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Nurse Staffing: A Concept Analysis

Ying Liu, Yupin Aungsuroch, Ping Jiang, Feng Ge Wang

Ying Liu 1
Yupin Aungsuroch 2
Ping Jiang 3
Feng Ge Wang 4

  1. Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand, School of Nursing, Dalian Medical University, Dalian city, China 1

  2. Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 2

  3. School of Nursing, Dalian Medical University, Dalian city, China 3

  4. The People’s Hospital of Baoan, Shenzhen city, China 4


This study aims to undertake a concept analysis of nurse staffing. Research studies show that nurse staffing would have a significant impact on nurse, patient and hospital outcomes. However, a theoretical definition of what exactly “nurse staffing” means is not clear. Therefore, Walker and Avant’s approach of concept analysis is used. Dictionaries, books, theses/dissertations, research articles from Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Science direct, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases were applied to search concept analysis topics in the process. The result shows that the main attributes of nurse staffing are (1) nurses’ quantity and (2) nurses’ quality. The antecedents of nurse staffing include demand factors and supply factors. The consequences of nurse staffing have an essential impact on nurse, patient, and hospital outcomes. This analysis provides nurse managers with a new perspective to look at nurse staffing, which does not only consider the number of nurses, but also the qualification of nurses. These results may further influence health policy makers to consider both quantity and quality of the global nursing shortage. 
What is already known about this topic? 
-Nurse staffing significantly impacts nurse, patient, and hospital outcomes.
What this paper adds?
-The attributes of nurse staffing include two main attributes, which are nurses’ quantity and nurses’ quality.
-The demand and supply model is used to explain the factors influencing the antecedents of nurse staffing within the current global situation.
-The conceptual model of nurse staffing gives the health policy maker a clear picture of the attributes, antecedents, consequences, and empirical indicators pertaining to nurse staffing.



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