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Listing 138 - 20 of 2809 results.

Modeling and Estimation of Cumulative Abnormal Return using VECM

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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This paper examined how firm-level idiosyncratic risk varies over time. It affected initial public offering (IPO) in the presence of pump-and-dump and flipping trends during the early trading of IPO stocks in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The paper used the IPO data taken from 181 companies during the year 2015-2019. It revisited the relationship between Cumulative Abnormal Return thirty-days (CAR30D) and Cumulative Abnormal Return five-days (CAR5D) and the Characteristics (IPO Floating shares, IPO Fund and Price) and Macroeconomics Condition (Inflation rate). It also used the cointegration analysis and VECM model. The paper found that Both LnFloat and LnPrice had causal evidence in the long-run causality or short-run with Cumulative Abnormal Return thirty days (CAR30D). We also noted that idiosyncratic risk exposure depends on IPO characteristics. It was crucial for firms going public in hot-issue markets, undervalued IPOs, and high idiosyncratic-risk issues. The model suggested that those series should cointegrate firstly. However, the variable of LnIPOFund had causal evidence in the short-run causality only.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper expected to fill the gap and confirmed what IPO characteristics and macroeconomics variables were significant and could predict that the IPO categorized into hot-issue markets, undervalued IPOs, and high idiosyncratic-risk issues.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Green Chemistry and Process Intensification: Milestones on a Sustainable Development

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

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As a philosophical support, green chemistry (GC) becomes at present well-combined into the scientific system to assist scientists and engineers consider how to decrease or remove waste and avert the employment and formation of hazardous substances in the design phase of chemicals. Such design attempts in turn affect the full life-cycle of the chemical, from getting the starting materials until the end-use product is recycled or disposed of. There is a considerable advance noted in such direction during the last three decades, this review focuses on GC research. As a comparatively fresh technique, revision in process intensification (PI) is fast and investigation could rapidly lead to outstanding outcomes. However, numerous features of PI could take more time to be fact. Much of the study stays in academic and industrial laboratories, even if large-scale implementations of micro-reactors are actuality. Fields of PI enterprise that have progressed quickly are the expansion of carbon capture techniques, an increasing interest in GC, and the beginning of momentous study into connecting solar energy to intensified methods like chemical reactions. Electric fields (e.g., microwaves and ultrasound) are observed in larger usages, and the application of electrokinetic forces at the micro- and nanoscale persist to fascinate. Huge investigations are working for the sake of ideas like the perfect reactor. PI remains a motif leading to attain a sustainable society. This work may be an orientation in the investigation of product development and design, production and application, in a constructive and stimulating way.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents green chemistry (GC) and process intensification (PI) as milestones on a sustainable development. GC becomes well-combined into the scientific system to assist engineers in decreasing waste and averting the formation of hazardous substances. PI investigation could lead to outstanding outcomes especially in product development and design.
Chemistry & Materials Sciences » International Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Natural Resource Rents-Capital Flight Nexus in Selected ECOWAS Countries: Evidence from Non-Linear ARDL Approach

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The challenge of capital flight in the ECOWAS sub-region is worrisome. Huge revenue from natural resources also contributes to the relocation of available resources necessary for the development of the region. The study identifies the revenue from natural resources as a key driver of capital flight in the region. Hence, this study analyzed the effect of natural resource rents on capital flight in ECOWAS countries accounting for the role of asymmetry. Also, the study employed the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model to account for short-run and long-run asymmetries. The results revealed the presence of asymmetry in five countries, while two countries displayed symmetric effects. It also showed that the symmetric effect of natural resource rents on capital flight is weak for Guinea and Nigeria in the short-run while the long-run effect is not more pronounced for Nigeria. In the case of asymmetric effect, natural resource rents amplified capital flight in Cape Verde and Sierra Leone. Further evidence shows that the non-linearity of natural resource rents does not encourage capital flight in Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, and Ghana. Hence, the countries should promote transparency and accountability in the management of proceeds from natural resources to enhance development in the region.
Contribution/ Originality
This study uses new estimation methodology to examine the relationship between total natural resource rents and capital flight in selected ECOWAS countries. This provides insight into whether high/low rents from natural resources are associated with high/low capital flight.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Coconut Growers Knowledge, Perception and Adoption on Impacts of Climate Change in Gampaha and Puttalam Districts in Sri Lanka: An Index-Based Approach

