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Listing 135 - 20 of 2809 results.

Phytogeographic of Bromelia L. (Bromeliaceae) in the State Paraiba Brazil

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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The Bromelia (Bromeliaceae) is part of the Poales taxonomic group, distributed in the Neotropical Ecosystems of South America, from sea level to altitudes of 5,000 meters in the Andes. In the Brazilian territory there were two settlements, one directly from the plateau of the Guianas and another across the Andes. The family stands out as one of the main taxa of the Brazilian flora, sheltering about 40% of the species of this family, in which 46 genera are recorded, of these 20 are endemic. In the state of Paraíba, because it has three distinct climatic regions, it originates a different phytogeographic distribution of this Family, so this study aims to perform a phytogeographic analysis of Bromelia L. (Bromeliaceae), to understand the distribution of the genus, registered in the state of Paraíba, eastern portion of the Northeast. Understand the gender distribution, registered in the state of Paraíba, eastern portion of the Northeast. In this study, two species, Bromelia karatas L. and Bromelia laciniosa Mart, were identified for the genus B. Karatas L. was found in the wetlands of Agreste and Litoral and also in the region of Sertão Paraíba state, in specific areas. Whereas, B. laciniosa, only in the regions of the Cariris Velhos, tectonic valley of the Curimataú and Seridó, that are inserted in the field of the Caatinga, but with influence of edaphoclimatic variabilities.
Contribution/ Originality
This is the first research that deals with the phytogeographic distribution of Bromeliaceae in the state of Paraiba. In the context of the Northeast region of Brazil, this research will help to compare these data with those from other states and discuss the distribution whit other climatic and thermal characteristics, in addition, these two species have local environmental and cultural features that encourage knowledge of their spatiality.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

A Survey of Wood Borer Apate terebrans Tunnels on Terminalia mantaly in Nigeria with Special Reference to the Niger Delta Region

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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This study was conducted to count Apate terebrans opened tunnels in Terminalia mantaly at the 3 Parks of the University of Port Harcourt. All trees were assessed visually for the presence and absence of tunnels, frass, and exudates during the 6-months (January-July) field survey in 2018. The mean numbers of tunnels/tree were 16.12±2.13 from 58 trees representing 19.9% of 291 total trees. The spread of attack was fairly scattered and more closely associated with diameter at breast height (DBH) of tree (?2= 12.763, df = 4, ?0.012*). While a majority (67.0%) of the trees experienced breaking reflecting both the immediate and residual impact of opened and closed tunnels, respectively, 10.7% experienced tearing of branches, and 5.5% experienced both breaking and tearing. Strong wind was found as a contributory factor to breaking and tearing. The findings suggest T. mantaly as a poor adaptable environmental species in Nigeria ecosystems and its current utilisation as ornamental tree may be revisited.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the resurgence of wood borer, Apate terebrans and its impacts on the Terminalia mantaly used as one of the current popular urban trees in Nigeria.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

The Role of Social Capital and Social Innovation in Economic Growth

Research Article
Journal: The Economics and Finance Letters

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The study assessed the role of social capital and social innovation in economic growth. Nonetheless, a panel of 147 countries was sampled from 2009 to 2017, and econometric panel techniques were utilized to arrive at a statistical conclusion. The techniques used in the estimation are contemporaneous correlation estimators; thus, panel corrected standard errors, panel generalized least square with correlation disturbances, and generalized linear model. Upon estimations, the study concluded that social capital and social innovation strongly play a positive role in economic growth. Therefore, in pursuit of sustainable economic growth, social capital accumulation; thus, social trust and social networking are essential. Moreover, social innovations that are internet-related positively contribute to economic growth sustainably. The study recommends that investment in digital communication technologies should be prioritized because it improves material living standards because it lowers the cost of maintaining and creating professional and personal ties, strengthening the diffusion of knowledge and ideas, and further creating productivity spill overs positively. Also, policymakers should enact policies that offer triple triumph; thus, triumph for government, society, and individuals characterised by affordability, benefits, and add value to citizens' standard of living.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes the first logical analysis of the role of social capital and social innovation in economic growth. With a panel of 147 countries and period from 2009 to 2017, and econometric panel techniques utilized, the study concludes that social capital and social innovation strongly play a positive role in economic growth.
Economics » The Economics and Finance Letters » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Effect of Desiccation and Storage Environment on Longevity of Ehretia cymosa Thonn. Seeds

