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Listing 133 - 20 of 2809 results.

Effects of Vitamin B12 and E on Lipid Profile of Male Wistar Albino Rats Infected with Trypanosomabrucei Infection

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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This study was carried out to determine the effect of vitamin B12 and E on the lipid profile of male Wistar albino rats infected with Trypanosomabruceibrucei. 72 male Wistar albino rats were divided into Control, Trypanosome infected, Diamenazene treated, vitamin E, vitamin B12 and various combinations of vitamin B12 and vitamin E. The lipid profile indicators like Triglycerides, Total cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein and Low Density Lipoprotein were determined using enzymatic methods while Low Density Lipoprotein was determined using Friedewald formula. The data was subjected to statistical analysis using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. There was a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the Triglycerides (mg/dl), Cholesterol (mg/dl), HDL (mg/dl) and LDL (mg/dl) in trypanosome infected group (52.93±2.76, 51.88±2.20, 37.31±0.81 and 28.85±1.78) and diamenazene treated group (77.55±2.42, 56.18±0.89, 35.26±1.00 and 38.38±0.86) respectively when compared to the respective control concentrations (99.03±6.66, 64.83±2.41, 39.87±0.27 and 38.03±2.81).Vitamin B12 (68.08±5.25, 59.44±2.40, 36.61±0.30 and 38.51±2.89), Vitamin E (68.45 + 3.67, 75.19 + 5.27, 39.91 + 1.47 and 45.42 + 3.74) and Vitamin B12 and E combination (73.17 + 1.94, 79.14+ 2.56, 40.57 + 0.97 and 58.96 + 2.25) showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in the mean concentrations of Triglycerides (mg/dl), Cholesterol (mg/dl), HDL (mg/dl) and a significant increase in LDL (mg/dl) respectively when compared to the trypanosome infected group (52.93±2.76, 51.88±2.20, 37.31±0.81 and 28.85±1.78).The result suggested that oral administration of vitamin B12 and E reversed the changes induced by Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in Triglycerides, Cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein and Low Density Lipoprotein.
Contribution/ Originality
This study was carried out to determine the effect of vitamin B12 and E on the lipid profile of male Wistar albino rats infected with Trypanosomabruceibrucei. 72 male Wistar albino rats were divided into Control, Trypanosome infected, Diamenazene treated, vitamin E, vitamin B12 and various combinations of vitamin B12 and vitamin E.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Resistance Development in Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria to Antimicrobials from Methanolic Extract of The Stem Bark of Artocarpus altilis

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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Antibiotics for many years were known to be effective against different strains of bacteria and other microbes. The discovery of antibiotics has led to a severe reduction in death and disease. However, the indiscriminate use of antibiotics resulted in the development of resistance and multiple resistances by bacteria hence, the search for alternative therapy for the treatment of infectious diseases making researchers shift their attention to plant antimicrobials. Nevertheless, the possibility of bacteria developing resistance to plant antimicrobials is not well studied. This study aims to evaluate the development of resistance in multi-drug resistant bacteria to antimicrobials from the methanol extract of the stem bark of Artocarpus altilis. The susceptibility of multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus epidermis, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa to methanol extract of Artocarpus altilis at different concentrations (160mg/l, 80mg/l, 40mg/l and 20mg/ml) was tested after which the bacteria were exposed to a sub-lethal concentration over some time. The result displayed that Proteus mirabilis showed no sensitivity at all concentrations after eighteen days of exposure. In comparison, the other bacterial test isolates only showed activity at 160mg/ml and 80mg/ml after 24 days of exposure except for Bacillus cereus, which showed activity at the lowest concentration (20mg/ml). This study demonstrated that exposure of bacteria to antimicrobial plant extract at a sub-lethal concentration could induce the development of resistance.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that exposure of bacteria to antimicrobial plant extract at a sub-lethal concentration could induce the development of resistance of the bacteria to the antimicrobial plant extract.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Management of Fusarium Wilt Disease of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Using Selected Plant Extracts