Research Article
Journal: Current Research in Agricultural Sciences

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Climate change and food security are critical topics in sustainable agricultural development. Climate change is expected to have serious environmental, economic and social impacts on Sri Lanka. Coconut growers’ knowledge, perception level and adoption for climate change adaptation measures have influenced productivity of the coconut cultivation. The study investigated the coconut growers’ knowledge gap, knowledge and perception levels regarding impacts of climate change in Gampaha and Puttalam districts. Further, this study investigated their adoption of different adaptation measures. A stratified random sampling technique was applied for selecting 240 respondents from two different districts. Structured questionnaire and interview schedule were used to elicit information from the respondents and data was analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistics. Adoption rate of the climate change adaptation measures is significantly influenced by coconut growers’ knowledge and perception level at varying degrees. The study revealed that most of the growers in two study areas have better knowledge (> 70%) and perceptions (>60%) regarding the gradual changes in the climate and its impact on their coconut cultivation. However, their adaptation behavior is fairly poor (< 50%) in both districts. Hence government policies should more focused on to coconut growers to have access to affordable credit to increase their ability and flexibility to change adaptation strategies in response to the changing climatic conditions. Increasing growers’ access to agricultural extension services and access to information on weather forecasting are very important. In addition, government should improve and promote off-farm income-earning opportunities during dry seasons.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which use novel index-based approach to investigate coconut growers’ knowledge, perception and adoption on impacts of climate change in Gampaha and Puttalam districts.
Agricultural Sciences » Current Research in Agricultural Sciences » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Human Research Management: Effect of Covid-19 On Workers in the UK Who Have Previously Lost One or Both Arms

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Social Economics Research

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The study aims to establish the impact of COVID-19 on the workers who have previously lost one or both arms. The study was motivated by the increased need to establish the current status of disabled workers during the coronavirus pandemic. The study also seeks to establish the effect of change in wages and working from home during the pandemic on the productivity of workers who have lost one or both arms. The pandemic has impacted several sectors across the world, both socially and economically. However, there is limited research targeting workers with disabilities. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design where data was collected from 100 workers from the UK using an online questionnaire. The findings indicated that working from home and changing wages reduced the productivity of these employees. Workers who remained at their workplaces reported incidences of stigma and discrimination from stressed fellow employees.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies investigating the impact of COVID-19 on human resource management, especially concerning workers who have previously lost one or both of their arms.
Economics » Journal of Social Economics Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Likelihood of Insurance Coverage on Damages Due to Level of Insecurity in Nigeria: Logistic Modeling Approach

Research Article
Journal: Financial Risk and Management Reviews

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Insurance serves as a protection against the unexpected and it is one of the most effective risk management tools that protect individuals from being bankrupt due to various contingencies. The binary logistic regression model approach was used to model the described dataset; the model so obtained was statistically significant. All the levels of education were statistically significant in predicting the odds of having insurance cover except for primary education level. Also, employment status and age were statistically significant in predicting the likelihood for insurance cover in Nigeria. The results showed that individuals who move from no formal education to obtain Higher education level are 21.66 times more likely to obtain insurance cover and individuals who move from no formal education to obtain Secondary education level are 2.63 times more likely to obtain insurance cover. The odd ratio is not significant for moving from no formal education to Primary education and therefore should not be interpreted. Further, individuals who move from being unemployed to being employed are more likely to obtain insurance cover. Education has the highest impact in predicting the likelihood for one to have insurance cover in Nigeria. This paper recommends overhauling of the educational system in order to revamp this sector.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that it assessed the impact of each level of the categorical predictor variables in predicting likelihood of insurance in Nigeria.
Economics » Financial Risk and Management Reviews » Month: 03-2021 Issue: 1