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Forests

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Globally, forestry faces challenges in the availability of seeds due to limited knowledge on seed handling of various species. Forestry seeds are constantly being reviewed and classified as either recalcitrant, intermediate, or orthodox based on their storage behavior. It is essential to understand the tree seed storage behavior to maintain seed viability and thus minimize seed losses. There is scanty literature combining factors of seed moisture content (6%, 9%, 12%, 15%, and 20%), seed storage temperature (20oC, 5oC and -20oC), seed storage duration (1, 4, 9 and 12 months), and germination in different sites with varying environmental variables. Ehretia cymosa is important in the Afromontane forestry landscape as a medicinal, rehabilitation, and conservation species. This study conducted desiccation and storage studies and their influence on the viability of E. cymosa seeds. The study sought to determine the optimum conditions for the storage of Ehretia cymosa that maintains viability. This study observed that E. cymosa dried to seed moisture content of 6%, stored for 12 months at 20oC and sown in the laboratory had the highest germination performance (27.6 ± 3.18%) (p<0.05). This confirms that E. cymosa seeds exhibit orthodox storage behavior. The authors recommend longer storage studies (>12months) to determine the actual longevity of the seeds of this species. The significance of these results would be useful for foresters and farmers that would need to use this species for various purposes.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper’s primary contribution is finding that Ehretia cymosa seeds exhibit orthodox storage behavior. This finding is important since it will improve the current practice of handling and storage of E. cymosa seeds to enhance viability and minimize seed losses.
Agricultural Sciences » Journal of Forests » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Personal Identity and Vocational Decision Difficulties: The Teenager Greek Immigrants of the Hellenic High School of Wuppertal, Germany

Research Article
Journal: World Journal of Vocational Education and Training

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The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between the identity formation of adolescent Greek immigrants in Germany and the difficulties they encounter in making vocational decisions, as a prerequisite to the consequent selection of relevant education and training. The psychometric tools Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ) and The Career Decision Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ), as well as an improvised demographic questionnaire, were handed out to 100 pupils of the Hellenic High School of Wuppertal. The research results were interpreted in the light of Marcia’s identity typology and Gati’s theoretical model and revealed that: (a) Adolescents with an Identity Achievement had little difficulty in choosing a career, while others had considerable difficulty. (b) There was no relevance between age groups and identity typology. (c) Genders did not differ in identity typology and vocational decision-making difficulties. Both sexes seemed to have equal difficulty in their vocational pursuits. (d) School performance did not differ according to the type of identity. (e) The higher the school grades/performance, the higher the identity inquiry. (f) The greater the difficulties of adolescents in their vocational choices, the less committed they became. (g) The high and middle educational level of mothers (but not of fathers) led to higher rates of Identity Achievement. The difficulties of adolescents’ vocational decision-making did not differ according to the educational level of their parents. (h) The duration of staying of adolescent immigrants in Germany was not correlated with difficulties in their vocational choices.
Contribution/ Originality
The findings aim to assist the educational community in coping with the vocational decision difficulties of teenager immigrants, seek to contribute to the relevant existing literature and to serve in the planning of vocational educational policies for adolescents abroad.
Arts and Education » World Journal of Vocational Education and Training » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Evaluation of Groundwater Quality Using Water Quality Index in Gadilam River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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The current research is to assess the groundwater quality the Gadilam river which is draining in the northern part of the Tamil Nadu and to examine its suitability for irrigation uses. The groundwater quality parameters are derived from 120 groundwater samples collected throughout the basin out of which 50 samples are from Archaean formation, 34 samples are from Quaternary formation, 35 samples are from Tertiary formation and the remaining one sample is from Cretaceous formation. In addition to that, this study involves comparing the determined cations and anions levels with the various standards for drinking. The variability of parameters of the groundwater quality is explored by using statistical method. The conclusion of this research reveals that the groundwater quality parameters like Calcium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Nitrate (NO32-), Fluoride (F-), Sulphate (SO42-), Bi-carbonate (HCO3-) and Percentage of Hydrogen (pH) values are observed within limiting value for WHO 2011 in all the formations during this season. WQI values for the Archaean, Quaternary and Tertiary formations are found lesser than 100 meq/L in all stations in monsoon seasons. Based on WQI, these sample stations are coming under the category of “Excellent” and “Good”.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated and compared the water quality Index for different geological formations of Gadilam river basin.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Antibacterial Activity of Intracellular Greenly Fabricated Selenium Nanoparticle of Lactobacillus pentosus ADET MW861694 against Selected Food Pathogens