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Sacc.) Snyder and Hansen, is considered the most widespread, prevalent and economically damaging fungal disease of tomato in Nigeria. This study was conducted to isolate and identify fungal pathogens associated with tomato wilt disease, and also evaluate the efficacy of four plant extracts in the management of wilt disease in vitro and in vivo. Two varieties of tomato, Roma VF and UC 80 were used for the biocontrol assay. Four plant extracts, Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides roots, Distemonanthus benthamianus stems, Azadirachta indica seeds and oryza sativa husk were evaluated against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. Three concentrations (0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 g/mL) of each extract were investigated using the agar dilution method for radial growth inhibition assay. Of the four plant extracts evaluated, Oryza sativa husk extract was the most effective in inhibiting the growth of Fusarium oxysporum, both in vitro and in vivo. Rice husk extract (0.05 g/mL) had the highest inhibition rate (100%), followed by A. indica extract (80.32%) at 0.05 g/mL level of concentration, while Z. zanthoxyloides and D. benthamianus had the inhibition rates of 71.83% and 61.41% respectively, at 0.04 g/mL. Tomato plants treated with rice husk extract (0.05 g/mL) had the least wilt severity scores of 1.25 and 1.50 for both UC 80 and Roma VF varieties, respectively. Rice husk extract was the most effective against Fusarium wilt for both varieties and could serve as an alternative to synthetic chemicals in controlling F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.
Contribution/ Originality
The primary contribution of this research investigation is establishing the retention of significant antifungal activities in the aqueous extracts of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides roots, Distemonanthus benthamianus stems, Azadirachta indica seeds and oryza sativa husk, for the biocontrol of tomato-wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Investigating the Nexus among Poverty Alleviation, Unemployment, and Economic Development in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the existing relationship between poverty alleviation programmes, unemployment, and economic development in Nigeria. Specifically, the study employed the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) cointegration technique and Vector Autoregression (VAR) model to estimate the existing relationship between the variables, using time series data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The findings revealed that poverty alleviation programmes have a significant positive impact on economic development in Nigeria, while unemployment has a significant negative impact on economic development in Nigeria within the period under review. It was also revealed that poverty alleviation programmes granger causes economic development, but economic development does not granger cause poverty alleviation programmes as expected. However, unemployment and economic development granger cause each other as expected. The study, therefore, concludes that any policy aimed at addressing poverty and unemployment, if properly formulated and executed, will promote sustainable economic development in Nigeria.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the first approach in determining whether economic development granger causes poverty alleviation programmes since it has been established in literature that poverty alleviation programmes are common in developing countries.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Fear of Covid-19 and Intentions towards Adopting E-Health Services: Exploring the Technology Acceptance Model in the Scenario of Pandemic

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The aim of this paper was to investigate the link between fear of Covid-19 and individuals’ behavioral intentions toward adopting e-health services by expanding the technology acceptance model (TAM) to incorporate fear of the Covid-19 factor. To empirically testing our proposed theoretical model, we conducted a research survey in Pakistan and collected data from 624 individuals utilizing a non-probability convenience sampling strategy. The outcomes of our study declare that fear of Covid-19 are positively associated with individuals’ attitude and their subsequent behavioral intentions towards adopting e-health services. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of e-health services mediated the relationship between fear of Covid-19 and individuals’ attitude towards adopting e-health services. This research is highly significant in the current scenario of Covid-19. Our study offers a theoretical model to understand why and how fear of Covid-19 is related to an individual’s intentions for adopting e-health services. Moreover, this study also extends the literature of the technology acceptance model TAM by pinpoint the impact of fear of Covid-19.
Contribution/ Originality
This study investigates the link between fear of Covid-19 and individuals’ behavioral intentions toward adopting e-health services by expanding the technology acceptance model (TAM) to incorporate fear of the Covid-19 factor.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 04-2021 Issue: 4

