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Correlation of the Knowledge of Jamu Gendong Seller About Ingredient and Benefit Against the Knowledge and Customer’s Perception

Adhen Maulana, Endang Hanani, Rr Tutik Sri Hariyati

Adhen Maulana 1 

Endang Hanani 1 Rr Tutik Sri Hariyati 3

  1. Post Graduate Programme of Herbal Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia 1

  2. Department of Basic Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia 3


Jamu Gendong is an Indonesian traditional medicine which is sold in fresh condition by seller who are going door to door or sell in the downtown. The purposes of this research are to find out the consumer’s perception and level of knowledge about Jamu Gendong, analyzing the correlation of seller’s Knowledge with the consumer’s knowledge and perception about Jamu Gendong. Research design is using correlation studies and comparison with cross sectional approach. Furthermore, the instruments using questionnares which are given to consumers amounted 100 people. The level of consumer’s knowledge 48% is good and the rest is not good from 20 queries, while the consumer’s perception is “very good” 85 percents, the rest is “good”. There is no correlation between seller’s knowledge against consumer’s knowledge or perception. Comparison of consumer’s knowledge did not discover any difference, however there is the difference upon consumer’s perception. Research suggestion to develop Jamu Gendong by educating the seller and to conduct a further research as well.



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