Research Article
Journal: The International Journal of Biotechnology

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This study aimed at intracellular biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles using Lactobacillus pentosusADEB (LP) and the greenly fabricated nanoparticles were characterized based on visual observation, spectroscopy, microscopy, energy dispersive X-rays, X-ray Diffraction, and dynamic light scattering properties. The antibacterial activities of the Lactobacillus pentosusADEB selenium nanoparticles (LP-SeNPs) against selected foodborne pathogens were evaluated. A gradual change in colour from brown to reddish colour indicates the formation of Nano-selenium. The highest absorption peak for LP-SeNPs was visible between 200-300nm. FTIR analysis shows major peaks around 1635.40, 1587.31 2163.00, 2936.70, 2968.50, and 3254.38 cm-1 indicate the presence of amides on the nanoparticle surface. SEM and TEM analysis shows extrusion of spherical shape SeNPS from Lactobacillus pentosus cell membrane which indicates intracellular synthesis of the nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were crystalline with an average diameter of 106.1 nm and a polydispersity index of 0.295. Elemental selenium with an absorption peak at 1.37 Kev was present in the nanoparticles. The LP-SeNPs and culture of Lactobacillus pentosus had antagonistic activities against the foodborne pathogens. The LP-SeNPs have antagonistic activity against all the test pathogens. The highest activity was against Salmonella arizonae (11.3 mm). In conclusion, the intracellular greenly fabricated LP-SeNPs had broad-spectrum antagonistic activity against the test food-borne pathogens. The addition of selenium nanoparticles to food can be an added advantage in controlling food-borne pathogens.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to existing literature by using green route for intracellular biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticle using Lactobacillus pentosus ADET MW861694 and by analyzing the antibacterial potential of the fabricated nanoparticles against some food pathogens. This study uses new estimation methodology for characterization of the fabricated selenium nanoparticles.
Biological Sciences » The International Journal of Biotechnology » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Factors Determining the Smallholder Milk Producers Participation in Contractual Agreements: The Case of North-West Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research

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Contract farming plays a significant role by establishing a bridge in order to link the milk farmers to market. The study aimed to state current institutional arrangement of dairy sector in Bangladesh. By using simple random sampling, a total of 90 (45 contract and 45without contract) dairy farmers from Chatmohar Upazila of Pabna District were interviewed. For determining the factor of farmers willingness to participate into contractual system was analyzed by conducting factor analysis. The highest factor loadings for the first dimension were found for the stable milk output price and access to training on dairy farming while timely payment for output has relatively factor loading on second dimension as well as the access to good quality inputs (drugs and feeds) higher in third dimension respectively. The most important reasons for unwillingness to participate in contract farming were under weighing of fat, lower milk price than the market price, distance to the location of milk collection centers, sell at home, rules and regulations of PRAN Dairy Ltd., & availability of dairy farmers etc. The result clearly shows that contract farming has the potential of raising income of the smallholder dairy farmers. It benefited the farmers through reducing different input costs and other relative costs related to dairy farming, which may be more in the informal markets or without contract arrangement. In addition, contract farming contributes for improving the income of dairy farm and reducing production costs by providing different services and technical advice by the contract firms.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated contractual arrangement system of dairy farming in Bangladesh. This study contributes to the existing literature and provides comparison between the income of contracted and non-contracted dairy farmers.
Agricultural Sciences » International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

The Influence of Organizational Culture, Communication and Work Satisfaction on Organizational Commitments: A Case Study of Lecturers at Yayasan Pendidikan Borobudur

