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Relationships Between Level of Education, Breastfeeding Experience, Working Hours and Intention To Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice Among Pregnant Working Women

Cicilia Nony, Monthana Hemchayat, Kalmorat Turner

Cicilia Nony 1
Monthana Hemchayat 2
Kalmorat Turner 3

  1. Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand 1

  2. Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nopparat Vajira, Bangkok, Thailand 2

  3. Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chonburi, Thailand 3


Breastfeeding is a natural human behaviour between mother and her baby. Mother’s decision for breastfeeding as a first nutrition starting on their pregnancy periods. Although a mother facing the difficulty role as a working women, she should  have intention to practice exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between level of education, breastfeeding experience, working hours and intention of pregnant working women to practice exclusive breastfeeding. A cross sectional study was employed in this study. Participants were recruited from Antenatal care unit of primary healthcare services in Jakarta, Indonesia. Pregnant working women (N=118) completed a self administered questionnaire that measure their intention to practice exclusive breastfeeding. The bivariate correlation was performed to identified the correlation between level of education, breastfeeding experience, working hours and intention. The result of the study found that level of education had significantly correlated with intention to practice exclusive breastfeeding (r = 0.22, p< 0.05) and having been breastfeeding experience significantly correlated with intention to practice exclusive breastfeeding (r = 0.18, p< 0.05) among pregnant working women. However, working hours has no significant correlated with intention exclusive breastfeeding. In conclusion, providing breastfeeding knowledge among pregnant working women, particularly in the low level of education are important for promoting breastfeeding exclusively. Moreover, mother who had no breastfeeding experience should be our concern for giving them encouragement about their obstacle and motivation to fulfil their successful role as a mother and as a worker.



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