Two-Stage Model with Rough Cluster and Salp Optimization Technique for Epistasis Detection

Research Article
Journal: Review of Computer Engineering Research

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The discovery of gene-gene interactions to identify complex diseases is one of the primary challenges in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Genetic interactions (Epistasis) are typically seen as interactions between various single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Genetic interactions discovery can assist the researchers in identifying gene pathways, recognizing gene activity, and discovering potential drug targets. Rough Cluster based Salp Optimization for Epistasis detection (RCSalp-Epi) is a two-stage epistasis model that has been evaluated on a variety of simulated disease models. In the screening stage, the rough clustering algorithm is employed to partition the genotype data into different clusters. The selection stage presents Salp optimization with a single objective function (SalpEpi-SO) and multiple objective functions (SalpEpi-MO) over the clusters to find disease-related SNP combinations. RCSalp-performance Epi's is evaluated in comparison with SalpEpi-SO and SalpEpi-MO. The outcome of the experimental analysis revealed that RCSalp-Epi-MO is superior to SalpEpi-SO and SalpEpi-MO in terms of power and execution time.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding the higher order genetic interactions with high detection power and minimal computational effort.
Computer Sciences » Review of Computer Engineering Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Parametric Analysis of Rainfall Variability Over Some Selected Locations in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Climate Research

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Rainfall is one meteorological parameter that affects virtually all human activities. For instance, the amount of rainfall received in an area is an important determining factor in estimating or quantifying the amount of water available to meet various demands, such as agricultural, industrial, domestic water supply, and power generation. Climate change has generally been accepted to be a result of the emission of excess greenhouse gases. It has caused an increase in flooding, severe and more frequent droughts, increase in wildfires, and heatwaves in various parts of the globe. Climate change is said to have a considerable impact on the variability in hydro-meteorological variables such as rainfall, temperature, and evaporation. In this study, we carry out a parametric analysis of rainfall variability over some selected locations in Nigeria and determine the trend using surface observation data from seven weather stations. The datasets of rainfall used in this study were acquired; from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) for a period of 30 years (1980 to 2010) from seven locations; which are Abuja, Enugu, Ikeja, Ilorin, Maiduguri, Port Harcourt, and Sokoto, representing the six geographical zones of Nigeria. The results gotten showed an upward movement in the trend line which indicated an increase in the amount of rainfall received by the study areas. While some Cities (Maiduguri, Sokoto) received a large increase in the amount of rainfall received yearly, others received a slight increase such as Lagos, Port Harcourt, Ilorin, Abuja and Enugu
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature about the evidence of variability in rainfall across Nigeria. This study will therefore help the government to introduce policies that will help in cushioning the effects of climate change as regards agriculture and land usage.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Climate Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Methylene Blue and Iron (II) Adsorption onto Raphia Hookeri Seed: A Comparative Equilibrium Isotherm Study