Economic and Noneconomic Forces on Remittance Receiving: A Panel Analysis of Top Remittance Sending Countries towards Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The purpose of the paper is to investigate the impacts of economic and non-economic factors on the remittance receiving of Bangladesh. The study focuses on quantitative analysis of unbalanced panel data of 8 countries on remittance receiving of Bangladesh for the period of 1981-2019 by employing fixed effects model and random effects model. The results show that crude oil price, domestic credit to private sector of host country, and global financial crisis of 2008-10 have significant positive impact on remittance receiving of Bangladesh. GDP per capita of home country has significant negative impact which is an evidence of altruistic motive of migrant workers to remit more money. The impact of terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 is found significantly positive as it resulted into strict change in monetary regulation by spreading more money from informal channel to formal channel. The political unrest in Bangladesh during 2007-08 has insignificant positive impact what means the non-democratic and army backed 1/11 government did not help to grow the remittance receiving. Inflation rate of host country has insignificant positive impact and FDI to GDP of host country has insignificant negative impact.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper documents the altruistic motive of migrant workers to send more remittances. This is the first study which has investigated 1/11 government effect on remittance receiving of Bangladesh. This paper adds value to the remittance related literature views. The findings can help to modify polices to increase remittance receiving.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Effect of Land Use and Slope Position on Infiltration Characteristics on Sandstone-Derived Soils of Southern Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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A study of some soil properties that influence infiltration under different land use types and slope positions in sandstone-derived soils was carried out in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria. Soil samples were collected in triplicate for laboratory analyses and infiltration tests were conducted using the double ring infiltrometer method. Analysis of variance, correlation and regression analyses were used to assess the data Oil Palm Plantation and Fallow Land increased the organic matter content of the soil, reduced bulk density, increased the soil porosity and aggregate stability over Continuously Cultivated Land. Downslope soil movement caused the upper slopes to lose their clay and organic matter to the middle and lower slope soils. Initial infiltration rate, final infiltration rate, cumulative infiltration, sorptivity and transmissivity varied highly across the studied locations but were not significantly (P ? 0.05) affected by land use, slope position and their interactions. Apparently higher infiltration rates were observed in all slope positions under Oil Palm Plantation and Fallow Land as a result of their apparently higher clay contents, total porosity, mean weight diameter, saturated hydraulic conductivity and organic matter contents over those of Continuously Cultivated Land. Heavier organic matter input will help to modify the upper slope soils for increased infiltration rates. Plantation agriculture should be adopted and continuous cultivation discouraged to increase water infiltration on sloppy terrains of the study area.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the combined effect of land use and slope position on infiltration characteristics and has demonstrated that infiltration tend to increase towards the lower slope position of vegetated lands compared to upper slopes rendered bare by continuous cultivation.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Factors Influencing Cloud Computing Adoption-Compared Review and A 4-M Recommendation

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Future Internet

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Cloud computing is increasingly popular in firms around the world. However, there are limited review studies focusing on cloud computing applications in companies. Thanks to the application of the technology-environment-organization (TOE) framework and diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory, this research unearths the factors influencing the decision-making process in cloud computing between developed and developing countries. The review further captures the stonewalls of cloud computing adoption enlisted in literature. Systematic review methods were applied to analyze relevant articles during the 2011 to 2020 period. The findings reveal that 36 factors impact organizational cloud computing adoption, out of which 21 factors occur in both developed and developing economies. The remaining 15 factors differ between developed and developing countries. Five of these factors that reveal a strong impact on cloud adoption by firms are Technology readiness, Top management support, Relative advantage, Costs, and Security, privacy and ethics concern. The literature-based limitations found in previous studies on cloud computing adoption in firms include research area, data collection technique, research methodology and theoretical models, and research subject. These challenges were organized in a 4-M recommendation for future research.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature a comprehensive picture of factors influencing the application of cloud computing in firms between developed and developing countries. Hence, the results of this study can enhance managers’, and suppliers’ understanding of the main factors affecting the adoption of cloud computing in organizations.
Computer Sciences » Journal of Future Internet » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Constructed Wetland Effluent Irrigation as a Potential Water and Nutrient Source for Vegetables

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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A field study was conducted to evaluate the influence of constructed wetland effluent irrigation on the yield and productivity of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis). The Telfairia occidentalis were planted in 12 beds (6 beds per treatment) measuring 1m wide, 3m long and 0.2m high. The plants were grown for 8 weeks before they were harvested. The experimental plots were irrigated with secondary treated effluent from an experimental constructed wetland treating slaughterhouse wastewater. The control treatment involved the irrigation with tap water. The results show that the effluent used in the study was rich in nutrients and organic content. The result also revealed that the mean biomass yield of 146.14g, mean leaf length of 10.10cm, mean height of 97.50cm, mean leaf width of 5.36cm and mean number of branches of 16.24 were significantly higher for the secondary treated slaughterhouse effluent irrigated plots compared to the values obtained for the control plots, indicating that effluent irrigation has a great potential to serve as not only a water source for vegetable cultivation, but also as a nutrient source for increased productivity.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the influence of secondary treated constructed wetland effluent irrigation on the yield and productivity of Telfairia occidentalis.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Towards a Model of Attitude and Character Learning through Training Needed by Teachers

