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International Proceedings of Social and Behavioral Sciences

November 2013, Volume 1, 1, pp 160-165

Asseement of Lost of Agricultural Farmland Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Gudu Local Government Area of Sokoto State

Muhammad Mansur Aliyu

Muhammad Mansur Aliyu 1

  1. Department of Geography Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto-Nigeria 1

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Assessment of loss of Agricultural farmland using Remote Sensing Techniques is an area of significance that has been attracting swelling attention. This paper is an attempt to assess the changes in Agricultural farmland in Gudu town of Sokoto State over a 13 year period. The study made use of LandSat imageries of 1986 and 1999. The images were classified using Maximum Likelihood Classification method after which the land use land cover Maps produced for the periods are overlaid. The results show that loss of Agricultural farmland to bare soil constituted the most extensive type of land use/land cover in the study area. The increasing population and economic activities were noted to be putting pressure on the available land. This paper highlights the importance of Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in apprehending the situation in order to save the environment for our future generation in Gudu Local Government area of Sokoto State and the nation as a whole.


Remote Sensing, Agricultural Farmland, LandSat Images, Techniques, Maximum Likelihood


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