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research

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In this study, activated carbon prepared from Raphia hookeri seed was employed as an adsorbent to take up methylene blue (an organic ion-in-solution) and iron (II), a metal ion-in-solution. The biosorbent was prepared using chemical activation using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as an impregnating agent. Calibration was performed with a focus on the change in the adsorbate concentration. The equilibrium isotherms study was conducted by considering a range of sorbate concentrations, to determine the optimal conditions for the adsorption systems. The same sorbate volume (10 ml), and the same dosage (0.3g) of biosorbent were used for both adsorption processes. Linear analysis was used to compare the best-fitting isotherms. Langmuir, Freundlich, and Dubinin-Radushkevich models were tested. The highest coefficient of determination values (R2) for both iron (II) and Methylene blue was obtained from the Langmuir isotherm as 0.9266 and 0.9572, respectively, compared to values from the other isotherms tested – indicative of Langmuir isotherm’s superior fit. Estimated values of ‘separation factor’, KR, for Methylene blue (0.29457), however, was lower than that of iron (II) (0.42141) - an indication that the sorbent treats methylene blue better than iron (II), though both processes are feasible.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the comparative feasibility of treating water polluted by Iron (II) and Methylene blue, using biosorbent from Raphia hookeri seed.
Engineering » International Journal of Chemical and Process Engineering Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Localised Initiatives: Households Contribution to Infrastructure Development in Ondo State, Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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Community-Driven Development (CDD), as an approach to community development, treats the people and their institutions as assets and partners in the development process. Infrastructure provision is a catalyst to community development as its lack or inefficiency impedes the growth of economic, social and welfare related ventures in both rural and urban communities. This paper explores the contribution of residents/households to communal efforts in the provision and maintenance of community infrastructure in Ondo State, Nigeria. It exposes their connectedness with community associations in the provision and management of identified community infrastructure in order to improve the quality of life in the area. Three hundred and seventy (370) households were selected across the state in a multistage sampling process to administer a well-structured open and close ended questionnaire; using residential buildings as sampling units. Six (6) urban and rural settlements were targeted for the data gathering across the three (3) senatorial districts of the state. Major findings established a high variation in the dominance of approaches to financial contribution espoused by households across the state towards community infrastructure development. A high level of involvement in project identification for CBOs’ execution and the dominance of availability as labourers for general infrastructure provision were equally discovered among other findings. Recommendations are targeted towards transparency and accountability on the part of community organizations while International Organizations are encouraged to focus more on road construction in rural community and poorly accessed areas of urban centres in order to achieve sustained community transformation.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by documenting the contributions of households and residents to communal efforts as well as participation in community Associations and groups in the provision and maintenance of identified community infrastructure in order to improve the quality of life in the area for all residents.
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

High School Students Perceptions about Good Teachers: A Case Study in Chile

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The present research aimed to analyze the perception of high school students about the characteristics of a good teacher. The educational process refers essentially to a teacher-student relationship that unfolds in the classroom space, with the idea of generating more and better learning. In methodological terms, the study was based on the interpretive-comprehensive paradigm, through a qualitative methodology, which makes it a case study. The data were collected through four focus groups and four in-depth interviews conducted with secondary school students from a public high school in the province of Talca, Maule region, Chile. The results show the relevance of the handling of disciplinary content by teachers, as well as the pedagogical domain of teaching. On the other hand, it is evident from this study that good teachers are the ones who motivate students to learn, who show an understanding attitude with their learning, and generate a strong affective-emotional bond that transcends the classroom and connects with their lives. Among the limitations presented by the study is the need to increase the size of the sample, an issue that would allow a more comprehensive perspective on teaching. Regarding projections, the study provides useful background for comparison with research in different international contexts.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature related to the characteristics and attributes of good secondary school teachers. It is also one of the first studies to use the interpretive/comprehensive paradigm as methodological option to examine teaching in secondary school from students' perspective.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Smoking Behavior and Moral Identity in Malaysian Youth: Is Gender a Moderator or a Predictor?

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The role of gender in psychosocial development and health outcome is undeniable. This study aims to investigate the role of gender in two conditions, whether it as a moderator to the link between moral identity (internalization and symbolization) and smoking behavior; or if it is a single predictor or a co-predictor with moral identity in predicting smoking behavior. To examine this, 388 youths (61% female) who met the inclusion criteria participated in this online cross-sectional study. Participants were asked to rate their emotional responses ranging from unpleasant to pleasant whilst viewing images of smoking behavior. Participants were also instructed to provide their socio-demographic information and fill in the Moral Identity Scale. Gender had no moderation effect on the link between moral identity (symbolization and internalization) and smoking behavior, instead, gender (whether alone or in combination with internalization) was shown to directly predict smoking behavior. The implications for social health interventions and programs are highlighted by the findings.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is the discovery that gender is a significant biological factor (whether alone or in combination with moral identity internalization) that predicts (but not moderates) smoking behavior. This study uses a specific approach (i.e., visualization of images) to capture the valence of the emotional tendency to smoke.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