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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A number of training models for attitude and character building have been applied to train Indonesian teachers; however, a majority of these teachers still feel confused about how to instill values in their students and shape children's attitudes and characters. Research and development (Kimbrough & Hutcheson, 1998) model was applied in this study. The sample population of this study consisted of (a) 5 % of the elementary school teachers in Bengkulu Province selected proportionally and randomly, and (b) all the teacher trainers of Bengkulu Province Education Quality Assurance Agency. Data was collected through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and inventory instruments. After analyzing data, the researchers concluded: first, training models for attitudes and character building applied so far are only able to improve the cognitive level of teachers and little at the level of understanding, application and analysis; though they have not been able to improve the skills needed by the teacher in shaping the attitudes and character of students. Hence, while providing training to teachers on attitude and character building, it is recommended to use training models that can develop teachers’ diligence suiting their needs as well as improve their cognitive abilities.
Contribution/ Originality
This is a unique research study to discover a character and attitude training model for teachers that can build their attitudes and character and raise their cognitive abilities in order to provide good mentoring services to students.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Households Demand for Branded Tea in Southwest, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Tea is an important food drink globally with significant health benefit. However, it consumption is low in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa generally. There is dearth of literature on branded tea demand. Hence, household demand for branded tea in southwest, Nigeria was investigated. The study revealed the dominance of Lipton tea among other brands of tea. Demand for herbal tea was higher among older respondents. The study affirmed that the monthly household expenditure share on branded tea in the study area and across the states was low. The monthly household expenditure on complements (sugar, milk and honey) was higher than that of branded teas. The study revealed the influence of price on the expenditure shares of branded teas, its substitutes and complements. Marital status and years of education of respondent influenced the decision to consume branded tea. Expectedly, branded teas exhibited complementary relationships with milk, sugar and honey. The expenditure elasticities of all the branded teas except top tea were positive (normal goods). Improvement in local production and processing of tea locally will bring about its improved consumption. It is recommended that the relevant NGOs should raise the level of awareness on the health benefit of tea which may help to raise the household expenditure on it from the present level. Also, it is imperative for government to put enabling policy in place for tea firms to source tea leaf locally to reduce the price of branded teas as well as create jobs along the tea value chain.
Contribution/ Originality
The study showed that the demand as well as expenditure on branded tea was low in the Southwest, Nigeria. The preference for herbal tea by the aged was highlighted by the study. The study has increased the existing literature on demand for branded tea in Southwest, Nigeria.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

CSR Themes Quality, Good Corporate Governance, and Earnings Management: Evidence from Indonesia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The study aims to investigate the effect of CSR themes quality on earnings management. The paper also examines the moderating effect of good corporate governance on the relationship between CSR themes quality and earnings management. The study uses a quantitative approach and panel data regression using 170 firm-year observations of consumer goods industries listed in IDX for 2015-2019. This study uses the measurement of the CSRD using a combined corporate social responsibility matrix from three countries and examining each theme (environment, energy, human resources, community development, other CSR activities) in CSR to know which pieces are involved can reduce EM practice. The result suggests product & innovation and community development have a negative and significant influence on earnings management. This research also shows that the positive effect of community development and others CSR activities on earnings management is strengthened with good corporate governance. This proves that companies with higher earnings management levels use CSR activities to disguise opportunistic managerial behavior. Still, companies that make disclosures on product & innovation and community development activities can limit their earnings management. Then, the implementation of GCG, which is related to transparency, will cause less motivation to practice earnings management.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by investigating the effect of CSR themes quality on earnings management.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Big Data Frameworks for Sites and Products Recommendation

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Information

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The improvement of the IT infrastructure in an e-commerce platform is essential for both customer satisfaction and increased revenue. While different techniques had been applied towards achieving this, there is still need to engage customer feedbacks in providing an all-inclusive solution to the recommendation systems available in the e-commerce domain. The motivation is on making a more exact recommendation with the traditional collaborative system by mining the feedbacks and uncovering their sentiments using big data analytic systems. This paper describes the design of a big data framework that may be used for shopping sites recommendations and another that may be used for product(s) recommendations to prospecting customers. The use of the cross industry standard process for data mining is applied in proposing the new system. Although the techniques of Hadoop/MongoDB tools are described within the proposed designs, it concentrates mainly on the architecture and algorithm of the system in a holistic approach to enable the platform providers, e-commerce merchants and practitioners find a guided implementation of it using any tool of choice.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the use of the cross-industry standard process for data mining methodology to design big data frameworks that implement the application of sentiment analysis of review texts as preprocessed input into the collaborative filtering algorithm for both sites and product recommendation.
Computer Sciences » Journal of Information » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Influence of Consumer Engagement on Word-of-Mouth: Empirical Evidence from the Tourism Industry in Vietnam