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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This study aims to obtain factual data and information that is valid and true and can be trusted about the influence of organizational culture, communication, and job satisfaction on the organizational commitment of lecturers at the Yayasan Pendidikan Borobudur. This research was conducted using a quantitative research approach, using a survey method, covering survey activities, testing instruments through validity, and reliability testing, as well as collecting and processing research data. The sample in this study was 114 permanent lecturers at the Yayasan Pendidikan Borobudur. The measurement in this study was carried out by giving the value of each question item from all variables. Measuring the value given in each question using the "Likert Scale". Data derived from the distribution of questionnaires carried out an analysis of research requirements, namely: The Goodness of Fit test, the Assessment of Normality test, and the Malahanobis Distance test. Data analysis techniques using Structural Equation Modeling analysis. Based on the results of research analysis: 1) there is an influence of Organizational Culture (X1) on Job Satisfaction (X3) of 0.154 2) There is an influence of Communication (X2) on Job Satisfaction (X3) of 0.109; 3) There is an influence of Organizational Culture (X1) on Organizational Commitment (Y) of 0.669; 4) There is an influence of Communication (X2) on Organizational Commitment (Y) of 0.069; 5) There is an influence of Job Satisfaction (X3) on Organizational Commitment (Y) of -0.111.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature by examining the influence of organizational culture, communication, and job satisfaction on organizational commitment.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 04-2021 Issue: 4

Financial Instability and the State of Environmental Quality in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Business, Economics and Management

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The study aims to look at the relationship between environmental quality and financial instability in Nigerian over the period of 1970 to 2019 respectively. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model is used in estimating the short-run as well as the long-run relationship between financial instability and the quality of the environment. The results of the study reveal that financial instability has a significant and positive impact on CO2 emissions, implying that financial instability is lowering the quality of environment in Nigeria. In addition, consistency and strength are verified by the application of numerous tests of diagnostic. The research introduces new insights that would not only be of benefit in advancing prevailing research but may also be of specific concern to policymakers in the financial sector of the country and its starring role in enhancing the quality of the environment. The results recommend that to prevent financial instability and its effect on environmental degradation in the light of policy consequences, financial sector reforms should be implemented with great caution.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature as the first research considering Nigeria that establishes the Aggregate Financial Stability Index (AFSI) to investigate the relationship between financial stability and environmental quality. The AFSI is made up of sub-indices that measure the development, vulnerability, and soundness of the financial sector.
Economics » International Journal of Business, Economics and Management » Month: 05-2021 Issue: 5

Local Governments and the Conundrum of Service Delivery in Nigeria: What Policy Implications?

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research

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Local governments, the world over, in a bid to fulfil their role in delivering essential goods and services, are faced with enormous challenges and contend with allocating resources to meet up with increasing demands for public service. Adopting a multistage sampling method, the study sampled 400 respondents selected from 3 Local Council development Areas [LCDAs] covering 10 communities in Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. Findings from the study indicated that lack of autonomy, corruption, and poor planning are the major challenges confronting local governments in service delivery in Nigeria. It also concludes that the challenges of service delivery by local governments are not restricted to rural areas alone, rather, local governments in urban areas suffer the same fate. The study, therefore, made policy recommendations which include the setting up of a Community Education System (CES) to sensitize the local government residents on the role of local governments in service delivery; setting up of Community Feedback Monitoring System (CFMS) to promote transparency, accountability and probity and the formation of Community Anti-Corruption Volunteers’ Group (CACVG) for campaigning against corruption at the local government level.
Contribution/ Originality
This study contributes to the existing literature on local government administration and service delivery in Nigeria using primary data from an urban area. It proffers practicable solutions to the conundrum through the setting up of: Community Education System (CES); Community Feedback Monitoring System (CFMS); and Community Anti-Corruption Volunteers’ Group (CACVG).
Economics » International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Current Trends and Realities of International Students in East and Southeast Asia: The Cases of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Malaysia

