoleurs, to challenge, change, and achieve innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results were analyzed through the lens of Senge’s five disciplines of learning organizations (Senge, 1990), with a particular consideration for the role of improvisation, and found that personal mastery is the dominant principle and is linked to achieving innovation in organizations. Within this element, the analysis also suggests that improvisation emerges from creativity, past experience, intuition, and distinct triggers, and that innovation competences appear as complementary elements of an organization’s behavior, encapsulated as a form of bricolage when challenges arise and resource constraints prevail. The results suggest that a set of practices and strategies could be applied by general managers to meet the challenges they face involving constraints, such as a shortage of human resource, and that improvisation can form one of their key innovation competences.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by advancing the conversation on this topic through introducing the concept of the bricoleur as a vehicle to enhance innovative capability and introduce new and novel thinking to the challenges that banks face, as well as to the underpinning theory around Senge’s learning organizations.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Challenges of Conserving and Co-Managing Khadimnagar National Park and Ratargul Fresh Water Swamp Forest in Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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National Parks are protected areas conserving all types of flora, fauna and their habitats regardless of generic diversification. In Bangladesh, protected area managers face difficulties to conserve these areas. This study is formulated to find out those existing difficulties against effective co-management of natural resources based on the local people’s perception. A purposive sampling is followed by a semi-structured interview to gather data from the field level of Khadimnagar National Park and Ratargul Fresh Water Swamp Forest from September 2019 to December 2019 by interviewing 100 local people for RFWSF and KNP on the basis of a qualitative research method. Both inhabitants and the Forest Department are found to be responsible for inhibiting the effective management of the subjected areas meanwhile difficulties related to motivation, cordiality, alternative job generation, financial support to management authority, tourism management and resource extraction from forests mainly prevail. To ensure substantial sustainability, both of the actors should come forward to find out a way to get rid of this devastation and to ameliorate the socio-economic condition of these areas. Arranging more conferences to raise motivation, awareness about the forest offenses and generating alternative sources of income can be counted as a strategy to reduce pressure on both forests.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the causes of prevailing drawbacks of co-management in two ecologically valued forests and it will be supportive to forest management and policy makers for ameliorating the status of co-management in the regarded and other protected areas in Bangladesh.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2