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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The current research aims to provide an in-depth understanding of CE and its nomological network in the Vietnamese tourism service industry. To do that, data were collected from domestic visitors to Phu Quoc Island and were analyzed employing SPSS 20 and AMOS 20. The results show that, CE is considered as a construct combining psychological state and behavior intention which is inextricably interactive to behavior constructs (word-of-mouth) and psychological constructs (consumer experience, trust, and service quality). The findings reveal that different experiences and service quality during the consumption process enhance positive influences on CE, in turn, consolidating the trust of the consumer and spreading great word-of-mouth. However, the relationship between consumer trust and word-of-mouth was detected to be not significant. Besides, integrating gender in the model revealed the difference in gender do various influence the relationship between CE and its antecedents and consequences. These results reveal some important implications for marketing theory groundwork and CE literature as to how CE is conceptualized and established from a particular context and what potential antecedences and outcomes are likely to be predicted.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first logical analysis in integrating service quality and consumer experience to investigate CE in complex tourism settings now. This has helped us to gain a deeper understanding of the important role of CE in this service.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

An Analyses of Exchange Rate Volatility: A Case of SANE Countries

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The sensitivity of exchange rate to an economy has made the study of its volatility essential and that motivated this study in SANE countries. Using GARCH models under different error distributions and monthly data spanning a period of 2016-2020, findings of our study show that exchange rate is volatile in each of the countries sampled. We also found that while some models in each country exhibit mean reversion, others show none mean reversion. The asymmetric parameters of the models show that exchange rate volatility in SANE countries exhibits both positive and negative shocks. Finally, our findings show that other error distributions perform better than the traditional Normal distribution. We therefore recommend that monetary authorities in each of the SANE countries should fine tune their policies on exchange rate to ensure stable and realistic exchange rate regimes which do not hurt the macroeconomic environment. We also suggest that in modelling exchange rate volatility, each country should explore several error distributions so as to avoid biased outcomes.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by analyzing exchange rate volatility in SANE countries. Evaluating different error distributions in order to assist in a proper modeling of exchange rate in each of the countries is another area we have contributed to literature. We affirm the authenticity and originality of the paper.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Adaptability of Soil pH through Innovative Microbial Approach

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Soil pH is a critical characteristic that regulates the abundance of essential nutrients in the soil system. Low soil pH reduces the supply of secondary macronutrients, whereas higher pH restricts soil micronutrient availability. In addition, soil nutrient sources such as organic and inorganic fertilizers by plants require an adequate pH for optimum plant growth and productivity. The soil pH is regarded as the “master of soil indices", which has a role to play in controlling biogeochemical cycles that influence plant growth. It also has an enormous influence on microbial biodiversity in the soil. Various approaches have been used to alter the soil pH, demonstrating that it is not easy to adjust soil pH. Therefore, a suitable but practical approach is required to control or change the pH of the rhizosphere. Microbial breeding technique such as genome replication may be an appropriate option to alter the pH of the rhizosphere. Genetically engineered microbes may have the exceptional ability to release sufficient acidic or basic compounds that could increase or decrease the pH levels in the rhizosphere. In recent years, this view has helped answer some common evolutionary concerns regarding how bacteria and their host species have evolved from their early ancestors. Greater exploitation of microbes in this respect would be necessary for sustainable crop production and helping to resolve issues related to soil-plant interactions for nutrients. To breed the microbes selectively for optimal nutritional interaction with plants, the genetic components of different traits must first be explored.
Contribution/ Originality
The present review describes the importance of microbes towards pH and their role in altering pH in the rhizosphere. This study is one of the very few studies that have investigated microbial genetics and if the genetic approaches become beneficial, it will lead towards the next revolution.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Investigating the Influence of Leadership Capabilities on the Survival Instincts of Faith-Based Organizations in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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In this paper, an attempt is made to investigate the extent to which leadership capabilities influences the survival instincts of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Nigeria. Leadership capabilities are dimensions used by a leader to anticipate events, envision possibilities, maintain flexibility, and empower others to create strategic change to ensure organizational survival. The top leaders form decision-making bodies in FBOs that play a critical role in selecting and implementing organizational strategies. The challenges of failure and vision/goal accomplishment continue to threaten the existence and sustainability of many FBOs. In this study, purposive, stratified and simple random sampling methods were used. Out of 499 copies of the distributed questionnaire only 432 were returned, which is a response rate of 86.6%. The study used structural equation modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3.0 as a statistical tool for the analysis. Results show that demographic characteristics moderate the relationship between leadership capabilities and survival instincts of faith-based organizations. The present study made a tentative attempt to expand the appeal of concepts in new geographical boundaries in an empirical context, thereby making an important, original contribution to the Nigerian religious sector and literature on strategic leadership management, particularly on leadership capabilities and organizational survival. Based on the results, it is recommended that implementation of leadership capabilities should be consistently checked and controlled in line with organizational trends for sustainable survival of faith-based organizations.
Contribution/ Originality
The study used new estimation methodology to define and analyze the relationship between leadership capabilities of leaders at the helm of affairs regarding the enhancement of survival instincts of faith-based organizations in Nigeria. This enables the paper to add to the existing body of knowledge in strategic leadership management practices.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