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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By reviewing regulative documents and extant literature, this paper explores the realities and trends of international students in East and Southeast Asia (ESA). It also shows motivation and strategies of four new players in the international higher education sector in East and Southeast Asia i.e., China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia. Apart from showing that intraregional students have not predominated the overall international student population in the region anymore, the paper highlights that ESA region has become an established hub of international students rather than a new emerging destination as it was in previous years. The overall net flow of international students in this region was still deficit prior to 2010s, but the deficit in 2017 is still less than that of 2010’s. This is probably the first study of its kind to examine the trends of international students as well as of higher education policies of countries in the ESA region. The findings of this study shall provide an insight into international higher education trends among the ESA countries for stakeholders, including policymakers, university managers, faculty, students, and parents.
Contribution/ Originality
This paper reviews the current trends, statistics, motivation and strategies to recruit international students in East and Southeast Asia, with special emphasis on China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

The Relationship among Body Composition, Exercise Participation, and Perception towards a Lifetime Fitness Class in College Students

Research Article
Journal: Journal of Sports Research

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The current study analyzed the relationship between body composition and exercise participation, along with perception toward lifetime fitness (LF) classes in college students. Thirty-eight college students (20 males and 18 females) in a regional university completed a survey pertaining an LF class and exercise participation. Additionally, height, weight, waist-to-hip ratio, and body composition [fat free mass (FFM), fat mass (FM), and body fat percentage (BF%)] were assessed. Most males (65%) and females (77%) reported personal wellbeing as their main motivation to exercise (p = 0.021) outside of their LF class, rather than it being driven by a personal achievement motivation (35% males and 23% females). Males who exercise less than twice a week were associated with having lower FFM (p = 0.041), whereas females who exercise less than twice a week were associated with lower body mass index (p = 0.004), FFM (p = 0.027), and FM (p = 0.001). Although personal wellbeing was the main motivation to exercise for both male and female students, each sex has shown unique trends in its desires to participate in an LF class. Therefore, future LF classes should consider adopting curriculums that are able to uphold personal wellbeing motivation and account for unique needs and goals males and females may have in order to promote LF class engagement.
Contribution/ Originality
This study documents the importance of remodeling the curriculum for college fitness classes based on personal wellbeing motivation and sex-specific goals to promote engagement for reasons other than it being required and to reap the necessary benefits of regular exercise.
Physical Sciences » Journal of Sports Research » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

External Debt Dynamics and Sustainable Growth in Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy

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The paper provides empirical insights about how the interactions between the external debt and external sector dynamics impacts on economic growth in Nigeria. The paper underscored the critical desire to understand how debt-growth relationship could be optimized for sustainable economic development and growth in developing countries. It proposes modelling the external sector and debt dynamics in order to attain sustainable development in Nigeria. This study became imperative because Nigeria occupies a very significant position in Africa. Nigeria, though a developing country, is currently the largest black nation in the world and most populous country in Africa. The paper opted for an ex post facto research design using CBN statistics extrapolated from its statistical bulletin with 37year coverage from1980-2016. The data was analyzed using the ARDL and granger causality technique coupled with other pre-estimation and diagnostic tests. The result showed foreign-debt and debt-service was negatively not-significant on sustainable growth. It was concluded that though Nigeria wasn’t wrongly positioned on the debt-laffer-curve, the economy had not benefitted positively from the mass of debt funds accessed. The paper's primary contribution is finding that external debt and debts service had a negative (not-significant) impact on economic growth in Nigeria. The policy implication of this research may be applied to other developing countries. The propositions may however lack general applicability in more advanced economies.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper contributes in the literature by providing empirical insights about how the interactions between the external debt and external sector dynamics impacts on economic growth in Nigeria.
Economics » International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Policy » Month: 12-2021 Issue: 2

Difficulties in Thought, Language and Communication: A Cross-Sectional Study of Psychiatric People in Bangladesh

