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How And Why To Teach Entrepreneurship Interdisciplinary? Case of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Legal-Economic Clinic Osijek

Delic, Anamarija, Peterka, Suncica

Delic, Anamarija 1 

Peterka, Suncica 1 
  1. Assistant Professor Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek Osijek, Croatia 1


Developing entrepreneurs, or teaching students how to behave entrepreneurially requires a complex set of activities that encompass wide range of knowledge, behaviours and motivation in the identification, evaluation and development of opportunities. This approach requires an equally complex combination of activities and methods that can allow students to understand the required entrepreneurial abilities. In creating this pedagogy, it should be taken into account that complexity of today’s global problems demands a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approach in their solving. Complexity of today’s problems demands combination of skills and knowledge of different roles - of new type of professionals (i.e. both economist and lawyers at the same time), so called “hybrid professionals”. One of the ways to achieve all these educational goals is through experiential education, which provides just such a set of activities that allows teaching of complex situations and activities. Clinical-based education provides all above stated goals and objectives. This article will present theoretical background for development of effective experiential educational pedagogy in entrepreneurship, based on good experiences and results of clinical-based education in law schools around the world. Clinical education is a common method of legal instruction developed to broaden legal education, which was traditionally focused mainly on systematic training in learning law. But lately clinical law education was criticized as too narrow, because it failed to develop knowledge and skills necessary for practicing law – entrepreneurial skills in students. Following the necessity to find appropriate learning approach that will allow adoption of complex knowledge, but also to amend criticism towards the existing teaching models, clinical-based education was recognized as the most suitable method. At the end of the article, Legal-Economic Clinic Osijek will be presented as a unique clinical-based training in law and business.



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