The Impact of Governance on Chinese Inward FDI: The Generalized Method of Moments Technique

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study estimated the relationship between governance indicators and the inward flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) in China. We examined the relationship for the period between 2002 and 2019 using various estimation regression techniques, including fixed effect model and the generalized method of moments (GMM). The study confirms a significant relationship between the flow of foreign direct investment and good governance. More specifically, this study reports a positively significant relationship between control of corruption, rule of law, and regulatory quality with the flow of foreign investment in China. However, government effectiveness, political stability, and voice & accountability reported no significant relationship, which makes sense in China’s case. China, which has a one-party government, does not need to focus on these variables. The paper holds policy implications for other countries, especially those located in Asia, to adhere to the governance indicators to attract higher foreign direct investments, as these countries possess both cheap and abundant labor.
Contribution/ Originality
This study investigated the impact of governance on inward FDI in the case of China, which is the second leading recipient of FDI after the US. The study examined the relationship between governance and inward FDI in China by using the most recent data from 2002 to 2019.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

Consumption Demand for Tobacco Products in Thailand: A Case Study of Domestic Cigarettes, Imported Cigarettes and Pipe Tobacco

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The three objectives of this research were to identify the influence of the factors affecting the demand for tobacco products, including domestic cigarettes (DC), imported cigarettes (IC), and hand-rolled cigarettes (HRC), and the elasticity of the demand of the three groups of consumers in the adolescent, working age, and elderly age groups; estimate the consumer surplus of each type of cigarette for each age group; and estimate the relationship in the demand model and cigarette price model with a simultaneous equation model (SEM) system by using the three-stage least squares (3SLS) method with time series data from 1989 to 2019. The research results illustrated that the demand factors had different impacts on the number of consumers of each type of cigarette in each age range. The elasticity of demand suggests that domestic cigarettes are luxury goods for adolescents but are normal goods for elderly consumers. In contrast, import cigarettes are luxury goods for working age people and hand-rolled cigarettes are normal goods for elderly consumers. Moreover, domestic cigarettes are a substitution for imported cigarettes for working age consumers and hand-rolled cigarettes customers, while imported cigarettes are a substitution for adolescent domestic cigarette customers, and hand-rolled cigarettes are also a substitution for adolescent domestic cigarette and adolescent imported cigarette customers. Price is the most sensitive factor for working age imported cigarette customers, while elderly hand-rolled cigarette customers comprise the largest customer base for Thailand’s tobacco products. According to the results, the relevant agencies should be very careful in implementing measures to raise tobacco prices.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the tobacco demand in nine markets, which classified by type of product and age of customer among each age range based on a simultaneous equation analysis.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 2

A Scientometric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications and a Summary of Top 25 Articles Regarding Covid-19

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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Scientometric analyses allow to shed light to status of the current literature and provide guidance to future studies. We aimed to analyze highly cited articles in terms of study fields, authors, organizations and countries. We also summarized top 25 articles for future perspectives. The Web of Science database which allows statistical analysis of a specific subject was used for data collection. We obtained highly cited publications (cited ?6 times) and investigated them in terms of categories, countries, authors, organizations, languages, countries and journals. We also analyzed top 25 articles from full-texts and summarized them. Majority of the highly cited articles were about General Internal Medicine. Huazhong University of Science Technology was on the top of the list followed by Harvard University. Majority of the highly cited articles were published by authors from China. Journal of Medical Virology was the leading journal followed by Science of the Total Environment. English was the most common language used in articles. Clinical characteristics, diagnostic tools and treatment methods were the popular study fields when top 25 articles were considered. Scientometric analysis of the highly cited publications revealed that China, as the origin of the pandemic, was the leading country in terms of citations. Publishers and authors should be aware of inconveniences caused by rapid publication.
Contribution/ Originality
This is also the unique study to summarize the top 25 articles on COVID-19 to guide future studies in this field.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1