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research

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People with Psychiatric disorder (PD) have difficulties in their thought, language and communication skills. In Bangladesh, the frequency of mental disorders is 12.2%, where females are more vulnerable than the male. The main purpose of this study was to find out the thought, language and communication aspects among psychiatric population in Bangladesh. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to meet the study aim, and the data from 70 participants with different types of psychiatric disorder were collected from a specialized mental health hospital in Bangladesh. The participants were between 18 to 65 years old, where the ratio of the male and female was almost equal. A significant (p-value=0.006) relationship was found between language disorder (incoherence) and different types of psychiatric disorder. Professionals, working with psychiatric population need to remain alert to the presence of those issues and refer to appropriate specialists that will increase the wellbeing quality of people with Psychiatric disorder (PD) as well as decrease morbidity.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the thought, language and communication aspects among psychiatric population in Bangladesh and significant relationship was found between language disorder (incoherence) and different types of psychiatric disorder.
Medical Sciences » International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Groundwater Occurrence and Development in the Daura Area of Katsina State, Extreme Northern Nigeria

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Geography and Geology

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Groundwater resources of the Cretaceous Gundumi Formation and the underlying crystalline basement rocks have always been the source of water supply in Daura. Records of thirty-one boreholes drilled in the area between 1959 and 1996 were reviewed to deduce the hydrogeology of the area. The lithology of the study area obtained from strata logs and geophysical survey comprises decomposed crystalline rocks overlain by basal conglomerate, loosely cemented gravely sandstone, ferruginous sandstone and clay horizons, capped in places by laterite or silty fine sands. The area is divided into the northern and southern wellfields with average thicknesses of the Gundumi Formation of 50 m and 35 m, respectively. The average yield of the productive boreholes is 4.1 lps. The aquifer of the Gundumi Formation in the Daura area has low to moderate groundwater potential. However, the low capacities of the production boreholes are adequate to sustain the domestic water requirements of the population. Borehole site selection should be based on geophysical investigation, while the drilling rig should be capable of both rotary and downhole-hammer drilling. The borehole completion materials should be resistant to corrosion because of the low pH of the groundwater. The quality of the groundwater is generally suitable for domestic uses, though aeration or lime treatment may be necessary in some cases because of the slightly acidic nature of the groundwater.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of the very few studies which have investigated the aquifer properties, groundwater potential and quality in the Daura area of Katsina State, Nigeria using geophysical, borehole and physicochemical data, in a view to appraise the groundwater resources, improve borehole siting, construction and development in the area.
Energy & Environmental Sciences » International Journal of Geography and Geology » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

Suitability of Bacteria in Bioremediation Techniques Common for Petroleum-Related Pollutions

Research Article
Journal: The Asia Journal of Applied Microbiology

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Petroleum hydrocarbon is an energy source that drives our modern society and at the same time impacts the environment. The consequences of hydrocarbon pollution range from microbial diversity distortion to cancer scourge in humans. To reverse these negative trends imposed by the contaminated environment, deliberate remediation steps, need to be employed, which depend on physical, chemical, and biological mechanistic principles. The physicochemical approach is quick-oriented but is more expensive relative to the biological option. The latter uses microorganisms, their parts, or enzymes to decontaminate and detoxify hazardous fractions of hydrocarbons into benign products. This biotechnology is referred to as bioremediation. Bioremediation effectiveness is achieved through the implementation of various techniques that are carried out under aerobic or anaerobic conditions or in ex-situ or in-situ. However, the aeration-related condition is the most deciding factor for microbial adaptation and survival. In aerobic conditions, fungi, bacteria, and algae contribute actively in the biotransformation and detoxification process, thus give the best result in such circumstances. However, in an anoxic environment, the prominence of bacteria comes into play (due to their ability to thrive in extreme environments) in degrading the contaminants into less harmful compounds. Thus, bacteria stand the chance of been used as the most resourceful biological tool for petroleum biotechnology including environmental remediation of extreme environments due to their high adaptive index value. Moreover, the hydrocarbon impacted environment is often characterized by high salinity, extreme temperatures, high pressure, and extreme pH.
Contribution/ Originality
This review contributes to existing literature by indicating the utility of bacteria in bioremediation techniques.
Biological Sciences » The Asia Journal of Applied Microbiology » Month: 06-2021 Issue: 1

The Contributions of Metacognitive Skills towards the Retention of Different Academic Ability Students for the Implementation of Several Learning Models