The Impact of Smartphone Usage on Students’ Lifestyles from the Perspective of Students’ Learning, Physical Activity, and Social Relationships

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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This study aimed to investigate the impact of students’ use of smartphones on their lifestyles at the university stage. Using an analytical descriptive approach and data collected by self-administered questionnaires comprising 36 items, smartphone usage was measured by determining the type of smartphone, family and environment orientations toward smartphone usage, and the psychological motivations for using smartphones. Students’ lifestyles were estimated by the learning, physical activity, and social relationships of students. The study’s instrument reliability and validity were tested and then the questionnaire was distributed randomly to 285 students enrolled in Princess Rahma College of Al-Balqa Applied University, in different scientific fields. By using simple and multiple regression analyses, the study established that students are psychologically motivated to use smartphones and that their families’ orientations and their environment orientations towards using smartphones significantly affect the students’ lifestyles at the significance level of ? ? 0.05. The type of smartphone device did not significantly affect the students’ lifestyles at the level of ? ? 0.05. According to the study’s results, a set of recommendations were provided that include the responsibility of educational institutions, families and media to create awareness of the negative aspects of excessive smartphone use.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first logical analysis of family orientations, environment orientations, and psychological motivations of students’ usage of smartphones. It also contributes to paving the fundamentals for suitable means and techniques to control behavior to counteract the damage that excessive smartphone use can cause to students' social relationships, their physical activity, and learning.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 4

The Effect of Knowledge Acquisition on Competitive Advantage: The Mediation Role of Innovation in Indonesia’s Batik SMEs

Research Article
Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of knowledge acquisition on competitive advantage by examining the mediating effect of innovation. A total of 100 batik small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Central Java were sampled, and the data were analyzed with SPSS AMOS 23 structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that knowledge acquisition does have an effect on innovation. Furthermore, innovation is proven to have an effect on competitive advantage. The mediation test shows that innovation plays a full role in mediating the relationship between knowledge acquisition and competitive advantage. Meanwhile, knowledge acquisition does not have a direct effect on competitive advantage.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies that have investigated the relationship between knowledge acquisition, innovation and competitive advantage, which emphasizes innovation as a mediator between knowledge acquisition and competitive advantage in the context of batik SMEs in Central Java, Indonesia.
Social Sciences » Humanities and Social Sciences Letters » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 4

Fabrication, Characterization, Mechanical and Combustion Properties of Bio-Briquettes Derived from Agro-Wastes of Bush Mangonut Shell and Sugarcane Bagasse

Research Article
Journal: Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation

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Sequel to the environmental problems associated with wastes in our environment and coupled with the need for effective waste management, this work produced briquettes from agro-wastes of bush mangonut shell (BMS) and sugarcane bagasse (SB). The agro-wastes were crushed to small particle sizes, and compressed in a screw press with compaction pressure of 13.4kPa to produce the briquettes. The metal content and morphology were determined using an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) respectively. Proximate analyses of the biomasses and briquettes were done using standard methods. Compressive strength and calorific values of the briquettes was determined using compressive strength testing machine and Oxygen Bomb calorimeter respectively. The AAS analyses indicated the presence of Ca (32.19mg/kg), Si (1.43mg/kg), K (0.66mg/kg), P (0.04mg/kg) in SB and Ca (22.20mg/kg), Si (2.05 mg/kg), K (1.21mg/kg), P (0.02mg/kg) for BMS. SEM analyses showed different lignocellulosic structures. The ash contents of the BMS and SB were 4.92 ± 0.05% and 4.16 ± 0.02% respectively. The calorific value of the BMS briquette was 20.9 ± 0.36 MJ/kg and 20.8 ± 0.00 MJ/kg for SB briquette. The low ash content and low concentration of metals in the biomasses presented them as suitable feedstock for bio-fuel production. The briquettes have high calorific values and good mechanical properties, and are recommended for domestic and industrial purposes. Briquetting of agro wastes is economical as it is a way of converting wastes to wealth, and at the same time providing an alternative and renewable source of energy to man.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes in the existing literature on bio briquette production. The study used new estimation methodology for fabrication of biobriquette. The paper contributes the first logical analysis of (BMS) and (SB). The paper's primary contribution is finding that (BMS) and (SB) can be a good source of energy. This study documents the fabrication of biobriquettes from waste (BMS) and (SB).
Energy & Environmental Sciences » Asian Journal of Energy Transformation and Conservation » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Interest Rate–Economic Growth Nexus Under Currency Board Operations