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Metacognitive skills are self-regulation activities required to achieve active learning, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. There is a dearth of research on the contribution of metacognitive skills for the retention of students with varying academic abilities. This research study aims to fill this gap by suggesting learning models including READS (Reading, Exploring, Answering Discussing and Summarizing) learning model, Reading, Questioning and Answering (RQA) learning model and Conventional learning models. The sample of the study comprised 206 students divided into two equal groups of 103 students, each of high academic abilities and low academic abilities. The data was collected through a test and a rubric. The results of the regression analysis show that the READS learning model was better able to improve the metacognitive skills and retention of students with lower academic abilities compared to students with upper academic abilities. The results in the RQA learning model and conventional learning models show an increase in metacognitive skills and retention of students with higher academic abilities much faster than in students with low academic abilities. This suggests that the application of the READS learning model is more suitable for students with low academic abilities. The study recommends that teachers should learn to implement effective learning models to improve the metacognitive skills and retention of the upper and lower academic ability students.
Contribution/ Originality
This study has endeavored to explore the possibility of designing learning models by enhancing metacognitive skills and retention of students with varying academic abilities. The study premises that students with low academic abilities can compete with students with high academic abilities if given the right learning model.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills Of 8th-Grade Students in Learning the First-Degree Equations in One Unknown

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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Mathematics education aims to help students understand and solve problems in their daily lives. Facilitating mathematical problem-solving for most students is a major challenge for teachers and students. The research was carried out to support students in developing their ability to resolve problems by learning the first-degree equations in one unknown. This experimental study was conducted on a random sample of 82 eighth-grade students at An Thoi junior high school in Can Tho City, Vietnam. This sample of 82 students was divided equally in experimental group and control group with 41 participants each. The tools used were real-world problems associated with the first-degree equations in one unknown. During the experiment, data were collected through study sheets, pre-test and post-test, and student interviews. Quantitative and qualitative analysis methods were applied to evaluate the results obtained and verify research hypotheses. Research results showed that most experimental group students showed improvement in the manifestation of problem-solving ability. Furthermore, it was observed that the problem-solving activities positively impacted students' positivity, initiative, creativity, and confidence in learning. It is recommended to provide more opportunities to students for practicing problems of the first-degree equations in one unknown, showing them how to discover, pose and solve problems encountered in learning in the lives of individuals, families and communities.
Contribution/ Originality
The paper's primary contribution is finding that the teaching process impacted students, helping them develop real-world problem-solving abilities. Additionally, because the experimental results were analyzed and evaluated in three areas, such as knowledge, skills, and attitudes, the findings had greater validity.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3

Assessing the Efficacy of a Character Development Program in Non-Traditional Undergraduate Students

Research Article
Journal: International Journal of Education and Practice

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The purpose of this quantitative ex post facto study was to examine if there is a significant difference in mean moral judgment levels of first year undergraduate students after participating in a character development program at a non-traditional program in a university in the southwestern United States. This study included new non-traditional students matriculating between October 2019 and June 2020. The measurement instrument for the study was the Defining Issues Test-2 (DIT-2). Pre- and post-test DIT-2 archival data was retrieved from the study site for the two assessments. The independent variable was the character education program of study, and the dependent variables were the difference in the mean scores from the DIT-2. Paired t-tests were used to determine if a statistical difference existed after character training. The positive mean change in post-conventional thinking scores, P (M = 2.24), N2 (M = 1.70), were not significantly different than zero (P score p = 0.203, N2 score p = 0.203). The positive mean change in scores for the lowest level of moral reasoning, PI, (M = 0.15) was not significantly different from zero (p = 0.912). The predominant moral schema used by the students, maintaining norms (MN) demonstrated a negative mean change (M = -1.35) but it was not significantly different from zero (p = 0.348). Therefore, the character program of study at the site did not increase moral reasoning levels. The results are significant, as they help to define what works and what does not in non-traditional student ethical development.
Contribution/ Originality
This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the efficacy of a comprehensive character education program in non-traditional undergraduate students. These research findings may provide insights for institutional leaders looking to develop and evaluate high-impact character and ethics programming.
Arts and Education » International Journal of Education and Practice » Month: 09-2021 Issue: 3