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Empirical Studies

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This paper analyses the effect of the prime interest rate as a monetary policy instrument to stimulate economic growth in Namibia, a small open economy that is constrained by currency board operations. A Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) was used for the period 1980–2019. The result shows that Namibia’s prime interest rate has no significant effect on economic growth. This finding remains robust and consistent when impulse response function and variance decomposition are employed. The impulse response function indicates a shock on the prime interest rate exhibits an inverse relationship. However, this effect is insignificant in both short and long-run scenarios. The variance decomposition indicates that the prime interest rate has a strongly exogenous impact, implying it has a weak influence on GDP growth. Policy implication indicates that small open economies under currency board operations need to identify different policy responses to circumvent external shocks and addresses their development needs.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by analysing the effect of the prime interest rate as a monetary policy instrument to stimulate economic growth in Namibia.
Economics » Journal of Empirical Studies » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

A Mathematical Model for Dehydration by Successive Pressure Drops: Simulation of Discarded Potatoes Dehydration

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Food Technology Research

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Dehydration by Successive Pressure Drops (SPD) is a process with high potential for treating heat-sensitive materials; this includes agro-industry by-products. However, the response of drying kinetics to operating conditions of SPD is not fully understood. The present manuscript refers to mathematical simulations to describe drying kinetics of discarded potatoes using SPD. While there are numerous theoretical, semi-theorical and empirical mathematical models, the selection of the appropriate model is a rigorous process. In this paper, the Thompson thin-layer semi-theoretical model was chosen since the assumptions for this model (e.g., product is arranged in thin layers) are fulfilled for the SPD. As a result of mathematical simulation, it was possible to describe the drying kinetics in terms of the major parameters of SPD namely pressurizing level (Pa) and the Frequency of Pressure Drop (FPD). The dehydration by SPD allows the removal of water from the material, mainly at the pressure drop. If this stage occurs more frequently, the drying rate increases. The model developed describes at less 91% of the variability of the experimental data. It is recommended to use high FPD and Pa equals to 0.50 MPa.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the few studies explaining the application of a thin-layer model for Successive Pressure Drops drying of agro-industry by-products. This study originates new formula for drying kinetics of discarded potatoes based on the major parameters of Successive Pressure Drops drying namely pressurizing level and pressure drop frequency.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Food Technology Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Dietary Inclusion of Scent Leaf Meal (Ocimum Gratissimum) Affects Immune Genes Expression in Chicken Spleen at 28 and 56 Days

Research Article
Journal: Animal Review

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This study was conducted to examine the effects of scent leaf meal (Ocimum gratissimum) on expression of inflammatory cytokines in the spleen of two chicken strains. A total of 150birds (75 of each strain) were randomly allotted into five dietary treatments at fifteen birds per treatment. Birds were fed diet containing varying levels of Ocimum gratissimum leaf meal. Treatment one (T1) had 0% OG, while treatment two (T2), treatment three (T3), treatment four (T4) and treatment five (T5) had 0.5% OG, 1.00% OG, 1.5% OG and 2% OG respectively. Feed and water was provided adlibitum throughout the feeding trial. Three birds were slaughtered from each treatment at day 28 and day 56, spleen samples were collected and stored using RNALater in a -20oc freezer prior to RNA extraction. Real-time qPCR was performed in 40cycles using the PowerUp SYBR Green reagent and analyzed with the 2-??Ct method. Gene expression data were subjected to two-way analysis of variance. Strain effect was significantly different (P<0.05) at both time points. All the genes studied significantly differed (P<0.05) in their expression patterns at 28 and 56days of age. Increased inclusion rate of the test ingredients significantly (P<0.05) reduced IL1? and NF-KB1, while increasing IL10 and NF-KB2. Ocimim gratissimum leaf meal shows promise in the regulation of inflammation in chickens and can be used to efficiently replace antibiotics in broiler production.
Contribution/ Originality
This work is one of very few studies that have unraveled expression patterns of inflammatory cytokines in chickens subjected to dietary inclusion of scent leaf meal as replacement for in-feed antibiotic, and contributes to existing literature on the role of phytochemical containing plants in immunomodulation in chickens.
Agricultural Sciences » Animal Review » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Can Sustainable Tourism be more Sustainable? -Lessons Learned from Albergo Diffuso in Italy and East Asia

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Tourism Management Research

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This study aims to provide sustainable management strategies for rural communities by examining characteristics of a village hotel, Albergo Diffuso (A.D.), which has evolved through developing sustainable management and adapting to different regional contexts. While A.D. is widely recognized as a sustainable development tool for rural communities utilizing historical and environmental resources, little has been studied on which characteristics make A.D. more sustainable and how it spreads out different cultural and regional regions. No clear distinction between sustainable development and sustainable tourism was found, which interrupts evaluate the sustainability of A.D. management. Therefore, this paper seeks to identify the sustainable characteristics of A.D. and how it spread out to other regional contexts based on a theoretical framework of sustainable development and sustainable tourism. By tracking historical changes in A.D. cases of Europe and Asia, we explored how A.D. has evolved through regional and cultural contexts. In addition, we set a theoretical framework to investigate appropriate concepts explaining sustainability. As a result, sustainable tourism is more appropriate to demonstrate distinctive features of sustainable management that differentiate A.D. from an ordinary hotel theoretical framework for A.D. than sustainable development. The resident-led A.D originated from East Asia can inversely supplement A.D. in Italy as residents develop and operate their socio-cultural assets as sustainable tourism resources. Therefore, developing resident-led A.D. would provide tourists with more sustainable tourism, which gives economic benefits to inhabitants and authentic experiences to tourists.
Contribution/ Originality
The papers primary contribution is finding that the resident-led village hotel adapted and developed in East Asia could complement the Italian village hotel model. Developing resident-led A.D. will provide more sustainable tourism of residents excavating and operating socio-cultural assets in the village.
Business & Management » Journal of Tourism Management Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Project Success, Mediated by the Management of Conflict, Communication and Trust

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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Companies have widely used project management to face the fast-paced challenges of today's business environment. In addition to the techniques and procedures available in this area of knowledge, personal skills have been growing as tools for project success. Emotional intelligence (EI) has been studied as a soft skill that is prominent as a research topic. Although, extant literature does not discuss how EI influences project success when team management aspects, such as relationship conflict management, communication management, and trust-building, are put into place. This study aimed to determine how emotional intelligence influences the success of projects and under the mediating effect of these team management aspects. A quantitative survey was carried out, with data collected by survey (n=280) and analyzed through structural equation modeling and multiple regression analysis for the mediation's effects, complemented by a latent class analysis to profile the emotional intelligence in the sample. The results showed that emotional intelligence positively influences project success mediated by executive actions of managing conflicts, communication, and trust. Three distinct emotional intelligence profiles were also observed, with significant differences between the extremes, concerning the studied constructs. As a contribution to this research, findings advance the understanding of the relationship between emotional intelligence and project success, which is conditioned by the executive actions of team management.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature helping explain the complex relationship between emotional intelligence and project success by identifying and confirming three different mediating effects with Relationship Conflict Management, Communication in the Project Team, and Trust Establishment.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2021 Issue: 5